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Maria Cleary Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks

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M o r e ! 2 Extra Practice Book

by Maria Cleary, Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks

© Cambridge University Press and Helbling Languages 2008

(More was originally published by Helbling Languages © Helbling Languages 2006)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers.

Printed in Italy by EuroGrafica (part of the LEGO group).

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-0-521 -71300-9 More 2 Student's Book with interactive CD-ROM

ISBN 978-0-521 -71301-6 More 2 Workbook with Audio CD
ISBN 978-0-521 -71302-3 More 2 Teacher's Book
ISBN 978-0-521 -71303-0 More 2 Teacher's Resource Pack with Testbuilder CD-ROM / Audio CD
ISBN 978-0-521 -71304-7 More 2 Class Audio CDs
ISBN 978-0-521 -71305-4 More 2 Extra Practice Book
ISBN 978-0-521 -71306-1 More 2 DVD (PAI7NTSC)

The publishers would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce the following photo-
graphs and other copyright material:

A l a m y p 4 (Jacqueline Wilson), p 8, p 9, p 13, p 20, p 22, p 25; Corbis p 9 (Alek Wek), p 16 (Deejay and
Woman), p 21 (Anne Frank), p 24; Pie Factory Music p 16; The Random House Group Ltd. p 4 (Candyfloss);
Transport f o r London p 23 (central London).

Illustrated by Lorenzo Sabbatini; Giovanni Rolandi; Studio Antonietti.

"The Sing-Song Tale of Old Man Kangaroo" illustrated by Stefano Misesti

Design by Quantico
Layout by Studio Antonietti

Cover photography by MARKA

Cover design by Capolinea

Every effort has been made to trace the owners of any copyright material in this book. If notified, the publi-
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Units 1-2
Culture 1 Let's Read! 4-5
Extra Practice 1 6-7

Units 3-4
Culture 2 Leaving Home! 8-9
Extra Practice 2 10-11

Units 5-6
Culture 3 Your Future 12-13
Extra Practice 3 14-15

<Q Story The Sing-Song Tale of Old Man Kangaroo

Units 7-8
Culture 4 All that Jazz! 16-17
Extra Practice 4 18-19

Units 9-10
Culture 5 Children's Rights 20-21
Extra Practice 5 22-23

Units 11-12
Culture 6 Summer Jobs 24-25
Extra Practice 6 26-27

Glossary 28

All listening activities on More! Class C D 2 (Tracks 36-52).

M o r e ! 2 Extra Practice Book has been devised with
CROSS-CURRICULAR activities in mind.
| t t ' f i f ad!

National Children's Book Week is an event in the first week of October in

Great Britain. Authors g o to schools around Britain to talk about reading and
books. There are also lots of fun book activities in libraries and bookshops.

Jacqueline Wilson is the writer of many successful children's books. She

often writes about difficult family situations.

1 The t e x t b e l o w is f r o m Candyfloss, a s t o r y a b o u t Floss, a g i r l

w h o goes t o live w i t h her father. In the t e x t , she a n d her n e w
friend, Susan, are in the school library, building houses w i t h books.

We sat cross-legged on the library floor while Susan built me a book

house. I copied her, and then started making an elaborate tall block
of flats. We turned our fingers into people and made them walk in Ж

between the houses and climb all the stairs to the high rooftop of the
flats. Then the library door opened suddenly and we both got such a
fright that we jumped, and the book block of flats juddered and fell to f"

the ground with a great clatter and crash. ( C a n d y f l o s s : p. 199)


2 W h a t h a p p e n s n e x t ? W r i t e t w o sentences. Then r e a d t h e m t o
another student.

Jacqueline Wilson
3 Read J a c q u e l i n e W i l s o n ' s a n s w e r s t o t h e
i n t e r v i e w b e l o w t h e n w r i t e t h e correct
q u e s t i o n f r o m t h e list o n p a g e 5 .

I was born in Bath in Somerset.

I loved an American book called Nancy and Plum about two sisters.

W h e n I was about 6 years old.

4 I More! 2 Extra Practice Book

Yes, I was a journalist.

I think my favourite b o o k is The Illustrated Mum.

A girl called Chris. W e ' re still friends.

A W h o was y o u r best friend at school?

В W h i c h is y o u r favourite out of all of your books?
С W h a t was your favourite b o o k as a child?
D W h e r e w e r e you born?
E Did y o u have another job before y o u w e r e a writer?
F W h e n did y o u start to write?

C U L T U ^ The Chi|dren4 Laureate

In Britain there is a Children's Laureate - a famous writer who promotes

children's books and reading. He or she is Laureate for two years. Writers
Quentin Blake, Anne Fine, Michael Morpurgo and Jacqueline Wilson
were all the Children's Laureate. The current Laureate is Michael Rosen.

4 Listen t o T i m t a l k i n g a b o u t his f a v o u r i t e b o o k , Stig of the Dump

b y Clive K i n g . C o m p l e t e t h e details in t h e r e v i e w b e l o w .

Title: Stig of the Dump Author:

Characters: Lou, Barney, Story:


M y opinion of the book: /5 W e a k bit:

4IMore! 2 Extra Practice Book

Extra practice j
W h a t can y o u remember? A n s w e r the questions a b o u t the
text on page 4.

