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Growth Assessment

Athena Fernandez

Azusa Pacific University

EDUC 549

History of Coursework

Table 1

History of Coursework

Course Term Professor Reflection

EDUC 540
Name of  Looking back, my first course and
course: Fall 2 technology intimidated me. Little did I
Essentials in 2017 know the impact it was going to make on
Learning Module 2 me.
EDUC 546
Name of
Spring I  This course is where I built patience for
course: Kristi
2018 technology and began to visualize the use it
Digital Hernandez
Module 3 could have in the classroom.
EDUC 547
Name of  This course carried a lot of meaning to my
Spring II
course: Jennifer personal growth because I was able to see
Special Courduff through example how technology can help
Module 4
Topics in specific intelligences.
EDUC 548  This course was taken after taking a
Name of semester off and summer break. Looking
Fall I
course: back, I can see the tremendous growth I
2019 James Brown
Emerging had made professionally through my work
Module 6
Trends in and reflections.
EDUC 549
Name of  I am excited and optimistic that this course
course: will only support and apply my learning
Fall II
Capstone Barbara about technology in the classroom. I am
Experience McMillan also excited to take a look at the past
Module 7
in Learning courses to see my growth.

Personal Growth

Throughout this journey I have learned that saying no to others can be viewed as saying

yes to yourself. This program has tremendously impacted my view on my own life because it

enhanced my sense of self, personal talents and purpose. When developing and enhancing these

traits about myself, I had to give push back to others in my life and organize my priorities. It was

not an easy journey but being able to identify it now is what makes it special. My life overall has

not been the easiest. I have seen things I shouldn’t have seen, been places at the wrong time, and

put my energy into people where it should have been on myself. For the first time, I have found

who I am by studying my own personal happiness and potential. I would have to say APU has

opened up an emotional gateway through faith integration. That has been a personal highlight of

mine in order to find my sense of self. I view myself as a spiritual person, not so much a

Christian. I was able to connect through these faith integrations deeply because of my intellectual

self. I would catch myself being so proud of my faith integration writings that I would want to

share them with my fiancé. They reconnected me to myself and let me grow up at my own pace.

Cognitively, I think much deeper. I want to have those deep conversations about life instead of

avoiding them. Most importantly, I want to open up horizons for others, like my future students. I

can’t wait to teach from experience, mental growth, and personal struggles. Throughout this

program, I kept hearing about an author named Carol Dweck. My interest for her book about

growth mindset inspired me. She mentions, “Challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So

rather than think, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s chance to grow”

(Dweck, 2006). I used to look at my personal obstacles from my past as troubles, but now I look

at them as talents that I was able to grow from. Because of my pain and suffering, I can relate to

the students that are dealing with the most stress. I see it as an advantage because I can enable

their learning. I will be able to know how to open their interest and influence their well-being

because I care. Because of my personal grief and path, I look at poor situations as an opportunity

of growth. I can confidently say that not all graduate students may perceive life this way.

As a result of this program, my personal growth has allowed me focus on myself. For

example, my younger sisters and some of my fellow classmates have struggled in their lives

through their own trauma, but because of my perseverance and strength they have demonstrated

how I have impacted their lives. These are the moments that give me faith in my future

teachings. I won’t just teach my future students’ curriculum explicitly, but I can educate on

having resilience. I can give them the opportunity to fail in order for them to rise above. Those

are the real teachable moments that can transfer outside of the classroom and into their personal

lives. Azusa Pacific University has magnified my personal talents like resilience and purpose in

teaching which I will be internally grateful for.

Professional Growth

In order to grow professionally, one must be able to take feedback, criticism and make

the appropriate choices. Reflecting on my professional growth throughout this program I had to

endure challenges that made me think about my own teaching style and career path. Before

entering this program, I thought I was at the peak of my professional growth but looking back I

was only just beginning. I had experience in medical administration, supervising employees, and

little experience working with students. The program has opened up a whole new world of

education. I have learned that teaching is a specialty and not everyone is able to do it. It may

come easier to others, but it might not be effective. It is an art that needs to be done correctly to

promote student learning and if it does not come from the heart it is noticed.

Because of the feedback I have received, I feel like I am capable of providing students

with the education they deserve. When I started this program, I did not know how to write a

lesson plan, but because of feedback I progressively learned to write an effective, inspiring

lesson. According to Bill Gates, teachers need real feedback and in order to do this we need to be

observed. That requires us to set our ego aside. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it. He

mentions that we have the most important job and we need to be able to receive feedback to get

the tools for improvement (Gates, 2013).

