That High Quality Education Gives No Room For Gratis (Free) Education

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That high quality education gives no room for gratis (free) education

We agree that high quality education gives room for gratis (free) education. Higher education, also
called tertiary, third stage, or post-secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows
the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school or secondary school. Tertiary
education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational
education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education.
Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the
receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees.
Higher education generally involves work towards a degree-level or foundation degree qualification. In
most developed countries a high proportion of the population (up to 50%) now enters higher education at some
time in their lives. Higher education is therefore very important to national economies, both as a significant
industry in its own right, and as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the economy.
Why is Education So Important in Our Life? Education gives us knowledge of the world around us and
changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and
have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that
gives knowledge. Some say education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while
knowledge is something very different.
A widely held belief that high cost means high quality and that we can't reduce the cost of college
without sacrificing quality. There is no evidence that this is true. One of the signs that an industry has become
"mature" is when more is spent without increasing or improving the output. This is the case in higher education,
where costs continue to climb at a rate that is not proportionate to the number of graduates we're producing.
And, there's no evidence that graduates are entering the workforce better prepared for their careers. Most
discussions about college affordability focus on how to pay for it or cutting costs around the edges without
actually changing the way we educate. While increasing financial aid and decreasing student loan rates help
students pay for college, they simply delay the inevitable -- the average student graduates with about $20,000 in
student loan debt. And, we know these measures won't be enough; a 2010 study by McKinsey and Company
estimates that to meet our goal of leading the world in college graduates again, we'll need to increase the
productivity of higher education by 23 percent.
The answer lies in using technology to rethink the way we deliver higher education. Technology has
increased the productivity of almost every other industry. However, in education, technology has generally
been an add-on cost rather than being used to improve teaching and learning or as a means to increase
efficiency and reduce costs. Even the majority of online colleges and universities simply use technology to
deliver traditional classroom education -- that's still instructor-led and based on a set time period -- through the
Internet. As a result, most online higher education is no more affordable than traditional education.
If we hope to achieve significant improvement in the cost of higher education, we must use technology
to create new, affordable models that customize learning to individual needs and expand access while
maintaining quality. As a nation, we must support institutions that are what Clayton Christensen of Harvard
calls "disruptive innovators" -- those that are using technology to provide high quality higher education at a
lower cost. Education is an important thing for a human resource quality. Indeed, to get a good education it is
expensive. In fact, early on, the cost of education arguably already quite high. The opportunity to see people
build playgrounds about five year olds. It is intended as socialization for children before entering school age.
Lately, better known playground play group was increasingly mushrooming in major cities.
Based on the monitoring of SCTV, recently , not a play group that uses English as the language of
instruction. Play group in the area of Pondok Indah , South Jakarta , for example. The playground is offering
three courses in three levels of age with English introduction. Toddlers class, for children aged 18-30 months
