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Submitted to Fulfill One of Assignment in Semantic

Dimas Redianto Winardi (1613042053)
Faizal Pramana (1653042001)
Muzandia Atma (16130420



A. Background of the Theory
B. Formulation of the Problems

A. The definition of lexical relation
B. Polysemy
C. Synonymy
D. Hyponymy
E. Homonymy
F. Antonymy
G. Metonymy


A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion


A. Background of the Theory

The branch of semantics that deals with the word meaning is called lexical semantics. It is
the study of systematic, meaning related structures of words. Lexical field or semantic field
is the organization of related words and expressions in to a system, which shows their
relationship with one another. e.g. simple set; angry, sad, happy, depressed, afraid.
This set of word is a lexical field all its words refer to emotional states. A lexical relation is
a culturally recognized pattern of association that exists between lexical units in a language.

Based on the definition above, in this paper the writer would like to discuss about types of
lexical relations, they are polysemy, synonymy, hyponymy, homonymy, and antonymy.
Lexical semantics examines relationships among word meanings. It is the study of how the
lexicon is organized and how the lexical meanings of lexical items are interrelated, and it’s
principle goal is to build a model for the structure of the lexicon by categorizing the types of
relationships between words.

B. Formulation of the Problem

From the description on the background, the identification and restrictions on the above
problems, the problem in this study can be formulated as follows;
a) What is lexical relations?
b) What is polysemy?
c) What is synonymy?
d) What is hyponymy?
e) What is homonymy?
f) What is antonymy?
g) What is metonymy?

A. The Definition of Lexical Relation

The branch of semantics that deals with the word meaning is called lexical semantics. It is
the study of systematic, meaning related structures of words. Lexical field or semantic field is
the organization of related words and expressions in to a system, which shows their
relationship with one another. e.g. simple set; angry, sad, happy, depressed, afraid.
This set of word is a lexical field all its words refer to emotional states. A lexical relation is a
culturally recognized pattern of association that exists between lexical units in a language.

Lexical semantics examines relationships among word meanings. It is the study of how the
lexicon is organized and how the lexical meanings of lexical items are interrelated, and it’s
principle goal is to build a model for the structure of the lexicon by categorizing the types of
relationships between words. There are different types of lexical relations-
polysemy, synonymy, hyponymy, homonymy,antonymy and metonymy.

B. Polysemy
Polysemy is a word has more than one meaning which related in the concept. When a word
has several very closely related senses or meanings. Polysemous word is a word having two
or more meanings. e.g.foot in :He hurt his foot. She stood at the foot of the stairs. A well-
known problem in semantics is how to decide whether we are dealing with a single
polysemous word or with two or more homonyms. F.R.Palmer concluded saying that finally
multiplicity of meaning is a very general characteristic of language. Polysemy is used in
semantics and lexical analysis to describe the word with multiple meanings. Crystal and Dick
Hebdige (1979) also defined polysemy. Lexical ambiguity depends upon homonymy and
polysemy. For example, fish, fishing, cat fish, water, etc.
C. Synonymy
Synonymy is used to mean sameness of meaning. Synonym is a word, which has the same or
nearly the same meaning as another word. Synonyms are two or more forms which have the
same meanings or closely related meaning which are often, but not always interchangeable in
sentences. For examples are broad = wide, conceal = hide, and answer = reply. These pairs of
words are often interchangeable but not always, e.g this area is very broad/wide, but not I
speak English with broad Lampungness accent where we can not change broad into wide
(wide Lampungness accent). Examples, the rock is large / the rock is big. The train traveled
fast / the train traveled rapidly. The bus left promptly at 10 / the bus departed promptly at 10.

