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Group: Int/Adv Date: March 16th 2019 No.

of students: X
Topic: Environmental issues
Main aim:
· To talk about the problems that some Peruvian regions are facing nowadays
Subsidiary aims:
· To describe the situation/status of some animals in Peru
· To talk about the effects of pollution in the environment
· Students make a debate about a controversial topic
· Students are able to discuss about the consequences of climate change in Peru
Lead-ins: (10 min)
 Show pictures about Peruvian animals
 Ask if they know which of them are endangered.
 Ask what they know about the problems that some regions in Peru are facing.
1. Activities for vocabulary (10 min)
 Students read a text and find the meaning of key words from context.
 In order to improve vocabulary, students have to change the key words into
nouns, verbs and adjectives.
2. Activities for listening (15 min)
 Students listen to a recording about the Pink river dolphin
 They have to answer pre-listening and post-listening questions.
3. Activities for speaking: (15 min)
 In pairs, students have to find solutions for the problems that some animals and
sites currently face
4. Activities for grammar (20 min)
 Show students pictures of countable and uncountable nouns
 Students have to remember their previous knowledge (rules, exceptions)
 Explain the grammar.
 Do activities from: Grammar for Advanced and Proficiency (ed. 2009) and
Focus on Grammar 5th edition (2010)
5. Games (20 min)
 Scrambled words -> refresh the vocabulary learned
 Pick up one card -> develop speaking through questions about the lesson’s

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