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1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………… 2

2.0 SITUATION ANALYSIS…………………….…………………………………. 3-4

2.1 NEUTRAL ENVIRONMENT ………………………………………….. 4

3.0 COMPANY ENVIRONMENT………….………………………………………. 5

4.0 TARGET MARKET……………………………………………………………… 6-7

5.0 MARKET DEMOGRAPHIC ……….…………………………………………... 8

6.0 MARKET GEOGRAPHIC ……………………………………………………… 8

7.0 MARKET PSYCHOGRAPHIC……………..…………….……………………. 9

8.0 MARKET LIFE STYLE………………………………………………………… 9


10.0 MARKET GOALS AND OBJECTIVES……………………………………… 10-11

11.0 MARKET STRATEGY ………………………………………………………... 11

11.1 MISSION …………………………………………………………… 11-12

11.2 VISION …………………………………………………………… 12-13

12.0 MARKETING TACTICS ……………………………………………………… 13-14

13.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL ……………………………………… 14

14.0 SUMMARY …………………………………………………………………... 14

REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………........... 15


Five-Year Marketing Plan Mega-9 Co., Ltd

1.0 Executive Summary

Mega-9 Co., Ltd is an enthusiastic Engineering firm especially competent firm in IT
based engineering solution company. Yangon based Mega-9 firm providing service from
consulting, contracting and maintenance service to enterprise corporate in Myanmar. The
main company was formed to pursue opportunities in requirement of infrastructure building
of booming market in Myanmar. The company has enjoyed a solid base of developer, hotels
and banking sectors for Mega-9 service and getting strong customer loyalty in Myanmar.
(Mega-9 2014)
It was founded legally in incorporated at 2014 and started with just 4 employees.
Today Mega-9 providing solutions and expanding service with 34 employee and one
distribution show room and the target market of safety and security to provide the optimum
solution to the customers. As Mega-9 boast of strong competent skill how to optimize
solutions. The marketing trends are updated Technology solutions of IT and Electrical to
various industry sectors of Hospitality, Corporate, Port Industry, Manufacturing Industry,
Banking, Education and Financial Industry. (Mega-9 2014)
Marketing management is the process of planning and executing the conception,
pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that
satisfy individual and organizational goals. (Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).
Mega-9 team has put together an experienced management team to lead the
organization through this dynamic industry. The assembled team was chosen to an
Engineering degree on the experience that they had within the industry. IT and ELV industry
are quite technical and comprehensive information and insight of this unique sector is
instrumental for success. Mr. Zaw Myo @ Simon has been leading up as Managing Director.
Simon has 25 over years of IT and ELV management experience both from Local and
oversea. He is also holder of Professional Engineer from Myanmar Engineering council.
Simon also completed MBA program and with the help of both mechanical strong competent
skill and management skill Mega-9 growth is about more than 200 percent of every year. This
is started with 3 founders from 2014 and currently employing 35 staffs and holding a good
reputation in IT industry in Myanmar. (Mega-9 2014)


2.0 Situation Analysis
Mega-9 Company, after considering is both its internal strengths the weaknesses and
the external environmental influences that affect it (opportunities and threats), is in position
to develop an effective marketing plan. Failure to understand the external and internal
capabilities may lead to complete. Mega-9 work at building long-term relationship with
valued customers, distributors, dealers and suppliers. Company builds strong economic and
social ties by promising and consistently delivering high- quality products, good service and
fair prices. (Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2016).
Mega-9 Co., Ltd has a diverse solution of products to support the corporate and
banking solution. Wide spectrum from both active and passive solutions partner cooperating
with Mega-9. Below are the current partners of Mega-9 supporting in Myanmar Market

As previously market only targeted for local developer and due to booming market in
Myanmar international developer also came in and looking for quality and to get more
competitive solutions Mega-9 keeping more hands with quality brands.


