Ebglish Revision Sheet 2016-17 PDF

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1. Compound Word/Collocation /Discourse Marker/Linker.............. 2

2. Code-mixing /Word register /Acrostic................................................. 3
3. Acronym / Antonyms/Synonyms /Meanings..................................... 4
4. Coining different words/ (Portmanteau)/ Homophones/
Affixes (Prefixes and Suffixes).................................................................. 5
5. Word formation............................................................................................ 6

6. Modal Auxiliaries(Helping Verbs) ......................................................... 7

7. Tenses.............................................................................................................. 8
8. Clause Analysis .......................................................................................... 9
9. Adverb Clauses /Simple, Compound and Complex .......................... 10
10. Non-finite Verbs ......................................................................................... 11
11. Change the Voice (Active and Passive Voice ) .................................... 12
12. Direct and Indirect Speech ...................................................................... 13
13. Degrees of Comparison ............................................................................ 15
14. Letter Writing
Formal Letter / Application Letter............................................................... 16
Informal Letter / Report ........................................................................... 17
15. Dialogue Writing /Interview.................................................................. 18
16. Information Transfer ................................................................................ 19
17. Speech Writing / View - Counterview ................................................. 21
18. Expansion of Idea/Developing a Story ............................................... 22
19. Poetry(Rhyme scheme, Theme)................................................................ 23
20. Figures of Speech..................................................................................... 24
(1) Compound Words :
'A compound word' is a word created by joining two words and together
these words form a new meaning. It could be with or without a hyphen.
eg. Pick out 2 examples of compound words from the given line:
They were the steps of a man walking rapidly around the dining-table
Ans. dining-table,downstairs
Other eg. age old, in-laws, mother-in-law

(2) Collocation :
Collocation is a combination of two or more words written separately
but seem to be matching each other.
eg. Pick out 2 examples of collocation from the given line:
Innumerable stars shine across the infinite sky.
Ans. Innumerable stars, infinite sky
Other eg. reddish orange,artificial dyes, black tinge

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
34 2.2_The Garden of Sacred Plants 13
47 2.4_Sahyadri 10
48 2.4_Sahyadri 18
162 7.2_You Moved My Life 12

(3) Discourse Marker / Linker :

'A discourse marker or linker' is something that either connects a
sentence to what comes before or after.
eg. Pick out 2 examples of Discourse Marker / Linker from the given line:
The former protects, the latter serves.
Ans. former, latter
Other eg. in a way, although, in later years

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
21 1.3_The Night the Ghost Got In 20
191 8.1_Tracking India 15
161 7.2_You Moved My Life 10

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English

(4) Code-mixing :
Use of words from a different language into the main language of text
is known as 'code-mixing'.
eg. Pick out an example of code-mixing from the given line:
“Karenge, koi dikkatt nahi hai,” replied Hanmant.
Ans. Karenge, koi dikkatt nahi hai - We will do it, no problem.
Other eg. Pavitra Vana, ragas, desi

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
33 2.2_The Garden of Sacred Plants 10
181 7.4_The Human Touch 27

(5) Word register :

A list of words related to one particular aspect mentioned in the lesson
is called as 'word register'.
eg. Make a word register of words related to ‘sources of energy’ from the
given line:
Solar energy is clean energy as it emits no effluents or pollutants into
the atmosphere unlike the thermal energy obtained by the burning of
coal or natural gas.
Ans. Solar energy, thermal energy, coal or natural gas.

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
26 2.1_The Alchemy of Nature 7
37 2.2_The Garden of Sacred Plants 27
205 8.3_Food for Thought 9

(6) Acrostic :
'Acrostic' is a piece of writing in which the first letter spells out a word
or a message.
eg. Create an acrotstic from the following word.
M agical
O pportunity
R adiance
N ewness
I llumination
N ew beggining
G rand
English  MT EDUCARE LTD.

