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ai kait n. hooked stick for pulling down fruit.

ai leba n. 1 • carrying pole (stick across the shoulder by which items are carried).
2 • person who lives by selling goods from a stick carried over the shoulder.
ai suak n. crowbar.
baliun n. axe.
bote n. woven basket carried on the back by a strap, often around the forehead.

enxada n. hoe, mattock.

estaka n. stake (pointed wooden post which is banged into the ground).
freiu n. bit and reins (for horse).

gerobak n. wheelbarrow, pushcart.

karau dikur n. pick, pickaxe.
karoon n. sack, bag.
karosa n. wheelbarrow, pushcart.
katana n. machete.
kuda talin n. reins.
mákina dulas hare n. rice mill.
maubeka n. large machete.
regadór n. 1 • sprayer; watering can.
2 • prattler, talkative, person who prattles on, person who talks too much.
sabit n. curved sickle.

saku n. bag, sack.

taha n. short machete for common tasks.

tezoura n. scissors, shears.

tofa 1 • n. digging stick with metal at each end, one end having a spike, the other end like a small spade.
2 • vt. weed using a tofa digging stick.

tratór n. tractor.
tratór liman n. hand tractor.
xarua n. plough (pulled by buffalo).

adubu n. fertiliser.

adubu kímika n. chemical fertiliser.

agríkola adj. agricultural-.
agrikultura n. agriculture.
agrikultura subsisténsia n. subsistence agriculture.
agronomia n. agronomy.
agropekuária n. livestock.
ai horis n. plant (esp. trees).
ai oan n. seedling, sapling, young plant.
aimoruk n. medicine (traditional and modern), drug (pharmaceutical), including tablets, ointment; vitamins;
fertiliser; pesticide, insecticide.
akuakultura n. aquaculture.
armazén n. warehouse, storeroom, store.
tara bandu vp. hang up items via a public ceremony to show that it is for now forbidden to chop trees or harvest
a crop in that area; those who break the prohibition come under a curse.
barajen n. dam.
bee dalan n. water course, ditch, open drain, irrigation channel, canal.
bokar adj. big, thick (particularly of healthy plants, tubers and seeds).

bokur 1 • adj n. fat (of person, animals).

2 • adj. fertile (of land).
la bokur infertile (of land).
buras adj. lush, thrive.

duut n. grass, grassy weeds, shrub.

ektare n. hectare.
erozaun n. erosion.
estrumi n. compost, mulch.
foos ikis n. small pieces of broken rice grains.
fuhuk n. weevil.
2 • adj. weevily, weevil-damaged.
gudang n. warehouse, storeroom, store.
hasil n. yield, result.

hektar n. hectare.
horok n. items tied to a fruit tree to indicate that nobody may pick its fruit; this is associated with a curse or
spell on those who do pick it.
irigasaun n. irrigation.
kabubu n.
1 • rice bund (bank of rice bay).
2 • rice bay.
kabubu laran rice bay.
kafé laran n. coffee plantation.
kantadeiru n. (raised) garden bed.
koperativa n. (commercial) co-operative, co-op.
lahuk adj. disintegrating (esp. of termite-ridden wood).

mangál adj. nearly ripe, half-ripe.

matadouru n. abattoir, slaughterhouse.
matak adj. raw, uncooked, not boiled (of water); unripe; green (natural colour).

rai metan n. black soil (It is usually fertile.), fertile soil.

mota oan n. creek, channel.
natar n. rice paddy, paddy field.

oan 1 • n. child (son, daughter), offspring; nephew, niece.

2 • n. young (of animal).
3 • n. seedling.
4 • n. native (especially of Timor, a district, a town).
5 • adj. small.
okir unripe, very immature fruit.
peskas n. fisheries.
pestisida n. pesticide.
plantasaun n. plantation, orchard, vineyard.
produsaun n. production; yield.
pupuk n. fertiliser.

rai bokur n. fertile soil.

rai halai landslide, erosion.
rai hamlaha body. there is a famine.
rai metan n. black soil.
ramu n cls. bunch (of bananas, coconuts).

rezultadu n. result; mark, grade (in exam); score; yield.

rezultadu toos ho natar nian n. harvest.
sasuit 1 n cls. hand (of bananas).

tasak adj. ripe (of fruit); mature; cooked (of food); boiled (of water), productive (of a cough), black and blue
(bruised) all over.
tebar adj. heavily laden (of fruit on a tree).

toos 2 n. cultivated field, (agricultural) garden, farm.

uma laleo n. small hut on a farm or in rice fields.

viveiru n. nursery for plant seedlings.

agrikultór n. farmer.
estensionista n. (agricultural) extension officer.
Ministériu Agrikultura i Peskas n. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
natar nain n. rice farmer.
PPL n. extension officer.
toos nain n. farmer (who works a toos 'garden').

hili ai vp. collect wood, collect firewood.

aparu vt. prune, trim.

baku vt. hit, slap (not on the face), beat, bash, strike, cane; thresh (rice); bounce (a ball); convert (currency).

dulas batar vp. grind corn.

taa batar vp. harvest corn by chopping the stalk.
silu batar vp. harvest corn (by snapping off cobs by hand).
sohi batar vp. harvest corn (by snapping off cobs by hand).
budu 1 • n. pickle.
2 • vt. pickle.
3 • vt. store (fruit) to ripen it.
hamoos duut vp. weed, remove weeds.
lere duut vp. slash, clear the ground of plants by slashing them.
fini nakloke sv. germinate.
kari fini vp. scatter seeds (to plant them).
foo kaben vt. marry (a couple); mate (animals); fertilise (plants).
haburas vt. make grow, make fertile, make prosper; enrich.
haliri vt. winnow.
baku hare vp. thresh rice by hitting it against a threshing board.
dulas hare vp. mill rice.
koa hare vp. harvest rice.
korut hare vp. strip grains from rice head.
kuu hare vp. pick rice.
sama hare vp. thresh rice by trampling it (sometimes in an all-night festival of singing and dancing).
isin 1 • n. body, flesh; nucleus, contents; tuber, bulb.
2 • n. -ful.
3 • v. bear, produce (fruit, grain...)
foo isin bear, produce (fruit, grain...)
halo kaben cross, fertilise (a plant).
halo kabubu vp. build rice bunds on land not previously used for rice.
kolyeta vt. harvest.
korut vt. strip (e.g. leaves from twig) by running it through the hand.

kuda 1 vt. plant (e.g. seeds in holes using a dibble-stick, or plant cuttings), sow, grow (plants); transplant
(seedlings); invest (money).
lere vt. slash, clear the ground of plants by slashing them.

rega ho mangeira vp. hose.

moris rasik self-propagating.
halai natar puddle a rice bay by making buffalo walk around in it.
halo natar vp. farm rice.
sama natar (buffalo) puddle a rice bay by walking around in it.
habokur rai vp. fertilise.
koa rai plough (using a plough pulled by buffalo or tractor).
kuda rai plant (especially corn).
lere rai clear land.
sunu rai burn off, burn a patch of ground (after clearing it, before planting a new garden).
rai 2 vt. put, place; store, keep; leave (something somewhere).

foo rezultadu yield, give results.

sabir vt. trim, pare, cut off outer strips.

sama vt. 1 • tread on, stamp on, trample.

2 • mate (of pigs).
sau vt. ceremony before the start of the corn harvest.

sohi vt. harvest (corn) by breaking off the cobs.

tofa 1 • n. digging stick with metal at each end, one end having a spike, the other end like a small spade.
2 • vt. weed using a tofa digging stick.

halo toos vp. farm, grow a garden, work the gardens.

(--) vt. rasta foer uza garfu .
(--) abut sai .

á n. the letter A.

agá n. the letter H.

bé n. the letter B.

cé n. the letter C (not used in writing Tetun).

dé n. the letter D.

é n. the letter E.

efi n. the letter F.

eli n. the letter L.

emi n. the letter M.

eni n. the letter N.

eri n. the letter R.

esi n. the letter S.

gé n. the letter G.

há n. the letter H.

í n. the letter I.

jigé n. the letter G.

jota n. the letter J.

ká n. the letter K.

ké n. the letter Q (not used in writing Tetun).

kí n. the letter Q (not used in writing Tetun).

ó n. the letter O.

pé n. the letter P.

sé 3 n. the letter C (not used in writing Tetun).

té n. the letter T.

ú n. the letter U.

vé n. the letter Verb.

wé n. the letter W.

xís n. the letter X; cross (as a symbol of being incorrect).

yé n. the letter Y (not used in writing Tetun).

zé n. the letter Z.

ain n. foot, leg; paw.

bolsu n. pocket, pouch.

delun 2 n. spur.

dikur n. horn (of animal).

fulun n. body hair, fur, wool (on sheep), mane (of horse); feather; tassle on corn cob; fluff.

ibun n. mouth, beak, snout; edge (of road), bank (of river), shore; lip (of pot).

ikun n. 1 • tail.
2 • youngest (child).
kakaluk n. craw, crop (of bird).

karau teen n. 1 • buffalo manure, dung.

2 • buffalo intestine.
laho teen n. mouse/rat dropping.
liman n. hand, arm; sleeve; outrigger; front paw; claw (of prawn, crab...); long handle.

liras n. wing (of bird, insect, aeroplane...)

manu delun n. spur (of rooster; the backward claw to which the weapon is tied in a cockfight).
manu fulun n. 1 • feather.
2 • kind of climbing fern.
3 • shuttlecock.
manu kelen n. drumstick (chicken thigh).
sapatu 2 n. hoof.

susun n. breast, udder.

tarak npos. thorn, spine.

teen 2 n. 1 • excrement, dung, manure, dropping, faeces.

2 • dregs.
tilun n. ear; round handle (e.g. of cup, saucepan); fin.

dadur 1 • vt. imprison, hold captive, exile.

2 • vi. imprisoned.
3 • n. stick tied around the neck of an animal so that it can't get through fences.
4 • n. prisoner.
fahi knuuk n. place which pig prepares to give birth.
fahi luhan n. pigsty, pigpen.
knuuk n. 1 • nest, nesting box.
2 • sheath.
3 • womb.
luhan n. cage, pen.

manu knuuk n.
1 • nest (of bird).
2 • nesting box.
manu luhan n. bird cage.
oron n. 1 • long wooden mortar used to pound sago.
2 • animal trough.
sela 1 1 • n. (horse) saddle.
2 • vt. saddle.

alin ida/rua/... has one/two... younger siblings. This is used to specify the age of buffalo.
aman 2 adj. male (of animals).

ayam potong n. chicken raised for its meat.

bibi malae nia fulun n. wool.
fuik 1 • adj. wild; uninhabited, vacant, empty of people.
2 • intens. very.
grupu n. group (mainly of people), flock, school (of fish).

hakiak 1 • vt. raise, rear (children, animals), keep (animals), breed; adopt.
2 • adj. domestic (animal).
inan 2 adj. female (of animal).

kabuk adj. pregnant (for animals, rude for people).

kabuk todan heavily pregnant.

kokoreko excl. cock-a-doodle-do (sound of rooster crowing).
maten 1 n. corpse (of animal that died without being slaughtered).

oan 1 • n. child (son, daughter), offspring; nephew, niece.

2 • n. young (of animal).
3 • n. seedling.
4 • n. native (especially of Timor, a district, a town).
5 • adj. small.
rasa n. race (of people); breed (of animals).

tolun 1 • n. egg.
2 • vi. lay an egg.
(--) 1 • vt. iha para faan .
2 • n. sasaan nebee loja iha para faan .
3 • n. karau , bibi , fahi

atan n.
1 • slave, hereditary servant.
2 • herder.
bibi atan n. goatherd, shepherd.
karau atan n. buffalo herder.
veterináriu n. veterinary doctor, veterinarian.

buti mate vp. strangle to death.

tau dadur vp. put physical restraints on a person or animal, e.g. by tying a stick around the neck of an animal.
dorus vi. miscarry (of animals).

foo kaben vt. marry (a couple); mate (animals); fertilise (plants).

hahoris vt. give birth to (primarily for animals, somewhat impolite for people).
hakiak 1 • vt. raise, rear (children, animals), keep (animals), breed; adopt.
2 • adj. domestic (animal).
hakiak halo maus vt. tame.
hatenu vi. bark (of dog).
hein vt. wait; wait for, await; guard, look after.

hakaas ibun vp. tighten the reins (of a horse).

doko ikun vp. wag tail.
kaben vt. 1 • marry (in church or civil ceremony).
2 • mate (of monkeys, cats...)
koa kakorok vp. cut the throat.
tesi kakorok vp. behead, cut the throat.
kapa 2 vt. castrate, geld.

kasa vt. 1 • hunt (wild animals, birds).

2 • attempt to entrap someone.
kokoreek vi. crow (of rooster).
kokoteek v. cluck (of hen).
sae kuda vp. mount a horse, get on a horse, ride a horse.
baku liras flap wings.
luut v. brood (sit on eggs; some also include sitting on the chicks).

hein manu vp. keep the birds away from a crop.

oho vt. kill (animals, people), murder.

sae malu mate (of animals).

sama vt. 1 • tread on, stamp on, trample.
2 • mate (of pigs).
sela 1 1 • n. (horse) saddle.
2 • vt. saddle.
sulan vt. put a stopper in; confine, enclose, put (esp. animals) into an enclosure.
tata vt. bite; sting.

tolun 1 • n. egg.
2 • vi. lay an egg.

animál n. animal.
asu n. dog.

asu aman n. 1 • male dog.

2 • Term of abuse by women to men.
asu inan n. 1 • bitch (female dog).
2 • bitch (term of abuse by men to women).
asu oan n. pup, puppy.
balada n. animal.
bibi 1 • n. goat, sheep.
2 • vi. unable to communicate (as unable to speak the addressee's language).
bibi aman n. billy-goat, ram.
bibi inan n. nanny-goat, ewe.
bibi malae n. sheep.
bibi oan n. kid (baby goat), lamb.
bibi rusa n. deer.
bibi Timor n. goat (as opposed to a sheep).
busa n. cat.

busa aman n. tomcat.

busa inan n. she-cat.
busa oan n. kitten.
elefante n. elephant.
fahi n. pig.

fahi aman n. boar (male pig).

fahi fuik n. wild pig, boar.
fahi inan n. sow (female pig).
fahi oan n. piglet.
foho-rai n. python.
kamelu n. camel.
karau n. buffalo, water buffalo; cattle.

karau aman n. bull.

karau baka n. Bali cattle (red beef cattle).
karau inan n. cow.
karau oan n. calf.
karau susubeen n. dairy cow, dairy cattle.
karau Timor n. buffalo, water buffalo.
kobra 2 n. cobra.

koelyu n. rabbit, hare.

kuda 2 n. horse.

kuda aman n. stallion.

kuda buru n. donkey, ass.
kuda inan n. mare.
kuda kamelu n. camel.
kuda oan n. foal.
lafaek n. crocodile.
lafaek rai maran n. kind of lizard (about .5 metre long).
lafaek tasi n. saltwater crocodile.
laho n. mouse, rat, rodent.

lakataru n. caterpillar.
laku n. civet, civet cat.

lekirauk n. monkey.
lenuk n. 1 • turtle, tortoise.
2 • (military) tank.
lenuk rai maran n. tortoise.
lenuk tasi n. (sea) turtle.
liaun n. lion.

manduku n. frog, toad.

manduku Interfet n. Asian black-spined toad.
meda n. cuscus, possum.

naga 2 n. dragon.

niki n. bat, flying fox.

reptil n. reptile.
rusa n. deer.

samea n. snake.

samea tasi n. sea snake.

samodok n. poisonous green snake.
teki n. 1 • gecko (kind of small house lizard).
2 • (single) girl.
teki liras n. winged lizard.
toke n. 1 • kind of lizard that makes a loud noise.
2 • boy, (single) young man.

ABRI n. Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (including police).

ai funan n. pip (rank).

akampamentu n. campsite, camp.
batalyaun n. battalion.
diviza n. rank (military, police).
FALINTIL-FDTL n abbrev. East Timorese Defence Force; member of the East Timor Defence Force.
farda n. uniform.

tau farda uniformed, in uniform, wear a uniform.

la tau farda in plain clothes.
FDTL n. East Timorese Defence Force; member of the East Timor Defence Force.

F-FDTL n abbrev. East Timorese Defence Force; member of the East Timor Defence Force.
fitun n. star.

formatura n. (military-style) formation, in rows.

halo formatura line up in formation, stand in rows.
forsa 2 n. (military) forces, troops.

forsa defeza n. defence force.

Forsa Defeza de Timor Leste n. East Timorese Defence Force; member of the East Timor Defence
forsas armadas n. armed forces, the services.
kleuk 1 • adj. curvy, winding, twisted.
2 • n. stripe (rank).
kuartél n. barracks.
kuartél jerál n. headquarters.
marxa 1 • n. march.
2 • v. Type of fast dance done in couples, with two steps to and fro and frequent 360-degree spins.
halo marxa march (in formation).
okupasaun n. occupation (esp. by foreign forces, by illegal occupants).
promosaun diviza promotion to higher rank.
rekrutamentu n. recruitment.
halo rekrutamentu recruit.
serka vt. surround, encircle (for military/police objectives); besiege.
TNI n. Indonesian National Army.

asuwain n. hero.
brigadeiru n. brigadier.
brigadeiru jenerál n. brigadier general.
buihuu n. female Timorese informer to the Indonesians, spy.
elementu n. underling (esp. within police, army, martial arts, youth groups).
eroi n. hero.

espiaun n. spy.
guarda n. guard.
inimigu n. enemy.
intel n. intelligence agent, spy (mainly for Indonesia).

jenerál n. (army) general.

kapitaun n. captain.
komandante n. (military/police) commander.
kompanyia n. (military/police/business) company, firm.
liman kroat n. 1 • armed forces.
2 • vandal, violent person.
majór n. (army) major.

majór jenerál n. major general.

marineiru n. sailor (especially in the navy).
mauhuu n. male Timorese informer to the Indonesians, spy.
milísia n. militia.
militár 1 • n. soldier.
2 • adj. military.
parakedista n. parachutist.
soldadu n. soldier.
soldadu prontu n. private (soldier without rank).
TBO abbrev. Indonesian soldiers' assistant (tenaga bantuan operasional).

tenente n. lieutenant.
tentara n. (Indonesian) soldier, army.
tropas n. army, soldier.
veteranu n. veteran.
xefi estadu maiór n. chief of staff.


avestrús n. ostrich.
falur n. dove, pigeon.

kakatua n. cockatoo.
kakoak n. kind of bird (named after its cry).
kakuuk n. owl.
kawaa n. crow (bird).

lakateu n. turtledove.
loriku n. lorikeet.
makikit n. eagle, hawk, kite.
manu 1 n.
1 • bird, fowl; chicken.
2 • Classifier which precedes the names of many types of birds; e.g. manu kiukai 'quail'.

manu aman n. rooster, cock.

manu buan n. owl.
manu falur n. dove, pigeon.
manu fuik n. (wild) bird.
manu futu n. fighting cock.
manu inan n. hen.
manu kiukai n. quail.
manu liin n. tiny bird which destroys rice crops.
manu metan n. crow (bird).
manu oan n. 1 • chick.
2 • penis.
manu pombu n. dove, pigeon.
manu rade n. duck, water bird.

ai hean n. paddle, oar.

ankor n. anchor.

dada ankor vp. pull on the anchor (to pull the boat forward).
hasae ankor vp. raise the anchor.
hatuun ankor vp. lower the anchor.
barkasa n. kind of boat.
bero n. small boat, canoe, dinghy.

hean vt.
1 • row (a boat); paddle (a boat).
2 • pedal (a bicycle).
kora-kora n. canoe.
kose vt. wipe, wipe down; brush; scrub; sponge down; rub in, spread; scrape against, graze against; paddle.

laan n. sail.

dada laan vp. raise the sail.

hasae laan vp. raise the sail.
hatuun laan lower the sail.
layar n. screen, sail.

liman n. hand, arm; sleeve; outrigger; front paw; claw (of prawn, crab...); long handle.

roo n. boat, ship, launch, ferry.

roo halai the boat sails.

roo ahi n. motorboat, ship, launch.
roo ahi nakfera shipwreck.
roo ahi funu n. warship.

ain aas body. tall (of person).

ain aas liu body. taller; very tall.
mak ain aas liu body. tallest.
ain badak body. short (of person), short-legged.
ain tanan body. barefoot.
bokur 1 • adj n. fat (of person, animals).
2 • adj. fertile (of land).
bokur-teen adj. fat (person).
bonitu adj. handsome (of men and boys).
brasu 1 • adj. muscly, have big biceps.
2 • n. biceps.
isin boot body. large (muscly, fat), big-boned (of person).
isin forte body. physically strong.
isin kamada n. healthy fat, big and healthy.
isin lotuk body. slim, slender, trim (of person).
isin luan body. naked, nude.
isin molik body. naked, nude; bare-chested.
kabosu adj. plump, cuddly, cute (esp. of infants, puppies).
kabun boot body. have a large belly.
kabun tasak body. pot-bellied, have a pot-belly.
kabun-teek adj. pot-bellied, have a large stomach.
kakorok dalas body. have a double chin, have rings of fat on one's neck.
kamada adj. healthy fat, big and healthy.
kanotak mamar body. supple.
krekas adj. thin, skinny.
krekas maran adj. wasted, excessively skinny.
liman karuk 1 • n. left hand; left (direction).
2 • body. left-handed.
liman loos 1 • n. right hand; right (direction).
2 • body. right-handed.
liman moos 1 • have clean hands.
2 • have 'clean hands', not personally involved in a crime.
luan 1 • adj. wide, broad, spacious, large (of land area); loose (of clothes).
2 • n. width; area (of land...)
3 • n. naked, nude.
matan bubu body. have swollen eyes.
molik adj. bare (land, body), barren (land), naked, nude.

nehan sai body. new teeth come up; have rabbit teeth, teeth stick out; teeth show (e.g. as smiling).
pinta oin vp. wear makeup.
oin aat body. ugly (of person's face).
oin bonitu/a body. have a beautiful face.
oin diak body. good-looking (face).
oin kabuar body. round-faced.
oin kapaas body. beautiful, pretty, handsome (in the face).
oin mean body. blush, flush, go red in the face.
oin namkurut body. wrinkled, have a wrinkled face; scowl.
ríns mamar body. supple.
ríns toos body. stiff, not supple (e.g. unable to learn dancing well).
tuuk adj. dwarf; stump (of amputated limb), very short (of limb).
ulun molik body. bald.

arota vi.
1 • burp, belch.
2 • hiccough.
avoo mai menstruate, have a period.
avoo Maria mai menstruate, have a period.
soe bee vp. urinate.
soe bee kiik vp. urinate.
soe bee boot vp. defecate.
boot ba daudaun grow.
bosu adj. full (from eating).

dukur adj. asleep, sleep.

la dukur awake.
fani v. sneeze.

foo susu vt. breastfeed.

fulan n.
1 • moon, month.
2 • menstruation, period.
fulan mai sv. have one's time of month, menstruate, have a period.
hahoris vt. give birth to (primarily for animals, somewhat impolite for people).
hakmumu v. rinse one's mouth, suck on.
hamlaha 1 • adj. hungry.
2 • n. hunger.
hamrook vi. thirsty.
hetan vt. 1 • get; find (something or someone one is searching for), obtain, gain; come across (person); spot,
manage to see (something which one is trying to see); catch (an illness).
2 • pregnant (of humans, up to about 4 months).
hosu v. fart, break wind.

dada iis vp. breathe in, draw breath; sigh, complain.

husik iis (sai) vp. breathe out.
iis boot body.
1 • puff.
2 • can hold one's breath for a long time.
3 • asthma.
isin fulun hamriik body. have goosebumps.
isin rua body. pregnant, expecting.
isin rua todan heavily pregnant.
kabuk adj. pregnant (for animals, rude for people).

mii kalsa wet one's pants.

tee kalsa dirty one's pants.
kosar n vi. sweat, perspire.

baa kotuk go to the toilet.

kous 1 • vt. cradle, cuddle, hold or carry against one's belly or breast.
2 • vi. fall pregnant, pregnant (for humans).
3 • vt. have (a specified number of) children.
kous hosi ... pregnant by ...
baa liur vp. go outside; go to the toilet.
matan dukur body. feel sleepy, drowsy.
matan dukur haluha rai fast asleep.
matan moos body. 1 • wide awake, alert.
2 • see clearly.
3 • see the light, see the error of one's ways.
mens vi. menstruate, have a period.

menstruasaun n. menstruation, period.

mii 1 • v. urinate, piss, wee.
2 • n. urine.
moris mai be born.
motok v. hiccough.

muta v n. vomit, throw up, bring up (food).

nakoron vi. snore.

nanaal naruk body. puffing with tongue hanging out.
nata vt. chew.

nesik vi. choke.

partu n. give birth.

piska 1 vt. blink, flash, twinkle.

ruun vt. chew (using back teeth).

baa sentina boot urinate.

baa sentina kiik urinate.
susu vt. suck, suckle, be breastfed.

tafui vt. spit, spit out.

tata vt. bite; sting.

tee 1 • v. defecate, (rude) shit.

2 • n. (human) faeces, excrement, poo.
toba dukur sleep, asleep (lying down).
toba la dukur be unable to sleep, sleepless, have insomnia.
toba haluha rai fast asleep, sleep in.
tolan vt. swallow.
tuur ahi vti. give birth.

ain n. foot, leg; paw.

ain fuan n. toe.

ain fuan boot n. big toe.
ain fuan ikun n. little toe.
ain fuan inan n. big toe.
ain fuan kiik n. little toe.
ain fuan klaran n. middle toes.
ain fuan sanak n. sixth toe.
ain kabun n. calf (of leg).
ain kloor n. the back of the knee.
ain kukun n. toenail.
ain laran n. sole (of foot).
ain ruin n. shin.
ain sanak n. sixth toe.
ain tuban n. heel (of foot).
ain tuur n. knee.
labarik nia alin n. placenta, afterbirth.
anus n. anus.

apéndise n. appendix.
aten n. liver.

aten book n. lungs.

baboton n. fontanel.
been tasak n. pus.
brasu 1 • adj. muscly, have big biceps.
2 • n. biceps.
estadu 2 pregnant.
fuan 1 n. 1 • heart (the physical organ), cardiac.
2 • heart (as the seat of emotions and character).
fukun n. joint (e.g. ankle, toe wrist and knuckle joints).

fulun n. body hair, fur, wool (on sheep), mane (of horse); feather; tassle on corn cob; fluff.
fuuk n. hair of head.

garganta n.
1 • throat, oesophagus, gullet.
2 • big-mouth.
hasan n. cheek.

hasan rahun n. facial hair, beard, moustache, whiskers.

hirus matan n. chest, breast.
hitin n. lap.

huin n. cunt (offensive term for 'vagina').

husar n. navel, belly button, umbilicus.

husar talin n. umbilical cord.

ibun n. mouth, beak, snout; edge (of road), bank (of river), shore; lip (of pot).

ibun kulit n. lip.

iis 1 • n. breath.
2 • adj. smell, smell bad, smelly, stink.
3 • n. smell; stench.
inus n. nose.

inus been 1 • n. runny snot, nasal mucus.

2 • body. have a runny nose.
inus kain n. nose ridge.
inus kuak n. nostril.
inus teen n. hard snot.
isin fulun n. body hair.
isin lolon n. body (of person).
junta 1 • vt. join (wood/pipes), make a joint.
2 • n. joint (in body, or place where two pipes... are joined).
kaan 2 n. afterbirth, placenta.

kabaas n. shoulder.
kabeen n. dribble, saliva, spittle, spit.
kabeen tasak n. phlegm.
kabun n. stomach (inside and outside), belly; differently-patterned panel within a sarong.

kakorok n. neck, throat.

kakorok fukun n. Adam's apple.
kakorok talin n. throat.
kakutak n. brain, mind.
kalilin n. armpit.
kanoruk n. nape, back of the neck.
kanosen n. ribs.
kanotak n. waist.
kelen n. thigh.

kidan n. hip and upper buttock, haunch.

kidun n. bottom, backside.

kidun kuak n. arsehole (mainly used as a swear word, not to refer to a body part).
kidun matan n. anus.
kidun tahan n. buttocks.
knuuk n. 1 • nest, nesting box.
2 • sheath.
3 • womb.
kosar been n. sweat, perspiration.
kotuk nloc. back (waist to neck); behind, rear; previous; last (year...); the past (two weeks...)

kotuk laran n. back (waist to neck).

kukun n. finger/toe nail; claw.

kulit n. skin, leather, hide, pelt; peel, bark; cover (of book), shell.

laran nloc. inside; heart (as the seat of emotions and character), mind.

lasan n. penis.

liman n. hand, arm; sleeve; outrigger; front paw; claw (of prawn, crab...); long handle.

liman fuan n. finger.

liman fuan boot n. thumb.
liman fuan hatudu n. index finger.
liman fuan ikun n. little finger, pinkie.
liman fuan inan n. thumb.
liman fuan kadeli n. ring finger.
liman fuan kiik n. little finger, pinkie.
liman fuan klaran n. middle finger.
liman fuan sanak n. sixth finger.
liman karuk 1 • n. left hand; left (direction).
2 • body. left-handed.
liman kukun n. fingernail.
liman laran n. palm (of hand).
liman loos 1 • n. right hand; right (direction).
2 • body. right-handed.
liman sikun n. elbow.
mamiik n. (urinary) bladder.
manu oan n. 1 • chick.
2 • penis.
manu raan n. 1 • wart.
2 • chicken blood.
matan n. eye.

matan been n. tear (from the eye).

matan fuan n. eyeball.
matan fukun n. bone under the eyebrow.
matan fulun n.
1 • eyelash.
2 • eyebrow.
matan ikun n. outer side of eye.
matan musan n. eyeball.
matan teen n. sleep (in the eyes).
mate isin n. corpse (of human).
mate ruin n. 1 • skeleton.
2 • skin and bones, terribly skinny.
maten 1 n. corpse (of animal that died without being slaughtered).

naga 1 n. birthmark.

nanaal n. tongue.
nehan n. tooth.

nehan abut n. root of tooth.

nehan isin n. gum(s).
neon 1 n. mind.

oan fatin n. womb, uterus.

oin nloc. face, front; type, kind, sort; next (year...)

oin lulik n. private parts, genitals.

ook n. spleen.
organ n. See main entry: orgaun . 1 • organ (musical instrument).
2 • organ (body part).
orgaun n. 1 • organ (institution).
2 • organ (body part).
3 • organ (musical instrument).
peitu n. pectoral muscle.

penis n. penis.

pulmaun n. lungs.
raan 1 • n. blood.
2 • vi. bleed, bloody.
raan mutin n. vaginal discharge.
reen toos n. forehead.
relasaun seksuál n. sexual intercourse, sexual relations.
ríns n. kidney.

ruin n. bone.

ruin kotuk n. spine, backbone, spinal column.

sasaan lulik n. private parts, genitals.
susu been n. milk.
susun n. breast, udder.

susun matan n. nipple, teat.

tee fatin n. anus.
tee oan n. intestines.
tee oan boot n. large intestine.
tee oan kiik n. small intestine.
teen 1 n. intestines.

teen 2 n. 1 • excrement, dung, manure, dropping, faeces.

2 • dregs.
ema nia teen (human) faeces.
teen boot n. large intestine.
teen kiik n. small intestine.
tilun n. ear; round handle (e.g. of cup, saucepan); fin.

tilun been n. discharge from ears.

tilun huun n. behind one's ears.
tilun kuak n. ear-hole.
tilun tahan n. ear (outer visible part).
tilun teen n. ear wax.
uat n.
1 • blood vessel, vein, artery.
2 • muscle.
3 • tendon.
4 • nerve.
ulun n. head; boss; deck, pack (of cards).

ulun fatuk n. head; skull, cranium.

ulun fatuk ruin n. skull (without flesh on it).
vajina n. vagina.

asu kutun n. flea.

baktéria n. bacteria.
bani n. bee.

barata n. cockroach.
borboleta n. butterfly, moth.
dihi n. wasp.

fuhuk n. weevil.
2 • adj. weevily, weevil-damaged.
gafanyotu n. grasshopper, locust.
grilu n. cricket (insect).

insetu n. insect.
karakól n. snail.
kutun n. flea; louse, lice.

labadain n. spider; spiderweb.

lalar 1 n. fly.

lombriga n. 1 • (intestinal) worm.

