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Educational psychology and counselling

Education & Music Library guide to resources


To find books on educational psychology and counselling consult the library catalogue ( The
catalogue identifies publications in all branches of the University of Saskatchewan Library, as well as providing access to a
growing collection of electronic books.

Relevant Library of Congress subject headings (LCSH) include:

Adolescent psychology Psychological tests

Child development Psychology–Research
Child psychology Psychometrics
Child psychotherapy Learning, Psychology of
Developmental psychology School psychologists
Educational counseling School psychology
Educational psychology Social psychology
Ethnopsychology Student counselors

Use the “Limit / Sort Search” link appearing on your search Result Page to limit by year of publication, material type, library
location, etc.

A Word search ( retrieves records containing individual terms or phrases in any of the
following fields: Title, Keyword, Notes (General, Summary, and Contents), or Subject. A word search allows you to find
records containing terms not used in LCSH indexing. It also provides access to materials in the catalogue that lack LCSH
indexing, including: electronic theses; most print theses held in Special Collections; and many documents held in
Government Publications.

You can also browse holdings on Library of Congress call number by making use of the catalogue’s call numbers search
feature ( Resources primarily relating to educational counselling are located in the call
number range LB1027.5 - LB1027.82; those primarily relating to educational psychology, in the call number range LB1050.9
- LB1091. Materials dealing with educational research in general are located at LB1028 - LB1028.25. The Education Library
also has significant holdings in the BF1 - BF940 range (Psychology), with a particular emphasis on BF721 - BF723 (Child
psychology). See also BF39 (Mathematical and statistical methods. Psychometrics) and BF76.5 (Psychological research).


Selected reference resources include:

American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR (4th ed., text
revision). Washington, DC: APA.
Print edition and electronic book: RC455.2 .C4D54 2000

Andrews, J.J.W. (Ed.). (2001). Handbook of psychoeducational assessment: ability, achievement and behavior. San Diego,
CA: Academic Press.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB1131 .H274 2001
Corte, E. de, & Weinert, F.E. (Eds.). (1996). International encyclopedia of developmental and instructional psychology.
Tarrytown, NY: Pergamon.
Educ Lib-Stacks BF712.7 .I.68 1996 (Library use only)

Frisby, C.L., & Reynolds, C. R. (Eds.). (2005). Comprehensive handbook of multicultural school psychology. Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB1027.55 .C65 2005

Lerner, R.M., & Steinberg, L. (Eds.). (2004). Handbook of adolescent psychology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Educ Lib-Stacks BF724 .H33 2004
Electronic book: BF724 .H33 2004eb

Ollendick, T.H., & Schroeder, C.S. (Eds.). (2003). Encyclopedia of clinical child and pediatric psychology. New York: Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Educ Lib-Stacks RJ503.3 .E53 2003 (Library use only)

Reynolds, C.R., & Kamphaus, R.W. (Eds.). (2003). Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children:
personality, behavior, and context (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Educ Lib-Stacks BF722 .H33 2003b

Sam, D.L., & Berry, J.W. (Eds.). (2006). The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Electronic book: GN502 .C36 2006eb

Sandoval, J. (Ed.). (2002). Handbook of crisis counseling, intervention, and prevention in the schools. Mahwah, NJ: L.
Erlbaum Associates.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB1027.55 .C74 2002
Electronic book: LB1027.55 .C74 2002eeb

Watson, T.S., & Skinner, C.H. (Eds.). (2004). Encyclopedia of school psychology. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Educ Lib-Stacks LB1027.55 .E52 2004 (Library use only)

To identify others works of this sort search our catalogue under the relevant subject heading, followed by any of these
subheading: Dictionaries; Encyclopedias; Handbooks, manuals, etc.; or, Research–Methodology.


The most recent issues of print journals are located in the library’s Current Journals area, and are for library use only. Bound
volumes are located in the stacks, and may be borrowed for three days. Online versions of many journals are also available,
including current issues and an increasing number of full backfiles.

To determine if a particular journal is available through University of Saskatchewan Library subscription or database license,
search by title in the catalogue ( or in the Electronic journals directory

To find topical journals which support your research interests, you can begin with a catalogue search. Add the form
subdivision “Periodicals” to a relevant subject heading, e.g.,

Ethnopsychology – Periodicals

Selected journal titles include:

British journal of educational psychology (Educ Lib L16 .B86 1931- ).

