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Writing | Part 2 A review 1 Look at this writing task and underline the key points you must deal with. ‘You see this announcement on your town's websits for visitors We want visitors to our town to enjoy themselves. Is there a place in or near our town where people your age really like meeting up ane having 2 good time? Write @ review of the place, describing what type of place it is, what people can do there, how to find the place, and why you particularly recommend it. Write your review, * Iyou'te from the same town, discuss which place you can review and what information and ideas you can use to deal with the points you've underlined in Exercise { [ Work alone and write a plan for your review. Then compare your plan with a partner's, Bead Eva's answer and write notes to complete her an below. inecity |Ginecity is an entertainment complex just outside [ny town where thousands of young peoole go meet their friends and have a good time on Saturdays and Sundays. a dozen nemas screening the latest films, there are cafes, st-food restaurants, a gym and a bowling alley. he cinemas are popular and offer a range of films = suit all tastes, although | have the impression t most people prefer the other facilities, which ve them the opportunity to talk and do activities gether. . you'll find the karaoke bar is one # the liveliest spots because, even if you've never one it before, you'll be encouraged to pick up the icrophone and sing to a live audience. necity is several kilometres from the town centre, ‘you don't have a car because it's ill easy to get there by public transport. {ing the underground is probably the best way to oid the heavy traffic at weekends. necity is a great place for anyone under the age 25 because it has such a variety of things to that you are sure to have a reat ie, . you can buy a ticket with a discount to veral different activities, $0 you'll have lots to talk out afterwards. 6 Write your own answer to the writing task in Exercise 1 2, think how you can use the highlighted answer in your own writing, * Bofore you wr weds in * Use 2s many as possible * Write berwaen 140 and 190 words, © Think about who will ad your review and what information they want to know. = Wite @ plan thinking about each of the things you want ‘to describe and in what order * Decide what recommendation you are going to make and include it in your answer. Vocabulary 1 Circle the best word from the words in italics. 1 Sheila spent / passed her holiday painting her room. 2 The new law will cause /have an impact on the way teenagers spond their free time. 3 Airtravel couses / makes a lot of pollution ay with their mobile phones to spend /pass hen there's nothing more interesting to do. icia studied really herd all weekend, but it had / caused no effect on her final result in t 6 [had such 2 good time at Sandra's party that it caused / made me happy for the rest of the week 7 I stayed / spent six hours doing homework for my English class last weeke! Grammar 2 Look at the photos and question for Speaking Part 2. Then complete the sentences in the next column from Patricia's answer by writing words and phrases from the box above them, appearto both couldjust look maybe might be doing it perhaps very different look as if The Fist photo shows 1\ ‘young people doing archery. They (a) taking part in a competition, or they (2) be practising, t'm not sure. They (3) saneannnnn 86 pat Of traditional activity in thelr country or because they enjoy the sport The second photo shows 2 (4) anna Situation, In this photo, there are two midcle-aged or older pzople playing the pizno together. They (5)... wane VOY happy and relaxed, The teenagers in the first photo (6) rel enjoying themselves because they're having to concentrate hard in order to hit the target arwin the competition. (On the other hand, in the second photo, the people (Monsen .-they/@ just enjoying each others COMPANY ANG (8) een neuen they te Not taking the sesanen PHOTOS, people are enjoying doing things which need 2 lot of practice todo well 3 Complete this dialogue between two friends by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form, Andy: Why won't Stephen answer his mobile phone? IMUSi¢ £00 Seti OUSLY. In (9) enn onne Nigel: He (1) ennnn (must / switch) it off while he was in class and forgotten to turn it back on again. Andy: He @) nn (can't turn) it off beceuse he didn’t have e class today — his teacher is ill. Nigel: Well, he (3) ..n-nnnennnnne{may not / heat) it orhe (4) (could / leave) it at home. Try ringing again. He 6 (might / answer this time. Anyway, why do you want to call him? I want to remind him about the party we're going to tonight. He (6)... ae (might / forget) ~ you know what he's lke. Andy: Nigel: He (2) nnn ..(ean't / forget) — he was talking abou it all yesterday and he was so excited! [Grammar ‘2 Complete the second sentence so that ithas a similar ‘meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given, 1 Manu didn't succeed in completing the crossword, ABLE Manu 2 We nee AMOUNT We need to cut a off the crossword. use less pacer. am paper we 3 Katys found the climb so tiring that she fell asleep at the top, WORN Kotye : fell asleep at the top. 4 Pierre was unable to suggest an answer to the problem, COME Pierre n= probiem. 5 Did you manage to collect Paz from the station? PICK the climb that she coemmannnc@n answer to the from the station? Were YOU ene menses & When Alexis reached the cinema, the film had finished, GET Alexis did not snennenmnnnnnnnn the film wes 3. Write as or like in each of the gaps, ‘When my grandfather left school at the age of 14, he got his first job (1)... an office assistant. In those days, he was extremely thin, (2) -...-he wasn't paid very much end couldn't afford to eat @ lot. But he wes in the same situation (3) @ lot of boys at that | time, (4) nnn.» most children left school at that age | end had to look for @ job. have one or two photos. of him from that time, and he looks just (5)-——« me, but thinner! When he grew older, he worked at all sorts of things, such (6)... reporting for & local newspaper and working (7). part-time mechanic. ‘many people of his generation, the worked hard all his life, but he always found time for the things he enjoyed, (9) om. walking in the country or spending time with his grandchildren. Thope I'l be (10)... him when I'm an old man! jocabulary Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, Cor D) best fis each aap ‘According {o recent research, teenagers ate very (0) ® price. They hunt for (I)... and consider high prices a personal insult. They plan their Shopping and do rot just (2) into shops and buy on impulse. Interestingly, parents have a lot of G) both over how much teenagers spend on ‘lathes and what they buy, even ifthe teenagers save (4) nnn. the money themselves from a part- ‘ime job; in short, teenagers worry about their parents’ reaction to the clothes they (6). Shops Sperate in a highly (6)... environment, so they RAKE Sue 10 (7) wn. for young people's tastes by having a wide range of fasion clothes in (8) 1. at any one time. O Asensible BGerstNe) Caffected D considerate + Avalues Beheapness Cbarcains D decreases 2Ajump — Bpop Cemer Does 3 Rimpact Bimportance C pressure D influence 4 Aeaned won Cgeined acquired 5 Airvest Bachieve C purchase Dobtain 6 Acompetent B competitive C contested D combative TAofier Beater Csell = Dsupply BAstock Bshelf — Cplace —Dexistence

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