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Submitted to the

G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology

Pantnagar – 263145, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, INDIA


Manendra Singh Negi

B.Sc. (ZBC)



Master of Science

July, 2017

On the occasion of accomplishment of the present study I would like to express my

sincere gratitude to all who helped me directly or indirectly for the pursuit of this study. The
precious gift of learning is a debt that is difficult to pay. Only gratitude and veneration can be
felt. Indeed the work at my command are insufficient in form or in the spirit to express my
heartfelt, indebtedness to Dr. A. K. Verma, JRO Department of Biochemistry and Chairman
of my Advisory Committee for his sincere guidance, constant encouragement, constructive
criticism and supporting attitude throughout the investigation of the present research problem
and preparation of this manuscript.

With deep sense of gratitude I extend my warmest thanks to the members of my

advisory committee Dr. T.K. Bhattacharya, Professor and Head Department of Farm
Machinery, Dr. B.R. Singh, Assistant Professor in department of Molecular Biology and
Genetic Engineering and Dr. Ashutosh Dubey JRO, Department of Biochemistry for their
kind, cooperative, authentic Guidence, keen interest in valuable criticism during course of
investigation and thesis writing.

This thesis would not be completed without thanking people who genuinely helped me
and supported me through my dissertation. This journey wouldn’t have been so easy and
exciting without showing my gratitude to all of them.

I express my sincere thanks to Head Department of Biochemistry, Dr. Sanjeev

Agarawal for his guidance providing adequate facilities in the Department. I would like to
take this opportunity to express my gratitude for support and guidance by all faculty members
of Department of Biochemistry.

Words are too hard to express my feelings toward my seniors Pratima Ma’am Manali
Ma’am, Archana Ma’am, Himansu Sir, Vivek Sir, Sonia Ma’am for their affection, support
and inspiration during course of study. My daily work I have been blessed with a friendly and
cheerful batch mates cum family. I would like to thank Jyoti Bhatt, Jitendra Bisht and Swati
Panwar for making such a home environment even in the lab during the course of study. And
I also thank my best friends who supported and encouraged me throughout my degree
programme, who have been a source of moral Aamir khan, Asshish raturi, Divyansh
panthari, Abhay Gautam, Sumant Tarfdar, Arnav saha, Roshan jadav, Sagnik Dhar, Akash
Sinha and all other my friends.

This acknowledgment will be incomplete my love and gratitude toward my Idol my

Grand Father Mr. Chandra Singh, Father Mr. Rajendra Singh Mother Mrs. Sateshwari
Devi, Grandmother Mrs. Sushela Devi who have always been a source of inspiration and
always stood by my side. Without their support, trust and faith this wouldn’t have been
possible. Also thanks to my sister Manorama Negi, Pooja Negi, Ankita Negi my brother Amit
Negi who always supported me and loved me. I would like to acknowledge for their help,
support, and guidance. I could not have done what I was able to do without them.

Special thanks goes to my buddies of all time Pradeep, Raunak, Kirty, Anmol and
Shubham for being such a nice friends with constant support encouragement crazy suggestions
and entertainment during the ups and down of my dissertation.

Last but not the least, I express my heartfelt thanks to all beloved and respected who
helped me but could not find separate mention.

Pantnagar (Manendra Singh Negi)

July, 2017 Author
This is to certify that the thesis entitled “EFFICIENT
ENZYME AND CHEMICAL CATALYST”, submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science with
major in Biochemistry and minor in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology, of the College of Post Graduate Studies, G. B. Pant University
of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, is a record of bona fide work carried
out by Mr. Manendra Singh Negi, Id. No. 49364, under my supervision and
no part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma.
The assistance and help received during the course of this
investigation has been acknowledged.

Pantnagar (A. K. Verma)

July, 2017 Chairman
Advisory Committee
We, the undersigned, members of the Advisory Committee of
Mr. Manendra Singh Negi, Id. No. 49364, a candidate for the degree of
Master of Science with major in Biochemistry and minor in Molecular
Biology and Biotechnology agree that the thesis entitled “EFFICIENT
ENZYME AND CHEMICAL CATALYST” may be submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree.

(A.K. Verma)
Advisory Committee

(T. K. Bhattacharya) (B. R. Singh) (Ashutosh Dubey)

Member Member Member
S. No. Chapters Pages

1. Introduction

2. Review of Literature

3. Materials and Methods

4. Results and Discussion

5. Summary and Conclusion

Literature Cited




Table No Table Title Page No

2.1 Fuel property of petroleum diesel and biodiesel.

2.2 Oil seed plants as potential alternative feedstock of biodiesel.

2.3 Summary of various acid catalyzed transesterification

3.1 Fat components of different Tree Oilseed

3.2 Reaction mixtures of various Acid to Acohol molar ratio

3.3 Catalyst amount for various mol% of catalyst

3.4 Reaction mixtures for transesterification of various tree seed


3.5 Reaction mixtures of different volume ratio of Oil to Aqueous

Phase for Lipase catalyzed biphasic reaction

3.6 Reaction mixtures of different Substrate concentration for

Lipase activity

3.7 Reaction mixtures of different molar ratio Substrate

concentration for Lipase catalyzed esterification of Lauric Acid
and Methanol.

4.1 Summery of GC-MS analysis obtained from esterified

sugarcane bio oil.

4.2 Summery of GC-MS analysis of biodiesel obtained by alkali

catalyzed transesterification of tree seed oil.

4.3 Change in kinetic parameters of lipase after immobilization

4.4 Summery of GC-MS analysis of biodiesel obtained by lipase

catalyzed transesterification of tree seed oil.

Table Figure Title Page

No No

2.1 Schemes of esterification andTranesterification

3.1 Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) standards for estimation of protein

4.1 HClO4-SiO2 catalyzed esterification of Lauric Acid with Propanol

4.2 Esterification of lauric acid with propanol at different molar ratio

4.3 Effect of HClO4-SiO2 amount on esterification reaction

4.4 Effect of Temperature on Esterification of Lauric Acid with Propanol

4.5 Reaction progress with time at different Temperatures.

4.6 Reusability of HClO4-SiO2 up to five cycles.

3.7 Iron oxide Nanoparticle (A) In phosphate buffer (B) Under influence
of magnetic field

4.8 Hydrodynamic property of Iron Nanoparticles: (A), (B) Zeta size of

bare and enzyme bound nanoparticles and (C), (D) Zeta potential of
bare and enzyme bound nanoparticles.

4.9 4.9 Dispersity of iron nanoparticles in different solvent (A) just after
dispersion, (B) after 10 min.

4.10 Effect of Oil to Aqueous Phase Volume ratio on Lipase Activity

4.11 Michaelis-Menten curves for free and immobilized lipase

4.12 Lineweaver-Burk plot for free and immobilized lipase

4.13 Effect of Temperature on Lipase Activity

4.14 Effect of pH on Lipase Activity

4.15 Storage stability of immobilized lipase

4.16 Organic solvent stability of immobilized Lipase

4.17 Reusability of immobilized Lipase

4.18 Immobilized lipase catalyzed esterification of lauric acid with


4.19 Comparative analysis of transesterification and biodiesel yield in

alkali and lipase catalyzed method.

AIRF Advanced Research Instrumentation Facility

APTES 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane

BSA Bovine Serum Albumin

CBB Coomassie Brilliant Blue

DAG Di Acyl glycerol

FFA Free Fatty Acid

GC-MS Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy

mM mili molar

µM Micro molar

MAG Mono Acyl gycerol

TAG Tri Acyl Glycerol

TAN Total Acid Number


Current global energy consumption is heavily dominated by fossil fuels derived

from the earth’s crust, including gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons (methane and crude
oil) and solid materials (coal), and is likely to remain so into the foreseeable future.
Indeed, world energy consumption is projected to increase by 48% from 2012 to 2040,
with over 80% of this demand derived from fossil fuels (EIA, 2016). Similar prediction
registered by International Energy Agency (IEA-2009) stating 1.6% per year increase
in global energy demand. Further, accelerating oil prices and exhaustion of oil assets
demand improved substitutes of energy from fossil fuels. Considerable efforts have
already been made in order to reduce the use of fossil fuels through first-generation
biofuels (i.e. biodiesel and bioethanol), which use crude biomass for their production.
However, these processes may be considered as non-ideal in some parts of the globe,
once they demand great areas of the plantation, and it is claimed that the reduction of
CO2 emissions does not compensate the competition with industry. Therefore, the first-
generation biofuels should be associated with more efficient generation techniques or
substituted by the so-called second-generation fuels, i.e. those from lignocellulosic
biomass waste.

An increase alarm for pollution produced by fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal
and natural gas, alternative fuels and renewable sources of energy such as biodiesel are
coming in vogue (Singh and Singh, 2010). Renewable fuels such as biodiesel are one
of the potential contributors for solving the energy problem. Biodiesel a non-toxic,
biodegradable and a low air pollutant emitting fuel over petroleum diesel
(Abbaszaadeh et al., 2012), can be produced from vegetable oil, animal oil/fats, tallow
and waste cooking oil. The leading advantage of biodiesel is that it can be described as
‘carbon neutral’. Biodiesel is a mixture of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) which is
produced from renewable resources. Different procedures are currently accessible to
achieve transesterification of oils for the production of biodiesel, including chemical,
enzymatic catalysis, and supercritical alcohol. However, fats and oils are often used
interchangeably referring to the feedstock employed in biodiesel production. The raw

materials used for the production of biodiesel can be crude, refined or waste such as
frying oils/fats (Marchetti et al., 2008). The feedstock can also be classified as plant
derived, animal derived, microbial or waste materials (Akoh et al., 2007). More than
300 oil-bearing plants/trees have identified that can be utilized to make biodiesel
(Subramanian et al. (2005). The most popular plant derived oils applied for
production of biodiesel are: canola, Karanj, olive, palm, jatropha, coconut, cottonseed,
groundnut, peanut, rapeseed, safflower, soybean and sunflower oils (Demirbas, 2007;
Akoh et al., 2007 and Robles et al., 2009). Waste oils and fats (beef tallow, lard and
yellow grease), hemp oil, waste cooking oil, the greasy by-product from omega-3 fatty
acids production from fish oils and microalgae oil are also considered as potential
alternative feedstocks for biodiesel production (Demirbas, 2003; Marchetti et al.,
2008; Ranganathan et al., 2008 and Antczak et al., 2009). The technology for
biodiesel production from Jatropha has been developed but due to some lack of
government policies and a high cost of biodiesel production the technology could not
sustain in India. Hence it is essential to optimize biodiesel production from the other
Indian tree’s seed oil. Although biodiesel can be effectively produced by the chemical
approach, there are several associated complications, such as glycerol recovery and
removal of inorganic salts (Basri et al., 1997 and Mittelbach, 1990). Use of
biocatalysts (lipases) in the transesterification of oils for biodiesel production addresses
these (Shimada et al., 2002) and proposes an environmentally more attractive
opportunity to the conventional processes. However, a high cost of the enzymes often
presents the biggest obstacle. The key development in enzymatic processes resides in
the successful immobilization of the enzyme, which enables its easy recovery and reuse
(Balcao et al., 1996).

Heterogeneous solid catalyst also seeks attention for biodiesel in economic as well
as environmental point of view because of their ease in separation, reusability and non-
corrosive nature (Helwani et al., 2009). However, it is also associated with limitations like
slow reaction rate, high temperature, and high alcohol to oil ratio. Immobilization of
homogeneous liquid catalyst with solid support, such as alumina, silica, zinc oxide and
zirconium oxide overcomes these limitations. (Zabeti et al., 2009).

Immobilized lipase catalysis has been found to be susceptible against
deactivation by lower alcohols such as methanol and ethanol conventionally applied in
transesterification for biodiesel production (Chen and Wu, 2003 and Samukawa et
al., 2000). The degree of deactivation has been found to be inversely proportional to the
number of carbon atoms in the linear lower alcohols (Chen and Wu, 2003). Several
strategies have been adopted to overcome this problem. Samukawa et al. (2000)
suggested upholding a very low concentration of methanol (oil to methanol molar ratio
of 1:0.33) during the reaction. Nelson et al. (1996) used hexane as a diluent to prevent
the deactivation by a lower alcohol. However, diluent decreases the reaction rate and
upholding a very low concentration of methanol in the reaction mixture by a precise
control is not a practical approach for industrial production of biodiesel.

As a renewable energy source biomass can be converted into bio-oil that could
be another source of fuel. Bio-oil is a highly oxygenated, a dark brown organic liquid,
easily transportable and storable material obtained by thermal degradation (> 400 °C)
of biomass by technique pyrolysis (Bridgwater, 2012 ). Bio-oil can be burned to
produce heat and electricity or upgraded to higher value products, such as
transportation fuels or chemicals (Sadaka and Boateng, 2009). Thus it is another
probable candidate for renewable fuel alternative fossil fuel. However, fast pyrolysis
bio-oil has challenging chemical and physical properties such as low heating value,
corrosiveness, instability, and high water and solids content, that currently prevent its
economical use in most stationary and transportation fuel applications (Xiu and
Shahbazi, 2012). Various upgrading methods have been introduced to improve those
properties like hydrotreatment, supercritical water treatment, and catalytic cracking and
esterification bio-oils (Isahak et al., 2012). Esterification of bio-oil decrease viscosity,
aging rate, acidity, and corrosiveness as well as improve volatility and heating value
and miscibility with diesel fuels (Sundqvist et al., 2015). But the chemical composition
of bio-oil varies from one type of biomass to another. Bio-oil obtained from sugarcane
residue contain a large amount of free fatty acid. Hence that bio-oil could be the good
source for esterification with alcohol to obtain biodiesel for fuel compatible.

Hence in view of the above oil of three tree plant seeds Cheura (Diploknema
butyracea), Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Karanj (Pongammia pinnata) and bio-
oil of the sugarcane residues was used for the chemical and enzymatic
esterification/transesterification under following objectives:

1. Immobilization of perchloric acid on Silica gel and lipase and on Iron


2. Optimization of esterification/transesterification reaction with both the

immobilized perchloric acid and lipase enzyme.

3. Comparative analysis of esterification/transesterification of oil of seeds of

three tree species with both the immobilized perchloric acid and lipase


Energy is a fundamental necessity for fulfilling social economic and

developmental aims of current world (Vimala, 2016). Energy is considered to be one of
the vital driving forces of economic growth in all economies (Pokharel, 2006).
Subjecting this interrelation to greater study, energy is universally identified as the
most important catalyst for development, a strong two-way relationship between energy
consumption and economic development has been observed. On one hand, the level of
economic development has been depended on the energy demand, and on the other
hand economic growth, with its global competitiveness, hinges on the availability of
cost-effective and environmentally benevolent energy resources (EIA, 2010). Energy
intensity shows how efficiently energy is implicated in the economy. The energy
intensity of developing economy like India is over twice than that of the matured
economies, which has been decreasing since 1999 and is expected to continue to
decrease (OECD-2017). The largest contribution to global energy consumption given
by oil based fuel (33%), followed by coal (30%), natural gas (24%), hydroelectricity
(6%), and nuclear power (5%). Entire fossil fuels provided 87% of the world’s energy
in 2011 (Swain, 2014).

India is world’s fifth largest consumer of energy and has only 0.4% of the
world’s oil reserves. In 2012 the estimated demand of biofuel in India was 0.5 billion
gallons and it is expected to reach 6.8 billion gallons by 2022. India produces only 1%
of biofuel of global production which includes 380 million liters of ethanol and 45
million liters of biodiesel (Patni et al., 2011).

Over 50% of global energy demand is fulfilled by fossil derived fuels either
coal petroleum and natural gas (Vimala, 2016) is neither sustainable nor
environmentally benevolent. One hand elevated consumption of fossil-derived fuel
resulting exhaustion of fuel resources other hand causing savior environmental issue
through emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2, SOX, and NOX (Patil et al., 2008).
Renewable energy sources such as biofuels shift the dependence of modern world away
from fossil fuel and petroleum and contribute to the development of eco-friendly and
sustainable world (Demirbas and Demirbas, 2007). First generation biofuels
generated from agriculture and feedstock such as corn and sugarcane for ethanol,
Review of Literature............
vegetable oil such as soybean and palm oil for biodiesel, effectively contributed to
renewable energy production but also gained criticism for competing with agriculture
and food production (Havlík et al., 2011). Second generation biofuel produced from
non-agriculture biomass and agriculture waste, utilizing lignocellulosic biomass and,
agriculture and organic waste and some specialized energy crops appears to be a more
sustainable option for green energy. Although a different type of biomass requires
multiple biorefinery procedures, resulting from higher production cost (Sims et al.,
2010). Three types of biofuel produced from biomass are bioethanol, biodiesel, and
biodiesel through the process esterification, transesterification, and digestion and
upgrading of organic waste (Balat, 2007). Generally, a blend of 5% to 20% of biodiesel
(B5 to B2) is used in India (Patni et al., 2011).

2.1 Biodiesel

Biodiesel is an alternative to diesel fuel derived from animal or vegetable oil

and fat through transesterification in the form of mono-alkyl ester (Knothe, 2010). The
interesting features of biodiesel are high biodegradability, minimal toxicity, zero
emissions of pollutants (S0X, NOX, aromatic compounds) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
neutrality replace diesel fuel in many engines without major modifications (Atabani et
al., 2012). Rudolf Diesel was the first who tested vegetable oil as fuel for the engine,
about one hundred years ago (Shay, 1993) but, it’s full examination for biodiesel only
came to light in the 1980s as a renewable energy source for reducing greenhouse gas
emissions (Shahid and Jamal, 2011). In the decade of 30s and 40s vegetable oils were
also used as diesel at the time of emergency situations (Ma and Hanna, 1999). Direct
use of triglyceride as alternative fuel was challenged by high viscosity, low volatility
and reactivity and condensation due to polyunsaturation (Srivastava, 2000).
Transesterification with methanol decrease the viscosity and increases the volatility by
forming FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) and byproduct glycerol also can be used in
industry. Fuel property of biodiesel as compared to petrodiesel is compared in Table
2.1 (Demirbas, 2007). Due to a rapid elevation in a price of the petroleum and rapid
depletion of fossil fuel, biodiesel production got vast interest and boost across the world
after 2001 (Swain, 2014). Biodiesel blended with petroleum diesel creating a stable
fuel blend with premium features that could be used without needing for any engine
modifications (Hajjari et al., 2017).

