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MODULE#1 – Introduction to Cloud Computing

1.1 - Understanding Computing Concepts

1.2 - Challenges with Distributed Computing
1.3 - Introduction to Cloud Computing
1.4 - Challenges in onsite datacenter
1.5 - Why Cloud Computing
1.6 - Benefits of Cloud Computing
1.7 - Cloud Computing Models(Private, Public & Hybrid)
1.8 - Software as a Service(SAAS)
1.9 - Platform as Service(PAAS
1.10 - Infrastructure as Service(IAAS)

MODULE#2 – Introduction to AWS

2.1 - What is AWS?
2.2 - Why we go for AWS?
2.3 - History of AWS and Services of AWS
2.4 - Understanding the regions
2.5 - Understanding Available zones(AZ's)
2.6 - Understanding the edge locations
2.7 - Introduction to the AWS products & Services
2.8 - Understanding the market place
2.9 - Understanding the various components of AWS
2.10 - Understanding the AWS Certification path

MODULE#3 – Elastic Compute Cloud Essentials(EC2)

3.1 - Introduction to the AWS Management Console
3.2 - Regions and Availability Zones - How to choose the right one
3.3 - Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
3.4 - Finding the right AMI
3.5 - Launching an instance(Linux & Win) - How to choose the right instance type
3.6 - Security via Key Pairs
3.7 - Working with the Security Group
3.8 - Assigning Elastic IPs
3.9 - Logging into the instance
3.10 - Hands-on-Lab on EC2

MODULE#4 – EC2 Instances and operations

4.1 - Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC),
4.2 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),
4.3 - Creating and accessing both Windows & Linux Servers from console and Command Line
Interface (CLI)
4.4 - Build functioning virtual private networks with Amazon VPC from the ground up using the
4.5 - Deploy Amazon EC2 instances using command line calls
4.6 - Monitor the health of Amazon EC2 instances and other AWS services
4.7 - Manage user identity, AWS permissions, and security in the cloud
4.8 - Manage resource conumption in an AWS account using an Amazon Cloud Watch and
Trusted Advisor
4.9 - Select and implement the best strategy for creating reusable Amazon EC2 instances
4.10 - Configure an EC2 Server that launch behind a load balancer, with the system scaling up
and down
4.11 - Edit and troubleshoot a basic AWS Cloud Formation stack definition
4.12 - Deciding between On-demand instances, Spot instances & Reserved instances
4.13 - EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace
4.14 - Troubleshoot the most common problems with instances
4.15 - Hands-on-Lab on EC2 Operations

MODULE#5 – Working with AMIs

5.1 - Understanding Amazon Machine Image (IAM)
5.2 - Choosing the right AMI
5.3 - Creating your own AMI
5.4 - Deciding what goes into an AMI
5.5 - Migrating OS across the regions through AMI
5.6 - Hands-on-Lab on AMI

MODULE#6 – Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

6.1 - Creating and deleting volumes
6.2 - Attaching and detaching volumes
6.3 - Mounting and Unmounting the attached volume
6.4 - Creating snapshots and managing snapshots
6.5 - Recovering the volumes with snapshot
6.6 - Migrating volumes from one region to another region
6.7 - Hands-on-Lab on EBS

MODULE#7 – Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

7.1 - Creating a load balancer
7.2 - Internal Load balancer
7.3 - External Load balancer
7.4 - Load balancing protocols
7.5 - Security groups for the load balancer
7.6 - Configure health check for the load balancer
7.7 - Adding multiple instance to the load balancer
7.8 - Cross-zone load balancing
7.9 - Connection Draining
7.10 - Hands-on-Lab on ELB

MODULE#8 – Auto Scaling

8.1 - What is auto scaling?
8.2 - Auto scaling components
8.3 - Benefits of auto scaling
8.4 - Creation of launch configuration
8.5 - Configuration of auto scaling policies based on the Load on EC2 instances.
8.6 - Advantages of using Auto scaling
8.7 - Hands-on-Lab on Auto scaling

MODULE#9 – Identity and access management (IAM)