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
62 3.2_That’s Success 9
121 5.3_Eat By Colour 6

(7) Acronym:
'Acronym' is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in
the name.
eg. (a) ESI (b) PF
Ans. (a) Employee State Insurance
(b) Provident Fund

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
40 2.3_Bright Morning 2
181 7.4_The Human Touch 9
79 4.1_Rising with the Sun 18

(8) Antonyms :
Words with opposite meanings are called 'antonyms'.
eg. Give the antonyms of : (a) sold (b) last
Ans. (a) bought (b) first

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
91 4.3_Scientific Spirit in Daily Life 11
162 7.2_You Moved My Life 11
169 7.3_I'm Watching You Grandpa 11
178 7.4_The Human Touch 21

(9) Synonyms /Meanings :

Words with similar meanings are called 'synonyms'. Refer to notes for
the meanings of words.
eg. Rewrite the following sentence choosing the appropriate word
for the underlined word :
His life-style remained frugal.
(a) simple (b) meager (c) extravagant
Ans. His lifestyle remained meager.

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
145 6.3_A Shade of Red 8
33 2.2_The Garden of Sacred Plants 9
84 4.2_Shaping Young Minds 7
163 7.2_You Moved My Life 16

(10) Coining different words / (Portmanteau) :

Combining two or more words to form (coin) a new word.
eg. diabesity
Ans. diabeties + obesity = diabesity

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
75 4.1_Rising with the Sun 9
122 5.3_Eat By Colour 13

(11) Homophones :
words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or
eg. new and knew, sea and see, ate and eight,

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
165 7.2_You Moved My life 21

(12) Affixes (Prefixes and Suffixes) :

(i) When we add a few letters before a word like ‘un, im’, it is called a Prefix.
A prefix changes the meaning of the word.
eg. Prefix Examples
un untidy, unsure, unwrap
im impossible, improper, immature

(ii) When we add a few letters at the end of a word like ‘less, tion’, it s called a
Suffix. A suffix changes the form of the word.

eg. Suffix Examples

less useless, careless, hopeless
tion extraction, construction, distribution
English  MT EDUCARE LTD.

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg. No. Lesson Activity No.
144 5.2_Wonder Spice 7
116 5.2_Wonder Spice 13
164 7.2_You Moved My Life 19

(13) Word Formation :

When we change the form of a word into noun, adjective, verb, adverb
it is called word formation.

eg. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

beauty beautify beautiful beautifully

We can derive the word class quickly and easily by using the following
I want ——————(Noun) I want beauty (Noun)
I want to —————— (Verb) I want to beautify (Verb)
I want to be —————— (Adjective) I want to be beautiful (Adjective)
I want to do it ————— (Adverb) I want to do it beautifully (Adverb)

Important Textual Activity

Textbook Pg.No. Lesson Activity No.
165 7.2_You Moved My Life 23
176 7.4_The Human Touch 11
189 8.1_Tracking India 9
207 8.3_Food for Thought 14
91 4.3_Scientific Spirit in Daily Life 10
171 7.3_I’m Watching You Grandpa 17

Modal Auxiliaries Function Example
CAN Ability I can swim in deep waters.
Permission Can I borrow your car for a day?
COULD Past Ability I could drive a car when I was in college.
Polite Request Could you help me to carry this box?
Suggestion We could go to Esselworld for a picnic.
Permission Could I speak to the officer for a minute?
MAY Possibility We may have a holiday tomorrow.
Permission May I leave early today?
Prayer, Wish or May God bless you !
Curse May you fall on the road while going home!
Offer help May I help you to lay the dinner table?
MIGHT Remote I might go to London next week.
WILL Polite Request Will you help me with my homework?
Order Will you leave the room immediately?
Determination I will not listen to what he says.
WOULD Habitual Action They would celebrate Holi in a grand
in the Past manner.
Polite Request Would you lend me some money?
SHALL Threat They shall be punished for their wrong
Prohibition You shall not go home without my
Suggestion Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?
SHOULD Obligation You should help the poor.
Suggestion You should practise Maths regularly.
MUST Obligation We must respect all religions.
Conje cture or She must have forgotten the keys.
Compulsion You must reach the office in time.
OUGHT TO Obligation We ought to look after our old parents.
Probability They ought to win the game today.
USED TO Past Habit They used to play cricket every evening.
NEED NOT Absence of You need not come today.
DARE NOT Absence of You dare not trespass on my property.
English  MT EDUCARE LTD.



Present He drives a car.

Past He drove a car. V2

Simple He will drive a car. will/shall + V1


Present He is driving a car.

is/am/are + ing
Past He was driving a car was/were +ing

Continuous He will be driving a car. will/shall + be + ing


Present He has driven a car. has/ have + V3

P Past
He had driven a car.
He will have driven a car
had + V3
will/shall + have +V3
Perfect Future

He has been driving a car has/have been + ing


since ........
Past He had been driving a car had been + ing
since ........
Continuous Future He will have been driving will/shall + have been
a car since ........ + ing

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English

Complex MCL + SCL (Sr)

Noun Adjective Adverb

(6 types) –– (9 types)

Steps :  Identify the Subordinator (Sr) and the finite verbs.

