Ba-Ii 08-03-2019N

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Paper Code : DBA-210 Roll No... B.A.-10(Sociology), B.A.-10(Sociology)’, B.A.-12(Sociology) Time : 3 Hours ] DECEMBER 2018 2nd Year Sociology & Politics [ Max. Marks : 100 Note. Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Write the formation about expression of public opinion Shera or Prt cen aPrafed & aH arg ae oe What is the organization and administration system according to Weber. aay & ghey 8 io Ud WEI cha USTSG What are the major relation and differences between sociology & political sciences. Terhite far sR GASTIRA & FET Wer 7 se are BIT | Describe the democracy system in traditional society. RENT Get A gens eR wi faery wifog | What are the evil consequences of regionalism. earere & queers aaa 81 What do you know about the decentralization of power. wid & feo aN Fang wT wT &1 Discuss the role of news paper in social development. wre for 4 wares cat a afer ae aaa | Write the democratic political system and structure in traditional and modern Indian system. TREREEL oie ae A cece worries are aie Uk OT avis arfsrg |

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