2 • earthworm.
nati n. bedbug.

nehek n. ant.

pirilampu n. firefly.
sakunar n. scorpion.
sigara n. cicada.
sintupeia n. centipede.
susuk n. mosquito.

tekilili n. dragonfly.
ular n. crawling creatures, including worms, grubs, centipedes, and caterpillars.

ular katar n. itchy grub.

ular metan n. leech.
ular oan n. small worm, grub, maggot, larvae.
ular susu raan n. leech.
utu n. headlouse, head lice

ai 1 n. plant, tree; wood, timber, stick, twig.

ai been n. sap, gum.

ai kabelak n. plank, board.
aldame n. scaffolding.
au n. bamboo.

au betun n. large variety of bamboo; it is split and used to make walls, flooring and beds.
azuleju n. glazed tile (used on floor or wall).
bebak n. stalk of palm leaves used to build house walls.

besi n. iron; metal.

besi asu n.
1 • stainless steel.
2 • magnet.
blok n. cement block.

duut manulain n. kind of long grass used for thatch.

fatuk rahun n. gravel.
fiu n. wire, cable.

goma lakan n. (wood) varnish.

kaleen n. tin can, tin, can; corrugated iron, roofing iron.
masa 1 n. wet cement mix (cement, sand and water), plaster; grease; dough.

materiál n. equipment, materials (for building, education, etc.; not 'cloth').

natais n. black fibrous part of top of tua palm, that looks like it is woven.
paralón n. plastic pipe.
piku n. prefabricated panel made of bebak (palm leaf stalks), used to build walls.

rai 1 n. earth, land, region, country; soil, dirt; floor.

rai henek n. sand.

rai henek mota n. river sand.
rai henek tasi n. beach sand.
rota n. cane (e.g. for hitting someone).

saku n. bag, sack.

sementi n. cement, concrete, plaster (for walls).

sementi rahun n. cement (in powder form).
sementi uut n. cement (in powder form).
tali tahan n. tali palm leaf (eg. used for thatching).
telya n. roof tile.

tenaga surya n. 1 • solar power.

2 • solar panel.
tijolu n. brick.
tinta n. ink, paint, dye.

triplek n. plywood.
tua tais n. black fibrous part of top of tua palm, that looks like it is woven.
vernís n. (wood) varnish; nail polish.
vidru n. 1 • glass; window pane, window (of vehicle), louvre.
2 • glass jar.
zinku n. corrugated iron, roofing iron.

andár 1 • n. storey, floor; tier.

2 • adj. multi-storey.
folga 1 • vi. have a scheduled day off.
2 • adj. loose, loosened.
ho liman by hand, manual.
naksobu vi. come apart, fall apart, demolished, unravel, collapse.
tahan cls. classifier for counting thin flat objects such as paper, roofing iron, masonite, or playing cards. Some

(mainly outside of Dili) use it for clothes.

uma andár n. multi-storey building

ai laras n. roof beam (going from the roof top down to the bottom of the roof).
ai latan n. (horizontal) roof beam.
ai riin n. wooden post, pole.
aliserse n. foundations (of building).
andár leten n. top floor.
andár okos n. ground floor.
arus n. (door or window) frame.

baki n. low outside wall.

dapur n. kitchen.

despensa n. pantry, larder.

didin 1 • n. wall (of palm-leaf stalks, wood, plywood or bamboo).
2 • vt. make a wall (of plywood, palm-leaf stalks...)
didin lolon n. wall.
dobralisa n. hinge.
eskada n. stairs, steps, staircase; ladder.
fondasi n. foundations (of building).
foru 1 • n. ceiling, lining.
2 • vt. put up a ceiling.
hadak n. platform (for seating or sleeping) or floor made of traditional materials.

hariis fatin n. bathroom (also polite term for 'toilet').

janela n. window.
kakuluk n. roof; top ridge of roof. See main entry: uma kakuluk .
kaza de banyu n. bathroom (also polite term for 'toilet').
kuartu 1 n. bedroom, room.

lutu 1 n. fence, hedge.

moru n. high perimeter wall around a property or estate (made of blocks or bricks).

odamatan n. door; gate, entrance.

odamatan kotuk n. back door.
odamatan oin n. front door.
paredi n. wall made of bricks/block/plaster.
portaun n. gate.
riin n. post, pole.

eletrisidade nia riin electricity pole.

sala 2 n. room, hall, classroom, schoolroom.

sala vizita n. lounge, front room (room at the front of a house where visitors are received).
sentina n. toilet.
uma huun n. yard, land around a house, agricultural plot next to a house.
uma kakuluk n. roof; ridge cap, top ridge of roof.
uma laran n. household; domestic.
uma tatiis n. eaves.
varanda n. verandah, balcony.

badaen n. tradesman.
badaen ai n. carpenter.
badaen fatuk n. bricklayer, person who lays foundations, stonemason.
eletrisista n. electrician.
karpinteiru n. carpenter.

dada ahi v. connect up electricity.

liga ahi vp. connect up the wiring for electricity.
monta ahi v. connect up electricity.
harii ai riin vp. set up a post.
atera vt. fill holes with dirt to level the ground.

nahe azuleju vp. lay tiles, tile.

bahat 1 • n. chisel.
2 • vt. chisel, carve.
dada bee vp. plumbing; pump up water.
halo blok vp. make cement blocks.
hada blok vp. lay cement blocks.
didin 1 • n. wall (of palm-leaf stalks, wood, plywood or bamboo).
2 • vt. make a wall (of plywood, palm-leaf stalks...)
hada fatuk vp. lay bricks.
fera vt. split.

losu fiu vp. unplug.

foru 1 • n. ceiling, lining.
2 • vt. put up a ceiling.
futu vt. tie into bundles; bind.

hada vt. stack, lay (bricks).

hadia vt. repair, fix, make right, reform.

halo vt v-atu. make, build, create; cause; do.

harii vt. set up, raise (to a vertical position); establish, found, form; erect, build.

instalasaun n. installation.
halo instalasaun vp. install.
monta janela vp. put in a window.
halo kabeer vt. smooth.
kadoo 1 • n. saw (tool for sawing).
2 • vt. saw (wood etc.)
3 • vt. butter up.
taka kaleen vp. put on a tin roof.
monta kanu join pipes.
kee vt. dig, dig up, harvest (root crops).

konstrusaun n. construction.
lahuk adj. disintegrating (esp. of termite-ridden wood).

lalin vt. ferry, go to and fro fetching (people or things).

liga vt. join, connect; relate to, have a good relationship with.

lixa 1 • n. sandpaper.
2 • vt. sand (using sandpaper).
3 • vt. butter up.
loke vt. open; turn on; take off, remove (a covering).

manutensaun n. maintenance.
halo manutensaun maintain.
kahur masa vp. mix cement, sand and water to form cement.
monta vt. set up, install, fit, assemble (parts); hang (a door/window).

nahe vt. spread out (a cloth/mat over a flat surface); lay (tiles, cement).

monta odamatan vp. hang a door.

peneira 1 • n. sieve.
2 • vt. sieve.
pika vt. chisel out.

didin piku vp. make a wall from prefabricated palm-leaf stalk panels.
pinta vt. paint, draw.

prega vt. nail; button up, do up (a button).

tula rai henek vp. transport/deliver sand.

reabilitasaun n. rehabilitation.
reboka vt. plaster (a wall).
rehab vt. rehabilitate (buildings).

fui sementi vp. pour cement.

kahur sementi vp. mix cement, sand and water.
nahe sementi vp. lay cement, concrete.
sobu vt. take to pieces, dismantle, demolish, break up, pull apart.

sukat vt. measure.

supila 1 • n. plane (for planing wood).

2 • vt. plane.
suru vt. scoop, ladle, dish up, dig up (ground); fish using scoop-net, shovel.

taa vt. 1 • chop (with an axe or machette), fell (tree).

2 • butter up.
taka vti. close, shut; block; cover, patch (e.g. a tyre); put on, wear (a hat); stick on (a sticker, poster...); turn off.

tesi vt. 1 • chop, sever, cut across the width.

2 • judge a case (hear a dispute, and make the final decision), resolve a conflict.
tetu vt. weigh; weigh up, evaluate.

tula vt. place (on something high), load, take luggage on (vehicle), transport, give a lift to (a person), carry (as a
load on the shoulder).
tutan vt. extend, join shorter pieces to make one long piece.

foru uma vp. put up a ceiling.

halo uma vp. build a house.
harii uma vp. set up the house frame.
suku uma vp. thatch a roof.

apartamentu n. apartment.
baraka n. hut, temporary shelter.
kos n. lodging, rented room to live in.
vi. live in a rented room.
palásiu n. large governmnent building (the president's palace, and government house).
rezidénsia n. residence.
tenda n. tent, temporary shelter.

uma 1 n. house, building, home.

uma duut n. house with thatched grass roof.

uma laleo n. small hut on a farm or in rice fields.
uma mutin n. modern block house.
uma tali n. house with thatched palm-leaf roof.

aas 2 n. ace (in cards).

espada n. spades (in cards).

joker n. joker (in cards).

karta n. 1 • (playing) card.

2 • card (postcard, Christmas card, birthday card...)
3 • letter.
dada karta vp. pick up a card (from the pile).
joga karta vp. play cards.
koa karta vp. cut the deck.
fahe karta vp. deal cards.
loke karta vp. look at one's cards.
taa karta vp. shuffle the deck.
Hau nia karta mate liu. I'm on a losing streak (in cards).
Hau nia karta moris. I'm on a winning streak (in cards).
kondi n. jack (in cards).

kopas n. hearts (in cards).

liurai n. traditional Timorese ruler, king (monarch, cards).

makaku 3 n. joker (in cards).

nona n. queen (in cards).

ouru n. diamonds (in cards).

pár haat four cards of the same number.

pár tolu three cards of the same number.
paus n. clubs (in cards).
ulun n. head; boss; deck, pack (of cards).

haklilin vt. carry under the arm by a strap over one shoulder.
haklulu vt. carry on one's back held by a strap around one's forehead.
hasaan vt. carry on one's shoulders.
hiit vt. lift (by handle or by a strap).

hiti vt. hold on lap.

hodi 1 vt. bring, carry; use, drive.

hulan vt. carry on shoulders.

kaer vt. grasp, hold; seize, catch; capture, arrest; manage, control; drive (a vehicle).

kahe vt. drape (a cloth over something) leaving each end dangling.

kateu vt. piggyback.

kele vt. carry (child) in the folds of a sarong.

kous 1 • vt. cradle, cuddle, hold or carry against one's belly or breast.
2 • vi. fall pregnant, pregnant (for humans).
3 • vt. have (a specified number of) children.
lalin vt. ferry, go to and fro fetching (people or things).

leba vt. carry (something) suspended from (one or both ends of) a pole carried across the shoulder.

lori vt. carry; bring, take; lead; bear (suffering, blame, ...); use; in (a language); drive (a vehicle); take (time),
dribble (a ball).
tane vt. hold hands palm-up, hold on open hand; support.

tula vt. place (on something high), load, take luggage on (vehicle), transport, give a lift to (a person), carry (as a
load on the shoulder).
tutur vt. carry on head.

kaer ai kulit aat use black magic to harm others.

aimoruk aat n. 1 • (non-pharmaceutical) drug.
2 • roots, leaves or bark used for black magic.
hemu aimoruk aat vp. take drugs.
kaer aimoruk aat vp. use black magic to harm others.
asidente n. accident, mishap.
baktéria n. bacteria.
fekit 1 • vt. flick (with finger).
2 • vi. throb.
3 • vt. do black magic against.
Ema halo. sv. Someone killed (this person) by supernatural means, such as witchcraft.
horok n. items tied to a fruit tree to indicate that nobody may pick its fruit; this is associated with a curse or
spell on those who do pick it.
hotar vt. curse, put a curse on.

kutun n. flea; louse, lice.

luhas vt. scald.

malisan n. curse.
matebian n.
1 • spirits of the long-dead.
2 • the late; the deceased.
mout too mate drown.
ular n. crawling creatures, including worms, grubs, centipedes, and caterpillars.

veneno 1 • n. poison, venom.

2 • adj. poisonous, venemous.
virus n. virus (biological, computer).

Abut la iha! not rooted.

ahu nain n. thief who habitually steals from houses, using magic based on lime to prevent the occupants from
being able to catch him.
ai tahan aat 1 • n. leaves used for black magic.
2 • body. badly-behaved.
ambisaun n. ambition.
ambisiozu adj vcomp. ambitious (esp. unrealistically so).
aten brani body. courageous, brave, daring.
badinas adj. hard-working, diligent.
baku door ema n. violent person, who likes bashing people up.
bandidu n. ruffian.
baruk-teen adj. lazybones (person who is habitually lazy).
beik adj. 1 • stupid, foolish; slow learner, dumb, uneducated; ill-mannered, unwise, ignorant.
2 • dumb (unable to speak), mute.
beik-teen idiot, ignorant, stupid, dummy.
hanesan bibi malae pp. lazy, follower.
bosok-teen adj. habitual liar.
brani adj vi. bold, daring, courageous, brave, audacious; forward, have gall.

britas 1 • n. pebble.
2 • adj. stingy, mean.
brutu adj. aggressive, rough.

buka diak deit v. opportunist, look out for number one.

dukur door n. sleepy-head.
fanátiku/a adj. fanatic.
moris para foo haan kabun deit live to eat, live for oneself.
la hatene foo obrigadu ungrateful.
foti-an vp. boast, arrogant, make out one is better than others or better than what one in fact is.
garganta n.
1 • throat, oesophagus, gullet.
2 • big-mouth.
garidu/a adj. flirt.
gastadór n. wasteful person, spendthrift.
hahalok aat 1 • body. badly-behaved.
2 • n. bad behaviour.
hahalok diak 1 • body. well-behaved, does good things.
2 • n. good behaviour.
hakfodak ba osan greedy, worships money.
halo-an pretentious, make out you are better than you really are; vain, conceited.
haraik-an vi. humble, humble oneself.
hatene-an self-aware, aware (of one's status and limitations etc), act appropriately to one's status; conscious.
hatudu-an a • reveal oneself, suddenly appear, turn up unexpectedly.
b • show off, ostentatious.
ibun boot body. big-mouth.
kaan-teen 1 • glutton, greedy (eats large amounts quickly and unsociably).
2 • stingy (won't give things when asked for them); greedy (won't share).
kalma adj. calm, unruffled.

karak stingy, mean.

karak-teen adj. stingy, mean.
karidade n. charity.
katar adj. 1 • itchy; cause an itch.
2 • boy-crazy.
koalia la taka can't keep one's mouth shut.
koalia oin ida, halo/hahalok oin seluk hypocritical, do one thing and say another.
koalia door n. chatterbox.
Koto haluha nia kulit. saying. ungrateful.
troka kulit be a chameleon, follow the crowd.
kulit karau body. thick-skinned, shamless, feels no shame.
kulit mahar body. intractable, doesn't respond to disciplinary beating.
kumu 1 • vt. squeeze.
2 • adj. tight-fisted.
lanu-teen drunkard, alcoholic.
foo laran ba (ema/Maromak) faithful, loyal; enthusiastic.
laran aat body. 1 • nasty, wicked, callous.
2 • prone to motion-sickness.
laran diak body. kind-hearted, kind, helpful, good , nice.
hatudu laran diak ba (ema) be kind to, show kindness to.
laran luak body. very kind, helpful, generous.
laran makerek body. two-faced, hypocritical.
laran moos body. good, honest, have integrity, decent, holy.
liman aat body. 1 • habitual thief.
2 • have a handicapped arm.
liman fuik body. clumsy, 'all thumbs'.
liman lais body. 1 • clever thief, light-fingered.
2 • quick with one's hands (esp. for hard workers).
liman moos hela deit refuse to dirty one's hands, lazy.
liman naruk body. light-fingered, thief, has a tendency to steal.

loko-an pretentious, make out you are better than you really are; vain, conceited.
maek 1 • n. elephant foot yam.
2 • adj. attention-seeking (of girls).
malandru adj. impudent.
maledukadu adj. uncouth, rude.
malkriadu/a adj. rude, ill-mannered.
hakarak manaan mesak deit insist on being right, insist on one's own way.
manya adj. spoiled (of child who cries when not given whatever they want), demanding, want one's own way.

matan been mamar body. easily moved to tears, sensitive.

matan feto body. flirt, on the prowl, on the lookout for girls.
matan fuan naklosu ba osan money-hungry.
matan moris body. 1 • girl-crazy, boy-crazy; on the lookout for the other sex, on the prowl; keep swapping
2 • alert, vigilant, on the lookout.
matan naklosu ba osan greedy for money, willing to do anything to get money.
matan osan body. money-hungry, greedy for money.
mentál n. self-confidence in public.
2 • adj. mental.
mentál fraku body. self-conscious.
mentál la iha body. timid, shy.
la hatene moe shameless, has no conscience.
moe door very shy, timid.
la iha morál bad-mannered.
moras aat terrible disease; bad habit, besetting sin.
buka moris diak deit opportunist, look out for number one.
nakar adj. mischievous, cheeky.

nakar-teen adj. naughty, delinquent, trouble-maker.

moris iha nakukun laran live in darkness, godless.
naok-teen n. thief, robber.
nervozu aat body. quick-tempered, irritable, bad-tempered.
nervozudór quick-tempered, irritable, bad-tempered.
nervus aat body. quick-tempered, irritable, bad-tempered.
oin mahar body. unashamed, shameless, thick-skinned.
pasivu adj. passive (sentence; person).
pekadu nia atan amoral, compulsive sinner.
raan manas body. bad-tempered, hot-tempered.
servisu door n. diligent; hard-working.
servisu nain 1 • adj. diligent; hard-working (especially at one's own work), good at one's work.
2 • n. worker.
siak-teen stern disciplinarian; cranky.
tanis-teen adj. crybaby (of child who cries easily).
tauk-teen adj. coward, cowardly.
-teen 3 suf. Follows a verb or adjective to create a compound describing a person who is habitually like this. It is
used only for negatively-valued characteristics; e.g. baruk-teen 'person who is habitually lazy' from
baruk 'lazy'.

teen toos stingy, cautious about giving or spending money, tight-fisted.

tua teen 1 • drunkard, wino, boozer.
2 • n. palm wine froth, dregs.
3 • n. venereal disease (in men), gonorrhea.
ulun bulak body. promiscuous; play up, wild.
ulun fatuk toos body. stubborn. See main entry: ulun toos .
ulun mamar body. intelligent, fast learner, bright, co-operative; compliant.
ulun moruk body. stubborn.
ulun rua body. double agent, traitorous, professes allegiance to two opposing nations or parties.
ulun toos body. stubborn, rebellious, headstrong; cheeky; slow learner.
vida la iha doesn't have a life (doesn't work, doesn't do anything).

alfaiate n. tailor.
alfineti n. safety pin.
amostra 1 • n. sewing pattern.
2 • vt. decorate.
daun n. needle.

daun suku ropa n. sewing needle.

elastik n. elastic.
graixa 1 • vt. polish (shoes).
2 • n. shoe polish.
hena n. cloth, fabric, material; clothes, clothing; screen.

kabas n. cotton; thread, yarn.

liman badak adj. short-sleeved.

liman naruk adj. long-sleeved.

mákina suku ropa n. sewing machine.

moda n. fashion.

morteen musan n. traditional high-value orange bead.

pinta oin vp. wear makeup.
pontu n. point; stitch, suture; dot; full-stop.

pontu krús n. cross-stitch.

reb-rebo adv. many varied.
hatais reb-rebo dress showily.
riskadu adj. striped.

bolsu n. pocket, pouch.

butaun n. button.
feskuleiru n. zip.
foru 1 • n. ceiling, lining.
2 • vt. put up a ceiling.
gola n. collar.

sapatu talin n. shoelace.

sintura n. waist (of a garment); waistband.
takaun n. heel (of shoe).

tau brinkus wear earrings.

kore butaun vp. unbutton.
loke butaun vp. unbutton.
prega butaun vp. button up, do up a button.
tau farda uniformed, in uniform, wear a uniform.
la tau farda in plain clothes.
dada fuuk vp. perm hair to make it straighter.
estrika fuuk vp. press hair to make it straighter.
tesi fuuk vp. have a hair-cut; give a haircut.
(buat) haan vp. suit, (clothes) fit well and look good.
hadia-an vi. spruce oneself up.
hatais 1 • vt. wear, get dressed, put on (clothes).
2 • n. clothes, clothing.
pinta ibun apply lipstick.
kabala vt. wear, gird, tie (e.g. sarong) around the waist or chest.
tuu kabas ba daun vp. thread a needle.
tau kadeli vp. wear a ring.
dada kalsa gird one's loins.
kolu vt. take off (clothes).

kolu molik v. strip, strip off.

hahenu korenti vp. wear a necklace.
tara korenti vp. wear a necklace.
pinta liman kukun vp. put on nail polish.
tesi liman kukun vp. cut fingernails.
suku pontu krús vp. do cross-stitch.
fasi ropa do the washing.
habai ropa vp. put out the clothes to dry.
hasai ropa vp. undress, get undressed.
kolu ropa undress.
solur ropa vp. rinse clothes.
soru 1 vt. weave (cloth).

suku borda v. embroider.

doku xapeu vp. put on a hat, wear a hat.
taka xapeu vp. put on a hat, wear a hat.

argola n. hoop, hoop earring.

badaak n. powder, talcum powder.
batina n. cassock.
belak n. disk made of gold or silver, used as a chest ornament.

bikini n. bikini.
bluza n. blouse.

bóinya n. beret.
botas n. boot.

brinkus n. earring.
brinkus sorin ida n. one earring.
farda n. uniform.

faru n. top (shirt, blouse, ...)

faru manas n. jumper, sweater, cardigan.

fatu n. suit (of clothes).

fatu de banyu n. 1 • (men's) underpants.

2 • swimsuit.
feixu n. hair clip, bobby pin.

fralda n. (cloth) nappy, diaper.

fuuk falsu n. wig.
gravata n. tie, necktie.
guardaxuva n. umbrella.
jakét n. jacket, windcheater.

jíns n. jeans.

kabaya n. traditional women's blouse pinned in the front, usually worn with a sarong.
kadeli n. ring (for finger).
kaebauk n. men's headgear in the shape of buffalo horns, worn in traditional ceremonies.
kakehe n. (hand-held) fan.
kalsa n. trousers, pants, jeans.

kalsa badak n. shorts.

kalsa jíns n. jeans.
kalsa laran n. underpants.
kalsa naruk n. trousers, long pants.
kalsa training n. tracksuit pants.
kalsaun n. shorts.
kalsinya n. panties.
kamiza n. shirt.
kamiza liman badak n. short-sleeved shirt.
kamiza liman naruk n. long-sleeved shirt.
kamizinya n. camisole.
kamizola n. T-shirt.
kampanya n. women's sarong.

kapa 1 n. raincoat, poncho.

kazaku n. coat, jacket.

keke n. bracelet worn by men for traditional occasions.

kelu n. women's bracelet (of single band).

korenti n. chain; (chain) necklace.

koroa n. crown.

kreme n. cream, moisturising cream.

kuekas n. (men's) underpants.

lipa n. sarong.

lutu 2 1 • n. black clothes or cloth worn during mourning.

2 • vi. wear black as a sign of mourning.
luvas n. glove.

luvas pár ida n. a pair of gloves.

luvas sorin ida n. one glove.
luvas boraxa n. rubber gloves.
luvas meias n. work gloves.
makaku 2 n. overalls, dungarees.

medalya n. medal.
meias n. sock.

meias sorin ida n. one sock.

morteen n. traditional bead necklace.
neras n. swaddling cloth (to wrap baby in).
oklu n. glasses, spectacles; goggles.

oklu metan n. sunglasses.

oras 2 n. watch, clock.

pulseira n. bracelet (of chain).

relójiu n. watch, wristwatch, clock.
relójiu liman n. watch, wristwatch.
relójiu talin n. watch band.
rompi n. waistcoat.

ropa n. clothes, clothing.

saia n. skirt.

saiote n. half-slip, petticoat.

sandálias n. sandal.
sapatilya n. sports shoe, running shoe, sandshoe.
sapatu 1 n. shoe (with enclosed heel).

sapatu botas n. boot.

sapatu kets n. sports shoe, running shoe, sandshoe.
sapatu kulit n. leather shoe.
selendang n. long narrow hand-woven cloth.
sintu n. belt.

stoking n. stocking.
sumbrinya n. parasol, umbrella.
sutián n. bra, brassiere.
tais n. 1 • large hand-woven traditional cloth.
2 • fibrous part at the top of some palm trees, which looks like it is woven.
tais feto n. traditional hand-woven cloth for women, sewn into a tube.
tais mane n. long traditional hand-woven cloth for women.
ulsuku n. traditional hairpin with an old coin.
veo n. veil.

vernís n. (wood) varnish; nail polish.

vestidu n. dress.
xapeu n. hat, cap, baby bonnet; circumflex.

xinelus n. thongs; flip-flops.

xokas n. slip-on sandal.

amarelu adj. yellow.

azúl adj. blue.

kamutis adj. pale (of skin when a person is sick), faded.

kinur 2 adj. yellow.

kór n. colour.

kór de laranja adj. orange (colour).

kór de roza adj. pink.
kór kafé brown.
kór kreme cream-coloured, cream (colour).
makerek adj. multi-coloured, patterned.
malahuk adj. grey, fuzzy, hazy, blurred.
matak adj. raw, uncooked, not boiled (of water); unripe; green (natural colour).

maten 2 adj. numb, have pins and needles, deadened (of limbs), paralysed; slow (movement); hairpin (bend);
dull (colour).
mean adj. red; golden; rash.

metan adj. black.

modok adj. green.

morenu/a adj. light brown.

moris 1 • adj. live, alive; be born; come up, appear; on (of electricity); bright (colour); lively, active.
2 • n. life.
3 • n. birth.
mutin 1 • n. silver.
2 • adj. white, grey (hair); clear (e.g. of glass).
verdi adj. green.

Áfrika np. Africa; African.

Amérika np. America; American.
Amérika Norte np. North America; North American.
Amérika Súl np. South America; South American.
Antártika np. Antarctica.
Austrália np. Australia; Australian.
Eropa np. Europe; European.

abrelata n. can-opener, tin-opener.

ai duir n. rolling pin.
ai tetak n. chopping board.
alu n. pestle (to crush food in a mortar).

bandeja n. tray (for carrying food or drinks).

baríl n. barrel, cask.

basia n. basin, large bowl.

bibirón n. baby bottle.

bikan n. plate.

buli 1 n. teapot; coffee pot; jug.

dapur n. kitchen.

fatuk inan n. stone mortar (to crush food finely).

fatuk oan n. stone pestle (a club-shaped instrument for grinding substances in a mortar).
fogaun n. stove.
fogaun gás n. gas stove.
forma n. mould; cake tin.

fornu n. oven.

garafaun n. flagon.
garfu n. fork; garden fork; rake.

jeleira n. refrigerator, fridge.

jeleira leten n. freezer (compartment of fridge).
kaleen n. tin can, tin, can; corrugated iron, roofing iron.
kanedok n. ladle.
kaneka n. plastic cup.
kanuru n. spoon; shovel, spade; trowel.
kanuru oan n. teaspoon.
koadór n. strainer; filter, coffee filter.
kopu n. (drinking) glass.

lafatik n. wide shallow basket used for cleaning/tossing grain.

lalian n. hearth, triangle of three cooking stones.
lata n cls. tin can, can, tin.
lesu n. mortar (of wood or stone, to pound corn or other items).

manko n. bowl.

oron n. 1 • long wooden mortar used to pound sago.

2 • animal trough.
pasadór n. tea strainer.
peneira 1 • n. sieve.
2 • vt. sieve.
piris n. saucer.

sanan n. saucepan, pot.

sanan kukus n. steamer (for steaming food).

sanan rai n. earthen pot.
tabun gás n. gas bottle.
taxu n. wok (with two round handles).

termu 1 n. thermos, thermos flask.

toples n. jar for storing food.

travesa n. long tray, platter (for serving food).
trina n. dish with lid.

tudik n. small sharp knife.

vidru n. 1 • glass; window pane, window (of vehicle), louvre.

2 • glass jar.
xikra n. cup.

grosu adj. thick (consistency).

kozinyeiru/a n. cook, chef.

mangál adj. nearly ripe, half-ripe.
masa 1 n. wet cement mix (cement, sand and water), plaster; grease; dough.

matak adj. raw, uncooked, not boiled (of water); unripe; green (natural colour).

mat-matak adj. al dente.

menu n. menu.

padeiru n. baker.
reseita n. recipe; prescription.
tasak adj. ripe (of fruit); mature; cooked (of food); boiled (of water), productive (of a cough), black and blue
(bruised) all over.
toradu adj. crispy (of toasted or fried food).

fai akar vp. pound sago (a stage in processing it).

bafa vt. simmer using a little water, oil and flavourings.

behu vt. shell corn, chuck corn (remove corn seeds from the cob).

budu 1 • n. pickle.
2 • vt. pickle.
3 • vt. store (fruit) to ripen it.
daan vt. boil (something in water).

deut vt. knead, mash, crush with a stone, pound (in mortar and pestle).

eskalda vt. scald.

fai vt. hit end-on: pound (corn...), shoot (a billiard ball), ram, crash head-on, poke.

fila fali 1 • v. return.

2 • v. again; back (to origin).
3 • vi. die (particularly of children to about 14 years).
4 • vt. turn, stir-fry (food).
foo hariis vt. 1 • bathe (someone); wash (a dead body).
2 • ice (a cake).
fuga vt. fry onion, then add the already-cooked main ingredient (e.g. rice or dried beans) along with any other
ingredients, and continue frying until it is warm.
arma hahaan vp. put food in serving dishes.
serve hahaan serve food.
fai hare vp. pound rice.
kadaka 1 • n. pancake.
2 • vt. cook pancake.
kedok vt. stir (esp. something thick).

kukus vt. steam (food).

koa kulit vp. peel (with a knife).

loke kulit vp. peel, shell.
lalar 2 vt. roast, grill (over coals).

luhas vt. scald.

fokit manu fulun vp. pluck a chicken.

arma meza vp. lay the table; set the table.
hein meza vp. serve at table, wait on tables.
tau meza vp. lay the table and set the food on it.
halo modo vp. cook meat, fish, vegetables... (the non-rice portion of a meal).
nakali vi. boil (of water), boiling.
nono vt. boil (water).

peneira 1 • n. sieve.
2 • vt. sieve.
saboko vt. bake in palm-leaves.
sedok 1 • n. thick porridge.
2 • vt. cook as porridge.
sona 1 • vt. stab, pierce, prick; give a needle, inject, give an injection.
2 • vt. fry (without frequent stirring).
3 • adj. fried.
suru vt. scoop, ladle, dish up, dig up (ground); fish using scoop-net, shovel.

taes vt. filter, strain.

tahek vt. winnow.

tamun vt. smoke (food to preserve it).

tein 1 • vt. cook (esp. rice), distill (wine),

2 • vi. cook, do the cooking.
tempera vt. season (food before cooking).
tisi vt. bring to the boil, then pour out the water.

titik vt. separate the whole (bokar ) from the broken (ikis ) grains (of rice).

tukir vt. cook in a length of bamboo on the fire.

tunu vt. bake, roast.

kari ai funan vp. place or scatter flowers on a grave (or at a place symbolically near where someone died, eg. at
the seashore for those who died at sea).

ai funan midar n. ceremony 14 days after a funeral.

ai funan moruk n. ceremony seven days after a funeral.
ai kabelak walu n. coffin ('eight planks').
baa aldeia la fila v. die.
anju oan n. child who has died in infancy. Such children are thought to be sinless.
baa bairu la fila v. die.
destinu n. destiny.
fila fali 1 • v. return.
2 • v. again; back (to origin).
3 • vi. die (particularly of children to about 14 years).
4 • vt. turn, stir-fry (food).
hakoi vt. bury.

halerik v.
1 • sigh; groan; complain.
2 • wail over a dead body. For some speakers, this involves singing recounting the life of the deceased.
hamulak v. pray (to spirits etc, in animist religion).
iis kotu body. die, breathe one's last.
kaixaun n. coffin.
sae kareta metan vp. die (get in a hearse).
lakon 1 • vi. disappear, be lost, be missing; be defeated.
2 • vt. lose permanently; fail (an exam).
lelir v. wail over a dead body. For some speakers, this involves singing recounting the life of the deceased.

lia mate n. funeral and all ceremonies associated with a death.

lutu 2 1 • n. black clothes or cloth worn during mourning.
2 • vi. wear black as a sign of mourning.
Maromak bolu... God called ...
mate 1 vi. die, dead; be out (fire, player...); out of order, doesn't work; off.

mate iha kabu laran stillborn.

mate liu die (as opposed to just faint).
mate mohu all die, die out, become extinct.
mate 2 n. corpse, dead body.
fanu mate men and women sing in turns during a wake before a funeral.
foo hariis mate bathe a corpse.
hadeer mate
vi. keep an all-night vigil before a funeral.
hakoi mate bury a dead person.
hein mate keep vigil around a dead body.
mate 3 n. death.

mate hamlaha vi. starve to death.

mate isin n. corpse (of human).
mate klamar n. ghost.
mate mean vi. die an untimely death, die suddenly and prematurely.
mate ruin n. 1 • skeleton.
2 • skin and bones, terribly skinny.
matebian n.
1 • spirits of the long-dead.
2 • the late; the deceased.
matebian n.
1 • spirits of the long-dead.
2 • the late; the deceased.
matebian sae the spirit of a dead person speaks through a living person.
maten 1 n. corpse (of animal that died without being slaughtered).

mina sarani n. holy oil.

despede mundu vp. depart this earth (i.e. die).
oho vt. kill (animals, people), murder.

oho-an vt. suicide, commit suicide.

oho mate kill (successfully, such that the victim dies).
raan fakar body. 1 • bloodshed.
2 • haemorrhage, bleed, heavy bleeding.
rate n. grave, tomb; cemetery, graveyard.

hada rate set up a tombstone.

restus mortais n. mortal remains.
saudozu/a adj. the late respected (hero of the cause).
semitériu n. cemetery, graveyard.
soe-an ba mate commit suicide.
tanis halerik wail over a dead body. For some speakers, this involves singing recounting the life of the
tanis lelir wail over a dead body. For some speakers, this involves singing recounting the life of the deceased.
hasai (ema) nia vida vp. take (someone's) life, kill.

