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College Management System

Release 1.1

Prepared by Team 3

1 Introduction 4
1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Project Scope and Product Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Intended Audience and Document Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Definations, Acronyms, and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.1 Definations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4.2 Acronyms, and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Overall Description 7
2.1 Product Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 User Classes and Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Specific Requirements 9
3.1 External Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.1 User Class one - Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.2 User Class two - Administrative head(Super user) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2.3 User Class three - Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.4 User Class four - HEC head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.5 User Class Mess committee head- Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.3 Non Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.1 Performance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.2 Reliability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.3 Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.3.4 Security Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4 Supporting information 28
4.1 upadate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Revision History
Revision Revision Date Description of Change Author/Modifier
v1.0 Sept 12,2015 Initial Document Shubham Subhankar Sharma/Vikash Saini
v1.1 Sept 25,2015 Second Document Shubham Subhankar Sharma/Vikash Saini

1 Introduction
The title of the project is COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS). CMS is an Internet
based application that aims at providing information to all the levels of management within an
organization. This system can be used as a information management system for the college.

For a given user, the administrator will create a loginid & password, using this user can access
the system to either upload or download some information from the database.

The front-end will be HTML pages with Java Script for client side validation where as all
business logics will be in PHP reside at middle layer. And these layers will interact with third
layer of database, which will be MySql database. The web server will be Apache. To start
working on this project environment required is a server having Apache as web server, MySql
as database and XAMPP as development environment

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the College Management
System. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system,
what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will
react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the client and the developers of
the system and will be proposed to the Administrative head for its approval.

1.2 Project Scope and Product Features

This software system will be a College management system for a the members of an organization.
This system will be designed to maximize the administrative, academic and overall productiv-
ity by providing tools to assist in automating the technical procedures and proccesses, which
would otherwise have to be performed manually. By maximizing the users work efficiency and
production the system will meet the users needs while remaining easy to understand and use.
It is a user-friendly portal to interact, manage, access the information.

1.3 Intended Audience and Document Overview

There are different types of intented audience for this document, such as developers, testers,
documentation writers and most importantly the users.We have divided the rest of the docu-
ment into different subsections. We suggest that you begin with understanding the definitions,
acronyms and abbreviations, then sequentially go through contents, overview section and pro-
ceeding through the detailed description sections that is most pertinent.

1.4 Definations, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4.1 Definations
• Browser : Software used to view hypertext documents. Internet Explorer and Netscape
Navigator are examples of browsers.

• HTML : Hypertext Markup Language is a specification for graphical layout of a document.

The specification calls for the document to be stored as text containing a series of tags
that contain formatting information

• PHP : Server side scripting language.

• JavaScript : is a high level, dynamic, untyped, and interpreted programming language.

• MySQL : MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

• standalone application : A Software that is not a part of some bundled software. A

program that is run as a separate computer process, not an add-on of an existing process.
Standalone program, a program that does not require operating system’s services to run.
A portable application, which can be run without the need for installation procedure.

• Web Portal : A web portal is most often one specially designed web page that brings
information together from diverse sources in a uniform way.

• Data Integrity : Data integrity refers to maintaining and assuring the accuracy and
consistency of data over its entire life-cycle, and is a critical aspect to the design, imple-
mentation and usage of any system which stores, processes, or retrieves data.

1.4.2 Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Table: 1 lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document with respect to CMS.

Acronyms Meaning
AJAX Asynchronous Java-Script and XML
API Application Programming Interface
XML Extensible Markup Language
DBMS Database Management System
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
kbps Kilo-Byte Per Second
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
GUI Graphical User Interface
mbps Mega-Byte Per Second
OS Operating System
RAM Random Acess System
SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
URL Universal Resource Locator

1.5 References






2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The product will be a standalone application and may be run on multiple systems within an
Internet network. The product will require a keyboard, mouse and monitor to interface with
the users. The minimum hardware requirements for the product are specified in this document

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

The target audience for CMS product is the college Administrator/students/faculty/staff (Technical/Non-
technical) .The users for this system are

• Administrator The Super user of the system. Mainly focuses on administratiive and
academic related issues.

• Student A user with limited access rights.

• Staff A user of the system who has more access rights than a normal user.

• Users for specific task.

- Warden/HEC head: For Hostel management
- Mess Committee Head: For mess

2.3 Constraints
The current constraints on the project are related to the provision of hardware resources and
software resources.

• At present, we have a i3 gen4 intel core processor running on top of the Linux/windows
operating system.

