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248 Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 37(3) June 2007

 2007 The American Association of Suicidology

Rebuilding the Tower of Babel: A Revised

Nomenclature for the Study of Suicide
and Suicidal Behaviors
Part 1: Background, Rationale,
and Methodology
Morton M. Silverman, MD, Alan L. Berman, PhD, Nels D. Sanddal, MS,
Patrick W. O’Carroll, MD, MPH, and Thomas E. Joiner, Jr., PhD

Since the publication of the O’Carroll et al. (1996) nomenclature for suicid-
ology, there have been a number of published letters and articles, as well as an
active e-mail dialogue, in response to, and elaborating upon, this effort to establish
a standard nomenclature for suicidology. This new nomenclature has been pre-
sented on a number of occasions at both national and international meetings. In
this paper we provide the background, rationale, and methodology involved in the
process of revising the O’Carroll et al. nomenclature, based on the feedback and
discussions that have ensued over the past 10 years.

Those who have written and studied the phenomenon of suicide have not
defined the term so simply . . . how the word is defined has implications and large
effects for statistics that are compiled on the official number of suicides, and for
researchers, so that there is clear communication regarding what and who is being
Among writers in the field of suicidology there is no single common ac-
cepted definition . . . the term suicide refers not to a single action but more broadly
to a great many varied behaviors. For example, one can speak of suicidal thoughts,
intentions, ideation, gestures, attempts, completions, equivalents.
Thus far, no single term, definition, or taxonomy has served to sufficiently
represent the complex set of behaviors that have been suggested as suicidal. A

Morton Silverman is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Chicago,

Senior Advisor to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (Newton, MA), and Educational Consultant
to the Denver VA VISN 19 MIRECC; Alan Berman is Executive Director of the American Association
of Suicidology; Nels Sanddal is President and CEO of Critical Illness and Trauma Foundation, Inc.,
Bozeman, MT; Patrick O’Carroll is Regional Health Administrator, Public Health Region X; and
Thomas Joiner, Jr. is the Bright-Burton Professor of Psychology at The Florida State University.
This effort was initially encouraged and supported, in part, by the Suicide Prevention Research
Center (SPRC) at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada. Principal investiga-
tors were G. Thomas Shires, MD, and John Fildes, MD. The Denver VA VISN 19 MIRECC sponsored
a meeting of the MIRECC Nomenclature Workgroup in July, 2005, which resulted in the preparation
of this revision. The Director of the Denver VA VISN 19 MIRECC is Lawrence E. Adler, MD. The
contents of this article are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the
official views of the Denver VA VISN 19 MIRECC.
Earlier drafts were read by David A. Jobes, PhD, Herbert Nagamoto, MD, and Pamela J. Staves,
RN, MS, NP. The co-authors appreciate their contributions, critiques, and recommendations.
Address correspondence to Morton M. Silverman, MD, 4858 S. Dorchester Avenue, Chicago, IL.
601615-2012; E-mail:
Silverman et al. 249

standard set of terms and definitions are greatly needed to advance the science of
suicidology and aid communication and understanding of the field.
McIntosh (1985, pp. 18–19)

Suicide researchers recognize that the gener- cide threat, suicide, self-harm, suicide at-
alizability of their findings is affected by the tempt, etc.).
populations they study, participation rates There are a large number of scales and
they obtain, and the type of data they collect. measures that purport to quantitatively and
Most agree that the use of inadequate and qualitatively measure the presence of suicidal
contradictory definitions of suicide and sui- ideation, intent, and motivation, as well as
cidal behavior is often a limitation of suicide the intensity, duration, frequency, and conse-
research and communication. Limitations quences of suicide attempts (Brown, 2001;
also include hindsight bias and informant Goldston, 2003). Most measures assume that
bias regarding documentation of suicidal the respondent already possesses a definition
thoughts, intent, and behaviors (Duberstein of suicidal ideation, intent, motivation, and
& Conwell, 1997). There is a range of sui- attempt. Often researchers assume, even
cidal behaviors, which includes thoughts when they are using the same measures across
about suicide (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1993), studies and across populations, that all re-
attempts ranging from low lethality to medi- spondents are basing their responses on the
cally serious (Beautrais, Joyce, & Mulder, same conceptualizations and definitions of
1999), and deaths by suicide (Fischer, Com- suicide-related terms. Rarely do these mea-
stock, Monk, & Spencer, 1993). Yet the sui- surement tools provide the respondent with
cide literature remains replete with confusing clear definitions for the suicide-related terms
terms, definitions, and classifications that (Kessler, Berglund, Borges, Nock, & Wang,
make it very difficult, if not impossible, to 2005).
compare and contrast one research study or Measures of suicide and nonfatal sui-
epidemiological survey with another (Beck et cidal behavior continue to be hindered by the
al., 1973; Berman & Cohen-Sandler, 1982; lack of: (1) a standard nomenclature (De Leo,
Jenkins & Singh, 2000; Leenaars et al., 1997; Burgis, Bertolote, Kirkhof, & Bille-Brahe,
Rudd & Joiner, 1998; Shneidman, 1985; Sil- 2004, 2006; Rudd & Joiner, 1998); (2) clear
verman, 2006), or to make comparisons, gen- operational definitions (Garrison et al., 1993;
eralizations, or extrapolations (Linehan, 1997; Silverman & Maris, 1995; McKeown et al.,
Santa Mina & Gallop, 1998; Westefeld et al., 1998; Moscicki, 1989, 1995); and (3) stan-
2000). dardized lethality measures (Berman, Shep-
Suicide attempts are not only much herd, & Silverman, 2003; Farberow, 1980;
more frequent than completed suicides, but Smith, Conroy, & Ehler, 1984). Reliable sta-
the distribution of the most common meth- tistics on the numbers, types, and methods of
ods and the populations exhibiting these be- nonfatal, intentional self-inflicted injuries, in
haviors is meaningfully different. No na- conjunction with national and regional sui-
tional or international surveillance system cide mortality data, are required for the de-
exists for the primary purpose of monitoring velopment, targeting, and evaluation of na-
suicidal behaviors and estimating annual na- tional and regional suicide prevention
tional rates of occurrence. Those national strategies (O’Carroll, 1989).
surveys that collect information on suicidal
behaviors in the service of other primary mis-
sions use different terminologies and differ- THE O’CARROLL
ent definitions for suicidal behaviors. In or- ET AL. NOMENCLATURE
der to conduct meaningful surveillance, the
terms used need to be clearly defined and In 1995–96, under the auspices of the
mutually exclusive (e.g., suicide ideation, sui- National Institute of Mental Health and the
250 A Revised Nomenclature: Part 1