 Separate the Main clause (MCL) and the Subordinate clause (SCL).
(start with the Sr and end before the second finite verb).
 ask questions to the main clause so that the answer is the
subordinate clause
what – noun
which – adjective
when, where, how – adverb
Note : If you don’t get an answer to any of the above five questions then it will
be one of the remaining six types of Adverb Clauses.

Few Examples:
1. It is certain that he will succeed. (This sentence answers the question
‘What’ therefore it is a Noun clause.)
Ans. It is certain – Main Clause
that he will succeed – Subordinate Noun Clause in Apposition
to the pronoun ‘it’ in the Main Clause.

2. He owns the house, which looks like a boat. (This sentence answers
the question ‘Which’ therefore it is an Adjective clause.)
Ans. He owns the house – Main Clause
which looks like a boat – Subordinate Adjective Clause
qualifying the noun ‘house’ in the Main Clause.

3. She left after she had given her vote. (This sentence answers the
question ‘When’ therefore it is an Adverb clause.)
Ans. She left – Main Clause
after she had given her vote – Subordinate
Adverb Clause of Time modifying the verb
‘left’ in the Main Clause

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.


1. TIME when –
2. PLACE where –
3. MANNER how –
4. REASON – as, since , because
5. PURPOSE – so that, such that, in order that
6. RESULT – so…that, such…that
7. CONDITION – if, unless, whether
8. CONTRAST – though, although, even though, even if
9. COMPARISON – as…as, so…as, than


Sentence Simple Compound Complex
ing, on + ing, and when, till, after,
after + ing, before,…
Time while + ing

Seeing his wife , he He saw his wife and When he saw his wife,he
ran ran. ran.

inspite / instead of but, yet, still though, although,

+ ing even though
Inspite of playing He played well but Though he played well,
we ll, he lost the he lost the match. he lost the match.

without + ing or if, unless

Without working hard, Work hard or you Unless you work hard,
you will fail. will fail you will fail.

ing, by + ing, to + so, for, therefore as, since, because

Being hungry, he ate He was hungry so he He ate lunch because
lunch. ate lunch. he was hungry

(1) Non-finite Verbs (DO NOT SHOW THE TENSE)

Participle Infinitive Gerund

Present– v + ing v + ing

to + verb
Past – v + ed/en/t/n..... (eg. writing)
(eg. to write)
(eg. written)

Adjectival Verbal Noun

The class was full of Seeing the police, 1. Swimming is his hobby. (Subject)
smiling faces. the thief ran. 2. He likes swimming. (Object)
3. He is fond of swimming. (Obj. of preposition)

• If the ‘ing’ verb answers the question ‘what’, it is a Gerund.
• If not it is a Present Participle.
• If a Participle (Past/Present) answers the question ‘Which’, it is an Adjectival Participle.
• If not it is a Verbal Participle.

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.


Steps : Present am, are, is
1. Swap (subject and object) Past was, were
Future be
2. to be (use correct form of ‘to be’ according Continuous being
to the tense) Perfect been
3. pa pa (use past participle (V3) of the main verb)
4. preposition (use a preposition - mostly ‘by’)

e.g. He eats an apple. Change in Pronoun

Subject Object
Ans. An apple is eaten by him.
I me
TIPS : you you
Imperative Sentences : use Let + Subject + be + V3 he him
she her
e.g. Open the windows.
it it
Ans. Let the windows be opened.
we us
they them
Interrogative Sentences :
If the question is interrogative the answer must also be interrogative.
e.g. Do you know the answer ?
Ans. Is the answer known to you ?

Prepositional Verbs :
If the question contains a verb followed by a preposition the answer must
also contain the same prepostion.
e.g. He spoke to the principal.
Ans. The principal was spoken to by me.

Modal Auxilaries :
If the question contains a modal auxiliary, the answer must also have
the same modal auxiliary.
e.g. They may win the match
Ans. The match may be won by them.