Review of Literature............
Table 2.1 Fuel property of petroleum diesel and biodiesel.


Flash Point 325K 403K
Catane Number 40 47
Water and Sediment 0.05 max vol% 0.05 max vol%
Kinematic Viscosity (313K) 1.3–4.1 mm2 /s 1.9-6.0 mm2 /s
Copper strip Corrosion NO3 max NO3 max
Aromaticity 35 max vol % -
Distillation Temprature 511-611K -

2.2 Feedstock for Biodiesel Production

Major feedstock for biodiesel are algae, oilseeds, animal fats, and various low-
value materials such as used cooking oils, greases, and soapstocks (Moser, (2009).
Oilseeds are the traditionally used for biodiesel production includes soybean,
rapeseed/canola, palm, corn, sunflower, cottonseed, peanut, and coconut oils. Choice of
feedstock is the varied depending place, production and quality of oil like
saponification number, iodine value and cetane number of fatty acid methyl esters of
the oil (Sharma and Singh, 2010). Soybean oil is the major feedstock in the United
States whereas Europe uses rapeseed and sunflower oils. Palm oil used as major
feedstock in Southeast Asia and the Philippines uses coconut oil (Bhatti et al., 2008;
Murugesan et al., 2009). India depends on import of large quantity of edible vegetable
oils to fulfill the domestic demand. So India does not use vegetable oils derived from
rapeseed, mustard or palm oil for production of biodiesel (Patni et al., 2011).

Increasing biodiesel sector meet the demand of world energy in increasing

biodiesel industry require alternative crops as a feedstock (Ribeiro et al., 2013). Non edible
oil plants like Jatropha (Jatropha curcas), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), Mahua (Madhuca
indica), Moringa (Moringa oleifera), Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Simarouba
(Simarouba glauca), Kokum (Garcinia indica), Cheura (Diploknema butyracea), Tung
(Aleurites fordii), Olive (Olea europaea), Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), Neem
(Azadirachta indica) etc, cultivated in different agro-climatic zones of India (Dhyani et al.,
2015) are potential candidate as alternative feedstock of biodiesel (Table 2.2).

Review of Literature............
Table 2.2 Oil seed plants as potential alternative feedstock of biodiesel.

TBOs Scientific Habit Flowering Harvest Fruiting Seed Oil (%)

Name Season Season Starts Yield
(Years) (Kg)

JATOPHA Jatropha Large May-Aug Aug.-Oct 3 01-02 30-40

Curcas shrub

Karanj Pongamia Medium Mar-May Jan-Mar 5 15-40 27-39

Pinnata sized tree

Mahua Madhuca Tree Mar-Apr June-Aug 8-10 10-40 40-43


Wild Apricot Prunus Medium March May-June 7-8 30-173 22-25

armeniaca sized tree

Simarouba Simarouba Medium Dec-Feb Feb-April 4 10-25 60-70

glauca sized tree

Kokum Garcinia Tree Oct-Feb Mar-June 7-8 30-173 22-25


Cheura Diploknema Tree Oct-Nov June-July 8-10 2-12 42-47


Tung Aleurites Tree March Sept-Nov 3-4 1-2 30-40


Olive Olea Small tree Mar-Apr Oct 5-10 2.5-4.0 60-70


Jojoba Simmondsia Shrub Dec-Jan June 4 3-5 50


Neem Azadirachta Tree Mar-May June-Nov 8 20-40 30


Sunflower (Helianthus annus) belongs to Family Asteraceae is a high oil

content seed and average yields can produce 600 pounds of oil per acre, more than
soybean considered as an important crop for biodiesel production
(Thirumarimurugan et al., 2012). Sunflower oil was once the second feedstock for
biodiesel production after rapeseed oil. But the high cost of the sunflower oil is a
problem in order to obtain an economical biodiesel (USDA and Census Bureau,
2010). Due to good properties of Sunflower oil biodiesel in 2002, 13% of the world’s
biodiesel production contributed by sunflower oil (Sales, 2011). Biodiesel production
from sunflower oil via alkali (NaOH) catalyzed transesterification optimized with

Review of Literature............
98.181% yield under 48°C, molar ratio of methanol to oil of 6.825:1, catalyst (NaOH)
concentration 0.679 % w/w, at 290 rpm stirring for 2 hours (Mansourpoor et al.,
2012). Fuel properties of sunflower biodiesel found to be in the range of European pre-
legislation standards fulfills good quality fuel requirements (Antolın, et al., 2002).

Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) belongs to Family Euphorbiaceae, is cultivated in

Central and South America, South-east Asia, India and Africa (Koh and Ghazi, 2011).
Ease in world wild cultivation long fruiting time (50 years) with a high oil content
(>37%) valuable properties of oils (low acidity, good stability, low viscosity) and
higher a cetane number makes it a good alternative fuel with no modifications required
in the engine (Tapanes et al., 2008; Lu et al., 2009 and Divakara et al., 2010).
Biodiesel production from Jatropha in India started 2003 with estimated target of 20%
blending in petroleum diesel for biodiesel by 2010 and 30% by the year 2030 (Fairless
et al., 2007 and Kant and Wu, 2011). The expected ability of Jatropha like ability to
grow anywhere without irrigation and agricultural inputs, having high seed oil content,
drought tolerance, pest resistance, rapid growth, easy propagation, small gestation
period, adaptation to a wide range of environmental conditions were lacking scientific
agronomical study in Indian context (Singh et al., 2014). Positive claims, popularity
convinced an investor to make policy on Jatropha without scientific backup resulted in
failure of the project in India.

Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), belongs to the family Rosaceae locally

called Chullu is an important tree borne oilseed distributed in the dry temperate regions
of North-Western Himalayas like valleys of Jammu and Kashmir, Chenab; Kullu and
Shimla regions of Himachal Pradesh and Garhwal hills of Uttrakhand at altitudes and in
all the three districts of Kumaon region Nainital, Almora and Pithoragarh above the
altitude of 3000m (Kureel et al., 2007). Wild Apricot kernels oil containing (>53%) oil
makes it a promising feedstock for biodiesel production (Zhang, 2003; Luo and Liu,
2007 and Ozcan, 2000). Very low acid value and water content of apricot seed kernels
oil enable direct base-catalysed transesterification for biodiesel production without acid
pretreatment and the yield of biodiesel was obtained at 88.7% (Wang and Yu, 2012). It
is expected that apricot biodiesel will increase the energy sustainability and will replace
the fossil diesel in the near future in high altitude areas of India (Gurau et al., 2016).
Biodiesel production using Wild Apricot oil via alkali-catalyzed transesterification

Review of Literature............
optimized with maximum yield under Methanol/oil molar ratio 1:6, reaction time 3h,
Catalyst (NaOH) 2%w/w and at 85°C (Singh et al., 2015).

Karanj (Pongamia pinnata) is a species of tree in the pea family, Fabaceae,

native to tropical and temperate Asia including parts of India, China, Japan, Malaysia,
Australia & Pacific Islands (Alam, 2011). Karanj fruits have viability period of one
year; seeds number varies between 9–90 kg per tree containing 27–39% of the non-
edible toxic oil used in crude drugs, veterinary medicines, soap making, fuel for the
lamp and finishing and tanning in leather industries (Patel and Sankhavara, 2016).
Karanj oil is suitable feedstock for the production of biodiesel in India. Biodiesel
produced from Karanj cost effective to find the suitability of Karanj (non-edible oil)
biodiesel as an alternative fuel to diesel (Mane, 2013). The biodiesel was developed
from oil through acid as well as alkaline esterification and NaOH was found to be a
better catalyst than KOH with maximum yield 89.5% at 9:1 molar ratio, 0.5% (w/w)
catalyst (Sharma et al., 2008). Karanj oil biodiesel blends found to be having higher
brake thermal efficiency and lower NOx emission than normal diesel (Agrawal and
Rajamanmohan, 2009).

Cheura (Diploknema butyracea), belong to Family- Sapotaceae is a tree

distributed from India to the Philippines. The species is distributed from Kumaun
eastwards to Sikkim and Bhutan (sub-Himalayan tracts and outer Himalayan ranges),
and it also occurs sporadically in the tropical moist deciduous forest (Tewari et al.,
2015). It contains high quantity (> 60%) of oils/fats in kernel including high palmitic
acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and stearic acid. Oil/fat is used for edible purposes,
medicine, and soaps by locals (Bandyopadhyay et al., 2017). High oil content of
Cheura makes it a strong candidate for biodiesel feedstock. Biodiesel production from
Cheura oil can be a good research topic.

2.3 Biodiesel from Bio-Oil

Bio-oil is another alternative energy source besides biodiesel, derived mainly

from plant-based biomass. Bio-oil is a dark brown liquid containing hundreds of
organic compounds (alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons, phenol derivatives and little
amounts of ketones, esters, ethers, sugars, amines and alcohols), produced by pyrolysis
(thermal cracking) of biomass at high temperature (>400˚C) and absence of oxygen
(Isahak et al., 2012) followed by rapid condensation. Bio-oil satisfies the demand of

Review of Literature............
second generation biofuel using biomass of agricultural waste and non-food crops,
wood and other organic waste (Jacobson et al., 2013). The chemical composition of
bio-oil varies with the composition of biomass. Whereas bio-oil exhibit high energy
content but still having a reservation with its properties for engine fuel. Because of its
low pH, high water content, corrosiveness, low calorific value (high oxygen content),
high viscosity bio-oil cannot be directly used as engine fuel (Bulushev and Ross,
2011). Hydrotreatment of biodiesel in presence of catalyst reduce its oxygen content
and increase calorific value (Zheng and Wei, 2011). Esterification of free fatty acid of
bio-oil with low molecular weight alcohols has been an effective approach to overcome
the deleterious properties of bio-oil. In the past few years, a number of dedicated
endeavors have been devoted to modifying and upgrade bio-oils by esterification
(Isahak et al., 2012).

2.4 Transesterification

The condensation reaction of an alcohol with fatty acid along with the removal
of water molecules forming esters called esterification (Lunagariya and Vekariya,
2017). Whereas switching of alkyl group between one alcohol and ester, called
transesterification (Romanski et al., 2012). Triglycerides are esters of long chain fatty
acid with glycerol, which can react with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst or
enzyme-producing fatty acid alkyl ester (Biodiesel) and glycerol by the process
transesterification Methanol is the preferred alcohol for producing biodiesel because of
its low cost (Leung et al., 2010).

Figure 2.1 Schemes of esterification and Tranesterification

Review of Literature............
There are basic routes of catalyzed transesterification to biodiesel production
from oils and fats. 1. Alkali catalyzed transesterification, 2. Direct acid catalyzed
transesterification, 3 Transesterification using heterogeneous catalysis and 4 Enzyme
(lipase) catalyzed transesterification.

2.4.1 Alkali-Catalyzed Transesterification

Alkali-catalyzed transesterification process that catalyzed by alkaline metal

alkoxides (Schwab et al., 1987) hydroxides (Mehar, 2006), or sodium or potassium
carbonates demonstrated high catalytic activity resulted in the production of high-
quality biodiesel at 50-70˚C. Methanol used in the process can be recovered and the
glycerin byproduct is suitable and safe for use in pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and other
applications. However, the glycerin needed to be separated and removed completely
from the biodiesel as it would form formaldehyde or acetaldehyde on combustion
(Helwani et al., 2009). Usually used the catalyst of alkali-catalyzed transesterification
are Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium methoxide among which
Sodium hydroxide is preferable owing to its intermediate catalytic activity and a much
lower cost followed by sodium methoxide and potassium hydroxide (Leung and Guo,
2006). However, a drawback associated with base-catalyzed transesterification is the
presence of significant amounts of free fatty acids in the oil that contained could not be
converted into biodiesel completely and remained as soap in huge quantities (Furuta et
al., 2004). Soaps inhibit the separation of biodiesel, glycerin and wash water (Canakci
et al., 2003). Removal of catalyst from final product is technically challenging and
surely brings additional cost. Though base catalyzed transesterification reaction is fast,
the disadvantages are mainly due to the energy intensiveness and the difficulty in
separating the glycerol from methyl esters. In addition to alkaline wastewater that
requires further treatment, the free fatty acid and water inhibit the transesterification
reaction (Ejikeme et al., 2010). Overall alkaline catalyst exhibit higher catalytic
activity and found to be suitable for biodiesel production from refined oils having
negligible free fatty acids content (< 0.5%) (Gebremariam and Marchetti, 2017 ).

2.4.2 Acid Catalyzed Transesterification

Catalytic transesterification using acid catalyst, the reaction is catalyzed by

sulphuric (Lopez et al., 2005), hydrochloric (Goff et al., 2005) or sulphonic acids
(Stern and Hillion et al., 1990). Generally, acid-catalyzed reactions are performed at

Review of Literature............
high alcohol-oil molar ratios, low to moderate temperatures, pressures and high catalyst
concentrations (Narasimharao and Wilson, 2007). These reactions require the high
alcohol-oil molar ratios to obtain good product yields within reasonable reaction time
(Freedman et al., 1984). However, methyl ester yields do not increase proportionally
with the molar ratio. For instance, sulfuric acid catalyzed transesterification of soybean
oil show sharply improvement ester formation was from 77% under methanol to oil
ratio of 3.3:1 to 87.8% with a ratio of 6:1. The only moderate improvement observed
with the higher molar ratio to a maximum of 98.4% at ratio 30:1 (Lotero et al., 2006).
Acid catalysts are attractive due to insensitiveness for free fatty acids present in the
feedstock but still been largely ignored due to slow reaction rate (Zhang et al., 2003).
However, the homogeneous acid catalyst is still appreciable and provides opportunities
for specific applications. Caprolactam-based bronsted acidic ionic liquid found to be
simpler cost-effective and less toxic and reusable acid catalyst with a higher activity for
transesterification of Jatropha oil having above 95% yield at a 140˚C temperature (Luo
et al., 2017). Transesterification catalyzed by various acid catalysts summarized in
Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Summary of various acid catalyzed transesterification (Gebremariam

and Marchetti, 2017).

Reaction Condition
S.N. Feedstock Alcohol
Molar Temp Time (%)
Ratio (˚C) (hour)

1 Mixed oil Methanol 6:1 60 - H2SO4 2.5% 96.6


2 Soybean oil Methanol 20:1 120 5 trifluoroacetic acid 98.4

2.0 M

3 Canola oil Methanol 24:1 110 18 h AlCl3 5% 98

4 Corn oil Methanol 6:1 80 2 p-toluenesulfonic acid 100%

4 wt.%

5 Canola oil up to Methanol 9:1 200 12 Tungstophosphoric acid 90

20% FFA 3 wt.% wt.%

Review of Literature............
2.4.3 Transesterification Using Heterogeneous Catalysts

Heterogeneous catalysts are environmentally benevolent, non-corrosive, easily

recovered from the reaction mixture, have higher activity and longer catalyst lifetime
(Venkateswarulu et al., 2014). Recovery of the conventional homogeneous catalyst
after the reaction is technically difficult and large volumes of waste water are produced
to separate and clean the catalyst and the products. Conventional homogeneous
catalysts are expected to be replaced with environmentally friendly heterogeneous
catalysts (Xuejun et al., 2008). Heterogeneous catalysts can easily be separated from
reaction mixtures even by coarse filtration technique and reduce waste water pollutants.
The easier working procedure, activity, stability, ease of recovery and resistance to
poisoning provide economic benefits (Demirbas, 2007).

Heterogeneous base catalysts like calcium oxide (CaO) treated with

ammonium carbonate solution and calcinated at high temperature shows high
catalytic activity in transesterification with 93% conversion of Jatropha oil
(Huaping et al., 2006), 96.3% with Jojoba oil at high-pressure reactor (Sánchez et
al., 2016). The occlusion of alkali metal oxide clusters in zeolite cages results in an
increase in the basicity of these materials (Philippou et al., 2000). Methyl ester
production using NaX faujasite zeolite catalyst was higher than that of the pure
zeolite. Hydrotalcites (HT) are anionic and basic clays known as layered double
hydroxides (LDH) with the formula Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3.4H2O. Transesterification of
rapeseed oil with methanol using Mg-Al HT achieved about 90.5% yield. Alkaline
earth oxides are potential base catalysts for use in triglyceride transesterification
(Shumaker et al., 2008). Table 2.4 summarizes different types of heterogeneous
catalysts supported on porous substrates and their conversion rate at different
operating parameters (Helwani et al., 2009).

Solid base catalyst are also found sensitive to free fatty acid and water content
limiting its application to refined oils but not crude oils (Melero et al., 2009).

Replacing strong liquid acids with solid acid catalysts can eliminate the
corrosion problems and consequent environmental hazards posed by the liquid acids
(Zhang et al., 2014). Solid acids are able to esterify FFAs to FAME in parallel with
transesterification of major TAG components, without saponification, and reduce the
numbers of pretreatment and processing steps present in the case of solid base catalyzed

Review of Literature............
transesterification (Kouzu et al., 2011). However, solid acid catalysts for
transesterification are expected to be possibly having low activity and adverse side
reaction (Lotero et al., 2005). Zeolites, heteropoly acids, functionalized zirconia and
silica, tungsten oxides, sulphonated zirconia, Amberlyst, sulphonated saccharides,
Nafion1 resins, organosulphonic functionalized mesoporous silica etc are solid acid
catalysts that were exploited for use in esterification and transesterification reactions
(Helwani et al., 2009).

Table 2.4 Different heterogeneous catalysts used for transesterification of

vegetable oils.