• The documents will be present only in pdf format.

• In the feedback forms, the replies will not be frequent and the petitioner will not be

• There will not be any moderater to filter out the fake complains with the genuine ones.
The superuser have to do it himself manually.

• The Internet connection is also a constraint for the application. Since the application
fetches data from the database over the Internet, it is crucial that there is an Internet
connection for the application to function.

• The web portal will be constrained by the capacity of the database. Since the database
may be forced to queue incoming requests and therefor increase the time it takes to fetch

• Mess Rebate Will at least of 3days.

• Registration will be open for short time.

• All Document should be in .Zip file.

• College will provide funds for SMS service if SMS service is not free.

• After submitting the course evaluation form, the user cannot revert his or her actions.

• The user cannot change his/her all personal or academic details. He/she first have to get
permission from the super user to do so.

2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies

A number of factors that may affect the requirements specified in the SRS include:

• It is assumed that only one person from the different department will have the access to a
module.i.e. Only heads of administration, academics, HEC and Mess will have the access
to their department except the faculty.

• The complaints and the feedback given by the students and other members of the organi-
zation are assumed to be reliable.

• The schedule for the exam , the registration window will be open for only few days only
after that these pages will be inactive until next exams or registration period.

• Apportioning of requirements
In the case that the project is delayed, there are some requirements that could be trans-
ferred to the next version of the application. Those requirements are to be developed in
the third release.

3 Specific Requirements
This section contains all the software requirements at a level of detail sufficient to enable design-
ers to design a system to satisfy those requirements, and testers to test that the system satisfies
those requirements. Throughout this section, every stated requirement should be externally
perceivable by users, administrator, or, other external systems.

3.1 External Interfaces

• Hardware platform:
- PIII or above with
- RAM of 512 or above MB
- HardDisk 20GB or above GB

• Software Platform:
Browser :
- Mozilla Fire-Fox v12.0 or higher
- Google Chrome v27.0.1453.116m or higher.

• Hardware Platform:
- PIII or above with
- RAM of 512 or above MB
- HardDisk 20GB or above GB.

• SoftwarePlatform:

• User Interface:
A first-time user of the web portal should see the log-in page when he/she opens the portal.
If the user has not registered, he/she should be able to do that on the log-in page. It will
also have a remember me button.If the user is not a first-time user, he/she should be
able to see the dashboard which contains different domains like academics, Hostel, Profile,
Mess, Transport.A news bulliten, some general information, list of holidays and different
timetables will also be visible on this page.Every user should have a profile page where
they can edit their e-mail address, phone number and password and other personal details.
• Communications interfaces
The communication between the client and the server will be done through internet.

3.2 Functional Requirements
This section includes the requirements that specify all the fundamental actions of the software

3.2.1 User Class one - Student Functional Requirement
TITLE:Login into the Portal.
DESC: The user can login into the system by providing its loginid and password to the portal
which are unique and provided by the college.
RAT:To login into the portal and take advantage of the services provided by it.
DEP:None Functional Requirement

TITLE:Change password
DESC:Change the password after logging into the system.The user will be asked a security
question if he/she forgets his/her password. In case, he/she is unable to do so, the user has to
formally apply to the admin for the change of his/her password providing the necessary proof.
RAT:For security purposes, the user can choose his/her password
DEP:FR1 Functional Requirement

TITLE:View/change profile details.
DESC:The user can view or change some of his/her personal details like email id, contact details
and address details. The profile will contain name, age,permanent address, parent’s name, their
address, their contact details, branch, year, semester, room alloted, hostel name and no. etc.
RAT:To update his/her profile and know his or her status.
DEP:FR1 Functional Requirement

DESC: Can get help through the help option which gives information about the different fea-
tures provided by the system. A copy of user manual will also be provided in this section.
RAT:In case of any confusion, the user can solve the problem easily and better understand the
functionality of the system.

10 Functional Requirement
DESC:The user can view timetable for classes, mess and buses on the front page of the portal
after logging into the system.
RAT:By geting this information, user can schedule his routine and better utilize his/her precious

3.2.1 6 Functional Requirement

TITLE:List of upcoming holidays
DESC:The user can view the list on upcoming holidays on the front page of the portal after
logging into the system.
RAT:He/she could plan for vacations and other co-curricular activites.
DEP:FR1 Functional Requirement

TITLE:News bulletin and Announcements.
DESC:On the front page , the user can view different news and announcements from various
RAT:The user gets updated about the college and knows whats going on in the college.
DEP:FR1 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module on dashboard contains all the information about the academics and admin-
RAT:You can get all the information about academics after getting inside this module.
DEP:FR1 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Request for certificates
DESC:The user can request for different types of certificates like No Objection Certificate, Char-
acter Certificate, Address Proof for Hostel etc. After filling the given format , the request will
be send to the administrative department for verification of request. After the verification, the
user can get his/her certificate.

