PGC - Article VI - Finals

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Article VI.

Legislative Department
 Section 1. The legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the
Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives,
except to the extent reserved to the people by the provision on initiative and

 Legislative Power – authority under the constitution to make, to alter, and to

repel laws
 Note : it is the task of the legislature to prescribe rules for the government of Commented [RJN1]: Assembly with the authority to make
the society laws

 Legislative function :
o Determination of the legislative policy and;
o Its promulgation as a defined and binding rule of conduct through the
enactment of a law
 Law – written enactments of the legislature
 Function of laws:
o Define the rights and duties of citizens
o Imposes taxes
o Appropriates funds
o Defines crimes and provides for their punishment
o Creates and abolishes government offices
o Determines their jurisdiction and functions
o Regulates human conduct and the use of property for the promotion of
the common good
 Legislative Power is vested in Congress
o Double-chamber “Bicameral legislature”
 Senate
 House of Representatives
 Advantages of Bicameralism
o A second chamber (Senate) serves as a check to hasty and ill-
considered legislation
o A training ground for future leaders
o Representation for both regional (HoR) and national (Senate) interests
o Less susceptible to bribery and control of big interests
o Traditional form of legislative body; it has been tested and proven
 Disadvantages of Bicameralism
o Has not worked out as an effective “fiscalizing” or counter-check
o No assurance of better considered and better deliberated legislation
o Duplication of efforts
o More expensive to maintain than a unicameral legislature
o Costs : made it possible for only wealthy individuals to make it to the
 Scope or legislative power of Congress
o Plenary/General – grant of all legislative powers for all purposes of civil
o Legislative powers not expressly delegated deemed granted – the
delegated powers of our Congress are broader than the legislative
powers of the American Congress
 Classification of powers of Congress – Note: the primary function of Congress
is to legislate
o General legislative power -

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