D. Hyponymy
Hyponymy is a relationship between two words in which the meaning of one of the words
includes the meaning of the other word. Lexical relation corresponding to the inclusion of
one class in another is hyponymy. A hyponym is a subordinate, specific term whose referent
is included in the referent of super ordinate term. e.g. Blue, green are kinds of color they are
specific colors and color is the general term for them. Therefore color is called the super
ordinate term and blue, red, green, yellow, etc. are called hyponyms. A super ordinate can
have many hyponyms.

yellow Color

E. Homonymy
Homonymy is ambiguous words whose different senses are far apart from each other and not
obviously related to each other in any way. Words like tale and tail are homonyms. There is
no conceptual connection between its two meanings.
The word ‘homonym’ has been derived from Greek term Homoios which means identical
and onoma means means name. Homonyms are the words that have same phonetic form
(homophones) or orthographic form (homographs) but different unrelated meanings.
e.g. The word bear as a verb means to carry and as a noun it means a large animal.
An example of homonym, which is both homophone and homograph, is fluke. Fluke is a fish
as well as a flatworm. Other examples-bank, an anchor,etc.
a. Homophony
Homophony is the case where two words are pronounced identically but they have different
written forms. They sound alike but are written differently and often have different
meanings. e.g. no, know and led, lead and would, wood.etc.
b. Homograph
Homograph is a word which is spelled the same as another word and might be pronounced
the same or differently but which has a different meanings. E.g. bear, to bear. When
homonyms are spelled the same they are homographs but not all homonyms are homographs.

F. Antonymy
The word antonymy derives from the greek root anti (opposite) and denotes opposition in
meaning. Antonymy or oppositeness of meaning has long been recognized as one of the most
important semantic relations. e.g. quick-slow, big-small, long-short, rich-poor, etc.
Antonyms are divided in to several types. There are:
a. Gradable antonyms/pairs
They can be used in comparative constructions like bigger than or smaller than, etc. Also
the negative of one member of the gradable pair does not necessarily imply the opposite.
e.g. not hot does not mean cold.
b. Nongradable antonyms/complementaries
The relation of oppositeness is that which holds between the pairs as single:married, man
: woman, etc. The denial of one implies the assertion of the other and the assertion of one
implies the denial of the other. It is the characteristic of complimentaries.
c. Reversives
It is important to avoid most antonym pairs as one word meaning the negative of
d. Conversepairs
Another kind of antonymy is forming converse pairs. e.g. Converseness is used to refer to
the relationship between buy and sell.

G. Metonymy
A metonym is a word used in place of another word or expression to convey the same
meaning. A metonym is substitutes for the object that is meant the name of an attribute or
concept associated with the object. The use of ‘crown’ for ‘king’ is an e.g. of metonymy.
This term has been derived from Greek word meta means after and onoma means substitution
for name.e.g. gray hair can be used for old age.
The distinction between metonymy and metaphor is made in linguistics. For instance, the
phrase ‘to fish pearls’ metonymy is used and in the phrase ‘fishing for information’ metaphor
is used. In cognitive linguistics, the word metonymy stands for the use of one basic
characteristic to identify a more complex entity. Metonymy according to American Linguist
Bloomfield is nearness in pace and time. More precisely it focuses on specific aspects of
objects having direct physical association to what is being referred to.

A. Conclusion
Based on the discussion above, the writer would like to conclude that is the branch of
semantics that deals with the word meaning is called lexical semantics. It is the study of
systematic, meaning related structures of words. Lexical semantics examines relationships
among word meanings. It is the study of how the lexicon is organized and how the lexical
meanings of lexical items are interrelated, and it’s principle goal is to build a model for the
structure of the lexicon by categorizing the types of relationships between words. There are
different types of lexical relations- polysemy, synonymy, hyponymy, homonymy,
antonymy, and metonymy.

B. Suggestion
As a human being realize that in the paper, there are still many shortcoming and problems,
although we have tried as much as possible, but that the result of many efforts. Therefore,
criticisme and suggestion that readers are very motivated as we would expect for many
suggestion for the future.

Kreidler, C.W. (2002). Introducing English Semantics. Routledge Taylor & Francis: E-

Khaire, Anuja. (2009). A Study of Lexical Relations. [Online]. Adapted from:
(Accessed on Monday, 17th April, 2017)

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