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Volume 1, Issue 1

Take a Dive Into My Life March 19, 2019

About me

My name is Juliette Today I will be talk-

Gonzalez. My birthday
ing about who I am
is October 20, 2000. I
was born and raised in and what I like to do
Hayward California. I on my free time as
decided to go to Ari- long with some of
zona State university
my past experienc-
to get away to explore
and be able to find es.
new opportunities.
Choosing ASU was
definitely one of the
best decisions I have
made. Also, being a
creative writing major
was an important deci-
sion for me. I have
made so many new
friends and have gone
and explored a few
parts of Arizona.

Interests/Hobbies Inside this issue:

I have many interests ish, everybody hates when it comes to
as others do. I LOVE Chris, grown-ish, and something I’m interest-
About me 2
to listen to music. I vampire diairies. I also ed in. I guess one of
have to listen to music LOVE to write, prefer- my hobbies is bowling.
every day. My favorite ably poetry. I hope to I constantly take my
Interests/hobbies 2
genres of music are be a poet soon. I also friends bowling and
probably indie, throw- enjoy reading. My fa- play with them. About
backs, oldies, 60 rock vorite novel is The ninety percent of the
and roll, and rap. I Cellar. I am a HUGE Sports I’ve played 2
time I’m winning so its
often catch myself fan of food. Any type all fun for me. Photog-
watching a lot of of food is delicious to raphy has always been
shows and movies on me. Food is of course a big part of my life. Places I’ve traveled 3
Netflix such as, black- at the top of my likes

Desirable travels 4
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Take a Dive Into My Life

Sports I’ve Played

Soccer was the very first sport I high school. My first year of high- memories while being on the
had ever thought about playing so school I did not play any sports team. I also played volleyball in
when I joined the team in elemen- which again I regret but lesson high school which was by far my
tary, I was so excited for the first learned. My sophomore year I favorite. I bonded with the girls so
game. I was so happy to be on the tried out for soccer and made easily and season was really enjoy-
team and be with the other girls. varsity and I played varsity for able for me, I was a captain on
The games were so fun and mem- three years an oh man was the junior varsity and and played for
orable for me even when we lost training intense because the varsity.
we still had fun and just enjoyed schools had received a new coach
the game. I stopped playing soccer and she was tough. My three years
in middle school which I highly playing were not as I thought they
regret. If I could go back I would would be because our team lost a
have one hundred percent played. lot of games and when I say a lot I
Those two years would have mean a good chunk of our season
helped me for what was coming in was losses. Yet, I made a lot of

Places I’ve traveled

Now as for places I have not gone would always take our family trips away than my dads. We also like
to a lot of out of the country to Mexico. It was mainly to see to go to the resorts in Mexico and
places but in states a few. I have our family over there but most of we bring along the whole family.
gone to Nevada and Arizona. the time we wanted to rest and
Both wonderful places. While I just have a stress free vacation.
was in Nevada I went to Reno and Anytime I go to Mexico, I’m al-
Las Vegas. They are both interest- ways so happy to be there and to
ing little cities. As for out of the see my family. We mostly stay at
country, I have gone to Mexico. my dads hometown and rarely my
When I was little, my family and I moms because her family’s farther

Places I want to travel

I want to travel the world. What I top of my list for years now and enough for it. If I don’t get to see
mean by world is literally every all I can wish for is to visit them the whole world I’d still be happy
part of the world. Seeing different just once in my life. When I trav- seeing those five main places I
places and how the cultures are eled for the first time, I realized talked about
so different is interesting to me. that I really loved being in a totally
My dream has always been to new environment surrounded by
travel the world and just live eve- different people and a bunch of
ry part of the world for even a new places. Since I love to take
day. The most important places I photos, I thought traveling and
want to travel to first to are Swit- taking photos would be one of my
zerland, Brazil, Germany, and Italy. dreams that would come true in
These five places have been at the the future if I worked hard
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Volume 1, Issue 1

Inside Story Headline

Inside Story Headline

Inside Story Headline

What my future awaits for me

I plan to stay the rest of my three years in college at ASU. After I have
graduated from ASU I am going to head back home get a job and maybe
travel a little maybe for a year or so and just live life. Then, I intend on
settling back home and finding a job in my career and learning how to
really support myself and adjust to living on my own. Once I feel like my
life is put together and everything feels in place, I will begin to save up
again to finish off the rest of traveling s throughout my life I get to travel
the world.

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