American Association of Suicidology, a no- (injury, no injury, or death) (Figure 1). This
menclature working group was formed to nomenclature has been referred to as the
clarify the nomenclature used in the field to “nomenclature for suicide-related behaviors
describe suicidal ideations and suicidal be- in terms of outcome and intent to die from
haviors. Faced with the recognition that cer- suicide” (Daigle & Cote, 2006).
tain terms are entrenched in the public’s vo- The goal of developing a uniform no-
cabulary and in clinical communications, the menclature was to increase the ability of cli-
nomenclature group nevertheless proposed nicians, epidemiologists, policy makers, and
terminology that best defined the range of researchers to better communicate with each
suicidal behaviors and communications. The other and study similar populations at risk. If
work of this group was summarized in a sci- the nomenclature was accepted, the next step
entific publication in 1996 (O’Carroll et al., was to develop and test standard, operational
1996), and is outlined in Table 1. O’Carroll means for applying these definitions in clini-
et al. distinguished suicidal behaviors by cal practice, research, and public health. Dis-
three characteristic features: intent to die, ev- seminating and encouraging the use of an op-
idence of self-inflicted injury, and outcome erationalized nomenclature would constitute
a third stage in this process.

TABLE 1 Adoption of the O’Carroll

O’Carroll et al. (1996) Nomenclature et al. Nomenclature

An Outline Indicating Superset/Subset Relation- A number of investigators have adopted

ships of the Proposed Nomenclature for Suicide the O’Carroll et al. nomenclature and ap-
ands Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors plied it in their studies (Bryan & Rudd, 2006;
Daigle & Cote, 2006; Goldston, 2003; Kidd,
Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors 2003; Rudd & Joiner, 1998; Wagner, Wong,
A. Risk-Taking Thoughts and Behaviors
& Jobes, 2002). Others have acknowledged
1. With Immediate Risk (e.g., motocross, sky-
its role in highlighting the need for clarifica-
2. With Remote Risk (e.g., smoking, sexual tion of terms (Dear, 1977, 2001; De Leo et
promiscuity) al., 2004, 2006; Hjelmeland & Knizek, 1999;
B. Suicide-Related Thoughts and Behaviors Linehan, 1997, 2000; Marusic, 2004; Rudd,
1. Suicide Ideation 1997, 2000; Rudd, Joiner, Jobes, & King,
a. Casual Ideation 1999). In addition, the American Psychiatric
b. Serious Ideation Association (2003) has acknowledged and
(1) persistent adopted the O’Carroll et al. definitions as the
(2) transient basis for their recently issued practice guide-
2. Suicide-Related Behaviors lines for the assessment and treatment of pa-
a. Instrumental Suicide-Related Behavior
tients with suicidal behaviors. In contrast, the
(1) Suicide threat
nomenclature has not been widely used in
(a) Passive (e.g., ledge sitting) the research and clinical communities.
(b) Active (e.g., verbal threat, note Following the publication of the
writing) O’Carroll et al. terminology the authors re-
(2) Other ISRB ceived over 100 communications (letters, e-
(3) Accidental death associated with ISRB mail, phone calls) from around the world
b. Suicidal Acts commenting on the proposed nomencla-
(1) Suicide attempt ture—offering further recommendations, re-
(a) With no injuries (e.g., gun fires, visions, and refinements. Despite its utility
missed) and general acceptance in the mental health
(b) With injuries
community, the nomenclature has not been
(2) Suicide (completed suicide)
universally accepted, due, in part, to its intro-
Silverman et al. 251