Reaction Parameters
Vegetable oil Catalysts
Methanol : Time Temp %
Oil (molar) (hour) ˚C

Blended Mesoporous silica loaded 8 5 220 96

vegetable oil with MgO

Soybean oil WO3/ZrO2, Zirconia- 40 20 200-300 90

alumina and
sulphated tin oxide

Soybean oil La/Zeolite beta 14.5 4 160 48.9

Palm oil Mg–Al–Co3 (Hydrotalcite) 30 6 100 86.6

Rapeseed oil CaTiO3, CaMnO3, 6 10 60 90


Soybean oil MgO.MgAl2O4 3 10 65 57

Sunflower oil CaO/SBA-14 12 5 160 95

Soybean oil MgO, ZnO, Al2O3 55 7 70-130 82

Soybean oil CaO, Ca(OH)2, CaCO3 2 65 99

Jatropha curcas CaO 9 2.5 70 93


Rapeseed oil Mg–Al HT 6 4 65 90.5

Soybean oil CaO, SrO 12 3 65 95

Cotton seed oil Mg–Al–CO3 HT 6 12 180-210 87

Review of Literature............
Immobilization of acids catalysts on solid silica support has been proved an
efficient mechanism enabling their reusability, easy handling, large-scale operation,
preventing associated environmental hazards (Kaur et al., 2015). Perchloric acid
immobilized on silica support (HClO4-SiO2) observed is an extremely efficient
heterogeneous acid catalyst system for esterification reaction (Chakraborti et al.,
2009), synthesis of thioesters (Bandgar et al., 2010) and many other condensation
reactions of organic synthesis (Wu et al., 2010). HClO4-SiO2 exhibit superior catalytic
activity, high conversions, operational simplicity, enhanced reaction rates, cleaner
reaction profiles, ease of isolation of products and catalyst reuse. The potential of
HClO4-SiO2 can be applied on esterification/transesterification of bio-oil.

2.4.4 Enzyme Catalyzed Transesterification

Transesterification catalyzed by biological catalyst called enzymes is carried out

at a lower temperature, having no issues of saponification, purification, washing, and
neutralization and has a more preferred method for biodiesel production (Leung et al.,
2010). The enzymatic transesterification is typically catalyzed by lipases Candida
antartica (Royon et al., 2007), Candida rugasa (Linko et al., 1998), Pseudomonas
cepacia (Shah and Gupta, 2007), Pseudomonas spp. or Rhizomucar miehei (Ming et
al., 1999) and immobilized lipase (Lipozyme RMIM) (Bernardes et al., 2007). The
yield of biodiesel in enzymatic transesterification can vary according to on the type of
enzyme used. Enzymatic transesterification of soybean oil with methanol and ethanol
using a commercially available immobilized lipase (Lipozyme RMIM) (Bernardes et
al., 2007) with 60% yield at optimum conditions in a solvent-free system using
ethanol/oil molar ratio of 3.0, temperature of 50˚C and enzyme concentration of 7.0%
(w/w). Shah and Gupta (2007) showed a yield of as high as 98% was obtained using
P. cepacia lipase immobilized on celite at 50.8˚C in the presence of 4-5% (w/w) water
for 8 h. The enzyme-catalyzed system requires a much longer reaction time than the
base catalyzed systems. Transesterification of algae oil with commercial lipase
(Lipolase 100) was optimized with 96.9% yield after 26 hours at 30˚C, molar ratio 3:1
and lipase amount 10 % (w/w) (Makareviciene et al., 2017).

Both extracellular and intracellular lipases are able to effectively catalyze the
transesterification of triglycerides in either aqueous or non-aqueous system
(Stamenkovic et al., 2007). Intracellular lipase implies an attractive process for the bulk

Review of Literature............
production of biodiesel and polyesters using whole cells as biocatalysts (Iftikhar et al.,
2008 and Ghaly et al., 2010). Microorganisms like Candida antarctica, Rhizopus
chinensis, Rhizopus oryzae and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, (Fukuda et al., 2008, 2009
and Robles et al., 2009) able to be immobilized spontaneously on certain supports give
advantage over the costly process of purification and immobilization required with
extracellular lipase (Fukuda et al., 2001). Intracellular lipases slow down the
transesterification process (Robles et al., 2009), but its higher stability increases the
conversion efficiency by longer use (Klibanov, 1983 and Ranganathan et al., 2008).
Rhizopus oryzae whole cells efficiently catalyze the tranesterification of vegetable oils
and Rhizopus chinensis whole cells are efficient in the transesterification of short chain
fatty acids (Qin et al., 2008). Rhizopus chinensis also show the higher transesterification
activity than Candida antarctica, Candida rugosa, Pseudomonas cepacia and porcine
pancreas lipase for soybean bean oil in a solvent free system (Qin et al., 2008).

The presence of free fatty acids did not affect the lipase activity (Narasimharao
et al., 2007). Babassu cake with Rhizomucor miehei lipase activity is capable of
transesterification and esterification reactions simultaneously in acid oil getting 85%
yield after 96 h at 40 °C and molar ratio 6:1 (Aguieiras et al., 2017). Enzymatic
reactions are highly specific and chemically clean. The problem associated with lipase-
catalyzed transesterification process is the high cost of the lipases (Royon et al., 2007).

To deal with the inhibitory effect of most lipases to lower alcohol, a typical
strategy is to feed the alcohol into the reactor in three steps of 1:1 mole ratio each
(Shimada et al., 1999). The reactions rate is very slow in nature, three step sequence
takes 4 to 40 h or more to complete. The reaction conditions become modest as the
temperature was raised, for example, from 35 to 45˚C (Saka and Kusdiana, 2001). Lipase Immobilization

Biodiesel production using free lipase is costly with slow reaction rate
(Fjerbaek et al., 2009). Immobilization of lipase by physically localizing in a certain
support improves lipase stability and reusability enable its repeated and continuous use
(Tan et al., 2010). Lipase from various sources either microbes or animals such as
porcine pancreatic, Burkholderia cepacia, Pseudomonas spp., and Candida spp. can be
subjected to immobilization (Dumri and Hung, 2014). Enzymes can be immobilized
through various methods like adsorption (on acrylic resin, celite, and anion resin),

Review of Literature............
covalent bonding (using silica-PVA and styrene-divinylbenzene), entrapment (using
hydrophobic sol-gel support), and cross-linking (using glutaraldehyde cross-linker)
(Ahmad and Sardar, 2015). Immobilised Pseudomonas fluorescence lipase on
macroporous polypropylene via physical adsorption was found to be active biocatalyst,
followed by immobilised Pseudomonas cepacia lipase with an ester yield of 98 mol%
after 70 hour at 30 °C, water content = 0.5 mg water/mg of biocatalyst and enzyme
loading 600 mg lipase /g support (Salis et al., 2008). Pseudomonas cepacia lipase
immobilized on accurel support via cross-linking used for biodiesel production from
Madhuca indica oil gave 98% yield at 6 hours using 50 mg of lipase (Kumari et al.,
2007). Thermotolerant lipase isolated from Bacillus aerius was immobilized on
inexpensive support silica gel matrix used for biodiesel production from castor oil in a
solvent free system at 55°C gave the highest yield was up to 78.13% (Narwal et al.,
2015). Immobilized lipase enzyme (CALB - DILBEADSTM (10000)) used for
biodiesel production from waste cooking oil giving 99.71% conversion with 5% (w/w)
enzyme concentration, 3:1 methanol:oil molar ratio and 8 hours reaction time at 37°C
and 150 rpm (Chourasia et al., 2015). Christopher et al (2014) reviewed enzymatic
esterification of many oils with lipase listed in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Lipase catalyzed esterification of different oils for biodiesel production

Catalytic Condition Yield

S.N. Oil Source Organism Alcohol
Temp. (˚C) Time (hour) (%)

1 Jatropha oil E. aerogenes Methanol 55 48 94

2 Sunflower oil Pseudomonas spp Methanol 45 5 79
3 Rice bran oil Cryptococcus spp Methanol 30 96 80
4 Rapeseed oil C. rugosa 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol 37 94 97
5 Soybean oil C. rugosa Methanol 35 90 80
6 Sunflower oil R. miehei Methanol 40 48 95.5

7 Corn oil P. expansum l Methanol 40 24 86

8 Soybean oil P. fluorescens Methanol 35 90 80
9 Microalgae Candida sp Methanol 38 12 98
10 Plant oils R. oryzae Methanol 35 5 80-90
Methanol 67
11 Soybean oil P. cepacia 37 1
Ethanol 65
12 Palm oil R. oryzae Methanol 35 96 55

Review of Literature............
Nanoparticles found to be very proficient support for enzyme immobilization,
because of their ideal characteristics including specific surface area, mass transfer
resistance and effective enzyme loading (Ahmad and Sardar, 2015). Brownian movement
of enzyme bound nanoparticles solves diffusion problem with the macromolecular
substrates by dispersing in aqueous solutions, showing better enzymatic activities.
Magnetic nanoparticles such as Iron Oxide Nanoparticle hold the additional advantage of
easy separation using an external magnetic field (Gupta et al., 2011). Studies suggest
binding with nanoparticle prevents enzyme unfolding and increases enzyme stability
(Gupta et al., 2011 and Li et al., 2017). Lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia covalently
attached to polydopamine coated magnetite nanoparticles employed in the conversion of
soybean oil into biodiesel, by stepwise addition of methanol show yield of 90% was
achieved at 37˚C and allow efficient recycling with the use of an external magnetic field
(Andrade et al., 2016). Lipase from genetically modified Aspergillus niger immobilized
on Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles, using glutaraldehyde cross-linking found the yield of
89% and 81% biodiesel with two different amino functionalizing reagents APTES and
MMPTES respectively, at 12 hours with molar ratio 1:6, 45˚C temperature (Thangaraj et
al., 2016). Candida rugosa lipase co-immobilized magnetic nanoparticles using metal
coordinated hydrogel nanofibers shows 8-fold higher activity at pH 10.0 and nearly 1-fold
in a 50 ◦C water bath after 30 min, compared to free enzyme, with excellent storage
stability (80% residual activity after13 days) (Li et al., 2017).

Review of Literature............

The present study was conducted in the Department of Biochemistry, College of

Basic Sciences and Humanities, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.

3.1 Materials

Following materials were used in the present study.

3.1.1 Oil Samples

In the present investigation oils of three tree species procured from local market.
Cheura (Diploknema butyracea, Family: Sapotaceae) seed oil bought from local market of
Pithoragarh district in its popularly known form as “Phulwara Ghee” an alternative for
ghee or butter used by the local people. Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca, Family:
Rosaceae) kernel oil bought from Sos Organics Pvt. Ltd., in cold, pressed from
commercially available in the market. Karanj (Pongammia pinnata, Family: Fabaceae)
seed oil bought from Devinez Lvt. Ltd., in undiluted pure natural form. Commercially
available edible refined Sunflower (Helianthus annuus, Family: Asteraceae) seed oil
bought from the local market. Average molecular weight and composition of oils
calculated from their fat component described table 3.1. Bio-oil obtained by pyrolysis of
sugarcane residue procured from Department of Farm Machinery, College of Technology,
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. This bio-oil contains long
and short chain free fatty acid used for esterification.

3.1.2 Chemicals

All the chemicals and solvents used in the experiments were of molecular biology
grade and analytical grade. These were obtained from standard manufacturers as Merck
(India) Ltd., Himedia laboratories Pvt. Ltd., SRL (Sisco research laboratories) Pvt. Ltd.

3.1.3 Glassware and Equipments

All the glassware and plastic wares viz. glass beakers, conical flasks, round
bottom flasks, flat bottom flasks, reflux condenser, culture tubes, glass pipette,
eppendorf tubes, micropipette tips, test tubes, etc. utilized were supplied by Scott and
Materials and Methods ...........
Duran, Brand (Germany) , Borosil glass works Ltd., Tarson product Pvt. Ltd., Axygen
scientific Pvt. Ltd. etc. The list of equipment used during the experimentation is given
in Annexure I.

Table 3.1 Fat components of different Tree Oilseed

Oils Samples Cheura oil Wild Apricot oil Karanj oil Refined
(%) (%) (%) Sunflower oil
Components (%)

Myristic acid - 1.18 --

Palmitic Acid 56.6 3.31 11.65 5

Stearic Acid 3.6 2.68 7.5 6

Oleic Acid 36.0 73.58 51.59 30

Linoleic Acid 3.8 19.26 16.64 59

Linolenic Acid - - 5.73 -

Dosocasnoic Acid - - 4.45 -

Eicosenoic Acid - - 1.35 -

Tetracosanoic Acid - - 1.09 -

Average Mr (g mol-1) 267.37 280.65 282.91 280.09

References (Ghosh et (Bachheti et al., (Bobade, et (Alfred T.,

al., 2007) 2007) al., 2012) 2002)

3.2 Experimental Design

The experiments were designed in following orders to fulfill the objectives.

1. Immobilization of perchloric acid (HClO4) on silica gel (SiO2)

2. Kinetic analysis of esterification/ transesterification of Dodecanoic acid (Lauric

acid), tree-seed- oils and bio-oil by HClO4-SiO2.

3. Alkali-catalyzed transesterification of Tree-seed- oils.

4. Immobilization of lipase on Iron Oxide nanoparticles and characterization.

5. Kinetic analysis of immobilized lipase and it's used for transesterification of Tree
seed oil.

Materials and Methods ...........

3.3 Immobilization of Perchloric Acid (HClO4) on Silica Gel (SiO2)

Immobilization of perchloric acid on silica gel was done by the method

descriced by Chakraborti et al. (2009).


1. Silica Gel (SiO2) : 23.75 g (mesh no. 60-200)

2. Perchloric Acid (HClO4) : 12.5 mmol (1.25 g or 1.78 mL from a 70%

solution of HClO4)

3. Diethyl Ether (Et2O) : 50mL


Silica gel (23.75g) suspended in 50 mL of diethyl ether (Et2O) and added 1.5
mmol perchloric acid (HClO4) to the mixture and stirred magnetically for 30 min at
room temperature. The Et2O was removed under reduced pressure in a rotary
evaporator and the residue heated and dried at 100 ˚C for 72 h under vacuum. The
resulting free flowing powder stored in a desiccator and kept in dark.

3.4 HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Esterification of Dodecanoic acid and Propanol

(Preliminary Experiment)


1. Dodecanoic acid (Mr=200.32 g/ mol) : 8.91g (44.46 mmol)

2. 1-propanol (Mr=60.09g/mol, 99.9%, 19g) : 20mL (266.67 mmol)

3. Catalyst (HClO4-SiO2) : 5.21g


A reaction mixture was prepared by dissolving 8.91g of Dodecanoic acid in 20

mL 1-propanol in a 100mL conical flask and 1 mol% (5.21g), of catalyst, was added.
The esterification reaction was carried out at 80˚C on a magnetic stirrer at 600 rpm for
4 hours. Two control reactions also carried out in presence of only silica gel (SiO2) and
one without a catalyst. Reaction progress was analyzed by measuring the decrease in
free fatty acid per mL of the reaction mixture by titration with KOH.

Materials and Methods ...........

3.4.1 Measurement of Free Fatty Acid


1. 0.1N Oxalic acid : 0.63g of Oxalic acid was dissolved in 50 mL of distilled

water and the volume was made up to 100mL.

2. 0.1N KOH solution : 5.611g of KOH was dissolved in 900mL distilled water
and solution was standardized by 0.1N oxalic acid and
required volume make up is done to the 0.1N

3. 1% Phenopthaliein : 1g of phenopthalein was dissolved in 100mL of 95%



The acid number of the reaction mixture was measured by KOH titration using
phenolphthalein indicator. One mL of the sample was taken in 50 mL conical flask and
diluted with 4 mL of isopropanol. 3-4 drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added
and titrated with 0.1N KOH. The volume at which light pink color appears was
considered end point titer volume. Reaction progress was calculated through following
Reaction Progress (%) = 100 -  
X 100

3.5 Kinetic Parameters for HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Esterification Reaction

Following parameters were investigated for silica supported parchloric acid

catalyzed esterification reaction.

1. Acid to alcohol molar ratio

2. Reaction temperature

3. Catalyst amount

4. Reaction progress with time

3.5.1 Effect of Acid to Alcohol Molar ratio on Esterification Reaction

The various molar ratio of Dodecanoic acid and propanol was taken for
standardization of esterification reaction. Dodecanoic acid dissolved in 20mL 1-propanol in
the 100ml conical flask as described in Table 3.2. The esterification reaction was carried

Materials and Methods ...........

out at 80˚C on a magnetic stirrer (600 rpm) for 3 hours. Reaction progress was analyzed by
measuring the decrease in acid number per mL of the reaction mixture as described in
section 3.4.1.

Table 3.2 Reaction mixtures of various Acid to Acohol molar ratio


RATIO grams mol mL Mol

1 1:3 17.82 0.089 20 0.267

2 1:4 13.37 0.067 20 0.267

3 1:5 10.69 0.053 20 0.267

4 1:6 8.91 0.044 20 0.267

5 1:7 7.64 0.038 20 0.267

6 1:8 6.68 0.033 20 0.267

7 1:9 5.94 0.028 20 0.267

8 1:10 5.34 0.0267 20 0.267

3.5.2 Effect of HClO4-SiO2 Amount on Esterification

Esterification reaction carried out with optimum substrate molar ratio with
80˚C temperature and different mol% (0.5 mmol/gram) of catalyst was taken for
esterification reaction as described in Table 3.3. The reaction was carried out for two
hours and reaction progress was calculated as described in section 3.4.1.

Table 3.3 Catalyst amount for various mol% of catalyst

mol% mmol Weight (g)

1 1.00 2.66 5.32

2 0.50 1.33 2.66

3 0.25 0.66 1.33

4 0.125 0.33 0.66

5 0.10 0.266 0.33

Materials and Methods ...........

3.5.3 Effect of Reaction Temperature on Esterification Reaction

To check the effect of reaction temperature on the esterification of Dodecanoic

acid with 1-propanol was carried out at different temperature (70, 80, 90 and 100 ˚C)
with optimum substrate molar ratio and catalyst amount. The reaction mixture was
placed on a magnetic stirrer (600rpm). The reaction progress was checked in one mL of
sample withdrawn from the reaction mixture at half hour interval and acid number per
mL of reaction mixture assayed through KOH titration as described in section 3.4.1.