1 W h e r e were Floss and Susan?

2 W h a t were their fingers?
3 Were they scared when the d o o r opened?
4 W h a t happened to the book block of flats?

C o m p l e t e t h e d i a l o g u e b e t w e e n Floss a n d h e r t e a c h e r .
Use t h e Past s i m p l e f o r m o f b e .

Teacher W h e r e 1 you at lunchtime?

Floss I2 in the library with Susan.
Teacher There 3 a lot of books on the floor afterwards.
Floss W e made a block of flats with some books.
It4 very tall.
Teacher 5 you two alone in the library?
Floss Yes, we 6

3 There w a s a m u r d e r in Killer Castle last n i g h t . W h a t t i m e d o

y o u t h i n k it h a p p e n e d ? Tick ( • ) o n e o f t h e c l o c k s b e l o w .

4 I More! 2 Extra Practice Book

ra Practice]

Q 4 N o w listen, check y o u r
a n s w e r , then m a r k the
m o v e m e n t s of Captain
N i g h t a n d the m u r d e r e r
o n the picture.

5 There w e r e three p e o p l e in Killer Castle o n the n i g h t of the

m u r d e r . Complete their alibis w i t h the correct past tenses.

Colonel Red
I 1 (be) in the library all evening. I 2 (not be) with Captain
Night. I 3 (speak) to my wife on my mobile phone at 2 2 : 1 5 for 15
minutes. A t the end of the call, I 4 (hear) shots in the living room.
When I 5 (arrive) Captain N i g h t 6 (be) dead.

Sheila Shock
I 1 (be) in my bedroom all evening because I 2 (have) a
headache. 1 3 (fall) asleep at 9 o'clock a n d , 15 minutes later, the
shots 4 (wake) me up. W h e n I 5 (go) downstairs I 6
(see) Captain Night's b o d y in the dining room. He 7 (be) dead.

Freddy Fear
I ' (be) in the kitchen at 2 2 : 3 0 when the murder 2 (take)
place. I 3 (hear) the shots a n d I 4 (run) to the living room.
Colonel Red 5 (be) already there. W e 6 (see) Captain N i g h t
on the floor. 1 7 (stay) with Captain Night, a n d Colonel Red
8 (go) to the hall to phone the police.

Q 6 W h o is the m u r d e r e r ? Think a b o u t t i m e a n d place a n d w r i t e

their n a m e here. Listen a n d check y o u r a n s w e r .

7 W o r k in g r o u p s of four. O n e of y o u is the detective, the o t h e r

three a r e the characters f r o m Exercise 4 . The detective must
i n t e r v i e w each person a b o u t the m u r d e r . Start l i k e this.

Detective: Colonel Red. Where were you between ten and ten thirty pm
yesterday evening?
Colonel Red: I was ...

4IMore! 2 Extra Practice Book

i #i f i n ! i t i n f i


Thousands of people leave their homes every year and travel to Britain.
They are hoping to start a new life. Some make a choice to move to find
work because they want a better life. These are called 'economic migrants'.
Others move to a new country often for political reasons beyond their control
and ask that government for protection. These are called 'asylum seekers'.
If they are allowed to stay permanently they become 'refugees'.

1 W h a t d o y o u t h i n k the w o r d ' a s y l u m ' means?

a Help b Safety с Country

2 T w e l v e - y e a r - o l d Faiza left her h o m e c o u n t r y of Morocco

to come t o England. Read her story.

Faiza's Story
My parents wanted to leave Casablanca because my dad lost his job. We were
finding it difficult to pay all the bills and my grandmother became ill and
needed special medicine. My dad's brother lives in England and he found my
dad a job in London and arranged visas for us. My parents decided to leave
as soon as possible. I didn't want to leave my friends and home, but we had
to go.

We needed money so we sold my mum's jewellery. She wasn't happy about

it. First we drove in a taxi to the north of Morocco to Tangiers. We went from
Tangiers to Algerciras in Spain by ferry. We weren't allowed to take much
with us, only two or three bags. It was freezing, my sisters were crying and
they were sick. I was scared too. When we got to Spain we got a coach to Paris. We
drove through Spain and France. In Paris we changed to another coach to London. It
was a really long journey; it took 53 hours.

My Dad asked where we were and the driver said in London - my Dad was pleased
that our journey was over. My uncle was at the coach station to meet us.

My first day at school was hard but good - the teachers talked slowly to me. didn't
understand much English. I've made lots of new friends.

The best bit about being here is that we have been able to send money home to my
grandmother and she is much better now. My parents are happier and my English is
much better too. I can't wait to see my old friends again. My family want to visit
Casablanca next year, this time by plane!

3 Look a t a m a p a n d trace Faiza's j o u r n e y f r o m Casablanca to


4 I More! 2 Extra Practice Book

Units 3-4

4 I m a g i n e y o u a r e a r e f u g e e . You c a n t a k e 5 t h i n g s w i t h
y o u to y o u r n e w country. W h a t do y o u take? W h y ?
Ask a n d answer w i t h a partner.

<Q 5 Listen t o these y o u n g a s y l u m s e e k e r s . C o m p l e t e t h e

sentences t h e n decide if t h e y l i k e B r i t a i n o r n o t .

