In My Opinion

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Question 4

a)In my opinion, vector spaces in programming is a type of array that is one dimensional.
Vectors are a logical element in programming languages that are used for storing data.
Vectors are similar to arrays but their actual implementation and operation differs. Vectors
are primarily used within the programming context of most programming languages and
serve as data structure containers. Being a data structure, vectors are used for storing
objects and collections of objects in an organized structure. The major difference between
and array and a vector is that, unlike typical arrays, the container size of a vector can be
easily increased and decreased to complement different data storage types. Vectors have a
dynamic structure and provide the ability to assign container size up front and enable
allocation of memory space quickly. Vectors can be thought of as dynamic arrays.
Beside that , the area of cryptography employs many different of transforming normal data
into hard to read data.Encryption is used widely by people, organizations and the
government to safeguard their data from misuse. One method of encryption by using
linear algebra, specifically matrix operations. The method involves two matrices: one to
encode, and one to decode. First, the characters in the original message or stream are
assigned numerical values. Example, A-Z are represented by the numbers 1-26 and a space
is represented by 27.The encoding matrix can be generated using any integers that the user
desires. It can be something as simple as a 3x3 matrix composed of random integers. The
matrix must be invertible for use in decoding.

Causes the unappreciated behaviour toward this subject.
The influence of interest on a linear algebra is also one of the factors of student
achievement in final exam. Here we see when a student has a high interest in this subjects,
they will try to understand what they are learning and will otherwise occur when a student
is not interested in this subject. Interest is an important factor in encouraging students to be
active in learning activities. When a student tries to increase their interest in this subject,
they will succeed in mastering this subject.
Another reason is the question are too complicated to understand by students. Students
feel lazy to think of solving problems especially related to numbers.So , they will give up to
solve the problems if they do not get answers.

How to improve the understanding of the subject and help the students to get better
To overcome the problem by student is student need to improve their learning method.One
of the learning method is group discussion. Discussion method is a group activity where
students work with each other to research and discuss a topic or problem. Discussion
methods can be used to encourage pupils to respond or to discuss the topics or problems of
math that are or are being discussed. The discussion method is an activity that is very simple
and easy to implement in any subject especially in this subject this method can be carried
out in any classroom or home situation.Discussions can be a structured activity or
independent activity depending on the assessment being carried out. Here the role of a
teacher or parents can change them should be less talkative, however they should
encourage students to express their opinions, ask questions, think of answers, comment and
solve problems, teachers and parents should not be the main source of reference for
information sources but to facilitate discussion activities .The goal of this method is to
develop the ability in mathematical subjects where this method, sharpen the students'
minds, train students' ability to solve mathematical problems and encourage the
development of student in mathematics to become more fertile. This method also aims to
train students' ability to create ideas, building confidence in student, expanding knowledge
and also developing skills in the child.Problem solving method. In this way student are
required to overcome obstacles or complexities to achieve the goal. The main factor in
solving any mathematical problem is to use all the past experiences in solving a solution that
the student has never known.

Academicians also taking role to improvise student CGPA ‘s . The role of lecturer is to
explain to students the interest in mathematics. If the student is lazy and difficult to
understand with this subject the lecturer should play a role to advise them and give them
proper guidance with dedication and wisdom.The lecturer should never let his students
break the spirit in the subject. Make sure the student's performance in linear algebra or
other subjects is always stable and always care if there is a part that the student does not
understand. Lecturers also do not discriminate students by scolding or embarrassing
students who do not know or can not solve a problem. Encourage them to use their
creativity in solving complex and difficult problems. Lecturers must also set the creativity of
the students. Although some people say creativity is inherently natural but we can still be
deep within us.Lecturers must also try to make the best of the students with this subject.
Increase training in the classroom. Make sure all students understand what they are taught
each after class. Lecturers should always expose students with the importance of
mathematics in human life.

Higher institution should hold the carnival and seminar to attract student interest. The
carnival should contains importance of linear algebra subject and competition among
student.There a must make sure all student participate in event Another way is invite other
lecturer from another university to give a talk about this subject.

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