3.5.4 Reusability of HClO4-SiO2 Catalyst System

The reusability of HClO4-SiO2 was determined by each cycle where the HClO4-
SiO2 catalyst was separated by filtration, washed 3-4 time with di-ethyl ether (Et2O),
dried and reintroduced into a fresh reaction mixture and this procedure was repeated up
to five cycles in the same optimum conditions.

3.6 HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Esterification of Bio-Oil

Esterification of bio-oil obtained from sugarcane residues was done using

optimum parameters (molar ratio, temperature, catalyst amount, time) for HClO4-SiO2
catalyst system. 10g of bio-oil mixed with 6 mL of 1-propanol. Esterification reaction
carried out in a 250mL flat bottom flask connected with reflux condenser by heating on
temperature controlled magnetic stirrer (600 rpm) at 90˚C, for 2 hours. Conversion of
oil to biodiesel (fatty acid propyl esters) was analyzed by GC-MS.

3.7 HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Transterification of Tree Seed-Oils (Preliminary


Oil Samples:-

1. Cheura (Diploknema butyracea) : average Mr.-267.37

2. Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) : average Mr.-280.65

3. Karanj (Pongammia pinnata) : average Mr.-282.91

4. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) : average Mr.-280.086


For transesterification 10g of each oil sample mixed with the appropriate
amount (described in table) of methanol in the molar ratio 1:6 and 1:9 as described in

Materials and Methods ...........

Table 3.4. Transesterification reaction carried out in a flat bottom flask connected with
reflux condenser on a magnetic stirrer (600-800 rpm) keeping same reaction parameters
optimized for esterification in section 3.6.

Table 3.4 Reaction mixtures for transesterification of various tree-seed- oils


grams mol mL grams mol mL Grams Mol

1 Cheura 10 0.037 8.88 7.11 0.222 13.47 10.78 0.333

(Diploknema butyracea)

2 Wild Apricot 10 0.0363 8.72 6.98 0.218 13.10 10.48 0.324

(Prunus armeniaca)

3 Karanj 10 0.035 8.41 6.73 0.21 12.61 10.09 0.315

(Pongammia pinnata)

4 Sunflower 10 0.0357 8.56 6.85 0.214 12.98 10.38 0.324

(Helianthus annuus)

3.8 Alkali Catalyzed Transesterification of Tree Oils (Preliminary Experiment)

Base catalyzed transesterification was done as describes by the method

Freedman et al. (1986) with slight modification in temperature molar ratio and time.


For base catalyzed transesterification 1 % (w/w), NaOH catalyst was dissolved

in required amount of methanol and reaction mixture prepared as described in table 3.4.
Transesterification reaction carried out in 250mL flat bottom flask connected with
reflux condenser on a magnetic stirrer (600-800rpm) at 70˚C for 3 hours. After reaction
completion, the flat bottom flask subjected to running water to cool down and stop the
reaction. The reaction product kept overnight in a separatory funnel to separate glycerol
as a lower layer from fatty acid methyl ester (biodiesel). Conversion of oil to biodiesel
(FAME) was analyzed by GC-MS.

3.9 GC-MS Analysis of Biodiesel Samples

All esterified or transesterified samples were analyzed by GC-MS in Advanced

Instrumental Research Facility (AIRF) JNU, New Delhi. Samples were diluted 10 times
prior to analysis. Phulwara biodiesel diluted 100 times due to its high viscosity and
Materials and Methods ...........
concentration. 1 µL sample of biodiesel was injected GC-MS analysis. FAME analysis
was done using RTX-5 MS equipped with an auto sampler, inlet and detector was used
under following condition column oven temperature 140˚C, injection temperature 260
˚C, pressure 107.4KPa, total flow 101.0mL/min, column flow 1.21mL/min, purge flow
3.0mL/min linear velocity 41.6cm/sec and split ratio 80.0. The compounds were
identified against NIST database.

3.10 Preparation of Immobilized Enzyme (Lipase- Fe3O4)

Lipase was immobilized on iron oxide nanoparticle through glutaraldehyde

linkage by amino functionalizing the nanoparticle.

3.10.1 Synthesis of Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) Nanoparticle

Iron oxide nanoparticle synthesized by previously reported co-precipitation

method (Shaw et al. 2006) and characterized (Juyal et al., 2016).


1. Ferric chloride anhydrous (FeCl3 Mr. 162.2) : 14.074g (86.6 mmol)

2. Ferrous chloride dihydrate (FeCl2.2H2O Mr. 162.78) : 7.069g (43.42 mmol)


Iron oxide (Fe3O4) precursor’s materials of FeCl2·2H2O and FeCl3 (molar ratio
1:2) were dissolved in 600 mL deionized water (heated at 30°C) under the protection of
continuously flowing nitrogen gas. The mixture was continuously stirred (600-800
rpm) and Ammonia solution (25%) added drop wise until the pH reached to 10. The
obtained black solution was precipitated and resulting Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles
were collected by applying external magnetic field. The particles were washed with
deionized water and ethanol. Finally, the resultant magnetic nanoparticles were
lyophilized under vacuum for 48 hours to form a powder.

3.10.2 Amino functionalization of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles


1. Fe3O4 Nanoparticles : 0.5g

2. 3- aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) : 0.3mL

3. Ethanol : 10mL

Materials and Methods ...........


Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (0.5 g) were dispersed in 10 mL of ethanol

through ultrasonication for 10 minutes. APTES solution (0.3 mL) was added and the
mixture was again dispersed by ultrasonication sufficiently. Then the mixture kept in
rolling at 25-30°C for 3 hours. The obtained amino functionalized magnetic
nanoparticles were recovered by external magnetic field and rinsed with deionized
water and ethanol to remove the excess organosilane reagents.

3.10.3 Immobilization of Lipase on Iron Oxide Nanoparticle

Preparation of solutions

1. Glutaraldehyde Solution (10%) 8 mL of 25% glutaraldehyde solution obtained

from Thomas Baker Pvt. Ltd. was diluted to 20 mL by deionized water.

2. Phosphate Buffer (0.1M)

Solution 1: 0.1M Na2HPO4 : 7.1g of disodium hydrogen phosphate was dissolved in

200 mL of distilled water and volume was made up to 500mL.

Solution 2: 0.1M NaH2PO4 : 204g of sodium dihydrogen phosphate was dissolved in

50 mL of distilled water and volume was made up to 200mL.

Solution 2 was added solution 1 until pH of mixture adjusted to 7.4.

3. Lipase Solution (1mg/mL) 50 mg of Lipase Steapsin ex. Microorganism obtained

from Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. was dissolved in little amount of
phosphate buffer and volume was made up to 50mL


Amino functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles were activated by addition of 20

mL coupling reagent glutaraldehyde (10%) solution. The mixture was kept on rolling at
25°C for 2 hours. Finally, the activated iron oxide nanoparticles were recovered by
external magnetic field and washed well with deionized water to remove the unreacted
glutaraldehyde solution. The obtained nanoparticles were applied for lipase
immobilization by the addition of 10 mL lipase solution in phosphate buffer. The
mixture was shaken sufficiently at 25°C and incubated at 4°C overnight. Then the
lipase immobilized magnetic nanoparticles recovered, washed with phosphate buffer
solution for several times.

Materials and Methods ...........

3.10.4 Characterization of Bare Nanoparticle and Enzyme linked Nanoparticle

Bare and enzyme linked nanoparticle characterization was done by following


a. Zeta Potential

Zeta potential of Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticle was analyzed in Department

of M.B.G.E., C.B.S.H., Pantnagar. The iron oxide nanoparticle (0.5g) was first
dissolved in 10mL of distilled water and then centrifuged. After centrifugation, the
supernatant was taken in the cuvette and put in the zeta-sizer for determining zeta-

b. Dispersity of Nanoparticles in Different Solvents

To examine the dispersity of bare nanoparticle and enzyme coated nanoparticle

in various solvents, 25 mg of nanoparticles were dissolved in 5 mL of organic solvents
methanol, ethanol, n hexane and phosphate buffer and their sedimentation was
examined after 2 minutes and 10 minutes of dissolving.

3.10.5 Immobilization Efficiency and Activity Recovery

Amount of lipase bounded on the particles was measured by quantifying protein in the
solution before and after immobilization.

a. Protein Estimation

Protein estimation was done by spectrophotometric method (Bradford 1976).


1. Bradford Dye

Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) G-250 : 10mg

Ethanol : 5 mL

Ortho-Phosphoric Acid (85%w/w) : 10 mL

Bradford reagent was prepared by dissolving 10mg of CBB G-250 in 5 mL of

ethanol. Then 10 mL of 85% orthophosphoric acid was added and made volume up to
100 mL. The resulting solution was filtered through Whatman Filter Paper no. 1 in and
stored in dark.

Materials and Methods ...........

2. Phosphate Buffer (0.1M, pH 7.4) was prepared as described in section 3.11.2

3. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) stock (100µg/mL) was made by dissolving 5mg BSA
in small amount of phosphate buffer and volume was made up to 50 mL.


To make BSA standard curve appropriate aliquots (100, 200, 400, 600,800 and
1000 µL) of BSA solution (100µg/mL), taken in different test tubes in duplicate. The
volume was made up to 1mL with phosphate buffer. 200 µL of lipase solution (before
and after immobilization) also taken as unknown sample and made up volume up to 1
mL. then 5 mL of Bradford dye was added to each tube and mixed thoroughly. The
absorbance of each sample recorded at 595nm against a blank containing phosphate
buffer (1ml) and Bradford dye only (5 mL). A standard curve of A595 versus µg protein
plotted for BSA (figure 3.1). The amount of protein in lipase solution estimated from
the BSA standard curve.


Absorbance (A595)

y = 0.0026x
R² = 0.9978



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
BSA amount (µg)

Figure 3.1 Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) standards for estimation of protein

Materials and Methods ...........

b. Immobilization Efficiency

Immobilization efficiency was calculated by following formula (Hu et al., 2009).

IE (%) = 
X 100


Ci = initial is the amount of the lipase protein existing in solution before


Cf = final is the amount of the lipase protein remaining in solution after


c. Lipase Assay

The activity of free and immobilized lipase was measured by hydrolysis of

refined sunflower oil.


1. Phosphate buffer (0.1M) : As described in section 3.11.2

2. Refined sunflower oil : 10mL

3. Potassium Hydroxide (0.1M) : As described in section 3.4.1.


2.5 mL of refined sunflower oil mixed with 2 mL of phosphate buffer and 0.5
mL of enzyme (immobilized or free) then incubated for two hours. Hydrolysis of
triglycerides analyzed, by measuring amount of free fatty acid in the reaction mixture
by KOH (0.1M) titration as described in section 3.4.1.

Lipase activity was calculated by following formula

Lipase activity A=


0.1 is normality of KOH

1000 is conversion factor to micromole

Materials and Methods ...........

d. Activity Recovery

Activity recovery was calculated from the following equation (Hu et al., 2009).

R (%) = X 100


R= Activity recovery

Ao = Activity of free lipase solution before immobilization

A= Activity of free lipase solution after immobilization

Ai = Activity of immobilized lipase

3.11 Kinetic Analysis of Immobilized Lipase

Hydrolysis and methanolysis (transestrification) of triglycerides of tree-seed-

oils are similar kind of biphasic reaction containing one hydrophilic (water or
methanol) and one hydrophobic (oil) substrate and reaction occur at the interphase in
emulsion form of two substrate.

Hence following kinetic parameters of lipase activity were studied for hydrolysis of
triglyceride and their optimum value applied for transesterification (methanolysis)

1. Oil to Aqueous Phase volume ratio

2. Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity

3. Optimum Temperature

4. Optimum pH

3.11.1 Effect of Oil to Aqueous Phase Volume ratio on Lipase Activity

For 5 mL reaction mixture different oil to aqueous phase volume ratio prepared
in 100 mL conical flasks as described in table 3.5 and lipase bound nanoparticle
(5.25U/0.5mL) was added to each reaction mixture. Hydrolysis reaction was carried out
at 37˚C for two hours in an incubator shaker (170 rpm). Hydrolysis was analyzed by
estimating free fatty acid in reaction mixture through KOH titration as described in
section 3.4.1 and activity was calculated using the same formula in section 3.10.5c.

Materials and Methods ...........

3.11.2 Effect of Substrate Concentration on Lipase Activity


1. n-Hexane : 100mL

2. Refined Sunflower Oil (2M) : Prepared by diluting 28.009g refined

sunflower oil to 50 mL by n-Hexane

3. Phosphate Buffer (0.1M) : Prepared as described in 3.10.2


Different concentration of oil phase (Substrate) prepared by diluting the refined

sunflower oil with n-hexane. The reaction mixtures were prepared as described in table
3.6. Hydrolysis reaction carried out at 37˚C for two hours. Reaction progress and lipase
activity analyzed as described in in section 3.10.4. Km and Vmax value for free and
immobilized lipase were determined by Michaelis Menten and Lineweaver Burk plot

Table 3.5 Reaction mixtures of different volume ratio of Oil to Aqueous Phase for
Lipase catalyzed biphasic reaction

Oil Phase Aqueous Phase

S/N Volume Ratio
Oil Volume(mL) Phosphate Buffer (mL) Enzyme(mL)

1 1:6 0.714 4.12 0.5

2 1:4 1.00 3.50 0.5

3 1:2 1.667 2.833 0.5

4 1:1 2.5 2.0 0.5

5 1:0.8 2.778 1.722 0.5

6 1:0.6 3.125 1.375 0.5

7 1:.04 3.571 0.929 0.5

8 1:0.2 4.167 0.333 0.5

3.11.3 Effect of Reaction Temperature on Lipase Activity

To determine temperature optima of immobilized lipase, refined Sunflower was

used as substrate and the reaction were oil carried out at different temperature 25, 30,
35, 40, 45, 50˚C.

Materials and Methods ...........


2.5 mL of refined sunflower oil mixed with 2.5mL of phosphate buffer and
25mg lipase bound nanoparticle (10.5 U) added. Hydrolysis reaction was carried out at
different temperatures for two hour. Reaction progress was calculated as described in
section 3.12.4.

Table 3.6 Reaction mixtures of different Substrate concentration for Lipase


Oil Pahse 0.1M

2M Oil Hexane Enzyme
S/N Concentration Phosphate
(mL) (mL) (mL)*
(mM) Buffer (mL)

1 200 0.250 2.250 2.0 0.5

2 400 0.500 2.000 2.0 0.5
3 600 0.750 1.750 2.0 0.5
4 800 1.000 1.500 2.0 0.5
5 1000 1.250 1.250 2.0 0.5
6 1200 1.500 1.000 2.0 0.5
7 1400 1.750 0.750 2.0 0.5
8 1600 2.000 0.500 2.0 0.5
9 1800 2.250 0.250 2.0 0.5
10 2000 2.500 0.000 2.0 0.5

*0.5 mL enzyme solution in 0.1M phosphate buffer contains 5.25U lipase

3.11.4 Effect of pH on Lipase Activity

To analyze pH optima of immobilized lipase, hydrolysis reaction of triglycerides

was carried out at different pH with suitable buffers.


1. Acetate buffer (0.1M) : pH 5.0 and 5.5, Prepared by mixing Acetic acid (0.1M)
to sodium acetate (0.1M) until require pH was achieved.

2. Phosphate Buffer (0.1M) : pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.4, Prepared by mixing sodium
dihydrogen phosphate (0.1M), to disodium hydrogen phosphate (0.1M) until
require pH was achieved.
Materials and Methods ...........
3. Tris Buffer (0.1M) : pH 8.0, Prepared by dissolving 1.21g in of tris in 800mL
distilled water and pH was adjusted according to requirement by HCl (6N) and
volume made up to 1L.

4. Borate buffer : pH 8.5 and 9.0, Prepared by mixing sodium tetraborate

(Na2B4O7, 0.1M) to boric acid (H3BO3, 0.1M) until required pH was achieved.


Refined sunflower oil 2.5mL mixed with 2.5mL of each buffer and 25 mg lipase
bound nanoparticle (10.5 U) was added. Hydrolysis reaction carried out at 40˚C for two
hours. A reaction without lipase was used as a control. Reaction progress and lipase
activity were determined by KOH titration as described in section 3.10.5.

3.12 Operational Stability of Immobilized Lipase

Operational stability of immobilized lipase was analyzed through following


1. Storage Stability

2. Organic Solvent Stability

3. Reusability

3.12.1 Storage Stability

The storage stability of immobilized lipase was determined by the incubation at

4°C for the period of (0-72 hour) in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Residual activity was
measured at different intervals (12, 36, 60 and 72 hours) as described in section 3.10.5.

3.12.2 Organic Solvent Stability

Organic Solvents

1. Methanol

2. Ethanol

3. Isopropanol

4. n- Hexane

Immobilized lipase (25 mg) was incubated with 1.0 mL of organic solvents at 30
°C for 2 h. Subsequently, the organic solvent was removed and lipase bound nanoparticles
Materials and Methods ...........
were collected by external magnetic field. Collected lipase bound nanoparticles were
washed 3 times with 1 mL of PBS (0.1 M, pH 7.4). Residual enzyme activity was
measured as described in the section 3.10.5. Immobilized lipase (steapsin) which was not
exposed to the organic solvent was used as the control.

3.12.3 Reusability of Immobilized lipase

The reusability was studied by determining the activity of immobilized

lipase (steapsin) in subsequent reactions relative to that of the first reaction. After
each cycle, the immobilized lipase was washed with hexane then with 0.1M
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and reintroduced into a fresh reaction medium for another
assay run and this procedure was repeated up to five cycles in the same condition as
described in section 3.10.5.

3.13 Esterification of Dodecanoic acid with Methanol by Immobilized Lipase.


1. Dodecanoic acid : 4g

2. Methanol : 20mL

3. n-Hexane : As per requirement


Dodecanoic acid and methanol in different molar ratio prepared by mixing 0.4g
of Dodecanoic acid in a different amount of methanol as described in table 3.7 and
volume made up to 5 mL by n-Hexane. 25mg (10U) of the enzyme was added to each
reaction mixture and esterification reaction was carried out at 40˚C for 12 hours.
Reaction progress was analyzed by measuring the amount of free fatty acid remaining
in the reaction mixture through titration by KOH as described in section 3.5.1.