AIDS abbrev. AIDS.

anémia n. anaemia.
anémiku adj. anaemic.
apendisite n. appendicitis.
azma n. asthma.

bibi maten n. epilepsy, epileptic fit, convulsion.

bronkite n. bronchitis.
dengi n. dengue fever.

diabete n. diabetes.
epatite n. hepatitis.
epilepsia n. epilepsy.
GO n abbrev. gonorrhea.

gripe n. flu, influenza.

gripe lao there is a flu epidemic on.

infesaun n. infection.
kakorok boot body. goitre.
kanker n. cancer.
kankru n. cancer.
lepra n. leprosy.

lombriga n. 1 • (intestinal) worm.

2 • earthworm.
malária n. malaria.
malária krús ida single cross malaria (less severe form).
malária krús rua more severe form of malaria.
malária krús tolu most severe form of malaria.
matan mutin body. cataract.
mii midar diabetes.
moras 1 • vi. sick, ill, sore, hurt.
2 • n. ailment, sickness, illness, disease; pain.
3 • n. patient.
pólio n. polio, poliomyelitis.

sarampu n. measles.
SIDA abbrev. AIDS.

strok stroke (medical condition).

TBC n. tuberculosis, TB.

tétanu n. tetanus.
tifu n. typhoid.
tuberkuloze n. tuberculosis, TB.

ákua n. bottled water.

bee manas n. 1 • hot water; drink.

2 • hot spring.
bee matak n. unboiled water.
bee tasak n. boiled water.
jus n. juice.

nuu been n. coconut water.

serveja n. beer.
susu been n. milk.
tua n. 1 • palm wine, wine.
2 • alcohol (any alcoholic drink).
tua manas n. distilled palm wine (strongly alcoholic), spirits.
tua mutin n. 1 • palm wine (sweet, very lightly alcoholic).
2 • gewang palm.
tua sabu n. strongly alcoholic distilled palm wine.
vinyu n. (grape) wine.

vinyu branku n. white wine.

wiski n. whisky.
xampanya n. champagne.

aloka vt. allocate.

alokasaun n. allocation.
aluga vt. rent, hire (from someone).


auditoria n. audit.
baku ... ba dolar v. convert ... to dollars.
balansu n. balance.
banku 2 n. bank (financial institution).

baratu adj. cheap, inexpensive.

baratu liu cheaper; very cheap.
mak baratu liu cheapest.
basar n. market (the activity, or market day; not an officially designated place).

bazaar n. market (the activity, or market day; not an officially designated place).
beik liu stupider; ridiculous.
bendahara n. treasurer.
benefísiu n. benefit.
hetan benefísiu vi. benefit.
foo benefísiu vt. benefit.
bisnis n. business.
bolsu mahar n. rich, have deep pockets.
bonus n. bonus.

cek n. cheque.

depózitu n. deposit.
deskontu n. discount.
despeza n. expenditure, expense.
deve vt. buy on credit; owe, be in debt for/to.

hetan diak vp. benefit.

doadór n. donor.
dolar 2 n. dollar.

dolar Amérika n. American dollar.

dolar Amerikanu n. American dollar.
dolar Austrália n. Australian dollar.
dolar Australianu n. Australian dollar.
ekonomia n. economy, economics.
ekonómiku/a adj. economic.
empresta vt. borrow, rent (inexpensive items such as videos).
emprezáriu/a n. businessperson, businessman, businesswoman.
eskudu n. escudo (currency used during Portuguese rule).
esplorasaun n.
1 • exploration.
2 • exploitation.
halo esplorasaun vp. exploit.
esporta vt. export.
ezmola n. 1 • alms.
2 • offering.
husu ezmola vp. beg.
faan vt. sell, betray for money.

faan rahun retail, sell in small quantities.

faan tomak sell wholesale, sell in bulk.
finansas n. finance.
folin n. cost, value, price, worth.

hatuun folin vp. discount, lower the price.

folin aas high-priced, expensive, dear.
foo aluga vt-ba. rent out, hire out.
foo empresta vt. lend, lend out, loan.
funan n. interest (payment).

selu ho funan vp. pay with interest.

gasta vt. spend a lot (esp. spend too much, waste), pass (time).

gastu n. expenditure, expense.

gratis adj. free (of charge).

gratuitu/a adj. free (of charge).
hariku vt. enrich.
importa vt. import.

impostu n. tax.
investe vt. invest.
investidór n. investor.
investimentu n. investment.
halo investimentu vp. invest.
investór n. investor.
kantina n. canteen.
karun 1 adj. expensive, dear, high-priced.

kiak 1 • adj. poor.

2 • n. poverty.
kiak 1 • adj. poor.
2 • n. poverty.
kiak (too) rabat rai destitute, dirt-poor.
kios n. stall, kiosk which sells a small range of everyday goods.

kios nain n. kiosk owner.

kofre n. money box.

selu ema nia kolen vp. pay for a person's labour.

komersiál adj. commercial.
komérsiu n. business.
kompanyia n. (military/police/business) company, firm.
kompensasaun n. compensation.
kompras vt. shopping.
halo kompras go shopping.
konsumidór/a n. consumer.
konta n. account.

konta bankária n. bank account.

kontratu 1 • n. contract.
2 • v. bargain over a price; trade, buy and sell.
asina kontratu sign a contract.
foo kontratu award a contract.
buka kontratu act as middleman, buy and sell.
halo kontratu a • bargain, agree on a price.
b • trade, buy and sell.
kredit vt. borrow (from a bank, cooperative); buy on credit.
kréditu n. credit.
halo kréditu vp. receive credit.
kuarter n. quarter (25 cents).
kuda 1 vt. plant (e.g. seeds in holes using a dibble-stick, or plant cuttings), sow, grow (plants); transplant
(seedlings); invest (money).
kwitansi n. receipt (slip).
fila liman vp. conduct small business for oneself (e.g. run a small kiosk, sell vegetables).
tane liman hold out one's hands palm-up; depend on handouts, dependent, rely on others to supply one's needs.
loja n. shop, store.

loja nain n. shopkeeper.

mákina ATM n. ATM machine.
merkadu n. market (an officially designated market place; a market for goods).
merkadu livre n. free market.
Ministériu Ekonomia i Dezenvolvimentu n. Ministry of Economy and Development.
Ministériu Finansas n. Ministry of Finance.
modal n. capital (financial).

moeda n. coin; currency.

montante n. amount (esp. of money).

buka moris try to stay alive, seek to earn a living.
moris diak well-off.
moris susar live in hardship, poverty.
negósiu n. business.
halo negósiu conduct business, deal in.
nota 2 n. memo; receipt.

orsamentu n. budget.
osan n. money.

osan barak lots of money.

osan boot lots of money.
deve osan borrow money.
kiak osan cash-poor, cash-strapped.
kuda osan invest money.
manaan osan vp. earn money.
troka osan change money.
Osan la liu hau nia isin. saying. Life is worth more than money.
Osan laos monu hanesan ai tahan! saying. Money doesn't grow on trees!
Osan nee la kuu deit! saying. This money wasn't just there for the picking!
Osan nee laos monu hosi lalehan! saying. This money didn't just fall from heaven!
Kilat tiru la tama/borus, maibee foo osan borus liu. saying. Guns won't turn people, but
giving money will.
osan besi n. coin.
osan eskola n. school fees.
osan inan n. (financial) capital.
osan rahun n. small change (especially coins).
osan sai n. 1 • expenditure, expense.
2 • money goes out.
osan tahan n. banknote, paper money, bill (US).
osan tama n. 1 • income.
2 • money comes in.
pagamentu n. payment.
pinoor 1 • n. item (such as jewellery) which is given to a pawnbroker or private lender in exchange for a loan; it
is redeemed by paying back the money (with interest, in the case of a pawnbroker).
2 • vt. pawn.
pobreza n. poverty.
poupa vt. save (for the future).

presu n. price, cost.

halo promosaun promote, advertise, publicise.

propinas n. school fees.
rekening n. bank account.
rendimentu n. income.
resibu n. receipt (slip).
riku 1 • adj. rich, wealthy.
2 • n. wealth, riches.
riku 1 • adj. rich, wealthy.
2 • n. wealth, riches.
Ema nebee riku, riku ba beibeik. Ema nebee kiak, kiak rabat rai / kiak ba
beibeik. saying. The rich get richer, and the poor are dirt-poor / get poorer.
riku-soin n. wealth, riches.
rupia n. rupee (Indonesian unit of currency).
saláriu n. salary, wages, pay.
kontratu sasaan vp. trade.
saugati 1 • adj. free (of charge).
2 • adj adv. useless, in vain, wasteful.
foo saugati deit give for no return, give for free.
ho saugati for free.
selu 1 vt. pay, pay for.

la selu free (of charge); don't pay.

selu kotu pay off, settle a debt.
sén n. cent.

sentavu n. cent (for Timorese coins).

sentimu n. cent.

setór privadu n. private sector.

sindikatu n. trade union.
sosi vt. go shares in, be joint partners, each put in money to buy something together.

subsídiu n. financial support, welfare payment, pension, dole.

swasta n. private sector.
taxa n. rate, ratio; tax.

tender n. tender.
foo tender award a tender.
hetan tender win a tender.
manaan tender win a tender.
tezoureiru/a n. treasurer.
tezu adj. broke, skint, penniless, hard up.

transfer vt. transfer (money).

tusan n. debt, loan.

valór n. value; mark, grade, score (in exam).

vendedór n. seller, pedlar.

vensimentu n. salary.
vida moris n. cost of living.
volta vt. give change (from money).

xeke n. cheque.
(--) n. osan aluga .

(--) 1 • vt. iha para faan .

2 • n. sasaan nebee loja iha para faan .
3 • n. karau , bibi , fahi .

akaba vt. 1 • graduate (from school or university).

2 • finish.
foo alfabetizasaun vp. teach literacy.
analfabetizmu n. illiteracy.
analfabetu adj. illiterate.
aprende vt. learn.
aula n. lesson, lecture.

baxarelatu n. bachelor's degree (3 years).

biblioteka n. library.
bolsa estudu n. scholarship.
dekanu n. dean (of university faculty).
departementu n. department.
diploma n. diploma.
diretór/-ora eskola n. school principal, headmaster, headmistress.
disiplina n. 1 • discipline.
2 • subject (at school).
ditadu n. dictation.
doutoradu n. PhD, doctorate.
doutoramentu n. PhD, doctorate.
eduka vt. educate, train, rear, bring up.

edukasaun n. education.
ensinu n. education, level of education; teaching, tuition.
ensinu báziku n. basic education (the first nine years of compulsory schooling).
ensinu sekundáriu n. secondary education.
ensinu superiór n. tertiary education, higher education.
eskola 1 • n. school.
2 • v. go to school, be educated.
falta eskola vp. absent from school, wag school.
eskolár adj. school-.
estájiu n. traineeship, prac work, practical training.
estájiu servisu sosiál n. obligatory social action internship for university students.
estuda v. study.
estudu n. study.
halao estudu vp. carry out a study.
ezame 1 • n. examination, exam, test.
2 • vi. sit an examination, do an exam.
foo ezame vp. examine, give an examination (school).
tuir ezame vp. sit an examination, do an exam.
ezame nasionál n. nation-wide final exam for core academic subjects at the end of junior high school and
senior high school (formerly also at the end of primary school).
ezersíziu n. exercise.
fakuldade n. (university) faculty.
formasaun n. training (given to many people over an extended period of time).
foo formasaun ba... vp. train.
graduasaun n. graduation.
hanorin 1 • vt vcomp. teach, instruct, lecture, train, educate; discipline.
2 • n. teaching, doctrine.
hasai vt. 1 • take out, remove, extract, cast out; dismiss, sack (someone from a job), release (e.g. from prison),
take (photo); minus; take off (e.g. hat).
2 • graduate from.
inspetoria n. inspectorate.
jurusan n. 1 • field of study, (academic) department.
2 • direction.
kadi kakutak a • vp. train your mind.
b • vp. interschool quiz competitoin.
kampus n. campus.
hasae/aumenta kapasidade vp. build capacity, do capacity-building.
kelás n. class, grade, year (of school).

KKN 2 n. obligatory social action internship for university students.

klase n. 1 • class, grade, year (of school).

2 • class, category.
kuis n. quiz.

kuríkulu n. curriculum.
kursu n. course.

hatene lee ho hakerek literate.

lee la hatene, hakerek la hatene illiterate.
lian ensinu n. language of instruction.
lisaun n. lesson.
lisensiatura n. bachelor's degree (four years).
liu 1 vti. past; go past, go by, pass; exceed, surpass.
2 • prep. after.
matríkula n. enrolment, registration.
mestradu n. master's degree.
nilai n. mark, grade, score (in exam).

notas n. mark, grade, score (in exam); result.

osan eskola n. school fees.

pedagojia n. pedagogy.
peskiza n. research.
peskizadór/a n. researcher.
preprimária n. preschool.
primáriu/a primary.
propinas n. school fees.
rekreiu n. morning and afternoon tea break at school.
rezultadu n. result; mark, grade (in exam); score; yield.
sekundáriu/a secondary (school).
semester n. semester.
semestre n. semester.
senadu n. senate.
sertifikadu n. certificate.
servisu uma n. homework.
siklu n. cycle (e.g. the three cycles of ensinu báziku 'basic education').

hatene surat literate.

la hatene surat illiterate.
S1 n. bachelor's degree (four years).

S2 n. master's degree.

S3 n. PhD.

teze n. thesis (book).

trabalyu da kaza n. homework.

treinamentu n. training.
foo treinamentu train.
halo treinamentu train.
tuir treinamentu vp. attend training, be trained.
treinu n. training, practice.
treinu iha servisu fatin on-the-job training.
foo treinu vp. train.
tuir treinu vp. attend training, be trained.
trimestre n. quarter, three months, trimester; (school) term.
valór n. value; mark, grade, score (in exam).

vistu 1 n. tick (sign of correctness).

xís n. the letter X; cross (as a symbol of being incorrect).

alunu/a n. pupil, student (especially school).

dosenti n. lecturer.
edukadór(a) n. educator, teacher, lecturer.
eskola oan n. school student (especially primary school).
eskolante n.
1 • disciple.
2 • student, pupil.
estudante n. student (especially university).
finalista n. finalist; person who has finished all the coursework for a degree but has not yet graduated.
graduadu 1 • n. graduate (person receiving a degree at a ceremony).
2 • adj. graduated.
mestri/a n. (male/female) teacher, lecturer, tutor, instructor.
Ministériu Edukasaun n. Ministry of Education.
profesór(a) n. teacher, lecturer.
reitór n. university head, vice-chancellor (BRIT).

agrikultura n. agriculture.
agronomia n. agronomy.
alfabetizasaun n. literacy (training).
antropolojia n. anthropology.
arte n. art.

astronomia n. astronomy.
biokímika n. biochemistry.
biolojia n. biology.
direitus umanus n. human rights.
doutrina n. doctrine, teaching (religious, political).
edukasaun sívika n. civic education.
ekolojia n. ecology.
ekonomia n. economy, economics.
eletrónika n. electronics.
enjenyaria n. engineering.
enjenyaria sivíl n. civil engineering.
estatístika n. statistics.
filozofia n. philosophy.
fízika n. physics.
informátika n. information technology, IT, computer science.
Inglés adj. English.
istória n. story, tale, account; history.
jeografia n. geography.
jeolojia n. geology.
kímika n. chemistry.
komérsiu n. business.
letras n. humanities, arts.
Malaiu n. Malay.
matemátika n. mathematics.
medisina n. (study of) medicine.
mekánika n. mechanics.
mikrobiolojia n. microbiology.
múzika n. music; song.
pedagojia n. pedagogy.
Portugés/Portugeza adj np. Portuguese.
psikolojia n. psychology.
relasaun internasionál n. international relations.
relijiaun n. religion.
siénsia n. science.
siénsia polítika n. political science.
siénsias naturais n. natural sciences.
siénsias sosiais n. social sciences.
sosiolojia n. sociology.
teknolojia n. technology.
teolojia n. theology.
trabalyus manuais n. manual arts.

admira vt. astonished at, amazed at, astounded by.

amór n. love.

baruk adj. feel lazy, bored, listless, can't be bothered, demotivated, apathetic.

baruk ho ... vi. fed up with, sick of.

bilaan adj. bewildered, look vacant.
bingun adj. confused, bewildered, perplexed.
domin n. love.

esperansa lakon sv. hopeless.

lakon esperansa vp. lose hope, discouraged.
estima adj. cherish, show affection.
fuan kii body. scared, nervous.
fuan moras body. 1 • heart disease, cardiac failure.
2 • distressed, upset, grieving.
fuan tuk-tuku body. nervous, 'have butterflies'.
gosta vt v-atu. like, enjoy.

hadomi 1 • vt. love, pity, feel sorry for.

2 • n. love.
hakarak 1 • vt v-atu. want, desire to, long to, wish.
2 • n. desire, will.
hakfodak vi. startled, surprised, shocked.
hakfodak loos stunned.
haksolok vi. joyful, rejoice, glad, happy.
hanoin 1 • vcomp. think, remember, suppose, be of the opinion that.
2 • vt. pity, miss (someone), feel sorry for (someone), keep in mind, think of.
3 • n. thought, opinion, idea, view.
hanoin barak worry, worried; stressed.
hirus 1 • vti. angry (at), cross, mad.
2 • n. anger.
hirus 1 • vti. angry (at), cross, mad.
2 • n. anger.
hirus la diak furious.
la importa don't care.
isin katar body. 1 • itchy.
2 • itching, keen (to do something).
tauk kakorok fear for one's neck.
kii adj. 1 • sting, smart.
2 • anxious.
konfundi vi. confused.
kontenti vi. happy, content, contented, pleased.
ksolok n. joy, happiness, contentment.
laran dodok body. distressed.
laran hakmatek body. feel calm, feel at peace.
laran haksolok body. joyful, rejoice, glad, happy.
laran kii body. anxious, have a premonition that something bad may have happened to a loved one.
laran kontenti body. happy, content, contented, pleased.
laran la metin body. feel uneasy, anxious, apprehensive.
laran malirin body. temper has cooled.
laran manas body. 1 • fit of anger.
2 • inside feels hot.
3 • enthusiastic.
laran moras 1 • vi. sad, upset.
2 • vt v-ba. jealous, envious of.
laran susar body.
1 • distressed, very sad, upset, grieving.
2 • worried, anxious.
laran taridu body. very sad, distressed.
laran todan body.
1 • feel uneasy, have a bad feeling about (doing something), trepidation, misgivings, apprehensive.
2 • grudging.
laran tristi body. sad.
liman katar body. itching, keen (to do something).
matan monu body. fall for, fall in love with.
moe 1 • adj. shy, embarrassed, ashamed.
2 • n. shame.
moe 1 • adj. shy, embarrassed, ashamed.
2 • n. shame.
moe boot very embarrassing, a great shame.
muroon adj. listless, sit unmoving with head down (like a sick chicken).
nervozu adj. irritated, annoyed.
nervus adj vt. angry.
nisik vi. furious, "I've had it up to here!" (pointing at throat).

odi vt. hate, seek revenge.

rai odi quietly seek revenge.

ódiu n. hatred, revenge.

panik v. panic.

preokupasaun n. concern, worry.

raan nakali body. furious.
satiadu irritated, annoyed.
senti vt v-atu. feel; sense; think, suspect.

senti-an embarrased, self-conscious.

sentimentu n. feeling.
stres adj. stressed.

taridu adj. very sad, distressed.

tauk vti. afraid, scared, fear.

tauk atu mate scared to death, terrified.

senti todan feel weighed down, overwhelmed.
tristi adj. sad.
ulun fatuk moras body. 1 • have a headache.
2 • sick and tired (of something), have had enough.
... halo hau ulun fatuk moras sick and tired of.
ulun malirin body. cool-headed.
halo ... ulun moras. make me pull my hair out!, stresses me out.
vingansa n. vengeance, revenge.

aluga vt. rent, hire (from someone).

distribui vt. distribute, hand out.

distribuisaun n. distribution (esp. of handouts).
empresta vt. borrow, rent (inexpensive items such as videos).
entrega vt. deliver, hand over, hand in, submit.
fahe vt. distribute, hand out; deal (cards), share; separate, divide.

foo 1 • vt. give, provide, award.

2 • v-atu. allow, permit, let.
foo fali / foo fila vt. give back, return.
foo tutan pass on.
foo aluga vt-ba. rent out, hire out.
foo empresta vt. lend, lend out, loan.
haraik vt-ba. 1 • lower.
2 • give, bestow (if giver is God).
haruka vt v-atu. tell, command, order (someone to do something); send (someone or something).
hatoo vt. deliver, pass on (message, greetings, information), express (an opinion).

lolo vt. hand, pass (something to someone, with outstretched arm).

oferese vt. offer, dedicate.

pasa 1 vt. pass (something to someone, a ball, a test); spend (time).

selu 1 vt. pay, pay for.

simu vt. receive; accept, catch (something being thrown); respond; answer (the telephone), reply.
sosa vt. buy, purchase.

bilaan adj. bewildered, look vacant.

tuur bilaan v. vacant.
hahaek vi. laugh loudly all together (traditionally hahae! , mainly by women).
hamnasa vt. laugh, laugh at, smile.
tuku hirus matan vp. beat one's breast (done as sign of repentance in the Catholic liturgy, or by young men
when strutting).
dada iis vp. breathe in, draw breath; sigh, complain.
tafui kabeen ba (ema) spit at (someone).
hatudu liman fuan kiik ba (ema) hold the little finger against the end of the thumb, then flick it out, to
show that you consider someone to be worthless.
hatudu liman fuan klaran ba (ema) hold up the middle finger, as abuse ("Up yours!")
baku matan make a sign with the eyes (raising eyebrows, winking or briefly nodding head sideways and back).
lees matan ba (ema) pull down the skin under both eyes.
piska matan vp. wink.
matan fuan lakan body. 1 • stare.
2 • eyes light up (at seeing something one desires).
haree/fihir/hateke ho matan ikun look out of the sides of one's eyes.
hatudu ita nia nehan ba... smile.
ruun nehan vp. grind one's teeth.
haraik oin vp. lower one's face (as sign of respect).
halo (nia) oin aat frown, scowl, grimace, pull a face.
oin boot body. scowl.
hatudu oin boot scowl.
oin buis body. look stern.
halo oin buis deliberately look stern.
oin hamnasa body. smile.
oin mean body. blush, flush, go red in the face.
oin midar body. smile.
oin moris body. 1 • flirt, flirtatious, on the lookout for the other sex, on the prowl.
2 • vigilant, alert.
oin namkurut body. wrinkled, have a wrinkled face; scowl.
halo (nia) oin namkurut scowl, frown.
oin suar body. scowl.
halo oin suar scowl.
oin toos body. look stern.
oin triste body. look sad.

baleia n. whale.
boek n. prawn, shrimp.

ikan n. fish.

ikan lele n. catfish.

ikan lumba-lumba See main entry: lumba-lumba . dolphin, porpoise.
ikan oan n. fingerling.
ikan paus n. whale.
ikan sardinya n. sardine. See main entry: sardinya .
kadiuk n. crab.
kurita n. octopus.
lagosta n. lobster.
lumba-lumba n. dolphin, porpoise.
ramiis n. bivalve, mussle, clam.
sardinya n. sardine.
sipu n. shellfish.

suntu n. squid.
tuna n. eel.

arame n. wire, (single-pronged) fishing spear.

dai n. cast-net (for fishing).

iska n. bait.

kail 1 • n. fish hook; fishing line and hook.

2 • vt. fish with a line.
kail isin n. fish hook.
kail talin n. fishing line.
nere n. scoop net, hand net (for fishing).

peskadór n. (commercial) fisherman.

redi n. net, netting; network (of people, phone network).
tiha door n. fisherman/fisherwoman.

soe dai vp. cast a net.

tiha dai vp. cast a net.
hakail vt. fish with a line.
hakail ikan vp. fish with a line.
kail ikan vp. fish with a line.
soe kail talin vp. cast a fishing line.
hatuun redi vp. lower a drag-net.
suru vt. scoop, ladle, dish up, dig up (ground); fish using scoop-net, shovel.
tiha 2 vt. fish with a net.

abokate n. avocado.
abrunyus n. plum.
agriaun n. watercress.
aguasál n. thin meat or fish soup.
ai ata n. custard apple.
ai ata boot n. soursop.
ai ata kiik n. custard apple.
ai ata malae n. soursop.
ai ata nona n. custard apple.
ai dila n. pawpaw, papaya.
ai dila funan n. papaya flower, pawpaw flower.
ai dila tahan n. papaya leaf, pawpaw leaf.
ai farina n. cassava, tapioca.
ai farina boraixa n. kind of large cassava, often planted as a 'living fence' around gardens; it can be eaten if
one is hungry.
ai farina tahan n. cassava leaf.
ai farina uut n. cassava flour.
ai fuan fruit.
ai haan n. food.
ai kanela n. cinnamon.
ai lia n. ginger.
ai manas n. chilli.
ai manas ai leten n. kind of red chilli, usually sold dried and used in sasoro rice porridge.
ai manas boot n. capsicum.
ai nanás n. 1 • pineapple.
2 • grenade.
akar n. sago.

alfase n. lettuce.
arós fugadu n. red-coloured rice dish served at parties.
azeiti n. olive oil.
babol n. bubblegum.

bakso n. meatball soup.

balixaun n. prawn paste.
bani been n. honey.
baria n. bitter gourd.

batar n. maize, corn.

batar daan n. traditional dish of boiled corn.

batar funan n. 1 • popcorn.
2 • maize flower.
batar ikis n. corn meal (corn ground to about the size of rice grains).
batar tuku n. pounded corn.
batar uut n. cornflour (finely ground maize).
baunilya n. vanilla.
bayaun n. Chinese spinach.
belimbi n. kind of very sour yellow fruit.
bifi n. dish of beef and potato chips.

Bimoli n. palm oil for cooking.

biskuit n. biscuit.
bolinyus n. sweet biscuit-balls.
bolu 2 n. cake (without icing).

brinjela n. eggplant, aubergine.

budu 1 • n. pickle.
2 • vt. pickle.
3 • vt. store (fruit) to ripen it.
budu tasi n. edible bifurcating seaweed.
bukae n. provisions (food and drink for a journey).

bumbu n. spices, seasoning.

capcai n. stir-fry, stir-fried vegetables.

cenke n. cloves.

derok n. lemon, lime.

derok been n. lemon juice, lime juice.

derok masin n. lime (citrus).
donat n. doughnut, donut (US).

dosi n. cake, biscuit.

durian n. durian.
duut morin n. lemon grass.
ervilya n. pea, snow pea, sugar pea.
ervilya musan n. pea.
és n. (flavoured) ice block, ice lollipop, popsicle.

