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Weekly Blog | Week 3


Activities we did this week:

This week I began my codes and conventions. For codes and conventions I
have to cover the main conventions of the Action/Drama genre. For this I had to
focus on different areas of the genre including camera, lighting, sound and music. I
began to research fight scenes such as the bathroom scene from “The Punisher”
where I analysed the fight scenes, its camera movements and also how the
filmmakers blocked the fight scenes out with camera operators and stunt
coordinators to create a gritty and realistic fight scene. I found that this video
showed many conventions of the action drama, including elements such as visceral
Foley sounds and usually violent action and gore. These all combine together to
make an intense and gritty action scene and is something that I want to employ into
the final production. I also analysed other videos from Sicario: Which I looked at for
inspiration for Jordan and I’s plan for an infra-red assault mission that we wanted to
include in our own production. I also looked at Broad Church and John Wick and
how they use camera angles/lenses and framing to portray a characters feelings
through visuals. Not only have I begun codes and conventions but Jordan and I also
headed down to the Library to collect topic research to analyse. From the Library
we took out a large assortment of books. The ones that I used were: “Alcoholism: The
Family Guide”, “The Special Air Force” and “This is ALCOHOL”. From these books I
found out new information about substance abuse/alcoholism. I also found some
information that I had already discovered from online sources, meaning that I had
several sources to backup and legitimise my research.

Problems I had to deal with:

One of the main problems I had to deal with was again trying to solidify a
location at a local bar. However I was yet again unsuccessful. I tried calling the pub
but with no success. In the mean time I have tried to find other locations such as a
warehouse and also an abandoned building which Jordan and I will need for
filming. With our final idea being deep into finalisation we have figured out what kind
of locations we would want for the main scenes. Jordan and I have both agreed
that both our homes would be suitable and good for filming. I also have possibly
found another possible option for a pub/bar location through a production
company who have said that there is a pub that has let students and colleagues of
theirs film in their pub before and that it may be a good idea to pursue this location.
If I am still unable to solidify any location in Henley then I could definitely try and
secure this bar location as a contingency should my plans fall through. This bar is
based in slough and would be closer to many of the crew members that I have
asked to help on the short and could cut down overall costs with transport.
Next Week

Next week I plan to move forward with character theory and Narrative theory. I will
also try to gain some more responses for my survey to try and gain some data from
my target audience. Alongside that I also want to finish my codes and conventions
which should allow me to move on to Mise-en scene.

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