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Romanian analysis - Pavel stratan, Tipic moldovenesc

La noi cum chică seara, ca să spun mai moldovneşti,

ne grămădim ca-n viaţă, da pitreşim ca-n poveşti.
S-adună lume care ştie şi însamnă greu,
normal că printre lumea asta buna îs şi eu.

mă uit la ghiţă-i mort bat, da parca-i jiu,

de dînsu nu mă rîd că situaţia o ştiu.
La băutură încă nimeni nu le-o întrecut,
da pentru asta hai s-o luăm de la-nşeput.

1. Regional allophones :

/ch/ - instead of /p/ - typical for Moldavian accent
dark [l]: s-adună lume
/Ʒ/ (fricative-palato-alveolar) – instead of /v/ - jiu (viu)
/∫/ (fricative) – instead of /c/ - pitreșim – petrecem . înșeput (început)

/e/ - almost omitted (seara sounds closer to sara) .

Omitted in bat (beat), and însamnă (înseamnă)

/i/ - instead of /e/ (pitreșim. și)

Positional allophones:

/i/ - instead of /e/ - moldovnești (moldovenește) și (ce)

Specific regional allophones îs – instead of sunt

Personal allophones : vowels are more closed, pronouncing the words so fast he’s
omitting certain vowels (e, i)

Rhythm of speech: rhythm of a song, but words seem to overlap due to his accent

Intonation: joyous, suggesting that he’s in a good mood

2. Word choice :
- Words belonging to the basic word stock
- Regionalism expressions (chică seara)
- Polite 2nd person pronoun (dînsu)

Dialect : Moldavian

3. Grammar: accurate, but simple.

4. Style : colloquial

5. Paralanguage: joyous, fast voice – suggests his mood for partying and having fun

6. Social distance between S / H: close friends

7. Social context: having a party with friends, at night

8. Subject matter:

- Partying, having fun with the best people

- People getting drunk
- Having contests of drinking

Conclusion: Who is the speaker ?

Social status : Young male, probably in his 20s or 30s

Geographical background : Countryside of Moldavia

Characteristics: fun, sociable, friendly, jolly, loves partying and drinking.

Educational level : probably not high

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