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Evidencia De Los Links Compañeros

Cesar Montes
Monitorización remota de red (RMON)

Heiner Madera Duarte

"Redes Telemáticas de nueva generación e internet de las cosas".
Francisco Javier
Ciclo de vida de las redes telemáticas

Rafael gustavo
Administración de redes

2.Preguntas Y Respuestas De Los Compañeros

CESAR EMIRO MONTES - sábado, 6 de abril de 2019, 00:46

francisco javier, What is the Lifecycle of a network?. What is most important thing
about this topic?
FRANCISCO JAVIER AVENDA?O - domingo, 7 de abril de 2019, 23:35

What is the Lifecycle of a network ?. What is most important thing about this

the life cycles are called SDLC and these should not be confused with the protocol
used by the same abbreviations, The PPDIOO model can be considered as a
mixture of different models, incorporating the most positive of them. the following
characteristics make the model very suitable for the work of technicians with
The important thing about this topic is to keep in mind each of the life cycle stages
of the networks
Thank you

CESAR EMIRO MONTES - sábado, 6 de abril de 2019, 00:53

Hello Heiner madera

What is the advantage and / or disadvantage of the internet of things in our daily life?
Thank you.
HEINER MADERA DUARTE - domingo, 7 de abril de 2019, 11:34

Regards Cesar Augusto,

This is my answer.
What is the advantage and / or disadvantage of the internet of things in our
daily life?

The advantages are:

 Data analysis speed improving Data Intelligence, to make better decisions in the
 Remote monitoring and management of processes, places and devices.
 Efficiency and savings in time and money as is the case of telemedicine and
virtual education

The disadvantages are:

 Compatibility, because there is no standard for labeling and monitoring with

 Risks of malfunction, privacy and safety with these systems so complex

best regards,
Heiner Madera Duarte

HEINER MADERA DUARTE - domingo, 7 de abril de 2019, 10:22

Regards Cesar Emiro,

my question is:
How does RMON technology work?

Best regards,
Heiner Madera Duart
CESAR EMIRO MONTES - martes, 9 de abril de 2019, 10:11

Regards Heiner,

answer to your question

How does RMON technology work?

A Typical Rmon Configuration Consists Of The Direction Of The Central Station Of
The Network And A Device That Does A Remote Monitoring, Called A Rmon Agent.
The Network Station Address Can Be The Server Or A Windows Based Or Unix
Based Pc That Runs An Application, Such As Analysis Of Effectiveness. From This
Station, You Can Publish Snmp Commands Requiring Information From The Rmon
Agent. The Rmon Agent Sends The Requested Information To The Station, Which
Processes And Visualizes This Information On Your Console.

FRANCISCO JAVIER AVENDA?O - domingo, 7 de abril de 2019, 23:37

buenas noches Heiner

dejo la pregunta para ti.

in a few words to what is referred new generation? and in what class you can
see applied
RAFAEL GUSTAVO CORTINA - martes, 9 de abril de 2019, 16:41


My question is for the friend Heiner.:

What effect will the internet of things (loT) have on our daily lives?

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