Keeping The Environment

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Name : Ranggi Hardiyanti Azis

Keeping The Environment

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

The honorable Mr. Ibnu Prasetya as the teacher and my beloved friends. Before I begin
to deliver this speech, let us say thanks to Allah SWT, who has given us blessing, so we can meet
together at this time in this place. And also let’s deliver Sholawat and Salam to our prophet
Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness. On this day I will
deliver speech entitled “Keeping The Environment”.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Environment is very important for us. Why? Because, our
environment is the place where we live and where we do all of our activities. So that is why we
need to keep our environment clean so that we can live comfortable. We have to get used to
throw the rubbish in its place. Do not be lazy just to take out the rubbish. If we get used to
throwing rubbish in its place, certainly trash will not accumulate in our environment any more.

Nowadays, the condition of environment is very concerning. There are so many people
that don’t realize the important of environment. They keep throwing rubbish not in its place.
That action make our environment getting worse. We as knowledgeable people must know that
there are so many kind of disease caused by dirty environment. One of the example is dengue
fever caused by mosquito aedes aegypti that live in dirty puddle. Based on Kementrian
Kesehatan from the begin year until 29th of January 2019, number of sufferer dengue fever as
many as 13.683 people with number of dead 133 people in all of Indonesia.

Ladies and Gentleman, we can prevent the disease with keep our environment. In this
good chance I would like to invite all of you to keep our environment to be in good condition.
Keeping the environment can be started from small things like, throwing rubbish in its place,
cleaning our homestays and much more.

So that is all my speech, I hope we can keep our environment in good condition and
have courage to remind anyone who still throwing rubbish not in its place. I am sorry if there
are mistakes in delivering the speech. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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