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Diagnostic Test in English 8

Name:______________________________________ Yr. &Sec:__________________ Date:_______________

Part I
A. Direction: Read the selection once at normal speed. Circle the correct answer.

When the parents were invited to the schoolof mysophomore sister for convocation, I opted to
accompany my mother.
Plans were a foot for the school Foundation Day celebration. As a parent representative, my mother
voiced her opposition to the proposition of another parent.
‘I would like to make it clear that to sponsor that project is beyond the means of most of the parents.”
Mother explained.
The woman beside me nudged me and hissed in my ear, “How does she know? Most certainly, I, for
one, can afford more than that. After all, it is my son who’s standing in the class that I am most concerned
about. I am sure that the other parents are just like me. Many of them can even get a loan. After all, this is not
an everyday happening. That disagreeable person wants to escape her social obligation by trying to influence
the other parents. Who is she anyway?”
I felt the heat to my face. With a controlled voice, I calmly replied, “She is my mother.”
1.The woman in talking to the narrator revealed that she
a. was friendly c. spoke her mind readily
b. was practical d. knew the value of cooperation
2. The narrator’s mother was
a. against the proposition of another parent which was to sponsor a school project.
b. agreeable to all the plans of the school
c. the head of the parent council
d. for the sponsorship of the school project
3. A convocation is a/an
a. parent’s association c. social obligation
b. assembly community association
4. To live beyond one’s means is to
a. live in frugality c. live in an affordable way or above one’s earning capacity
b. be spend thrift d. live like a beggar
5. “I felt the heat rising to my face means that
a. the make-up was c. I was getting a fever
making my face hot
b. Iwas getting angry d. The crowded place caused me to feel warm

B. Identifying and using the figures of Speech

Directions: Filling the blanks. Read each passage carefully, then answer the questions or complete the
statements that follow.

Character is a diamond that scratches every item.

6-7. The statement compares __________ and ___________.

8-9. They are alike because the __________ makes marks on objects and _________ leaves a mark on other

10. This passage makes use of __________(figure of speech).

The branches were nodding their assent to the whisper of the breeze.

11-12. The two non-human things spoken of are _________ and __________.

13. What does each do?

14. The figure of speech use here is ______________.

A man’s manners are mirror in which he shows himself to others.

15-16. This figure of speech compares ____________ and _______________.

17. The passage is an example of ______________ (figure of speech).

18. This figurative language means that

a. a man sees himself in a mirror c. a man has a manner
b. a man’s actions reveal his nature d. a man should be careful of what his mirror
C. Synonyms and Antonyms
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that gives the meaning of the underlined word in the following

19. In a quandary, she asked her teacher for advice.

a. uncertainty c. amount
b. embarrassment d. challenge
20. “Romeo and Juliet” is a story of amorous relationship.
a. entrancing c. noble-minded
b. passionate d.kindhearted
21. The teacher discerned that one of her students is gifted.
a. decided c. recognized
b. talked about d. watched
22. She has no inhibitions and does not worry about her image.
a. inspirations c. problems
b. hostilities d. threat
23. Ignorance is a menace to a country’s progress.
a. equanimity c. repose
b. passiveness d. threat
24. This student has exerted a minimum effort and consequently receives only a passing grade.
a. maximum c. small
b. enough d. plenty

D. Identifying rhyme scheme and paraphrasing

Directions: Read the following poem and identify the rhyme scheme used. Write the letter of the correct


Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul,

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud,
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years,
Finds and shall find me unafraid

-William Henley

25. The first stanza follows the ___________ rhyming pattern

a. abcd c. abab
b. bacd d. dcab
26. The second stanza uses the ___________ rhyming scheme.
a. abda c. cdcb
b. ddb d. cdcd
27. The third stanza observes the __________ rhyming pattern
a. efef c. cbef
b. cdab d. ebcf
28. The speaker or the poet can be best described as one who is
a. responsible for coursing his own life c. mysterious and poetic
b. helpless and weak d. morally and physically fit
29. The character in the poem is
a. spiritually prapared c. has an undying faith and spirit in the face of trials,
dangers and calamities
b. adventurous and untamed d. physiologically fit to undertake hard work.

Directions: Determine if the underlined verb uses the correct tense. If so, write C and if not, write the
correct answer instead.

30. A few minutes ago the phone (rings).

31. and continued
32. until I answer it.
33. Hello, this was Cruz’s residence.
34. Might I know
35. who was on the line, please?
36. Somebody speaks over the line,
37. “Hello, this is Liezl, Jane’s seatmate,
38. May I spoke with her?”

Directions: Choose the appropriate prepositions from the list given in the box.
with for

from at


39. The committee submitted the plan _______ the president.

40. Please excuse me _______ misunderstanding you.
41. The noise interferes ________ my work.
42. Mother prevented me _______ staying up late last night.
43. I hope nobody knocks ______ my door when I am asleep.

Using the Basic Sentence Patterns

Directions: Determine the basic sentence patterns by writing the letter of the correct answer.
a. S-TV-DO b. S-LV-C c. S-IV

44. Submarines are underwater vessels.

45. Our heroes showed courage in their fight for freedom.

46. The Muslims are similar to the Christians in spirit.

47. The students are environment-friendly.

48. The Philippines has vast natural; resources.

49. Life, like a mighty river, flows along.

50. Water is a universal solvent.

-end of the test-

“An honest man is the noblest work of God”

-Alexander Pope

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