RAT:This feature makes the process move convinient,fast and less cumbersome.
DEP:FR1,FR8 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module on dashboard contains all the information about the mess.
RAT:You can get all the information about mess after getting inside this module.
DEP:FR1 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module provides the information about the faculties. This includes name, education
details, areas of interest and expertise, email id and contact details(optional).
RAT:You can get all the information about faculties in one place after getting inside this mod-
DEP:FR1,FR8 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Assignments and reading references
DESC:The user can download the reading and writing assignments uploaded by the faculty for
their course.
RAT:The user will have a remote access to the assignments.
DEP:FR1,FR8 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Course Evaluation
DESC:: At the end of the semester, a new page will be available for evaluation of a particular
course for the students. The user can give evalution for a particular course by just filling the
multiple choice questions and submitting.
RAT:This helps faculties to get a feedback for their course and improve their performance by
introspecting and also it helps the administration in better allocation of the faculty.

12 Functional Requirement
TITLE:Exam Schedule
DESC:The user can view the exam schedule.
RAT:By using this feature,the user can prepare and plan his efforts in a better way.
DEP:FR1,FR8 Functional Requirement

DESC: In this form, one can lodge a complaint or give a feedback by selecting the domain: Aca-
demics, Administration, Hostel, Mess, Transportation.The head of each department will give
response accordingly.
RAT:The user can get relieve from his/her problems without much effort or conflicts.
DEP:FR1 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Fee Receipt Generation
DESC: Student can generate fee receipt by giving the bank details in the system authenticated
by the administrative head for the current and the previous semesters.
RAT:This feature makes the process move convinient,fast and less cumbersome.
DEP:FR1,FR8 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Monthly menu and timings
DESC:The user can view the monthly menu and timings of mess(breakfast,lunch,snacks and
RAT:It helps the user to better adjust with the mess routine.
DEP:FR1,FR10 Functional Requirement

DESC: Student can access their results of past semester and generate a pdf file and print by
logging into the portal. The user can not view results of other students.
RAT:The user can easily keep track of his/her academic performance.

13 Functional Requirement
TITLE:Mess Rebate
DESC:The user can request for his/her mess rebate by formally applying providing a valid rea-
son and the period of his abscence. After the verification of his request, the mess committee
will either accept or deny the request and the user will be informed accordingly. The system
will keep track of the days the rebate request was succesfully accepted.
RAT:The user can easily get rebate from mess and can also keeps track of his rebate request.
DEP:FR1,FR10 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Course Registration
DESC:Here, the user can register for the courses at the start of the semester. This page will be
open for a very short time interval. The user has to provide all the necessary details and select
the electives for the semester.
RAT:The user can easily register for the semester without cumbersome paperwork.

3.2.2 User Class two - Administrative head(Super user) Functional Requirement
TITLE:Login into the Portal.
DESC: The user can login into the system by providing its loginid and password to the portal
which are unique and provided by the college.
RAT:To login into the portal and take advantage of the services provided by it.
DEP:None Functional Requirement

TITLE:Change password
DESC:Change the password after logging into the system.The user can also change the password
for other users if requested. If he/she forgets his/her password.
RAT:For security purposes, the user can choose his/her password.
DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

TITLE:View/change profile details.
DESC:The user can view or change some of his/her personal details like email id, contact details

and address details. The profile will contain name, age,permanent address, parent’s name, their
address, their contact details, branch, year, semester, room alloted, hostel name and no. etc.
RAT:To update his/her profile and know his or her status.
DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

DESC: Can get help through the help option which gives information about the different fea-
tures provided by the system. A copy of user manual will also be provided in this section.
RAT:In case of any confusion, the user can solve the problem easily and better understand the
functionality of the system.
DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

DESC:The user can view timetable for classes, mess and buses on the front page of the portal
after logging into the system.The user will also have the right and access to either manually
change the timetable or automatically generate a timetable by providing the constraints like no.
of rooms in the buildings, no. of students for all the branches and semesters, no. of students
,time and capacity constraints.
RAT:By geting this information, user can schedule his routine and better utilize his/her precious
DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

