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Annmarie Vincenzo

CIED 1003-901
Google Scholar

I searched for University of Arkansas research tools regarding my major, Elementary Education

Resource 1:
● Somera, Sandra Lopez
● 2018
● Educator Experiences Transitioning to Blended Learning Environment in K-6 Public
● This journal article examines the challenges and concerns that educators have with the
transition of more traditional direct teaching to blended learning. Education is becoming
more innovative, technology based, and student-directed, and many teachers struggle to
change their pedagogy that has proved successful. The results of the study concluded
that overall, students need more guidance but the implementation of blended learning
improved student behavior.

Resource 2:
● Kim, Daniel Tae-Min
● 2018
● Building the Next Generation of Leaders in K-6 Institutions
● This article examines the causes for why there are few educators in elementary schools
that, despite being qualified, are unwilling to fill leadership/administration in their schools.
The study found that this was due to stress, demands, and workload. The article also
suggested ways to create a culture in a school that inspires advancements and
leadership roles.

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