It is much 1
in Britain than in Nigeria.
06Л fOQ
Rotimi, 15

The kids at school are 2

than the kids where I lived before in China.
Ш] (QQ
Li, 14

It's much 3 in Britain. I

miss my friends and family back in Iran.
H a m i d , 14

Life in Britain is 4
than life in Somalia.
00Л (QQ
Fowsia, 15

Success story?
Top model Alek Wek came to Britain as a refugee from
her native Sudan. She became famous when a talent
scout from a modelling agency saw her in the street in
London. N o w Alek uses her success to help other
refugees. She works with UNHCR. Alek says:
"When you are a refugee you have no choice."

6 Find o u t m o r e a b o u t t h e UNHCR. W h a t is it? W h e n d i d it

s t a r t ? W h o d o e s it h e l p ? W r i t e a r e p o r t f o r y o u r p o r t f o l i o .

4IMore! 2 Extra Practice Book


1 Read Faiza's s t o r y a g a i n . A n s w e r t h e f o l l o w i n g q u e s t i o n s .

1 W h y d i d Faiza's family leave Morocco?

2 Did Faiza w a n t to leave?
3 H o w d i d they get the money for the journey?
4 H o w d i d they get to Tangiers?
5 Did they get a coach to Turkey?
6 H o w many days d i d the journey take?
7 H o w d i d they get from Tangiers to Spain?
8 Did Faiza speak English well when she arrived in England?

2 In p a i r s , be Faiza a n d h e r n e w English f r i e n d J e n n i f e r .
A s k a n d a n s w e r questions a b o u t the journey.

A W h e r e d i d you live in Morocco? I j) ( В I lived in Casablanca.

3 W h a t d o y o u t h i n k o f Faiza? Choose a n a d j e c t i v e a n d g i v e
a reason.

adventurous angry brave clever nervous relaxed sad

I think Faiza is because

Q 4 C o m p l e t e t h e d i a l o g u e b e t w e e n Faiza a n d her f r i e n d
J e n n i f e r . Then listen a n d check.
Jennifer W h e n 1 to England? (you come)
Faiza I.2 here six months ago. (come)
Jennifer 3 from Casablanca? (you fly)
Faiza No, I 4 15 overland, (not fly/travel)
Jennifer H o w long 6 you to get here? (it take)
Faiza It7 us three days in total, (take)
Jennifer W h a t 8 the journey like? (be)
Faiza I9 it. It 1 0 cold a n d scary, (not like/be)

1 0 | More! 2 Extra Practice Book

My dog is bigger than your dog i
Q 5 Kevin a n d J i m m y b o t h h a v e d o g s . Listen a n d l o o k a t t h e pictures.
W r i t e the correct n a m e s . Then c o m p a r e the dogs using the
language below.

noisy Sam is noisier than Rex.


6 W i t h a p a r t n e r , m a k e c o m p a r i s o n s b e t w e e n t h e d o g s using

as ... as. See h o w m a n y y o u can f i n d .

(5A Rex isn't as fast as Sam.

On holiday!
В Sam is as hungry as Rex

7 W r i t e a b o u t Tim's h o l i d a y .
Tim went to Italy on holiday. He visited

More! 2 Extra Practice Book | 11

Your f u t u r e

C U L T U V & c

In Britain, students can choose what they want to study when they are
14. But they must study English, ICT (Information and Communication
Technology), mathematics, science, citizenship, physical education and
religious education. They must also have career education, sex education
and work-related learning. They can choose lots of extra subjects like
languages, art and tourism.

1 Read t h e c a r t o o n .

M a r k is t a l k i n g t o his t e a c h e r a b o u t w h a t he is g o i n g t o d o
w h e n h e is o l d e r .

Teacher Well, M a r k . W h a t are you g o i n g to d o when you g r o w up?

Mark I'm g o i n g to be a pilot, Miss.
Teacher A pilot? You're g o i n g to have to study a lot, M a r k .
Mark Study? W h y ? Pilots don't have to know much.
Teacher Ha ha! Pilots have to pass very difficult exams, M a r k .
Mark Exams?

Teacher Yes, you're g o i n g to have to w o r k hard at your maths a n d

Mark But miss, to be a pilot you have to see well a n d react quickly.
You don't have to know lots of things.
Teacher M a r k , pilots have to pass very difficult e x a m s - so off you go
a n d study for your maths test!
Mark I think I'll be a footballer...

Talk w i t h a p a r t n e r . W h a t a r e y o u g o i n g t o be w h e n y o u a r e
older? W h a t do y o u have to study to become that?
W h a t must y o u be g o o d at?

1 2 | More! 2 Extra Practice Book

3 Read w h a t S e l m a is g o i n g t o s t u d y .

"Hello, I'm Selma and I'm 14. This year I have to choose what I'm going
to do for my CCSEs. It's important that you choose your subjects
carefully. As well as the compulsory subjects, I'm going to study Health
and Social Care. I want to be a nurse or a social worker when I leave
school. You don't have to have a GCSE in Health and Social Care in order
to become a nurse, but it helps. Some of the course is going to be
practical. I have to write a letter to the teacher of the course explaining
why I want to do it. I'm going to say that I want to work in

4 Look a t these careers. W h a t m u s t y o u s t u d y t o d o these jobs?

Choose f r o m t h e subjects b e l o w . Discuss w i t h a p a r t n e r .

