Utahflagshipscholarship2019 2

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University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid
201 South 1 460 East, Room 1 05 Salt Lake City, Uf 84112 801 -581 -621 1

January 24,2019

1615 E 7200 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84121.4]56
ID u1169844

Dear Khris,

Congratuiations on your adrnission to the University of Utah for Fall 2019. On behalf of all cunent students, faculry
and staff, welcome to the U!

Based on your academic credentials, you are being awarded the 4 year Utah Flagship Scholarship. This is a renewable
scholarship lvorth approximately $20,000 over 4 years (see enclosure). You can accept your scholarship alvard when
you confirm your intent to eruoll and pay your enrollment deposit at https;//adrnissions.utah.edu/confirm/.

Your official University ID or "uNID" is above, and your default password is your birthdate in MMDDYY format.
Your INID and passwold give you access to your Carnpus Information Services (CIS) account, which will connect
you to campns frorn now until you graduate. You can try logging in now at cis.utah.edu. More information on how to
use your uNID, as w-ell as next steps for successful enroliment, are in your admissions packet.

Review the enclosr.rre for more inforrnation about your award and respond to your offer by May 1, 2019. Your
scliolarship can be accepted when you confrrm your intent to enroll with the Office of Admissions at
admissions.utah.edu/confirm. If you have any questions or concerns about your offer, please call us at (801) 581-
6271 or ernail scholarship@sa.utah.edu.

Again, congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment. We look forward to having you as parl of the University
of Utah farnily.


Brenda Burke, Executive Director
University Ofhce of Scholarships and Financial Aid


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