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Quantitative Aptitude

1. A person traveled from his house to office at 30 kmph; then he was late to his
office by 5 minutes. If
he increases his speed by 10 kmph he would be early by 15 minutes to his office.
What should be his
speed so that he reaches his office on time ?
a) 36 kmph b) 32 kmph c) 34 kmph d)35 kmph

2. A train 575 m long crosses a tunnel of length 325 in 90 sec. What is the speed
of the train in kmph.
a) 28 b)32 c)36 d)24
3. A train which has 390 m long, is running 45 kmph. In what time will it cross a
person moving at 9 kmph
in same direction ?
a) 26 sec b) 39 sec c)36 sec d)29 sec.
4. Two persons start running simultaneously around a circular track of length 400
m from the same point at speeds of 15 kmph and 25 kmph. When will they meet
for the first time any where on the track if they
are moving in the opposite direction ?
a)144 b)36 c) 124 d)32

5. Two persons C & D started traveling from A and B which are 300 km apart,
towards B and A respectively at 1.00 p.m. C travels at a constant speed of 30
kmph whereas D doubles his speed every hour. If D reaches A in 4 5/8 hours, at
what time did C and D meet each other ?
a) 4:30 p.m. b) 4:40 p.m. c) 5:00 p.m. d) 5:10 p.m.

6. Two trains T1 and T2 start simultaneously from two stations X and Y

respectively towards each other. If they are 70 km apart both 3 and 6 hours after
start, then find the distance between the two stations.
a) 210 km b)240 km c)220km d)180km

7. Ajith and Rana walk around a circular course 115 km in circumference, starting
together from the same point. If they walk at speed of 4 and 5 kmph respectively,
in the same direction, when will they meet ?
a) after 20 hours b) after 115 hours c) after 115 minutes d) after 20

8. There are 4 people who has to cross a stretch of 300 km. They normally run at a
speed of 10 kmph. One of them has a bike that travels at 50 kmph. The bike first
takes one person alone and crosses the stretch while the other two keep running.
Then he comes back without wasting time and picks up another person from the
way, drives him across the stretch, and does the same for the last person. How
long does this whole process take?
a)24 hrs b)16 hrs c) 56/3 hrs d) 58/3 hrs

9. Ragav took a bus from home to market, that travels at 40 kmph. While walking
back at 4 kmph, halfway through, he suddenly realized he was getting late and he
cycled back the remaining distance in 30 kmph. Find the average speed.
a) 6.5 kmph b)12.0 kmph c)28.5 kmph d) none of these

10. Two trains of equal length 120 metres move in the same direction. The faster
train completely overtakes the slower one in 15 seconds. If the slower train were to
move at half its speed, the over taking would take in 10 seconds. At what speeds
are the 2 trains moving (faster and slower respectively in m/s)
a) 24, 22 b) 32, 16 c)30, 18 d) 28, 14

Logical Reasoning
1. From the four positions of a dice given below, find the color which is opposite to yellow?

a. Violet
b. Red
c. Rose
d. Blue

2. Two positions of a dice are shown below. Which number will appear on the face opposite
to the face
with the number 5?

a. 2/6
b. 2
c. 6
d. 4

3.Directions for questions 4 to 6: Six dice with upper faces erased are as shows.

The sum of the numbers of dots on the opposite face is 7.

4. If even numbered dice have even number of dots on their top faces, then what would be
the total
number of dots on the top faces of their dice?
a. 12
b. 14
c. 18
d. 24
14. If the odd numbered dice have even number of dots on their top faces, then what would
be the total
number of dots on the top faces of their dice?
a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 14

5. If dice (I), (II) and (III) have even number of dots on their bottom faces and the dice (IV),
(V) and
(VI) have odd number of dots on their top faces, then what would be the difference in the
number of top faces between there two sets?
a. 0
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6

Directions for questions 7 to 10: The following questions are based on the information given
1. There is a cuboid whose dimensions are 4 x 3 x 3 cm.
2. The opposite faces of dimensions 4 x 3 are coloured yellow.
3. The opposite faces of other dimensions 4 x 3 are coloured red.
4. The opposite faces of dimensions 3 x 3 are coloured green.
5. Now the cuboid is cut into small cubes of side 1 cm.