Figure 1. O’Carroll et al. (1996) nomenclature.

duction of new terminology and definitions. (O’Carroll et al., 1997). This resulted in a de-
Of particular note is that some of the terms cision to undergo a total revision of the ini-
proposed (instrumental suicide-related be- tial effort. Before discussing our revised no-
havior; non-zero intent; and suicide act) were menclature, we share the background to our
deemed by others to be too broad, too vague, deliberations.
or too unwieldly. In fact, others have subse-
quently offered alternative nomenclatures,
including ones that attempt to avoid the con- THE CURRENT STATE
cepts of motivation, intent, and planning OF OUR NOMENCLATURE
(Marusic, 2004; Brown, Jeglic, Henriques, &
Beck, 2006). There remains confusion about exactly
Some members of the initial work what constitutes suicidal behavior, deliberate
group (ALB, MMS) continued to refine the self-harm, suicide-related behavior, parasuicide,
nomenclature and to seek ongoing input by or suicidality, and how to define suicide and
making presentations on the proposed no- suicide attempt (De Leo et al., 2006; Silver-
menclature nationally and internationally man, 2006). The plethora of terms has re-
252 A Revised Nomenclature: Part 1

sulted in a lack of clarity and precision in the terms would be to assist genetic studies in
scientific literature, and among suicidolo- differentiating valid phenotypes from one an-
gists, clinicians, researchers, theoreticians, other, so that underlying genotypes can be
and epidemiologists (Mayo, 1992; Rosenberg more accurately identified. A valid and reli-
et al., 1988; Sommer-Rotenberg, 1998; able nomenclature will allow the develop-
World Health Organization [WHO], 1968, ment of a classification for suicidology.
1986). While a clear set of definitions is valu- Classification systems have been at-
able, it is possible that the roles and needs of tempted in the past and each one has its mer-
the various disciplines that comprise suicidol- its and applicability (Arensman & Kerkhof,
ogy (e.g., coroners and medical examiners, 1996; Barber, Marzuk, Leon, & Portera,
clinicians, researchers, public health prac- 1998; Beck et al., 1973; Ellis, 1988; Farb-
titioners) are sufficiently heterogeneous to erow, 1980; Hammad, Laughren, & Racoo-
require a number of indicators rather than a sin, 2006; Kreitman, 1977; Lester, 1990;
single measure. Although it is necessary to Maris, 1992; Orbach, 1997; Shneidman,
recognize that different disciplines have dif- 1968). As a whole, however, they lack univer-
ferent needs for their understanding and pre- sal appeal because of the reliance on different
vention of suicide, it still holds that a uniform terminologies and definitions of key con-
set of criteria and definitions offers the po- structs (De Leo et al., 2006). Hence there re-
tential to advance all these fields simultane- mains a need to simplify the nomenclature,
ously (Silverman, 2006). Using a similar ra- even while recognizing that suicide is a be-
tionale, in April 2004, the National Center havior (not a disorder or diagnosis), and all
for Injury Prevention and Control (Centers behavior is multidetermined and multidi-
for Disease Control and Prevention) con- mensional.
vened a group of experts to begin develop- Further clarification of the nomencla-
ment of uniform definitions for self-directed ture would also lead to a better understand-
violence surveillance. This effort is still un- ing of the relative predictive value of each
derway. term retained. For example, what percent of
individuals who make a suicide attempt have
The Benefits of a Revised Nomenclature had a prior ideation or threat that was related
to the present suicide attempt? To what ex-
The refinement of investigative tools tent have prior “indirect self-destructive be-
and techniques can only improve the effi- haviors” predicted future suicide-related be-
ciency, effectiveness, sensitivity, and specific- haviors (Farberow, 1980; Maris, Berman, &
ity of clearly describing the populations and Silverman, 2000; Santa Mina & Gallop,
behaviors being studied. For research, clini- 1998)? More specifically, to what extent are
cal, and prevention purposes, the use of mu- self-harm behaviors related to future suicidal
tually exclusive terminology would more behaviors?
clearly define subgroups for study. If the no- In addition, a standardized nomencla-
menclature can be revised in a manner that ture will lead to a standardized set of ques-
satisfies the needs of the clinical, research, tions for determining the presence or ab-
and/or public health communities, then this sence of suicidal cognitions, motivations,
can lead to a greater use of this nomencla- emotions, and behaviors. For example, sug-
ture, which would, in turn, greatly improve gested questions in the clinical literature to
communication between and among re- ascertain the presence of suicidal ideation
searchers, clinicians, administrators, policy currently range from, “Have you ever
makers, and the public. It would allow for thought of hurting yourself?” to “What do
better comparability between and among re- you see for yourself in the future?” Just be-
search studies and clinical trials. It would cause a person says, “I feel like life is not
clarify relationships between concepts and worth living” or “I can’t take anymore of
categories. The further benefit of clarifying this,” does not necessarily imply that that
Silverman et al. 253