/ А I think you have to study English and N ' В I agree. / N o , I think you
modern languages to be a translator. > have to study ... J

translator / secretary / accountant / architect / journalist / computer programmer

art and design / applied business / drama and theatre studies / economics
English / ICT / maths / modern languages / science

<Q 5 N o w listen t o t h e careers teacher a n d check y o u r a n s w e r s .


True or false?
One of these cats is going
to have a very important
job: it is going to be the
official mouse-catcher at
Glenturret bakery (a place
which makes bread) in
Scotland. But first the
winning cat must pass a
series of difficult tests.
The cats must be fast, fierce
(with mice) and friendly
(with tourists).

13|More! 2 Extra Practice Book

(xtra practice } i
1 M a t c h the sentences.
1 John is thirsty. a She's g o i n g to g o to the dentist.
2 Sarah's got toothache. b They're g o i n g to call the mechanic.
3 I've got a maths test tomorrow. с I'm g o i n g to get my umbrella.
4 It's raining. d She's g o i n g to have a big party.
5 It's Kathleen's birthday next week, e He's g o i n g to play with his
computer game.
6 Their car isn't w o r k i n g . f I'm g o i n g to take a taxi to the
7 The train leaves in 15 minutes. g I'm going to study hard tonight.
8 G e r r y is bored. h He's g o i n g to drink some water.

M a k e plans f o r the f o l l o w i n g situations.

1 I didn't have any lunch. I'm going to.

2 I lost my keys this morning.
3 I didn't hear the alarm clock this morning
4 M y bedroom is very untidy.
5 M y aunt sent me £ 1 0 for my birthday
6 I didn't finish my homework last night

3 N o w ask and answer w i t h a partner.

A You didn't have any lunch

W h a t are you g o i n g to do?
m g o i n g to make

W r i t e 3 things y o u a r e g o i n g t o d o a n d 3 things y o u a r e
not g o i n g t o d o this w e e k .

1 I'm g o i n g to

1 I'm not g o i n g to

1 4 | More! 2 Extra Practice Book

'Please don't do that,' said Kangaroo. 'I'm sorry. I've had nothing
to eat since morning, and I'm very hungry.'

'Yes,' said Dingo. 'I've made him different to all the other
animals. Now what can I have for my tea?'

But Nqong said from his bath in the salt-pan:

'Come and ask me about food tomorrow, I'm going back to my
bath in the salt-pan to wash now.

So Kangaroo and Dingo were left alone together in the desert

and they were both hungry. And they both said:
'This is your fault.'

But now Kangaroo can hop and he can stick out

his tail like a chair behind him and he is different
to all the other animals in Australia and faster
than them.

The Kangaroo was not always like he is now. Kangaroo sat down. He stuck out his tail like a little chair
He was a different animal with four short legs. behind him. And he said: 'Thank goodness that's finished!'
He was grey and he was woolly, and he was very
Then Nqong said: 'Why aren't you grateful to Dingo? Why don't
proud. But he wasn't happy. He wanted to be
you thank him for all he has done for you?'
different. He wanted to be different to all the other
animals in Australia. He wanted to be the most Kangaroo said: 'He chased me out of my home and he chased
popular and the fastest animal in Australia. me out of my regular meal-times. He changed my shape and I'll
never get it back.'

Nqong said: 'Didn't you ask me to make you different to all the
other animals? Didn't you ask me to make you popular and fast
by five o'clock? Now you are different and it is five o'clock.'

Kangaroo said: 'I thought you could do it by magic. Not this

way. You made fun of me.'

'Fun?' said Nqong from his bath in the blue gum trees.'If you
say that I'll ask Dingo to run after you again.'

2 j Old Mart Kangarpo - More! 2 Extra Practice Book ©Helbling Languages 200*!
Dingo ran on. He was very confused and very hungry. He didn't He danced on a rock in the middle of Australia,
know how Old Man Kangaroo could hop. and he went to the Little God Nqa.

For Kangaroo hopped like a cricket, like a pea in a saucepan or The kangaroo went to Nqa saying:'Make me different
a new ball on the playroom floor. from all the other animals by five
o'clock this afternoon.'
He pulled up his front legs and he hopped on his back legs.
He stuck out his tail so he could balance and he hopped across Nqa jumped up from his
the land. seat on the desert
and shouted:
Dingo ran on. He didn't know when Old Man Kangaroo would 'No! Go away!'
So the Kangaroo
Then the god Nqong came from his bath in the salt-pans, and
went to the Middle
said:'It's five o'clock.' God Nquing.
Dingo sat down. He was hungry and dusty in the sunshine.
He stuck out his tongue and howled.
He went to Nquing , saying:
'Make me different from all the other
animals. Make me wonderfully popular
by five o'clock this afternoon.'

Nquing jumped up from his seat

in the grass and shouted:
'No! Go away!'

He was grey and he was

woolly, and he was very proud.
He danced on a sandbank in
the middle of Australia, and he
went to the Big God Nqong.

