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The goal of this document is to outline Akatsuki’s general combo theory, and give players

new to the Akatsuki a starting point. Instead of outlining combos by starter, we’ll instead be
focusing on his routes and listing the applicable starters that are associated with them.

It’s worth noting that Akatsuki’s combos are very flexible, and a person’s playstyle is just as
important in route selection as it is for whatever pros and cons it might have. These are the
suggested routes to begin with, but are far from what is possible.

Corresponding Video:

FF = Force Function (5B+C, 2B+C)
cl.5x = close 5x normal (either cl.5b or cl.5c)
f.5x = far 5x normal (either f.5b or f.5c)
IW = Infinite Worth (41236D when player has 200% meter)
IWEXS = Infinite Worth EXS (A+B+C+D when player is in orange health and has 200%

Starter Routes
Notes: Basic ender for just about everything. If you’re not sure what to end your combo in,
tatsu is your go to finisher. Helpful in scramble situations or stray air hits.
Starters: Everything except 6B.

6c > dash 2c > 6c > 214b

Notes: Universal day 1 combo. Only works on standing opponents where the first 6C
launches high. The dash before 2c is only required if the 6c hits far away, but to be safe do it
every time.
Starters: Anything that leads into standing 6c launch

214a > 5a > 5b > j.b > j.a > j.214b

Notes: Opponent must be juggled before 214a or the 5a won’t connect.
Starters: Standing normals > 2c, 6c juggle, FF

6c > dash 5b > Air Throw

Notes: Air Throw ender trades damage for much superior Oki, leaving the opponent closer
on knockdown. You can also use this Air Throw route to sideswap for better positioning
when in the corner.
Starters: Anything that leads into standing 6c launch
Preferred Routes
66b > 2b > 6c > 236a > dash > f.5c > j.bca > f.5b > 6c > 214b
Notes: Standard MIDSCREEN OTG route. You want them to land on the half of the 236a
fireball closest to you for the full route to connect.
Starters: 6b [2494], j.2c [3365], Air Throw [2472], 2c > 6b [3393], 6c > dash 2c [3744]

66b > 2c > 2b > 236a > f.5c > j.bca > cl.5b > 6c > 214b
Notes: Standard CORNER OTG route. For 214b starter, the cl.5b can be omitted if you’re
too far away and f.5b comes out.
Starters: 6b [2572], j.2c [3522], Air Throw [2553], 2c > 6b [3290], 214b > (cl.5b) > f.5b > 6b
[3818], 6c > 2c > 6b [3790]

6c > 66b > cl.5b > j.8b > j.8c > (land) j.2c > 2c > 5c > 6c > 214b
Notes: standard CORNER standing route. Landing before attempting j.2c can make the
combo more stable.
Starters: Anything that leads into standing 6c launch

Metered Enders
100% EXS:

(j.)214b > 236c

Notes: 214b is an extremely common ender, so this is helpful when you need a bit of extra
damage to take the round. Occasionally drops depending on the height and spacing of
Starters: anything that leads into 214b or j.214b

6c > 22a > 22c

Notes: Superior to the 214b > 236c ender in terms of damage. Because most combos end in
6c > 214b, they can be slightly modified to use this ender. Please note that you must cancel
22a > 22c while still on the ground, so be wary of the opponents height so that 22a doesn’t
connect in the air.
Starters: Anything that leads into 6c juggle

100% EXS With Vorpal:

214b > CVO > IW

Notes: Does more damage than both the 236c and 22c ender, at the cost of losing your
Starters: Anything that leads into 214b

200% EXS:
214b > IW
Notes: Raw 214b > IW leads to almost guaranteed 4k+ damage midscreen. Can also be
done after 214b enders, but can drop on combos with higher proration.
Starters: Notably 214b. Experiment with various routes that end in 214b to see if this works.

200% EXS With Vorpal:

214b > 236c > 5a > CVO > IW

Notes: Standard CORNER CVO ender.
Starters: Anything that leads into 214b ender in the corner.

(j.)214b > CVO > 236c > IW

Notes: Standard MIDSCREEN CVO ender.
Starters: Anything that leads to 214b or j.214b.

200% EXS + <30% Life (Orange Health):

214b > 236c > 5a > CVO > 236c > IW(EXS)
Notes: Max damage ender in the CORNER. If IWEXS is substituted for IW, make sure to
wait until the last possible moment to cancel 236c so all of the fireballs connect.
Starters: Anything that leads to 214b

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