és campur n. ice mixed with fruits and syrup.

eskrim n. ice cream.
espageti n. spaghetti.
etu n. cooked rice.

etu fuga n. simple fried rice eaten for breakfast.

etu sona n. simple fried rice eaten for breakfast.
fanili n. vanilla.
fehuk n. potato.

fehuk midar n. sweet potato.

fehuk ropa n. (Irish) potato.
fermentu n. yeast.
foos n. uncooked husked rice.

foos ikis n. small pieces of broken rice grains.

forai n. peanut.

fore n. bean.

fore dikin n. bean plant tips.

fore keli n. soya bean.
fore mungu n. mung beans.
fore mungu moris n. bean sprouts.
fore sikote n. snake bean, long bean (very long type of bean, about 50cm long).
fore talin n. snake bean, long bean (but shorter than fore xikote ).
gado-gado n. dish of vegetables or salad with peanut sauce.
goiabas n. guava.
haas n. mango.

hahaan n. food, (animal) feed.

hudi n. banana.

hudi dubun n. banana bud (commonly eaten as a vegetable).

ikan n. fish.
ikan maran n. dried fish.
ikis n. meal (finely pounded grain), broken grain.

jambu air n. rose apple, water apple (kind of fruit).

jambua n. pomelo (large thick-skinned citrus).
jelatina n. gelatine, jelly (BRIT), jello (US).
jelu n. 1 • ice.
2 • snow.
jelu fatuk n. ice cube, block of ice.
kabura n. edible fern that grows by the side of the river.
kadaka 1 • n. pancake.
2 • vt. cook pancake.
kafé 1 n. coffee.

kafé musan n. coffee bean.

kafé rahun n. coffee powder.
kafé teen n. coffee dregs.

kafé uut n. coffee powder.

kaijú n. cashew.

kaijú musan n. cashew nut.

kaldeirada n. stew made of meat on the bone (often lamb) and potato.
kaldu n. broth of over-boiled rice with meat (usually chicken).

kanko n. water spinach, swamp cabbage (kind of green leafy vegetable grown in water).

kanudu n. cone of pastry filled with minced meat.

katupa n. rice cooked in small woven palm-leaf container.
keiju n. cheese.

kék n. iced cake; wedding cake.

kinur 1 n. turmeric.

kobi n. kind of cabbage.

koemanko n. cup-cake.
koerambu n. sweet fried snack made from flour and shaped like a triangle of fine strands.
kontas n. arrowroot.
koranti n. (food) colouring.
koto n. bean.

koto mean n. red bean.

koto moruk n. wild poisonous lima bean.
koto nurak n. climbing French bean.
koto tisi n. cooked koto moruk .
kulat n. mushroom, toadstool.

kulu n. breadfruit, jackfruit.

kulu jaka n. jackfruit.

kulu modo n. kind of breadfruit (commonly cooked as a vegetable).
kulu tunu n. kind of breadfruit (often eaten baked).
kumbili n. yam.
kuzidu n. dish of fish and vegetables with dressing.
lakeru n. pumpkin.
lakeru funan n. pumpkin vine flowers.
lakeru japonés n. choko.
lakeru mutin n. choko.
lakeru xina n. choko.
lataria n. canned food.
lena n. sesame.

liis n. garlic, onion.

liis asu n. (white) garlic.

liis bombai n. large yellow onion.
liis boot n. large yellow onion.
liis mean n. red onion, spring onion, shallot.
liis mutin n. (white) garlic.
maek 1 • n. elephant foot yam.
2 • adj. attention-seeking (of girls).
maek fuik n. wild kind of elephant foot yam, which is very itchy.
maek maus n. kind of elephant foot yam which is not itchy.
makaraun n. macaroni.
manteiga n. butter.
mantolun n. (chicken) egg.
manu kelen n. drumstick (chicken thigh).
marakujá n. passionfruit.
margarina n. margarine.
marmelada n. jam, marmalade.
marotok n. stew of traditional vegetables and leaves all boiled together in a single pot.
marungi n. moringa (small edible leaves).
masaan n. apple.
masin n. salt.

masin midar n. sugar.

masin moruk n. salt.
micin n. MSG, monosodium glutamate.

midar-siin adj. sweet and sour.

mina 1 • n. oil; fuel.
2 • adj. oily.
mina azeiti n. olive oil.
mina fahi n. lard.
mina nuu n. coconut oil.
modo n.
1 • vegetables; any cooked dish eaten with rice.
2 • meat.
modo masin n. salted preserved mustard greens.
modo metan n. mustard greens (kind of vegetable with large green leaves).
modo mutin n. bok choy, Chinese cabbage.
modo tahan n. leafy vegetables.
molyu n. gravy, salad dressing, sauce.

mostarda n. Chinese mustard greens.

mostarda metan n. mustard greens (kind of vegetable with large green leaves).
naan 1 n. meat, flesh.

naan been n. gravy.

naan bibi n. goat meat, mutton.
naan fahi n. pork.
naan karau n. beef.
naan manu n. chicken (meat).
naan maran n. dried meat, jerky; fried meat tidbits.
naan rahun n. minced meat.
naan teen n. intestines eaten as meat.
naan tunu n. roast, roast meat.
nasi bungkus n. take-away rice.
nasi goreng n. (Indonesian) fried rice.
nuu n. coconut.

ortelaun n. mint.
pastes n. samosa.
pateka n. watermelon.
patisku n. snack (of meat) eaten with palm-wine.
patola n. angled gourd, luffa (variety of pod-bearing vine similar to ochra).
paun n. bread.

paun kaixoti n. square buns baked joined together.

paun kukus n. steamed filled bun.
paun midar n. sweet bun.
paun rahun n. breadcrumb.
paun ulun n. yeast.
pepinu n. cucumber.
pimenta n. pepper.
pisang goreng n. banana fritter.
puding n. pudding.
rebusadu n. lolly, sweets, candy (US).
rendang n. an Indonesian dish of meat simmered in coconut milk and spices.
repolyu n. cabbage.
repolyu funan n. cauliflower.
Royal n. baking powder.

ruku n. basil.

rumaun n. pomegranate.
RW n. a dog-meat dish (now also made on pork).

sabraka n. orange (citrus).

salada n. salad.
salak 1 n. Zalacca (palm and fruit).

salsa n. celery; parsley.

saramalé n. Malay gooseberry (small sour fruit).
sasate n. satay (grilled meat on a skewer served with sauce).
sasoro n. rice gruel.
sate n. satay (grilled meat on a skewer served with sauce).

saus n. sauce.

saus tomate n. tomato sauce.

sedok 1 • n. thick porridge.
2 • vt. cook as porridge.
senoura n. carrot.
serejas n. cherry; a small round red fruit like a cherry.
sinkumás n. yam bean.
sopa n. soup.

sorvete n. ice-cream.
sukaer n. tamarind.
sumu n. cordial (drink).

súpermi n. two-minute noodles, instant noodles.

sutate n. soy sauce, soya sauce.
sutate midar n. sweet soya sauce.
talas n. taro.

tanjerina n. mandarin, tangerine.

tempe n. tempeh.

temperus n. spices, seasoning.

tintu n. red wine (made from grapes).

tofu n. tofu (soybean curd).

toge n. bean sprouts.

tohu n. sugarcane.

tolun 1 • n. egg.
2 • vi. lay an egg.
tomate n. tomato.
tomate botir n. tomato sauce.
tora n. fox-tail millet.

trigu n. wheat flour, wheat.

tua siin n. vinegar.

tua teen 1 • drunkard, wino, boozer.
2 • n. palm wine froth, dregs.
3 • n. venereal disease (in men), gonorrhea.
tunis n. pigeon pea.

uvas n. grape.

xá n. tea.

xaumí n. noodles.
xokolati n. chocolate.

administradór/a n. administrator (especially within local government).

administradór/a distritu n. district administrator.
administradór/a subdistritu n. subdistrict administrator.
aldeia n. sub-village (unit of local government below suku ; including village(s) and the associated farmlands
and bushland).
Asembleia Konstituinte n. Constituent Assembly.
CPLP np. Conference of Portugese Speaking Nations.

departementu n. department.
deputadu/a n. member of parliament, parliamentarian.
diretór/-ora jerál n. director general, DG.
distritál adj. district-.
distritu n. (political/administrative) district.
Gabinete Prezidente n. Office of the President.
Gabinete Primeiru Ministru n. Office of the Prime Minister.
governadór/a n. governor.
governu n. government.
governu lokál n. local government.
KM abbrev. Council of Ministers.

konselyu ministru n. Council of Ministers, cabinet (in politics).

kordenadór/a subdistritu n. subdistrict head (head of a subdistritu ).
ministériu n. ministry.
Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál i Ordenamentu Teritóriu n. Ministry of State
Administration and Territorial Management.
Ministériu Agrikultura i Peskas n. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Ministériu Edukasaun n. Ministry of Education.
Ministériu Ekonomia i Dezenvolvimentu n. Ministry of Economy and Development.
Ministériu Finansas n. Ministry of Finance.
Ministériu Infraestruturas n. Ministry of Infrastructure.
Ministériu Justisa n. Ministry of Justice.
Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus n. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus i Kooperasaun n. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Ministériu Saúde n. Ministry of Health.
Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál n. Ministry of Social Solidarity.
Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu i Indústria n. Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry.
ministru/a n. minister (in government).
munisípiu n. municipality, shire.
nasaun n. nation, country.
nasionál adj. national.
Nasoens Unidas np. United Nations, the UN.
ONU abbrev. UN, United Nations.

parlamentu n. parliament.
parlamentu nasionál n. national parliament.
PM abbrev. PM, prime minister.

PN abbrev. National Parliament.

postu 2 n. subdistrict (governmental area within a distritu 'district').

PR abbrev. President of the Republic.

prezidenti n. president.
primeira dama n. First Lady.
primeiru ministru n. prime minister.
provínsia n. province (political region).
rejiaun n. region.
rejionál adj. regional.
Sekretáriu Estadu ba Konselyu Ministru n. Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers.
Sekretáriu Estadu Defeza n. Secretary of State for Defence.
Sekretáriu Estadu Formasaun Profisionál i Empregu n. Secretary of State for Vocational
Training and Employment.
Sekretáriu Estadu Juventude n. Secretary of State for Youth.
Sekretáriu Estadu Kultura n. Secretary of State for Culture.
Sekretáriu Estadu Obras Públikas n. Secretary of State for Public Works.
Sekretáriu Estadu Polítika Enerjétika n. Secretary of State for Energy Policy.
Sekretáriu Estadu Promosaun Igualdade n. Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality.
Sekretáriu Estadu Reforma Administrativa n. Secretary of State for Administrative Reform.
Sekretáriu Estadu Rekursus Naturais n. Secretary of State for Natural Resources.
Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa n. Secretary of State for Security.
Sekretáriu Estadu Seguransa Sosiál n. Secretary of State for Social Security.
sekretáriu/a estadu n. secretary of state.
sekretáriu/a jerál n. secretary-general.
senadu n. senate.
subdistritu n. subdistrict (governmental area within a distritu 'district').
suku 2 n. village (local government level below a subdistritu ; one suku consists of several aldeia ).

visi ministru n. deputy minister.

xefi aldeia n. sub-village (aldeia ) head.
xefi estadu n. head of state (the President).
xefi governu n. head of government (the prime minister).
xefi suku n. village (suku ) head.
zona n. subdistrict (governmental/administrative region).

ai tonka n. walking stick, cane, crutches.

alat n. tool, instrument, equipment, implement.

algodaun n. cotton wool.

ambulánsia n. ambulance.
basia n. basin, large bowl.

bomba 1 1 • n. pump (to pump air), bicycle pump.

2 • n. asthma inhaler.
3 • vt. pump up.
dasin n. scales, balance (for weighing).

daun n. needle.

ekipamentu n. equipment, gear.

eskutadór n. stethoscope.
hándiplas n. bandaid, sticking plaster.
instrumentu n. instrument; implement, tool.
jesu n. plaster cast; plaster of Paris.

kabas n. cotton; thread, yarn.

kadeira roda n. wheelchair.

kateri n. scissors, shears.
kondom n. condom.
lámina n. razor blade.
ligadura n. bandage.
maka 1 n. stretcher, bed for examination and treatment of patients.

máskara n. mask.
materiál n. equipment, materials (for building, education, etc.; not 'cloth').
moskiteiru n. mosquito net.
nehan falsu n. false teeth.
oklu n. glasses, spectacles; goggles.

pinsa n. tweezers.

pinset n. tweezers.
rai xís n. X-ray.
reseita n. recipe; prescription.
seringa n. syringe.
soru 2 n. (medical) drip, IV, infusion set (Med.)

tensoplás n. bandaid, sticking plaster.

termómetru n. thermometer.
tezoura n. scissors, shears.
tudik n. small sharp knife.

bee tasak n. boiled water.

biokímika n. biochemistry.
bulak adj. crazy, mad, insane.

daet vi. infect, spread (of disease).

bele daet contagious.

(moras) daet ba-mai contagious.
(moras) daet tuun-sae very contagious.
dosis n. dose, dosage.

emerjénsia n. emergency.
gráfiku n. graph; diagram, chart.
grave adj. serious, grave, severe.

kaduak n. twins.
kaduak (nain) tolu triplets.
kaduak (nain) haat quadruplets.
kaduak (nain) lima quintuplets.
kamaan adj. light (weight), not serious.
kazu n. case; affair.

knuuk foun body. pregnant for the first time.

kondisaun n. condition, state.
kura vt. cure, heal (illness).

hetan kura be healed.

liman tuuk stump of amputated arm; very short arm.
medisina n. (study of) medicine.
mentál n. self-confidence in public.
2 • adj. mental.
mikrobiolojia n. microbiology.
moris 1 • adj. live, alive; be born; come up, appear; on (of electricity); bright (colour); lively, active.
2 • n. life.
3 • n. birth.
mortalidade n. mortality.
normál adj. normal.
nutrisaun n. nutrition.
oan kaduak n. twins.
oan nain n. have children.
saudavel adj. healthy (e.g. environment).
saúde n. health.

seksuál adj. sexual.

sintoma n. symptom.
status n. status.
tabela n. table (of data).
tasak adj. ripe (of fruit); mature; cooked (of food); boiled (of water), productive (of a cough), black and blue
(bruised) all over.
temperatura n. temperature.
vida n. life (of humans, animals).

dentista n. dentist.
doutór espesialista n. specialist doctor.
doutór nehan n. dentist.
doutór(a) n title. (medical) doctor, physician; doctor (holder of PhD); title for graduates who have senior
ema moras n. sick person, patient.
enfermeiru/a n. nurse.
espesialista n. specialist.
klienti n. client, customer, patient.
matan-dook n. witchdoctor, traditional healer.
Ministériu Saúde n. Ministry of Health.
moras 1 • vi. sick, ill, sore, hurt.
2 • n. ailment, sickness, illness, disease; pain.
3 • n. patient.
parteira n. midwife.
pasiente n. patient (medical).
serventi n. waiter, waitress, hospital aid.
tékniku/a 1 • adj. technical.
2 • n. technician.

banku de sangi n. blood bank.

enfermaria n. (hospital) ward.
farmásia n. pharmacy, chemist's shop; drug supply room, dispensary.
ICU n. intensive care unit, ICU.

klínika n. clinic.
klínika movel n. mobile clinic.
ospitál n. hospital.
ospitál nasionál n. national hospital.
ospitál referál n. referral hospital.
sala operasaun n. operating theatre.

hemu aimoruk vp. take medicine (by mouth).

kose aimoruk ba isin vp. rub ointment onto the skin.
alta vi. be discharged (from hospital).

anestezia n. 1 • anaesthesia.
2 • anaesthetic.
autópsia n. autopsy, post-morten.
baixa vi. hospitalised, be an in-patient, be in hospital.

diak fali well again, recovered, cured, healed.

hemu droga vp. take drugs by mouth.
sona droga vp. inject drugs.
fízioterapia n. physiotherapy.
foo haan vt. feed; provide for.
foo konsulta vt. give (a patient) a medical consultation.
hanas vt. apply a hot compress to.

imunizasaun n. immunisation.
halao imunizasaun conduct immunisation.
buti isin vp. massage.
dudu isin vp. massage.
kumu isin vp. massage.
jejún 1 • n. fast (abstain from food); fasting.
2 • vi. fast (abstain from food).
jejún 1 • n. fast (abstain from food); fasting.
2 • vi. fast (abstain from food).
halo jejún fast (abstain from food).
hatuun kabun lose weight (in the belly).
suku kanek vp. put in stitches, suture a wound.
taka kanek cover wound, heal wound.
kasu vt. 1 • remove, take off (something that is hanging up).
2 • Conduct a simple ceremony (e.g. lay flowers on ancestors' graves, or pay a matan dook after being
healed) to cure an illness or prevent it recurring.
KB n. family planning.

koa vt. 1 • cut (using sawing motion, or with scissors); harvest (rice); cut (a deck of cards); play (violin).
2 • butter up.
konsulta 1 • vt. consult (with people).
2 • n. medical consultation.
baa konsulta go for a medical consultation, checkup.
baa konsulta matan go for an eye checkup.
baa konsulta nehan go for a dental checkup.
kontrola vt. 1 • check (e.g. blood pressure, health), check on (e.g. staff).
2 • control.
kurtivu vt. clean and dress (a wound), get a wound cleaned and dressed.
estraga labarik vp. abort a baby.
leno vt. 1 • illuminate, light up, shine on, reflect.
2 • take an X-ray, ultrasound.
fasi liman wash one's hands; wash one's hands of (a problem, claiming it is not one's fault or responsibility).
fase matan a • vp. (go) window-shopping, people-watching, watch the girls.
b • vp. wash eyes.
c • vp. ceremony in which baby of about a week is taken outside, carried by someone (the child will
become like this person), and someone else (eg. a grandparent) washes both eyes with betel leaves dipped
in water. This is done in Dili.
moris 1 • adj. live, alive; be born; come up, appear; on (of electricity); bright (colour); lively, active.
2 • n. life.
3 • n. birth.
fokit nehan pull (out) a tooth, extract a tooth.
kose nehan vp. brush (one's) teeth.
solda nehan vp. fill a tooth.
sukit nehan pick teeth (with toothpick).
tau nehan falsu vp. put in false teeth.
taka nehan kuak vp. fill a tooth.
estraga oan vp. abort a baby.
kesi oan fatin vp. tubal ligation.
opera vt. operate.

operasaun n. operation.
pasa 2 vi. cured (of illness).

planeamentu familiár n. family planning.

pontu n. point; stitch, suture; dot; full-stop.

primeiru sokoru n. first aid.

P3K n. first aid.
aumenta raan increase iron (in the blood).
hasai raan vp. take blood for a test; do a blood test.
hasai raan kompletu do a full blood test.
hasai rai xís vp. take an X-ray.
refere v-ba. refer.
referénsia n. reference.
sezariana n. Caesarian section.
solda vt. solder, weld, fill (a tooth).

sona 1 • vt. stab, pierce, prick; give a needle, inject, give an injection.
2 • vt. fry (without frequent stirring).
3 • adj. fried.
tau soru give an infusion, give a drip.
suku 1 vt. sew, stitch up, suture; thatch.

suku laran put in internal sutures.

suku liur put in external sutures.
sunat vt. circumcise, be circumcised.

haketak susu vp. wean a child.

taka vti. close, shut; block; cover, patch (e.g. a tyre); put on, wear (a hat); stick on (a sticker, poster...); turn off.

koko tensaun vp. measure blood pressure.

hasai tensaun vp. measure blood pressure.
tesi vt. 1 • chop, sever, cut across the width.
2 • judge a case (hear a dispute, and make the final decision), resolve a conflict.
tetu vt. weigh; weigh up, evaluate.

trata 2 vt. treat.

tratamentu n. treatment.
foo tratamentu treat (a patient).
ultrasón n. ultrasound.
foo vasina vp. vaccinate.
(--) 1 • v. hatudu (ho lia fuan ).
2 • vt. haruka ema ba doutór seluk ka organizasaun seluk atu hetan ajuda .

abortu 1 • vt. miscarry (of people).

2 • n. miscarriage.
3 • vt. abort (a child).
4 • n. abortion.
tebe ain tebe liman v. have a fit, convulsion.
ain aat body. crippled, lame.
ain kaleuk body. have a deformity of the leg or foot (e.g. twisted, or turned in or out).
ain naksalak body. sprained or dislocated ankle or knee.
ain potis body. elephantiasis.
ain tuuk body. stump of amputated leg; very short leg.
ain-liman mamar body. 1 • feel physically very weak (e.g. due to hunger or hearing bad news).
2 • pansy.
aleijadu adj. handicapped, disabled, crippled.
alerjia n. allergy.
anin fuik 1 •
n. whirlwind, cyclone, gale, destructive wind.
2 • n. a skin condition involving many patches of reddened itchy skin.
anin tama sickness, believed to be brought about by cool air coming into the body; symptoms may include
fever, swollen stomach and headache.
atakasaun n. attack; heart attack, faint.
hetan atakasaun vp. be attacked; have a heart attack.
aten book moras body. pneumonia.
baboton nurak body. the fontanel is still soft.
senti baruk v. bored, unmotivated.
bedoko shiver as a result of fever.
bee doko v. shiver as a result of malaria; malaria.
beik adj. 1 • stupid, foolish; slow learner, dumb, uneducated; ill-mannered, unwise, ignorant.
2 • dumb (unable to speak), mute.
bibi maten n. epilepsy, epileptic fit, convulsion.
bilaan adj. bewildered, look vacant.
bokur 1 • adj n. fat (of person, animals).
2 • adj. fertile (of land).
bokur-teen adj. fat (person).
borbulyus n. pimple, acne.
bubu adj. swell, swollen.

delek adj. blind.

1 • adj. good, OK, well, fine, nice.
2 • adv. well, successfully.
3 • excl. OK, all right.
4 • n. goodness; welfare, well-being; advantage.
5 • n. right (hand).
diaréia n. diarrhoea.
drogadu/a adj. drug addict.
estómagu n. stomach trouble, gastroenteritis.
faak adj. mentally slow, of subnormal intelligence, simple.

fatuk n. 1 • stone, rock.

2 • calculus (stone).
fisur n. boil (on skin), abscess.

fitar n. scar.

haree fitun vp.

fraku 1 • adj. weak, faint.
2 • n. weakness.
fraku 1 • adj. weak, faint.
2 • n. weakness.
fraku liu weaker; very weak.
mak fraku liu weakest.
fuan moras body. 1 • heart disease, cardiac failure.
2 • distressed, upset, grieving.
fasi fulan vp. have one's time of month, menstruate, have a period.
funsiona v. function, work.
gripa adj. 1 • write-off (of vehicle).
2 • a wreck (e.g. very sick, drunk).
gugulai adj. dumb (unable to speak), mute.
haan la diak have no appetite.
hakanek vt. wound.
dada iis badak vp. breathe shallowly.
dada iis la diak vp. short of breath (dyspnoea).
dada iis makaas vp. puff (e.g. due to illness or exercise).
dada iis naruk vp. breathe in deeply.
iis kotu body. die, breathe one's last.
inus been 1 • n. runny snot, nasal mucus.
2 • body. have a runny nose.
inus metin body. have a blocked nose, have a cold.
isin aat body. thin, skinny.
isin baruk body. listless, lethargic, feel flat.
isin boot body. large (muscly, fat), big-boned (of person).
isin diak body. healthy, well, in good health.
isin forte body. physically strong.
isin fraku body. frail.
isin kamada n. healthy fat, big and healthy.
isin katar body. 1 • itchy.
2 • itching, keen (to do something).
isin lotuk body. slim, slender, trim (of person).
isin malirin body. feel cold as a result of illness.
isin manas body. have a fever, feverish, fevered, have a temperature.
isin manas lotuk have a mild fever.
isin manas makaas have a high fever.
isin manas natoon have a low fever.
isin manas sae temperature (fever) goes up.
isin manas tuun temperature (fever) goes down.
isin manas bedoko body. shiver as a result of fever.
isin mate body. paralysed.
isin maten body. numb, have pins and needles, deadened, paralysed; slow (movement); exhausted, listless.
isin metan body. bruised; dark-skinned, black.
isin morna body. mild fever.
isin sae body. gain weight, put on weight.
isin tuun body. lose weight.
kabun boot body. have a large belly.
kabun dulas body. stomach upset.
kabun moras body. have diarrheoa, have a stomach ache.
kabun tasak body. pot-bellied, have a pot-belly.
kabun-teek adj. pot-bellied, have a large stomach.
kaimbra n. cramp.
kakorok maran body. hoarse, have a dry throat.
kakorok moras body.
1 • have a sore neck, stiff neck.
2 • have a sore throat.
senti kamaan feel well (after an illness); feel relieved.
kamutis adj. pale (of skin when a person is sick), faded.
kanek 1 • n. wound, sore.
2 • adj. wounded.
kanotak moras body.
1 • have contractions, have labour pains (initial stage in giving birth).
2 • have backache, back pain.
kaspa n. dandruff.

katar adj. 1 • itchy; cause an itch.

2 • boy-crazy.
kii adj. 1 • sting, smart.
2 • anxious.
koma n. coma.

konfundi vi. confused.

kotuk laran moras body. have a backache, back pain.
kotuk moras body. have a backache, back pain.
krekas adj. thin, skinny.
krekas maran adj. wasted, excessively skinny.
kudeik vi. lame.
lao kudeik limp.
kulit falun ruin deit just skin and bones, extremely skinny.
labarik monu sv. miscarry.
lanu 2 • adj. drunk, tipsy, intoxicated, overdosed, poisoned, carsick.
2 • vt. intoxicate, make drunk; poison.
lao la diak lame, unable to walk.
laran manas body. 1 • fit of anger.
2 • inside feels hot.
3 • enthusiastic.
laran sae body. nauseous, queasy.
lian la sai inaudible.
lian maran body. lose one's voice, have laryngitis; hoarse, have a croaky voice.
liman katar body. itching, keen (to do something).
liman kleuk body. have a crooked arm.
loro been rash, heat rash.
manu maten n. 1 • epilepsy.
2 • dead bird.
matan aat body. blind (totally unable to see).
matan bubu body. have swollen eyes.
matan delek body. blind (permanently unable to see from that eye).
matan kleuk body. cross-eyed.
matan malahuk body. have blurred vision, poor vision.
matan mean body. inflamed red eyes, conjunctivitis, red eye.
mate iha kabu laran stillborn.
mate kiik vi. faint, unconscious, pass out.
mate liu die (as opposed to just faint).
mate ruin n. 1 • skeleton.
2 • skin and bones, terribly skinny.
matek adj. numb, have pins and needles; have cramp; paralysed.

maten 2 adj. numb, have pins and needles, deadened (of limbs), paralysed; slow (movement); hairpin (bend);
dull (colour).
mear v. cough.

mear busa n. whooping cough.

mear tasak
1 • n. phlegm.
2 • body. productive cough.
merak adj. 1 • murky, muddy (water).
2 • drunk, intoxicated.
mii moras body. bursting to go to the toilet (to urinate).
monok adj. 1 • dumb (unable to speak), mute.
2 • quiet, unsociable, loner.
moras 1 • vi. sick, ill, sore, hurt.
2 • n. ailment, sickness, illness, disease; pain.
3 • n. patient.
moras todan seriously ill.
moras atan n. sickly (frequently ill).
moris 1 • adj. live, alive; be born; come up, appear; on (of electricity); bright (colour); lively, active.
2 • n. life.
3 • n. birth.
nakdedar vi. shiver (from cold, not fever); tremble.
naksalak vi. sprained, dislocated or twisted (joint).
nanaal badak body. speech impediment.
nanaal telok body. have a speech impediment (e.g. unable to pronounce l/r, t/d).
ular haan (nehan) tooth is decayed.
nehan kuak body. (tooth) cavity.
nehan molik body. toothless.
nehan monu body. tooth fell out.
nehan monu hotu toothless.
nehan moris body. teething; have a new tooth.
nehan tohar body. tooth breaks.
nehan tohik body. tooth chips.
nehan tubun body. teething; have a new tooth.
nehan ular body. tooth decay.
foo oan ba ... get someone pregnant.
oin halai body. dizzy, giddy.
oin kamutis body. pale, wan (due to sickness, fatigue).
oin moos body. 1 • sober, fully conscious.
2 • clean face.
oin nakukun body. feel faint, see stars; faint, pass out, be semi-conscious (e.g. due to hunger, or standing still in
the sun for a long time).
pontu adj. a bit crazy.

pús n. pus.

muta raan vp. vomit blood (often associated with having tuberculosis).
tafui raan vp. spit blood, have tuberculosis, TB.
raan fakar body. 1 • bloodshed.
2 • haemorrhage, bleed, heavy bleeding.
raan la iha body. anaemic.
raan menus body. anaemic.
raan mutin n. vaginal discharge.
rai nain n. 1 • native, indigenous, original inhabitant.
2 • spirit of the land.
3 • albino.
rai nain nia oan n. albino.
ruin maran body. extremely skinny, skin and bones.
ruin siin body. arthritis.
ruin toos body. stiff (from age).
sasuku sharp pains.
lakon sentidu vp. unconscious, pass out.
siin adj. sour, stale; ache; spoil, be off (of food).

tee been 1 • n. diarrhoea.

2 • vi. have diarrhoea.
tee toos body. constipated, constipation.
tensaun n. 1 • blood pressure.
2 • high blood pressure, hypertension.
3 • tension.
tensaun alta n. high blood pressure, hypertension.
tensaun sae body. high blood pressure, hypertension; blood pressure rises.
tensaun tuun body. low blood pressure, hypotension; blood pressure falls.
tilun diuk body. deaf.
tilun kuak moras body. have an earache.
todan 1 • adj. heavy (weight); hard (work), difficult; serious, grave, critical (illness...); severe (punishment...)
2 • n. weight.
3 • n. responsibility.
aumenta todan gain weight, put on weight.
tohar adj. broken, fractured.

trauma 1 • vi. traumatised.

2 • n. trauma.
tua teen 1 • drunkard, wino, boozer.
2 • n. palm wine froth, dregs.
3 • n. venereal disease (in men), gonorrhea.
tuuk adj. dwarf; stump (of amputated limb), very short (of limb).

ulun fatuk moras body. 1 • have a headache.

2 • sick and tired (of something), have had enough.
ulun molik body. bald.
ulun moras body. have a headache.
vontade atu haan appetite.
xoke 1 • vt. collide into, crash into, have a crash, bump into, have a collision.
2 • n. shock, crash, car-crash, collision.
(--) n. kulit naklees .

ai habit n. (clothes) peg.

ai saar n. broom.
ai saar kesak n. broom made of palm leaf midribs, used for sweeping outside.
almari n. cupboard, wardrobe, bookcase, cabinet.
almari livru n. bookcase.
almari ropa n. wardrobe.
ampolas n. light bulb.
armáriu n. cupboard, wardrobe, bookcase, cabinet.
baldi n. bucket, pail.

banku 1 n. bench, stool.

basia n. basin, large bowl.

Bayclin n. bleach.
Baygon n. mosquito spray; mosquito coil.
beladór n. coffee table.
biti n. mat.

bote n. woven basket carried on the back by a strap, often around the forehead.

botir n. bottle (especially one not made of plastic).

eskova n. brush.
eskova kose nehan n. toothbrush.
eskova nehan n. toothbrush.
espelyu n. mirror.
esponza n. foam rubber, sponge.
estrika 1 • n. iron (for ironing clothes).
2 • vt. iron, press (clothes); press (hair to straighten it).
fita n. ribbon, tape.

fronyas n. pillowcase.
galon n. large bottle of bottled water that fits in a dispenser.

gaveta n. drawer.
gayung n. water dipper (used in bathing).
generator n. generator.
guardafatu n. wardrobe.
hadak n. platform (for seating or sleeping) or floor made of traditional materials.

hena bikan n. tea towel, dishcloth.

hena meza n. tablecloth.
iskeiru n. cigarette lighter.
jérigen n. jerrycan.
kabas rahun n. 1 • cotton wool.
2 • raw cotton (before it is turned into thread).
kadeira n. chair; seat (in parliament), position of responsibility.
kadernu n. notebook; exercise book.
kaer fatin n. handle.
kama n. bed.

kanaba n. bucket or basket for drawing water from a well.

kandieiru n. small wick lamp.
kanu n. (water) pipe.

karteira n. wallet, purse, handbag.

kateri n. scissors, shears.
kaut n. lidless woven storage container.

kolxa n. bottom (bed) sheet.

kortina n. curtain.
kortuinya n. nail clipper.
kulxaun n. mattress.
lalenok n. mirror.
lámpada n. torch, flashlight.
lampu ampolas n. light bulb.
lampu kabuar n. light bulb.
lampu neon n. fluoro (light), fluorescent light.
lensól n. (bed) sheet.
lilin n. candle.

luhu n. storage basket.

mákina fasi ropa n. washing machine.

mala n. 1 • suitcase.
2 • packing case.
mangeira n. hose.
manta n. blanket.

meza n. 1 • table; desk.

n • the people sitting at the front table during a meeting.
moskiteiru n. mosquito net.
neon 2 n. fluoro (light), fluorescent light.

oliadu n. lineoleum, lino; plastic tablecloth, oilcloth.

Omo n. washing powder (for clothes).

pasta denti n. toothpaste.

pasta tau kotuk n. backpack.
paulitu n. toothpick.
petromás n. kerosene lamp.
pilya n. battery (not rechargeable).

pioneze n. thumbtack, drawing pin.

piveti n. mosquito coil.
pó n. powder, baby powder.

pomada n. ointment, salve.

rádiu n. radio.

raga n. basket, rack.

redi n. net, netting; network (of people, phone network).

relójiu n. watch, wristwatch, clock.

Rinso n. washing powder (for clothes).

rolu n. roll, coil; (paint) roller, hair curler.

sabaun n. soap.
saboneti n. soap (for bathing).
sasaan eletróniku n. electronics.
sasuit 2 n. comb; hairbrush.

sinzeiru n. ashtray.
sofá n. sofa, armchair.

sumasu n. pillow, cushion.

sumasu naruk n. Dutch wife (long round pillow).
tapeti n. carpet, rug.
telefone 1 • n. telephone, phone.
2 • v. phone, telephone, ring, call (on telephone).
televizaun n. television, TV, TV set.
tezoura n. scissors, shears.
tixu n. tissue, serviette, toilet paper.

toalya n. towel; handtowel.

toalya meza n. tablecloth.
torneira n. tap (BRIT), faucet (US).
vazu n. flowerpot, pot (for plants); vase.

ventuinya n. (electric) fan.

vídeo n. video.

xampó n. shampoo.

xupeta n. 1 • (baby's) dummy (BRIT); pacifier (US).

2 • teat (on baby bottle).

alin n title. younger brother or sister; younger child of anyone whom one calls 'mother/father'; title for a younger
alin feto n. younger sister; younger daughter of anyone classified as one's inan or aman .
alin ikun n. youngest brother or sister.
alin mane n. younger brother; younger son of anyone classified as one's inan or aman .
alin rasik n. younger brother or sister (as opposed to cousins or others who are also called alin ).
amaa n. mum, mummy.

aman 1 n. father; paternal uncle, father's brothers, man one generation up who is related completely through the
male line.
aman ida, inan ida siblings, have the same parents.
aman boot n. older paternal uncle, father's older brother.
aman hakiak n. adoptive father; foster father; host father.
aman kiik n. younger paternal uncle, father's younger brother.
aman rasik n. birth father (as opposed to paternal uncles, or adoptive father).
apaa n. dad, daddy; in some areas used as a respectful term of address to men.

avoo n. grandparent; title for a person who is much older than oneself.

avoo sira n. ancestors.

avoo feto n. grandmother.
avoo main n. grandma.
avoo mane n. grandfather.
avoo pai n. grandpa.
banin n. parent-in-law.

banin feto n. mother-in-law.

banin mane n. father-in-law.
bei-ala n. ancestor (great-grandparent and any generation before that).
bei-oan n. grandchild, grandson, granddaughter.
bei-oan dalas rua n. great-grandchild.
bei-oan dalas tolu n. great-great-grandchild.
biin n. older sister, older female cousin, older child of anyone whom one calls 'mother/father'.

biin rasik n. older sister (as opposed to cousins or others who are also called biin ).
laos ema seluk n. relation or close friend (not an outsider).
ema leet n. non-relative.
família n. family, relatives, relations.
família boot n. extended family.
feen n. wife, partner.

feen kiik n. mistress, concubine, second wife.

feen-laen n. husband and wife, married couple.
ferik n ; title. old woman, married woman. Can be used to refer to an older woman, including one's mother or
ferik-oan n. wife, partner.
feto foun n. daughter-in-law.
feton n. sister (of a male).

feton ho naan brother and sister.

fetosaa n. wife-taking clan, husband's family.
inan 1 n. mother; mother's sister; woman one generation up who is related completely through the female line.

inan boot n. older maternal aunt, mother's older sister.

inan hakiak n. adoptive mother, foster mother, host mother.
inan kiik n. younger maternal aunt; mother's younger sister; father's second wife.
inan rasik n. birth mother (as opposed to maternal aunts, or adoptive mother).
inan-aman n. parents.
jerasaun n.
1 • descendant.
2 • generation.
kaben n. husband, wife, legally married spouse.

kait 1 • vt. hook together.