3 j Old Mart Kangarpo - More! 2 Extra Practice Book ©Helbling Languages 200*!
He went to Nqong saying: Kangaroo ran off on his four little legs like a bunny.
'Make me different from
He ran through the desert. He ran through the mountains.
all the other animals.
He ran through the salt-pans. He ran through the reed-beds.
Make me popular and
He ran through the blue gum trees. He ran through the grass.
wonderfully fast by five
He ran till his front legs were sore.
o'clock this afternoon.'
Dingo ran too He ran after Kangaroo with a big smile. But he
Nqong jumped up from
didn't get nearer to Kangaroo, and he didn't get further away.
his bath in the salt-pan
and shouted: 'Yes, I will!' Kangaroo ran on. He ran through the trees. He ran through the
bushes. He ran through the long grass. He ran through the
Nqong called Dingo.
short grass. He ran through the Tropics of Capricorn and
Dingo was always hungry
Cancer. He ran till his back legs were sore.
and dusty in the
sunshine. Nqong showed Dingo ran on. He was getting hungrier and hungrier. His smile
him Kangaroo and said: was getting bigger. But he wasn't getting nearer to Kangaroo,
'Dingo! Wake up, Dingo! and he wasn't getting further away. They ran until they came to
Do you see that the Wollgong River.
gentleman dancing in the
desert? He wants to be There wasn't a bridge over the river, and there wasn't a ferry.
popular and very fast. Kangaroo didn't know how to cross the river so he stood on his
Dingo, make him SO!' legs and hopped.

Dingo jumped up - and He hopped through the long grass. He hopped through the
said: 'Do you want me to short grass. And he hopped through the deserts in the middle
chase that cat-rabbit?' of Australia. He hopped like a Kangaroo.

"Yes," said the God so First he hopped one metre; then he hopped three metres; then
Dingo ran off. He ran after he hopped five metres. His legs grew stronger, and his legs
Kangaroo with a big grew longer. He didn't have any time to rest, and he wanted to
smile. rest very much.

5 j Old Mart Kangarpo - More! 2 Extra Practice Book ©Helbling Languages 200*!
r a Practice J
Units 5-6

When I am older ...

<Q 5 Listen a g a i n a n d w r i t e w h a t these students a r e g o i n g t o d o
w h e n they are older.

1 Tony
2 Simon
3 Caroline
4 Adam
5 Anna
6 Bonnie

6 A s k a n d a n s w e r questions w i t h a partner. Say w h a t they

have to study.

A What's A n n a g o i n g to be?
В She has to study ...

School Rules
7 In g r o u p s w r i t e t h i n g s y o u must a n d mustn't d o a t school.
We must listen to the teacher.
We mustn't talk during lessons.

8 W o r k in g r o u p s . Decide t h e 5 best rules f o r y o u r class.

Teacher's Report
9 Circle t h e correct w o r d a n d w r i t e t h e Class R e p o r t .
1 Janet is progressing good/well in English.
2 Jake is sometimes lazy/lazily in class.
3 Liam thinks careful/carefully before he answers.
4 Emma behaves bad/badly in class.
5 Michael is good/well at maths.
6 Susan writes neat/neatly.
7 A l i is very polite/politely to teachers.
8 Sarah is a quick/quickly learner but sometimes she works

More! 2 Extra Practice Book | 15

(ulture I H

1 Read a b o u t Jason W o o d s . Then complete his p l a n s .

Hi. I'm Jason Woods, but all my friends call me Jazz.

My hobby is music. I've got my own band called The Jazz Band'.
I'm really excited because I'm playing my first concert on Saturday
night at the local youth club. All my friends are coming. I write and
arrange all the music myself on my computer. My friend Eileen
sings and I sample it and mix it with the rest of the music. I'm
meeting her at seven this evening for a rehearsal at the youth club.
And that's not all! Next week we're recording a demo CD in a studio
in Newcastle. Eileen's brother works for a record company and
he's helping us produce the demo. So look out for The Jazz Band'!

2 Listen t o Jason's parents a n d tick the t r u e sentences.

1 Jason has got lots of instruments.
2 Jason was playing CDs in his room.
3 Jason was practising for his concert.
4 Jason's mum likes Jason's music.
5 Jason was singing.
6 Jason was sampling a n d mixing sounds on his computer.

C U L I V ^

Pie Factory Music organises events to teach teenagers

about music and encourage them to play.
Matt works for Pie Factory Music.
He says: "Next month w e are starting a new project
called D'expressions. D'expressions is for 1 1 to
15-year-olds w h o want to learn how to make music
using computers and turntables.
Some of the youngest and most talented DJs and
producers in the area are taking part in the project."

More! 2 Extra Practice Book|15

The price of music
W h e n a group or a singer releases a new single the biggest expense is the
promotional video. O n e of the smallest expenses is recording.

3 Complete the p r o d u c t i o n t a b l e w i t h the costs b e l o w .








4 Listen a n d check y o u r a n s w e r s .
W h a t w a s y o u r closest guess?
W h a t is the most s u r p r i s i n g result?
W h a t is the least s u r p r i s i n g result?

The most expensive pop video of all time is Scream

by Michael Jackson. It cost more than $7,000,000! 9
<Q 5 Eileen's b r o t h e r phones Jason to a r r a n g e a d a y a n d t i m e f o r
m a k i n g the d e m o . Listen a n d complete Jason's d i a r y .