In meantime supporting still not enough as solution provider Mega-9 also build up
distribution to expand more portfolio of business currently Mega-9 set up Net Nine
Professional as distribution channel. To prevent conflict of interest Mega-9 only helps Net
Nine Professional for trading purposes and transaction control only. As demand of ELV
components increase Mega-9 planning to expand new show room in western part of Yangon
to get more regional coverage. (Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2016)
As we mentioned Mega-9 is focusing on medium and enterprise organization with
demand for seamless information flow, comfortableness and security. We also planned to
boost tourism with our expertise which is smokeless industry and can generate economy with
solution and online platform which inter connect our people with the world. We keep our core
value and culture to our driving force of the company and we believe it will bring us to the
success of our company. (Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2016)
Mega-9 also employed managers with background of Engineering and well
experienced engineers in position of executive level in different international projects.
Mega-9 also developing digitized computer based system for finance, sale, operation and
procurement departments.
2.1 Neutral Environment
The natural environment involves the physical environment and the natural
resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing
Mega-9 is facing a rough weather conditions from all situational environments
which include social, political, economic, and all other environment it keep it strong
point of technical core value with continuous learning which keep marching on ward
with steady steps to the future. Company emphasizing prevention have responded
with internal green marketing programs designing and developing ecologically safer
products, recyclable and biodegradable packaging, better pollution controls, and more
energy-efficient operations. Which forming good company culture and bring up new
generation of engineers to the future. Which going with steady growth and facilitating
local and international client with solutions and expanding capacities.
(Bites Consulting. 2010, January 20).


3.0 Company Environment
As steady growth of company’s resources are the key to inject the expansion of
business sectors. Company is trying to expand business every year from 2014 to 2016
Mega-9 focus on ELV solutions and target to medium organization. From 2015 to 2017
Mega-9 expand service to medium and enterprise organization with integrated solution with
both IT and ELV solution. From 2017 to 2019 Mega-9 expanding not only for solution of IT
and ELV sector, also try to maintain service loyalty to customer it planned to expand
maintenance contractors for enterprises. This can get in touch with customer and also can
maintain work force. From 2020 to 2023 Mega-9 tries to expand service sector from the IT
and ELV sector to total M&E solution service provider.
Currently is facing issues with human resources and financial resources. As Mega-9
based on technical, this is the key of expertise to maintain steady supply of service. The
current human resource in Myanmar is difficult to find experience employee. So we train in
house team and also provide training for both local and oversea.
(Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).
Another issue is low infrastructure of financial institution, normally oversea
companies they have a good support of financial background which form and easily growth
of firm and with very low interest rate. Most of the company in Myanmar runs with own
funds and even required reserve fund to cure emergency condition.
Mega-9 growth is steady and about 30% every year. To keep steady growth and
resource expanding carefully with scope in which Mega-9 is full capable of. As potential
growth is visible Mega-9 is on discussion with international banks to get debt finance and
also discussion with international organization for capital financing also.
Mega-9 previously focused on the market of the local developers and supports them
with quality solution. By the certain period of time and Mega-9 suffering some lousy
payment from local developers and Mega-9 planned to support for international investors.
This is form a consistency of the payment and also can educate Mega-9 team with
international good practices of project management. That is also a new segment to Mega-9
target market. (Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2016)


4.0 Target Market
The market potential is huge of IT and ELV sector. Myanmar was left behind for
several decades for shutting down the economy. As it open economy by 2011 and leap
frogging to modern world to catch up with high speed evidenced by what appears to be the
unstoppable growth of the development project in Myanmar is quite promising. Mega-9
target for median and enterprise project of hospitality, banking and corporate office tower
projects. Also trying to be an ISP and on discussing with some building projects.
(Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).

Below are System Integration organizations Mega-9 supporting for solutions


Mega-9 will target 4 market segments. The first is banking industry. This segment has
tremendous growth in Myanmar. Previously only national owner was allowed to provide
financial services. Start from the 2018 October international banking is allowed to provide
financing service as local banks. Mega-9 is currently supporting top two banking chain in
Myanmar and also supporting to other 3 bank chain also. (Mega-9 2014)

Banking segment customers

The second targeted market segment will be Hospitality segments. Mega-9 has strong
presence with some hotel chain in Myanmar. Mega-9 have strong connections with ACCOR
hotel chains and already provided proven solutions to 5 stars hotels and 3 stars hotels.
(Mega-9 2014)

Hospitality sector customers (logos)

Third segment is corporate and residential towers with complete ELV solutions with
major local and international developers for more detail please refer to the Mega-9 profiles.
Corporate customers

Fourth segment are Marine port terminal and manufacturing plants. Mega-9 provided
completed IT and ELV solution for international terminal and ports with most reliable
solutions. Below are some segments of Mega-9 customers. (Mega-9 2014)

Port Terminal


As growth of ELV and IT sectors more integrator came into market and collaborating
with Mega-9 together for their strong competency points of solutions. Mega-9 currently
supporting them with the service gap of material supply with under the name of Net Nine
Professional. This is located at major computer distribution market in Yangon.
(Mega-9 2014)

5.0 Market Demographic

IT and ELV system are as new demand for modern building which is essential part of
the normal building. According to current demography of the country most of commercial
building are mostly develop in Yangon compare to other cities. This is form Mega-9 to
establish business and drive inertia from Yangon. (Mega-9 2014)
As for low end market of residential building normally electrical contractor provide
required system only for Electricity and small portion of ELV sectors. This is normally
provided by most of electrical contractor. This is not an interested and targeted market for
Mega-9. (Mega-9 2014)
As for the construction market in Myanmar there are different markets of developers
which are local developers and international investment developers. Previously construction
markets were leaded by local developers. Once international investors came into Myanmar
market they found the quality of the building are low standard and high demand they also
enter into the development of high quality high- rise building.

