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Medina 1

Priscila Medina


H Economics

14 November 2018

Block: 2

For my senior defence project I had to do a college plan assignment for me to have the

privilege to walk down the stage.The assignment was to research information on our two top

colleges that we picked. I had to research such things as, transportation, book supplies, logistics

and most importantly the cost of attendance and fees. Doing this research has helped me to

understand how my second choice Long Beach Community College would benefit me more than

California State University. The benefit is Long Beach sociology major is very focused and has a

strong program. The other benefit would be is I would like to go to a 2 year community college

first then transfer out of state to finishing studying and to be in a new environment.

In comparing both colleges and based on data I collected. I have decided to make LBCC

as my first choice over California State University, because of the tuition and logistics as well.

LBCC tuition is $1,104, and CSLA is $5,742, now there is a big difference, not only that looking

at the logistics as well. LBCC logistics has many services like helping with shipping, issuance,

distributions of material and more. Looking into CSLA logistics they do offer many things

educational wise just as LBCC but not outside of school as much as long beach does. Now

focusing on the demographics there was not much to compare because both schools gave close

percentages on what I was focusing on like ethnicity , gender. For ethnicity which for me is

hispanic has a more percentage in LBCC and in CSLA there is also more hispanics. For gender

there is more females attending both schools.

To add on, to compare on climate both schools are both in California so climate won't be

any problem to worry about. For housing I was always planning to take advantage on having

parents my home to be in and stay in instead of dorming or renting an apartment. I would rather

save that money to invest on my books, gas for a car and to travel. As I mentioned that I want to

finishing studying out of state, I would use the money that I am saving to be able to afford

studying out of state.

Furthermore, this project has helped me pay attention on making sure I know the contact

numbers for my school. I would need to know, security and safety number, guidance counselor

and advisor, because that is very important for me to know. This project also helped me in

making sure my major is focused in the school I pick and what are their rankings. I also have to

look at the campus capacity and make sure i'm okay and comfortable with what the school has

and compare it to my preference.

In conclusion, this project has prepared me so much by me realizing all the expenses and

has helped me realize on what i have to look for when i'm researching a school. For example

transportation, housing demographics for rape,robbery near the schools I am looking for. This

project has really opened my eyes and i am very thankful for this project. It has helped me

Medina 3
prepare for college by me now knowing what to look forward to in expenses, transportation and

the people I am going to be seeing everyday.

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