6. How many small cubes will have only two faces coloured?
a. 12
b. 24
c. 16
d. 14

7. How many small cubes have three faces coloured ?

a. 24
b. 20
c. 16
d. 8

8. How many small cubes will have no face coloured?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8

9. How many small cubes will have only one face coloured?
a. 10
b. 12
c. 14
d. 18
General Awareness

1. The council of Ministers of the National Capital Territory of Delhi shall consist of not more than
Ans : 10 Ministers

2. District Judges in a State are appointed by the

Ans : Governor
3. According to the provisions of the Constitution, the administrative control(posting, promotion,
leave etc.) over the district courts and other subordinate courts, shall be vested in the
Ans : High Court

4. If a stay order has been granted by the High Court in a case, the application of the affected party
by such an order shall be disposed of by the High Court within a period of
Ans : Two week

5. The power to make rules for the transaction of the business of the Government of Indian and for
the allocation of business among Ministers lies with the
Ans : President

6. Which Union territory send their members to the Council of States?

Ans : Pondicherry and Delhi

7. According to Article 243 of the Constitution, the Panchayats at the intermediate level may not be
constituted in a State which has a population
Ans : Not exceeding 20 lakhs

8.The power to determine the number of judges in a High Court lies with the
Ans : President of India

9. The ‘ Point of Order’ in a parliamentary practice involves

Ans : The question of rules of procedure not followed in a particular matter

10. How many members are nominated by the Governor in the Legislative Council of a State?
Ans : 1/12 of the total membership
1. The simple Interest on a certain sum of money at the rate of 4% p.a. for 5 years is Rs. 1680.
At what rate of interest the same amount of interest can be received on the same sum after 4
years ?
a) 5% b)6% c)7% d)8%

2. The interest on a certain deposit at 4.5% p.a. is Rs. 405 in one year. How much will the
additional interest in one year be on the same deposit at 5% p.a. ?
a)Rs.50 b) Rs. 45 c)Rs.40.5 d)Rs. 48.5
3. Mr.Govind invested an amount of Rs.13900 divided in two different schemes S1 and S2 at the
simple interst rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. respectively. If the total amount of simple interest
earned in two years was Rs.3508, what was the amount invested in Scheme S2?
a) Rs.6400 b)Rs.6500 c) Rs.7200 d) Rs.7500

4. A sum of money was invested in a bank at 8% simple interest p.a. for 3 years. Instead had it
been invested in mutual fund at 8.5% p.a. simple interest for 4 years, the earning would have
been Rs.500 more. What is the sum invested?
a) Rs.4500 b) Rs.5000 c) Rs.3500 d) Rs. 5500

5. A person borrowed Rs.600 @ 3% per annum S.I and Rs.800 @ 4½ % per annum on the
agreement that the whole sum will be returned only when the total interest becomes Rs.246. The
number of years, after which the borrowed sum is to be returned, is
a) 2 years b) 3years c) 4 years d) 5 years

6. A sum of Rs.13000 is divided into three parts such that the simple interests accrued on them
for two, three and four years respectively may be equal. Find the amount deposited for 4 years.
a)5000 b) 6000 c)4000 d)3000

7. A sum of Rs.100 is lent at simple interest of 3% p.a. for the first month, 9% p.a. for the second
month, 27% p.a. for the third month and so on. What is the total amount of interest earned at the
end of the year approximately
a) Rs.797160 b) Rs.791160 c)Rs.65930 d) Rs.66430

8. If the simple interest on a sum of money at twelve percent per annum for two years is Rs.3800,
compound interest on the same sum for the same period at the same rate of interest is
a) Rs.4028 b)Rs.4100 c)Rs.4128 d) 4228

9. A sum of money is borrowed and paid back in two annual installments of Rs.882 each
allowing 5% compound interest. The sum borrowed was :
a) Rs.1620 b) Rs. 1640 c)Rs.1680 d)Rs.1700
10. Rakesh invested an amount of Rs.12000 at the rate of 10% simple interest and another
amount at the rate of 20% simple interest. The total interest earned at the end of one year on the
amount invested became 14 p.c.p.a. Find the total amount invested .
a) Rs.20000 b)Rs.22000 c) Rs.24000 d) Rs.25000

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