person has the thought, motivation, or intent term, or imminent vs. acute vs. chronic (Rudd,
to end their life. Suicide and other self-destruc- Joiner, & Rajab, 1999; Silverman, 2006;
tive behaviors often are the consequences of Simon, 2006). Often there seems to be some
intention, motivation, and preparation (which “fuzzy logic” in exactly what criteria are be-
have cognitive, emotional, and behavioral ing used to label a suicidal risk (Wagner et
components). A full discussion of the role of al., 2002). Does it pertain to the risk for dy-
intention vs. motivation in the development ing by suicide, or does it refer to the risk for
and expression of suicide-related behavior a range of suicide-related behaviors (that may
has been presented elsewhere (Hjelmeland & include self-harm, threats, attempts, and sui-
Knizek, 1999). Motivation to die and prepa- cide)? A clarification of the behavioral out-
ration to die do not, necessarily, place an in- comes (e.g., self-harm, suicide attempt, sui-
dividual at either acute or high risk for sui- cide) may also help clarify “risk factors for
cide. suicide,” “risk factors for suicide attempt,”
and “risk factors for self-harm behavior”
Challenges to the Development (Kraemer et al., 1997). Not all risk factors
of a Revised Nomenclature convey acute risk (Simon, 2006). It would be
helpful if the nomenclature could lead to a
A critical stumbling block is how to af- better classification of risk factors whereby
firm and assess suicidal intent. Is it simply the presence of a particular risk factor clearly
based on a patient’s self-report of a wish or contributes to a determination of acute vs.
desire to die, to cease suffering, and/or is it short-term vs. long-term risk (or low vs. me-
based on an independent assessment of, or dium vs. high risk) for a range of self-destruc-
inference from, the lethality of the means or tive behaviors (Fawcett et al., 1990).
methods by which the behavior was under-
taken (the instrumentality of the behavior)
(De Leo et al., 2004, 2006; Range & Knott, THE PROCESS OF REVISING
1997; Wagner et al., 2002)? Without the in- THE O’CARROLL
dividual self-report, can we infer intent, and, ET AL. NOMENCLATURE
if so, using what criteria? Because suicide, by
definition, is self-initiated, we would take the The major challenges O’Carroll et al.
position that it is predicated on the intent to (1996) encountered when they developed
die. Hence we are dependent upon the coop- their nomenclature included: (1) ascertaining
eration and collaboration of the individual to the need to establish the presence or absence
best ascertain the labeling of the behavior of intent in order to define a behavior as sui-
under investigation. The relative weight cidal; (2) clarifying the role of intention ver-
placed on prior suicidal ideations is impor- sus motivation; (3) selecting among the terms
tant, as is assessment of past and present sui- deliberate self-harm, parasuicide, and suicide at-
cidal threats and attempts in determining the tempts to best convey self-destructive behav-
presence of intent. The difficulty is in search- ior that doesn’t end in death; (4) retaining
ing for prior verbal expressions of intent, such commonly used, but poorly defined
prior behaviors that imply intent (suicide terms as suicide attempt, suicidal threat, suicidal
notes, warning signs, suicide attempts, or gesture, and suicidal ideation; and (5) distilling
verbalizations), or approximations of intent the existing suicide terminology to its most
based on information provided by others basic conceptual categories.
(i.e., implicit or explicit evidence) (Berman, In our efforts to revise the nomencla-
1993; Jobes, Berman, & Josselson, 1987; ture, we faced similar challenges. Our initial
Jobes, Casey, Berman, & Wright, 1991). review of the extensive literature on nomen-
A related problem is how to define and clature, terminology, and classification pro-
classify suicidal risk, be it a classification using vided us with certain constraints that were
high vs. medium vs. low, short-term vs. long- immutable given the degree to which certain
254 A Revised Nomenclature: Part 1