TITLE:List of upcoming holidays
DESC:The user can view the list on upcoming holidays on the front page of the portal after
logging into the system.The user will also have the right and access to change/modify the list.
RAT:He/she plans for vacations and other co-curricular activites.
DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

TITLE:News bulletin and Announcements.
DESC:On the front page , the user can view different news and announcements from various
departments.The user will be able to access/broadcast important events.
RAT:The user keeps the others updated about the events that are going to happen in the college

DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module on dashboard contains all the information about the academics and admin-
RAT:You can get all the information about academics after getting inside this module.
DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Course Registration
DESC:Here, the user can register for the courses at the start of the semester. This page will be
open for a very short time interval. The user has to provide all the necessary details and select
the electives for the semester.
RAT:The user can easily register for the semester without cumbersome paperwork.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Request for certificates
DESC:The user attends the request for certificates like No Objection Certificate, Character
Certificate, Address Proof for Hostel etc.The administrative department verifies request and
accordingly accepts or denies the request and procedes subsequently.
RAT:This feature makes the process move convinient,fast and less cumbersome.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module provides the information about the faculties. This includes name, education
details, areas of interest and expertise, email id and contact details(optional).
RAT:You can get all the information about faculties in one place after getting inside this mod-

16 Functional Requirement
TITLE:Assignments and reading references
DESC:The user can download the reading and writing assignments uploaded by the faculty for
their course.
RAT:The user will have a remote access to the assignments.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Course Evaluation
DESC:: At the end of the semester, a new page will be available for evaluation of a particular
course for the students. The user prepares the format for the course evaluation and decides the
window when the users can give their feedback. He also evaluates all the evaluations.
RAT:This helps faculties to get a feedback for their course and improve their performance by
introspecting and also it helps the administration in better allocation of the faculty.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Exam Schedule
DESC:The user can view the exam schedule. The user have the right to update/ modify the
exam schedule by either automatically generating the timetable by providing the required details
or manually filling the blanks.
RAT:By using this feature,the user can prepares a perfect timetable without any conflicts.It is
very time efficient .
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

DESC: In this form, one can lodge a complaint or give a feedback by selecting the domain:
Academics, Administration, Hostel, Mess, Transportation.The user deals with the complains
and feedback in the field of academics and administration.
RAT:The user can get relieve from his/her problems without much effort or conflicts.
DEP:FR21 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Fee Receipt Generation

DESC:The user can view details of the fee transaction details of all the students batchwise.
RAT:This feature makes the process move convinient,fast and less cumbersome.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Monthly menu and timings
DESC:The user can view the monthly menu and timings of mess(breakfast,lunch,snacks and
RAT:It helps the user to better adjust with the mess routine.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

DESC:The user keeps track of the results of all the students. The user have to right to mod-
ify/update all the details related to results.He also decides the date when the results will be
visible to the students.
RAT:The user can easily keep track of academic performance of all the students.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

DESC: An alert sms will be given to the faculty members,staff and drivers beforehand consisting
of name of the faculty/ driver, phone no, vehicle no, location and timing.
RAT:The user can get prepared beforehand in this case.
DEP:FR21,FR28 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Course Registration
DESC:Here, the user will provide all the information, rules and regulations related to registra-
tion of the semester. The user can edit the form for the registration process. He/she keeps
track of all the registrations which are been done. He also verifies, validates and authenticate
the registration request using student and result records. He/she also decides what will be the
electives for a particular semester and who are applicable to apply for a course.
RAT:The user manages all the registration related processes from this single portal.

3.2.3 User Class three - Faculty Functional Requirement
TITLE:Login into the Portal.
DESC: The user can login into the system by providing its loginid and password to the portal
which are unique and provided by the college.
RAT:To login into the portal and take advantage of the services provided by it.
DEP:None Functional Requirement

TITLE:Change password
DESC:Change the password after logging into the system.The user will be asked a security
question if he/she forgets his/her password. In case, he/she is unable to do so, the user has to
formally apply to the admin for the change of his/her password providing the necessary proof.
RAT:For security purposes, the user can choose his/her password
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

TITLE:View/change profile details.
DESC:The user can view or change some of his/her personal details like email id, contact details
and address details. The profile will contain name, age,permanent address, parent’s name, their
address, their contact details, branch, year, semester, room alloted, hostel name and no. etc.
RAT:To update his/her profile and know his or her status.
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

