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/GROUPS=jumlah_datang(1 3)
/VARIABLES=usia harga pendapatan servis menu

Output Created 14-Apr-2019 12:02:05
Input Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working
Data File 30
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are
treated as missing in the analysis
Cases Used In the analysis phase, cases with
no user- or system-missing values
for any predictor variable are used.
Cases with user-, system-missing,
or out-of-range values for the
grouping variable are always
/GROUPS=jumlah_datang(1 3)
/VARIABLES=usia harga
pendapatan servis menu
Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.779
Elapsed Time 00:00:02.268

Page 1

Analysis Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Cases N Percent

Valid 30 100.0
Excluded Missing or out-of-range
group codes 0 .0
At least one missing
discriminating variable 0 .0
Both missing or out-of-
range group codes and at
least one missing 0 .0
discriminating variable
Total 0 .0
Total 30 100.0

Group Statistics

Valid N (listwise)
jumlah_datang Mean Std. Deviation Unweighted Weighted
cukup usia 32.0769 6.71393 13 13.000
harga 82.4615 4.89243 13 13.000
pendapatan 1.7862E6 4.60100E5 13 13.000
servis 3.1769 .45305 13 13.000
menu 3.4692 .47150 13 13.000
sering_datang usia 35.2143 5.35190 14 14.000
harga 87.7143 13.57843 14 14.000
pendapatan 1.9850E6 5.95544E5 14 14.000
servis 3.3214 .46604 14 14.000
menu 3.4071 .51361 14 14.000
jarang_datang usia 36.3333 8.08290 3 3.000
harga 88.0000 6.24500 3 3.000
pendapatan 8.5000E5 34641.01615 3 3.000
servis 3.8333 .76376 3 3.000
menu 3.3000 .26458 3 3.000
Total usia 33.9667 6.23938 30 30.000
harga 85.4667 10.11906 30 30.000
pendapatan 1.7853E6 5.97008E5 30 30.000
servis 3.3100 .50878 30 30.000
menu 3.4233 .46660 30 30.000

Page 2
Tests of Equality of Group Means

Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
usia .925 1.099 2 27 .348
harga .930 1.014 2 27 .376
pendapatan .692 6.006 2 27 .007
servis .860 2.204 2 27 .130
menu .988 .166 2 27 .848

Pooled Within-Groups Matricesa

usia harga pendapatan servis menu

Covariance usia 38.665 11.237 515142.450 1.864 -.196
harga 11.237 102.300 495299.145 .405 -.485
pendapatan 5.151E5 4.953E5 2.649E11 3.905E4 -7.152E4
servis 1.864 .405 39049.858 .239 -.016
menu -.196 -.485 -71519.943 -.016 .231
Correlation usia 1.000 .179 .161 .613 -.066
harga .179 1.000 .095 .082 -.100
pendapatan .161 .095 1.000 .155 -.289
servis .613 .082 .155 1.000 -.068
menu -.066 -.100 -.289 -.068 1.000
a. The covariance matrix has 27 degrees of freedom.

Covariance Matricesa

jumlah_datang usia harga pendapatan servis menu

cukup usia 45.077 15.128 -1.430E5 1.127 -.706
harga 15.128 23.936 961923.077 .245 -.885
pendapatan -1.430E5 9.619E5 2.117E11 -1.160E4 -1.220E5
servis 1.127 .245 -11596.154 .205 -.018
menu -.706 -.885 -1.220E5 -.018 .222
sering_datang usia 28.643 1.681 1.168E6 1.934 .260
harga 1.681 184.374 117692.308 -.040 -.213
pendapatan 1.168E6 1.177E5 3.547E11 8.796E4 -3.504E4
servis 1.934 -.040 87961.538 .217 -.005
menu .260 -.213 -35038.462 -.005 .264
jarang_datang usia 65.333 50.000 220000.000 5.833 -.100
harga 50.000 39.000 150000.000 4.250 .150
pendapatan 2.200E5 1.500E5 1.200E9 2.500E4 -6.000E3
servis 5.833 4.250 25000.000 .583 -.075
menu -.100 .150 -6000.000 -.075 .070
Total usia 38.930 14.982 370183.908 1.983 -.261
harga 14.982 102.395 431563.218 .706 -.563
a. The total covariance matrix has 29 degrees of freedom.