Monday School
17:00 2

Tuesday School
16:00 3

18:3 О 4

Wednesday School
16:00 5
17:00 6

More! 2 Extra Practice Book | 15

Extra prarite 4
1 W h a t can y o u r e m e m b e r ? A n s w e r the questions a b o u t Jason
f r o m the t e x t o n p a g e 16.

1 W h a t is Jason's nickname?
2 W h a t is he d o i n g on Saturday night?
3 W h a t time is the rehearsal?
4 W h a t is he d o i n g next week?

Sports Quiz
2 H o w much d o y o u k n o w a b o u t sport? W r i t e the superlatives
of the adjectives b e l o w then complete the sentences w i t h the
correct w o r d s .
big dangerous fast good long old rich young

1 M a n y people say that Pele was the football player of all time.

2 Michael Jordan was the basketball player in the w o r l d .

3 A a r o n H a d l o w is the surf champion in the world.

4 Ian Thorpe is the swimmer with the feet: they're a

massive size 17!

5 Maurice Green is the runner in the w o r l d .

6 M a n y climbers say that Annapurno is the mountain in the w o r l d .

7 The tennis match of all time was between John McEnroe

a n d Mats Wilander. It lasted for 6 hours a n d 3 2 minutes.

8 The cycling race in the w o r l d is in Kent in Britain.

3 Find o u t three s t r a n g e facts a b o u t y o u r f a v o u r i t e s p o r t . Tell

the class.

More! 2 Extra Practice Book|15

What were they doing?
4 W r i t e w h a t e v e r y o n e w a s d o i n g d u r i n g the concert.

1 Jason was playing music. 4

2 Eileen 5
3 6

N o w test a p a r t n e r . Get t h e m t o l o o k a t the picture a n d a s k


A What was Bill doing?

В He was

What's your memory like?

W r i t e w h a t y o u w e r e d o i n g a t the f o l l o w i n g times.
Share y o u r a n s w e r s w i t h the class. W h o w a s d o i n g the most
unusual thing?

1 This time last year

2 This time last week
3 Last night
4 O n N e w Year's Eve
5 W h e n the teacher came into the class

More! 2 Extra Practice Book | 15

1 Read a b o u t Paulo a n d f i n d t w o facts a b o u t h i m .

UNICEF helps lots of children all over the world. One of these children is
Paulo. Paulo is 1 2 and he lives in Rio de J a n e i r o in Brazil. Paulo ran away
and lived on the streets. He got money by juggling on street corners. One
day when he was juggling he met a woman from a UNICEF project called
Child Hope Space. Child Hope Space works with street children. The first
time Paulo went to the project he stood in a corner while the other chil-
dren were playing or having lessons. "I was nervous," says Paulo. "The
other children seemed so relaxed and happy." Now Paulo lives in one of
the rooms in the project. "When I was living on the streets I was always
scared, but now I feel safe and happy," he says.

2 Because of children l i k e Paulo, UNICEF, the United N a t i o n s

Children's Fund, has w r i t t e n the U N Convention o n the Rights
of the Child. There a r e 4 2 rights t h a t a r e f o r all y o u n g
p e o p l e u n d e r 18. Here a r e s i x of t h e m . W h i c h o n e d o y o u
t h i n k is the most i m p o r t a n t ?

You should have the right to a n a m e a n d a nationality.

You should b e a b l e to say w h a t y o u w a n t .
You should be safe.
You should have e n o u g h to eat a n d d r i n k .
You should g o to school.
You should have a time a n d a place to play.

C U L T U ^

The U N Convention of Children's Rights says: "All children have the right to
relax a n d play". Lots of children never have the chance to play because they
have to work. M a n y children in Asia a n d South America w o r k in clothes fac-
tories. These factories make jeans a n d T-shirts that you can buy in Britain a n d
Europe. The children don't get much money so the clothes they make are often
quite cheap.

2 0 I More! 2 Extra Practice Book

Anne Frank Awards
The Anne Frank Awards for Moral Courage are for
school children who stand up for their rights.
The awards are named after a young Jewish girl
called Anne Frank. Anne lived in Amsterdam with
her family. She hid from the Nazis with her family
during World War 2.
While she was in hiding she wrote a diary where she
described her feelings. The police found Anne's fami-
ly and she died in a concentration camp.
13-year-old Danielle Maughan from Kent in England
won an Anne Frank award in 2004.

Danielle says:
"Last year we went on a school trip to Alton Towers theme park. While we were
queueing for one of the rides I heard two boys making racist comments about two
younger Asian boys in the queue. They were saying horrible things. I walked up to
them and asked them to stop. I was scared but I knew I had to say something.
People shouldn't say racist things. They were shocked and they stopped immediately.
The two boys were really happy for the rest of the day. I don't regret doing it. People
shouldn't say mean things, especially not racist ones."

3 W h a t d o y o u t h i n k of Danielle? Choose one a n d s a y w h y .

angry bored brave excited scared silly

I think Danielle w a s because

4 Listen to Russal's story. Then a n s w e r the f o l l o w i n g questions

47 w i t h a partner.

1 W h y does Russal w o r k ?
2 W h y does he travel o n t o p of the train?
3 W h y is he h a p p y ?
4 W h y does he study in the evening?

