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Grey Folder No. 2 (1964) Appia Type of structure scription ‘Width of | Live load an lengths (feet) rawing no. ‘or amended | File ‘or subject Descript roadway | capacity Span lengths (fest) Drawing date weed | Fil Sana anor ay BEGET FOOTE ASRS Title 259 Bridges odt ni Standard plans or ighaybidges vow oe [soace | oMCaSDET index Bek ne aT TTY NY B= icra Preface 259 Bridges pdt Comiposte— Spi supported [2 Show SOT MON SUTETo Trvecal bridge [eonpecne scion [a ao-a8-30-60—[wow-so17— 2—5.6a [>arwonvorr cage beams steel beam spans [38 ae WoW $518 HOE MOWSSTE Ta welaeg ples Tor Mow, 3050 [26961 | vos mowa0s0 ad a HOW. 87 TEUOIETIE Lad 3 HOW. 8797 He Mow7a7 Ca 3 HOW. 8736 a Moa La 3 HOW. 8795 Sa bwa6 Lod « 3 HOW. 8800 ‘aoe uowaao Cad ‘ontinuous continous 3.24" 35-30-35 M.O.W- 8801 oMOWSEOT-t ear universal beam |pan za W20-S16-T16 aacgr—ss'—az-er[mow.se02—]?7464 Fr womesoz—cpat ridges 28 G5" — 47-6" | M.0.W. 8803, Yiz MOWS803_L pdt a Se=70- se Howser TEE MOET oot a 0-40-80 Howe TE MOWEOT Toot a 65-90-05 Howe 1s MoWaHOe“Toat a FEO TEETH THe MOWaHOy-Tost ap sappone Compose ste 0,60, 70, 80,90 seaenaga™ [eemptt ton |e Pm wow. 7095 Jaiin6s | azwow7aes sou Welded opis Tr wow.eo20 [asec | Mawows0z0 Ladi Rentoeed z TSB ES TNT TERADIGEH Lad remesan [sin susored fag moses Sinan zones [puro lesen [22058 7 Rentena 2 2-25-20 HOW_0U7 LMU Lad entrees | |coninuous 3 [2a Sie 0=22F—TWOW-ADIE| 4,5, orubWanse bad concrete sab | O ie ra ecesrerss HOW 8095 oa ubwanes ca fr bridge 28 H20-S16-T16 [5949 —30 ‘M.O.W. 8100 FrevnsoneadT — [Simpy supported itoatied ds Raps Mow tune — rer — se wows a Pane (Sma supearcd ew S5760"spear —fwoww- 6403 — [os 0163 —[ oe MOWEIOS-T ost “Approved Type of structure wion | Wiethof [ive fac aniengihs tee [oravingno. [eee [rie orsubject Desero roadway [capacity |SParienatis fee) | Prawingno | ft ranended | Fi Hogied $5 rsuan | WOW.SeT fa. et Tau a Hiied 0 ftspan—[MOW-8247 13264 —Tsenowasa ta Modified 40 ftspan—[MOw-9271—Lauz.e4 Tyee uouser za 40-100 HOM B12S agua Co a0 WOW B1ie 30 MOM SII7 SaewoWere par en simply supported 30 HOW BIIE Posttensioned | | composite action 707 mow-sug—|411263 |e owsris pat a a0 HLO.W-8120 a5 MOWsIZO- pat 30 HOM. SIOT ae MOWsIZT pat 100 HLOLW-B122 Yaz Wows Lpat Design aa 40-100 WO.W.6266 —[IEZeE [se wwe Ie boat Treat de 1010 30 ewo. 150307 [27.464 | yaaewniso307 Lod wrdgesecion _[2# | pa0sie-se [10t30 ERD 150320 To 463 | yao unisoa20 iad Bridge secon [2 107030 PND TSO Yo63 [vai pwoison20 2dt Precast pretensionea [Precast nage 35 mow.a73 [1863 | ya2mowsi73 Lol plank bedges precast orGE Press 0 mows [166s |yasuowsai9 ipat Deck das [ae] 2°-516-716 Fseay HOW Is | CES. | WEENIE La Precast dae its mealfed for 20,22, 25,27%,30]mow.9502, 10468 | ves mowosar i nat iPsuands ER ICIS IOI, | PND TS Frimber spans [8812 5 Ge AG DAE Loa 8, TOTS, 20, 5 PEWD. TST Farm bridges [RS sPans 862 Terontua [30 hd sacs [Yezpuonsssts 2oat Compose ferent mber [22 25830 MO.W. 6327 YAR MOWES27 Lo aiaminated 1 Tor wo ETON La inate two & BMD. 119465 Reinforced three cell GBsh) ae gengete box Faingaallst END. TOOSST | 21156 ran shi Secranmranses Diagrams Enotes PAN.GL TROT TSSPuDIIOISS pat Type of structure “Approved Span lengths (feet) | Drawing ne. | oramended | File or subject Pan lenaths (eet) 3 gan Tiscelaneous | Standard bridge z Mscel ae Mow.4804 [12.1262 | vse mowss0e Laat Pwo. 153215 |189.59 | ys7ewois37is J out Stee HT ending Pwo. 147983 [15.117 _ | Ysanwoia7083 Leaf Shoes for umber pwo.7e81 [12663 anno Mow.a77a [196.63 | YoOMOWAT7E Lpot PWD. 97122 ‘YSLPWDA7I22 Lat Pwo, 130263 [1.9.9 | ye2nw0130269 Lat Standare = pw. 127699 mbizras Standard 147 PSC PwW.0. 155095 ‘YG PWDISS005 pat - 305.63 Standare "PST pw. 155849 Piles Pw.0. 156229 ‘¥66 PWO156229 1 pat 18959 Pwv.0. 109379 ‘¥67 PWO100979_1 pat YGRPUDISO1S9 Led sc thard drivin PAO, 159159 andare 25 PSC Pw.0. 155094 |30.5.63 | yea PwD155004 1 od Standaré 15° yaopwnis9160 Isat sc thard drivin) PAv0, 159160 PwW.D. 152992 21 PwD152982 Lod 18959 ED, Maes Y72Pw9143803 4 pdf Standard TEPC Pw.0. 155850 |30.5.63 | v73PwD1s5850 Lod

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