Page 3
Covariance Matricesa

jumlah_datang usia harga pendapatan servis menu

Total pendapatan 3.702E5 4.316E5 3.564E11 -1.323E4 -5.620E4
servis 1.983 .706 -13227.586 .259 -.024
menu -.261 -.563 -56197.701 -.024 .218
a. The total covariance matrix has 29 degrees of freedom.

Analysis 1

Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices

Log Determinants

jumlah_datang Rank Determinant
cukup 5 28.808
sering_datang 5 31.182
jarang_datang .a .b
Pooled within-groups 5 31.054
The ranks and natural logarithms of determinants printed are those of the group
covariance matrices.
a. Rank < 3
b. Too few cases to be non-singular

Test Resultsa
Box's M 34.909
F Approx. 1.816
df1 15
df2 2.482E3
Sig. .027
Tests null hypothesis of equal population covariance matrices.
a. Some covariance matrices are singular and the usual procedure will not work.
The non-singular groups will be tested against their own pooled within-groups
covariance matrix. The log of its determinant is 31,439.

Summary of Canonical Discriminant Functions

Page 4

Funct Canonical
ion Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative % Correlation
1 .736 a 85.4 85.4 .651
2 .126 a 14.6 100.0 .335
a. First 2 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis.

Wilks' Lambda

Test of Wilks'
Function(s) Lambda Chi-square df Sig.
1 through 2 .512 16.752 10 .080
2 .888 2.967 4 .563

Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients

1 2
usia .143 .535
harga -.107 .623
pendapatan .940 .210
servis -.624 .094
menu .326 -.040

Structure Matrix

1 2
pendapatan .762 * .381
harga -.075 .750 *
usia -.129 .741 *
servis -.421 .509 *
menu .098 -.204 *
Pooled within-groups correlations between discriminating variables and
standardized canonical discriminant functions
Variables ordered by absolute size of correlation within function.
*. Largest absolute correlation between each variable and any discriminant

Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients

1 2
usia .023 .086
harga -.011 .062
pendapatan .000 .000
servis -1.276 .193
Unstandardized coefficients

Page 5
Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients

1 2
menu .678 -.082
(Constant) -1.237 -9.273
Unstandardized coefficients

Functions at Group Centroids

datang 1 2
cukup .191 -.377
sering_datang .344 .331
jarang_datang -2.431 .090
Unstandardized canonical discriminant functions evaluated at group means

Classification Statistics
Classification Processing Summary
Processed 30
Excluded Missing or out-of-range
group codes 0
At least one missing
discriminating variable 0
Used in Output 30

Prior Probabilities for Groups

Cases Used in Analysis

datang Prior Unweighted Weighted
cukup .333 13 13.000
sering_datang .333 14 14.000
jarang_datang .333 3 3.000
Total 1.000 30 30.000

Classification Function Coefficients

sering_ jarang_
cukup datang datang
usia .013 .077 -.007
harga .811 .853 .868
pendapatan 8.958E-6 9.525E-6 4.361E-6
Fisher's linear discriminant functions

Page 6
Classification Function Coefficients

sering_ jarang_
cukup datang datang
servis 11.713 11.655 15.149
menu 20.315 20.361 18.498
(Constant) -96.596 -103.372 -100.555
Fisher's linear discriminant functions

