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Assignment 1 – Design of a Product for University Students

1 – 1 Proposed Product S.A.D.T. Model

Group Project (Group Size = 5)

Aim To propose a product that may be useful to University students

Deliverables You are required to:

1. Briefly describe the intended function of the proposed product
2. Use the Structured Analysis and Design Technique (S.A.D.T.) to
model the proposed P/O system (refer to Figure 1-1)
3. Clearly show the relationships inherent within the model
4. For each component/element of the product, determine the
classification of P/O system that will be utilized and briefly
justify why this is applicable

Assignment Details Assignment 1-1 is the first in a two-part series

(to be followed by Assignment 1-2)
This submission is weighted at a maximum of 5% of your coursework
marks (which totals 40%)

Submission Guidelines Identify all group members by name and ID number

Clearly indicate the Project Leader
Assignment 1–1 should be uploaded to Turnitin (via myeLearning) by
Monday 11 January 2019
Should you have any issues uploading your assignment, please bring
these to the attention of the course instructor immediately.

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Figure 1 – 1 Sample Proposed Product S.A.D.T Model

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• Figure 1-1 depicts a sample S.A.D.T. model of your proposed product.

• The number of tiers may vary depending on the nature of your proposed product and the
number of components/elements.

• These components/elements would have certain inter-relationships. For example, 1 could be

a part, sub-assembly or a component of 2 and/or 3; or together, they could also be a product
of their own in different stages of production (i.e. from a prototype via a trial/pilot to a final

• Use the S.A.D.T Model to identify as many Input, Output, Control and Mechanism elements
that would apply at different stages of the production process.

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Marking Rubric

DESCRIPTION OF THE • Intended function of the • Descriptions are long • Descriptions are too long with
PRODUCT FUNCTION proposed product is clearly • Ideas somewhat unoriginal. unnecessary context.
articulated. • Unoriginal.
• Proposed product is original 20%
idea or clever improvement of
existing product.

S.A.D.T. MODEL • Model clearly decomposed • Model not adequately • Model not decomposed into
into appropriate number of decomposed into appropriate appropriate number of tiers.
tiers. number of tiers. • Poor analysis and
• Thorough analysis and • Incomplete analysis and identification of inputs,
identification of inputs, identification of inputs, outputs, controls and 50%
outputs, controls and outputs, controls and mechanisms.
mechanisms. mechanisms. • Relationships not clearly
• Inter-relationships clearly • Most relationships clearly defined.
defined. defined.
JUSTIFICATION OF • Strong justification of • Moderate justification of • Weak justification of
P/O CLASSIFICATION appropriate P/O classification appropriate P/O classification appropriate P/O classification 20%
utilised for each element. utilised for each element. utilised for each element.

SPELLING & • No more than 2-3 spelling and • Between 4-10 spelling and • More than 10 spelling and
GRAMMAR; grammatical errors. grammatical errors grammatical errors
REFERENCES; • Includes references and • Incomplete list of references • Inadequate or non-existent
PRESENTATION citations (if applicable) in (if applicable) references (if applicable) 10%
Chicago Manual of Style • Structure of ideas and though • Lack of structure in
• Structure of ideas and though process somewhat presentation of ideas and
process clearly presentation disorganised though process

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