9.1 - Understanding IAM in AWS
9.2 - Creating and managing user accounts in AWS
9.3 - Creating and managing Groups in IAM
9.4 - Creating and assigning roles in IAM
9.5 - Delegation of permissions for users
9.6 - Creation of custom policies for delegation
9.7 - Setting up multi factor Authentication (MFA)
9.8 - Managing Account settings
9.9 - Understanding report and generating Credential Report
9.10 - Hands-on-Lab on IAM
MODULE#10 – Simple Storage Service (S3)
10.1 - Creating and managing S3 buckets
10.2 - Managing objects in the S3 buckets
10.3 - Managing AWS S3 with Command Line Interface (CLI)
10.4 - Creation of a static website using S3 storage
10.5 - Uses of S3 storage
10.6 - Working with Permissions of S3.
10.7 - Discussing lifecycles in s3
10.8 - Deploying website on S3 storage
10.9 - Accessing S3 storage via Tools( s3 Browser & Cloud berry)
10.10 - Hands-on-Lab on S3

MODULE#11 – Amazon Glacier Storage

11.1 - Creating Vaults
11.2 - Accessing the Glacier vault using tools
11.3 - Using Glacier for backups
11.4 - Retrieval period
11.5 - Hands-on-Lab on Glacier

MODULE#12 – AWS Networking(VPC)

12.1 - Understanding network components in AWS
12.2 - VPC Essentials
12.3 - Building A Non-Default VPC
12.4 - VPC Networking & Security
12.5 - Configuring A NAT Instance
12.6 - DB Subnet Groups
12.7 - ACL & Security Groups
12.8 - Elastic IP Addresses And Elastic Network Interfaces
12.9 -Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues
12.10 - Hands-on-Lab on VPC

MODULE#13 – Relational Database Service

13.1 - Understanding db operations in AWS
13.2 - Selecting the Engine
13.3 - Configuring the Database Engine
13.4 - Creating your Database
13.5 - Setting up automatic backups
13.6 - Authorizing access to the DB via DB Security Groups
13.7 - Hands-on-Lab on Database on AWS

MODULE#14 – Clouds Watch

14.1 - Debugging cloud related issues
14.2 - Monitoring the AWS Service Health Dashboard
14.3 - Monitoring with Cloud watch
14.4 - Getting statistics for a specific EC2 instance
14.5 - Getting aggregated statistics
14.6 - Metrics for other AWS Services and related namespaces
14.7 - Setting up notifications
14.8 - Use Cloud Watch To Monitor An Instance Dedicated To Monitoring
14.9 - Monitoring The Elastic Load Balancer For Performance And Availability
14.10 -Hands-on-Lab on Cloud Watch
MODULE#15 - Simple Notification Service (SNS)
15.1 - Understanding SNS
15.2 - Understanding TOPIC
15.3 - Creating and managing TOPIC
15.4 - Publish to a TOPIC
15.5 - Configuring the scbscriptions
15.6 - Configuring and managind alerts to various Services
15.7 - Sending messages to Mobile
15.8 - Configuring SNS to send the messages to HTTP/HTTPS
15.9 - Integrating SNS with Cloud watch and monitoring the alerts
15.10 -Hands-On-Lab On Simple Notification Service(SNS)

MODULE#16 -Simple Queue Service (SQS)

16.1 - Creation of a queue
16.2 - Sending messages to the queue
16.3 - Setting SNS to SQS
16.4 -Retrieving messages from SQS
16.5 - Hands-on-Lab on SQS

MODULE#17 - AWS Cloud Formation

17.1 - Understanding the AWS cloud formation
17.2 - Understanding Stack in AWS
17.3 - Building AWS infrastructure as a code
17.4 - Utilization of Sample templates
17.5 - Managing the stack in S3
17.6 - Building EC2 Instance with Cloud formation
17.7 - Introduction to JSON
17.8 - Troubleshooting issue from cloud formation
17.9 - Hands-on-Lab on Cloud formation
17.10 -Hands-on projects execution with two Projects using AWS

MODULE#18 - Server Migration

18.1 - Migration of Physical Server to
18.2 - Configuring the server migration connector
18.3 - Network configuration for Connector
18.4 - Migrationg the VM Server from VMWare to AWS.
18.5 - Replicating VMs using the CLI
18.6 - Updating the Connector
18.7 - Re-Register the Connector
18.8 - Demo on migration
18.9 - Troubleshooting
18.10 - Hands On Lab on Server Migration

MODULE#19 – Hands On Projects

19.1 -AWS Server Migration (Between Regions)
19.2 -On premisis Physical Server Migration
19.3 - Onpremisis VMWare Server Migration
19.4 - Website Deployment and migration
19.5 - Storage Migration

MODULE#20 – Interview, Exam Preparation

20.1 - Review the whole topics
20.2 - Resume Preparation
20.3 - Interview Q/A
20.4 - Documests Review
20.5 - Contacts Sharing

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