5 W h e n can y o u n g p e o p l e start w o r k i n g in y o u r c o u n t r y ?
Do y o u t h i n k this is a f a i r age? W h y / w h y not?
Do y o u t h i n k y o u n g children s h o u l d h a v e to w o r k so y o u
can h a v e cheap clothes?
W h a t s h o u l d w e d o t o stop child l a b o u r in o t h e r countries?

20IMore! 2 Extra Practice Book

gxtra practice $
Danielle is t a l k i n g a b o u t the school t r i p to A l t o n Towers.
W r i t e the correct f o r m of the v e r b in the gaps.

Nemesis is one of
the scariest tides at
Alton Towers.

1 We for 10 minutes before the bus arrived, (wait)

2 The teacher was trying to talk but w e and making
noise, (shout)
3 It was raining when w e (arrive)
4 I was sitting on Nemesis but I scared a n d decided
to get off. (get)
5 I was queueing up for another ride when I two boys
saying horrible things, (hear)
6 I realised that they about two Asian boys in my
class, (talk)
7 They were laughing at them a n d they racist
comments, (make)
8 I them later when I was eating my lunch, (see)
9 While we back to the bus the boys thanked me. (walk)
10 M y parents were w a i t i n g for me when w e back at
school, (arrive)

Q i N o w listen to A n d y t a l k a b o u t w h a t h a p p e n e d to him.
Tick the true sentences.
1 A n d y took the bus into town. •
2 Tom bought something to drink. •
3 A n d y went into the shop with Tom. •
4 A n old lady started talking to Andy. •

5 The old lady was nice.
6 The old lady was a n g r y with Andy.

7 The old lady said that young people were bullies.

8 She listened carefully to Andy.

9 A n d y was h a p p y to listen to the old lady.
A n d y thinks old people shouldn't judge young people.

Do y o u t h i n k older people a r e f a i r to y o u n g people?
W r i t e w h a t y o u t h i n k , g i v i n g personal e x a m p l e s if y o u can.

20 I More! 2 Extra Practice Book

SI Units 9 - 1 0

W o r k w i t h о p a r t n e r . Take a s t r i p o f p a p e r a n d f o l d it in t w o .
W r i t e t h e f i r s t p a r t o f a sentence s t a r t i n g w i t h While a n d
u s i n g t h e Past continuous. Turn o v e r t h e s t r i p of p a p e r a n d
g e t y o u r p a r t n e r t o f i n i s h t h e sentence u s i n g ithe Past simple.

8Mf i
m a k e a s t o r y u s i n g t h e sentence,
st of t h e class a n d v o t e f o r t h e best stories.

Out and about in London!

L o o k a t t h e m a p . Paul a n d A n n a a r e a t t h e N a t i o n a l G a l l e r y .
49 Listen a n d w r i t e w h e r e t h e y w a n t t o g o .

6 N o w test each o t h e r . Pick a s t a r t i n g p o i n t a n d g i v e d i r e c t i o n s .

С Excuse me, how do I get to

London Eye?
0 В G o straight to.

20IMore! 2 Extra Practice Book

Culture fummer Job*
W h e n school stops a t t h e e n d o f J u n e , lots o f students w i l l
look for a part-time job. H o w e v e r one American teen w i l l
be b u s i e r t h a n m o s t o f t h e m . He has just b e e n elected
M a y o r o f H i l l s d a l e , in M i c h i g a n , US. Read w h a t he s a y s .

Mini Mayor
This summer 18-year-old student Michael Sessions won't have
much free time. He'll be busy with his new job as Mayor of
Hillsdale. Michael paid for his election campaign with the
money he earned from his part-time job selling snacks. Not
everyone is happy that Michael got the job. They say he
mightn't have enough time to dedicate to the job. Michael
answers: "I'll make sure I do the job properly. I expect I'll be very
busy. I'm still at school so I'll be a student from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm and then
Mayor for the rest of the day. I think Hillsdale needs a change. I know I haven't
got experience but I'm energetic and enthusiastic. I know I'll do a good job."

W h i c h o p i n i o n d o y o u a g r e e w i t h m o s t ? Tick a n d s a y w h y .
"I think he'll make a good mayor. He's won't have much time but
he'll have more energy than an older mayor. Plus he'll understand
what young people want and need."
- Sandra Jenn ings, 17

J "I might be wrong but I don't think Michael will be a good mayor.
He's too young to understand what the job is about. He might have
plenty of energy and good intentions but he hasn't got enough
experience to do the job well."
- Jake Koring, 1 8

During his election campaign Now write your election

Michael said: promise:

20 I More! 2 Extra Practice Book
The right job
3 These a r e s o m e o f t h e m o s t p o p u l a r s u m m e r jobs f o r
British s t u d e n t s . Read t h e d e s c r i p t i o n s t h e n m a t c h t h e jobs
w i t h t h e pictures.

1 Paper rounds
You'll get up early, about 6 a.m. You'll deliver papers to people's
houses so they can read them while they're having breakfast.
You'll walk or cycle a lot, so this is a great job if you are fit or if
you want to get fit.

2 Babysitting
You'll look after babies and children. You'll need to be gentle and
patient. You'll also need lots of energy for playing. If you are
looking after them throughout the day, you'll need to give them
their meals and you might have to change their clothes too.

