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Grammar - Pop Quiz 8o., 9o, 10o.

Class Rules
Carefully read before you choose the correct answer do / don’t
Lee cuidadosamente antes de “elegir” si corresponde do / don’t, does / doesn’t.

1. ____ do your Social Studies homework in English class.

a. Do b. Don’t

2. ____ be late for school. You are missing all of the explanations.
a. Do b. Don’t

3. ____ some spelling practice before the test.

a. Do b. Don’t

Determiners: a / an, (para singular), some (algunos=para plural), any (ninguno/s , nada)
Read and complete.

4. A: There is ________ new student in my class. 5. B: There are ___________ in my class too.

6. A: There isn’t _______ eraser in your pencil case. 7. B: The is _______ eraser in mine.

8. A: I have got ______ apple in my lunch bag. 9. B: I haven’t got ______ fruit in my lunch bag.

10. A: She has got _________ ear infection. 11. B: He hasn’t got ______ medication to spare.

12. A: They have got _______ tickets for the show. 13. B : No, they haven’t got ______ tickets.

14. A: I haven’t got _______ dictionary. 15. B: I’ve got one. I can lend it to you.

Complete with Afirmative, Negative or Interrogative form of Have got.

16. A: ___________ you got a pet? B: Yes, I’ve got a dog. Its name is “Candy”.
17. A: ____________ your brother got a bike? B: Yes, he’s got a new red bike.
18. A: _________ we got permission to go? 19. B: No, we _________ _______ it.

20. A I _______ ______ a terrible headache. B: Take some aspirin.

21. A: He _________ got any money. (X) 22. B: I __________ _______ any either. (X)

Write the plural form of the nouns below

singular PLURAL singular PLURAL

23. person people 27. foot ____________
24. class ____________ 28. book ____________
25. child ____________ 29 family ____________
26 brother ____________ 30. mouse ____________

Lourdes de Garcia – English Teacher

Grammar - Pop Quiz 8o., 9o, 10o.
woman ____________ fox ____________

Lourdes de Garcia – English Teacher

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