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Principal Research Results

Modal Identification of Buildings from Ambient Vibration Test

− New Algorithms Based on ARMAMA Model−

Ambient vibration test (AVT) of existing buildings is both easier and more frequent ly conducted than other vibration
tests; e.g. force-induced vibration test or earthquake observation. To take the advantages of measuring operations, the AVT will be
hopefully applied for structural health monitoring to evaluate existing structural capability of structures (Fig.1). However there exists
difficulty of analyzing the structural response data by the traditional system identification technique based on input-output relation-
ships, because one cannot measure the exact structural inputs such as wind force or ground acceleration due to traffic vibration. To
avoid the difficulty of AVT, the author has developed a spectral analysis scheme based on the autoregressive moving-average (AR-
MA) model and its application of modal identification * 1.

To improve modal identification accuracy even when the AVT data is contaminated by mechanical noises and local member
vibrations, the spectral scheme and modal identification technique shall be farther developed.

Principal Results
1. New algorithms of spectral analysis based on ARMAMA model
We propose a couple of linear difference models as autoregressive moving-average and moving average (ARMAMA) mod-
els and derive spectral analysis based on a pair of ARMAMA models:
Bx(z-1) Dx(z-1) By(z-1) Dy(z-1)
x (t)= e(t) + ex (t), y(t)= e(t) + ey (t)
Ax(z-1) Cx(z-1) Ay(z-1) Cy(z-1)
where x(t ) and y(t ) are the observable outputs; e(t ), ex(t ) and ey(t ) are the unobservable input of Gaussian white noise se-
quences with zero mean and unit variance, which are mutually independent; Ax(z -1 ), Ay(z -1 ), Cx(z -1 ) and Cy(z -1 ) are the AR opera-
tors;Bx(z -1 ), By(z -1), Dx(z -1) and Dy (z -1) are the MA operators; z -1 is the unit-delay operator. ARMAMA models are represented by
correlated and uncorrelated terms in each equation, therefore the correlated and uncorrelated components of two observable outputs
can be clearly separated in the spectral analysis. In this respect, the present ARMAMA model is superior to ARMA model proposed
before * 1.

2. Application of modal identification

An alternative modal identification technique is developed with the above spectral analysis. Using the modal identification
technique, the modal characteristics of a building can be identified as a soil-structure interaction model without use of the input
records (Fig.2, Fig.3). Additionally the technique can be applied for the observable output records contaminated with local and colored
noises. Thus the modal characteristics can be exactly estimated from AVT data even when mechanical facilities in the building are op-

Future Developments
The modal identification will be applied for damage detection of building foundations or structural members. The proposed
technique shall be widely employed for modal characteristics evaluation of various kinds of civil or mechanical structures, because it
is already demonstrated that the proposed method was effective in estimating modal characteristics of electric facilities under commer-
cial operations.

Main Researcher: Kenji Kanazawa,

Research Engineer, Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering Dept., Abiko Research Laboratory

• K. Kanazawa, 2002, "Structural damage detection based on ambient vibration measurements (Part.II)― ARMAMA model for spec-
trum analysis ―", Abiko Research Laboratory Report No. U01031, CRIEPI(Japanese only).
• K. Kanazawa, 2002, "Structural damage detection based on ambient vibration measurements (Part.III)― Modal and Structural identi-
fication of multi-story building using ARMAMA model ―", Abiko Research Laboratory Report No. U01031, CRIEPI(Japanese on-

*1 : The proposed ARMA mode is as follows:

Bx(z-1) By(z-1)
x(t)= e(t), y(t)= e(t)
A(z-1) A(z-1)

9. Preservation of electric facilities - Improvement of power facility maintenance and management

Before earthquake After earth quake

Ambient vibration records Ambient vibration records

Proposed Technique

Modal Characteristics of Modal Characteristics of

soil-structure system soil-structure system
Natural frequency Natural frequency
Mode shape Mode shape

Comparison No
Yes Yes

Structural identification

Stiffness distribution Stiffness distribution

Comparison Detail
Damage Location?

Fig.1 Scheme of the structural damage detection Fig.2 Overview of the Building
Ambient vibrations test (AVT) was carried out
on a 10-story steel framed reinforced concrete
building. Vibrometers are set on the center of
all floors.



Mode Shape Cuvature of Cuvature of

Mode Shape Mode Shape
(a) Mode Shape (b) Curvature of mode shape (C) Curvature of mode shape
(Proposed) (Proposed) (Transfer function based)

Fig.3 The 1st modal vector of the building identified from the AVT records
Modal characteristics of the building were estimated from 12 sets of the AVT records on July 18 1996 and on August
10 1996. The mass distributions between the 5-th and 7-th floors of the building are different on each day. Fig.(a)
and Fig.(b) show results on mode shape and its curvature identified by the proposed technique. According to Fig.(b),
the curvatures of mode shapes can clearly be distinguished among the two kinds of records using ARMAMA model.
On the other hand, Fig.(c) shows results of the curvature of mode shape identified by conventional transfer function
based technique, where the basement floor response was treated as an input of the building. By the conventional
method, it is impossible to eliminate the differences of the mode curvatures due to the mass distribution change, so
that the mode estimates have erroneous variances.


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