3.15 Immobilized Lipase Catalyzed Transterification of Tree Seed-Oil


Different oil samples (sunflower oil, Phulwara oil, Wild Apricot oil and Karanj
oil) mixed with 4 mL of methanol and 1 mL (10.5 U, 50mg) of immobilized enzyme
suspended in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) in a 100 mL conical flask and
transesterification reaction carried out at 40˚C for 24 hour in incubator shaker at 170

Materials and Methods ...........

rpm. After completion of the reaction, the enzyme separated from the product by a
magnet. Conversion of oil to biodiesel (FAME) was analyzed by GC-MS as described
in section 3.9.

Table 3.7 Reaction mixtures of different molar ratio Substrate concentration for
Lipase catalyzed esterification of Dodecanoic acid and Methanol.

S/N Dodecanoic acid Dodecanoic acid Methanol Methanol

(g) (mmol) (µL) (mmol)

1 0.4 2.0 80.9 2.0

2 0.4 2.0 161.8 4.0

3 0.4 2.0 242.7 6.0

4 0.4 2.0 323.7 8.0

5 0.4 2.0 404.5 10.0

6 0.4 2.0 485.4 12.0

7 0.4 2.0 566.3 14.0

8 0.4 2.0 647.7 16.0

9 0.4 2.0 728.1 18.0

10 0.4 2.0 809.0 20.0

3.15 Statistical Analysis

Data obtained after study of all parameter was analyzed on MS excel and their
mean value and respective standard error (n=3) were tabulated. The graphs were plotted
with the help of Prism 13 (Graphpad Software, Inc.).

Materials and Methods ...........


Biodiesel obtained from transesterification of plant and animal fat/oil is a strong

alternative to petroleum based diesel fuel. Biodiesel production from oil crops like
soybean, sunflower, palm, corn etc. is already in practice but criticized due to its
competition with food resources. A variety of non-edible oil plants cultivated on the
agro-climatic zone of India is promising feedstock for biodiesel production.
Transesterification through the alkaline catalyst in biodiesel production is already
studied with a high rate of reaction but associated with a limitation like a high energy
(temperature) requirement, the sensitivity with free fatty acid (soap formation). Acid
catalysts overcome the problem of soap formation but require a higher temperature,
high methanol to oil molar ratio and have low reaction rate. Enzymes such as lipase
work at low temperature with substrate specificity, able to catalyze transesterification
of triglyceride as well as esterification of free fatty acid. So there is no problem
associated with the enzyme related to product separation, or energy requirement.

In this study Oil of three oil tree species of Uttarakhand, Cheura (Diploknema
butyracea), Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Karanj (Pongammia pinnata), along
with Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) was transesterified. Additionally, bio oil obtained
from pyrolysis of sugarcane residues containing free fatty acid was esterified with
propanol. Transesterification by lipase enzyme was compared the chemical catalyst. To
overcome difficulty associated with the use of free lipase such high cost and separation
from the product, immobilization technique was employed by taking the iron
nanoparticles because of their small size providing large surface area and magnetic
property enabling ease in separation. Acid catalyst perchloric acid was also
immobilized on silica support was found an efficient reusable catalyst for esterification.
Esterified/transesterified product was analyzed by GC-MS.

Detailed tables of results of all experiments are given in Annexure 2.

4.1 Yield of Immobilized Perchloric Acid (HClO4-SiO2)

A white free-flowing powder obtained containing HClO4-SiO2 (0.5 mmol/g).

The yield of catalyst was 24.8g (99.2%) due to minute loss of catalyst during transfer
and weighing.
Results and Discussion............
4.2 Esterification of Dodecanoic acid with Propanol by HClO4-SiO2

A preliminary experiment conducted to know the ability of Silica Supported

perchloric acid (HClO4-SiO2) to esterify fatty acids are reported in Figure 4.1.
Approximately 75.35% of Dodecanoic acid esterified into propyl esters in 3.5 hours in a
reaction mixture containing HClO4-SiO2. Silica gel as control and reaction mixture
without any catalyst did not show esterification as no significant reaction observed. Silica
Supported Perchloric Acid (HClO4-SiO2) as an efficient catalyst for esterification of short
chain and long chain fatty acids (Chakraborti et al., 2009 and Kaur et al., 2015).

control HClO4-SiO2 Silica Gel

Reaction Progress (%)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Reaction Time (hours)

Figure 4.1 HClO4-SiO2 catalyzed esterification of Dodecanoic acid with Propanol

4.3 Kinetic Parameters for HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Esterification Reaction.

4.3.1 Effect of Acid to Alcohol Molar on Esterification

Acid to alcohol molar ratio one of the important factors determines reaction
progress and conversion efficiency (Reşitoğlu et al., 2012). Esterification is a
reversible reaction which can proceed backward as the amount of product increases.
Since replenishing of the product is not possible in the reaction condition, a higher
amount of alcohol than acid needed to shift reaction forward direction to achieve
maximum esterification of acid (Meher et al., 2006). The rate of esterification reaction

Results and Discussion............

increases as the mole ratio was increased from 1:1 to 1:5 (Manjare et al., 2015). To
study the effect of molar ratio on Dodecanoic acid esterification acid to alcohol molar
ratio varied from 1:3 to 1:10. The reaction mixture of the molar ratio of 1:2 and 1:1
were not possible due to limited solubility of Dodecanoic acid in propanol. Increased
ester conversion was observed with increase in alcohol amount from molar ratio 1:3 to
1:6, and then it slightly decreases with the optimum molar ratio of 1:6 (Figure 4.2).
The decrease in activity beyond molar ratio 1:6 may be due to change in the kinetics of
reaction from second order to the first order in presence of excess alcohol and dilution
of Dodecanoic acid and less available at the reactive site of a heterogeneous catalyst
(Suryawanshi et al., 2014).


Percentage Conversion







1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:10
Molar ratio( Dodecanoic acid to Propanol)

Figure 4.2 Esterification of Dodecanoic acid with propanol at different molar ratio

4.3.2 Effect of HClO4-SiO2 Amount

Esterification is a very slow reaction at room temperature, so carried out at a

higher temperature near the boiling point of alcohol in presence of chemical catalysts.
Catalysts decrease the activation energy and enable the reaction at a lower temperature
(Copper and Koubek., 1999). Generally, there is a linear ratio between the rate of
reaction and catalyst amount. Higher the amount of catalyst more the reactive site
available to catalyze the reaction (Khudsange and Wasewar, 2017). It was also
observed after a particular range, increasing catalyst amount may cause unwanted
reactions (Berchmans et al., 2008). Hence increasing the amount of catalyst from 0.1

Results and Discussion............

mol% to 0.25mol % leads to significant increase in reaction rate, while the reaction
progress decreased by increasing the amount of catalyst beyond 0.25 mol % (Figure
4.3). Slower reaction at higher catalyst amount could be due to interruption of solid
heterogeneous catalyst with miscibility of reactants or stimulation of unwanted
reactions which inhibiting the esterification reaction.

Reaction Progress (%)

0.10% 0.13% 0.25% 0.50% 1%
Catalyst (mol%)

Figure 4.3 Effect of HClO4-SiO2 amount on esterification

4.3.3 Effect of Reaction Temperature

The rate of reaction increases, with an increase in temperature (Patil and

Kulkarni., 2014). Increased temperature provides more kinetic energy to reactant
molecule for faster movement and more effective collision enabling faster chemical
reaction (Khudsange and Wasewar, 2017). The reaction rate was increased with
increasing temperature and 91.7% conversion was achieved in 2 hours at 90˚C while at
100 ˚C 94.8% conversion was achieved in two hours (Figure 4.4). The reaction
temperature was not increased beyond 100 ˚C due to unfavorable operating conditions
above the boiling point of propanol. Reaction progress with time suggests that at 90˚C
temperature the maximum conversion 92.19% achieved at 2 hours. However, at 100 ˚C
comparative maximum conversions, 95.07% was achieved at 1.5 hours but this product
composition was stable only at high temperature and percent progress was reduces to
92% after cooling down product (Figure 4.5).

Results and Discussion............



Reaction Progress (%)





70 80 90 100
Temperature (˚C)

Figure 4.4 Effect of Temperature on Esterification of Dodecanoic acid with



Reaction Progress (%)


40.00 90

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50

Reaction Time (hours)

Figure 4.5 Reaction progress with time at different Temperatures.

4.3.5 Reusability of HClO4-SiO2 Catalyst

The heterogeneous catalyst could be separated from the reaction after reaction
completion and reused for next cycle of reaction (Venkateswarulu et al., 2014). The
advantage of immobilizing liquid catalyst perchloric acid on silica support is its easy
recovery and reusability (Bandgar et al., 2010). After completion of esterification of

Results and Discussion............

Dodecanoic acid HClO4-SiO2 catalyst separated from the product by filtration and
washed several time with diethyl ether (Et2O), dried and subjected to next cycle of
reaction. Decrease from 92.19% (cycle one) to 62.72% (cycle 5) in catalytic activity
was observed with successive cycles of reactions (Figure 4.6). This decrease was
attributed to the desorption of perchloric acid from silica due to stirring a reaction and
in washing step during recovery. Moreover, catalyst loosed after each cycle during
separation and transfer also resulted in a decrease in activity (Chakraborti et al.,
2009). A better reactor with smooth stirring and methodology of separation could
increase the reusability of the catalyst.

Reaction Progress(%)

1 2 3 4 5
Number of Cycles

Figure 4.6 Reusability of HClO4-SiO2 up to five cycles.

4.4 HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Esterification of Bio-Oil and GC-MS analysis

Sugarcane bio oil sample esterified with propanol through HClO4-SiO2 catalyst
using optimized parameters 1:6 molar ratio, 1.25mol% catalyst, the 90˚C temperature
for 2 hours. This esterified bio oil is analyzed by GC-MS analysis (Annexure 3).

Esterified sugarcane bio oil contain 9.75% fatty acid propyl ester, 2.27% other
alkyl esters, 62.47% Free Fatty acid and 25.53% other compounds. Very less amount of
propyl ester and high amount of free fatty acid indicate insignificant esterification of bio
oil through HClO4-SiO2 (Table 4.3). Probable reason behind this insignificant

Results and Discussion............

esterification may be due to inhibition of esterification in presence of water and other
complex compounds in the sugarcane bio oil or may be due to less molar combination of
propanol used. Since HClO4-SiO2 found to be efficient in esterification of Dodecanoic
acid further study is regarded for its catalysis for bio oil esterification. Using dicationic
ionic liquid C6(mim)2-HSO4 for esterifying bio-oil organic acids resulted in an increase
in pH from 2.9 to 5.1 and free fatty acid left only 0.05% (Xiong et al., 2009). Employing
Solid acid 40SiO2/TiO2-SO42- on bio oil upgrading was successful in esterifying free
fatty acid with 20 fold increase in fatty esters in the bio oil (Zhang et al., 2006). La0.06-
SO42-/TiO2-SiO2 catalyst developed for esterification and implemented for bio oil
esterification with 91.7% esterification achieved (Gu et al., 2010).

Table 4.1 Summery of GC-MS analysis obtained from esterified sugarcane bio oil.

S.N. Components Percentage

1 Fatty acid propyl esters 9.75

2 Other alkyl esters 2.27

3 Free Fatty Acid 62.47

4 Other compounds 25.53

4.5 HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Transesterification of Tree-seed- oils

A preliminary experiment conducted for transesterification of tree-seed- oils

with methanol through HClO4-SiO2 using optimum parameters of esterification
reaction 1:6 molar ratio, 1.25mol% catalyst, the 90˚C temperature for 2 hours. No
significant reaction appeared after 2 hours as two clear phases of oil and methanol
appeared. The inefficiency of HClO4-SiO2 for transesterification is due to its inability
to break ester bond of tri-acyl glycerol and previously HClO4-SiO2 was found efficient
catalyst only for organic condensation reactions like a condensation of free fatty acid
with alcohol i.e. esterification (Kaur et al., 2015).

4.6 Alkali Catalyzed transesterification of Tree-seed- oils and GC-MS Analysis

Alkali catalyzed transesterification of tree-seed- oils carried out on previously

practiced parameter with slight modification molar ratio 1:9 (instead of 1:6),
temperature 70˚C (instead of 60˚C) and time 3 (instead of 2) hours. Condition
Results and Discussion............
modified due to properties of Cheura oil containing a high amount of saturated palmitic
acid was increasing its melting point and reducing miscibility in methanol. Methyl ester
conversion was investigated by GC-MS analysis of reaction product.

Biodiesel produced from alkali catalyzed transesterification of tree seed oil

subjected to GC-MS analysis contain a high amount of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)
(above 90%) indicates significant transesterification (Table 4.2).

GC-MS chromatogram of cheura oil biodiesel (Annexure 3) contains 16 peaks

showing 99.71% of FAME of which 54.35% is hexadecanoic acid methyl ester, a
saturated FAME and 39.53% octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (e)-. Fewer amounts of
unwanted compounds and no free fatty acid increases storage stability of biodiesel and
make it good quality biodiesel for blending with petroleum (Knothe, 2005).

GC-MS chromatogram of biodiesel from wild apricot kernels oil (Annexure 3)

contains 30 peaks showed 93%.7% of FAME among which 71.11% 9-octadecenoic
acid (z)-, methyl ester, a monounsaturated FAME. A negligible amount of free fatty
acid (1.43%) and other compounds (1.57%) cannot affect the quality of biodiesel
(Singh et al., 2016).

GC-MS chromatogram of biodiesel from Karanj seed oil (Figure 4.19) showed
38 peaks contain 90.47 % of FAME consisted a variety of long chain FAME majorly
38.6% 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (E)- and 13.49% Hexadecanoic acid, methyl
ester. It also contains 8.63% of other compounds. Although FAME content is lesser
than cheura oil and wild apricot oil still it persists its place as a good source of biodiesel
(Mamilla et al., 2016).

GC-MS chromatogram of biodiesel from sunflower seed oil (Figure 4.20)

shows 41 peaks containing 98.5% of FAME among which 74.64% 9-octadecenoic acid
(Z)-, methyl ester, (E)- and 11.04% Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester. An insignificant
amount of free fatty acid (0.48%) and other compounds (2.07%) makes it good quality
biodiesel and explain the why it is conventional feedstock of biodiesel in Europe
(Antolın et al., 2002).

Results and Discussion............

Table 4.2 Summery of GC-MS analysis of biodiesel obtained by alkali catalyzed
transesterification of tree seed oil.

Biodiesel Components (%)

S.N. Tree-seed- oils

1 Cheura oil 99.71 0.00 0.13 0.11 0.00 0.05

2 Wild Apricot oil 93.7 1.43 3.3 0.00 0.00 1.57

3 Karanj oil 90.47 1.43 0.57 0.00 0.00 7.53

4 Sunflower oil 98.45 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07

4.7 Immobilization of Enzyme on Iron Nanoparticle and Characterization

4.7.1 Yield of Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles

Iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles synthesized by coprecipitation method had

yield of 78.04% (16.5g) (Figure 4.7).

(A) (B)

Figure 4.7 Iron oxide Nanoparticle (A) In phosphate buffer (B) Under influence of
magnetic field

4.7.1 Particle Size and Zeta Potential

Zeta potential of nanoparticle indicates its stability in colloidal solution. The

high magnitude of zeta potential specifies higher electrostatic repulsion between
Results and Discussion............
adjacent nanoparticles due to similar charge which prevents aggregation of
nanoparticles. It also evaluates the magnitude and nature of charge on the surface of
the nanoparticle (Sun et al., 2006). Generally Zeta potential higher than 30 mV
indicates a suspension is electrostatically stabilized (Goldstein and Greenlee,
2012). As described in Figure 4.8 Zeta size of bare iron nanoparticle was 240.7
±94.38 and enzyme bound nanoparticles is 267.4±111nm. Zeta potential of bare iron
nanoparticle was -24.5±15.9 mV and enzyme bound nanoparticles is 26.8±17.7 mV.
The Higher size of enzyme bound nanoparticle is due to enzyme binding. Higher
zeta potential indicates an increase in dispersity of nanoparticle in the aqueous
buffer after enzyme binding. The size of enzyme bound and bare nanoparticle was
higher than normal and in same way zeta potential was also lower than normal
indicating incipient stability. The reason behind this behavior is an aggregation of
nanoparticles after storage.

4.8.2 Dispersity of Nanoparticles in Different Solvents

Since Iron nanoparticle has negative charge on the surface they tend to disperse
in the polar solvent and remain aggregated in a nonpolar solvent (Kharisov et al.,
2014). Among different solvents like phosphate buffer, methanol, ethanol and n-
Hexane, a dispersity of nanoparticles was found the maximum in phosphate buffer
followed by methanol, ethanol. No dispersity of nanoparticle observed in a nonpolar
solvent like hexane.

4.8.3 Immobilization Efficiency and Activity Recovery

Protein Content Activity

(µg/ml) (µmol/min)

Free Enzyme before immobilization 371.35 6.69±0.17

Free residual Enzyme after immobilization 55.77 0.67±0.08

Immobilized Enzyme - 5.33±0.08

Results and Discussion............





Figure 4.8 Hydrodynamic property of Iron Nanoparticles: (A), (B) Zeta size of
bare and enzyme bound nanoparticles and (C), (D) Zeta potential of
bare and enzyme bound nanoparticles.

Results and Discussion............



Phosphate Methanol Ethanol n-Hexane


Figure 4.9 Dispersity of iron nanoparticles in different solvent (A) just after
dispersion, (B) after 10 min.

Immobilization efficiency IE (%) = .
X 100


Activity recovery R (%) = X 100


Lipase was immobilized with 85.75% efficiency out of which 88.47%

activity was recovered. Hence immobilized lipase solution contain 0.857mg/mL
enzyme with about 5.25 units /mL or 0.525 unit /mg. In previous reports, maximum
immobilization efficiency (97%) and activity recovery (86%) were achieved by
similar procedure and parameters with microbial lipase Aspergillus niger
(NS81006) (Thangraj et al., 2016).

Results and Discussion............