Current issues and partial backfile online:

Canadian Journal of Counselling (Educ Lib LB1027.5 .C21 1988- ).

Not available online.

Canadian journal of school psychology (Educ Lib LB1051 .C35 1986-2000).

Current issues and partial backfile online:

Contemporary educational psychology (Educ Lib LB1051 .C75 1983-2001).

Current issues and partial backfile online:

Education & treatment of children (Educ Lib LA217 .E3658 1992-1999).

Current issues and partial backfile online:

Educational psychologist (Educ. Lib LB1051 .E25 1978- ).

Partial backfile online:

Journal of educational psychology (Educ Lib L11 .J85 1910- )

Current issues and partial backfile online:

Journal of instructional psychology (Educ Lib LB1051 .J85 1987-1999).

Current issues and partial backfile online:

Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (Educ Lib LB1027.5 .M48 1984- ).
No Current issues; partial backfile online:

Psychology in the schools (Educ Lib LB1101 .P97 1965- ). Also available online.
Current issues and partial backfile online:

School psychology review (Educ Lib LB1051 .S383 1981-1998). Currently available online.
Current issues and partial backfile online


The catalogue allows you to identify journals that may be relevant to your research, but it does not provide information about
individual journal articles. We subscribe to commercial databases to provide this level of access. These databases index and
provide summaries of journal contents. Our “Best Bets” databases for education include ERIC (1966- ), CBCA Education
(1976- ), ProQuest Education Journals (1988- ), and PsychINFO (1872- ). These indexes are useful for comprehensive
subject searches. The database you are searching may not provide the full text for an article of interest, but you will be able
to link to any available online version. If there is no Text+Graphics, Full Text or PDF link associated with a record in your
search results, simply click on the prominently displayed “Find it!” button:

This button takes you to our SFX link resolver, which identifies all online and/or print sources for the journal containing the

ERIC (1966- ) provides abstracts of journal articles and non-journal literature on education and related topics. It is the most
comprehensive index to the literature of education available.

CBCA Education (1976- ) indexes over 400 Canadian periodicals addressing issues in teaching, educational research and
educational administration. It includes substantial full text content.

Proquest Education Journals (1988- ) covers almost 400 journals in the field of education. It includes substantial full text

PsycINFO (1872- ) provides abstracts of journal articles and other published research. It is the most comprehensive index to
the international literature of psychology and material relevant to psychology in related disciplines including education.

In addition to our “Best bets” databases, journal articles relevant to educational psychology and counselling may be located
in the following databases:

Academic Search Premier

Expanded Academic ASAP
CINAHL - Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature
OCLC FirstSearch.

Comprehensive research may also involve the use of print indexes or Internet-based resources for the dissemination of
research. Please consult with a reference librarian to identify other appropriate sources if the databases above do not satisfy
your information requirements. When working off campus, connect to Ask Us – Education Library for assistance.


The conventional literature review provides a critical analysis of primary research and/or theoretical perspectives in a
particular subject area, or bearing on a more specific research topic. Two publications are dedicated to literature reviews of
educational research:

Review of educational research

Educ Lib-Stacks LB1028 .A1R4 v.1 1931-
Current issues and full backfile online:
This quarterly publication of the American Educational Research Association provides critical, integrative reviews of
research literature bearing on education, covering both substantive and methodological issues.

Review of research in education

Educ Lib-Stacks LB1028 .R45 v.1 1973-
Backfile online:
This annual publication of the American Educational Research Association surveys research, development, and
theory in education through critical, synthesizing essays. Each volume is organized around a distinct theme.

Many other journals accept literature reviews for publication. If you are looking for literature reviews covering a particular
subject, use the ERIC database and limit your search to the record or publication type “Information analyses”. This search
strategy will retrieve state-of-the-art papers, research summaries, and reviews of the literature on a topic. If using the
PsycINFO database, limit your search to the Methodology type “0800 Literature review.”

Meta-analytic reviews of the literature use statistical methods to summarize and integrate the experimental or corelational
data reported in independent research studies. These reviews attempt to synthesize previously obtained results by: i)
implementing meaningful selection criteria for the inclusion of prior studies in the analysis; and, ii) employing multiple
statistical techniques to determine the statistical significance of findings. If you are looking for meta-analytic reviews in the
ERIC database, add the subject or descriptor “Meta analysis” to your search strategy. If using the PsycINFO database, limit
your search to the Methodology type “1200 Meta analysis.”