2 objects :
When there are two objects in a sentence, you change by using any one
object first, but retain the other object also.
e.g. He gave me a watch.
Ans. I was given a watch by him. OR
A watch was given to me by him.
  MT EDUCARE LTD. English

Steps : 1. Swap the subject and object.
2. Remove the ‘to be’ form.
3. Change the past participle (V3) to the correct form according to the tense.
4. Remove the preposition (by).

e.g. The deer was being chased by the lion.

Ans. The lion was chasing the deer.


1. Ram said “I am very hungry now.” (Direct Speech)
Ram said that he was very hungry then. (Indirect Speech)

Changes that take place :

1. Inverted commas are removed.
2. Change of tense (reported speech).
3. Change of pronoun (reported speech).
4. Change in certain words denoting distance and time.
5. Use of a connective (that) between the reporting verb and the speech.

Change of Tense :
When  the reporting verb is past
 the reported speech is not habit/proverb/universal truth
How  all present  past
 simple past  past perfect

Examples :
1. Behram said, “I am writing a book on Indian Cinema.”
Ans. Behram said that he was writing a book on Indian Cinema.
2. Rupesh said, ‘I ate my meal early today.”
Ans. Rupesh said that he had eaten his meal early that day.
3. Vikram says, “I was not ready for the news.”
Ans. Vikram says that he was not ready for the news.

Change of Pronoun : 1st person (Reported Speech)  Subject

2nd person (Reported Speech)  Object
3rd person (Reported Speech)  No change

Examples :
(s) (o) (1 st) (3 rd) (2 nd)
1. He said to her. “ I don’t know where they have seen you.”

Ans. He told her that he didn’t know where they had seen her.
English  MT EDUCARE LTD.
Reporting Verb :
says says exclaims – –
said said exclaimed c o m m a n d e d , asked
said to told that – –

Connective that If the sent is If it is a ‘wh’

affirmative : q u e s t i o n , u s e
to + verb the same ‘wh’
If the sent is If it is a verbal
negative : not question, use
to + verb ‘if’ or ‘whether’

Example The man said, Harry said, “ What The Judge said, Father said,
“I was not there a sensational “Bring in the “When will your
at the place of match it is!” culprit” exams start?”
the crime,”

Ans. The man Ans. Harry Ans. The Judge Ans. Father
said that he had exclaimed that it advised them to asked him
not been there at was, indeed, a bring in the when his exams
the place of the sensational culprit. would start.
crime. match.

The teacher said, Mrs. Tina said, Mother said,

“Congratulations! “Do not keep “Do you want to
You have stood your money in have your lunch
first in the class.” the bag.” now?”

Ans. The teacher Ans. Mrs. Tina Ans. Mother

congratulated the advised her not asked her
student and told to keep her whether she
him that he had money in the wanted to have
stood first in the bag. her lunch then.

Note : Note :
the exclamatory the interrogative
sentence changes sentence
to an assertive changes to an
sentence while assertive
changing f rom sentence while
direct to indirect changing from
direct to indirect
  MT EDUCARE LTD. English


Type I Type II A Type II B

2 Objects Comparison in a group Comparison in a group
Swap the best (S) one of the best (S)
1) Objects of comprasion better than any other (C) better than many (most)
2) Degree (P  C) other (C)
(C  P) no other... as goods as... very few... as goods as...
3) Verb (Aff.  Neg.) (P) (P)
(Neg.  Aff.) eg. eg.
eg. S Ramesh is the best S Akbar was one of the greatest
Q. John is more intelligent batsman in the team. emperors in the world.
than Joseph. C Ramesh is better than C Akbar was greater than
A. Joseph is not as intelligent any other batsman in the many other emperors in the
as John. team. world.
P No other batsman in the P Very few emperors in the world
team is as good as were as great as Akbar.
Ramesh is.


Formal Letter ,
• 1 side .
• 3 paragraphs 2nd March, 2013.
1st Para – Introduction ,
(expand the subject)
2nd Para – Details .
(cause/ effect/ remedy) Subject :
3rd Para – Conclusion .
• ‘To’ is optional - If written
there should be no comma

Yours truly,

Application Letter ,
• Add a reference line .
• 1st Para – Subject 2nd March, 2013.
+ Reference
• 2nd Para – Qualification
+ Work experience
• 3rd Showing interest in job Reference :
• Add ‘Enclosures at the end Subject : .
after subscription Sir,

Yours truly,
Enclosures : i) _______ ii) _______

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English
Informal Letter ,
• 1½ side ,
• 3 to 4 paragraphs .
• Don’t deviate from the topic 2nd March, 2013.
• No ‘To’ address Dear _____ ,
• No ‘Subject’


Do not deviate from the

topic - even in the first
paragraph mention the Yours lovingly / Your friend
purpose of the letter.


