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EdTPA Literacy Evaluation Criteria Task 3: Part D

Evaluation Criteria for Pre- and Post-assessment

Does Not Show Understanding Demonstrates Understanding
Question 1 (1 point possible) Student inaccurately names and Student accurately names and
describes the main character of describes the main character of
Henry’s Freedom Box. Henry’s Freedom Box.
Question 2 (1 point possible) Student does not correctly Student can accurately describe
describe the setting of the the setting of the story.
Question 3 (1 point possible) Student does not correctly Student accurately describes
describe the conflict/problem in the conflict/problem in the
the story. story.
Question 4 (1 point possible) Student does not accurately Student accurately describes
describe how the story was how the problem was solved in
solved. the story.
Question 5 (1 point possible) Student does not accurately Student accurately describe the
describe the theme of the story. theme of the story.
Question 6 (1 point possible) Student does not accurately Student accurately describes
describe the beginning of the the beginning of the story.
Question 7 (1 point possible) Student does not accurately Student accurately describes
describe the rising action of the the rising action of the story.
Question 8 (1 point possible) Student does not accurately Student accurately describes
describe the climax of the story. the climax of the story.
Question 9 (1 point possible) Student does not accurately Student accurately describes
describe the falling action of the the falling action of the story.
Question 10 (1 point possible) Student does not accurately Student accurately describes
describe the resolution/ending the resolution/ending of the
of the story. story.
Evaluation Criteria for Daily Formative Assessments

Does Not Meet Meet Masters

Day 1 Student does not Student was able to Student correctly
accurately complete describe at least 3 completes the story
the story map and elements on the story map of the fictional
cannot describe the map. story, The Ant Bully,
theme, characters, describing the theme,
setting, problem, and characters, setting,
solution. problem and solution.
Day 2 Student does not Student was able to Student correctly
accurately complete describe at least 3 completes the plot
the plot map and is elements on the plot map, describing the
unable to describe the map. exposition, rising
exposition, rising action, climax, falling
action, climax, falling action, and resolution
action, and resolution from the fictional
from the fictional story, Skeleton Key.
story, Skeleton Key.
Day 3 Student does not Student was able to Student correctly
accurately create a create at least 3 creates a comic strip
comic strip that illustrates that from a chosen book,
illustrates the describe 3 elements of illustrating the
elements of a story. a story. elements of a story,
through illustrations
and captions.

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