University of Saskatchewan education theses and dissertations are listed in the library’s catalogue by author, title and, for
circulating copies, by subject. Circulating copies, when available, are located in the Education Library. Non-circulating copies
are on deposit in the Special Collections Department of the Murray Library. Special Collections copies must be consulted in
the third floor reading area of the Murray Library, and must be requested at least 24 hours in advance.

More recent theses may be available online through the University of Saskatchewan Library Electronic Theses &
Dissertations site ( or through the Library and Archives Canada theses collection. In our catalogue,
access these materials by limiting your search to the Material Type E-THESES, or by searching the local call number

Most PhD dissertations and master theses submitted to Dissertations and Theses: Fulltext (ProQuest) since 1997 are
available online as PDF files. Authorized members of the university community may download these files without charge
through the Library’s license ( For dissertations completed at our institution, optionally
use Dissertations & Theses @ University of Saskatchewan (

The University of Saskatchewan and many other institutions do not routinely submit Master theses for inclusion in the
ProQuest/UMI dissertations and theses program. As noted above, the catalogue or ETD site can be used to identify locally
produced theses. Several complementary search strategies can be used to identify resources from other institutions:

z Search the Theses Canada Portal ( for theses described in the
Library and Archives Canada AMICUS catalogue, including a growing collection of electronic theses
z Search the Canadian Association of Research Libraries’ Open Archives Initiative Harvester site
z Search the library catalogue of the degree-granting institution for records of print and/or electronic theses
z Search for an institutional repository housing digital theses at the degree-granting institution
z Search in Masters' theses in education (1950-90); Master's theses directories. Education (1991-92); Master’s
theses directories (1993- )
Educ Lib-Stacks Z5811.M42 (Library use only)

To request theses not available electronically or in the library collection, please use our Interlibrary Loan / Document Supply
(ILL/DS) service (


Key resources for locating tests and test reviews include:

Mental measurements yearbook (16th). Lincoln, NB: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
Educ Lib - Reference Z5814 .P8B96 16th 2005 (Prior volumes in stacks - Library use only)
Online, v. 9, 1986 – present. U of S Library connection:

Tests in print VI. Lincoln, NB: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

Educ Lib – Reference: Z5814 .E9B96 2002 (Prior volumes in stacks – Library use only)
Health Sciences Library – Reference: Z5814 .E9B96 2006 (TIP-VII)

Test critiques. Kansas City, MO: Test Corp. of America, 1984-1987; Austin, TX: Pro-Ed, 1988-2005.
Educ Lib – Stacks: BF176 .T45 1984 (v.1-11 – Library use only)

Tests: a comprehensive reference for assessments in psychology, education and business (5th ed.). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
Educ Lib – Reference: Z5814 .P8T47 2003

See the Education Library guide to resources on Tests and measurement in education for additional information.


American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association ( 5th ed.).
Washington, DC: Author.
Educ Lib-Ref. BF76.7 .A51 2001 (Additional copy on 24 Hr Reserve)

Garman, N.B., & Piantanida, M. (Eds.). (2006). The authority to imagine: the struggle toward representation in dissertation
writing. New York: P. Lang.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB2369 .A885 2006

Klausmeier, H.J. (2001). Research writing in education and psychology—from planning to publication: a practical handbook.
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB2369 .K54 2001

Lester, J.D., & Lester, J.D., Jr. (2005). Writing research papers: a complete guide (11th ed.). New York: Pearson/Longman.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB2369 .L64 2005

Mauch, J.E., & Park, N. (2003). Guide to the successful thesis and dissertation: a handbook for students and faculty (5th ed.).
New York: M. Dekker.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB2369 .M377 2003
Electronic book: LB2369 .M377 2003eeb

Piantanida, M., & Garman, N.B. (1999). The qualitative dissertation: a guide for students and faculty. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Corwin Press.
Educ Lib-Stacks LB2369 .P536 1999

Woods, P. (2006). Successful writing for qualitative researchers (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Educ Lib-Stacks H62 .W8766 2006

For additional resources, browse holdings at LC call number LB2369, or search the catalogue on any of the following subject

Dissertations, Academic;
Proposal writing in research;
Proposal writing in the social sciences;
Educational research;
Report writing.

To review the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Graduate Studies & Research thesis requirements, please consult
Guidelines for preparation of a thesis This site also links to the College’s On-Line
guide for writing electronic theses and dissertations (

Revised March 2008

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