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Priscila Medina

Working Mother

My argumentative essay on “Working Mother” was completed junior year. My class and

I were told to write an argumentative essay on how we feel about working mothers giving up

their time everyday for their child. This assignment is an argumentative piece because many

people agree and disagree on this topic which is up for argument. On this essay I argued on how

mothers should not have to be 24/7 with their child at a certain age. I argued that children need to

learn how to manage themselves and not depend on their mother for everything. It comes to

certain age where kids need to take care of their problems and not hope or depend on their

mother to take care of the problem. Of course mothers will always look out for their child, but

for example your at home or at public and their is a problem and your mother is at work. You

cannot expect your mother to come out of work to help with your problem, kids need to learn

that in the real world you need to fight your own battles.

The Slo’s that I used in completing this assignment was effective communicator. I was an

effective communicator because I asked my teacher for help and some advice to help me

understand the assignment and help me write the essay. I also went to my mother to get her

perspective and her thoughts on what she thought about this assignment. She helped me because

she is a working mother herself so seeing her perspective and talking with her helped me do this


The assignment has helped me work on my Slo’s because in order for me to finish my

assignment I needed the help by asking questions, and me using the Slo’s helps me because it

gives me a rubric on how to properly get your work done. By being an effective communicator I

have to ask questions and when I do it helps me understand and finish my work. The Slo’s also
helped me improve on how I do my work. The Slo I need to improve on would be a willing

collaborator. Why? because I like working independently. However, throughout the years, I've

gotten better with working with others with group activities and presentations, and that is

because this school has helped me use my Slo's to become better with working with others and

helping me work on myself. These skills can be used in the future because I use them in my

everyday life without sometimes even knowing it. I can use these skills during everyday life

especially now since i'm going to college when I have to be an effective communicator to my

peers and talk with my professor. I would also use critical thinker in my everyday life as well

because of class work, helping my brother family with work.

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