4.9 Kinetic Analysis of Immobilized Lipase

4.9.1 Effect of Oil to Aqueous Phase Volume ratio on Lipase Activity

Hydrolysis of triglyceride via lipase is a biphasic reaction containing aqueous

phase (water or buffer) and triglyceride (non-aqueous phase) in which lipase remain
dissolved in the aqueous phase (Tweddell et al., 1997). The chemical reactions take
place at the interphase of aqueous and organic phase (Van et al., 1995). The fascinating
property of lipase is its activation at the interphase to perform hydrolysis reaction (Tsai
and Chang, 1993). The rate of hydrolysis is limited by the interfacial area of aqueous-
organic phase in the emulsion (Kim and Chung, 1989). So a proper volume ratio
between aqueous and organic phase required in order to achieve maximum interfacial
area. The activity of lipase increased with increasing the volume ratio from 1:6 to 1:1
and then decrease from 1:1 to 1: 0.2 (Figure 4.10). These results clearly indicated that
lipase activity increased with increasing interfacial area of oil and aqueous phase with
optimum at 1:1 volume ratio (Tsai et al., 1991).

Enzyme Activity (µmol/min

1:6 1:4 1:2 1:1 1:0.8 1:0.6 1:0.4 1:0.2
Volume Ratio

Figure 4.10 Effect of Oil to Aqueous Phase Volume ratio on Lipase Activity

4.9.2 Effect of Substrate Concentration on Lipase Activity

Effect of substrate concentration of lipase activity analyzed, by varying the

concentration of one substrate (oil) in the organic phase. The concentration of oil varied
from 0.2M to 2M by its dilution with n-hexane. On the basis of the result shown in
figure4.8 and 4.9 through Michaeles Menten curve and Lineweaver- Burk plot, Km and

Results and Discussion............

Vmax of free and immobilized enzyme calculated. A Higher value of Km (869.4 mM)
and lower value of Vmax (5.13 µmol/min) observed after immobilization than free
enzyme having Km (668.8 mM) and Vmax (8.45). Alteration in Km and Vmax after
immobilization is observed due to structural rigidity and limited access to active site,
which lowers the affinity of the immobilized enzyme for the substrate. This typical
phenomenon always observed after immobilization. Sometimes there is 2.8 time (Chen
et al., 2011) or 2.5 time (Tavano et al., 2013) increase in Km after immobilization due
to diffusional restriction and change in orientation.

Table 4.3 Change in kinetic parameters of lipase after immobilization

Parameter Free Enzyme Immobilized Enzyme

Km 668.8 mM 869.4 mM

Vmax 8.45 µmol/min 5.13 µmol/min

Kcat 7.5 X 10-3 s-1 4.95 X10-3 s-1

Kcat/Km 0.61mM-1s-1 0.341 mM-1s-1

The Kcat value for immobilized enzyme was 4.95 X10-3 s-1which was also
found less than free enzyme 7.5 X 10-3 s-1 ultimately resulting lesser enzyme efficiency
of immobilized lipase (Table 4.3).

Figure 4.11 Michaelis-Menten curves for free and immobilized lipase

Results and Discussion............


1/Vo (min/µmol)
-0.002 -0.2 0 0.002 0.004 0.006

-0.4 1/[S](mM-1)

Free Enzyme Immoblized Enzyme

Figure 4.12 Lineweaver-Burk plot for free and immobilized lipase

4.9.3 Optimum Temperature and pH

Generally, enzyme activity increases with increase in temperature. More

activation energy for the reaction at a higher temperature increase reaction rate till an
optimum temperature achieved after which rate of rate of reaction starts decreasing.
Enzymes are temperature sensitive. High temperature degrades enzyme structure by
disrupting hydrogen bonds (Daniel et al., 2010). Immobilized lipase activity was
investigated at a different range of temperatures from 25 to 50˚C (Figure 4.13). The
optimum temperature for immobilized lipase was observed at 40˚C which was higher
than normal lipase taken from SRL Pvt. Ltd. (37 ˚C) which showed thermal stability of
immobilized lipase was increased. It had also observed that steapsin lipase from the
porcine pancreas is generally unstable at 40˚C above and loose activity faster (Linsha
et al., 2016). However at 45 ˚C rapid decreases in lipase activity observed.
Immobilization technique with other microbial lipase achieved more thermostability
above than 50˚C (Nawani et al., 2006 and Zhang et al., 2016).

Catalysis of enzyme relies on charged amino acid at the active site and their
particular ionized state. This ionized state is pH dependent as every amino acid has
characteristic pKa. So every enzyme has pH optima at which they showed the highest
activity. Changes in pH not only affect enzyme activity but also the shape of the
enzyme by altering hydrogen bonding in the enzyme. As clearly indicated in figure
4.14 maximum activity of lipase was observed at pH 7.4, which is optimum pH also for

Results and Discussion............

free, lipase. But Immobilized lipase also retained sufficient activity at pH 8.0 as well as
pH 7.0. Many other studies found to increase in pH stability over alkaline pH range
achieved by immobilized lipase (Biró et al., 2005 and Sun et al., 2015).

Enzyme Activity (µ mol/min) 4.00

25 30 35 40 45 50
Temperature (˚C)

Figure 4.13 Effect of Temperature on Lipase Activity



Enzyme Activity






5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.40 8.00 8.50 9.00

Figure 4.14 Effect of pH on Lipase Activity

4.10 Operational Stability of Immobilized Lipase

4.10.1 Storage Stability

Storage stability of immobilized lipase was examined over the time period of
12-72 hours (Figure 4.15). However, steapsin lipase of the digestive system is less
stable and loose activity at room temperature. Immobilized steapsin lipase also showed

Results and Discussion............

less storage stability and loose activity in 72. After 60 hours of incubation residual
activity, 17.85% remained which decreased to 15.78% at 72 hours incubation. High
storage stability of 30 days observed in Candida rugosa lipase immobilized on chitosan
beads (Chiou and Wu, 2004). Immobilized Candida parapsilosis lipase also found
operationally stable in a batch reactor at 60˚C with a half-life of 18 hours (Osório et
al., 2009). Replacing steapsin with microbial lipase with high stability can be utilized in
immobilization technique for industrial purposes.


Residual Activity (µmol/min)







12 36 60 72
Time (Hours)

Figure 4.15 Storage stability of immobilized lipase

4.10.2 Stability in Organic Solvent

Stability of lipase in organic solvent was examined using four organic

solvents methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and hexane. Lipase showed the highest
activity in n-Hexane and very low activity observed in ethanol, methanol, and
isopropanol. Lipase activity in hydrophobic organic solvent observed higher than
hydrophilic solvents, which was also observed in other studies. Hernández et al.
(2009) observed higher lipase activity in an aprotic polar solvent such as
acetonitrile, acetone and ethyl acetate and lower in protic polar solvents such as
ethanol and isopropanol etc. Inactivation of lipase due to methanol was also
observed during enzymatic biodiesel production (Lotti et al., 2015). Nonpolar
solvents like hexane found as a suitable solvent to process lipase can be used during
its separation from the reaction mixture.

Results and Discussion............



Residual Activity




Methanol Ethanol Isopropanol Hexane
Organic Solvents

Figure 4.16 Organic solvent stability of immobilized Lipase

4.10.3 Reusability of Immobilized lipase

The main advantage of lipase immobilization is it’s separation from the reaction
mixture and reusability to make the enzymatic process more economical (Tan et al.,
2010). Reusability of lipase examined over five cycles of 2-hour hydrolysis reaction.
Gradual loss of lipase activity was observed with each successive cycle with 31.91% of
residual activity at the fifth cycle. The loss of activity with reusability may attribute to
dissociation loss of lipase from nanoparticle due to mechanical shaking. Other forms of
bioreactor can be explored in the future study to avoid such loss during the repeated
uses (Thangaraj et al., 2016).

Residual Activity

1 2 3 4 5
Reaction Cycles

Figure 4.17 Reusability of immobilized Lipase

Results and Discussion............

4.11 Esterification of Dodecanoic acid with Methanol by Immobilized Lipase

Esterification of Dodecanoic acid with methanol carried out with the different
molar ratio from 1:1 to 1:10 and found that 12 hour reaction time lipase was found
efficiently esterifying Dodecanoic acid with the maximum conversion of 87.83% at
molar ratio 1:6 (Figure 4.18). Effect of the molar ratio in esterification reaction was
similar as in HClO4-SiO2 catalyzed esterification. The increase in ester conversion
observed with increase in methanol from molar ratio 1:3 to 1:6 due to shifting of
reaction equilibrium toward forwarding direction. Beyond molar ratio 1:6 the decrease
in ester conversion may be inactivation of lipase due to excess methanol inhibition.
Molar ratio 1:6 was found to be best for both enzyme as well as chemical catalyzed
esterification reaction. Linsha et al. (2016) also found maximum esterification of oleic
acid with methanol using immobilized lipase at molar ratio 1:6.

Reaction Progress (%)

1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6 1:7 1:8 1:9 1:10
Molar ratio (Acid:Alcohol)

Figure 4.18 Immobilized lipase catalyzed esterification of Dodecanoic acid with


4.12 Lipase Catalyzed Transesterification of Tree-seed- oils and GC-MS Analysis

Lipase-catalyzed transesterification of tree seed oil carried out using optimized

parameter for immobilized enzyme oil to methanol volume ratio 1:1, temperature 40˚C
with 10.5 U enzymes for 24 hours at 170 rpm. Biodiesel obtained by lipase-catalyzed
transesterification examined by GC-MS analysis (Annexure 3).

Results and Discussion............

Biodiesel obtained from an enzyme catalyzed transesterification also contain a
high amount of FAME but comparatively lesser than observed in alkali-catalyzed
transesterification (Table 4.4). Sufficient FAME yield 74.46% for cheura oil, 74.48%
for wild apricot oil, 76.15% for Karanj oil and 85.66% for sunflower oil observed in 24
hour reaction which might increase with in reaction time.

The Higher amount of free fatty acid was observed in biodiesel produced from
enzyme catalyzed transesterification as compared to alkali-catalyzed transesterification.
This could be due to water associated with immobilized enzyme solution induces
lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of triglyceride to free fatty acid (Figure 4.19). Maximum
yield of biodiesel obtained from sunflower oil through enzyme catalyzed transesterification
with 85.66% FAME yield with 1% free fatty acid.

Table 4.4 Summery of GC-MS analysis of biodiesel obtained by lipase catalyzed

transesterification of tree seed oil.
Biodiesel Components (%)
S.N. Tree-seed- oils
1 Cheura oil 76.46 19.9 0.86 1.96 0.00 0.82
2 Wild Apricot oil 74.48 10.57 0.00 0 0.00 14.95
3 Karanj oil 76.15 5.69 0.00 1.85 0.00 16.31
4 Sunflower oil 85.66 1.00 0.00 1.68 0.00 11.66

Cheura oil Wild Apticot Oil Karanj Oil Sunflower oil

Figure 4.19 Comparative analysis of transesterification and biodiesel yield.

A= Alkali catalyzed transesterification, L= lipase catalyzed
transesterification, of different tree-seed- oils

Results and Discussion............

Biodiesel production using alkali catalyst was faster and efficient process which
gave high yield in less time but also associated with limitations like high energy
requirement and, negative effect soap formation with free fatty acid present in oil. Use
of lipase in bio diesel production was found efficient in terms of energy requirement
and ability to esterify free fatty acid overcomes the issues associated with alkali
catalysis. However due to low activity and longer reaction time it could take a more
investment and patience to employ enzyme catalysis in commercial biodiesel
production. But after establishment of plant and continuous production for some time
this technique might be energy efficient sustainable in fuel production. Employing
immobilization technique in both enzyme and chemical catalysis enabled reusability of
enzyme and catalyst and makes the process more economic. Increased stability of
enzyme after immobilization enabled it’s longer and repeated use can compensate the
high cost of enzyme.

Results and Discussion............


Current global energy consumption projected to increase by 48% from 2012 to

2040, with over 80% of this demand derived from fossil fuels. Accelerating oil prices
and exhaustion of oil assets and savior environmental issues associated with them
demand a better alternative of energy. The considerable contribution has already been
made in order to reduce the use of fossil fuels through first-generation biofuels (i.e.
Biodiesel and bioethanol), using crude biomass for their production but unable to
compensate the competition with the food industry. Hence there is a requirement of
more efficient biofuel generation techniques or so-called second-generation fuels, i.e.
those from the non-food crop, lignocellulosic biomass, and agriculture waste. Biodiesel
is a carbon-neutral, non-toxic, biodegradable and a low-pollutant emitting alternative to
diesel fuel derived from animal or vegetable oil and fat through transesterification in
the form of a mono-alkyl ester. A variety of non-edible oil plant species cultivated in
agro-climatic zones of India is promising feedstock for biodiesel. Hence seed oil of
three tree species Cheura (Diploknema butyracea), Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca),
Karanj (Pongammia pinnata) and one edible crop Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) was
used for chemical and enzymatic transesterification. Bio-oil of sugarcane residue
contains free fatty acid was also used for the esterification. For the catalysis of
transesterification/esterification, the chemical catalyst perchloric acid (HClO4)
immobilized on silica gel and lipase immobilized on iron nanoparticles. The kinetic
parameters of esterification/transesterification were optimized for immobilized
perchloric acid and immobilized enzyme and applied them for esterification/
transesterification of tree seed oil and bio-oil and analyzed by GC-MS. Chemical and
enzymatic transesterification were compared with alkali-catalyzed transesterification.

Perchloric acid (HClO4) immobilized on silica gel (SiO2) containing 0.5mmol

HClO4-SiO2/g of the catalyst. This catalyst (1mol %) was efficient to esterify
dodecanoic acid (lauric acid) with propanol with 75.35 % conversion at 80˚C within 3
hours. Whereas no significant transesterification was observed with the tree seed oil in
the same condition.

Summary and Conclusion............

Analysis of kinetic parameter for HClO4-SiO2 revealed the optimum molar ratio
for esterification of dodecanoic acid with propanol was 1:6 resulting 92.62%
conversion in 3 hours at 80˚C. The varying molar ratio in increasing or decreasing
order resulted in a gradual decrease in conversion. The activity of HClO4-SiO2
increased with decreasing catalyst amount from 1mol% to 0.25% with the higher
conversion of 88.67% in 2 hours which was 66.7% in case of 1 mol% HClO4-SiO2
amount. Decreasing catalyst amount further resulted in a decrease in reaction rate. The
rate of HClO4-SiO2 catalyzed reaction increased with increase in temperature and
91.7% conversion was achieved in 2 hours at 90 ˚C and 94.8% at 100 ˚C. However,
reaction equilibrium of 94% conversion was stable only at a higher temperature and
reduced after cooling down of the product. So 90˚C temperature was optimum for
HClO4-SiO2. The heterogeneous HClO4-SiO2 catalyst was easily separable from
reaction product and reused up to five times in reaction cycles. A gradual decrease in
reaction conversion was observed after each reaction cycle with 68.03% residual

Esterification of bio-oil with propanol carried out by 0.25 mol% HClO4-SiO2

catalyst at optimized parameter i.e. molar ratio 1:6, temperature 90 ˚C for 3 hours and
the product analyzed by GC-MS. Efficient results were not obtained as bio-oil
esterified contain a high amount of free fatty acid (54%) the esterified product was
approximate 10%. The reason behind the insufficient conversion could be water in bio-
oil inhibiting esterification. Hence higher amount of alcohol (propanol) is required and
further optimization required for HClO4-SiO2 catalyzed the esterification of bio-oil.
HClO4-SiO2 was unable to transesterify tree seed oil in the preliminary experiment and
different phases of methanol and oil were observed in reaction product after 2-hour
reaction on optimized parameters. The reason might be due to non-reactivity of HClO4-
SiO2 on ester bond of tri-acyl glycerol as it had also reported that HClO4-SiO2 only
efficient in condensation of an alcohol with acid i.e. esterification.

The optimized parameters were also found to be efficient with alkali NaOH
bound catalysis and slider modification was found was efficient. It transesterified with
oils with a high yield of FAME 99.71% in Cheura oil, 93.7% Wild Apricot, 90.47% in
Karanja oil and 98.45% in Sunflower oil.

Summary and Conclusion............

Iron nanoparticles were synthesized with 78.04% yield, and lipase was
successfully immobilized on nanoparticle with 85.75% immobilization efficiency and
88.47% activity recovery. The size of bare and lipase bound nanoparticles on zeta sizer
was 240.7nm and 267.4 nm respectively. The large size of nanoparticle might be due to
aggregation of nanoparticles by providing 3 month of storage. The zeta potential of
bare and lipase bound nanoparticle was -24.5mV and -26.8mV respectively which
show incipient stability in the solution due to large size.

Immobilize lipase was able to hydrolyze sunflower oil in biphasic reaction with
oil to aqueous phase volume ratio 1:1 on which higher interfacial ratio for lipase
activity available. Kinetic parameter show increase in Km of immobilized lipase (Km=
668 mM) as compared to free lipase (Km=869.4mM). Whereas Vmax of immobilized
lipase decreased (Vmax= 5.31µmol/min) than free lipase (Vmax= 8.45µmol/min)
resulting lower turnover number of immobilized lipase (Kcat=4.95 X10-3 s-1) than free
lipase (Kcat= 7.5 X 10-3 s-1). Total enzyme efficiency of immobilized lipase was
decreased as compared to free lipase. The reason behind the decrease in enzyme
efficiency was the diffusional resistance of lipase after immobilization on large size
nanoparticles. The optimum temperature for immobilized lipase was 40˚C which was
higher than free lipase (37 ˚C) and optimum pH of immobilized lipase was same as free
lipase 7.4.

Immobilized lipase was found less stable and lost its activity with increasing
storage period. A gradual decrease in lipase activity observed with 58% residual
activity after 36-hour storage which decreased to 15% after the time period of 72 hours.
Immobilized lipase was found stable with high activity in nonpolar organic solvent n-
hexane and showed lower activity in a polar organic solvent like methanol, ethanol, and
isopropanol. Immobilized lipase showed reusability up to five cycles. However
decreased in the activity of lipase was observed after each reaction cycle with 31.91%
residual activity.