Report Writing ________________

• event / incident Mumbai,October 30 :
• school magazine or newspaper ___________________
report _______________________
• precise language _______________________
• past tense
• 3rd person
• Heading –– short, attractive
• PMD –– Place, Month, Date _______________________
eg : Mumbai, October 30 : _______________________
• 2 paragraphs _______________________
By By
Staff Reporter.
staff reporter.

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.

Dialogue Writing
(Who, Whom, What)

• 1 ½ Side
• 5 dialogues per person as per the
given topic
• Add opening and closing dialogues. :
• Write the introduction in
brackets (Who is speaking to whom :
on what occasion.)
• Format important

Interview (Who is interviewing whom)

1. Write 10 questions. Q.1 ?

2. Write an introduction in brackets Q.2 ?
(who is interviewing whom on
Q.3 ?
what occasion).
3. Write an introductory line along Q.4 ?
with the first questions. Q.5 ?
4. Write a concluding line after the Q.6 ?
last question. Q.7 ?
5. Questions to be logical and realistic.
Q.8 ?
6. There should be a link between
consecutive questions. Q.9 ?
7. Every question should end with a Q.10 ?
question mark.

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English
How to develop interview questions:
Question 1 The first question should be about the most Recent
Question 2 and 3 should be about the Past Achievements.
Question 4 should be about the Failure /Downfall /Difficult times.
Question 5 should be the about Idols / Support.
Question 6 and 7 should be related to the profession of the person.
Question 8 should be about his / her Future Plans.
Question 9 should be the views of the person about any recent
Question 10 Should be a message for the audience.

[A] INFORMATION TRANSFER : (Verbal to Non-verbal or Non-verbal to Verbal)

Information Transfer

Verbal Non-Verbal
• 100 words • Diagrams
• 1-2 paragraphs • e.g. flow chart/tabular form/
(as per instructions in paper) tree diagram/pie chart/fact file
• Cover all points • Neat & accurate diagrams
• Do not add extra information • Draw with a pencil write with a
• Use variety in sentence pen

Flow Chart

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.

Tree Diagram

Pie Chart

1st Qtr o
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr 72
4th Qtr 72o

NOTE :  Fact file can come under ‘information transfer’

 A recipe, agenda, list of instructions, itinerary, list to carry on a
trip, dos and don’ts
 Page 205, 125, 28, Unit 5 (recipe), 125 (Act. 20)

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English


Speech Writing

• Write the heading Respected ,

• 3/4th to 1 side
• Follow the instruction regarding
number of paragraphs according to
the Board question paper.
• 1st line should be an address
to the audience
(Respected Principal, teachers
and my dear friends a very
good morning to you )
• Make the introductory paragraph
interesting by asking questions
or using exclamatory sentences-
involve the audience
• Write details in the second
• Summarize the speech in the
end – don’t add any new points.

View and Counter-view

• Length should be 3/4th of the page.
• 2 Paragraphs
• View and Counter-view is indirectly a debate.
• View is arguing for the topic.
• Counterview is arguing against the topic.
• If 5 points about view are given then first think about points opposing the
given points i.e. create 5 points of the counterview then elaborate on
each of those points (in the form of paragraph)

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.


Expansion of Idea

Introduction (5 – 6 lines) : Explain the meaning of the proverb/slogan

abstract idea.
Body : Give examples or details
(10 – 12 lines) Give short examples of the lives of famous people
Give current national or international events or
Conclusion (1 – 2 lines) : Conclusion – no new point.

Story Writing

• Length should be according to the Board question paper.

• The student will be given the starting line or the ending line It has to be
started with or ended with that line.
• Do not write anything before or after.
• A title must be given.
• Have a clear and definite idea of the plot of the story.
• Use direct speech in the story.
• Create two to three characters only and the situations should be natural
and interesting.




1.1 TELEVISION irregular The poet has strongly conveyed that excessive
watching of TV is harmful for children and has
advised the parents to remove the idiot box and
replace it with a bookshelf.

2.3 BRIGHT irregular The poet describes a bright morning after a

MORNING turbulent stormy night and also how the birds and
animals react to it.