Casewise Statistics

Highest Group Group
P(D>d | G=g)
Case Mahalanobis
Num Predicted Distance to
ber Actual Group Group p df P(G=g | D=d) Centroid Group
Original 1 1 1 .609 2 .463 .993 2
2 2 2 .935 2 .585 .134 1
3 2 2 .104 2 .739 4.520 1
4 2 2 .267 2 .680 2.639 1
5 2 2 .975 2 .598 .050 1
6 1 1 .365 2 .561 2.014 2
7 2 1** .977 2 .569 .047 2
8 2 2 .063 2 .875 5.515 1
9 1 1 .956 2 .543 .090 2
10 1 1 .661 2 .504 .827 2
11 2 3 **
.484 2 .442 1.453 1
12 2 1** .825 2 .558 .385 2
13 1 1 .998 2 .550 .005 2
14 3 3 .913 2 .982 .181 1
15 1 2 **
.717 2 .592 .666 1
16 1 2** .990 2 .561 .020 1
17 2 2 .667 2 .449 .809 1
18 1 1 .432 2 .756 1.679 2
19 2 1 **
.476 2 .390 1.486 2
20 1 2** .752 2 .687 .569 1
21 2 2 .097 2 .632 4.661 3
22 3 3 .316 2 .512 2.305 1
23 1 1 .104 2 .523 4.520 3
24 1 1 .160 2 .630 3.668 2
25 2 1 **
.809 2 .572 .423 2
26 3 3 .351 2 .992 2.092 2
27 1 1 .818 2 .487 .401 2
**. Misclassified case

Page 7
Casewise Statistics

Second Highest Group Discriminant Scores

Case Mahalanobis
Num Distance to
ber P(G=g | D=d) Centroid Function 1 Function 2
Original 1 .347 1.572 -.790 -.203
2 .391 .940 .082 .587
3 .261 6.603 2.363 .995
4 .320 4.148 1.930 .683
5 .393 .890 .433 .535
6 .439 2.506 1.582 -.656
7 .404 .732 -.016 -.445
8 .124 9.419 1.087 2.558
9 .449 .470 .489 -.340
10 .338 1.629 -.719 -.376
11 .313 2.139 -1.234 -.047
12 .439 .863 .803 -.477
13 .431 .491 .136 -.339
14 .011 9.154 -2.820 -.083
15 .347 1.736 -.284 .852
16 .431 .547 .483 .303
17 .438 .855 -.543 .185
18 .233 4.032 .206 -1.672
19 .331 1.812 -.964 .013
20 .306 2.183 .552 1.056
21 .208 6.883 -.812 2.154
22 .355 3.041 -1.421 -1.043
23 .367 5.228 -1.297 -1.895
24 .370 4.734 1.948 -1.140
25 .351 1.399 -.433 -.561
26 .005 12.672 -3.053 1.396
27 .449 .564 -.325 -.010
**. Misclassified case

Page 8
Casewise Statistics

Highest Group Group
P(D>d | G=g)
Case Mahalanobis
Num Predicted Distance to
ber Actual Group Group p df P(G=g | D=d) Centroid Group
Original 28 2 2 .724 2 .547 .645 1
29 1 1 .948 2 .568 .107 2
30 2 1 **
.330 2 .733 2.218 2
**. Misclassified case

Casewise Statistics

Second Highest Group Discriminant Scores

Case Mahalanobis
Num Distance to
ber P(G=g | D=d) Centroid Function 1 Function 2
Original 28 .452 1.025 1.102 .065
29 .426 .683 .501 -.480
30 .266 4.243 1.017 -1.616
**. Misclassified case

Separate-Groups Graphs

Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Classification Resultsa

Predicted Group Membership

jumlah_ sering_ jarang_
datang cukup datang datang Total
Original Count cukup 10 3 0 13
sering_datang 5 8 1 14
jarang_datang 0 0 3 3
% cukup 76.9 23.1 .0 100.0
sering_datang 35.7 57.1 7.1 100.0
jarang_datang .0 .0 100.0 100.0
a. 70,0% of original grouped cases correctly classified.

Page 13

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