2 • vt. have sex with.
3 • n. de facto.
kama rua n. mistress (in addition to a man's wife).
katuas n title. older man; married man. Can be used to refer to an older man, including one's father or husband.
katuas-oan n. husband, partner.
kunyada n. sister-in-law.
kunyadu n. brother-in-law (of a woman).
laen n. husband, partner.

madrasta n. stepmother.
main n. mum, mummy.

maluk 1 • n. relative, relation, kin; friend, companion, mate; fellow (maluk sarani ‘fellow Christian’).
2 • vi. related.
mana n title. older sister, older female parallel cousin; title for woman older or similar age to oneself, some also
use it for women younger.
mane foun n. son-in-law.
manu 2 n title. older brother; term of address for man older than oneself. Some use 'manu' within the family, and
'mana' outside.
maun n title. older brother, older male cousin, older child of anyone whom one calls 'mother/father'; title for
man older or similar age to oneself.
maun boot n. oldest brother, oldest person classified as maun .
maun rasik n. older brother (as opposed to cousins or others who are also called maun ).
maun-alin n. brothers and sisters, siblings.
naan 2 n. brother (of a female).

namoradu/a n. boyfriend/girldfriend; fiancé/fiancée.

noiva n. bride, fiancée.

noivu n. bridegroom, groom; fiancé.

oan 1 • n. child (son, daughter), offspring; nephew, niece.

2 • n. young (of animal).
3 • n. seedling.
4 • n. native (especially of Timor, a district, a town).
5 • adj. small.
oan ba bei-oan n. descendants.
oan boot n. oldest child.
oan feto n. daughter, niece.
oan hakiak n. adopted child.
oan ikun n. youngest child.
oan kaduak n. twins.
oan mane n. son, nephew.
oan rasik n. own child (not adopted, or nephew or niece).
padrastu n. stepfather.
pai n title. dad, daddy.

papá n title. dad.

parenti n. relative, relation (kin).

prima n title. female cousin; term of address for a woman who may be younger or older than oneself.

prima irmán n. relationship between female parallel cousins (daughters of two sisters).
primu n title. male cousin; term of address for a man who may be younger or older than oneself.
primu irmaun n. relationship between male parallel cousins (sons of two brothers).
rian n. brother-in-law of a man (wife's brother or sister's husband).

subrinya n. niece.
subrinyu n. nephew.
tia 1 n. aunt; title of respect for an older woman, esp. one who doesn't work in an office.

tia boot n. aunt older than the parent through whom she is related.
tia iku n. youngest aunt within the family.
tia kiik n. aunt younger than the parent through whom she is related.
tian aunt (if preceded by a possessor: e.g. Carlos nia tian 'Carlos' aunt').
titi n title. auntie.

tiu n ; title. uncle; title of respect for an older man, esp. one who doesn't work in an office.

tiu boot n. uncle older than the parent through whom he is related.
tiu iku n. youngest uncle within a family.
tiu kiik n. uncle younger than the parent through whom he is related.
tiun n. uncle... (if preceded by a possessor: e.g. Maria nia tiun 'Maria's uncle').

tuananga n. opposite-sex cross-cousin (a man and his mother's brother's daughter).

uma kain n. household based around a nuclear family.
umane n. wife-giving clan, wife's family (a man's family call his wife's family umane ).
vizavoo n. ancestor (great-grandparents up).

hili batar musan vp. When a man wants to marry, his family meet with the woman's family. They pick up corn
seeds, the number of seeds representing the size of the bride price they are willing to pay.
divorsiadu/a adj. (legally) divorced.
fahe malu vp. separate, go one's separate ways; divorce, permanently separate (of husband and wife).
hafolin feto pay the bride price for a woman.
foo kaben vt. marry (a couple); mate (animals); fertilise (plants).
hakiak 1 • vt. raise, rear (children, animals), keep (animals), breed; adopt.
2 • adj. domestic (animal).
hola vt. get, fetch; buy; marry, have sexual intercourse with.

hola malu vp. have sexual intercourse.

kaben vt. 1 • marry (in church or civil ceremony).
2 • mate (of monkeys, cats...)
troka kadeli vp. exchange rings.
kous 1 • vt. cradle, cuddle, hold or carry against one's belly or breast.
2 • vi. fall pregnant, pregnant (for humans).
3 • vt. have (a specified number of) children.
Deskulpa, iha nain ona. / Nain iha ona. Sorry, I'm spoken for already.
namora 1 • v-ho. court, go out with (boyfriend/girlfriend).
2 • n. boyfriend, girlfriend.
foo oan ba ... get someone pregnant.
troka prenda vp. exchange gifts as a sign that a man and woman are a couple.
soe malu separate (of husband and wife).
Mane tama uma ona. She's spoken for (engaged to marry).
tuir malu court, go out with.

adil adj. fair, just.

akuza vt. accuse.

akuzasaun n. accusation, charge, indictment.

hetan akuzasaun vp. be accused.
alegasaun n. allegation.
halo alegasaun vp. allege, make an allegation.
amnistia n. amnesty.
apela v-ba. appeal.

artigu n. article (esp. of law, linguistics).

audiénsia n. audience; hearing.
bandu vt. prohibit, forbid, ban.

nahe biti boot vp. many people sit together to decide an issue or resolve a problem.
dadur 1 • vt. imprison, hold captive, exile.
2 • vi. imprisoned.
3 • n. stick tied around the neck of an animal so that it can't get through fences.
4 • n. prisoner.
dame 1 • n. peace, reconciliation.
2 • vt. reconcile.
defende vt. defend.
defeza n. defence, (football) back, fullback.
deklarasaun n. declaration, statement (esp. of political nature, by formal document).
presta deklarasaun vp. give a statement (to police).
dekretu n. decree.
dekretu lei n. decree law.
direitu n. right (to do something), entitlement; (study of the) law.
direitu ema nian n. human rights.
direitus umanus n. human rights.
duun matak vt. accuse unfairly, blame unjustly.
estatutu n. statute.
evidénsia n. evidence.
foo kastigu vt. punish, sentence.
foo sala v-ba. 1 • accuse, blame, charge.
2 • pay recompense.
haree ho (ita nia) matan (rasik) be an eyewitness, witness, see with one's own eyes.
ilegál adj. illegal, unlawful.
inkéritu n. inquiry.
inosenti adj. innocent.
interogasaun n. interrogation, questioning.
halo interogasaun vp. interrogate, question.
investigasaun n. investigation, research.
halo investigasaun vp. investigage, carry out an investigation.
judisiál adj. judicial.
juis/juiza n. judge (in court).
julgamentu n. trial, judgement.
jura v. swear (an oath), vow.

juramentu n. oath, vow.

halo juramentu vp. take a vow, make an oath.
justisa n. justice; legal judgement.
foo justisa vp. try, judge (a dispute).
halo justisa vp. try, judge (a dispute).
justu adj. just, fair.

kadeia n. jail, prison.

kastigu 1 • n. punishment, penalty.
2 • vt. punish.
kazu n. case; affair.

keixa n. formal complaint.

kódigu n. code.
komarka n. jail, prison.
komete vt. commit (a crime).
kondena vt. condemn, sentence, convict.
konstituisaun n. constitution (law).
konstitusionál adj. constitutional.
krimi n. crime.

kriminozu n adj. criminal.

la kumpri lei break, disobey the law.
legál adj. legal, lawful.

lei n. law.

hakruuk ba lei respect the law.

hasoru lei illegal, unlawful, against the law.
kontra lei illegal, unlawful, against the law.
tuir lei legal, lawful, keep the law; according to the law.
lei inan n. constitution.
lejizlasaun n. legislation.
lia n. news, event (especially negative ones, problems).

hakotu lia vp. resolve, decide, reach a resolution in a dispute.

tesi lia vp. judge a case (hear a dispute, and make the final decision), resolve a conflict.
lia nain n. traditional elder and judge; person who can speak about traditional matters, can negotiate bride price,
can resolve disputes; person who is in charge of a wedding or other feast, and sends people out to invite
guests. This person is selected for the task, and must be a good speaker.
liman moos 1 • have clean hands.
2 • have 'clean hands', not personally involved in a crime.
Ministériu Públiku n. Public Prosecutor's Office.
taka moe vp. fine paid to a young woman's family for raping her or getting her pregnant, to reinstate her good
multa n. fine (for wrong-doing).

pasa revista v-ba. inspect, check.

polísia n. police, police force; policeman, policewoman; cop (informal).
prizaun n. prison, jail.
prizioneiru n. prisoner.
Prokuradoria Jerál n. Office of the Prosecutor General.
prosedimentu n. procedure.
prostituisaun n. prostititution.
prova 1 • v. test (to see whether something is correct).
2 • n. test; exam.
3 • vt. prove.
4 • n. evidence, proof.
hemu raan take a blood-oath.
regra n. rule.

regula vt. 1 • regulate.

2 • set the time on a clock, tune a radio.
regulamentu n. regulation.
rejimi n. regime.
rekursu n. (legal) appeal.
halo rekursu appeal.
rezolusaun n. resolution.
rezolve vt. resolve (a problem), settle (a dispute), sort out.
sala 1 1 • vi. wrong, incorrect, err, make a mistake, mistaken, sin.
2 • n. wrong, mistake, error, sin.
sasin 1 n. 1 • witness (person).
2 • witness, testimony (words).
foo sasin bear witness, give testimony.
seguransa n. 1 • safety, security.
2 • security guard.
sel n. cell, watchhouse.

sela 2 n. cell, watchhouse.

tesi vt. 1 • chop, sever, cut across the width.

2 • judge a case (hear a dispute, and make the final decision), resolve a conflict.
testemunya n. 1 • witness, referee (for a job application).
2 • witness, testimony.
títulu n. title.
tribunál n. court (of law), tribunal.
tribunál distritál n. district court.
tribunál rekursu n. court of appeal, appeals court.
vigora vi. be in force (law).
viza n. visa.

advogadu/a n. lawyer.
arguidu n. the accused, defendant.
autór n. 1 • author, writer.
2 • perpetrator.
defensór n. defence lawyer, defence counsel.
Ministériu Justisa n. Ministry of Justice.
prokuradór/a n. prosecutor.
Prokuradór/a Jerál n. Attorney General, Prosecutor General.
suspeitu n. suspect (person suspected of a crime).
vítima n. victim.

lian Alemanya n. German (language).

bahasa n. Indonesian language.
bahasa Indonésia n. Indonesian (language).
lian Fransa n. French (language).
Fransés/Franseza adj. French.
lian Gregu n. Greek (language).
lian Indonézia n. Indonesian (language).
Inglés adj. English.
lian Inglés n. English (language).
lian Itália n. Italian (language).
lian Japaun n. Japanese (language).
Japonés/Japoneza adj. Japanese.
lian Koreia n. Korean (language).
Latín n. Latin.

lian ofisiál n. official language.

Malaiu n. Malay.
lian Olanda n. Dutch (language).
Olandés/Olandeza adj. Dutch.
Portugés/Portugeza adj np. Portuguese.
lian Rúsia n. Russian (language).
Tailandés/Tailandéza adj. Thai.
lian Tailándia n. Thai (language).
Tetun Dili n. Tetun Dili (in contrast to Tetun Terik).
Tetun Prasa n. Tetun Dili (in contrast to Tetun Terik).
Tetun Terik n. vernacular Tetun.
lian Vietnám n. Vietnamese (language).
lian Xina n. Chinese (language).
Xinés/Xineza adj. Chinese.

ABC n. alphabet.

advérbiu n. adverb.
alfabetu n. alphabet.
apóstrofu n. apostrophe.
arti n. meaning, sense.

artigu n. article (esp. of law, linguistics).

asentu n. accent (mark over/under a letter).
asentu agudu n. acute accent (e.g. á).
asentu grave n. grave accent (e.g. à).
aspas n. quotation marks, inverted commas.

asuntu n. subject, topic, matter, issue.

ativu adj. active.

bara n. (forward) slash ('/').

bibi 1 • n. goat, sheep.

2 • vi. unable to communicate (as unable to speak the addressee's language).
dialetu n. dialect; regional language.
disionáriu n. dictionary.
dois pontus n. colon (:)
durbasa 1 • n. interpreter.
2 • vti. interpret.
femeninu adj. feminine (grammatical gender).
fonolojia n. phonology.
fraze n. sentence.

intranzitivu adj. intransitive (of verb).

konjugasaun n. conjugation.
konjunsaun n. conjunction.
konsoante n. consonant.
letra n. letter (of the alphabet).

letra boot n. capital letter, upper case letter.

letra kiik n. lower case letter.
lia fuan n. word, short segment of speech.
lian 1 • n. voice; sound.
2 • vi. make a sound.
3 • n. language.
lian ensinu n. language of instruction.
língua n. language.
língua franka n. lingua franca.
linguístika n. linguistics.
maskulinu adj. masculine (grammatical gender).
objetu n. object.
ortografia n. spelling, orthography.
parágrafu n. paragraph.
pasadu adj. past (time).
pasivu adj. passive (sentence; person).
pontu n. point; stitch, suture; dot; full-stop.

pontu esklamasaun n. exclamation mark.

pontu interogasaun n. question mark.
pontu vírgula n. semi-colon (;)
pozitivu adj. positive.
prefiksu n. prefix.
prepozisaun n. preposition.
pronome n. pronoun.
pronúnsia n. pronunciation.
rejistu 1 • n. registration.
2 • v. register.
3 • n. (linguistic) register.
sentidu n. meaning, sense.
signifikadu n. meaning, sense.
sílaba n. syllable.
substantivu n. noun.
sufiksu n. suffix.
sujeitu n. subject (esp. grammatical subject).
termu 2 n. term (word).

tíl n. tilde.

titik dua n. colon (:)

tradús vt. translate.
tradutór n. translator.
trasu n. hyphen.

verbu n. verb; conjugated verb.

verbu intranzitivu n. intransitive verb.

verbu tranzitivu n. transitive verb.
vírgula n. comma; (decimal) point.
xapeu n. hat, cap, baby bonnet; circumflex.

almosu 1 • n. lunch.
2 • vi. have lunch.
haan kalan dinner.
haan meiudia n. lunch.
jantár n. dinner (evening meal).
matabixu n. breakfast.
2 • vi vt. eat (for) breakfast.
merenda n. afternoon tea.
snek n. snack (given to guests at formal meetings).

aimoruk n. medicine (traditional and modern), drug (pharmaceutical), including tablets, ointment; vitamins;
fertiliser; pesticide, insecticide.
aimoruk aat n. 1 • (non-pharmaceutical) drug.
2 • roots, leaves or bark used for black magic.
aimoruk susuk n. mosquito repellant, spray, coil.
alku n. alcohol, spirits (for medical purposes).

anestezia n. 1 • anaesthesia.
2 • anaesthetic.
antibiótiku n. antibiotics.
aspirina n. aspirin.
bakmoru n. a kind of tree, the bark of which is boiled and the water drunk as a malaria preventative.
bius n. anaesthetic.

doze n. dose, dosage.

droga n. (non-pharmaceutical) drug.

insetisida n. insecticide.
kininu n. quinine.
mina anin n. ointment, medicinal oil rubbed on the body or sniffed, to relieve nasal congestion, headaches etc.
mina manas n. ointment.
musan 1 • npos. seed (as part of a plant), grain, pip.
2 • cls. Classifier for small seed-like objects: e.g. seed, tablet, pill, bullet, tiny pebble.
pil n. contraceptive pill, the pill.

pomada n. ointment, salve.

vasina n. vaccine.
vitamina n. vitamin.
xarope n. (medicinal) syrup.

baku ain v. walk.

foti ain v. set out, depart.

lao ain v. go on foot, walk.
tau ain iha ... v. set foot in, arrive at.
aranka v. depart, leave.
baa vt vi. go (away from where the speaker is now).

book-an v. move, shift position.

dolar 1 vt. crawl.

duir-an vp. roll (oneself) over.

duni 1 vt. chase, chase away.

baa fali v. go back, return.

mai fali come back, return.
fila vi. return, return home; turn.

fila ba karuk v. turn left.

fila ba loos v. turn right.
fila fali 1 • v. return.
2 • v. again; back (to origin).
3 • vi. die (particularly of children to about 14 years).
4 • vt. turn, stir-fry (food).
hakat 1 • vi. take a step.
2 • vt. cross, go across.
3 • n. step, pace.
hakbesik v-ba. approach, go closer.
hakdasa v. crawl along with buttocks on the ground.
hakiduk 1 • vi. reverse, go backwards; withdraw.
2 • vt. reverse (e.g. a car).
haksoit vi. jump, leap, skip.
hakur vt. cross (esp. a river), go across.

halai 1 • vi. run; run away, flee, escape; drive (of vehicle), sail (of boat).
2 • vt. race (cars, horses...)
halai sai escape.
halai saruntu stampede, rush madly through, storm in or out.
kadopa vt. climb a tree by hugging it.
fila kotuk (ba ema) vp. turn one's back (on someone).
lao v. walk, go; run (e.g. of meeting, engine); work, function.

mai 1 • vt. come (towards where the speaker is now).

2 • prep. to, towards, for (me, us; as addressee, recipient or beneficiary).
3 • adv. here (towards/near speaker).
4 • adv. coming (future).
muda vt. move, shift; change.

nadodon v. crowd forward, move as a large crowd.

nakdoko vi. shake, rock (of its own accord), swing to and fro.
nakduir vi. roll, be rolled (of its own accord).
namdoras 1 • adj. slippery, slick.
2 • vi. slide, slip.
nani vi. swim; spread, climb (of vine).

pasu n. step.

sae vi. rise, ascend, climb; mount, ride (a horse, a bicycle); get into, get on, ride (a vehicle); catch (a bus...); up,
sai 1 v. exit, go outside; out.

sees v. move aside, get out of the way, deviate.

semo vi. fly.

soruk v. move over a bit (to get out of the way).

tama v-ba. enter; start (work/school); convert to (a religion); into.

tesik v. across a slope, cut across.

too 1 • vi. arrive; enough, suffice, be sufficient.

2 • vt ; prep. reach (a place, quantity); until, til, to (a point in time).
3 • cnj. until; with the result that.
tuun v. descend, go down, decline, drop; get off, get out of (a vehicle); down, downward.
volta v. (fila) turn.
afina vt. adjust (a dial), tune (car, a musical instrument).

AM n. AM (radio).

apitu n. (metal/plastic) whistle.

artista n. actor, singer; artist.

babadook n. traditional drum carried by women.
baku babadook vp. beat the drum.
banda múzika n. (music) band.
ben n. (musical) band.

CD n. CD, compact disk.

dirijenti n. (choir/orchestra) conductor; person who leads prayers.


estúdiu n. studio.
flauta n. flute, recorder.
FM n. FM (radio).

gaita n. mouthorgan.

huu gaita vp. play the mouthorgan.

hananu v. sing (mainly church songs).
instrumentu n. instrument; implement, tool.
inu nasionál n. national anthem.
jáz n. jazz (music).

kanta 1 • v. sing.
2 • n. song.
kantór n. singer.
kaseti n. cassette, tape.
konjuntu n. (music) band.
konsertu n. concert.
korneta n. trumpet-like horn.
koru n. choir.

lian 1 • n. voice; sound.

2 • vi. make a sound.
3 • n. language.
mikro n. microphone.
mikrofoni n. microphone.
múzika n. music; song.
organ n. See main entry: orgaun . 1 • organ (musical instrument).
2 • organ (body part).
orgaun n. 1 • organ (institution).
2 • organ (body part).
3 • organ (musical instrument).
palku n. stage (for performance, speeches), platform.

sae palku go on stage.

pedál n. pedal.

pianu n. piano, keyboard.

pop pop (music).

rabeka n. violin.
rádiu n. radio.

ref n. refrain, chorus.

refraun n. refrain, chorus.

reggae n. reggae.
rock n. rock (music).

stik n. drumstick, baton.

tambór n. drum (musical).

toka vt. play music (e.g. piano, guitar), strum; play in a band.

toka door n. musician.

viola 1 n. guitar.

toka viola vp. play the guitar, strum the guitar.

viola talin n. guitar string.
violinu n. violin.
koa violinu vp. play the violin.

Áfrika Súl np. South Africa.

Alemanya np. Germany; German.
Amérika np. America; American.
Angola n. Angola.
Arábia np. Arabia.
Arjentina n. Argentina.
Austrália np. Australia; Australian.
Áustria np. Austria; Austrian.
Ázia np. Asia; Asian.

Birma np. Burma; Burmese.

Birmánia np. Burma; Burmese.

Brazíl np. Brazil; Brazilian.
Brazileiru/a n. Brazilian.
Bulgária n. Bulgaria; Bulgarian.
Ebraiku n. Hebrew (language).
Ebreu n. Hebrew.

Ejitu np. Egypt; Egyptian.

Espanya np. Spanish.

Espanyól adj. Spanish.
Estadus Unidus np. the United States (of America), US.
EUA np. USA.

Europa np. Europe; European.

Filipina np. the Philippines.
Filipinas np. the Philippines.
Fransa np. France; French.
Giné-Bisau np. Guinea-Bissau.
Gregu adj. Greek.

Grésia n. Greece.
Hong Kong np. Hong Kong.
Índia np. India; Indian.

Indonézia np. Indonesia; Indonesian.

Inglatera np. England.
Irak np. Iraq; Iraqi.

Iraki np. Iraq; Iraqi.

Iran n. Iran; Iranian.

Iraun np. Iran; Iranian.

Irlándia np. Ireland; Irish.

Itália np. Italy; Italian.
Izraél np. Israel; Israeli.
Japaun np. Japan; Japanese.
Jerman np. Germany; German.
Judeu np. Jew; Jewish.

Kamboja np. Cambodia, Kampuchea; Cambodian, Kampuchean.

Kanadá np. Canada; Canadian.
Koreia np. Korea; Korean.
Koreia Norte np. North Korea; North Korean.
Koreia Súl np. South Korea; South Korean.
Kuba np. Cuba; Cuban.

Luzófonu adj. Lusophone, Portuguese-speaking.

Makau np. Macao.

Malázia np. Malaysia; Malaysian.

Méksiko n. Mexico; Mexican.
Melanézia n. Melanesia; Melanesian.
Mesir np. Egypt; Egyptian.

Méxiku np. Mexico; Mexican.

Mosambiki np. Mozambique.
Noruega n. Norway; Norwegian.
Nova Zelándia np. New Zealand.
Olanda np. the Netherlands, Holland; Dutch.
Perancis np. France; French.
Portugál np. Portugal; Portuguese.
RDTL abbrev. Democratic Republic of East Timor.

Reinu Unidu n. the United Kingdom, UK.

Repúblika Demokrátika de Timor Leste n. Democratic Republic of East Timor.
Rúsia np. Russia; Russian.

Singapura np. Singapore; Singaporean.

Suisa np. Switzerland; Swiss.

Tailándia np. Thailand; Thai.

Timor np. Timor (esp. East Timor); Timorese.

Timor Leste np. East Timor; East Timorese.

Timor Lorosae np. East Timor; East Timorese.
TL abbrev. East Timor.

Turkia n. Turkey; Turkish.

Uniaun Europeia n. European Union.
Uniaun Soviétika n. Soviet Union.
Vietnám np. Vietnam; Vietnamese.
Xina np. China; Chinese.
Yunani n. Greece, Greek.

ahi n. fire, electricity, light.

ahu ruin n. 1 • (hard) coral.

2 • limestone.
3 • lime.
bee n. water.

bee lihun n. pool (of water), deep puddle, standing water, billabong.
bee manas n. 1 • hot water; drink.
2 • hot spring.
bee matan n. spring (of water), any place used as a regular source for drinking water.
bee moris n. spring (of water).
britas 1 • n. pebble.
2 • adj. stingy, mean.
debu n. wallow (muddy area in which buffalo or pigs wallow); pond, pool.

dezastre naturál n. natural disaster.

fatuk n. 1 • stone, rock.
2 • calculus (stone).
fatuk kuak n. cave, cavern.
fatuk lolon n. rockface, short rocky cliff.
fitun n. star.

foho n.
1 • mountain, hill, mount.
2 • rural area, the country.
foho huun n. foot, base of mountain.
foho leten n. mountaintop, hilltop.
foho lolon n. hillside, mountainside.
foho tutun n. summit.
fulan n.
1 • moon, month.
2 • menstruation, period.
fulan mate lunar eclipse.
fulan nurak new moon.
gruta n. grotto (cave with a shrine of Our Lady).

ilya n. island.
jelu n. 1 • ice.
2 • snow.
kalohan n.
1 • cloud.
2 • sky.
kolan n. pond.

korenti current.
lalatak n. shadow; reflection.
lalehan n. sky, heaven.
laletek n. small area of flattish high ground.
laloran n. wave (of sea...)
loro 1 n. sun; sunlight, the sun's rays.

loro leten n. sky (esp. the height at which birds and planes fly).
loro matan n. sun.
loro matan monu sv. sunset.
loro matan sae sv. sunrise.
loro mate sv. solar eclipse.
loro monu sv. sunset.
loro sae sv. sunrise.
mahobeen n. dew.
mahon n. shade; oversight, protection.

mota n. river.

mota ain n. river mouth.

mota boot clause. river runs high, river floods.
mota ibun n. river bank.
mota ninin n. river bank.
mota oan n. creek, channel.
mota tuun clause. river flows after rain.
mota ulun n. head of river, source of river.
mundu n. 1 • world, the earth.
2 • 'the world'.
planeta n. planet.
posu n. well (for water, oil, gas...)
pulau n. island.

rai 1 n. earth, land, region, country; soil, dirt; floor.

rai fuik n. wilderness.

rai fuik maran n. desert.
rai halai landslide, erosion.
rai henek n. sand.
rai henek mota n. river sand.
rai henek tasi n. beach sand.
rai huun n. foot, base of mountain.
rai kuak n. hole in the ground.
rai lolon n. slope, rise (shallowly-sloping hillside).
rai lolon makaas steep slope.
rai mean n. clay; red dirt, red soil.
rai monu sv. landslide.
rai nakdoko sv. earthquake.
rai naruk n. cliff, precipice, steep slope.
rai okos n. underground.
rai rahun n. dust.
salju n. snow.

suar 1 • n. smoke, exhaust, steam.

2 • vi. smoke, smoking.
tahu n. mud.

tasi n. sea, ocean.

tasi been n. seawater.

tasi boot sv. rough seas.
tasi ibun n. coast, shore, seashore, beach.
tasi maran low tide.
tasi nakonu high tide.
tasi sae 1 • tide comes in, tide rises, rising tide.
2 • tsunami.
tasi siak stormy seas, very rough seas.
tetuk 1 • adj. level, flat (of land).
2 • n. plain, level ground, flat land.
tsunami n. tsunami.
udan been n. rainwater, rainfall.

afiadór n. pencil sharpener.

agrafadór n. stapler.
agrafadór nia isin n. staple.
ajenda n. diary (for planning future events); agenda.
almari n. cupboard, wardrobe, bookcase, cabinet.
almari livru n. bookcase.
apaga 1 • vt. erase, rub out.
2 • n. eraser, rubber.
apagadór n. eraser, rubber, (blackboard) duster.
arkivu 1 • n. folder (of papers), archive.
2 • vt. file.
armáriu n. cupboard, wardrobe, bookcase, cabinet.
arsip n. file (of papers).

boraixa n. rubber (the substance); rubber band.

CV n. CV, curriculum vitae.

dadus n. data, information.

envelope n. envelope.
eskritóriu n. 1 • desk.
2 • office.
fita n. ribbon, tape.

fita kola n. sticky tape, scotch tape.

foer fatin n. scrap heap, dump, rubbish dump, garbage dump, tip; rubbish bin.
formuláriu n. form (paper with prompts filled in).
fotokopi 1 • n. photocopy.
2 • vt. photocopy.
gabinete n. office of a senior boss.
gaveta n. drawer.
goma 1 • n. glue.
2 • vt. glue.
hekter n. stapler.
isolasi n. sticky tape.
kadeira n. chair; seat (in parliament), position of responsibility.
kadernu n. notebook; exercise book.
kalendáriu n. calendar.
kalkuladór n. calculator.
kalkulator n. calculator.
kaneta n. fountain pen.
karimbu n. rubber stamp (tool for making a stamp); stamp (the pattern made by the tool).
karta n. 1 • (playing) card.
2 • card (postcard, Christmas card, birthday card...)
3 • letter.
kartaun n. card.
kateri n. scissors, shears.
kola 1 • n. glue.
2 • vt. glue.
komputadór n. computer.
kuadru n. blackboard, whiteboard, noticeboard.
kuríkulum vitae n. CV, curriculum vitae.
kwitansi n. receipt (slip).
lapis n. pencil.

lapizeira n. pen, biro, ballpoint pen.

lapizeira been n. ink (in a pen).
laptop n. laptop.
lem 1 • n. glue.
2 • vt. glue.
livru n. book.

mákina fotokopi n. photocopier.

manuál 1 n. manual, handbook.

map n. folder, manilla folder.

mapa n. map.

mesin ketik n. typewriter.

meza n. 1 • table; desk.
n • the people sitting at the front table during a meeting.
oráriu n. schedule, timetable.
pasta 1 n. 1 • small backpack, bag, briefcase, pack.
2 • folder, directory (on computer).
3 • portfolio.
poster n. poster.
régua n. (measuring) ruler.

sekretaria n. secretary's office.

selus n. (postage) stamp.

spidól n. permanent marker, whiteboard marker.

stiker n. sticker.
surat n. letter (correspondence), document; playing card.

surat tahan n. (sheet of) paper, paper.

tahan 2 cls. classifier for counting thin flat objects such as paper, roofing iron, masonite, or playing cards. Some
(mainly outside of Dili) use it for clothes.
telefone 1 • n. telephone, phone.
2 • v. phone, telephone, ring, call (on telephone).
tezoura n. scissors, shears.
tinta n. ink, paint, dye.
tipeks n. liquid paper, whiteout.

afia vt. sharpen (a pencil).

agrafa vt. staple.

forma/tau tuir alfabetu v. sort alphabetically.
apaga 1 • vt. erase, rub out.
2 • n. eraser, rubber.
arkivu 1 • n. folder (of papers), archive.
2 • vt. file.
prenxe formuláriu vp. fill in a form.
fotokopi 1 • n. photocopy.
2 • vt. photocopy.
goma 1 • n. glue.
2 • vt. glue.
habit vt. squeeze (between two stick-like objects), clip; splint; peg.

hamoos vt. clean, erase, rub out; peel; remove (weeds).

tau karimbu vp. stamp (a document...)
fahe tuir kategoria sort.
ketík vt. type (on a typewriter or computer).

kola 1 • n. glue.
2 • vt. glue.
pasa surat ba komputadór vp. type a letter into the computer.
baku maki vp. type (on a typewriter).
baku mákina vp. type (on a typewriter).
trata surat get official papers in order.
telefone 1 • n. telephone, phone.
2 • v. phone, telephone, ring, call (on telephone).

abokate n. avocado.
abrunyus n. plum.
agriaun n. watercress.
ai 1 n. plant, tree; wood, timber, stick, twig.

ai ata n. custard apple.

ai ata boot n. soursop.
ai ata kiik n. custard apple.
ai ata malae n. soursop.
ai ata nona n. custard apple.
ai boraixa n. rubber tree.
ai bubur n. gum tree, eucalyptus.
ai bubur mutin n. white gum tree, eucalyptus.
ai daak n. a tree with succulent fruit much like a lychee, that has a hard thin peel, watery flesh and seeds inside.
ai diik n. flame tree.
ai dila n. pawpaw, papaya.
ai dila fatuk n. Indian bael.
ai farina n. cassava, tapioca.
ai farina boraixa n. kind of large cassava, often planted as a 'living fence' around gardens; it can be eaten if
one is hungry.
ai funan jirasól n. sunflower.
ai funan mutin n. chromalema, Siam weed.
ai funan roza n. rose.
ai funan surtahan n. bouganvillea.
ai hanek n. kind of tree; the bark is boiled to make bitter medicine for malaria.
ai horis n. plant (esp. trees).
ai huun n. tree trunk; base of tree.
ai kafé n. leuceana (coffee shade tree, used for firewood, edible pods, fodder).
ai kakeu n. casuarina, she-oak.
ai kameli n. sandalwood.
ai kanela n. cinnamon.
ai lele n. kapok tree.
ai lia n. ginger.
ai look n. jujube tree (kind of tree with small thorns and small sweet edible fruit).
ai manas ai leten n. kind of red chilli, usually sold dried and used in sasoro rice porridge.
ai manas boot n. capsicum.
ai maran n. firewood, dry wood.
ai marungi n. moringa tree (has small edible leaves).
ai naa n. redwood, rosewood.
ai nanás n. 1 • pineapple.
2 • grenade.
ai samtuku n. Albizia tree (tall leguminous tree used to shade coffee plantations).
ai tarak n. thorn, spine.
ai teka n. teak (tree).
akadiru n. lontar palm.
akar n. sago.

alfase n. lettuce.
au n. bamboo.

au betun n. large variety of bamboo; it is split and used to make walls, flooring and beds.
bakmoru n. a kind of tree, the bark of which is boiled and the water drunk as a malaria preventative.
baria n. bitter gourd.

batar n. maize, corn.

batar lais n. short-season corn with small cobs.

baunilya n. vanilla.
bayaun n. Chinese spinach.
bee teen n. 1 • moss.
2 • dregs that are left when one boils water.
been n. liquid, sap, juice.

belimbi n. kind of very sour yellow fruit.

brinjela n. eggplant, aubergine.
bua n. betel nut, areca.

budu tasi n. edible bifurcating seaweed.

cenke n. cloves.

derok n. lemon, lime.

derok masin n. lime (citrus).

dikin n. sprout, shoot, tip of plant including young leaves.

durian n. durian.
duut n. grass, grassy weeds, shrub.

duut manulain n. kind of long grass used for thatch.

duut morin n. lemon grass.
ervilya n. pea, snow pea, sugar pea.
ervilya musan n. pea.
fafulu n. kind of fine bamboo.
fanili n. vanilla.
fehuk n. potato.

fehuk midar n. sweet potato.

fehuk ropa n. (Irish) potato.
foos n. uncooked husked rice.

forai n. peanut.

fore n. bean.

fore keli n. soya bean.

fore mungu n. mung beans.
fore sikote n. snake bean, long bean (very long type of bean, about 50cm long).
fore talin n. snake bean, long bean (but shorter than fore xikote ).
goiabas n. guava.
haas n. mango.

hali n. banyan tree.

hare n. rice plant, unhusked rice.

hare oan n. rice seedling.

hare rai maran n. upland rice.
hudi n. banana.

huun n. tree; base, origin, source, bottom; (a person's) roots; root (of a problem...)

jambu air n. rose apple, water apple (kind of fruit).

jambua n. pomelo (large thick-skinned citrus).
kabura n. edible fern that grows by the side of the river.
kafé 1 n. coffee.

kafé huun n. coffee tree.

kaijú n. cashew.

kakau n. cocoa, cacao.

kamii n. candlenut.

kanko n. water spinach, swamp cabbage (kind of green leafy vegetable grown in water).

karambola n. 1 • starfruit, carambola, five-corner fruit.

