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Annmarie Vincenzo

CIED 1003-901
Using Mullins Library to Find Articles

Part A. Step 4.e.

Part B. Step 2.

Name of U of A Class: CIED 4363-003 Disciplinary Literacy

Instructor of Class: Denise Mounts

Part C. Step 2.
1) The author is Nora Mallernee.
2) The name of the dissertation is “Exploring the Use of iPads for Literacy Instruction in the
1:1 K-6 Classroom.”
3) The year of the dissertation is 2017.
4) The institution that the author went to is Northcentral University.
5) The purpose of the study is to explore the effects of
specialized professional development, age, gender, and years of teaching experience on
the successful integration of iPads into classroom literacy education among K-6
6) The conclusion of the study was that it did not show a strong correlation between the
specialized professional development seminars and teacher TPACK scores, although
72.6% of the teachers showed score above the TPACK score average, indicating
possible strong positive correlation between TPACK scores and professional learning
seminars. This finding indicates that a more focused and in-depth study is needed, one
that controls more factors than was possible in this study.
7) This particular study would be important in my field of Elementary Education grades K-6,
because technology is an ever present tool that is found in almost every classroom
across the country. It is important to understand the impacts of using iPads and
technology in the room to facilitate learning.
8) If I were to do a similar study to this one, I would broaden the factors that I experiment
with. IPads are used throughout the entire school day in every subject, so I am curious if
they have a more positive or negative impact depending on the subject. Also, I wonder if
technology tools such as Chromebooks, Macs, or tablets have a different impact on the
results. Also, I am curious as to whether iPads serve more of a purpose with younger
grades as opposed to older grades, or vice versa. Studying these factors would be
useful for me, as I would have a better understanding of how I can effectively use
technology in the classroom to help learning, not hinder it.

Part C. Step 3.
1) The professor that I am currently taking a class with is Linda Hale Eilers. I am currently
enrolled in her Literacy Assessment course.
2) Linda Hale Eilers wrote her dissertation in 1996.
3) The name of the dissertation is, “The effects of analytic reading skills on sixth graders'
ability to solve mathematical story problems.”
4) The institute that Linda Hale Eilers went to when she wrote her dissertation is Louisiana
State University.
5) The conclusion of the study was that, “There was a significant difference in the problem
solving abilities of students who received instruction in graphic organizers in conjunction
with analytic reading skills, when compared to the students who did not receive either of
these specific instructions.”

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