Immobilized lipase was efficient to transesterify tree-seed-oils on an optimized

parameter in 24 hours with the yield of 76.46% in Cheura oil, 74.48% in wild apricot
76.15 in Karanj and 85.66% in sunflower oil which could be increased with increase in
reaction time. However higher amount of free fatty acid observed in each sample due
to hydrolysis of triglyceride by lipase.
Summary and Conclusion............
Hence it can be concluded from above study that oil tree species Cheura
(Diploknema butyracea), Wild Apricot (Prunus armeniaca), Karanj (Pongammia
pinnata) are a promising source of biodiesel having high-fat content which can be
converted to FAME and for biodiesel production. Immobilization of chemical catalysis
and lipase is a useful strategy in biodiesel production with increased reusability of
chemical catalyst and lipase which makes the process more economic. Perchloric acid
bound to silica support (HClO4-SiO2) was found more effective in esterification of
dodecanoic acid and could be implemented for esterification of bio-oil containing free
fatty acid. Alkaline catalysis in biodiesel production was found very efficient for high
yield of biodiesel in less time but require high energy. Lipase-mediated catalysis for
biodiesel production gives a high yield. However, reaction time was longer in lipase-
catalyzed biodiesel production but with continuous use, it can compensate for high
energy cost required in alkaline catalysis.

Summary and Conclusion............


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Annexure 1. The list of equipment used during the experimentation

S.N. Instruments Manufacturer

1 Electronic balance Adair Dutt Ltd., India

2 Magnetic Stirrer Tarsons Pvt. Ltd., India

3 Sonilcator Sonics Pvt. Ltd., India

4 Ice Flaker machine Harrison Scientific instruments

5 Lyophilizer Freeze Drying System

6 Hot air oven Sanco Pvt. Ltd., India

7 Micropipette HiMedia Pvt. Ltd.

8 Refrigerator LG Pvt. Ltd., India

9 Spectrophotometer Thermoscientific Pvt. Ltd., India

10 Incubator shaker Unilab Pvt. Ltd., India

11 pH meter Eutech Instruments Pvt. Ltd.

12 Zeta - sizer Malvern Instruments Ltd.

13 GC-MS RTX-5 MS GCMS-QP2010 Plus

Annexure ............
Annexure 2. Tabulated data of Different experiments.

Annexure 2.1 HClO4-SiO2 Catalyzed Esterification of Lauric Acid

and Propanol (Section 3.4)

Reaction Progress (%)

Control reaction HClO4-SiO2 catalyzed Bare SiO2 catalyzed

0.00 0.00 ±0.00 0.00 ±0.00 0.00 ± 0.00

0.5 6.57 ±0.41 29.11 ±0.41 8.22± 0.41

1.00 8.22 ±0.41 39.20 ±0.41 13.62 ± 0.41

1.50 -6.57 ±0.41 54.69 ±0.41 -0.23 ± 0.41

2.00 -11.74 ±0.41 65.73 ±0.41 -9.86 ± 0.41

2.50 -9.15 ±0.0.00 67.61 ±0.00 -9.15 ± 0.00

3.00 -7.28 ±0.41 71.36 ±0.41 -6.81 ± 0.41

3.50 -7.04 ±0.00 75.35 ±0.41 -5.16 ± 0.00

4.00 -6.81 ±0.41 75.35 ±0.00 -4.93 ± 0.00

Annexure ............
Annexure 2.2 Effect of Acid to Alcohol Molar ratio on Esterification
Reaction (Section 3.5.1)

Reaction Progress (%)

I II III Mean Standard Deviation

1 1:3 83.26 85.59 85.07 84.64 ±1.00

2 1:4 90.00 89.37 88.67 89.35 ±0.54

3 1:5 89.22 89.82 89.94 89.66 ±0.31

4 1:6 92.00 92.31 92.62 92.31 ±0.25

5 1:7 91.67 90.77 91.60 91.35 ±0.41

6 1:8 91.80 91.87 90.98 91.55 ±0.40

7 1:9 90.91 90.99 91.07 90.99 ±0.07

8 1:10 90.10 87.62 90.10 89.27 ±1.17

Annexure 2.3 Effect of HClO4-SiO2 Amount on Esterification Reaction

(Section 3.5.2)

Reaction Progress (%)

Catalyst Amount
S/N Standard
(mol%) I II III Mean

1 1.00 66.00 66.67 65.77 66.15 ±0.46

2 0.50 69.13 68.46 70.00 69.19 ±0.77

3 0.25 89.26 88.67 89.93 89.29 ±0.63

4 0.125 86.58 85.91 85.91 86.13 ±0.33

5 0.1 65.33 65.77 65.77 65.63 ±0.25

Annexure ............
Annexure 2.4 Effect of Reaction Temperature on Esterification Reaction
(Section 3.5.3)

Reaction Progress (%)

Reaction Temperature
(˚C) Standard

1 70 81.88 80.54 80.41 80.9405 ± 0.82

2 80 88.51 89.26 88.51 88.76292 ± 0.43

3 90 91.28 91.95 92.00 91.74049 ± 0.40

4 100 95.27 94.59 94.63 94.83191 ± 0.38

Annexure 2.5 Effect of Reaction Temperature on Esterification Reaction

(Section 3.5.3)

Time Reaction Progress (%)

(Hours) 70 80 90 100

0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00

0.5 51.45 ± 0.20 58.52 ± 0.23 73.21 ± 0.68 83.41 ± 0.32

1.00 72.61 ± 0.58 75.34 ± 0.44 83.93 ± 0.62 93.27 ± 0.03

1.50 76.84 ± 0.44 82.51 ± 0.67 90.18 ± 0.37 95.07 ± 0.41

2.00 83.07 ± 0.45 87.89 ± 0.67 92.19 ± 0.37 93.50 ± 0.40

Annexure ............
Annexure 2.6 Reusability of HClO4-SiO2 Catalyst System (Section 3.5.4)

Reaction Progress (%)

S/N Reaction Cycle
I II III Mean Standard Deviation

1 1 91.95 92.67 91.95 92.19 ± 0.42

2 2 83.33 83.89 82.55 83.26 ± 0.67

3 3 76.67 77.70 77.48 77.28 ± 0.55

4 4 69.13 68.46 70.67 69.42 ± 1.13

5 5 62.16 62.91 63.09 62.72 ± 0.49

Annexure 2.7 Protein Estimation (Section 3.10.5)

S.N. BSA(mL) BSA (µg)
I II Mean

1 0.00 0 0.026 0.027 0.0265

2 0.10 10 0.06 0.058 0.059

3 0.20 20 0.105 0.115 0.11

4 0.40 40 0.158 0.16 0.159

5 0.60 60 0.201 0.21 0.2055

6 0.80 80 0.25 0.261 0.2555

7 1.00 100 0.026 0.027 0.0265

Enzyme (before immobilization) 0.026 0.032 0.029

Enzyme (after immobilization) 0.198 0.209 0.2035

Annexure ............
Annexure 2.8 Lipase Assay (Section 3.10.5)

S.N. ENZYME KOH (titer volume) Lipase Activity


1 Free Enzyme 7.8 8.2 8.1 6.50 6.83 6.75 6.69±0.17

(before immobilization)

2 Residual Enzyme 6.4 6.3 6.5 5.33 5.25 5.42 5.33±0.8

(after immobilization)

3 Immobilized Enzyme 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.67 0.58 0.75 0.67±0.8

Annexure 2.9 Effect of Oil to Aqueous Phase Volume ratio on Lipase

Activity (Section 3.11.1)

S.N. Volume ratio Lipase Activity


1 1:6 2.58 2.25 2.08 2.31 0.25

2 1:4 2.92 3.17 2.83 2.97 0.17

3 1:2 3.50 3.75 3.75 3.67 0.14

4 1:1 4.17 4.50 4.25 4.31 0.17

5 1:0.8 2.67 2.58 2.50 2.58 0.08

6 1:0.6 2.17 2.33 2.17 2.22 0.10

7 1:0.4 1.67 1.58 1.42 1.56 0.13

8 1:0.2 1.25 1.17 1.25 1.22 0.05

Annexure ............
Annexure 2.10 Effect of Substrate Concentration on Lipase Activity
(Section 3.11.2)

Free Lipase Activity Immobilized Lipase

Oil concentration (µmol/min) Activity(µmol/min)

1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ±0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ±0.00

2 200 1.17 1.33 1.17 1.22 ±0.10 0.75 0.83 0.75 0.78 ±0.05

3 400 3.00 2.83 2.50 2.78 ±0.25 1.50 1.42 1.33 1.42 ±0.08

4 600 4.50 4.17 4.17 4.28 ±0.19 2.08 1.92 2.25 2.08 ±0.17

5 800 5.17 5.08 4.92 5.06 ±0.13 2.50 2.58 2.75 2.61 ±0.13

6 1000 5.33 5.33 5.50 5.39 ±0.10 2.75 2.92 2.92 2.86 ±0.10

7 1200 5.67 5.92 5.83 5.81 ±0.13 3.17 3.25 3.17 3.19 ±0.05

8 1400 5.67 5.83 6.00 5.83 ±0.17 3.42 3.17 3.08 3.22 ±0.17

Annexure 2.11 Effect of Reaction Temperature on Lipase Activity

(Section 3.11.3)

Lipase Activity (µmol/min)

S/N Temperature (˚C)
I II III Mean Standard Deviation

1 25 2.08 2.08 2.00 2.06 ±0.05

2 30 2.50 2.58 2.50 2.53 ±0.05

3 35 3.00 3.17 3.08 3.08 ±0.08

4 40 3.33 3.58 3.67 3.53 ±0.17

5 45 1.67 1.75 1.67 1.69 ±0.05

Annexure ............
Annexure 2.12 Effect of pH on Lipase Activity (Section 3.11.4)

Lipase Activity (µmol/min)

S/N pH
I II III Mean Standard Deviation

1 5.00 0.92 0.83 0.83 0.86 ±0.05

2 5.50 1.17 1.25 1.17 1.19 ±0.05

3 6.00 1.17 1.25 1.42 1.28 ±0.13

4 6.50 2.42 2.25 2.33 2.33 ±0.08

5 7.00 2.58 2.67 2.75 2.67 ±0.08

6 7.40 3.67 3.58 3.67 3.64 ±0.05

7 8.00 2.50 2.67 2.83 2.67 ±0.17

8 8.50 1.33 1.33 1.50 1.39 ±0.10

9 9.00 1.58 1.25 1.33 1.39 ±0.17

Annexure 2.13 Storage Stability (Section 3.12.1)

Lipase Activity (µmol/min)

S/N Time (hours)
I II III Mean Standard Deviation

1 12 6.50 6.83 6.75 6.69 ±0.17

2 36 3.58 3.83 4.33 3.92 ±0.38

3 60 1.00 1.33 1.25 1.19 ±0.17

4 72 1.25 0.92 1.00 1.06 ±0.17

Annexure ............
Annexure 2.14 Organic Solvent Stability (Section 3.12.2)

Lipase Activity (µmol/min)

S/N Organic Solvent
I II III Mean Standard Deviation

1 Methanol 1.00 1.00 0.92 0.97 ±0.05

2 Ethanol 1.67 1.50 1.67 1.61 ±0.10

3 Isopropanol 1.50 1.42 1.42 1.44 ±0.05

4 Hexane 3.00 3.08 3.08 3.06 ±0.05

Annexure 2.15 Reusability (Section 3.12.2)

Lipase Residual Activity (µmol/min)

S/N Reaction Cycles
I II III Mean Standard Deviation

1 1 3.33 3.92 4.25 3.83 ±0.46

2 2 3.50 3.17 3.00 3.22 ±0.25

3 3 2.75 2.58 2.50 2.61 ±0.13

4 4 2.00 2.08 1.83 1.97 ±0.13

5 5 1.17 1.25 1.25 1.22 ±0.05

Annexure ............
Annexure 3. GC-MS Analysis

Annexure 3.1 GC-MS analysis of bio-oil esterified by HClO4-SiO2

Annexure ............
List of chemical detected

Peak No. Retention Area% Name of compound


1 4.527 2.25 2-furanmethanol, tetrahydro-

2 7.542 9.67 .Beta.-d-glucopyranose, 1,6-anhydro-

3 8.597 0.95 1,3-di-o-acetylpentopyranose

4 9.977 0.31 .Alpha.-.beta.-d-ribopyranose, 1,3-di-o-acet

5 18.381 0.25 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester

6 19.522 7.37 Hexadecanoic acid

7 22.336 0.27 Methyl octadeca-9,12-dienoate

8 22.509 1.11 9-octadecenoic acid (z)-, methyl ester

9 23.920 54.17 Octadec-9-enoic acid

10 24.246 0.33 Octadecanoic acid

11 26.860 2.20 Glycidyl palmitate

12 29.489 0.24 Oleic acid, 3-hydroxypropyl ester

13 30.326 1.06 1,8,11-heptadecatriene, (z,z)-

14 30.446 9.51 2-hydroxy-3-[(9e)-9-octadecenoyloxy] PROPYL


15 30.959 0.44 Glycidyl palmitate

16 31.521 0.60 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid

17 33.778 0.64 Octadecanoic acid, 4-methoxy-, methyl ester

18 38.972 0.52 1,7-dimethyl-4-(1-methylethyl)cyclodecan

19 44.296 7.08 9-octadecenal, (z)-

20 45.727 1.05 2-heptadecyloxirane


Annexure ............
Annexure 3.2 GC-MS analysis of Cheura oil Biodiesel prepared by alkali
catalyzed transesterification.

Annexure ............
List of compound detected.

Peak Retention Area Compound Name

No. Time %

1 13.155 0.11 Tridecanoic acid, 12-methyl- ester

2 15.972 0.03 Pentadecanoic acid, methyl ester

3 17.812 0.26 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-

4 18.837 54.35 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester

5 20.192 0.02 7-Hexadecanoic acid methyl ester, (z)-

6 20.796 0.07 Heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester

7 22.382 1.48 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl est

8 22.868 39.53 9-octadecenoic acid methyl ester, (E)-,

9 23.283 3.56 Methyl stearate

10 26.805 0.13 Glycidyl palmitate

11 27.491 0.15 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester

12 28.929 0.09 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester

13 30.408 0.11 2-hydroxy-3-[(9e)-9-octadecenoyloxy] propyl (9e)-


14 31.515 0.03 Docosanoic acid, methyl ester

15 31.763 0.05 2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene, 2,6,10, 15,19,23


16 35.264 0.03 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester


Annexure ............
Annexure 3.3 GC-MS analysis of Wild Apricot oil Biodiesel prepared by alkali
catalyzed transesterification.

Annexure ............
List of compounds detected

Peak Retention Area Compound Name

No. Time %
1 13.224 0.07 Tetradecanoic acid, methyl ester
2 17.858 2.78 9-Hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
3 18.085 0.04 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
4 18.546 11.51 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester
5 19.884 0.10 Hexadecanoic acid
6 20.237 0.53 Cyclopropaneoctanoic acid, 2-hexyl-, methyl ester
7 20.847 0.17 Heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester
8 22.449 2.02 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl est
9 23.363 71.11 9-octadecenoic acid (z)-, methyl ester
10 23.522 2.93 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester
11 23.795 1.33 Octadec-9-enoic acid
12 24.171 0.06 Ethyl 9-octadecenoate
13 24.821 0.05 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
14 26.319 0.40 Hexadecadienoic acid, methyl ester
15 26.788 0.28 Oxiraneoctanoic acid, 3-octyl-, methyl ester
16 26.860 0.25 0.25 Glycidyl palmitate
17 26.972 0.46 11-eicosenoic acid, methyl ester
18 27.542 0.72 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester
19 30.329 0.76 1,8,11-heptadecatriene, (z,z)-
20 30.462 3.05 Glycidyl oleate
21 30.983 0.16 Dotriacontane
22 31.537 0.22 Docosanoic acid, methyl ester
23 32.892 0.05 Hexacosane
24 33.430 0.06 Tricosanoic acid, methyl ester
25 33.780 0.15 Octadecanoic acid, 4-methoxy-, methyl es
26 35.263 0.15 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester
27 36.650 0.10 2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene, 2,6,10, 15,19,23
28 37.024 0.05 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester
29 40.587 0.14 2h-1-benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,7,8-trim
30 46.093 0.29 Stigmast-5-en-3-ol, (3.beta.)-

Annexure ............
Annexure 3.4 GC-MS analysis of Karanj Biodiesel prepared by alkali catalyzed

Annexure ............
List of compound detected
Peak Retention Area% Name of compound
No. Time
1 10.146 0.16 6-methoxy-1h-indole-3-carbaldehyde
2 13.219 0.08 Tetradecanoic acid, methyl ester
3 17.823 0.08 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
4 18.580 13.49 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester
5 20.218 0.14 Cyclopropaneoctanoic acid, 2-hexyl-, methyl ester
6 20.824 0.33 Heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester
7 22.408 5.30 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl ester
8 23.129 38.66 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (e)-
9 23.471 9.75 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester
10 23.637 0.33 Octadec-9-enoic acid
11 24.767 0.09 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
12 25.533 0.06 6,9,12-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester
13 25.753 0.14 6,9,12-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester
14 26.014 0.17 Hexadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester
15 26.277 0.09 Hexadecadienoic acid, methyl ester
16 26.361 0.36 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl este
17 26.633 0.04 6,9,12-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester
18 26.773 2.03 9-octadecensaeure, 12-hydroxy-, methyles
19 26.991 2.81 11-eicosenoic acid, methyl ester
20 27.592 4.57 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester
21 27.812 0.87 Oxiraneoctanoic acid, 3-octyl-, methyl es
22 28.312 0.16 13,21-cyclo-18-norpregnan-20-ol, 20-methyl-
23 28.512 0.07 Naphthalene, decahydro-1,6-dimethyl-
24 28.665 0.25 Tricyclo[,16]triacontan, 1(22),7(16)-d
25 29.549 0.18 Heneicosanoic acid, methyl ester
26 30.297 0.12 1,8,11-heptadecatriene, (z,z)-
27 30.419 0.57 Glycidyl oleate
28 30.996 0.37 13-docosenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
29 31.665 7.99 Docosanoic acid, methyl ester
30 32.425 0.51 2,2-dimethyl-7-hydroxy-6-[(2'-phenyletheny
31 32.841 1.60 2-phenyl-furo[b]benzopyran-4(4h)-one
32 33.150 1.27 2-[5-(2-methyl-1,3-benzoxazol-7-yl)-1h-pyra
33 33.415 0.35 Tricosanoic acid, methyl ester
34 35.315 3.50 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester
35 35.588 0.37 2,2-dimethyl-7-hydroxy-6-[(2'-phenyletheny
36 37.011 0.16 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester
37 37.455 0.78 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(2,6-dimethylphenyl
38 37.833 0.28 1h-benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl 4-quinazoliny
39 38.715 0.84 Hexacosanoic acid, methyl ester
40 39.769 0.70 Quino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione, 12,13a-dihydro-2-methyl-
41 40.762 0.36 4-(3-methylphenyl)-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro[1] benzothieno[3,2-e]

Annexure ............
Annexure 3.5 GC-MS analysis of Sunflower oil Biodiesel prepared by alkali
catalyzed transesterification.