2 • A game in which players flick plastic disks on a table, to make coloured disks initially placed in the
middle of the table fall into holes in the four corners of the table.
kinur 1 n. turmeric.

kobi n. kind of cabbage.

kontas n. arrowroot.
koto n. bean.

koto mean n. red bean.

koto moruk n. wild poisonous lima bean.
koto nurak n. climbing French bean.
koto tisi n. cooked koto moruk .
kulat n. mushroom, toadstool.

kulu n. breadfruit, jackfruit.

kulu jaka n. jackfruit.

kulu modo n. kind of breadfruit (commonly cooked as a vegetable).
kulu tunu n. kind of breadfruit (often eaten baked).
kumbili n. yam.
lakeru n. pumpkin.
lakeru japonés n. choko.
lakeru mutin n. choko.
lakeru xina n. choko.
lena n. sesame.

liis n. garlic, onion.

liis asu n. (white) garlic.

liis bombai n. large yellow onion.
liis boot n. large yellow onion.
liis mean n. red onion, spring onion, shallot.
liis mutin n. (white) garlic.
maek 1 • n. elephant foot yam.
2 • adj. attention-seeking (of girls).
maek fuik n. wild kind of elephant foot yam, which is very itchy.
maek maus n. kind of elephant foot yam which is not itchy.
manu fulun n. 1 • feather.
2 • kind of climbing fern.
3 • shuttlecock.
marakujá n. passionfruit.
maria moedór n. sensitive plant.
marungi n. moringa (small edible leaves).
masaan n. apple.
modo metan n. mustard greens (kind of vegetable with large green leaves).
modo mutin n. bok choy, Chinese cabbage.
modo tahan n. leafy vegetables.
mostarda n. Chinese mustard greens.
mostarda metan n. mustard greens (kind of vegetable with large green leaves).
nuu n. coconut.

ortelaun n. mint.
palma n. palm (tree).

pateka n. watermelon.
patola n. angled gourd, luffa (variety of pod-bearing vine similar to ochra).
pepinu n. cucumber.
ramus n. kind of palm.

repolyu n. cabbage.
repolyu funan n. cauliflower.
rotan n. rattan (used for making furniture).

roza n. rose.

ruku n. basil.

rumaun n. pomegranate.
sabraka n. orange (citrus).
salak 1 n. Zalacca (palm and fruit).

salsa n. celery; parsley.

samtuku n. Albizia tree (tall leguminous tree used to shade coffee plantations).
saramalé n. Malay gooseberry (small sour fruit).
senoura n. carrot.
serejas n. cherry; a small round red fruit like a cherry.
sinkumás n. yam bean.
sukaer n. tamarind.
tabaku n. tobacco.
tais n. 1 • large hand-woven traditional cloth.
2 • fibrous part at the top of some palm trees, which looks like it is woven.
talas n. taro.

tali balanda n. sisal (used for making ropes).

tanjerina n. mandarin, tangerine.
tebar adj. heavily laden (of fruit on a tree).

tohu n. sugarcane.

tomate n. tomato.
tora n. fox-tail millet.

trigu n. wheat flour, wheat.

tua metan n. arenga-palm (used to make palm wine, brooms, thatch).

tunis n. pigeon pea.
uvas n. grape.

delun 1 1 • n. sprout.
2 • vi. sprout.
funan 1 • n. flower.
2 • vi. flower; split (of hair).
3 • vi. spark.
namlaik adj. wither, withered, wilt, wilted.

abut n. root (of plant, tooth, hair, problem).

ai been n. sap, gum.

ai dikin n. sprout, shoot, tip of plant including young leaves.
ai farina tahan n. cassava leaf.
ai fuan fruit.
ai funan n. flower.

ai kulit n. bark (of tree).

ai lolon n. tree trunk.
ai sanak n. branch (of tree), bough, stick, twig.
ai sanak boot n. bough, major branch (of tree).
ai sanak kiik n. twig.
ai tahan n. leaf.
batar fulin n. corn cob, cob of corn.
batar funan n. 1 • popcorn.
2 • maize flower.
batar kulit n. corn husk (used for rolling cigarettes).
batar musan n. corn seed.
delun 1 1 • n. sprout.
2 • vi. sprout.
fulin n cls. cob (of corn); head (of rice); fruit (of banana).

funan 1 • n. flower.
2 • vi. flower; split (of hair).
3 • vi. spark.
isin 1 • n. body, flesh; nucleus, contents; tuber, bulb.
2 • n. -ful.
3 • v. bear, produce (fruit, grain...)
kain n. stem, stalk, (plant) cutting; (long) handle.

kakuun n. hard inner shell of coconut.

lolon 1 • n. trunk (of tree), stem (of flower).
2 • adj. sloping.
3 • cls. Classifier for cylindrally-shaped things: cigarette, pipe, bamboo, long thin tree trunks, guns.
musan 1 • npos. seed (as part of a plant), grain, pip.
2 • cls. Classifier for small seed-like objects: e.g. seed, tablet, pill, bullet, tiny pebble.
natais n. black fibrous part of top of tua palm, that looks like it is woven.
nuu kulit n. coconut husk (the woody outer covering).
nuu laloir n. young coconut (with milk and little meat).
nuu nurak n. young coconut (with milk and little meat).
tahan 1 n. leaf.

tali tahan n. tali palm leaf (eg. used for thatching).

tarak npos. thorn, spine.

tua tais n. black fibrous part of top of tua palm, that looks like it is woven.
tubun n. 1 • sprout, shoot.
vi. sprout, come up (of plants, teeth).
tutun n. point, end, tip; top, peak, summit.

aljema n. handcuffs.
tau aljema vp. handcuff, put handcuffs on.
atua vt. intervene in, carry out (esp. police, military and court duties), act, take action.

autór n. 1 • author, writer.

2 • perpetrator.
batalyaun n. battalion.
tau dadur vp. put physical restraints on a person or animal, e.g. by tying a stick around the neck of an animal.
presta deklarasaun vp. give a statement (to police).
deskonyesidu adj. unidentified (culprit).
eskuadra polísia n. police station.
farda n. uniform.

tau farda uniformed, in uniform, wear a uniform.

la tau farda in plain clothes.
haree ho matan, kaer ho liman catch red-handed.
insidente n. incident.
intervista n vt. interview.
halo intervista (ho ...) v. interview (someone).
intimidasaun n. intimidation.
investigasaun n. investigation, research.
halo investigasaun vp. investigage, carry out an investigation.
kaderneta n. report book (in which a student's results are all recorded).
kaer vt. grasp, hold; seize, catch; capture, arrest; manage, control; drive (a vehicle).

kaer toman a • vt. catch in the act, catch red-handed, see someone doing wrong.
b • vt. catch (someone you are chasing).
kantor polisi n. police station.
kapturasaun n. capture, arrest.
halo kapturasaun vp. capture, arrest.
keixa n. formal complaint.

hatoo keixa vp. complain, make a formal complaint.

simu keixa vp. receive a complaint.
komisáriu/a n. commissioner.
kontinénsia n. salute.
hanehan liman vp. take a finger-print.
marxa 1 • n. march.
2 • v. Type of fast dance done in couples, with two steps to and fro and frequent 360-degree spins.
halo marxa march (in formation).
pasa revista v-ba. inspect, check.
patrolya v. patrol.
promosaun diviza promotion to higher rank.
rekrutamentu n. recruitment.
halo rekrutamentu recruit.
revista vt. inspect, check, search (by authorities).

ronda vt. patrol.

seguransa n. 1 • safety, security.

2 • security guard.
serka vt. surround, encircle (for military/police objectives); besiege.
violénsia doméstika n. domestic violence.

adjuntu komandante n. deputy commander.

ajente n. 1 • agent.
2 • police agent.
Akademia Polísia n. Police Academy.
elementu n. underling (esp. within police, army, martial arts, youth groups).
eskoltu n. bodyguard.
guarda n. guard.
intervistadór/a n. interviewer.
kadete n. (police) cadet.
komandante n. (military/police) commander.
PNTL n. East Timorese Police Force.

polísia n. police, police force; policeman, policewoman; cop (informal).

Polísia Nasionál de Timor Leste n. National Police of Timor Leste.
rekruta 1 • vt. recruit.
2 • n. recruit.
superintendente n. superintendent.
suspeitu n. suspect (person suspected of a crime).
terorista n. terrorist.
visi komandante n. deputy commander.

avaliasaun n. evaluation, assessment.


abuzu de podér n. abuse of power.

ai leba sira n. poor people in general.
amnistia n. amnesty.
asembleia n. assembly.
ativista n. activist.
autonomia n. autonomy.
autoridade sira n. authorities.
bandeira n. flag.
bandeira la iha have no (national) allegiances.
bankada n. (political) bench.
tau batar musan vp. a means of voting, whereby each participant places a corn seed in a basket in front of the
candidate whom they wish to elect.
iha baze pp. grassroots, village level.
hadau boot vp. strive for power.
dato n. a level of traditional ruler, below the loro .

deklarasaun independénsia unilaterál n. unilateral declaration of indepence (made by Timor on 28

November 1975).
delegadu/a n. delegate, representative.
delegasaun n. delegation.
demo n. (political) demonstration.

halo demo vp. demonstrate.

demokrasia n. 1 • democracy.
2 • no rule of law, freedom to do as one pleases without any consequences.
demokrátiku/a adj. democratic.
demonstrasaun n. demonstration.
desentraliza vt. decentralise.
desentralizasaun n. decentralisation.
halo desentralizasaun vp. decentralise.
diplomasia n. diplomacy.
diplomata n. diplomat.
diplomátiku/a adj. diplomatic.
direitu n. right (to do something), entitlement; (study of the) law.
diskriminasaun n. discrimination.
halo diskriminasaun vp. discriminate.
diskursu n. speech (mainly policital).
ditadór n. dictator.
ditadura n. 1 • dictatorship.
2 • authoritarian rule, strict rule without concern for human rights.
doutrina n. doctrine, teaching (religious, political).
edukasaun sívika n. civic education.
eleisaun n. election, the polls.
eleitorál adj. electoral.
embaixada n. embassy.
embaixadór/a n. ambassador.
estadu 1 n. the state.

ezekutivu adj. executive.

frente n. (political) front.
frente diplomátika n. diplomatic front (of the resistance movement).
frente klandestina n. clandestine front (of the resistance movement).
gabinete n. cabinet (in politics).
golpe de estadu n. coup d'état.
hamonu vt. drop; depose; overthrow, bring down (government).
hamriik mesak independent.
hamutuk ida deit united.
hanehan vt. press with hand or finger; oppress.
Hori uluk, hori wain, Timor oan asuwain. saying. Since time immemorial, Timorese have been
ideolojia n. ideology.
independénsia n. independence.
independenti adj. independent.
integrasaun n. integration.
internasionál adj. international.
inu nasionál n. national anthem.
joga foer cheat, play dirty.
justisa n. justice; legal judgement.
hadau kadeira vp. strive for positions of power.
hetan kadeira vp. win a seat (e.g. in parliament).
husu kadeira vp. ask for a position of responsibility.
kampanya n. campaign; political rally.

kandidatu n. candidate.
kapitál n. capital (city).
kargu n. position of responsibility, post, office, duties.

kartaun eleitorál n. voter registration card.

KKN 1 n. bribery, corruption, nepotism, fraud.

klandestina n. clandestine operations, underground.

koligasaun n. coalition (political).
kolonialista n. colonialist.
kolonializmu n. colonialism.
komisaun n. committee; commission.
kompeténsia n. mandate, authority.
komunista n. communist.
kongresu n. congress, conference.
konselyu n. 1 • council.
2 • government administrative district within East Timor (prior to 1975).
3 • advice.
konsolidasaun n. consolidation.
korupsaun n. corruption.
kaer metin kuda talin vp. rule well.
kaer rasik kuda talin vp. hold the reins oneself, be independent.
kuorum n. quorum.
lejizlativu/a n. legislative.
lider n. political leader.

lideransa n. leadership; leadership team, leaders.

liurai n. traditional Timorese ruler, king (monarch, cards).
liurai feto n. queen.
loro 2 traditional Timorese ruler, below the level of liurai , but above dato .
manifestasaun n. (political) demonstration.
halo manifestasaun vp. demonstrate, conduct a (political) demonstration.
manobra n. scheme.
halo manobra manipulate.
militante n. card-holding party member.
nai ulun n. head, ruler.
nasionalizmu n. nationalism.
negosiasaun n. negotiation.
halo negosiasaun vp. negotiate.
nepotizmu n. nepotism, cronyism.
obras públikas n. public works.
opozisaun n. opposition.
orgaun n. 1 • organ (institution).
2 • organ (body part).
3 • organ (musical instrument).
orgaun soberania n. organ of state, sovereign institution.
partidu n. (political) party.
partidu polítiku n. political party.
pasta 1 n. 1 • small backpack, bag, briefcase, pack.
2 • folder, directory (on computer).
3 • portfolio.
plataforma n. (political) platform; (gas) platform, oil rig.
plenáriu/a 1 • n. plenary session.
2 • adj. plenary.
podér n. power, might.

polítiku/a adj. political.

populasaun n. population, residents.
povu n. the people, the common people, civilians, the public.

prezidensiál adj. presidential.

propaganda n. propaganda.
halo propaganda vp. carry out propaganda.
referendum n. referendum.
reinu n.
1 • citizens, subjects (mainly of a traditional feudalistic ruler), the (common) people.
2 • kingdom.
rejimi n. regime.
relasaun internasionál n. international relations.
reprezenta vt. represent, on behalf of.
reprezentante n. representative.
repúblika n. republic.
republikanu republican.
responsavel n. head person, person in charge.
rezisténsia n. resistance (especially the resistance movement during the Indonesian occupation); resistance (to
disease); stamina.
semi-prezidensiál adj. semi-presidential.
sensus n. census.
sentraliza vt. centralise.
sentralizasaun n. centralisation.
halo sentralizasaun vp. centralise.
sidadaun n. citizen.
simpatizante n. sympathiser, supporter.
soberania n. sovereignty.
sosialista adj. socialist.
ukun vt. rule, govern.

ukun (rasik) an vp. be independent, rule oneself.

Mate ka moris, ukun rasik an! saying. Independence, dead or alive!
ukun nain n. ruler (national leader).
ulun n. head; boss; deck, pack (of cards).

uma fukun n. 1 • named clan house.

2 • parliament.
unilaterál adj. unilateral.
vota v-ba. vote.

votante n. voter.
votasaun n. vote, ballot; voting.
votu n. (one person's) vote.

(--) 1 • n. planu atu halo asaun ilegál .

2 • vt. halo planu ho di-diak .
3 • n. rai pedasuk.

adjuntu komandante n. deputy commander.

administradór/a n. administrator (especially within local government).
advogadu/a n. lawyer.
agrikultór n. farmer.
ajente n. 1 • agent.
2 • police agent.
ajudante n. 1 • assistant.
2 • (bus) conductor.
alfaiate n. tailor.
alunu/a n. pupil, student (especially school).
artista n. actor, singer; artist.
autór n. 1 • author, writer.
2 • perpetrator.
badaen n. tradesman.
badaen ai n. carpenter.
badaen besi n. blacksmith.
badaen fatuk n. bricklayer, person who lays foundations, stonemason.
bendahara n. treasurer.
bibi atan n. goatherd, shepherd.
buan n. sorcerer, witch.

dato n. a level of traditional ruler, below the loro .

defensór n. defence lawyer, defence counsel.

dekanu n. dean (of university faculty).
dentista n. dentist.
diretór/-ora n. director, head.
diretór/-ora eskola n. school principal, headmaster, headmistress.
dirijenti n. (choir/orchestra) conductor; person who leads prayers.
doutór espesialista n. specialist doctor.
doutór nehan n. dentist.
doutór(a) n title. (medical) doctor, physician; doctor (holder of PhD); title for graduates who have senior
durbasa 1 • n. interpreter.
2 • vti. interpret.
edukadór(a) n. educator, teacher, lecturer.
eletrisista n. electrician.
ema seguransa n. security guard.
emprezáriu/a n. businessperson, businessman, businesswoman.
enfermeiru/a n. nurse.
enjenyeiru n. engineer.
eskola oan n. school student (especially primary school).
eskolante n.
1 • disciple.
2 • student, pupil.
eskoltu n. bodyguard.
espesialista n. specialist.
espiaun n. spy.
estudante n. student (especially university).
feto luroon n. prostitute, whore.
funsionáriu n. office worker, civil servant, staff, employee.
guarda n. guard.
hakerek nain n. writer, author.
intel n. intelligence agent, spy (mainly for Indonesia).

intérprete n. interpreter.
intervistadór/a n. interviewer.
investidór n. investor.
investigadór n. investigator.
jornalista n. journalist, reporter.
kadete n. (police) cadet.
kanalizadór n. plumber.
karpinteiru n. carpenter.
katekista n. catechist.
komandante n. (military/police) commander.
kondutór n. driver.
konjak n. bus conductor.
konselyeiru n. adviser, counsellor.
kordenadór/a n. coordinator.
kozinyeiru/a n. cook, chef.
kriadu/a n.
1 • household servant.
2 • personal assistant to Australian soldier during World War II.
liurai n. traditional Timorese ruler, king (monarch, cards).
liurai feto n. queen.
loja nain n. shopkeeper.
loro 2 traditional Timorese ruler, below the level of liurai , but above dato .
madre n title. nun, Sister (Catholic).

mandór n. foreman.
marineiru n. sailor (especially in the navy).
matadalan n. guide; guide book.
matan-dook n. witchdoctor, traditional healer.
mekániku n. mechanic.
mestri/a n. (male/female) teacher, lecturer, tutor, instructor.
militár 1 • n. soldier.
2 • adj. military.
nai ulun n. head, ruler.
naok-teen n. thief, robber.
natar nain n. rice farmer.
padeiru n. baker.
padre n title. (Catholic) priest, Father, clergy.

parteira n. midwife.
pastór/a n title. 1 • (Protestant) minister, pastor, clergy.
2 • shepherd (of God's people).
patraun n. business owner, employer, boss, master.
pembantu n. household helper, servant.
pendeta n. Protestant minister.
peskadór n. (commercial) fisherman.
pilotu 1 • n. pilot.
2 • adj. pilot (project...)
polísia n. police, police force; policeman, policewoman; cop (informal).
portavós n. spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman.
prezidenti n. president.
profesór(a) n. teacher, lecturer.
profeta n. prophet.
prokuradór/a n. prosecutor.
Prokuradór/a Jerál n. Attorney General, Prosecutor General.
reitór n. university head, vice-chancellor (BRIT).
rekruta 1 • vt. recruit.
2 • n. recruit.
responsavel n. head person, person in charge.
seguransa n. 1 • safety, security.
2 • security guard.
sekretaris n. secretary.
sekretáriu/a n. secretary.
sekretáriu/a jerál n. secretary-general.
sekúriti n. security guard.
serventi n. waiter, waitress, hospital aid.
servidór/a n. waiter, waitress.
soldadu n. soldier.
taksista n. taxi driver.
tentara n. (Indonesian) soldier, army.
tezoureiru/a n. treasurer.
toos nain n. farmer (who works a toos 'garden').
trabalyadór n. labourer, worker.
treinadór/a n. (sports) coach; trainer.
ukun nain n. ruler (national leader).
ulun n. head; boss; deck, pack (of cards).
xefi n. head, boss, manager, chief. The term is also used jokingly to greet friends.

balu n. some (of), part (of); half.

barak qnt. many, numerous, a lot; much, lots of.

barak liu more; very many.

mak barak liu most.
hira num. 1 • how many; how much; how much (money).
2 • several, an unspecified number.
hirak qnt. these certain (plural specific).

hirak nee these certain (plural specific).

hotu 1 qnt. all.

hotu-hotu qnt. all, every.

ida-rua qnt. one or two, a few, a couple of, several.
isin 1 • n. body, flesh; nucleus, contents; tuber, bulb.
2 • n. -ful.
3 • v. bear, produce (fruit, grain...)
kanuru isin ida one spoonful.
karada n. truckload.
kopu isin ida a cup full.
ba leten up, upward; at least, minimally, over.
lubuk n. group.

lubuk ida many, a lot, lots of, crowd of, large group of; a fair way.
menus vi. less, reduce, decline.

menus liu less.

mak menus liu least.
metade n. half.
nanotak adj. half-full.
rua nee hotu both.
rua-rua nee hotu both.
ruma qnt. some or other (as yet unknown quantity, or type), any.

sasukat n. 1 • measure, something used to measure (e.g. a measuring stick or a cup).

2 • criterion, standard (for judging); measures.
sorin 1 • nloc. side.
2 • n. one (of things coming in pairs).
3 • n. half.
sorin 1 • nloc. side.
2 • n. one (of things coming in pairs).
3 • n. half.
sorin balu one side, half.
sura la hetan innumerable, can't be counted.
sura la hotu innumerable, can't be counted.
tebe-tebes intens. truly, really, extremely, highly, very.
tokon num. a large number; million.

tokon ba tokon zillions, numerous.

too 1 • vi. arrive; enough, suffice, be sufficient.
2 • vt ; prep. reach (a place, quantity); until, til, to (a point in time).
3 • cnj. until; with the result that.
la too didn't arrive; not enough, insufficient.
la too less than.
uitoan 1 • adj. a little, a little bit of, a small quantity, a few.
2 • adv. a little, somewhat, a bit, slightly.
uitoan 1 • adj. a little, a little bit of, a small quantity, a few.
2 • adv. a little, somewhat, a bit, slightly.
uitoan liu less, very little.
mak uitoan liu least.
wain adj. many, much.

ai manulii n. children's game involving using a long stick (ai inan ) to flick a shorter stick (ai oan ).
aimoruk aat n. 1 • (non-pharmaceutical) drug.
2 • roots, leaves or bark used for black magic.
hemu aimoruk aat vp. take drugs.
hola anin vp. go out for a stroll.
artista n. actor, singer; artist.
atraksi n. show, display, performance (eg. of dancing, singing, martial arts).
hatudu atraksi vp. present a show, performance.
audisaun n. audition.
tuir audisaun vp. audition, try out in an audition.
bár n. (drinking) bar.

berlindus n. (playing) marble.

tiru berlindus vp. play marbles.
bilyár n. billiards.
fai/halimar/joga/tiru biliár vp. play billiards.
bingo n. bingo.

boi n. swing (for children to play on).

tau ba boi v. push (a person) on a swing.

bola guling n. gambling game in which a player wins if the ball rolls into the hole which has his/her number on
boneka n. doll, teddy bear, soft toy, cartoon character.
brinkedus n. toy.
bulaun n. balloon, bubble.
catur n. chess.

damas n. draughts, checkers (game).

drama n. play, drama, skit.

férias n. holidays, vacation.

pasa ferias vp. go for a holiday, go for vacation.
festa n. party, feast, festival.

filmi n. film, movie.

hasai filmi vp. make a film; show a film.

filmi boneka n. cartoon (film).
futu manu vi. have a cock-fight.
halimar vti vloc. play, relax, act (in a play); not have a job, unemployed.
hobi n. hobby.

jogadór n. footballer, sports player; (habitual) gambler (especially on cards).

jogu n. game, (sports) match.

kambalyota vi. do a somersault.

karambola n. 1 • starfruit, carambola, five-corner fruit.
2 • A game in which players flick plastic disks on a table, to make coloured disks initially placed in the
middle of the table fall into holes in the four corners of the table.
kurukuru n.
1 • dice.
2 • a certain dice game.
joga kurukuru vp. play a dice gambling game.
lakon 1 • vi. disappear, be lost, be missing; be defeated.
2 • vt. lose permanently; fail (an exam).
lao halimar stroll, wander around.
lao lao stroll.
lao pasiar go for a stroll.
manaan vt. win, have a victory; beat, defeat; earn.
soran manu vp. incite roosters to fight.
máskara n. mask.
faan matan vp. go window-shopping, stroll and look (without buying).
fase matan a • vp. (go) window-shopping, people-watching, watch the girls.
b • vp. wash eyes.
c • vp. ceremony in which baby of about a week is taken outside, carried by someone (the child will
become like this person), and someone else (eg. a grandparent) washes both eyes with betel leaves dipped
in water. This is done in Dili.
oin falsu n. mask (for amusement or disguise, not for protection).
pameran n. exhibition, fair.
papagaiu n. kite (toy).
dada papagaiu vp. fly a kite.
pasiar vi. go for an outing, go for a stroll, go for a drive.
piaun n. (spinning) top.

tuda piaun throw a top.

regra n. rule.
rifa n. raffle, lottery.

sapatu roda n. roller skates.

sinema n. cinema, movie theatre.
haksoit tali v. skip with a rope.
tapa v. hopscotch.

haksoit tapa play hopscotch.

taru v. gamble, bet, wager.

hariis tasi bathe or play around in the sea.

telenovela n. TV soap opera.
hariis udan play in the rain.
xadrés n. chess.

adora vt. worship, venerate.

adorasaun n. worship, adoration.

halo adorasaun worship.
adventu n. advent.
aguabenta n. holy water (water blessed by a priest).
ai funan midar n. ceremony 14 days after a funeral.
ai funan moruk n. ceremony seven days after a funeral.
altár n. altar.

Ami Aman n. the Lord's Prayer, the Our Father.

Aman Maromak n. Father God.
amén excl. amen.

anju n. angel.

Antigu Testamentu n. Old Testament.

apóstolu n. apostle.
Arabi n. Arab, Muslim; Arabia.

arepende vi. repent; regret, feel sorry.

arku n. arch.

asensaun n. ascension.
astrolojia n. astrology.
Ave Maria excl. Hail Mary.
batina n. cassock.
batizmu n. baptism, christening.
vp. baptise, christen.
simu batizmu vp. be baptised, christened.
bensa 1 • n. blessing.
2 • vt. kiss the hand of a senior person.
foo bensa ba vp. bless, give a blessing (with holy water and the sign of the cross, in the name of the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit).
bénsaun n. blessing.
foo bénsaun ba vp. bless.
haraik bénsaun ba vp. bless (by God).
Bíblia n. Bible.
buda n. Buddhism, Buddhist.

diabu n. evil spirit, demon, devil.

diabu nia boot n. Satan.

dioseze n. diocese.
Domingu Ramus n. Palm Sunday.
Domingu Resureisaun n. Easter Sunday.
doutrina n. doctrine, teaching (religious, political).
duni sai vt. chase out, exorcise (demon).
espíritu n. spirit.
espíritu aat n. spirit of evil, evil spirit.
Espíritu Santu n. the Holy Spirit.
estasaun n. station (e.g. of the Stations of the Cross).
evanjelyu n. gospel.
ezmola n. 1 • alms.
2 • offering.
fiar ba fatuk ho ai vp. animist.
fé n.
1 • faith (in God).
2 • religion.
fiar 1 • vt vcomp. believe (person, statement), believe in, trust (someone, God...), be sure (that...), be confident
2 • n. belief, faith, trust.
Finadu n. All Souls' Day.
foo sarani vt. baptise, christen.
futar n. Term used before body-part nouns or lia fuan 'word' when referring to God, or occasionally for high-
status humans (e.g. a bishop).
glória n. glory.
foo glória vp. glorify.
grasa n. (God's) grace.

gruta n. grotto (cave with a shrine of Our Lady).

hadame vt. reconcile (two parties).

hahii vt v-ba. praise (God), glorify.

hahii-hanai vt. worship, glorify (God).

hamulak v. pray (to spirits etc, in animist religion).
hananu v. sing (mainly church songs).
harohan v. pray (for someone/self), intercede in prayer.
hatete aat Maromak blaspheme.
hindu n. Hindu.

igreja n. church building, church.

Imakulada Konseisaun n. Immaculate Conception.
infernu n. hell.
Islam n. Muslim, Islam.

jejún 1 • n. fast (abstain from food); fasting.

2 • vi. fast (abstain from food).
jejún 1 • n. fast (abstain from food); fasting.
2 • vi. fast (abstain from food).
halo jejún fast (abstain from food).
jentiu n.
1 • heathen, pagan, animist, pre-Christian.
2 • gentile, non-Jewish.
Judeu np. Jew; Jewish.

kaben vt. 1 • marry (in church or civil ceremony).

