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Rationale: Domain F

National University

Nicole Castillo

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

TED 690 - Capstone Course

Professor Weintraub


In this paper, I will discuss the rationale for choosing the artifacts that I selected to represent

Domain F, “Developing As A Professional Educator” (Commission on Teacher Credentialing,

2016). The artifacts that I will discuss will include: Letter of Recommendation for Tenure,

Mandated Reporter Certification, Participation of Professional Development Within the District,

Looking Forward, and a Literature Review.



When deciding what artifacts to include in my PDQP for Domain F, I wanted to make

sure that they represented the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) within the Domain

effectively. The two TPEs that make up Domain F are: “TPE 12: Professional, Legal, and

Ethical Obligations” and “TPE 13: Professional Growth”. I feel that both TPEs are represented

accurately with the artifacts that I selected.

Teaching Performance Expectation 12

Teaching Performance Expectation 12 details my obligations as an educator to act

professionally, legally, and ethically at all times. The first component of this TPE is in regards to

my professional obligation as a teacher. I feel that my first artifact, the Recommendation for

Tenure, best exemplifies my satisfaction in meeting this portion of the TPE. This letter

documents my dedication towards my career as an educator and the students that I teach. The

next component of this TPE is in regards to my legal and ethical obligations as a teacher. I chose

to include my certification as a Mandated Reporter, a role that I take very seriously, as a

representation of my commitment to meeting this portion of the TPE. The TPE specifically calls

for teachers to be able to “identify and appropriately report suspected cases of child abuse,

neglect, or sexual harassment”, which this certificate prepared me to be able to do (Commission

on Teacher Credentialing, 2016, pg. 17). I feel that these two artifacts accurately display my

commitment to acting professionally, legally, and ethically as an educator.

Teaching Performance Expectation 13

Teaching Performance Expectation 13 details the importance of professional growth. The

articles that I selected demonstrate my commitment to continuing to learn about my craft as an


educator. Artifact 3 lists all of the district offered trainings that I have had the opportunity to

participate in to strengthen my skills as an educator. In these trainings, we learn innovative

strategies to work with our students in all content areas. The benefit of attending trainings within

your district, is that they are focused on meeting the needs of your own demographics and

student needs. The next artifact, my paper Looking Forward, is a five year plan on professional

development to help me become a stronger asset for my students and peers. I plan to attend

trainings and conferences that will earn me university credits so that I can become a peer mentor

to others as well as a National-Board Certified Teacher. Being a National-Board Certified

Teacher, in itself, is said to be the “most valuable and transformative professional development

they have ever received” by those who have done it (National Board for Professional Teaching

Standards, n.d.). Artifact 5, my Literature Review, breaks down an article in support of

professional development to show the benefits of strengthening practices for not only new

teachers, but veterans alike. The combination of these articles best demonstrate my commitment

to meeting TPE 13 and growing as a professional educator.


While creating my PDQP, it is important that I am demonstrating my skills and

accomplishments towards achieving the California Teaching Performance Expectations. When

demonstrating my competencies towards Domain F, I have very carefully selected artifacts that I

feel best represent this commitment.



Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2016, June). California teaching performance

expectations. Retrieved April 12, 2019, from


National Board For Professional Teaching Standards. (n.d.). Reasons to Certify | Read About the

Advantages of Certification. Retrieved April 21, 2019, from


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