ABW & BPI User Guide

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ABW & BPI User Guide

The ACT by Week and Business Performance Indicators contains a lot of information which can be used to measure our
weekly performance and show areas of opportunity for our business moving forward. There are many different options
you can choose within this tool, and can be very powerful if used properly.
The Description, Fabrication Plant, ABW Group, Report Group, Job Number, 26WK, Engineer Service, Project Manager,
Designer, Work Center, and Process Install Leads slicers can all be used to filter the graph and the details table. The
Week Ending slicer will only filter the details table.

NOTE: All slicers are independent of others, so if you do not see the data you expected, remove all slicer filters by
clicking the filter icon with a red “x” in the top right corner of all slicers.

1. Description: This slicer will allow you to select any or all of the measures used in ABW or BPI. The ABW measures
contain numbers in front of the description of the measure. The description slicer can be affected by the ABW Group
and Report Group filters, so be sure these are not filtered with conflicting information.
 Example 1: If ABW Group is selected for Houston Materials, you will not see any data if you select Engineer
Schedule Adherence in the Description slicer.
 Example 2: If Report Group is selected for BPI, you will not see any data if you select any of the ABW
measures in the Description slicer.
2. Fabrication Plant: This slicer will allow you to select any or all of the plants for which you wish to view the graph and
details. The Fabrication Plant slicer can be affected by the ABW Group filters, so be sure these are not filtered with
conflicting information.
 Example 1: If ABW Group is selected for Houston –Production or any other Houston selections, you will not
see any data if you select any other plant in the Fabrication Plant slicer.
3. ABW Group: This slicer will allow you to select a predefined group for the graph and details. These selections are
predefined based on the accountability of the ABW measures and BPI elements. The ABW Group slicer can be
affected by the Description, Fabrication Plant, and Report Group filters, so be sure these are not filtered with
conflicting information.
 Example 1: If Description is selected for Material Timeliness, you will not see any data if you select Houston-
Production in the ABW Group slicer.
 Example 2: If Fabrication Plant is selected for Calgary 4700, you will not see any data if you select Houston-
Production in the ABW Group slicer.
 Example 3: If Report Group is selected for BPI, you will not see any data if you select Houston-Production in
the ABW Group slicer.
4. Report Group: This slicer will allow you to select between ABW and BPI for the graph and details. The Report Group
slicer can be affected by the Description and ABW Group filters, so be sure these are not filtered with conflicting
 Example 1: If Description is selected for Material Timeliness, you will not see any data if you select BPI in the
Report Group slicer.
 Example 2: If Description is selected for Cost, you will not see any data if you select ABW in the Report Group
 Example 3: If ABW Group is selected for Houston- Production, you will not see any data if you select BPI in the
Report Group slicer.
5. Job Number: This slicer will allow you to select one or many jobs for which you wish to view the ABW and BPI graph
and details. This slicer can be affected by all other slicers, so be sure the other slicers are not filtered with conflicting
6. Week Ending: This slicer will allow you to select one or many weeks for which you wish to view the ABW and BPI
elements details.
7. 26WK: This slicer will allow you to view the graph and details for a 26 week timeframe or the full 52 week
8. Engineer Service: This slicer will allow you to select one or many engineer services for which you wish to view the
ABW and BPI elements. This slicer can be affected by all other slicers, so be sure the other slicers are not filtered
with conflicting information.
9. Project Manager: This slicer will allow you to select one or many project managers for which you wish to view the
ABW and BPI elements. This slicer can be affected by all other slicers, so be sure the other slicers are not filtered
with conflicting information.
10. Designer: This slicer will allow you to select one or many designers for which you wish to view the ABW and BPI
elements. This slicer can be affected by all other slicers, so be sure the other slicers are not filtered with conflicting
11. Work Center: This slicer will allow you to select one or many work centers for which you wish to view the ABW and
BPI elements. This slicer can be affected by all other slicers, so be sure the other slicers are not filtered with
conflicting information.
12. Process Install Lead: This slicer will allow you to select one or many Process Install Leads for which you wish to view
the ABW and BPI elements. This slicer can be affected by all other slicers, so be sure the other slicers are not filtered
with conflicting information.
The Details section shows the element description, number of red items, number of green items, and the total number
of items, % ACT, Opportunity, and weights for each of the ABW and BPI elements. It will also show the % ACT Weighted
score and all of the totals for the data selected.

1. The elements are scored red or green based on the following criteria:
 Elements 1, 2, 4,5,6,7, and 17 will be scored negatively if the actual completion date is more than 1 day
later than the scheduled completion date. See the Measure Description document for more information.
 Elements 3, 13, 15, and 23 will be scored negatively by using the difference between the feedback
percent scores and 100%.
 Element 9 will be scored negatively for the material line items which are released late and not received
or promised on time to a job.
 Element 10 will be scored negatively for the material line items which are issued late to a job.
 Element 11 will be scored negatively if the highest impact of the revisions on a drawing is for material
added or a significant revision.
 Element 12 will be scored negatively if a PCR is completed after the design freeze date and is not
considered to be no operational impact.
 Element 19 will be scored negatively if the actual hours is more than the estimated hours for a given
 Element 21 will be scored negatively if the amount of rework for a task is greater than 3%.
 Element 22 will be scored negatively if the amount of rebuy costs for a job exceed $250.
 The Cost element will be scored negatively if the actual cost is over the estimate by more than 2%.
 The QSD element will be scored negatively if the Actual Storage or Ship Date is more than 7 days after
the Quoted Ship Date.
2. The % ACT is the overall ACT Score weighted to show the more heavily weighted scores have a bigger impact on
our total score.
%ACT = ((Green Items/Total Items) * Weight) / Total Weight
3. The Opportunity percent is calculated as the difference between the ACT Score weighted and the overall weight
for each element.
Opportunity =Weight - (%ACT * Weight)
4. The Weight is a predetermined percentage based on the impact a measure can have on our business.

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