Pass That Beat Around The Room Activity-3

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Montel Little

Pass The Beat Around The Room

Sources :

Activity in the later stages of dementia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2019, from


Copeland, J. (2013, December 16). Retrieved April 10, 2019, from

Kolanowski, A., Fick, D. M., & Buettner, L. (2009, January 01). Recreational Activities to Reduce

Behavioural Symptoms in Dementia. Retrieved April 9, 2019, from

Stages of Alzheimer's. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Equipment Needed:

No equipment is needed but tools such as a spoon or drumstick can be used in replace of
saying the word aloud.

Activity Description:

Pass the beat around the room

Montel Little

-There is no true number of participants needed to engage in the activity; however, a

range of 6-10 people is recommended.

1. First all the participants are asked to form a circle.

2. each student must say one beat from the phrase, pass-the-beat a-round the room
3. If they happen to be the rest at the end of the phrase, they are to touch their
shoulders on the beat instead of saying the word “rest”.
4. If you ruin the flow of the beat by saying a word to fast or two slow or just forget
your part then you are considered out and may sit down or step out of the circle.
5. Once students become comfortable, players who were out are able to join back in
and the word beat is replaced with a stomp.

Primary Interaction (activity analysis):

This game objective is solely on each player partaking on their own part in announcing
the upcoming word. There is no object to focus on directly, and the competitive nature is not
directed entirely onto another player so I believe Multilateral best fits for this game.


Adaptations made for advanced alzheimer's in this game would be to first shorten the
group or have the game be played with one-on-one with staff and participant to help keep the
participant engaged and focus on the activity. As well as provide any tool capable of creating a
beat for them instead of having them say the word a loud if they are incapable of doing so.
Keeping the tempo at a normal or slower pace. As well as assisting with cues.

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