Water Systems Assignment Menu

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Water Systems Assignment Menu

By the end of this Unit you must complete a series of activities from the menu below that total at least 70 points. Place a
check mark in the box next to the activity and staple each of the activities to the menu card when it is complete. You must
choose activities from at least 2 courses.

Taster: 10 Points Each

Check off Assignment Info Product

Create a detailed, well-organized poster identifying all the parts of either a watershed or Poster

the water cycle. For each part, include a brief write-up explaining the importance of it.
Create a world map that explains the movement of deep ocean currents. Write a report Report

on their direction, where they rise and fall and how they affect the Earth’s temperature.
Do a collage of a major theme of water stewardship. Include a written description of Collage

your choices and why they were included in your collage.

Create a picture encyclopaedia that illustrates and explains all the terms and ideas used Encyclopedia

in water stewardship and water systems. See the Hideout website for a list of required
Entrée: 30 Points Each

Check off Assignment Info Product

Create a Pamphlet talking about Water conservation, which explains how construction Pamphlet

affects water systems and resources, as well as teachers the reader how to conserve
Write a letter to the city mayor talking about ideas for how Brampton can improve its Letter

water conservation above what it is already doing.

Using Google Earth, identify a major watershed within each continent. Where do they begin? Cards
Where do they end? Create a trading card for each watershed, outlining settlements found on
them, where they begin, end and three other interesting faces about them.
Water is a human right, meaning that everyone must have access to it, yet it is something that Opinion
we need to pay for in order to have. Write a brief, mini-essay outlining your opinion on this
matter. Be sure to support your points with research, facts and statistics.
Create a step-by-step manual for the pathway that our water takes when moving through a Map
water treatment plan. Also include a summary of the different ways to treat water (Septic
Bed, Plant Treatment)
Dessert: 50 Points Each

Check off Assignment Info Product

Create a working model of a watershed or the water cycle that includes all key Model

components, as well as a brief write up identifying how pollution can harm them.
Compare the events that occurred in Walkerton, ON with Grassy Narrows, ON. What Report

happens when our water cannot be trusted anymore? What needs to be done?
Evaluate your personal water consumption and compare it with personal water Personal lab

consumption in other countries. Propose a plan of action to reduce personal water

consumption to help address water sustainability issues. Then put the plan into action.
Free choice topic. Choose a topic related with water sustainability, conservation, misuse or Free Choice
water in our world. Propose this topic, along with the presentation method to Mr.
Henderson before beginning.
I plan to complete _______________ activities, totalling __________ points.
number of activities total point value

___________________________ ______________
Student’s Signature Teacher Initials
Due dates:
As there are numerous activities, which you will be working on at the same time, it is extremely important that you
stay on top of your workload. As a result, there are due dates staggered throughout this unit. During each due date
you MUST hand at least one completed assignment in to Mr. Henderson for grading.
Due Date #1: ____________________ Assignment being handed in: _____________________________

Due Date #2: ____________________ Assignment being handed in: _____________________________

Due Date #3: ____________________ Assignment being handed in: _____________________________


Categories 4 3 2 1

Sources (information and

graphics) are accurately
Sources All sources Most sources Some sources listed Sources not listed
documented, and from trusted
K/ sites
Explanation shows of the main Very limited
complete substantial
Concepts ideas All topics are addressed some understanding understanding OR is
understanding understanding
and most questions are answered not written.

T Reasoning developed and applied concepts all reasoning skills, appropriate skills some reasoning skills Limited reasoning

Diagrams, Diagrams or models are related With intricate accurate and

with basics covered
Illustrations and to content adding to the reader’s details, and appropriate with With some errors
and simple labels
Model understanding of the topic. advanced labels completed labels

Communicates responses using

Advanced use of appropriate some use of Limited vocabulary
Communication vocabulary displayed in visual,
C vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary used
written or oral form.

are used, but it is There is little use, or

Terminology, notation and
Are always used, Are used with sometimes not easy a lot of
Conventions mechanics are used , making it
with no errors almost no errors to understand; many inappropriate; with
easy to understand
errors several errors

Evidence of connections among advanced appropriate Makes some Makes limited

A Connections concepts, and relates real world connections connections connections among connections using
applications among concepts among concepts concepts concepts

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