2 • mate (of monkeys, cats...)
kapela n. chapel.
kasu vt. 1 • remove, take off (something that is hanging up).
2 • Conduct a simple ceremony (e.g. lay flowers on ancestors' graves, or pay a matan dook after being
healed) to cure an illness or prevent it recurring.
katedrál n. cathedral.
katesizmu n. catechism.
katizmu See main entry: katesizmu . n. catechism.
katóliku/a adj n. (Roman) Catholic.
Kinta Feira Santa n. Maundy Thursday.
klamar n. soul, spirit.
komunga vi. receive Holy Communion.
komunyaun n. 1 • Holy Communion.
2 • communion (close relationship).
primeira komunyaun first communion.
konfesa vt. confess (one's sins at confession in church).
baa konfesa go to confession.
kongregasaun n. congregation (e.g. Carmelites), religious order.
konkordánsia n. 1 • agreement.
2 • concordance.
konventu n. convent.
kreda n. church (the people, the institution).

kredu n. creed.

krizma 1 • n. confirmation (into the church).

2 • vi. be confirmed (into the church).
krizma 1 • n. confirmation (into the church).
2 • vi. be confirmed (into the church).
foo krizma confirm (into the church).
simu krizma be confirmed (into the church).
krús n. cross, crucifix.

kuarezma n. lent.
kultu n. (Protestant) church service.

lalehan n. sky, heaven.

leitura n. reading, lectionary reading, reading matter.
primeira leitura the first reading.
tau liman ba lay hands on (someone, e.g. when praying for them or in bashing them).
liturjia n. liturgy.
Loron Matebian n. All Souls' Day (2nd November).
lulik 1 • adj. taboo, sacred.
2 • n. sacred item.
maksoin n. Saviour (Jesus).
manu-ain n. 1 • spokesperson for a clan in traditional negotiations.
2 • (Old Testament) prophet.
Maromak 1 • n. God, god, deity.
2 • excl. my goodness!, good grief!
mate klamar n. ghost.
matebian n.
1 • spirits of the long-dead.
2 • the late; the deceased.
mesjid n. mosque.
meskita n. mosque.
milagre n. miracle.
halo milagre do miracles.
mina sarani n. holy oil.
misa n. (Catholic) mass.

husu misa write name of the dead on a list for the priest to read during mass.
misaun n. mission.
moris fila fali come back to life, be resurrected.
mundu n. 1 • world, the earth.
2 • 'the world'.
mundu remata sv. the end of the world.
musulmanu n. Muslim.
hatais mutin vp. be a priest or nun.
Nain Feto n. Our Lady.
Natál n. Christmas.

Nosa Senyora n. Our Lady.

Novu Testamentu n. New Testament.
ofertóriu n. offertory.
omilia n. homily, sermon.
orasaun n. prayer (to God, not to spirits).
halo orasaun tulun/ajuda/ba ... vp. pray for.
hasae orasaun v. pray.
ortóriu n. family altar.
óstia n. communion wafer, host (in eucharist).

parókia n. parish.
pároku adj. parish-.
Páskua n. 1 • Easter.
2 • Passover.
pekadu n. sin.
perdua 1 • vt. forgive, pardon (a person, a wrong).
2 • n. forgiveness, pardon.
pregasaun n. preaching, sermon.
halo pregasaun vp. preach.
prezépiu n. nativity scene.
protestante n. Protestant.
reflesaun n. reflection (meditation).
relijiaun n. religion.
resureisaun n. resurrection.
reverendu/a title. Reverend.
reza v. pray (Christian prayer).

reza tersu v. pray the rosary.

rohan laek adj. forever, everlasting, eternal.
Sabdu Aleluia n. Easter Saturday.
sagradu/a adj. sacred.
sala 1 1 • vi. wrong, incorrect, err, make a mistake, mistaken, sin.
2 • n. wrong, mistake, error, sin.
hakribit sala vp. repent.
sala laek adj. sinless.
sala nain n. sinner.
salmu n. psalm.

Salmus n. Psalms.
salvasaun n. salvation.
santu/a 1 • adj. holy, sinless.
2 • n. saint.
Satanás n. Satan, the Devil.
Saun title. Saint (as a title), St.

selebrasaun n. celebration.
Semana Santa n. Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter).
semináriu n. seminary, Bible college.

semináriu maiór n. seminary.

sertidaun baptizmu n. baptismal certificate.
Sesta Feira Santa n. Good Friday.
teolojia n. theology.
tersu n. rosary beads.

Testamentu Foun n. New Testament.

Testamentu Tuan n. Old Testament.
ukun fuan n. commandment.
ukun fuan sanulu n. the ten commandments.
uma adat n. named clan house.
uma kreda n. church, place of worship.
via sakra n. Stations of the Cross.
Virjen Maria n. the Virgin Mary.
votus perpétua n. final vows (in the process of becoming a nun).
Yahudi n. Jew, Jewish.

administradór apostóliku n. apostolic administrator.

aman sarani n. godfather, male sponsor of confirmation or marriage.
amu bispu n. bishop.
amu lulik n. priest.
amu papa n. the Pope.
amu pároku adj. parish priest.
bispu n. bishop.

disípulu n. disciple.
inan sarani n. godmother, female sponsor of confirmation or marriage.
irmaun n. brother (religious, social).
ema Judeu n. Jew, Jewish (person).
katekista n. catechist.
komadre n title. godmother of one's child; mother of one's godchild.
kompadre n title. godfather of one's child; father of one's godchild.
kristaun n. Christian.
madre n title. nun, Sister (Catholic).

madrinya n ; title. godmother.

Maromak nia atan n. God's servant. In practice this usually refers to Church leaders, especially clergy (i.e.
priest, pastor, minister).
misionáriu/a n. missionary.
nai lulik n. (Catholic) priest.
oan sarani n. godchild.
padre n title. (Catholic) priest, Father, clergy.

padrinyu n. godfather.
pastór/a n title. 1 • (Protestant) minister, pastor, clergy.
2 • shepherd (of God's people).
pendeta n. Protestant minister.
profeta n. prophet.
salvadór n. saviour.
sarani 1 • n. baptised Christian.
2 • n. baptism, christening.
3 • vi. be baptised, christened.
4 • vt. baptise, christen.

bundaran n. roundabout.
dalan n. path, track, road, street; way; means (to do something).

dalan ibun n. edge of road.

dalan korta n. short-cut.
dalan ninin n. edge of road.
estrada n. road, street.
estrada kuak n. pothole.
kruzamentu n. intersection, crossroads.
kurva maten n. hairpin bend (in road).
luroon n. street, road.
rotunda n. roundabout.
rua 2 n. street (used in Portuguese street names).

subida adj. ascend steeply (of road or track).

zebra kros n. zebra crossing.

akademia n. academy.
eskola 1 • n. school.
2 • v. go to school, be educated.
eskola ensinu superiór n. college, university.
eskola preprimária n. preschool, kindergarten.
eskola presekundária n. junior high school, junior secondary school.
eskola primária n. primary school, elementary school.
eskola sekundária n. secondary school, senior high school.
jardín infantíl n. kindergarten, preschool.
koléjiu n. boarding school, boarding house, dormitory.
SD n. primary school, elementary school.

semináriu n. seminary, Bible college.


semináriu maiór n. seminary.

SMA n. secondary school, senior high school.

SMP n. junior high school, junior secondary school.

TK n. kindergarten, preschool.
universidade n. university.

aman 3 adj. safe, secure.

kaer kilat vp. armed.

ninja n. ninja.

seguransa n. 1 • safety, security.

2 • security guard.
seguru adj. safe, secure.
sekúriti n. security guard.

aas 1 1 • adj. tall, high.

2 • n. height.
aas liu taller, higher; very tall, very high.
mak aas liu tallest, highest.
badak adj. short, brief; shallow; low.

badak liu shorter; very short.

mak badak liu shortest.
badak hanesan manu rade really short.
badak oan ida short, a shortie.
bo-boot adj. many big.
boot 1 • adj. big, large, high-status (person); much; severe, serious (problems), heavy (rain).
3 • n. size.
3 • n. boss, superior.
boot liu bigger, larger, senior; older; very big.
mak boot liu biggest, largest, record, maximum; supreme; oldest.
boot loos huge, enormous, grand, great.
distánsia n. distance.
dook adv ; adj. far, far away, distant.

foun liu newer; very new.

foun loos brand-new.
mak foun liu newest.
g abbrev. g, gram.

grama n. gram.

kg abbrev. kg, kilogram.

kiik adj. small, little.

kiik liu smaller, littler; tiny.

mak kiik liu smallest; littlest; minimum.
kiik-oan 1 • adj. tiny, small, little.
2 • n. little child, infant, littlie.
ki-kiik adj. many small.
kilograma n. kilogram.
kilómetru n. kilometre.
kilu n.
1 • kilogram.
1 • kilometre.
klean adj. deep.

kloot adj. narrow, tight.

kloot liu narrower, tighter; very narrow, very tight.

mak kloot liu narrowest, tightest.
km abbrev. km, kilometre.

l abbrev. l, litre.

litru n. litre.

lotuk adj. slim, fine, thin, slender.

luan 1 • adj. wide, broad, spacious, large (of land area); loose (of clothes).
2 • n. width; area (of land...)
3 • n. naked, nude.
luan 1 • adj. wide, broad, spacious, large (of land area); loose (of clothes).
2 • n. width; area (of land...)
3 • n. naked, nude.
luan liu wider, broader, looser; very wide, very loose.
mak luan liu widest, broadest, loosest.
m abbrev. m, metre.

medida n. size.
metru 1 n. metre.

mg abbrev. mg, milligram.

miligrama n. milligram.
mililitru n. millilitre.
milímetru n. millimetre.
ml abbrev. ml, millilitre.

mm abbrev. mm, millimetre.

naruk 1 • adj. long (mainly of horizontal things, hair); deep.

2 • n. length, depth.
naruk 1 • adj. long (mainly of horizontal things, hair); deep.
2 • n. length, depth.
naruk liu longer; very long.
mak naruk liu longest.
oan 1 • n. child (son, daughter), offspring; nephew, niece.
2 • n. young (of animal).
3 • n. seedling.
4 • n. native (especially of Timor, a district, a town).
5 • adj. small.
sentímetru n. centimetre.
sentimu n. centimetre.

sukat vt. measure.

tetu vt. weigh; weigh up, evaluate.

ton abbrev. t, tonne.

tonelada n. tonne (1000 kg).

adora vt. worship, venerate.

adorasaun n. worship, adoration.

halo adorasaun worship.
afirma v. affirm.
agradese 1 • v-ba. thank.
2 • n. thanks.
foo agradese vp. thank.
agradesimentu n. thanksgiving.
ai knanoik n.
1 • legend, folktale, fablez.
2 • parable.
ai sasiik n. riddle.
akordu n. accord, agreement, deal.
halo akordu vp. make an agreement, make a deal.
akuza vt. accuse.

akuzasaun n. accusation, charge, indictment.

alegasaun n. allegation.
halo alegasaun vp. allege, make an allegation.
anúnsiu n. public announcement.
apela v-ba. appeal.

apelu n. appeal.

halo apelu vp. appeal, make an appeal.

aprezenta vt. present (e.g. a report), introduce (a person), perform (e.g. a skit, dance).
aprezenta-an vp. introduce oneself.
aprezentasaun n. presentation, performance, demonstration (of a skill).
halo aprezentasaun vp. present, demonstrate, give a presentation or demonstration, perform.
argumentu n. argument, reason.
aseita vt. accept, assent to, agree to.
foo atensaun ba a • vp. pay attention to.
b • vp. warn.
autoriza vt. authorise, permit, allow.
avizu n. announcement, notice.
hatoo/foo avizu vp. announce, make an announcement.
bis-bisi v. whisper.
boatus n. rumour.
bolu 1 vt vb. call (someone something); call, ask (someone to come), summon.

debate n vti. debate.

dehan v. say; that (introduces direct quote); mean, signify.

deklara vt. declare.

deklarasaun n. declaration, statement (esp. of political nature, by formal document).
desidi vcomp. decide, determine, announce a decision.
deskreve vt. describe.
husu deskulpa vp. apologise, say sorry, ask forgiveness.
diálogu n. dialogue.
diskursu n. speech (mainly policital).
halo diskursu vp. give a speech.
diskusaun n. discussion.
halo diskusaun vp. discuss.
diskuti v. argue, discuss.
diskuti malu vp. argue with one another, discuss.
durbasa 1 • n. interpreter.
2 • vti. interpret.
duun vt. accuse, blame.

esklarese v. clarify, explain.

esplika vt. explain.
esplikasaun n. sermon, explanation.
taka falta vp. deny, lie to protect oneself or others.
foo hanoin vt. instruct, give instruction; remind; prompt; warn, admonish.
foo hatene vt-ba vcomp. inform, tell, report.
foo obrigadu v. thank, give thanks.
foo sai vt. reveal (a secret); proclaim (a message), announce; admit, confess (sins); express.
foo sala v-ba. 1 • accuse, blame, charge.
2 • pay recompense.
gaba vt. praise (a person), flatter.

gaba-an vi. boast.

foo glória vp. glorify.
(lia fuan) la haan malu clause. (statements) disagree.
hakilar vt. shout, cry out, scream (at), call loudly (of people and animals); whine, yelp (of dog), squeal (e.g. of
haklaken v. preach (esp. God's message).
haklalak vi. cheer, shout loudly in a large group.
haksesuk v. discuss, argue, quarrel, dispute.
haksesuk malu vp. quarrel, dispute.
halerik v.
1 • sigh; groan; complain.
2 • wail over a dead body. For some speakers, this involves singing recounting the life of the deceased.
hameno vt. request (someone to do something); order (goods); book, make a booking.
hamulak v. pray (to spirits etc, in animist religion).
harohan v. pray (for someone/self), intercede in prayer.
haruka vt v-atu. tell, command, order (someone to do something); send (someone or something).
hasee vt. greet.

hasee vt. rebuke, reprimand, warn.

hataan v. reply, answer, respond; agree, assent to; let, allow, permit.
hatete vt. tell, say, state.
hatete aat speak evil of, malign, criticise, berate.
hatete aat Maromak blaspheme.
hatete fali repeat, say again.
hatete sai vt. tell, speak out, confess.
hatoo vt. deliver, pass on (message, greetings, information), express (an opinion).

Liafuan hirak nee hatoo hosi ... clause. This (the previous quote) was stated by ...
hotar vt. curse, put a curse on.

husu vt v-ba. ask, request.

husu boot vt. urge.

husu litik vp. question repeatedly, keep asking questions.
husu tuir vt. inquire, ask after.
hosi ibun ba ibun spread (news) by word of mouth.
sukat ibun weigh your words.
koalia (ho) ibun tutun deit speak empty words (eg promises you don't fulfill, truths you don't live by).
informa vt. inform, tell.
hatoo informasaun inform, pass on information.
instrusaun n. instruction.
foo instrusaun v. instruct, give instructions.
insulta vt. insult.
interogasaun n. interrogation, questioning.
halo interogasaun vp. interrogate, question.
intérprete n. interpreter.
intervista n vt. interview.
halo intervista (ho ...) v. interview (someone).
istória n. story, tale, account; history.
konta istória tell a story.
jura v. swear (an oath), vow.

juramentu n. oath, vow.

halo juramentu vp. take a vow, make an oath.
kadoo 1 • n. saw (tool for sawing).
2 • vt. saw (wood etc.)
3 • vt. butter up.
keixa n. formal complaint.

hatoo keixa vp. complain, make a formal complaint.

kesar v. report (about someone's faults), tell on, make a complaint against.

kestaun n. issue.
klarifika vt. clarify.
klarifikasaun n. clarification.
koalia 1 • vt. speak; talk.
2 • n. speech, speaking.
koalia 1 • vt. speak; talk.
2 • n. speech, speaking.
koalia aat (ema) vt. malign, criticise, berate, speak evil of, say bad things about (someone).
koalia arbiru (deit) v. talk nonsense.
koalia bar-barak vi. ramble on, talk lots without much purpose.
koalia halimar v. chat.
koalia hasoru (ema) talk back, answer back, protest.
koalia kontra (ema) protest.
koalia la hatene dumb (unable to speak), mute; cannot speak; talks nonsense.
koalia makaas speak loudly; argue strongly.
koalia mangame vi. sleep-talk, mutter, talk to oneself.
komentáriu n. comment, remark.
foo komentáriu v. comment, remark, make a remark.
komunika v. communicate.
komunikasaun n. communication.
halo komunikasaun vp. communicate.
konkorda v. assent, agree to.
konkordánsia n. 1 • agreement.
2 • concordance.
konselyu n. 1 • council.
2 • government administrative district within East Timor (prior to 1975).
3 • advice.
foo konselyu advise, give advice, counsel.
konsola vt. console.
konta vt vcomp. 1 • tell, recount, narrate.
2 • count.
konta sai v. reveal.
konta tuir v. pass on a story; recount.
kritika vt. criticise, be critical of.
krítika n. criticism.
kumprimenta v. greet (using Portuguese-derived greetings, such as bon dia 'good morning').
kumprimentus n. greetings, regards, best wishes.
koalia lakohi lakon insist.
hatoo nia laran ba ... express one's feelings.
lelir v. wail over a dead body. For some speakers, this involves singing recounting the life of the deceased.

lia n. news, event (especially negative ones, problems).

lia tuun sv. say (esp. from God).

bobar lia v. tell tales about someone and then deny them; twist someone's words.
dada lia v. talk at length.
fila lia vp. speak hypocritically, deceitfully, inconsistently.
hatutan lia v. pass on or add to words said by another.
lori lia v. spread gossip, spread rumours.
soe lia v. speak figuratively, indirectly, or in poems; ridicule in a veiled way.
sokar lia stir up discord amongst friends or family by telling one person tales about the other.
tau lia (ba) v. stir up to do something wrong against someone else or to turn against someone else.
lia anin n. rumour, hearsay.
lia fuan n. word, short segment of speech.
hatutan liafuan v. pass on or add to words said by another.
lia menon n. message, instructions, parting word.
lia tatoli n. message.
lian 1 • n. voice; sound.
2 • vi. make a sound.
3 • n. language.
litik vt. question repeatedly, keep asking questions.

lixa 1 • n. sandpaper.
2 • vt. sand (using sandpaper).
3 • vt. butter up.
lohi 1 v. lie, deceive, cheat.

malisan n. curse.
foo malisan vp. put a curse on, curse (someone).
manda vt. direct, command, order, give orders, order about.

marka vcomp. mark, put a mark on; set (date/time).

mensajen n. message.
foo morál instruct someone on how to behave appropriately, teach manners.
murmura vi. murmur (against), grumble, mutter.
nanaal telok body. have a speech impediment (e.g. unable to pronounce l/r, t/d).
notísia n. piece of news; news broadcast (on radio, television).
novidade n. news; information.
omilia n. homily, sermon.
hatoo opiniaun vp. express an opinion.
orasaun n. prayer (to God, not to spirits).
halo orasaun tulun/ajuda/ba ... vp. pray for.
hasae orasaun v. pray.
orden n. order, command.

foo orden vp. command, give an order.

orientasaun n. guidance, guidelines, orientation, training; instructions (on what someone has to do).
foo orientasaun v. explain, provide orientation on what someone needs to do; instruct someone to do
parabéns n. congratulations, happy birthday.
foo parabéns (ba ema) v. congratulate.
pedidu n. request, application.
pergunta n. question, query.
husu pergunta v. ask a question.
petisaun n. petition.
piadas n. veiled speech.
soe piadas vp. ridicule in a veiled way.
poezia n. poetry, poem.
pouku n. mockery.

halo pouku v. mock.

pregasaun n. preaching, sermon.
halo pregasaun vp. preach.
proklamasaun n. proclamation.
promesa n. promise.
promete v-atu. promise, commit (to doing something).
pronúnsia n. pronunciation.
protesta 1 • v. protest.
2 • n. protest.
halo protesta vp. protest.
lia rekadu oral announcement (esp. about funeral or post-funeral ceremonies).
kasu rekadu orally invite to a lia mate or lia moris , usually by going from house to house.
reklama v. demand, claim (as a right).
rekomenda v. recommend.
rekomendasaun n. recommendation, suggestion.
foo rekomendasaun v. recommend, suggest.
reportajen n. (media) report.
halo reportajen vp. report, do a report.
responde v. respond, answer; address, meet, deal with (needs...)
resposta n. answer, reply, response.
foo resposta vp. answer, reply, respond.
reza v. pray (Christian prayer).

sasin 1 n. 1 • witness (person).

2 • witness, testimony (words).
foo sasin bear witness, give testimony.
siak 1 • adj. savage, ferocious.
2 • vt. reprimand, tell off, scold, rebuke.
siik vt vcomp. guess.

sujestaun n. suggestion.
foo sujestaun suggest, give a suggestion.
sura 2 vt. sing recounting the life of the deceased, during mourning.

tarata vt. insult (someone).

tarata nia too nia huun v. insult his ancestry.
temi vt. mention, recount something from the past, refer to.

tolok vt. insult, swear at.

tolok rahun v. insult at length and in great detail.

tradús vt. translate.
tradusaun n. translation.
trosa n. mockery.

halo trosa vt. mock, ridicule.

konta (ema) nia vida gossip about (someone), telling bad things about them.

O nia ain kleuk ka? saying. That was a crooked shot! (said to criticize someone for a crooked shot (when
kicking a ball)).
apitu n. (metal/plastic) whistle.

árbitu n. referee.
argola n. hoop, hoop earring.
atleta n. athlete.
avansadu n. striker (in soccer).
babak n. half (in sports).

badmintón n. badminton.
baliza n.
1 • goal (the goal-posts and net, in sports such as soccer).
2 • goal keeper, goalie.
3 • border, boundary.
basket n. basketball.
joga basket vp. play basketball.
book besi vp. weightlift.
hiit besi vp. do weightlifting.
bét n. bat (in ping-pong).

bokse n. boxing (sport).

boksiste n. boxer.
bola n. ball.

Bola nee kabuar. saying. The outcome (of a soccer match) is unpredictable; It's a level playing field.
joga bola vp. play a ball game, soccer, football.
kabesa bola vp. head a ball.
pasa bola ba (ema) vp. pass the ball to (someone).
remata bola vp. smash the ball.
tebe bola vp. play football, soccer.
bola basket n. basketball (the ball, not the game).
bola bilyár n. billiard ball.
bola voli n. volleyball (the ball).
defeza n. defence, (football) back, fullback.
desportu n. sport.
deut malu vp. wrestle.
duni 1 vt. chase, chase away.

ekipa n. team, crew, panel.

empata vi. draw, tie (in sports).

estádiun n. stadium.
falta n. foul (e.g. in soccer).

halo falta vp. commit a foul.

komete falta vp. commit a foul.
finál 1 • adj. final.
2 • n. finals.
finalista n. finalist; person who has finished all the coursework for a degree but has not yet graduated.
futeból n. soccer, football.
golu n. goal (in sport).

haan golu too karon ida be thrashed (lose badly in football); it was a walkover.
hatama golu vp. shoot a goal.
guardaredi n. goal keeper, goalie.
hadau vt. snatch, grab, seize, confiscate, raid.

halai taru race (compete).

halai taru kuda v. race horses.
halai door n. runner, someone who keeps running away.
hasoru vt. meet; oppose, against; resist; confront, face (problems).
joga vt. play (a particular game, such as football or cards), gamble.

joga foer cheat, play dirty.

jogadór n. footballer, sports player; (habitual) gambler (especially on cards).
jogu n. game, (sports) match.

kabesa vt. head (a soccer ball).

kalsa training n. tracksuit pants.
kampu basket n. basketball court.
kampu joga bola n. football field.
kampu tenis n. tennis court.
kantu n. corner.

kapitaun n. captain.
kapten n. captain.
kartaun kinur n. yellow card (in soccer).
kartaun mean n. red card (in soccer).
kartu kuning n. yellow card (in soccer).
kartu merah n. red card (in soccer).
kera sakti n. kind of Indonesian martial arts.
klubu n. club (sports).

kontra vt. against; oppose; transgress, disobey, break (laws...), resist.

kung fu n. kung fu.
lakon 1 • vi. disappear, be lost, be missing; be defeated.
2 • vt. lose permanently; fail (an exam).
lakon boot lose big-time.
silu liman arm-wrestle.
lugár n. place (in a competition).

primeiru/segundu/terseiru lugár n. first/second/third place.

luku v. 1 • dive.
2 • snorkel.
manaan vt. win, have a victory; beat, defeat; earn.
manaan boot thrash; win thoroughly, win by a large margin, thrash.
manaan hira-hira? what was the score?
manu fulun n. 1 • feather.
2 • kind of climbing fern.
3 • shuttlecock.
baku manu fulun play badminton.
maratona n. marathon.
médiu n. halfback.

motokrós n. motor cross.

nani vi. swim; spread, climb (of vine).

olaraga n. sport, physical exercise.

parte n. part; half (in soccer).

pasa 1 vt. pass (something to someone, a ball, a test); spend (time).

penalti n. (sports) penalty.

petinju n. boxer.
pingpong n. ping-pong, table tennis.
baku/halimar/joga ping-pong vp. play pingpong.
pintas vi. dodge, dart out of reach.
pixina n. swimming pool.
poin n. point (in sports).

bomba rai vp. do pushups.

raket n. racket (in tennis, badminton).

rezultadu n. result; mark, grade (in exam); score; yield.

rugbi n. rugby.

semifinál n. semi-finals.
soe dook throw far; thrash, walkover, win convincingly (in competition).
taekwondo n. taekwondo.
dada tali vp. tug-of-war.
tasa n. (sports) cup, trophy.

tebe vt. kick.

tenis n. tennis.

joga tenis vp. play tennis.

halimar tenis vp. play tennis.
tenis meza n. table tennis, ping-pong.
tinju v. boxing (sport).

torneiu n. tournament.
treinadór/a n. (sports) coach; trainer.
voli n. volleyball.

joga voli vp. play volleyball.

voli bola play volleyball.
wasit n. referee.
xuta n. kick (a stationary thing) hard.

adultu n. adult.
baboton nurak body. the fontanel is still soft.
bebee n. baby.

ema boot n. 1 • VIP, senior person in government.

2 • adult, grown-up.
ferik n ; title. old woman, married woman. Can be used to refer to an older woman, including one's mother or
ferik liu older; very old, aged, elderly (of woman).
feto raan n. single woman who is virgin.
foin sae adj. young (of adult person).
idade 1 • n. age.
2 • adj. old (of person).
idade liu older, elder; very old, aged, elderly.
mak idade liu oldest.
idade ona clause. old, getting on in years.
idozu n. the aged.

joven n. young person, youth (esp. male, from about 17 years onwards, still single).

juventude n. youth, for youth.

katuas n title. older man; married man. Can be used to refer to an older man, including one's father or husband.
katuas liu older, very old, aged, elderly (of man).
kiik-oan 1 • adj. tiny, small, little.
2 • n. little child, infant, littlie.
klosan 1 • adj. single adult (especially young), spinster, bachelor.
2 • n. youth, young single person (from about 17 years onwards).
klosan 1 • adj. single adult (especially young), spinster, bachelor.
2 • n. youth, young single person (from about 17 years onwards).
sei klosan still single (regardless of age).
kosok oan n. newborn, baby (esp. Jesus).
labarik n. child, kid.
labarik feto n. girl.
labarik mane n. boy, lad.
labarik nurak n. baby.
labarik oan n. infant, young child.
menina n. Miss, young single lady.
moris 1 • adj. live, alive; be born; come up, appear; on (of electricity); bright (colour); lively, active.
2 • n. life.
3 • n. birth.
(bebee) foin moris newborn baby.
nurak adj. young; light (of colour).

otas hira how old.

tinan boot body. old.
tinan boot liu older, elder; very old.
mak tinan boot liu oldest, eldest.
tinan kiik body. young.
tinan kiik liu younger; very young.
mak tinan kiik liu youngest.

baar adj. draws one's mouth.

gostu 1 • n. taste.
2 • adj. tasty, delicious.
hemu tok have a taste (of a drink).
meer adj. salty.

midar adj. sweet (of food).

miis adj. insipid, bland, weak, tasteless.

moruk adj. 1 • bitter, unsweetened (of tea, coffee).

2 • have black magic powers.
sabór n. taste.
siin adj. sour, stale; ache; spoil, be off (of food)

arepende vi. repent; regret, feel sorry.

argumentu n. argument, reason.
dekór vt. memorise, learn by heart.

desidi vcomp. decide, determine, announce a decision.

deskobre v.
1 • discover, find out.
2 • reveal (secret).
deskonfia vt. suspect, distrust.
dúvida 1 • adj. uncertain, unsure, doubtful.
2 • n. doubt.
fiar 1 • vt vcomp. believe (person, statement), believe in, trust (someone, God...), be sure (that...), be confident
2 • n. belief, faith, trust.
fiar 1 • vt vcomp. believe (person, statement), believe in, trust (someone, God...), be sure (that...), be confident
2 • n. belief, faith, trust.
fiar metin
v-ba. be sure, certain, trust.
haluha vt. forget.
la haluha remember, don't forget, be sure to.
hanoin 1 • vcomp. think, remember, suppose, be of the opinion that.
2 • vt. pity, miss (someone), feel sorry for (someone), keep in mind, think of.
3 • n. thought, opinion, idea, view.
hanoin aat have evil intentions.
hanoin atu... v-atu. intend to, plan to, propose to, mean to, consider.
hanoin fila fali recall, remember; bring to mind, reconsider.
hanoin hetan vt. remember, recall.
hanoin la hetan find something incomprehensible, just can't understand at all, it's beyond (me); cannot
hanoin la loos don't think straight (for instance as crazy, demented, on drugs, or paranoid).
hanoin klean think deeply, reflect.
hanoin kona ona vt. recall, have remembered.
hanoin naruk take the long-term view.
la hanoin naruk reckless, short-sighted, act without considering consequences.
hanoin too vt. recall.
hatene vt vcomp. know (something), understand, aware of; know how to, be good at.
hein katak ... vcomp. hope that.
interpreta v. interpret.
kestaun n. issue.
kompriende vt. understand, comprehend; be tolerant of.
kompriensaun n. understanding, comprehension.
konfia vt. trust.
konfundi vi. confused.
konfuzaun 1 • n. confusion.
2 • adj. confused, bewildered, perplexed.
konkorda v. assent, agree to.
laran metin body. confident, trust, certain; confidence.
laran metin ba (ema) put one's trust in, rely on.
laran ru-rua body. in two minds, uncertain, doubtful, unsure.
lembra vt. remember, recall.
opiniaun n. opinion, view.
polémiku controversial, contentious.
proposta n. proposal (formal written).
reflesaun n. reflection (meditation).
halo reflesaun reflect (on something).
senti vt v-atu. feel; sense; think, suspect.

fera ulun vp. think hard, rack one's brains.

foo ulun pay attention, put in effort.

aban n. tomorrow.

aban fali the next day.

aban-bainrua time. in the future.
Abríl n. April.

agora 1 • n. now, at present, nowadays.

2 • adj. this coming (day of the week).
agora 1 • n. now, at present, nowadays.
2 • adj. this coming (day of the week).
too agora so far, until now.
agora dadaun adv. at present, nowadays, these days.
Agostu n. August.
altura n. period (of time).
iha altura nee/nebaa at that time, in those days.
antes adv. formerly, previously; in advance, beforehand.
2 • cnj prep. before, prior to.
anu n. year.

anu novu n. New Year.

anuál adj. annual, yearly.

até prep. until, til.

atu ... ona about to.

bailoron n. dry season.
bain- cls. day; a counter for time span in days. It occurs with a following number (from 2 to about 7) to specify
the number of days from now. e.g. bainrua 'the day after tomorrow'; hori baintolu '3 days ago'. bain
cannot occur outside of such expressions.
bainhaat in four days' time.
bainhira 1 • advq. when (in a question about the future).
2 • cnj. when, whenever, while.
bainlima in five days' time.
bainneen in six days' time.
bainrua n. in two days time, the day after tomorrow.
baintolu in three days' time.
beibeik adv. often, always, frequently, continually, constantly.
dadaun adv tam. currently (indicates continuous action).
dadeer time. morning (until about 11am).
dadeer-dadeer adv. every morning.
dadeer-saan n. early morning (from about 5am until about 8am).
dadeer saan nakukun pre-dawn, very early morning before sunrise (about 3am to 5am).
dala barak adv. often, many times.
dala ida adv. once.
dala ida dala ida adv. rarely, seldom.
dala hira adv. how many times.
dala rua adv. twice; double.
dala ruma adv. sometimes, occasionally, from time to time; perhaps, maybe, may, might, could.
dala ruma deit adv. seldom, only sometimes.
ba dala ikus last (time.
ba dala rua second (time).
ba dala uluk first (time).
data n. date.

demora vt vi. delay.

halo demora vt. delay, cause to delay, hold up.
depois 1 • connector. then, after that, afterwards, later.
2 • connector. in addition; on top of that.
3 • prep. after.
detík n. second (a sixtieth of a minute).

dezde prep cnj. since (time), from (past time, until now).