terms and conceptual ideas had become per- certain reasons and rationales for certain ac-
manently embedded in the language of sui- tions in order to determine if the actions are
cidology. For example, in order to separate truly suicidal in nature. There are a set of
intentional injuries (suicide and homicide) self-reported “reasons for suicide” that are
from unintentional injuries (accidents), we commonly identified in studies (Hjelmeland
had to acknowledge and incorporate the psy- & Hawton, 2004). They include a wish to es-
chological concept of intent. Suicide and cape, a desire to obtain relief from an un-
other suicidal behaviors involve purposeful bearable situation, and a wish to end over-
action or movement toward a desired out- whelming psychological or emotional pain.
come. Thus, intent is an integral component Hence, a motivation to die can be under-
of our nomenclature. stood as the driving force behind the ideation
or intent, and may also change the future so-
Defining Intent cial milieu.
The assessment of intent is the most
We determined that we needed the difficult part of any investigation into the
term intent to distinguish between and among true nature of self-injurious behaviors. Dif-
self-destructive behaviors, and also to remain ferent stakeholders (statisticians, public health
consistent with the coroner’s Natural-Acci- practitioners, coroners, medical examiners,
dent-Suicide-Homicide (NASH) and CDC’s death scene investigators, and prevention-
Operational Criteria for the Determination oriented suicidologists) require different
of Suicide (OCDS) classification systems standards of evidence, different levels of cer-
(Rosenberg et al., 1988; O’Carroll et al., tainty for such evidence, and place different
1996). We also wanted to remain consistent emphases on different aspects. A number of
with the emerging terminology in the public pieces of evidence are taken into account
health, injury control, and violence preven- when arriving at a decision that a self-destruc-
tion literature. Over the last decade, the in- tive behavior was intentional in nature. Such
ternational community of injury control and evidence includes: (1) intention to take the
prevention experts has developed a nomen- action; or (2) intention to harm himself or
clature and classification system that estab- herself by the action; or (3) intention to die
lishes a major distinction between intentional as a result of the action; and/or (4) at the time
injuries (homicides and suicides) and unin- of acting, a capacity to understand the likely
tentional injuries (motor vehicle crashes, consequences of the act and form the desire
worksite injuries). Thus, we have avoided the to die (Moller, 1997).
old term of accident and replaced it with in- Intent connotes a conscious desire or
jury. wish to leave (or escape from) life as we know
Hjelmeland and Knizek (1999) at- it. This phrasing is intentional, as some per-
tempted to clarify some of the terminology sons who die by suicide intend to continue in
used in the literature regarding nonfatal sui- an afterlife, or to be reborn, or to be trans-
cide acts. They suggested that an “intent” formed. Intent also connotes a resolve to act.
implies an action to change the future, while It does not necessarily denote that an indi-
“motivation” implies an effort to affect inter- vidual has undertaken an analysis or has
personal relations and a change in social mi- knowledge of the medical lethality of differ-
lieu. Our position is that intent refers to the ent methods/means (although having such is
aim, purpose, or goal of the behavior. Al- indirect evidence of intent), knowledge of
though it implies an action, the action itself how to invoke the method/or means, or how
is not a given (“I intend to kill myself by to choose among them (Berman et al., 2003).
hanging” does not mean that the action has A clear understanding of what we mean by
occurred). In addition to investigating the intent is essential for selecting the techniques
presence of intent, we may also need to as- and methods used to investigate its presence.
Silverman et al. 255

The level at which we decide what consti- types of suicide-related behaviors and other
tutes “intent to die” will determine how self-injurious behaviors. We also are aware
many questions need to be asked and how that there is an imperfect correlation be-
much exploration will be required to deter- tween intent and outcome.
mine its presence. As Shea (1999) recom- O’Carroll et al. differentiated the ter-
mends, information must be gathered from minology of suicide-related phenomena along
as many sources, and in as many formats, as three major axes: the presence or absence of
possible in order to determine if intent is intent to die (differentiating suicidal acts
present; however, we need to bear in mind from instrumental suicide-related behaviors,
that an individual’s level of intent can change respectively); the presence or absence of in-
quite rapidly and without obvious warning, strumental thinking; and whether the behav-
moving one’s current status from intentional ior resulted in injuries (with or without injur-
to unintentional, or vice-versa (Daigle & Cote, ies) or death (accidental or completed suicide).
2006). Many colleagues objected to invoking the di-
Rudd (2006b) suggested that there are chotomous concepts of “zero intent to die”
two types of suicidal intent: (1) subjective or and “non-zero intent to die.” Some critics ar-
expressed intent; and (2) objective or observed gued that these are very difficult concepts to
intent. He opined that, because of the nature verify in practice, and that “non-zero intent
of the underlying illness and/or current emo- to die” was too broad and all-encompassing.
tional/physical state (e.g., overdose), acutely Due to this controversy, as well as appreciat-
suicidal patients are unable to provide us with ing that in emergency settings an individual
a clearly expressed intent. Rudd placed the may be unable to clarify whether suicidal in-
onus on the clinical evaluator to rely on other tent was present or not, we decided to reor-
tools and techniques to arrive at the true na- ganize the nomenclature along three catego-
ture of the intent by seeking clarification and ries: no intent, uncertain intent, and intent
resolution of discrepancies between the ob- (Kjoller, Norlev, & Davidsen, 2004).
served behavior and the reported cognition.
O’Carroll et al. (1996) struggled with The Concept of Lethality
the distinction between “asking about” intent
vs. “measuring” intent objectively (Beck, Another stumbling block was whether
Schuyler, & Herman, 1974). We felt that the or not a truly suicidal act must result in an
quantification of intent was beyond the no- observable injury. This distinction led O’Car-
menclature, but may be more suitable for roll et al. to the debate about whether the
classification. We explored the relationship lethality of the means or methods should be
between intent and lethality, as well as the a determining factor. We decided that, al-
causal relationship between intent, lethality, though establishing a lethality index is an im-
and outcome (no injury, injury, or death) portant clinical determination to undertake
(Bridge, Barbe, Birmaher, Kolko, & Brent, (Berman et al., 2003; Smith et al., 1984), the
2005), and concluded that the presence of in- degree of lethality should not supersede the
tent assumes: (1) a desire or wish to end life first order of business—establishing the pres-
as a conscious experience; (2) knowledge (ac- ence of intent as a defining factor (Denning,
curate or inaccurate) of risk associated with a Conwell, King, & Cox, 2000).
behavior; (3) some perception that means or Brown, Henriques, Sosdjan, and Beck
methods are available to achieve the desired (2004) found a minimal association between
outcome; and (4) some knowledge about how the degree of suicide intent and the extent of
to use the means or methods. We recognized medical lethality for patients who attempted
that at times it may be difficult to establish suicide, suggesting that suicidal intent and le-
intent, but without the inclusion of intent, it thality are independent dimensions of suicide
is virtually impossible to distinguish between attempt behavior and that both of these char-
256 A Revised Nomenclature: Part 1

