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Excel Reflection

Math Test

By looking at the spreadsheet that was created for the math test, it shows that the students

still need some additional help with addition and subtraction. When I created the maximum,

average, and the minimum it showed that average was below 70 percent. Another example of

knowing that the students need additional help is by looking at the grade break down, 90’s

between 50’s. As you see five students received a failing grade for this math test. Juan received a

100 percent on the math test. Followed Cody who received a 93 percent. Several students

received a 50 percent of below. For example, Luke received a 40 percent on the test. Looking

that the two topics, addition and subtraction. Division showed the most difficulties, which were

questions 5,9,10,14, and 15. Nathan and Luke really struggled, because they got lower than a 50

percent. Along with Patrick, Sarah, Molly, and Claire. These students need extra help in all the

topics some more need more help than others. Re-teaching certain things like Addition,

Subtraction and Division. Focusing on the missed questions and how the wording of each

question was that they got wrong. Giving more practice problems whether in games, activities or

homework will definitely help those students who are struggling. Those students go received

90’s-80’s should maybe help with the games or activities with the other students or they will

receive challenging work, so they are not bored in class. Overall, everyone needs more practice

in general to be able to move on to harder math problems.

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