Dezembru n. December.
dia n. day.

dia hira what date.

uluk rai sei diak in the good old days.
Domingu n. Sunday.
Domingu Ramus n. Palm Sunday.
Domingu Resureisaun n. Easter Sunday.
durante prep cnj. for (period of time), during, throughout, while.
durante nee pp. so far, throughout this time.
faze n. phase, stage.

Fevereiru n. February.
fin de semana n. weekend.
fo-foun adv. initially, at first.
foin tam connector. very recently, only just.

... mak foin ... only if/after ..., will ... happen.
foin dadauk (nee) adv. recently, a very short time ago.
foin lalais adv. recently, a short time ago.
folga 1 • vi. have a scheduled day off.
2 • adj. loose, loosened.
fulan n.
1 • moon, month.
2 • menstruation, period.
ful-fulan adv. monthly, every month.
... hela deit always, continually.
hori prep. at (past time).

hori bainhaat adv. four days ago.

hori bainhira 1 • advq. when (in a question about the past).
2 • cnj. when.
hori bainhitu adv. seven days ago.
hori bainlima adv. five days ago.
hori bainneen adv. six days ago.
hori bainrua adv. two days ago, the day before yesterday.
hori baintolu adv. three days ago.
hori kalan adv. last night; yesterday evening.
hori ohin adv. a little while ago (today), earlier today.
hori uluk adv. very long ago.
hori uluk kedas since long ago.
hori ... ona since long ago.
horihorin adv. for a while, since earlier today.
horiseik n. yesterday.
... hotu ho hotu immediately after ... finished.
hotu tiha after that, afterwards.
... la hotu la remata endless, will never end.
la hotu rai without stopping, ceaselessly.
ikus mai adv. in the end, finally now (contrasting now with the past).
ikus nee adv. these days, nowadays.
too ikus eventually, in the end.
Janeiru n. January.
Julyu n. July.

Junyu n. June.

kadavés adv. sometimes.

kalan time. evening, night.

kalan boot time. very late at night, in the middle of the night, midnight.
kalan-kalan adv. nightly, every night, every evening.
Kinta time. Thursday.

Kinta feira See main entry: Kinta . n. Thursday.

kleur adj. for a long time.

la kleur soon; not long, short, brief, briefly.

kleur-kleur adv. seldom; not for a long time; eventually, gradually over a long period of time.
kuandu cnj. whenever, while; if.
kuarezma n. lent.
Kuarta n. Wednesday.
Kuarta feira See main entry: Kuarta . n. Wednesday.
lai tam. first (before doing something else), for the time being, for a while.

... lai mak .... do ... first, and only then do ...
iha ... nia laran during, for the specified period of time.
lokraik time. late afternoon (about 3pm until dark).
loro aas sv. midday, noon; the sun is high.
loro manas 1 • n. the middle of the day (about 9am to 3pm).
2 • sv. it's hot.
loro-loron adj adv. every day, daily.
loron time. day.

loron aban n. future.

loron baileet n. ordinary days (e.g. working days, non-market days).
loron boot n. holy day.
loron-kalan n. day and night.
madrugada n. pre-dawn, very early morning (3-5am).
Maiu n. May.

Marsu n. March.

meianoite n. midnight.
meiudia time. midday, noon; about 11am-2pm.
miléniu n. millenium.
minutu n. minute (of time).
momentu 1 • n. moment.
2 • cnj. while, just when.
momentu 1 • n. moment.
2 • cnj. while, just when.
(iha) momentu nee at that time.
(iha) momentu nebaa at that time.
naba-naban adv. constantly, continuously.
nanis adv tam. a long time ago, beforehand, in advance.

Natál n. Christmas.

Novembru n. November.
nunka aux. never, not at all.

ohin n. earlier today, today.

ohin ba oin from now on.

ohin kalan this evening, tonight (said when it is already evening).
ohin loron n. today; nowadays, these days.
... oin mai next.
oin mai adj. next (year/Saturday...)
ona ka seidauk? yet.
la ... ona no longer, not any more.
ora n. o'clock (used only in uma ora 'one o'clock'; otherwise plural oras is used).

uma ora one o'clock.

ora-oras on and off, repeatedly.
ora-oras tan adv. very soon, later today.
oras 1 n. hour; o'clock (preceded by Portuguese numeral).

oras too ona it's time, the time has come.

ho oras on time, punctual.
Oras Timor Leste n. East Timor time.
orsida adv. later today, soon (on the same day).
orsida kalan tonight, this evening (if said before evening).
orsida lokraik this afternoon (if said in the morning).
otas n. age.

OTL n. East Timor time.

Outubru n. October.
Páskua n. 1 • Easter.
2 • Passover.
prazu n. expiry date, used-by date.

rai huun mutin sv. at the crack of dawn (about 5am), at first light.
rai nakaras dusk (just after sunset, when the sky is still coloured).
Sabdu n. Saturday.

sedu adj. early.

Segunda n. Monday.
Segunda feira See main entry: Segunda . n. Monday.
segundu n. second (a sixtieth of a minute).

seidauk aux. not yet.

semana n. week.
Semana Santa n. Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter).
semana-semana adv. weekly.
sempre adv. always, constantly.
Sesta n. Friday.

Sesta feira See main entry: Sesta . n. Friday.

Sesta Feira Santa n. Good Friday.
Setembru n. September.
tardi adj. late.

tardi liu later; very late, too late.

mak tardi liu latest.
tempu 1 • n. time; season; period (of time).
2 • cnj. when.
tempu nebaa at that time, then.
Tersa n. Tuesday.
Tersa feira See main entry: Tersa . n. Tuesday.
... tiha lai, ... Do ... first, then ...
tinan n. year.

tinan ba tinan year after year.

(too) tinan ba tinan forever, everlasting, eternal.
tinan hira how old, how many years.
kada tinan annually, yearly, every year; annual.
tinan atus ida n. century, a hundred years.
tinan rihun ida n. millenium, a thousand years.
tinan sanulu n. decade, ten years.
too 1 • vi. arrive; enough, suffice, be sufficient.
2 • vt ; prep. reach (a place, quantity); until, til, to (a point in time).
3 • cnj. until; with the result that.
tuir mai a • connector. and next; following this.
b • adj. next, following.
tuku 2 n. o'clock (followed by Tetun numeral).

afina vt. adjust (a dial), tune (car, a musical instrument).

aperta 1 • vt. tighten.

2 • adj. tight (of clothes, shoes); very close together, too short (of time).
bahat 1 • n. chisel.
2 • vt. chisel, carve.
baku vt. hit, slap (not on the face), beat, bash, strike, cane; thresh (rice); bounce (a ball); convert (currency).

dulas vt. spin, twist, mill, turn.

halo folga vt. loosen, do loosely.

kadoo 1 • n. saw (tool for sawing).
2 • vt. saw (wood etc.)
3 • vt. butter up.
kore vt. undo (e.g. a button), untie, release.

limar 1 • n. file, rasp.

2 • vt. file (metal).
lixa 1 • n. sandpaper.
2 • vt. sand (using sandpaper).
3 • vt. butter up.
afina parafuzu adjust a screw.
aperta parafuzu vp. tighten a screw.
dulas parafuzu vp. turn (tighten/loosen) a screw.
dulas sai parafuzu vp. remove a screw.
kore parafuzu vp. loosen a screw.
baku piku vp. nail palm-leaf stalks together into a panel.
baku pregu vp. nail, hit nails.
losu pregu vp. pull out a nail.
roska mohu sv. the thread is worn out, the thread is stripped.
supila 1 • n. plane (for planing wood).
2 • vt. plane.
xavi 1 • n. key; spanner.
2 • vt. lock.

ai suak n. crowbar.
alat n. tool, instrument, equipment, implement.

alkati n. pliers.
anila n. washer (on bolt).

arame n. wire, (single-pronged) fishing spear.

bahat 1 • n. chisel.
2 • vt. chisel, carve.
baliun n. axe.
besi kanu n. metal pipe.
besi kusan n. nail.
bibi ain n. claw of a hammer.
bomba 1 1 • n. pump (to pump air), bicycle pump.
2 • n. asthma inhaler.
3 • vt. pump up.
enxada n. hoe, mattock.
eskada n. stairs, steps, staircase; ladder.
estaka n. stake (pointed wooden post which is banged into the ground).
furadór n. drill (tool).
garfu n. fork; garden fork; rake.

gerobak n. wheelbarrow, pushcart.

kadoo 1 • n. saw (tool for sawing).
2 • vt. saw (wood etc.)
3 • vt. butter up.
kadoo ai n. wood saw.
kadoo besi n. hacksaw.
kalsu 1 • n. chock; wedge; bicycle stand.
2 • vt. chock (wheels, so car won't slip backwards), wedge, put a block under or against something to
prevent it moving.
kanuru n. spoon; shovel, spade; trowel.
kanuru suru rai n. shovel, spade.
karau dikur n. pick, pickaxe.
karosa n. wheelbarrow, pushcart.
katana n. machete.
kateri n. scissors, shears.
kompresór n. compressor.
lámina n. razor blade.
limar 1 • n. file, rasp.
2 • vt. file (metal).
lixa 1 • n. sandpaper.
2 • vt. sand (using sandpaper).
3 • vt. butter up.
makaku 2 n. (vehicle) jack.

maki n. machine.

mareta n. sledgehammer.
martelu n. hammer, mallet.
maubeka n. large machete.
maus n. (computer) mouse.

metru 2 n. tape measure.

motosera n. chainsaw.
nivel n. 1 • level.
2 • spirit level.
parafuzu n. screw, bolt.
peneira 1 • n. sieve.
2 • vt. sieve.
pinsél n. paintbrush.
porka n. nut (on bolt).

pregu n. nail (metal).

roska n. thread (on a screw, on screw joints).

sabit n. curved sickle.

sensor n. chainsaw.
supila 1 • n. plane (for planing wood).
2 • vt. plane.
taha n. short machete for common tasks.

tezoura n. scissors, shears.

tofa 1 • n. digging stick with metal at each end, one end having a spike, the other end like a small spade.
2 • vt. weed using a tofa digging stick.

xafenda n. screwdriver.
xafenda belar n. straight screwdriver.
xafenda krús n. Phillips-head screwdriver.
xavi 1 • n. key; spanner.
2 • vt. lock.
xavi Inglés n. wrench, monkey wrench, adjustable spanner.

adat n. tradition, custom, customary law.

ai abut aat n. roots used for black magic.

ai kulit aat bark used for black magic.
kaer ai kulit aat use black magic to harm others.
ai tahan aat 1 • n. leaves used for black magic.
2 • body. badly-behaved.
aimoruk aat n. 1 • (non-pharmaceutical) drug.
2 • roots, leaves or bark used for black magic.
kaer aimoruk aat vp. use black magic to harm others.
tara bandu vp. hang up items via a public ceremony to show that it is for now forbidden to chop trees or harvest
a crop in that area; those who break the prohibition come under a curse.
barlaki n. brideprice.
hili batar musan vp. When a man wants to marry, his family meet with the woman's family. They pick up corn
seeds, the number of seeds representing the size of the bride price they are willing to pay.
bee manas ai tukan n. the presents which a man's family gives to the bride's parents at a couple's
belak n. disk made of gold or silver, used as a chest ornament.

biru n. amulet, protective charm.

bua n. betel nut, areca.

bua-malus n. ingredients for chewing betel nut (betel nut, betel pepper and lime).
buan n. sorcerer, witch.

dato n. a level of traditional ruler, below the loro .

don 1 n title. Sir (title of respect before a Christian name, for senior liurai (noblemen) and bishops).

fekit 1 • vt. flick (with finger).

2 • vi. throb.
3 • vt. do black magic against.
horok n. items tied to a fruit tree to indicate that nobody may pick its fruit; this is associated with a curse or
spell on those who do pick it.
kaebauk n. men's headgear in the shape of buffalo horns, worn in traditional ceremonies.
kakaluk n. amulet, charm (tiny bag containing items to protect oneself from danger).

keke n. bracelet worn by men for traditional occasions.

knua n.
1 • hamlet of origin.
2 • sheath.
koremetan n. ceremony to mark the end of mourning, on the first anniversary of a person's death.
kultura n. culture.
kuta vt. mark the forehead or another body part with betel juice. This is part of a number of ceremonies; e.g.
before entering an uma lisan .
lia nain n. traditional elder and judge; person who can speak about traditional matters, can negotiate bride price,
can resolve disputes; person who is in charge of a wedding or other feast, and sends people out to invite
guests. This person is selected for the task, and must be a good speaker.
lisan n. tradition, custom, customary law.

liurai n. traditional Timorese ruler, king (monarch, cards).

loro 2 traditional Timorese ruler, below the level of liurai , but above dato .
malus been n. betel juice.
mama vt. chew without swallowing.

maninga n. magic charm to attract the opposite sex, love potion.

fase matan a • vp. (go) window-shopping, people-watching, watch the girls.
b • vp. wash eyes.
c • vp. ceremony in which baby of about a week is taken outside, carried by someone (the child will
become like this person), and someone else (eg. a grandparent) washes both eyes with betel leaves dipped
in water. This is done in Dili.
matan-dook n. witchdoctor, traditional healer.
matebian sae the spirit of a dead person speaks through a living person.
morteen n. traditional bead necklace.
pontiana n. beautiful young female spirit figure.
troka prenda vp. exchange gifts as a sign that a man and woman are a couple.
rai nain n. 1 • native, indigenous, original inhabitant.
2 • spirit of the land.
3 • albino.
samea ulun hitu n. seven-headed snake (a legendary evil snake with one body but seven heads).
sau vt. ceremony before the start of the corn harvest.

sina maromak n. Chinese fortune-teller.

halo tuir a • copy, imitate; obey, carry out, fulfill, comply with (an order); keep (a promise).
b • exorcise, ceremony to remove curses or spirits.
kero udan vp. do a ceremony to prevent it raining during a specified perio (e.g. while building an uma lulik ).
uma adat n. named clan house.
uma fukun n. 1 • named clan house.
2 • parliament.
uma lisan n. named clan house and the associated clan.
uma lulik n. named clan house, traditional sacred house.


aeroportu n. airport.
alkatraun n. bitumen, tar, asphalt.
ár n. air (in tyre/ball).

automátiku adj. automatic.

bengkel n. mechanic's workshop.
bensin n. petrol (BRIT), gasoline, gas (US).
bronjong n. gabion basket (wire basket filled with rocks, used in road building).
korta dalan vp. take a short-cut.
gás 1 • n. accelerator.
2 • v. accelerate.
gazoel n. diesel (fuel).
gazolina n. petrol (BRIT), gasoline, gas (US).
gazolina maran sv. run out of petrol.
kampu aviasaun n. airport, heliport.
kapaseti n. helmet.
kareta para fatin n. parking spot.
karta kondusaun n. driver's licence.
kombustivel n. fuel.
macet adj. traffic jam.

manuál 2 adj. manual, by hand.

marka n. brand, make.

mekánika n. mechanics.
mina maran sv. the petrol tank is empty; run out of petrol.
mout vi. sink, bogged, drown.

ofisina n. (mechanic's) workshop; (mechanic's) garage.

oli n. lubricating oil, engine oil, motor oil.

pontikais n. port; wharf, dock.

pontu mortu n. neutral (gear).
SIM n. driver's licence.

solar n. diesel (fuel).

terminál n. bus station, terminal.
tiket n. ticket (for travel).

transporte n. transport.
tránzitu n. (vehicle) traffic.
(--) 1 • vt. estraga tomak .
2 • n. kareta , motór ka roo nebee aat totál .

ajudante n. 1 • assistant.
2 • (bus) conductor.
kondutór n. driver.
konjak n. bus conductor.
mekániku n. mechanic.
motorista n.
1 • driver.
2 • motorcyclist.
pasajeiru n. passenger.
xofér n. driver.

aselera vt. accelerate.

sae aviaun vp. fly (in an aeroplane).
baku fila v. overturn, capsize.
hean bisikleta vp. cycle, pedal a bicycle.
sae bisikleta vp. ride a bicycle.
bomba 1 1 • n. pump (to pump air), bicycle pump.
2 • n. asthma inhaler.
3 • vt. pump up.
foo dalan ba ... vp. give way, give right of way to (in traffic).
enxe vt-ba. fill up with, stuff with.

gás 1 • n. accelerator.
2 • v. accelerate.
gripa adj. 1 • write-off (of vehicle).
2 • a wreck (e.g. very sick, drunk).
hean vt.
1 • row (a boat); paddle (a boat).
2 • pedal (a bicycle).
kalsu 1 • n. chock; wedge; bicycle stand.
2 • vt. chock (wheels, so car won't slip backwards), wedge, put a block under or against something to
prevent it moving.
tau kalsu vp. chock.
kaer kareta vp. drive a vehicle.
lori kareta vp. drive a vehicle (somewhere).
manutensaun n. maintenance.
halo manutensaun maintain.
enxe mina vp. put petrol (in the tank).
halo moris ... turn on; resurrect, bring back to life.
kaer/lori/sae motór vp.
hatama mudansa vp. put (a vehicle) into gear.
hatama ba mudansa primeiru/segundu/terseiru/kuatru vp. put into first/second/third/fourth
radiadór bee maran radiator has run dry.
roda kuak have a flat tyre.
taka roda vp. patch a tyre.
rodajen 1 • n. running in (of a new vehicle).
2 • vt. run in (a new vehicle).
rodajen 1 • n. running in (of a new vehicle).
2 • vt. run in (a new vehicle).
halao rodajen vp. run in (a new vehicle).
halai taksi drive a taxi (taking passengers).
sae taksi catch a taxi.
tatidik vi. bump around (of car on a rough road).
tidin vt. 1 • bash (something) down onto the ground.
2 • bump around (e.g. of car on rough road).
trava vt. brake.

travaun haan brakes work, brakes grip.

travaun kotu brake cable broke.
travaun la haan brakes don't work, brakes don't grip.
sama travaun press on the brake.
dada travaun liman engage the hand brake.
tuur feto sit sidesaddle.
dulas volanti vp. steer.
foo volta vt. do a U-turn.
xoke 1 • vt. collide into, crash into, have a crash, bump into, have a collision.
2 • n. shock, crash, car-crash, collision.
xoke malu collide, crash.

antena n. antenna, aerial.

aseleradór n. accelerator.
bateria n. rechargeable battery.
bateria ulun n. battery terminal.
embreajen n. (vehicle) clutch.
espelyu n. mirror.
indikadór n. indicator.
janti n. rim and spokes (of wheel).

kalsu 1 • n. chock; wedge; bicycle stand.

2 • vt. chock (wheels, so car won't slip backwards), wedge, put a block under or against something to
prevent it moving.
karburadór n. carburettor.
knalpot n. exhaust pipe.
kompresór n. compressor.
kopling n. (vehicle) clutch.
lalenok n. mirror.
lampu sen n. indicator (in vehicle).
liras n. wing (of bird, insect, aeroplane...)

makaku 2 n. (vehicle) jack.

maki n. machine.

mesín n. motor, engine.

mola n. spring, suspension (of vehicle).

mudansa n. gear (of vehicle).

pedál n. pedal.

peneu n.
1 • tyre, inner tube.
plat n. number plate, licence plate.

radiadór n. radiator.
raius n. spoke (of wheel).

roda n. wheel, outer tyre; inner tube (in the context of roda kuak 'flat tyre' and taka roda 'patch a tyre').

selín n. (motorbike, bicycle) saddle.

tanki n. tank, (petrol) tank, tub (for water).

travaun n. brake.
travaun liman n. hand brake.
tuur fatin n. seat (of a chair), seat (in a vehicle).
vela n. spark plug.

vidru n. 1 • glass; window pane, window (of vehicle), louvre.

2 • glass jar.
vidru oin n. windscreen.
volanti n. steering wheel, handlebars.
xapa matríkula n. number plate, licence plate.

angguna n. small public-transport truck.

aviaun n. aeroplane, aircraft, plane.
bebek n. small motorbike with petrol tank under the seat rather than between the riders' legs.

bis n. bus.

bisikleta n. bicycle, bike, pushbike.

buldozer n. bulldozer.
elikópteru n. helicopter.
eskavatór n. excavator.
kamioneta n. truck.
kareta n. car, automobile, vehicle, cart, pram.
komboiu n. train (vehicle).
mikrolét n. minibus.
motór n. 1 • motorbike, motorcycle.
2 • engine, motor.
motór bebek n. small motorbike with petrol tank under the seat rather than between the riders' legs.
motorizada n. motorbike, motorcycle.
ojek n. motorcycle used as a taxi.

taksi n. taxi, sedan.

tratór n. tractor.
trek n. truck.
vespa n. scooter.

ameasa 1 • vt. threaten.

2 • n. threat.
aponta 1 vt. aim at, take aim at (e.g. with gun, bow and arrow).

arte marsiais n. martial arts.

asalta vt. attack, assault, mug (someone).
asaltu 1 • n. attack, assault, mugging, raid.
2 • vt. attack.
ataka vt. attack.

atakasaun n. attack; heart attack, faint.

hetan atakasaun vp. be attacked; have a heart attack.
atake n. attack.

atentadu n. assassination attempt, attempt on someone's life.

baku malu vp. have a fight.
baku too dolar v. bash, thrash til one is black and blue all over.
baku too tasak v. bash, thrash til one is black and blue all over.
basa vt. slap (with open hand, particularly on the face).

haan basa v. get slapped.

dere besi vp. bang metal (for instance done as a warning of attack, or during earthquakes and eclipses.)
bikan kanuru tarutu sv. conflict within the household.
Se barani, ida-ida deit! saying. Let's fight it out man on man (not involving others).
haree malu hanesan busa ho laho v. perpetual enemies.
defende vt. defend.
deut malu vp. wrestle.
dezarma vt. disarm.
diskuti malu vp. argue with one another, discuss.
duni sai vt. chase out, exorcise (demon).
emboskada n. ambush.
halo emboskada vp. ambush.
entrega-an v. hand (oneself) in, surrender; offer oneself.
evakua v. evacuate.
evakuasaun n. evacuation.
estraga feto vp. rape a woman.
viola feto vp. rape.
funu 1 • n. war, fight.
2 • v. fight, war.
halo funu vp. war, fight.
golpe n. civil war (esp. 1975 in Timor).

haan vti. 1 • eat; consume; beat (in cards), take (pieces in checkers), "swallow" (words such that they aren't
pronounced clearly).
2 • cop, be on the receiving end of a hurtful action; e.g. haan tuku 'be punched'.

(ema) haan malu (groups) constantly oppose one another and put one another down (by any means), be on
bad terms with.
O haan hau! I'll get you! (an unspecified threat).
hafuhu malu watch one another in distrust.
haksesuk malu vp. quarrel, dispute.
hamriik hasoru confront, stand up against, rise up against.
hana vt. shoot (an arrow).

hisik vt. 1 • shake, sprinkle.

2 • cane, give a caning.
intimidasaun n. intimidation.
halo intimidasaun intimidate.
invazaun n. invasion.
halo invazaun vp. invade.
istori malu vp. argue, quarrel, fight (with words).
tesi kakorok vp. behead, cut the throat.
kombate vt. combat, fight against (esp. used in contexts such as combatting corruption or disease).
konflitu n. conflict.
konfrontasaun n. confrontation.
kontra vt. against; oppose; transgress, disobey, break (laws...), resist.
kudeta n. coup d'état.
lere malu fight with machetes.
sokar lia stir up discord amongst friends or family by telling one person tales about the other.
tau lia (ba) v. stir up to do something wrong against someone else or to turn against someone else.
hamanas liman get into a fight to prove yourself (as a new member of a martial arts group).
tau liman ba lay hands on (someone, e.g. when praying for them or in bashing them).
tula liman put hands on (something); lay hands on violently, hit, bash.
liman kroat n. 1 • armed forces.
2 • vandal, violent person.
luta v. fight, struggle towards a worthy goal, battle (something).

masakre n. massacre.
halo masakre vp. massacre.
kesi matan blindfold.
oho vt. kill (animals, people), murder.

oho mate kill (successfully, such that the victim dies).

perang dunia kedua n. world war two, second world war.
perang dunia pertama n. world war one, first world war.
primeira gera mundiál n. world war one, first world war.
Raan nee manas. saying. Murder will come back to bite the murderer.
sama rai metin stand firm, don't retreat.
tuba rai metin stand firm under attack.
rakut malu scratch, pull at one another.
hana rama shoot an arrow.
retira v. retreat, withdraw.
rezisténsia n. resistance (especially the resistance movement during the Indonesian occupation); resistance (to
disease); stamina.
roo ahi funu n. warship.
baku ho rota vp. cane.
sadik vt. provoke, stir up.

sadik malu challenge the other to fight.

segunda gera mundiál n. world war two, second world war.
baku ho sikote v. whip.
sobu malu vp. bring one another down (by fighting, speaking badly about one another).
soku vt. punch upwards, hit hard with the elbow.

soran vt. incite (to fight), stir up.

sori vt. separate (fighting parties).

terorizmu n. terrorism.
tiru vt. shoot (with gun, slingshot), shoot (marbles).

tiru malu vp. have a firefight, shootout, battle.

(tiru) reta give a long burst of automatic fire.
tuda vt. pelt, fling, pitch, throw something at (horizontally).

tuda ho rai throw dirt at someone.

violénsia n. violence.
violénsia doméstika n. domestic violence.
vítima n. victim.
vitória n. victory.

au n. bamboo.

au doran n. long piece of bamboo used to carry liquid.

badak adj. short, brief; shallow; low.

baktéria n. bacteria.
baldi n. bucket, pail.

baleta n. drain.
barajen n. dam.
bee n. water.

dada bee vp. plumbing; pump up water.

liga bee vp. connect water to somewhere (through a hose).
soe bee vp. urinate.
soe bee kiik vp. urinate.
soe bee boot vp. defecate.
bee dalan n. water course, ditch, open drain, irrigation channel, canal.
bee lihun n. pool (of water), deep puddle, standing water, billabong.
bee manas n. 1 • hot water; drink.
2 • hot spring.
bee maran sv. out of water, the water has run dry.
bee matan n. spring (of water), any place used as a regular source for drinking water.
bee moos n. potable water, clean water.
bee moris n. spring (of water).
bee sae flood (through flood waters rising).
bee tasak n. boiled water.
bee teen n. 1 • moss.
2 • dregs that are left when one boils water.
besi n. iron; metal.

Dap n. small electric water pump.

debu n. wallow (muddy area in which buffalo or pigs wallow); pond, pool.

dois 1 adj. smell, smell bad, smelly, stink.

enxe vt-ba. fill up with, stuff with.

ferujen n. rust.
fitar n. scar.
foer 1 • adj. dirty.
2 • n. dirt, filth; rubbish, garbage, waste.
fura vt. drill, bore.

hadia vt. repair, fix, make right, reform.

hariis fatin n. bathroom (also polite term for 'toilet').

horon vt. smell.

iis 1 • n. breath.
2 • adj. smell, smell bad, smelly, stink.
3 • n. smell; stench.
jérigen n. jerrycan.
kadoras n. split-bamboo pipe.
kaleen n. tin can, tin, can; corrugated iron, roofing iron.
kanaba n. bucket or basket for drawing water from a well.
kanalizadór n. plumber.
kanalizasaun n. plumbing.
kanu n. (water) pipe.

kanuru suru rai n. shovel, spade.

kaza de banyu n. bathroom (also polite term for 'toilet').
kee vt. dig, dig up, harvest (root crops).

koadór n. strainer; filter, coffee filter.

kolan n. pond.

baa kotuk go to the toilet.

kuak n. hole, cave, pothole.

kuru vt. scoop; draw (water).

lahuk adj. disintegrating (esp. of termite-ridden wood).

baa liur vp. go outside; go to the toilet.

mamuk adj. empty, vacant.

mangeira n. hose.
materiál n. equipment, materials (for building, education, etc.; not 'cloth').
merak adj. 1 • murky, muddy (water).
2 • drunk, intoxicated.
mii 1 • v. urinate, piss, wee.
2 • n. urine.
monta vt. set up, install, fit, assemble (parts); hang (a door/window).
mota n. river.

mota ain n. river mouth.

mota ibun n. river bank.
mota ninin n. river bank.
mota ulun n. head of river, source of river.
motabomba n. hand-operated water pump.
nakali vi. boil (of water), boiling.
nakonu adj. full.
nalihun adj. stagnant (of water).
naruk 1 • adj. long (mainly of horizontal things, hair); deep.
2 • n. length, depth.
nono vt. boil (water).

Sanyo n. electric water pump.

sentina n. toilet.
baa sentina boot urinate.
baa sentina kiik urinate.
sentina jerál n. public toilet.
sukat vt. measure.

suli vi. flow, leak.

suli sai leak, flow out.

supa vt. suck (up), pump (up).

tanki n. tank, (petrol) tank, tub (for water).

teen 2 n. 1 • excrement, dung, manure, dropping, faeces.

2 • dregs.
ema nia teen (human) faeces.
torneira n. tap (BRIT), faucet (US).
turu 1 • vi. drip.
2 • vt. put drops in.
tutan vt. extend, join shorter pieces to make one long piece.

udan been n. rainwater, rainfall.

ular n. crawling creatures, including worms, grubs, centipedes, and caterpillars.
zinku n. corrugated iron, roofing iron.

ai dona n. club (for fighting), cudgel.

ai nanás n. 1 • pineapple.
2 • grenade.
armas n. arms, weapons.

baliun n. axe.
bazuka n. bazooka.
besi kanu n. metal pipe.
bomba 2 n. bomb.

bomba marotok n. Molotov cocktail.

dima n. spear.

dobel stik n. two bars joined by chain, for fighting.

granada n. grenade.
kanyaun n. cannon.
kartús n. bullet.
katana n. machete.
kilat n. gun, rifle, firearms.

kilat musan n. bullet.

knua n.
1 • hamlet of origin.
2 • sheath.
knuuk n. 1 • nest, nesting box.
2 • sheath.
3 • womb.
kroat (sira) n. weapons, arms.
lasu 1 • n. lasso, bow, trap.
2 • vt. trap, entrap.
lenuk n. 1 • turtle, tortoise.
2 • (military) tank.
maubeka n. large machete.
metralyadór n. machine gun, sub-machine gun.
minas n. landmine.

morteiru n. mortar (gun).

piska 2 n. slingshot.
pistola n. pistol.
punyál n. dagger, bayonet.
rakitan n. home-made traditional gun.
rama n. bow (to shoot arrows).

rama ambon n. barbed metal arrow, dart (shot from fiska 'slingshot').
rama inan n. bow (to shoot arrow).
rama oan n. arrow.
sabit n. curved sickle.

samurai n. long fighting sword.

sasaan kroat n. weapons, arms.
sikoti n. whip.
stik n. drumstick, baton.

surik n. traditional long sword.

tanki de gera n. tank (military).

tudik n. small sharp knife.

abu-abu n. fog, mist.

Abu-abu taka rai. clause. it's very foggy, dense fog.
anin n. wind, breeze; air.

anin boot n. strong wind.

anin fuik 1 •
n. whirlwind, cyclone, gale, destructive wind.
2 • n. a skin condition involving many patches of reddened itchy skin.
bailoron n. dry season.
bailoro naruk n. drought; long dry season.
kalohan n.
1 • cloud.
2 • sky.
kalohan taka rai it's cloudy.
Lekirauk kaben. sunshower.
loro 1 n. sun; sunlight, the sun's rays.

mahobeen n. dew.
neve n. snow.

rai lakan clause. lightning.

rai lakan taa baa-mai flashes of lightning.
rai malirin 1 • clause. cold weather, it's cold.
2 • n. cold place.
rai manas 1 • clause. hot weather, it's hot.
2 • n. warm place.
3 • n. place which has evil things there, which can hurt you without provocation.
rai tarutu simu malu thunder rumbles.
tempu malirin n. cool season.
tempu udan n. wet season, rainy season.
udan vi n. rain.

Udan monu rai the rains come (opening the wet season).
Udan tau. It's raining.
kero udan vp. do a ceremony to prevent it raining during a specified perio (e.g. while building an uma lulik ).
udan anin n. storm.
udan been n. rainwater, rainfall.
udan been moruk n. the first rains of the wet season.
udan biska clause. drizzle, light rain.
udan boot clause. heavy rain, downpour.
udan xuviska clause. drizzle, light rain.

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