acteristics require careful assessment for ac- when describing threats. The assignment of
curate identification of suicide attempters. a value (high vs. medium vs. low; acute vs.
Their study supports the low validity of med- long-term; active vs. passive) involves an as-
ical lethality as a measure of the seriousness sessment of temporality, as well as the deter-
of intent, given that over half of the patients mination of the frequency, duration, inten-
had inaccurate expectations of the lethality of sity, and potential lethality of the threat.
their attempt. Nevertheless, for most clini- When a threat evolves into a condition with
cians, high medical lethality suggests high in- behavioral components, the lines between a
tent, even though high intent doesn’t always threat, a gesture, and a suicide attempt be-
suggest high lethality. come important clinically, as well as from the
Many variables seem to be involved in perspective of foreseeability.
the matter of lethality, among which are: Another reason for establishing a defi-
availability/proximity of the method, per- nition of suicide threat is that the literature
sonal knowledge about the lethal effects of is confused about whether a suicide threat is
the means and/or the dosage needed to a precursor for a suicidal gesture, deliberate
achieve a certain outcome, familiarity with self-harm, a plan for a suicide attempt (i.e.,
and/or comfort level in choosing and using a self-destructive behavior not leading to
particular means, and contributory factors death), or suicide. A threat implying self-
such as the presence of alcohol or other harm or deliberate self-harm may be differ-
drugs/medications in the person (over-the- ent than a threat to one’s life. A suicide gesture
counter, illicit, or prescribed), discoverability, might be construed as a behavioral form of a
rescuability, timing, and sequencing (De suicide threat, in that this term has been
Moore & Robertson, 1999; McIntosh, 1992). meant to convey a low lethality suicidal act
As previously noted, we accepted the clinical meant to influence others. In common par-
observation that an individual might not have lance, the term suicidal gesture has been used
a clear understanding or clear recall of their to convey the notion of a physical act or be-
intent at the time they engaged in the sui- havior that is self-inflicted (with or without
cidal act; however, the range of questions to suicidal intent), but nonetheless of low le-
determine the presence or absence of suicidal thality and low intent to die. The term has
intent is fairly limited (“Did you intend to been also used to refer to suicide-related be-
die?”). Developing a lethality score that havior that is preparatory to a suicide at-
would be more consistently and easily em- tempt; suicidal behavior with the intention to
ployed remains a challenge. communicate or manipulate others or the so-
cial environment; and deliberate self-harm
Suicide Threat and Gesture without the intent to die (Compton, Daniel,
& Goldston, in press). Because the observed
Communication about a suicidal state behavior is self-inflicted and because it “may
can be through (1) ideation (I’m thinking be self-injurious” in nature, but seemed to
about killing myself”), (2) threats (with more others “half-hearted” or “minimally injuri-
of an emphasis to coerce—“I’m going to kill ous,” the behavior has taken on a pejorative
myself if . . .”), or (3) behaviors. While a connotation (Aschkenasy, Clark, Zinn, &
threat may be verbal, nonverbal, or implied, Richtsmeier, 1992; Daigle & Cote, 2006).
there is a distinction between the expression Hence, we chose not to include this term in
of a suicide threat that might result in subse- our nomenclature and incorporated such be-
quent action at some unspecified time in the haviors under the term self-harm.
future, and a direct threat which carries with
it a high likelihood of action in the very near Additional Terms
future. This results in the use of modifiers
such as imminent versus long-term, direct O’Carroll et al. tried to eliminate re-
versus indirect, and acute versus chronic dundant phrases such as “completed suicide,”
Silverman et al. 257