3.2 THAT’S aabb The poem is all about how one can achieve success
SUCCESS highlighting the significance of putting in one’s
best efforts and being fair enough to achieve one’s

4.4 POLLUTION irregular The poet highlights the problem of pollution and
our indifferent attitude towards it.

5.4 WHINING AND abcb This humorous poem brings to light the eating
DINING habits of children and their attitude towards fruits
and vegetables.

6.1 OUR aabb The poem highlights the importance of elders in our
TREASURE lives and gives a strong message that we must
respect them as they are an invaluable resource
of a nation.

7.1 TO MY aabb This poem conveys the guilt and regret of a working
GROWN-UP woman who was torn between the responsibilities at
SON home and her work due to which she couldn't spend
enough time with her son.

8.4 SALUTE TO R- irregular It is a patriotic poem that inspires us to spread peace

DAY by saying 'no' to violence, injustice and inequality
and build a better tomorrow based on new hopes and
new desires.

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.

Unit - 1.1 Television

(1) And stare until their eyes pop out.

Ans. Hyperbole - This is an exaggerated statement.
(2) Last week at someone’s place we saw, a dozen eyeballs on the floor.
Ans. Hyperbole - This is an exaggerated statement.
(3) They sit and stare and stare and sit.
Ans. Repetition - The word ‘sit’ and ‘stare’ are repeated for poetic effect.
(4) Is never, Never, Never, let them.
Ans. Repetition - The word ‘never’ is repeated for poetic effect.
(5) It rots the sense in the head !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong surprise element is expressed by the poet.
(6) It kills imagination dead !
Ans. (a) Personification - The human attribute of killing is given to the TV.
(b) Exclamation - A strong surprise element is expressed by the poet.
(7) It clogs and clutters up the mind !
Ans. (a) Tautology - The words ‘clogs’ and ‘clutters’ mean the same.
(b) Alliteration - The initial sound ‘c’ is repeated for better poetic effect.
(8) A fantasy, a fairyland !
Ans. Alliteration - The initial sound of ‘f’ is repeated for better poetic effect.
(9) His powers of thinking rust and freeze !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong surprise element is expressed by the poet.
(10) He cannot think - he only sees !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong surprise element is expressed by the poet.
(11) What shall we do to entertain, our darling children?
Ans. Interrogation - A question is asked for better poetic effect.
(12) What used the darling ones to do?
Ans. Interrogation - A question is asked for better poetic effect.
(13) How used they keep themselves contented.
Before this monster was invented?
Ans. (a) Metaphor - The TV is indirectly compared to a monster.
(b) Interrogation - A question is asked for better poetic effect.
(14) Have you forgotten? Don’t you know?
Ans. Interrogation - A question is asked for better poetic effect.
(15) THEY ............ USED .......... TO ........... READ !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong feeling is expressed for poetic effect.
(16) One half their lives was reading books !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong feeling is expressed for poetic effect.
(17) The nursery shelves held books galore !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong feeling is expressed for poetic effect.

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English
(18) Books cluttered up the nursery floor !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong feeling is expressed for poetic effect.
(19) More books were waiting to be read !
Ans. Exclamation - A strong feeling is expressed for poetic effect.
(20) Such wondrous, fine, fantastic tales
Ans. (a) Alliteration - The sound of the letter 'f' is repeated in 'fine', 'fantastic'
for poetic effect.
(b) Tautology - Words 'wonders', 'fine', 'fantastic' having similar
meanings are used in the same line for better poetic effect.
(21) And pirates wearing purple pants :
Ans. Alliteration - The sound of the letter 'p' is repeated for poetic effect.
(22) And sailing ships and elephants
Ans. Repetition - Word 'and' is repeated for better poetic effect.
(23) Just How the Camel got his Hump.
And How the Monkey lost his Rump.
Ans. Antithesis - Opposite ideas of 'got' and 'lost' have been placed against
each other to enhance the poetic effect.
(24) So please, oh please, we beg, we pray -
Ans. (a) Repetition - Words 'please' and 'we' are repeated for better poetic
(b) Alliteration - Sound of the letter 'p' is repeated in 'pray' and 'please'.
(25) And once they start - oh boy, oh boy!
Ans. Exclamation - The expression 'oh boy!' is used for emphasis.
(26) That nauseating, foul, unclean,
Repulsive television screen!
Ans. Tautology - Words 'foul', 'unclean', and 'repulsive' with similar meanings
are used together for emphasis.
(27) You watch the slowly growing joy that fills their hearts.
Ans. Personification - The abstract noun 'joy' is personified by describing it as
slowly growing and filling hearts.

