6 Grade Social Studies Syllabus: Information and Expectations

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6th Grade Social Studies Syllabus

Information and Expectations

Mr. Anderson – 6th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Baranek – 6th Grade Special Education

Welcome to a new year and a new school! My name is Mr. Anderson, and I will be guiding your
learning about ancient civilizations and cultures. I am very excited to introduce you to a fascinating
variety of people, places, governments, ideas, themes, cultures, values, and to help you discover how
you fit into the story of history.

I expect students to:

 Come to class Prepared with their materials and ready to learn

 Be Respectful of the ideas, opinions, and feelings of everyone in the classroom
 Participate with a positive attitude, and reflect on what they learn
 Take Responsibility for their learning and actions, and give their best effort at all times

Students can expect me to:

 Present engaging and meaningful lessons that explain what, when, and why we are learning
 Be prepared to offer help, support, and suggestions to improve student understanding
 Provide feedback on assignments, ideas, and participation in a timely manner
 Maintain an organized, respectful, and safe classroom environment

Procedures: (for disruptions or behavior issues)

1. Verbal Warning
2. Stay after-class and discuss the problem, and a possible seat change
3. “Reflection” writing assignment and parental contact
4. Before School/After School/Lunch Detention and parental signature
5. Second detention and signed student/parent/teacher contract
6. Official Referral and Parent Conference with Dean

 Notebook or binder and loose-leaf paper

 Folder with two pockets (to be used only for Social Studies)
 Writing utensils and a box of colored pencils


 Tests, Projects, and Papers – 40%

o Paper and Pencil Tests, Writing Assignments, Research Grade Scale
Projects, and Group Projects will all be a part of this kind of
assessment 100 – 93% - A
o Usually one or two assessments per unit
92 – 86% - B
 Homework and In-Class Work – 30%
o Students will complete small reading, note-taking, and group 85 – 78% - C
work assignments
o Usually two to three per week 77 – 70% - D
o Detentions may be given to students with more than one
69 – 0% - F
missing or late assignment per quarter
 Quizzes and In-Class Writing – 30%
o Students will complete quizzes and brief in-class writing assignments to demonstrate
understanding and application
o Usually one every one to two weeks

Absence Procedures:

 Students should check the teacher website for assignments and homework.
 Tests, quizzes, and homework are to be completed the following class. Please see me if you
were absent for more than one or two days to talk about make-up work.
 If you are absent, remind me you were not here when you turn in work. Any work turned in
without this reminder could be considered late, and consequences may be given.
 If you are going to be gone for an extended amount of time (vacation, medical reasons, etc.)
let me know as soon as possible to plan for make-up work.

Contact Information:

Mr. Matthew Anderson Mrs. Vicki Baranek

Email: manderson@npd117.net (preferred) Email: vbaranek@npd117.net (preferred)
Phone: 708-233-4537 Phone:708-598-5500 ext. 8727

Please direct questions about content, Please direct questions about Special Education,
curriculum, grades, etc. to me IEPs, 504 Plans, accommodations, etc. to me

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