6.0 Market Geographic

Apart from the Yangon, Mandalay is the second largest city in Myanmar and previous
capital of Myanmar and the last Emperor of Myanmar rule the country. This is forms major
attraction of both cultural and traditional values.
This is also major hub to the economy of upper Myanmar. Mega-9 also interested in
market of Mandalay and looking for opportunity to expand branch in Mandalay. Currently
Mega-9 already finished a few project in Mandalay. From 2019 to 2020 Mega-9 already
planned to established branch in Mandalay. From 2021 to 2023 Mega-9 planned to expand
new branches in Naypyidaw. Mega-9 focusing on the Cities of Myanmar especially Yangon,
secondly Mandalay and third step to Naypyidaw by 2023 even though we have certain
challenge. Which we focusing to help people with our expertise, it is possible to come true all
people dream with our solutions. (Mega-9 2014)


7.0 Market Psychographic
Due to the culture of Myanmar people and historical influence of English ruling time
our people prefer and comfortable with long lasting products. Which mean we prefer to own
a most reliable products and proud to own the brands. This is form a paradox with current
capacity and economy of Myanmar people. So a lot of people traded counterfeit branded
products and lost trust of the people. (Prof. Keegan & Prof. Malcolm. 2008, January 22).
Mega-9 currently focus on QSV model ( Quality Service Value ) model which
building trust of the client with quality brand and providing value added service and keeping
customer loyalty which we building brand loyalty and building trust of people psychographic
sectors. This is Mega-9 carefully focusing affordable niche sector with quality service.
(Utopia, M. 2011, Mar 21).

8.0 Market Life style

Even though we are left behind the world for some decade Myanmar people are
quickly adaptive to the life style of the modern world. As the market opened by 2011 to world
international investor came in to Myanmar which opens the road to professionals. The world
is moving from industrial to information age which drive service sector to the top of the
This is form flow of information and media form a social digital life style and people
are looking for the most efficient and secure solution to their life styles. This forms
opportunity and which fit in with the current solutions of the Mega-9 which can facilitate
hungry market of the Myanmar digital living style. We filling the service gap with the most
effective solution of Entertainment, information flow, security and security of Myanmar
people modern daily life style start from the individual to the large scale enterprise with our
expertise. (Prof. Keegan & Prof. Malcolm. 2008, January 22).

9.0 Market Problems and Opportunities


Another issue is due to the modern culture and technology ground people are buying
and evaluating their needs from online services. Online store are more popular than the brick
and motor stores. Local people start purchasing online for fancy and branded products also
from local and oversea online service. Also people from all over the world Google Myanmar
and trying to engage their products via online.
As Myanmar is popular of untouched beauties of island and cultural places, tourism
will be the most popular business in Myanmar very soon. This is the most economic industry
without any smoke and pollution. Mega-9 also planning to enter the market of platform to
support idle business units into one platform which can help country economy from one
corner. (Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2016)
As communication industry is booming this is a good spot to invest quantity of
product and service. Integrators increased both from local and oversea. This is form a
competitor environment of Mega-9. A local integrator strategy is low price with low quality
of service and for international organization with very good supply chain management which
form a threat to Mega-9. By keeping consistency of service steady growth of company still
keep maintained. Also Mega-9 Alliance with international firm to form win-win situation.
(Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).
10.0 Marketing Goals and Objectives
Over the next five year, Mega-9 can increase its distribution, offer new products, and
win new customers. Mega-9 objective is to achieve a 30% on solution and steadily expand
business as per demand of targeted customers.
Mega-9 sees themselves as selling rather than providing a solution to a need.
Customer satisfaction is closely linked to quality. Marketing is part of the large idea of
relationship marketing. Nowadays people are looking for not just products itself they expect
valued added service which not only depend on the products itself and which link up to the
service loyalty which develop long term customer relationship.
Marketing objectives need to fit in with the overall business objectives to be effective,
any objective should be SMART. (Chaffey, D. 2018, May 1).
A SMART objective is always:


To get better supporting to Mega-9 customers with more competitive and reliable
solution Mega-9 will plan to cooperate with R&M brand under following strategies
(1) Developing Mega-9 competency image and building firm customer loyalty with
modern solutions to help customer.
(2) Bringing high value, high quality products to market.
(3) Developing human assets through training and competitive incentives.
(4) Practicing a customer intimacy business model.
Mega-9 Team will pursue several objectives that will allow them to quickly gain
market penetration. The first objective is to offer a high value, high quality product for the IT
and ELV industry. Also important from an internal operation standpoint is the founder and
core team are enthusiastic engineer with competency of technical of both from local and
oversea experience. Lastly, Mega-9 team will pursue focusing on a customer intimacy model.
Mega-9 providing customize optimize quality solutions to customers and expanding
confident referral networks with service loyalty. The pursuit of this specific business model
will ensure complete satisfaction of their customers. (Chaffey, D. 2018, May 1).
11.0 Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategy needs focus on the customers. Mega-9 Co., gain market leadership
by understanding customer needs and finding solutions that delight through superior value,
quality and service. Mega-9 strategy is to provide the optimum solution to customer and fully
committed to this corporate culture. Mega-9 knows very well customer requirements how to
provide optimum solution to meet customer of technical strength and operational ELV
knowledge with optimized tailored excellence solution.
By Philip Kotler “Marketing Strategy is the marketing logic by which the business
unit expects to achieve its marketing objectives”. (Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2016)
Our strong customer and supplier relationship accompany with flexibility, technical
skills and dedication to each project, allows consistency to deliver the most advanced and
cost effective solutions. The company’s culture is very hard to change. Yet adapting the
culture is often the key to successfully implementing a new strategy.
(Kotler, P & Armstrong, G 2016)
11.1 Mission
Mega-9 mission is to provide end to end quality optimized solution to all
market vertical with high technology and bring up our community with technology.
Our mission is to be growth together and build long term relationship with inter-
supporting family firm. Which is help with true core value product and we help


together the Myanmar people with quality solution together and enjoy success
together. Expel and distribute advance technologies to local System integrators and
End users. In order to achieve its mission, Mega-9 has made a set of clear and
distinctive strategic choices. These choices have been developed based on two key
• The Mega-9 marketplace
• The company's capabilities
These choices translate into key strategic imperatives which Mega-9 is
pursuing to gain leadership in the Structure cabling market.
• Product Portfolio: Mega-9 product offering shall be of both solution of
passive copper and optical solution with traditional solution. Also shall be get ready
and support with advance solution for Data center which will soon be become growth
as per demanding VAS (value added service) requirement in Myanmar.
• Sales Channels: A multi-national marketing and sales team will build both
direct and indirect sales channels. In order to capitalize on the opportunities in each
geographic region, Mega-9 will put into place a network of on-the-ground, dedicated,
experienced, and incentivized sales and marketing personnel. (Mega-9 2014)
These teams will build both direct customer relationships and indirect channels
(through systems integrators, developer and independent installer, etc.). The indirect channel
partners will give Mega-9 critical leverage. Mega-9 will allocate resources to building its
partnerships with indirect sales channels. Partners will help Mega-9 to gain geographic reach,
credibility, and customers which would not otherwise be possible. Specific partner support
programs will be put into place to ensure cultivation of these partnerships. Partner onboarding
and certification program is a must to develop more capacities and building ecosystem.
11.2 Vision
Mega-9 vision is to be one of the top solution providers in construction and
infrastructure development industry.
By vision and company culture of Mega-9 focusing steady growth of company and
valued loyal customer. These are limited to loyal customer and support certain niche
group of company only. Mega-9 steady focus on solution and steadily expand
business as per demand of targeted customers. (Mega-9 2014)
As a managerial definition, marketing has often been described as “the art of
selling products.” But Peter Drucker, a leading management theorist, says that “the
aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and


understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.
Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy.”
We see marketing management as the art and science of applying core marketing
concepts to choose target markets and get, keep, and grow customers through creating,
delivering, and communicating superior customer value. Customers want and needs our
service and product. (Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).
One of the strong point solution of Mega-9 is structure cabling solutions with include
both mix requirement for both Copper and Optical components. Including CAT X (5e, 6, 6A)
cables and related termination products like patch panels, jack and termination box and
accessories. This is normally covered for about 40 % to 50 % of Passive solution. And also
optical solution like single and multi-mode fiber cable and terminating accessories with cover
for about 30 to 35 % of passive solution. Structure not only include data link and also
cooperate with multicore cable solution still an essential requirement to high rise building
which is still a backup for IP telephony solutions. This is normally about 20 to 25 % of
passive solution sale in Mega-9. (Mega-9 2014)
12.0 Marketing Tactics
We offer our service start from design, system optimization, consultancy, and project
management and up to EPC contractor providing turnkey solution based on modular
requirement of our clients. Mega-9 business model approaches are discussion with client,
consulting base on compliance and regulation, optimize tailor project proposal, cooperation
with client and development team, provide complete solution, technical and service
department support for service loyalty. (Meyer, B. 2012, Dec 3).
Most of the people think of marketing make the mistake of paying more attention to
the physical product they offer than to the benefits produced by these products. Mega-9
tactics to reach five marketing target which it need to build the personal brand, utilize online
communities, and become a smart investor, tell our story using video and empower
employees to become brand ambassadors. The marketing manager concentrates on four major
decision areas while planning the marketing activities, namely, (i) products, (ii) price, (iii)
place (distribution) and (iv) promotion. These 4 ‘P’s are called as elements of marketing and
together they constitute the marketing mix. All these are inter-related because a decision in
one area affects decisions in other areas. In this lesson you will learn about the basic aspects
relating to these 4‘P’s viz., product, price, place and promotion. (Meyer, B. 2012, Dec 3).
People satisfy their needs and wants with products and service. A product is anything
that can be offered to a market to satisfy a need or want. The marketing environment has been


very receptive to high quality product. As per Mega-9 strength in technology and service
oriented professional can provide to customer customize solution based on essential
requirement of business. At Mega-9 pride on the ability to offer innovative solution at various
levels is it partial/bespoke or more complex full turnkey solution. (Meyer, B. 2012, Dec 3).
Mega-9 trends of service are consulting, project management, and system
optimization, active network IT structure, public address system, fire alarm system, optical
network infrastructure, data center solution, video intercom system, MATV/SMATV System,
IPTV system, queue management system, annual maintenance contract, low voltage electrical
system and hospital nurse call system. Mega-9 Company core value are service high-speed
and high teach, inspire and be inspire, open and honest communication.
(Meyer, B. 2012, Dec 3).

13.0 Implementation and Control

Sales Projection: A multi-national marketing and sales team will build both direct and
indirect sales channels. In order to capitalize on the opportunities in each geographic region,
Mega-9 will put into place a network of on-the-ground, dedicated, experienced, and
incentivized sales and marketing personnel. (Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).
From the year of start founded period focus on communication and security solution.
Start from the 3rd year on ward to fourth year expand service sector to cope all ELV solution
to provide full solution rather than limited solutions as ELV solution integrator.
From the fourth year onward as high demand and certain profit margin for market small
integrator came in and become more active for industry to compete and facilitate demand of
customer. Mega-9 planned to improve supply chain, make ties with international supplier and
opened show room to distribute for communication equipment which forms more competitive
in market and also can support small integrators with supplies of material. Also forms
ecosystem for better supply chain. (Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).
These teams will build both direct customer relationships and indirect channels
(through systems integrators, developer and independent installer, etc.). The indirect channel
partners will give Mega-9 critical leverage. Mega-9 will allocate resources to building its
partnerships with indirect sales channels. Partners will help Mega-9 to gain geographic reach,
credibility, and customers which would not otherwise be possible. Specific partner support
programs will be put into place to ensure cultivation of these partnerships. Partner onboarding
and certification program is a must to develop more capacities and building ecosystem.
(Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).


14.0 Summary
From the previous experience of strong project reference and expertise of our team we
believed. Mega-9 team can establish strong ground in IT industry development in Myanmar.
We also believed that Mega-9 team will also help people in development of our country from
one corner with our core value. (Kotler, P & Keller, K.L 2016).


Bites Consulting. (2010, January 20). Strategic Marketing Plan How to develop and Use for
small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Retrieved October 29,2018 from:
Chaffey, D. (2018, May 1). How to define SMART marketing objectives. Retrieved
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Kotler, P & Keller, K.L (2016). Marketing Management. Developing Marketing Strategies
and Plans (15th Global Edition). Chapter -8
Kotler, P & Armstrong, G (2016). Principles of Marketing. The Natural Environment (15th
Global Edition). Page 109.
Mega-9. (2014) Company profile – Mega-9 Co., Ltd Retrieved October 15, 2018 from:
Mccreary, L. (2012, March 2). Dole Marketing Plan Retrieved November 5, 2018 from:
Meyer, B.( 2012, Dec 3). Marketing Planning Process. Retrieved November 18, 2018 from:
Prof. Keegan & Prof.Malcolm. (2008, January 22). Marketing Plan Retrieved October 20,
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Utopia, M. (2011, Mar 21). Maslows marketing theory. Retrieved November 30, 3018 from:


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