Unit - 2.3 Bright Morning

(28) The sky rejoices in the morning’s birth.

Ans. Personification - The morning is given the human quality of taking birth.
(29) Raises a mist, that glittering in the sun, runs with her all the way,
wherever she doth run.
Ans. Personification - The mist is given the human quality of running.
(30) There was a roaring in the wind all night
Ans. Onomatopoeia - The word ‘roaring’ indicates the sound.
(31) The Jay makes answer as the Magpie chatters.
Ans. Onomatopoeia - The word ‘chatters’ indicates a sound.

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.

Unit - 3.2 Thats Success

(32) It's making money - but holding friends,

Ans. Alliteration - Initial sound of ‘m’ is repeated in the words ‘making’ and
‘money’ for better poetic effect.
(33) And being true to your aims and ends.
Ans. Tautology - Words with similar meaning ‘aims’ and ‘ends’ are used.
(33) It's figuring how and learning why,
And looking forward and thinking high;
Ans. Climax - Ideas are arranged in ascending order of importance.
(34) And dreaming a little and doing much,
Ans. Antithesis - The opposite ideas ‘little’ and ‘much’ are given.
(35) It's struggling on with the will to win,
Ans. Alliteration - Initial sound of ‘w’ is repeated in the words ‘will’ and ‘win’
for better poetic effect.
(36) And drinking deeply of life and love;
Ans. Alliteration - Initial sound of ‘d’ is repeated in the words ‘drinking and
‘deeply for better poetic effect.
Alliteration - Initial sound of ‘l’ is repeated in the words ‘life’ and ‘love’
for better poetic effect.
(37) It's sharing sorrow and work and mirth,
Ans. Alliteration - Initial sound of ‘s’ is repeated in the words ‘sharing’ and
‘sorrow’ for better poetic effect.
Climax - Ideas are arranged in ascending order of importance.
(38) It's serving, striving through strain and stress,
Ans. Alliteration - Initial sound of ‘s’ is repeated in the words ‘serving’ , ‘striving’,
‘strain’ and ‘stress’ for better poetic effect.
(39) It's doing your noblest - that's success!
Ans. Exclamation - A strong feeling is expressed for poetic effect.

Unit - 4.4 Pollution

(40) And when good food goes to waste.

Ans. Alliteration - Initial sound of ‘g’ is repeated in the words ‘good’ and ‘goes’
for better poetic effect.
(41) The world is an institution.
Ans. Metaphor - The world is indirectly compared to an institution.
(42) That attracts industries to produce like maggots.
Ans. Simile - The production of electronic gadgets is directly compared to
the production of maggots.
(43) Mother earth is sighing.
Ans. Personification - Mother earth is given the human quality of sighing.

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English

(44) Millions of fish are dying.

Ans. Hyperbole - This is an exaggerated statement.
(44) Where is the light? What is our plight?
Ans. Rhetorical Question - A question has been asked for emphasis. The
answer lies within the question itself.
(45) And greedy industries play their polluted pranks.
Ans. Alliteration - The initial sound of ‘p’ is repeated in the words ‘play’,
‘polluted’, ‘pranks’ for poetic effect.
(46) While rivers break their banks.
Ans. Alliteration - The initial sound of ‘b’ is repeated in the words ‘break’ and
‘banks’ for poetic effect.
(47) The forests are dying, millions of fish are dying
Ans. Repetition - The word ‘dying’ is repeated for poetic effect.
(48) ‘Where is the light ? What is our plight?’
Ans. Interrogation - A question is asked for better poetic effect.

Unit - 5.4 Whining and Dining

(48) The soup’s too hot, the corn’s too cold.

Ans. Antithesis - Opposite ideas of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ are conveyed in this line.
Repetition - The word ‘too’ is repeated for poetic effect.
(49) They’re persnickety as cats.
Ans. Simile - The kid’s fussy behaviour is directly compared to that of the
(50) Oh, it’s a dish uncommon rare.
Ans. Tautology - The words ‘uncommon’ and ‘rare’ have a similar meaning.
(51) No red sauce may the ice cream have.
Ans. Inversion - The words in this line are not in the correct prose order.
Correct Prose Order - The ice cream may have no red sauce.