DESC: Can get help through the help option which gives information about the different fea-
tures provided by the system. A copy of user manual will also be provided in this section.
RAT:In case of any confusion, the user can solve the problem easily and better understand the
functionality of the system.
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

DESC:The user can view timetable for classes, mess and buses on the front page of the portal

after logging into the system.
RAT:By geting this information, user can schedule his routine and better utilize his/her precious
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

TITLE:List of upcoming holidays
DESC:The user can view the list on upcoming holidays on the front page of the portal after
logging into the system.
RAT:He/she could plan for vacations and other co-curricular activites.
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

TITLE:News bulletin and Announcements.
DESC:On the front page , the user can view different news and announcements from various
RAT:The user gets updated about the college and knows whats going on in the college.
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module on dashboard contains all the information about the academics and admin-
RAT:You can get all the information about academics after getting inside this module.
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module provides the information about the faculties. This includes name, education
details, areas of interest and expertise, email id and contact details(optional).
RAT:You can get all the information about faculties in one place after getting inside this mod-

20 Functional Requirement
TITLE:Assignments and reading references
DESC:The user can upload the assignments on to the portal according to the year, batch and
RAT:The user will have a remote access to the assignments.
DEP:FR42,FR49 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Exam Schedule
DESC:The user can view the exam schedule.
RAT:By using this feature,the user can prepare and plan his efforts in a better way.
DEP:FR42,FR49 Functional Requirement

DESC: In this form, one can lodge a complaint or give a feedback by selecting the domain: Aca-
demics, Administration, Hostel, Mess, Transportation.The head of each department will give
response accordingly.
RAT:The user can get relieve from his/her problems without much effort or conflicts.
DEP:FR42 Functional Requirement

DESC: An alert sms will be given to the faculty members,staff and drivers beforehand consisting
of name of the faculty/ driver, phone no, vehicle no, location and timing.
RAT:The user can get prepared beforehand in this case.

3.2.4 User Class four - HEC head Functional Requirement
TITLE:Login into the Portal.
DESC: The user can login into the system by providing its loginid and password to the portal
which are unique and provided by the college.
RAT:To login into the portal and take advantage of the services provided by it.

DEP:None Functional Requirement

TITLE:Change password
DESC:Change the password after logging into the system.The user will be asked a security
question if he/she forgets his/her password. In case, he/she is unable to do so, the user has to
formally apply to the admin for the change of his/her password providing the necessary proof.
RAT:For security purposes, the user can choose his/her password
DEP:FR55 Functional Requirement

TITLE:View/change profile details.
DESC:The user can view or change some of his/her personal details like email id, contact details
and address details. The profile will contain name, age,permanent address, parent’s name, their
address, their contact details, branch, year, semester, room alloted, hostel name and no. etc.
RAT:To update his/her profile and know his or her status.
DEP:FR55 Functional Requirement

DESC: Can get help through the help option which gives information about the different fea-
tures provided by the system. A copy of user manual will also be provided in this section.
RAT:In case of any confusion, the user can solve the problem easily and better understand the
functionality of the system.

3.2.4 5 Functional Requirement

DESC:The user can view timetable for classes, mess and buses on the front page of the portal
after logging into the system.
RAT:By geting this information, user can schedule his routine and better utilize his/her precious

22 Functional Requirement
TITLE:List of upcoming holidays
DESC:The user can view the list on upcoming holidays on the front page of the portal after
logging into the system.
RAT:He/she could plan for vacations and other co-curricular activites.
DEP:FR55 Functional Requirement

TITLE:News bulletin and Announcements.
DESC:On the front page, the user can view different news and announcements from various de-
partments.The user also have the right to announce necessary announcement related to hostel.
RAT:The user gets updated about the college and knows whats going on in the college.
DEP:FR55 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module provides the information about the faculties. This includes name, education
details, areas of interest and expertise, email id and contact details(optional).
RAT:You can get all the information about faculties in one place after getting inside this mod-
DEP:FR55,FR8 Functional Requirement

DESC: In this form, one can lodge a complaint or give a feedback by selecting the domain:
Academics, Administration, Hostel, Mess, Transportation.The user will deal with the complains
and feedback information related to hostel.
RAT:The user can get relieve from his/her problems without much effort or conflicts.
DEP:FR55 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module on dashboard contains all the information about the mess.
RAT:You can get all the information about mess after getting inside this module.