3 Shop assistant
You'll work with people and you'll need to be friendly and
helpful. If the shop is small, you'll have to do lots of different
things, like working on the cash register, filling shelves and
helping customers.

4 Gardening
If you like being outside you'll love this job. You'll need to be fit
because it's hard work and you might get tired from the exercise
and fresh air. If you're allergic to grass or pollen you won't want
this job.

Q 4 Listen t o Sherrie t a l k i n g . W h a t j o b w i l l she d o ?


CfcLTU** WorkR|e
60% of British and American teens will work for some or all of the summer
50% of them will spend the money on clothes, holidays and going out.
35% will give some of the money to their families, to help pay for food and
other expenses.
15% will save what they earn.
Most of the young people (over 60%) will find a job in a shop
or restaurant.

20IMore! 2 Extra Practice Book

Extra practice 6 Г
1 Complete Michael's election promises b e l o w .
1 If I I'll plant lots of trees, (win)
2 If I become mayor I the number of cycle lanes, (increase)
3 I'll w o r k at the weekends if it necessary, (be)
4 I an airport if I a m elected, (build)
5 If I w i n I my promises, (not break)
6 I there are enough parks if I become mayor, (make sure)

2 W i t h a p a r t n e r i m a g i n e y o u w a n t to become the m a y o r of
y o u r t o w n . Decide t o g e t h e r :

1 W h a t you w i II d o or change.
2 W h a t you might do.
3 W h a t you will need.
4 W h a t you definitely w o n ' t do.
W h e n y o u a r e r e a d y g i v e y o u r election speech t o the class
a n d v o t e f o r the best person to become m a y o r .

3 These p e o p l e w i l l help y o u w i t h y o u r c a m p a i g n . F o l l o w the

lines then w r i t e sentences to s a y w h o w i l l d o w h a t .

7 Sarah answer the phone

write a n d fold leaflets
make a n d deliver posters
send letters
Marleen make phone calls
6 Oscar write letters
7 Michelle g o with you to meet people



20 I More! 2 Extra Practice Book

The Weather Forecast!
Q 4 Look o t the w e a t h e r m a p f o r A m e r i c a a n d listen to the
forecast. The forecaster m a k e s three m i s t a k e s .
W r i t e t h e m d o w n then correct the m a p .




New Orleans
The three mistakes are: N- Miami

The correct sentences are:


5 N o w in p a i r s a s k a n d a n s w e r questions a b o u t t o m o r r o w ' s
weather. ^ ч
A W i l l it be rainy in N e w York tomorrow? J

{ d N o , it won't.
В и It will be foggy.
This summer! ^
6 W r i t e 5 things y o u might or might not d o this s u m m e r .

7 N o w tell a p a r t n e r .
This summer, I might...
More! 2 Extra Practice Book | 2 7
( u l t u r e I ^ufture 4

advice /ad'vais/ advertising /'advotaizu]/

d u m p /ёлтр/ a r r a n g e /'эгетф/
extract (n) /'ekstraekt/ expense /ek'spens/
lighting-bolt /'laitnirj.bolt/ massive /'mtesiv/
painful /'peinfl/ merchandising /'m3:t(3ndaizir)/
peer /рю(г)/ royalties /'roisltiz/
scar /ska:(r)/ sample /'sa:mpl/
shots /Jots/ turntables /'t3:nteiblz/
skinny /'skini/
w a s stinging /,waz stigig/

(uftur© 5

cheap /tfi:p/
factories /'fektariz/
drive /draiv/
juggling /'флд1щ/
freezing /'fri:ziq/
run a w a y /,глп s'wei/
jewellery /'cfcjuialri/
rides /raidz/
ride /raid/
stand up for /,staend 'лр fa/
sleep /sli:p/
regret /ri'gret/
talent scout /'tsebnt.skaut/

£ulture J ( u l t u r e 5

compulsory /кэт'рлкэп/ cash register / ' k s j ,rec^ist3(r)/

fierce /fiss/ deliver /di'liv3(r)/
healthcare /ЪеЮкеэ(г)/ earned /3:nd/
mouse-catcher /'maos ,kcetf3(r)/ election campaign /i'lekjn кгет.рет/
nurse /n3:s/ expect /'ik'spekt/
social w o r k e r /'ssuJ^wsikaCr)/ filling shelves /.filig Jelvz/
w o r k - r e l a t e d learning /,w3:k ri.leitid fit /fit/
'1з:пщ/ m a y o r /теэ(г)/
pollen /'ро1эп/
properly /'ргорэН/

20IMore! 2 Extra Practice Book

Maria Cleary Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks

Extra Practice Book T h e course that offers a wealth of

learning opportunities:

M O R I ! is a four-level course for lower-secondary • MORE! multimedia components - CD-ROM,

students. Each level contains twelve units and Testbuilder CD-ROM, DVDs and online materials
provides 80-90 hours of classwork. Level 1 has
• MORE! CLIL (Cross-curricular learning) in subjects
an 18-page starter section that offers students such as Maths, Geography, Music, Science and
dual entry to suit students who may not have Information Technology with dedicated 'Learn MORE
done English at primary level. through English' pages in the Student's Book

MORE! takes students from beginner to . MORE! reading with dedicated 'Read MORE for
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