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Watcharapong Wongkaew North no.

23 4/8

Different world in different perspective

Travelling in to unknown lands will turn you into the storyteller, broadens your mind, and

fills our lives with good experiences. These unknown lands that I have been to are Japan,

Austria, Germany and other many places. Japan and Austria are different when it first come in to

our minds, but there are similarities. Therefore, these two countries show many aspects in

comparing and contrasting between culture, geography, and transportation system.

First, Japan and Austria are situated in different continents, but there are also similarities.

Both Japan and Austria are in the temperate zone between the Arctic circle and Tropic of Cancer,

so they are classified in the same climate zone which have temperature between -4 and 29

Celsius. While Austria is situated in the Alps and its topography is mountainous and lakes, Japan

is situated in Pacific Ocean and has Mt. Fuji in its center of Kyushu island. Austria is a

landlocked countries and its cities are in the valley of the Alps, but Japan has open to the oceans

while its cities are on the coast and highly populated. Not only Austria has freshwater inland and

from the Alps and Rhine river, but it also has groundwater too. Since Japan is in the middle of

the sea and land is full of sea water, Japan has to convert sea water to freshwater to use it.

However, Japan and Austria has similar aspect as Japan has mountainous zone as Austria.

Secondly, Japan and Austria have total differences in culture as they situated in different

continent. Austrians speak German in Indo-European language group while Japanese speak

Japanese in Sino-Tibetan language group. Their culture is distinct from each other since Japanese

took their culture from China, but Austrians took from the Anglo-Saxony(German). The Austrian

culture includes Viennese music, Christianity, Alpine pastures, and its traditional clothes, Dirndl.
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The Japanese culture includes Samurai, Shogun, Japanese popular culture, Shinto, Arts, and its

Kimono or Yutaka which they are traditional costume.

Lastly, Japan and Austria are not much different from each other in transportation

system. Japan has many different railroad systems and public transportation to use and these Commented [WW1]:

complicated systems can tell us that Japan is highly populated. Austria has many tunnels and

roads for Austrian to use it comfortably as Japanese. Since these two countries are developed,

they are as comfort as themselves and their transportation systems are likely same.

To sum up, not only Japanese and Austrians share many aspects together, but they are

also distinct from other. Japanese live in islands, but Austrians live in the Alps. Their cultures are

totally different, but their transportation systems are as comfortable as other one. These distinct

aspects help me broadening my mind and I think that this essay will help you too.

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