Unit - 6.1 Our Treasure

(52) Oh the value of the elderly!

Ans. Exclamation - The poet expresses strong feelings. Interrogation - It
contains a rhetorical question.
(53) How could anyone not know?
Ans. Interrogation - It contains a rhetorical question.
(53) They hold so many keys, so many things they can show.
Ans. Repetition - The words ‘so’ and ‘many’ are repeated.
(54) We all will reach the other side this I firmly believe.
Ans. Inversion - The correct prose order is ‘I firmly believe we all will reach
the other side’.

English  MT EDUCARE LTD.
(55) And the elderly are closest oh what clues we could retrieve.
Ans. Alliteration - The sound ‘cl’ is repeated in the words closest and clues.
(56) They’ve let go of the frivolous and kept things that are dear.
Ans. Antithesis - The opposite ideas ‘let go’ and ‘kept’ are expressed in the
same line.
(57) As a nation we are missing our greatest true resource.
Ans. Metaphor - The elders are indirectly compared to a resource.
(58) “We all will reach the other side this I firmly believe.”
Ans. Inversion - The correct prose order is ‘he is no longer at your side’.
Correct Prose Order - I firmly believe this, we will reach the other side.
(59) “Oh the value of the elderly!
Ans. Interrogation - It contains a rhetorical question.
(60) How could any one not know?”
Ans. Exclamation - The poet expresses strong feelings.

Unit - 7.1 To My grown-up son

(61) ‘My hands were busy through the day.’

Ans. Synecdoche- the part ‘hands’ is used for the whole i.e. ‘mother’, for a
better poetic effect.
(62) No longer is he at your side
Ans. Inversion - The correct prose order is ‘he is no longer at your side’.
(63) I’d wash your clothes, I’d sew and cook.
Ans. Climax - Ideas are arranged in ascending order of importance.

Unit - 8.4 Salute to R-Day

(64) And let us greet our Motherland and bow before her feet and say
Ans. Alliteration - The initial sound ‘b’ is repeated in ‘bow’ and ‘before’ for
poetic effect.
(65) Mother! your millions meet and swear on this, our proud Republic Day
Ans. (i) Alliteration - The initial sound ‘m’ is repeated in ‘mother’, ‘millions’,
‘meet’ for poetic effect.
(ii) Transferred Epithet - The epithet ‘proud’ is transferred from people
to ‘Republic Day’.
(66) We shall arise to dream like one, to toil like one, to build like one
Ans. Repetition - The words ‘like’ and ‘one’ are repeated for poetic effect.
(67) O Mother! teach our hands to bear
Ans. Apostrophe - An abstract idea (India) is addressed.
(68) Through centuries of stress and strife
Ans. Alliteration - The initial sound ‘st’ is repeated in words ‘stress’ and

  MT EDUCARE LTD. English

(69) Black mask of death to frighten life!

Ans. Exclamation - Strong ideas are expressed for poetic effect.
(70) The grinning mask of death and doom worn by crass enemies of truth.
Ans. (i) Tautology - Words with similar meaning ‘death’ and ‘doom’ are used.
(ii) Personification - Death is given the human quality of grinning.
(71) Over the graveyards of the world have planted, with loud boast and
Ans. Tautology - Words with similar meaning ‘boast’ and ‘brag’ are used.
(72) With insolent, relentless hands, their base, unblushing bloodstained
Ans. Personification - The flag is given the human quality of being
(73) New harbour lights for troubled ships about to flounder in the dark
Ans. Personification - The ship is given the human quality of being in ‘trouble’
and ‘floundering’.
(74) Who claps his callous hands in glee and laughs to see the millions
Ans. Transferred Epithet - The epithet ‘callous’ is transferred from the
enemy to hands.
(75) Burn up all selfish aims and ends in a great nation’s cleansing fire !
Ans. Personification - ‘aims’ are given the human quality of being selfish.
(76) A mighty future stands before us
Ans. Personification - ‘future’ is given the human quality of standing.
(77) Down with all ruthless tyranny, down with all exploitation which
Ans. Repetition - The phrase ‘down with all’ is repeated.
(78) Renders the poor the poorer–and renders the bloated rich, more
rich !
Ans. Antithesis - The opposite ideas ‘poor’ and ‘rich’ are given.


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