was introduced independent way of life. For example, the setting up a break early in turns ranging from hand
washing, eating, and eating until cleared device itself. A democratic value was also introduced in the school
program. Each child is stimulated to bold and respectful in expressing opinions. “We encourage the children to
get to know the attitude of democracy, “said Wahyu Ratna Ling , the play group committee . So far, said
Wahyu , the interaction of the teachers to the students in English is quite effective . They implement the
program well in learning, play, and exercise. However, that is a barrier if the child is not able to respond or
reply in English.
The students follow a program of three hours a day and five times a week. Therefore, the costs involved
are relatively high. According parents named Lita , the costs involved which ranges between USD 15-20
million per year . For Lita , it does not matter . “The important thing is being smart kid, " said Lita . Quality
education apparently is not a cheap commodity for the nation. (DEN/ Esther Mulyani and Haryo Morrow).
Education is the future investments, particularly investments that provide enormous leverage. Education indeed
perceived as a foothold for a better life. Prove it, after bagging the fruit of the diploma - education - many
people are increasing the welfare of her life.
We totally agree that high quality education gives no room for gratis (free) education because:
1. The quality of education we need lot of money. For training teacher, for build good facility, and of course
free education. We think now our country still cannot do that, of course we all know what is the reason. But
one day we’re sure that all kids in our lovely country will have good and free education.
2. The high cost of education in grade schools on the one hand has a value in education positive Indonesia,
namely: the public is increasingly aware that education is important and expensive. By way of further
education be valued think so and deemed necessary by the community, and is viewed as one of the gates to
the public welfare. So that parents work hard to find the funds to send their children.
3. The learners become more earnestly and seriously carry out his duties as a student, knowing the amount of
funds spent by parents to finance their education
4. Many schools in competing to be able to improve the quality of children become intelligent nation, as well
as the school community held. As an example we can observe the rise of international school development.
5. The issue of the cost of education, and thought would be a concern for central and local government. Let us
consider a more expensive education policy is, if we still need to continue or be changed. With these
expensive policies do not expect there will be a transformation of the lower classes toward better
conditions. Government should realize that education is the right of every citizen to gain access. Whatever
the story, through the milestones of education is the nation's struggle towards civilization progress can be
achieved. Without a good education and ethics rules governing life would be chaotic, moral crisis will
spread, to cause economic system disorder that leads to paralysis of the country's stability. Indonesia, as a
developing country is urgent to give more attention to the education field who are now far behind other
countries. By improving education, developments in other areas of life that will be achieved by improving
the welfare acceleration run faster.
6. The existence of sufficient funds to improve school activities
It is the absolute advantage of being owned high school fare. With the amount of money available then of
course the money to run the activities of the students becomes more assured. For example, for school
extracurricular activities certainly can be called the trainer or instructor that really extra quality to support
the interests and talents of students.
7. Environment makes a good school
If you want to hang out with successful people successful. This is not for your promiscuous friends but the
friends that you have a bevy of his goals clearly and closely with you so that it is much easier goal to
achieve especially if the support of friends. By attending an expensive school then of course went to the
place that the average state of its economy well. And their parents can call it a success in the financial field.
Of course if this environment is very good to support your work in the future if you need a partner.