fatal suicide,” and “fatal suicidal behavior.” In adopt and adapt Dear’s (2001) expanded rec-
addition, O’Carroll et al. tried to resolve ommendation to change the concept to sui-
phrases such as “nonfatal suicidal behavior” cide-related communication to account for
and “parasuicide” (DeLeo et al., 2004, 2006). the presence of suicidal threats and suicidal
Similarly, we tried to distinguish between plans.
ideation (or thoughts) and intent. Although We tried to avoid terms such as suicid-
ideations, intent, and motivation are cogni- ality because it is used to encompass a wide
tions of one sort or another (as opposed to range of thoughts and behaviors, including
physical behaviors or actions), ideations are suicidal ideation, the act of suicide, and those
purely cognitive in nature, while intent as- behaviors associated with suicidal attempts,
sumes, in part, an emotional component to and as such loses its meaning, distinctiveness,
the cognitive process, as well as a higher de- and clarity. However, some authors utilize
gree of mental engagement. this term to describe the totality of suicide-
Furthermore, O’Carroll et al. tried to related ideations and behaviors, and it has be-
place the planning process on a continuum come a popular term (Rudd, 2006b; U.S. De-
from a thought (“I thought about killing my- partment of Health and Human Services
self”), to an intent (“I want to die”), to a plan [DHHS], 2006), although it is not yet found
(“I have a plan to effect my death”). O’Car- in a dictionary. Possibly a better term to en-
roll et al. reasoned that one cannot con- compass all forms of suicidal behaviors would
sciously make a plan to die without having be suicidal activity, because an activity can
thought about it (ideation) and having a de- have cognitive, emotional, or physical com-
sire or wish to act on it (intent). We subse- ponents, whereas the behavior only refers to
quently needed to rethink this position, in an action that is observable (DHHS, 2001).
part due to recent findings that, for some in- Furthermore, “behavior” connotes an ongo-
dividuals, suggest the role of impulsivity in ing, continuous activity, whereas an “action”
the suicidal process (Kessler, Borges, & Wal- connotes a time-limited event (Wagner et al.,
ters, 1999; Mann et al., 1999; Simon et al., 2002). Nevertheless, we chose to remain with
1991), although we think that ideation and the 1996 terminology: suicide-related ideations
intent remain very important components, and suicide-related behaviors, but we added sui-
even considering the potential influence of cide-related communications.
impulsivity. Ideation and intent are fluid and
dynamic and so can change rapidly, and per- What Defines a Suicide Attempt?
haps do change more rapidly in impulsive in-
dividuals. The existing literature consistently re-
Although we felt that O’Carroll et al.’s ports that the history of a prior suicide at-
term, “instrumental suicide-related behavior” tempt is a statistically significant risk factor
(ISRB), came very close to accurately identi- associated with future self-destructive behav-
fying and defining the self-destructive behav- iors, including death (Rudd, 2006a). A his-
ior which is not intended to result in death, tory of repeated attempts further increases
yet is potentially self-injurious and contain- the risk of death by suicide. Hence, under-
ing a communication component, we were standing and labeling what is a suicide at-
persuaded by our colleagues that the term tempt, and what is not, is an important task
“ISRB” is a “mouthful” which can be easily that informs prognosis and the selection of
misunderstood, and would be difficult to in- interventions. For example, the distinction
sert into the existing vocabulary of suicidol- between attempted suicide and attempted homi-
ogy. We were offered alternatives, including cide is that the latter has a very clear defini-
“pseudosuicidal behavior,” “suicidiform be- tion as an attempt to murder someone else
havior,” and “metasuicide” (Egel, 1999). In- (encompassing both intent and behavior),
asmuch as ISRB was intended to encompass whereas the former encompasses a wide
such behaviors as suicide threat, we chose to range of nonfatal self-inflicted behaviors. Al-
258 A Revised Nomenclature: Part 1