Annexure ............
List of compounds detected
Peak R. Time Area% Name of compound
1 13.209 0.21 Tetradecanoic acid, methyl ester
2 15.836 0.04 Pentadecanoic acid, methyl ester
3 17.692 0.04 Methyl (7e)-7-hexadecenoate #
4 17.819 0.35 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
5 18.563 11.04 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester
6 19.855 0.06 Hexadecanoic acid
7 20.218 0.15 Cyclopropaneoctanoic acid, 2-hexyl-, methyl ester
8 20.828 0.15 Heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester
9 23.350 74.64 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (e)-
10 23.550 3.87 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester
11 23.758 0.42 Octadec-9-enoic acid
12 23.821 0.04 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl ester
13 23.905 0.04 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl ester
14 24.157 0.03 9-octadecenoic acid (z)-, ethyl ester
15 24.608 0.52 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl ester
16 24.808 0.07 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-
17 25.772 0.11 Cis,cis,cis-6,9,12-Octadecatrienoic acid, propyl ester
18 26.031 0.11 Hexadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester
19 26.391 0.10 Hexadecadienoic acid, methyl ester
20 26.555 0.14 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester
21 26.638 0.07 Cis,cis,cis-6,9,12-Octadecatrienoic acid, propyl ester
22 26.759 0.13 Oxiraneoctanoic acid, 3-octyl-, methyl ester
23 26.959 1.13 11-eicosenoic acid, methyl ester
24 27.532 1.23 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester
25 28.311 0.07 13,21-cyclo-18-norpregnan-20-ol, 20-methyl-
26 28.668 0.14 Tricyclo[,16]triacontan, 1(22),7(16)-d
27 29.916 0.14
28 30.984 0.15
29 31.568 2.63 Docosanoic acid, methyl ester
30 32.865 0.05 Tetratetracontane
31 33.407 0.21 Tricosanoic acid, methyl ester
32 34.697 0.04 Hexacosane
33 35.264 1.56 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester
34 36.465 0.04 Tetratetracontane
35 36.618 0.04 2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene, 2,6,10, 15,19,23
36 36.996 0.04 Heneicosanoic acid, methyl ester
37 38.175 0.05 Tetratetracontane
38 38.699 0.11 Hexacosanoic acid, methyl ester

Annexure ............
Annexure 3.6 GC-MS analysis of Cheura oil Biodiesel prepared by Lipase
catalyzed transesterification.

Annexure ............
List of compound detected

Peak Retention Area% Name of Compound

No. Time

1 13.233 0.29 Tetradecanoic acid, methyl ester

2 15.860 0.08 Pentadecanoic acid, methyl ester

3 17.842 0.74 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-

4 18.597 45.37 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester

5 19.799 13.08 Hexadecanoic acid

6 20.829 0.18 Heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester

7 22.382 6.09 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl ester

8 22.618 16.52 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester

9 22.688 1.20 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester

10 23.188 5.69 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester

11 23.789 6.29 Octadec-9-enoic acid

12 24.203 0.23 Octadecanoic acid

13 26.889 0.86 Glycidyl palmitate

14 27.518 0.30 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester

15 30.460 1.96 2-hydroxy-3-[(9e)-9-octadecenoyloxy]propyl ester

16 31.530 0.32 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid

17 33.787 0.23 3-(3-Methylbutyl)thiophene-1,1-dioxide

18 36.658 0.35 2,6,10,14,18,22-TETRACOSAHEXAENE,

2,6,10,15,19, 23 hexamethyl

19 40.604 0.24 2h-1-benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,7,8-trimethyl-2-



Annexure ............
Annexure 3.7 GC-MS analysis of Wild Apricot Biodiesel prepared by Lipase
catalyzed transesterification.

Annexure ............
List of compound detected

Peak# R.Time Area% Name

1 17.848 1.32 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-

2 18.465 9.73 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester

3 19.581 1.04 Hexadecanoic acid

4 20.236 0.20 Cyclopropaneoctanoic acid, 2-hexyl-, methyl ester

5 20.841 0.10 Heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester

6 22.455 17.74 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl ester

7 22.796 41.25 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester

8 23.209 2.97 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester

9 23.879 9.35 Octadec-9-enoic acid

10 24.065 0.36 9-octadecenoic acid (z)-, ethyl ester

11 26.305 0.21 Hexadecadienoic acid, methyl ester

12 26.783 0.42 Oxiraneoctanoic acid, 3-octyl-, methyl ester

13 26.967 0.88

14 27.537 0.28 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester

15 30.356 0.67 1,8,11-heptadecatriene, (z,z)-

16 30.480 3.44 2-hydroxy-3-[(9e)-9-octadecenoyloxy]propyl

17 31.553 0.18 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid

18 33.806 0.26 Octadecanoic acid, 4-methoxy-, methyl est

19 34.725 7.68 9-octadecenoic acid (z)-, 2-hydroxy-1-(hydr

20 35.755 0.34 Benzyl (9z)-9-hexadecenoate

21 36.679 0.25 2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene, 2,6,10,15,19, 23 hexamethyl

22 39.708 0.18 5-(1-hexynyl)-2-furohydrazide

23 40.626 0.50 2h-1-benzopyran-6-ol, 3,4-dihydro-2,7,8- trimethyl-2-(4,8,12-


24 46.164 0.68 Stigmast-5-en-3-ol, (3.beta.)-


Annexure ............
Annexure 3.8 GC-MS analysis of Karanj Biodiesel prepared by Lipase catalyzed

Annexure ............
List of compounds detected
Peak Retention Area% Name of Compound
No. Time
1 13.230 0.05 Tetradecanoic acid, methyl ester
2 17.828 0.04 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (Z)-
3 18.483 11.58 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester
4 19.602 1.55 Hexadecanoic acid
5 20.821 0.18 Heptadecanoic acid, methyl ester
6 22.416 12.85 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-, methyl ester
7 22.774 29.20 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester
8 23.255 8.02 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester
9 23.783 3.97 Octadec-9-enoic acid
10 24.198 0.17 Octadecanoic acid
11 26.361 0.17 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester
12 26.751 1.03 10-undecenoic acid, methyl ester
13 26.944 1.79 11-eicosenoic acid, methyl ester
14 27.536 2.83 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester
15 27.814 0.32 (9e,12e)-9,12-octadecadienoyl chloride
16 30.325 0.24 1,8,11-heptadecatriene, (Z,Z)-
17 30.451 1.85 2-hydroxy-3-[(9E)-9-octadecenoyloxy]propyl (9E)-9-
18 30.998 0.25 Methyl dihydromalvalate
19 31.582 4.66 Docosanoic acid, methyl ester
20 32.404 0.82 2,2-dimethyl-7-hydroxy-6-[(2'-phenyletheny
21 32.687 0.15
22 32.888 2.74 2-(2-phenyl-2-propenyl)-1h-isoindole-1,3(2H)- dione
23 33.147 1.72 2-[5-(2-methyl-1,3-benzoxazol-7-yl)-1H-pyrazol-3-
24 33.429 0.15 Tricosanoic acid, methyl ester
25 33.683 0.06 1,1-dichloro-2,2,3,3-tetramethylcyclopropane
26 33.788 0.36 Octadecanoic acid, 4-methoxy-, methyl ester
27 34.717 7.30 9-octadecenoic acid (Z)-, 2-hydroxy-1-
(hydroxymethyl)ethyl ester
28 35.285 1.86 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester
29 35.614 0.29 2,2-dimethyl-7-hydroxy-6-[(2'-phenylethenyyl)carbonyl]-
30 37.473 1.08 4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-1-methyl-5-
31 37.859 0.35 N-methyl-4-[(4-methyl-1-phthalazinyl)amin
32 38.701 0.56 4h,8h-benzo(1,2-b:3,4-b')dipyran-4-one, 2,3-dih
33 39.785 0.96 Quino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione, 12,13a-dihydro-2-
34 40.798 0.67 Diazene, bis[2,6-bis(1-methylethyl)phenyl]-
35 41.537 0.19 1H-indene-1,3(2H)-dione, 2-[[4-(diethylamino)-2,6

Annexure ............
Annexure 3.8 GC-MS analysis of Sunflower Biodiesel prepared by Lipase
catalyzed transesterification.

Annexure ............
List of compounds detected

Peak Retention Area% Name of Compound

No. Time

1 17.835 0.28 9-hexadecenoic acid, methyl ester, (z)-

2 18.405 10.74 Hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester

3 19.413 0.34 Hexadecanoic acid

4 22.396 26.48 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (z,z)-, methyl ester

5 22.602 41.37 9-octadecenoic acid, methyl ester

6 22.680 0.93 9-octadecenoic acid (z)-, methyl ester

7 23.160 3.79 Octadecanoic acid, methyl ester

8 23.559 0.66 Heptadecene-(8)-carbonic acid-(1)

9 26.924 1.68 Hexadecanoic acid, 1-(hydroxymethyl)-1,2-1,2-ethanediyl


10 27.522 0.30 Eicosanoic acid, methyl ester

11 30.358 0.59 1,8,11-heptadecatriene, (z,z)-

12 30.464 8.00 9-octadecenal, (z)-

13 31.545 1.43 Triacontanoic acid, methyl ester

14 33.788 0.20 Heptanoic acid, docosyl ester

15 35.276 0.34 Tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester

16 36.664 0.30 2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene, 2,6,10,15,19,23


17 42.029 1.52 2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltride

18 46.138 1.03 Stigmast-5-en-3-ol, (3.beta.)-


Annexure ............

The author of this manuscript Manendra Singh Negi was born on 16th August,
1996 in Villege Timali Chhoti, Yamkeshwar Block, Pauri district of Uttarakhand,
India. He has successfully completed his High school from S.V.M. Inter College Avas
Vikas Rishikesh in 2010 and Intermediate from S.V.M. Inter College Avas Vikas
Rishikesh in 2012. The author passed his B.Sc. from, Pt. L.M.S. Govt.(Autonomous)
Post Graduate College Rishikesh in 2015. He was admitted to the College of Post
Graduate Studies in Department of Biochemistry, CBSH, in 2015-16 in G.B. Pant
University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India, for the
degree of M.Sc. with major in Biochemistry and Minor in Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology. During Graduation Post Graduation, he was also awarded with DST-
INSPIRE Scholarship for Higher Education.

Permanent Address
Manendra Singh Negi
S/o Mr. Rajendra Singh Negi
Street No. 15 Shivaji Nagar, P/O Pashulok
Rishikesh (Dehradun)
Pin code: 249203
Name : Manendra Singh Negi Id. No. : 49364
Sem. & year : 1st semester, 2015-2016 Degree : M.Sc.
of admission Deptt. : Biochemistry
Major : Biochemistry
Minor : Molecular biology and Biotechnology
Advisor : Dr. A. K. Verma


Renewable energy sources such as biofuels (biodiesel and bioethanol) are

sustainable and eco-friendly. A variety of non-edible oil plant species from agro-climatic
zones of India is promising feedstock for biodiesel production. In the present
investigation, biodiesel was produced by chemical catalyzed or lipase-mediated
esterification/ transesterification reactions. Biodiesel produced by perchloric acid
(HClO4) immobilized on silica gel (SiO2) and lipase immobilized on the iron
nanoparticle. Three tree-seed-oil such as Cheura (Diploknema butyracea), Wild Apricot
(Prunus armeniaca), Karanj (Pongammia pinnata) and one refined Sunflower oil
(Helianthus annus) was transesterified with alcohol and the product was analyzed by
GC-MS. Further bio-oil obtained from sugarcane residues were also esterified with
propanol and analyzed by GC-MS. A comparative study of kinetic parameters of HClO4-
SiO2 and immobilized lipase for esterification/transesterification was carried with alkali-
catalyzed transesterification. HClO4-SiO2 was efficient and reusable esterifying
dodecanoic acid with propanol at optimum parameters molar ratio 1:6, temperature 90˚C,
catalyst amount 0.25mol% and produce greater than 92% yield of ester in 2 hours.
However, HClO4-SiO2 could not transesterify tree-seed-oils. Alkali catalyst was found
fast and an efficient transesterification in tree–seed-oils with a high yield of 90-99.71%
FAME in 3 hours at 70 ˚C. Immobilized lipase showed a decrease in enzyme efficiency
(Kcat/Km 0.341 mM-1s-1) but increase in thermostability from 37 ˚C to 40 ˚C with 5
times reusability. Immobilized lipase was found effective in the transesterification of
tree-seed-oils and gave 75-85% FAME yield, with different oils in 24 hours. Lesser yield
and longer reaction time observed in lipase-catalyzed transesterification but it was
compensating the high energy cost of alkali-catalyzed transesterification. Highest
biodiesel yield 99.71% achieved by alkali-catalyzed transesterification of Cheura oil.
uke % eusUnz flag usxh ifjp;kad % 49364
l= ,oa izo"ks"k o"kZ
o"kZ % izFke] 2015&2016 mikf/k % LukrdksÙkj
izeq[k % tSo jlk;u foKku foHkkx % tSo jlk;u foKku
xkS.k fo"k; % vk.kfod tho foKku ,oa tSo rduhdh
'kks/k dk 'kh"kZd % “fLfFkjhd`r ,Utkbe rFkk jlk;fud mRizsjd ds mi;ksx ls bZLVjhdj.k@
VªkalbZLVjhdj.k }kjk tSo Mhty dk dq’ky mRiknu”
lykgdkj % MWk0 ,0 ds0 oekZ
uohuhd`r mtkZ lks= tSls tSo b/kZu¼tSo Mhty tSo bSFkuky ½ LFk;h rFkk iz;kZoj.k fgrS”kh gSA
Hkkjr dh d`f”k tyok;q esa mxus okys fofHkUu izdkj ds xSj [kk| rsy ikni tSo Mhty ds vfHkUu lzksr
gSA orZeku v/;;u esa j;k;fud mRizsjd ij ijDyksfjd vEy (HClO4) dks flfydk tSy (SiO2) ij
rFkk ykbist dks ykSg uSuks d.kksa ij fLfFkjhd`r fd;k x;k rFkk bldk mi;ksx fpmjk ¼fMIyksuhek
C;qVk;hjdk½] txayh [kqekuh ¼izuql vesfZ u;k½] dajt ¼iksxa eh;k fiUUkkVk½ rFkk lqjteq[kh ¼gSyh,aFkl ,sul½ ds
chtks dks VªkalbZLVjhdj.k dj GC-MS }kjk v/;;u fd;k x;k rFkk xUusa ds ikS/ksa ds vo’ks”k ls cus
tSo rsy dk bZLVjhdj.k dj GC-MS }kjk v/;;u fd;k x;kA HClO4-SiO2 rFkk fLfFkjhd`r
ykbist mRizfs jr bZLVjhdj.k@VªkalbZLVjhdj.k vfHkfdz;k ds cyxfrdh; ekudksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u
{kkj mRizfs jr VªkalbZLVjhdj.k ds lkFk fd;k x;kA vuqdy
q re ekudksa tSls ekSyj vuqikr 1%6] rki 90°C
rFkk vfHkdkjd 0-25 ekSy izfr’kr ij HClO4-SiO2 }kjk 92 izfr’kr ls vf/kd bZLVj mRiknu ds lkFk
MksMus kbZd vEy ¼ykfjd vEy½ dk dq’ky bZLVjhdj.k ik;k x;k ijUrq ;g mRizsjd o`{k chtksa ds rsy ds
VªkalbZLVjhdj.k esa vlQy ik;k x;kA {kkj mRizsjd 3 ?k.Vs esa 90&99-7 izfr’kr FAME mRiknu ds lkFk
o`{k chtksa ds rsy ds VªkalbZLVjhdj.k esa dq’ky rFkk rhoz ik;k x;kA fLfFkjhdj.k ls ykbist ds xfrdh;
ekudksa esa ifjoZru vk;k ¼ Kcat/Km 0.341 mM-1s-1½ rFkk lEiw.kZ ,atkbe n{krk esa fxjkoV gqbZ ijUrq
,atkbe dh fLFkjrk rFkk iqu% izlkstu {kerk ¼ikWp ckj½ c<+ x;hA fLfFkjhd`r ykbist 75&86 izfr’kr
FAME mRiknu 24 ?k.Vsa esa nsrs gq, o~{k chtksa ds VªkalbZLVjhdj.k esa izHkko’kkyh ik;k x;kA ykbist
mRizfs jr VªkalbZLVjhdj.k esa nh?kZ vfHkfØ;k dky rFkk derj mRiknu ik;k x;k] ijUrq ;g {kkj mRizfs jr
bZLVjhdj.kesa yxus okyh mPp mtkZ ykxr dh {kfr iwfrZ dj jgk FkkA fpmjk rst ds {kkj mRizfs jr
VªkalbZLVjhdj.k ls vf/kdre tSoMhty mRiknu 99-7 izfr’kr ik;k x;kA

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