DEP:FR55 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Monthly menu and timings
DESC:The user can view the monthly menu and timings of mess(breakfast,lunch,snacks and
RAT:It helps the user to better adjust with the mess routine.
DEP:FR55,FR64 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Room wise resources distribution
DESC:: Information about the room wise resource will be recorded and updated by the HEC for
the maintenance of the hostel and the college. These include quantity, price, date of purchase,
warranty period, condition, brand.The items contains fans, chairs, table , tubelight, switch board
, CFL , bulb.
RAT:The user can keep track of all the resources and also know their conditions, so that they
can estimate how much resources would be needed in the future.
DEP:FR55 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Room wise student distribution
DESC:: It includes the detailed information about the students that are residing in the hostel.
It contains their name, batch, year, contact details, email no. And all these information is kept
room and hostel wise.
RAT:The user can easily manage student records, mails arrived at the gate, compensation if
any .

3.2.5 User Class Mess committee head- Student Functional Requirement
TITLE:Login into the Portal.
DESC: The user can login into the system by providing its loginid and password to the portal
which are unique and provided by the college.
RAT:To login into the portal and take advantage of the services provided by it.

24 Functional Requirement
TITLE:Change password
DESC:Change the password after logging into the system.The user will be asked a security
question if he/she forgets his/her password. In case, he/she is unable to do so, the user has to
formally apply to the admin for the change of his/her password providing the necessary proof.
RAT:For security purposes, the user can choose his/her password
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

TITLE:View/change profile details.
DESC:The user can view or change some of his/her personal details like email id, contact details
and address details. The profile will contain name, age,permanent address, parent’s name, their
address, their contact details, branch, year, semester, room alloted, hostel name and no. etc.
RAT:To update his/her profile and know his or her status.
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

DESC: Can get help through the help option which gives information about the different fea-
tures provided by the system. A copy of user manual will also be provided in this section.
RAT:In case of any confusion, the user can solve the problem easily and better understand the
functionality of the system.
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

DESC:The user can view timetable for classes, mess and buses on the front page of the portal
after logging into the system. The user have the rights to change the timings for the mess.
RAT:By geting this information, user can schedule his routine and better utilize his/her precious
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

TITLE:List of upcoming holidays
DESC:The user can view the list on upcoming holidays on the front page of the portal after

logging into the system.
RAT:He/she could plan for vacations and other co-curricular activites.
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

TITLE:News bulletin and Announcements.
DESC:On the front page , the user can view different news and announcements from various
departments.The user have the right to announce any mess related news on the news bulletin.
RAT:The user gets updated about the college and knows whats going on in the college.
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module on dashboard contains all the information about the academics and admin-
RAT:You can get all the information about academics after getting inside this module.
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

DESC:This module on dashboard contains all the information about the mess.
RAT:You can get all the information about mess after getting inside this module.
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Exam Schedule
DESC:The user can view the exam schedule.
RAT:By using this feature,the user can prepare and plan his efforts in a better way.
DEP:FR68,FR8 Functional Requirement

DESC: In this form, one can lodge a complaint or give a feedback by selecting the domain: Aca-
demics, Administration, Hostel, Mess, Transportation.The user have to deal with the complains

and the feedback of mess related issues.
RAT:The user can get relieve from his/her problems without much effort or conflicts.
DEP:FR68 Functional Requirement

TITLE:Monthly menu and timings
DESC:The user can modify/update the monthly menu and timings of mess(breakfast,lunch,snacks
and dinner).
RAT:It helps the user to better adjust with the mess routine.

3.3 Non Functional Requirements

3.3.1 Performance Requirements
Performance should not be an issue because all of our server queries involve small pieces of
data.Changing screens will require very little computation and thus will occur very quickly.Server
updates should only take a few seconds as long as the phone can maintain a steady signal.

3.3.2 Reliability
Must maintain data integrity. Computer crashes and misuse should not affect a user’s history

3.3.3 Availability
The CMS Portal shall be available, up and running for 24*7 throughout the year except due to
the routine maintenance activities.

3.3.4 Security Requirements

Administrator and Users with valid credentials will be able to log in to Portal.Administrator
will have access to the database structures at back-end.Administrator will have the rights for
modifications as well as any Updation work for the datasets and website. Access to the various
subsystems will be protected by a user log in screen that requires a user name and password.To
be updated in future.

4 Supporting information
4.1 upadate
• Transpotation Funcationally is removed from our project.

• Payment Details is remvoed from mess .


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