though the O’Carroll et al. definition of a the great majority of self-reported suicide at-
suicide attempt emphasized the importance tempts did not even result in medical atten-
of an intent to kill oneself and of self-injuri- tion strongly indicates that the term is vastly
ous behavior, clinically it is sometimes diffi- overused to describe other forms of distress or
cult to determine whether an individual in- self-injury. Thus, as O’Carroll et al. noted, “Be-
tended to kill themselves or whether an cause the term ‘attempted suicide’ potentially
individual actually engaged in a self-injurious means so many different things, it runs the risk
behavior (Brown et al., 2006). A clarification of meaning almost nothing at all” (p. 238).
of what is a suicide attempt will lead to the Freeman, Wilson, Thigpen, and Mc-
development of specific, selective, and sensi- Gee (1974) advocated for eliminating the
tive questions that clarify precisely whether term suicide attempt, a recommendation that
the self-injurious behavior under investiga- we felt we could not abide, because, in part,
tion was intended to end one’s life (clear sui- the term is too well ingrained in the language
cidal intention), or was secondary to other of suicidology. Instead, we decided to more
mitigating factors (Wagner et al., 2002). narrowly define the term (which invokes in-
Self-reported suicide attempts have tention) and, in so doing, clearly distinguish
limited validity due to inconsistent defini- it from other terms, such as self-harm (which
tions and problems with recall bias (Kjoller, lacks intent to die). The behavioral conse-
Norlev, & Davidsen, 2004). Freeman, Wil- quence of self-harm is to change the circum-
son, Thigpen, and McGee (1974) conducted stances of one’s environment or internal state
a study that attempted to assess intention to in a meaningful way (albeit through a self-
die in cases of self-injury. They concluded injurious act). This term held great appeal to
that: “This study has shown that the vast ma- us, because it served as a conceptual juxtapo-
jority of heretofore called ‘suicide attempts’ sition to suicide attempt (where the hoped-
are in fact not that at all, but rather are, be- for or intended outcome is to remove oneself
haviorally speaking, events of self-injury or from one’s environment forever) and as an al-
self-poisoning. The intent is, in nearly all ternative to “low lethality attempt with un-
cases, not that of dying, but of living” (p. 38). certain intent.”
In the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey Meehan et al. (1992) suggested that to
(2005), only 1 in 3 adolescents who reported assess a suicide attempt, a series of questions
a suicide attempt required any medical atten- are needed with independent verification
tion, leaving the investigator very unclear from a knowledgeable source, such as an
about what self-reporters are referring to emergency room physician, in addition to
when they report a suicide attempt. No study self-reports from the individual. This series
has yet to demonstrate the validity or reli- of questions should elicit a description of the
ability of adolescents’ or adults’ self-reported injury that occurred, if any, so that indepen-
suicide attempts (Rosenbaum, 2006; Santa dent raters may judge the potential lethality
Mina & Gallop, 1998). of the event; whether medical attention or
Meehan, Lamb, Saltzman, and O’Car- hospitalization followed; and whether the
roll (1992) found that for every ten self- self-initiated behavior was indeed intended to
reported attempts, only one resulted in hos- cause one’s own death or injury. We would
pitalization. Only two others resulted in add that an investigation of the context of the
medical attention. The intent and lethality of suicidal attempt (environmental, psychologi-
the other 70% is unknown, thus seriously cal, ecological) would also assist in defining
compromising the validity of self-reported the behavior and potentially classifying it.
suicide attempts. Since suicide means inten-
tional self-injury that results in death, any Overlap Between Suicide and Nearly
meaningful definition of suicide attempt Lethal Suicide Attempts
should also incorporate a high likelihood of
death as well as a true intent to kill oneself. A number of recent studies have looked
The fact that Meehan et al. (1992) found that at the degree to which there is a distinction
Silverman et al. 259

between suicide and nearly lethal suicide at- tempters from non-impulsive suicide at-
tempts (or “medically serious suicide at- tempters. Although some would argue that
tempts”) (Beautrais, 2001; Silverman & Si- “impulsivity” may have a proximal causal role
mon, 2001). Beautrais concluded that suicides in the suicidal process for some individuals
and medically serious suicide attempts are (Mann, Waternaux, Haas, & Malone, 1999),
two overlapping populations that share com- what may look like an impulsive act may ac-
mon psychiatric diagnostic and historical fea- tually be a culmination of a thinking and
tures (current mood disorder; previous sui- planning process that had developed over
cide attempt; prior outpatient psychiatric time but had not yet reached the “tipping
treatment; admission to psychiatric hospital point” (Goldney, 1998).
within the previous year; low income; a lack
of formal educational qualifications; exposure
to recent stressful interpersonal, legal, and
work-related life events), but are distin- CONCLUSION
guished by gender (males were more likely to
kill themselves) and patterning of psychiatric The publication of the O’Carroll et al.
disorder (attempters were more likely than (1996) nomenclature sparked a revitalization
those dying by suicide to have a current diag- in addressing the language of suicidology and
nosis of anxiety disorder and to be socially its conceptual foundations (Andriessen, 2006;
isolated). De Leo et al., 2004, 2006; Silverman, 2006).
The Houston Case Control Study The Denver Veterans Administration VISN
found that up to 24% of nearly lethal suicide 19 Mental Illness Research, Education, and
attempters had spent less than 5 minutes be- Clinical Care (MIRECC) Nomenclature
tween the decision to attempt suicide and the Workgroup reviewed the critiques and rec-
actual nearly lethal attempt (5% reported ommendations made in response to the
spending just one second) (Simon et al., O’Carroll et al. paper, and proceeded to ad-
2001). For 52.6% of the nearly lethal suicide dress as many as possible in their revision. In
attempters, it was their first suicide attempt. the article that follows, Silverman, Berman,
Male gender and a history of involvement in Sanddal, O’Carroll, and Joiner (this issue)
physical fights differentiated impulsive at- present the revised nomenclature.


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