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Priscila Medina

Problem Solving Draft 1

For my 9th grade interdisciplinary project, my group and I researched the disease

Varicella. I had to meet with my group and look at data and investigate the topic. We also came

up with a solution to help educate the audience on how to prevent getting the disease Varicella.

This IDP fits the category of problem-solving because we had to search and come up with a

solution in order to solve our given problem. The problem we investigated was on how Varicella

is affecting people and especially in our community, and that us the people have no clue about

the problem.
During my junior year I completed another Interdisciplinary project in a group.

My group members and I had to do research lead contamination in Huntington Park. We had to

investigate on why we have led contamination in our community .We had to educate a younger

audience on how dangerous led contamination is around their city to complete our project. We

educated sophomores on how led is affecting the community and what they can do to help make

a change.

Doing the interdisciplinary project I was able to work on my SLOs. I developed

on effective communicator skills, by presenting in front of a younger audience to help prevent

them from getting the disease. I was also able to present in front of a panel to discuss on what

me and my group researched. This has also helped me be more comfortable talking in front of an

audience, and has helped me learn how to find reliable websites to do proper research. I was also

an active citizen by going out to speak around with teachers getting help on our project. As well I

was going around asking other students for help and their ideas to help me with the project. I was

also a critical thinker by critically thinking on how to come up with a solution for our project.

My successes in meeting the Slos have improved while doing these

interdisciplinary projects. My public speaking has improved throughout my four years in high

school. I have also improved in coming up with solutions to problems that come across when me

and my group didn't agree to something we would come up with a solution to make things work.

The Slos can be used in the future and help me in many ways. I will be able to find proper data

and information. I will also know how to solve a problem either in school or outside of school.

The Slos can help me in college and if I follow my Slos It can be useful. The Slos can help me in

future projects, interviews, essays, and public speaking.

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