CONCLUSION: Quality education is not possible cheap, or rather, not to be cheap or free. The quality of
education we need lot of money. In building good facility, and of course free education. We think now our
country still cannot do that, of course we all know what is the reason. But one day we’re sure that all kids in our
lovely country will have good and free education.
That high quality education gives no room for gratis (free) education

We don’t agree that high quality education gives room for gratis (free) education. What does quality
mean in the context of education? Many definitions of quality in education exist, testifying to the complexity
and multifaceted nature of the concept. The terms efficiency, effectiveness, equity and quality have often been
used synonymously (Adams, 1993). Considerable consensus exists around the basic dimensions of quality
education today, however. Quality education includes:
- Learners who are healthy, well-nourished and ready to participate and learn, and supported in learning by
their families and communities;
- Environments that are healthy, safe, protective and gender-sensitive, and provide adequate resources and
- Content that is reflected in relevant curricula and materials for the acquisition of basic skills, especially in
the areas of literacy, numeracy and skills for life, and knowledge in such areas as gender, health, nutrition,
HIV/AIDS prevention and peace;
- Processes through which trained teachers use child-centred teaching approaches in well-managed
classrooms and schools and skilful assessment to facilitate learning and reduce disparities;
- Outcomes that encompass knowledge, skills and attitudes, and are linked to national goals for education and
positive participation in society.
This definition allows for an understanding of education as a complex system embedded in a political,
cultural and economic context. This paper will examine research related to these dimensions. It is important to
keep in mind education’s systemic nature, however; these dimensions are interdependent, influencing each
other in ways that are sometimes unforeseeable.
According to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , quality education is education that has the
curriculum, teaching materials, methodologies, systems and infrastructure in accordance with developments in
the information age of today. However, education has now entered the realm of business. How big is the cost of
production of goods, for the price charged to the consumer anyway? Moreover, in theory the market, if the
goods are likely little or none, whatever expensive that consumers will definitely pay. Therefore, to be a
“homework “great for Indonesia to remove education irony does not favor the people in general. A community
now requires quality, but is still haunted by the expensive cost. An education expert once said “to create quality
education, the education budget should be increased “. However, what is the best school should always
synonymous with expensive and favorite school? Or, does the school have to have the expense of quality?
Indeed, to construct buildings and equip facilities require funding not less. Not to mention hire teachers
and employees with an adequate amount in order for them to work in earnest. Is the high cost can guarantee the
quality of education? Has become a sort of credo that anything is qualified to be expensive.
Various cases of people's desire to acquire formal education benches are often hampered by the high cost. Some
are forced to land in order to ensure a school certificate. Though school is not qualified to be expensive, and not
necessarily is expensive school quality. To realize a quality school, is highly dependent on careful planning of
the educational unit, management, carrying capacity, and managerial leadership quality. Schools run ragged and
unclear program will only increase waste. Realizing the commitment of stakeholders requires advanced school
education unit.
However, is there a school designed packaging can be developed simultaneously with the quality of
education costs are not expensive? Government efforts In order for the children of Indonesia have the
opportunity to be educated, the government created a program initiated to encourage the birth of an alternative
system for education in Indonesia. The hope will create a quality education institution, but not expensive. The
cost of education can be affordable for people, even for groups that have not been able to. Therefore, the
government has had a special system to provide free compulsory education. The program is free education for
Primary School and Secondary School. The phenomenon of free education is indeed very long-awaited , the
article Government issued BOS ( School Operational Costs ) to cover the prices of books that were increasingly
soared, this contribution, the salaries are not enough teachers and other costs . The existence of cheap school
education funds most activities or entirely borne by the government, to foster public confidence in the role and
presence of government. Government policies will soon be heard and obeyed the community as the community
really feels the government is on their side and trying to safe society. Instead, the government will have a strong
political bargaining. One of the prerequisites strong and sovereign governments is a must to get the love of his
We don’t agree that high quality education gives no room for gratis (free) education because:
1. Many students arrogant
This is one of the negative impacts if children schooled in high school. With an elite school in place and
when the child is not enough to appreciate other people's thoughts arrogant attitude will grow rapidly.
The role of parents and teachers about the environment also need to be able to guide mental child will
plunge into the wider community to remain humble and wise in socializing with others.
2. Social stratification appears
It is the negative social impacts that arise with the school are very expensive. It would appear the
prestige and feel their school is very good and the other bad school. That would appear groups who feel
themselves the elite class and did not want to mingle in society at large. Surely this is not likely to lead
to conflict between groups.
3. Fading of school
We had also been alluded to earlier beginning . With the high school course can disrupt the primary
purpose of school is to educate even be the brand or trademark of a person's education. There is now a
trend started even get into a school student to gain knowledge but not pursuing a graduate of the school.
4. Expensive Education
With the emergence of schools like this would also appear a new assumption that people want school is
expensive. With the economy still a lot of unemployment and poor educational demands become
dormant and their children out of school. It is fortunately response by the government to conduct free
schools a good move. But keep in mind the existence of a free school and high school course, will affect
the child psychologically especially that yet mature enough and less parental attention.

CONCLUSION: Has become a sort of credo that anything is qualified to be expensive. Various cases of
people's desire to acquire formal education benches are often hampered by the high cost. Some are forced to
land in order to ensure a school certificate. Though school is not qualified to be expensive, and not necessarily
is expensive school quality. To realize a quality school, is highly dependent on careful planning of the
educational unit, management, carrying capacity, and managerial leadership quality. Schools run ragged and
unclear program will only increase waste. Realizing the commitment of stakeholders requires advanced school
education unit.

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