Another key factor that contributed to my professional growth is receiving criticism. My

first cycle of student teaching I had a very difficult master teacher. We did not connect very well,

and he did challenge me. I had to endure the type of criticism no one’s wants to hear, but it tends

to be valuable. It was tough love. That experience gave me a lot of anxiety, stress and uneasiness,

but because of my personal journey I am able to persevere. I can honestly say not everyone

would have been able to go through that, which I am proud of. Attending Azusa Pacific

University has been one of the best choices I have made for myself. It was the first professional

choice I made for myself and it won’t be the last. I will continuously grow professionally

throughout my educational career, but that involves making mindful choices to become a better

teacher every day. This program has given me the professional tools to be an effective educator,

but more importantly they have taught me to continuously learn. They have influenced me that

learning is part of this profession and will be a part of it for the rest of my career. I will continue

to search for opportunities to increase my professional growth such as, learning strategies, new

techniques, and tips to use in the classroom. I know I have a long journey ahead of me that

includes more education, more criticism, and more choices I will have to make. More

importantly I will have to keep up with my own self-motivation as a professional.


Technical Growth

When first starting this program, I was asked if I wanted a master’s in education with an

emphasis in teaching or emphasis in learning and technology. My first response was learning and

technology, but then I thought about the benefits of having an emphasis in teaching which could

advance me in the educational field. Then, I went back to learning and technology because of the

value it holds in today’s society. Technology is everywhere. It’s in our home, work environment,

and even in our communities. Technology is taking over. It seemed like the smarter choice and I

do not regret choosing it. Comparing myself to the beginning of the program, I have grown

tremendously regarding technology. I believe I am less intimidated of the technical tools, more

resourceful and dependent on technology to enhance student learning.

Throughout the years at APU, I had to purchase my first computer, create a new email,

interact with classmates online and virtually explore the internet. These were all things I haven’t

done since undergrad. Technology has such a significant role in our society today that since my

undergrad I have had jobs that demand us to have a technology relationship. It is inevitable to

escape technology in order to have a common job. But because of this, I have become less

intimidated of technology tools to complete specific jobs or homework assignments. Having a

master’s in education and emphasis in learning and technology has guided me through

educational technology tools that have become part of my every day lessons during student

teaching. I feel stronger and more independent now using the educational technology tools which

is going to assist me with becoming a leader for the students in the classroom. This is going to

benefit my teachings in the long run because I am able to take technology risks that other

teachers wouldn’t normally take. I believe this program has influenced me to become more

resourceful. I am willing to be that teacher that goes above and beyond for a new lesson, new

technology tool if it will have an impact on my students. If the students have access to

technology, there should be no excuse for them to not engage in the equipment. I promise to find

them the resources in order to promote their learning. On the other hand, I do have an

understanding that technology will not just stay the same. It will continue to evolve, and the next

best thing will come into the education world and I hope my resourcefulness will continue to

grow with it. Finally, this program has left me dependent on technology in an appropriate

context. I feel like I can count on technology to engage student interaction and their learning,

but technology isn’t always reliable and that is something I am okay to come to terms with.

Most importantly, that is something I am willing to teach my students. Technology is only a tool

that man has created and everything we are able to do online we are able to do in person to a

certain extent. For example, Future of Working blog mentions the cons of technology. It

mentions, everything has become easier because of technology and people are beginning to

forget what it takes to intake information like using a dictionary to find out the meaning of a

word. This is something I more than willing to keep in my classroom. Just like technology, there

is many other tools the students are able to depend on (Lombardo, 2019).

All in all, I see the significant growth in my relationship with technology, but I also see

the fine line of dependency. I am willing to teach my students the best of both worlds. I am

willing to teach them the navigation resourcefulness of the internet, but most importantly I am

willing to teach them the evolution of technology. As long as I am willing to become a balanced

educator, I know my students will strive for the ultimate success in society.

Life Long Learning Plan

 Be intentional to learn anything daily, weekly, monthly and attend professional

developments at work

 Participate in conferences or discussions with colleagues and proactively build

curriculum with grade level team, if needed

 Use social media as a professional technology tool and continue to take technology and

chances in the classroom

 Be open to the idea of going back to school for SPED credential

 Reflect with intention on any observation or critical feedback- possibly blog about these

reflections and Understand that students are able to teach me something new every day

 Explore and learn about community teaching by attending community events


Overall, I have gone through specific changes that will only enhance my personal,

professional and technical growth in the Azusa Pacific University Multiple-Subject Credential.

There have been many challenges along the way, but I have learned to accept them and strive

through them with excitement. While I continue to personally develop, I want to positively

support and demonstrate this for my future students. I want to connect with them more than a

teacher/ student relationship but get to know each students’ strengths and places for growth.

Professionally, I believe that this is only the beginning and I must accept feedback and other

perspectives in order to benefit myself. That will only make me more experienced and create a

tool belt that can lead me to bigger and better opportunities. With technology, I have created an

organic, ideal relationship while I’ve been in the program which can enforce a learning

environment with endless possibilities. It is an understatement to say that my learning journey

will stop here. I have to be open and intentional to continue to learn and grow. That may look

like setting personal goals for myself, be proactive about meetings, or even reflect on feedback

when necessary. I need to take responsibility for my future self which I need to acknowledge if I

want to be the best version of me.


Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset the new psychology of success. London: Robinson.


Gates, B. (2013). Teachers need real feedback. Retrieved from

Lombardo, C. (2019). 7 biggest pros and cons of technology. Retrieved from

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