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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(15), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i15/88180, April 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

A Study of Sample Matrix Inversion Algorithm for

Smart Antenna Applications
G. V. Subba Reddy* and V. Ayyem Pillai
Department of ECE, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad - 500090, Telangana,

An antenna array consists of antenna elements whose outputs are added in such a way that the parameters of ­communication
system are optimized. As smart antenna is an array system aided by some intelligent algorithm designed to adapt to
­changes in signal environments. Smart antennas offer low co-channel interference and large antenna gain to the desired
signal. smart antenna catered for this purpose is called beam forming smart antenna. Since beam forming is performed
in software, forming several beams with the same array is possible by simply reusing the array output. In this context
the smart antenna is called as Space Division Multiple Axis (SDMA) smart antenna. The signal received at each antenna
­element is multiplied by an optimum weight and these products are added to get desired output signal. The weight vector
can be calculated using one of the many adaptive algorithms such as Least Mean Square algorithm (LMS), Sample Matrix
Inversion algorithm (SMI), Recursive Least Square algorithm (RLS) and their variants. This paper studies how weight
­vector and beam pattern of the smart antenna system are changing for different angles of arrival of desired signal and
­different number of antenna elements in an antenna.


1.  Introduction Smart antennas have the property of spatial filtering,

which makes it possible to receive energy from a par-
Least Mean Square algorithm (LMS) was proposed by ticular direction while simultaneously blocking it from
Widrow et al.1 in the perspective of adaptive antennas. another direction. This property makes smart antennas a
The method of steepest descent algorithm can be approxi- very effective tool in detecting and locating an underwa-
mated by a method called Least Mean Square algorithm ter source of sound such as a submarine without using
(LMS) as advocated by Widrow et al1. Variable weights of active sonar in6. Smart antennas generally encompass
a signal processor can be automatically adjusted by a sim- both switched beam and beam formed adaptive systems.
ple adaptive technique based on the Least Mean Squares Switched beam systems have several available fixed beam
algorithm (LMS) as shown in2. In 3 R. T. Lacoss (1971) has patterns as explained in7,8 systematically reviews the tech-
presented many examples of spectra obtained by the max- niques, challenges, and tradeoffs of DSP software radio
imum likelihood method and by the maximum entropy design. Coverage includes constructing RF front-ends;
method and has shown that these newer techniques are using digital processing to overcome RF design problems.
in general superior to the more conventional spectral The use of smart antennas in mobile ad hoc and mesh net-
analysis methods3. The fundamentals of adaptive arrays is works is discussed in9. The performance of Bessel beam
well-explained in4. Adaptive beam forming techniques for former based on spatial filtering criteria is discussed in10.
smart antennas based upon Least Mean Squares (LMS), Enhanced Sample Matrix Inversion for better beamformer
Sample Matrix Inversion (SMI), Recursive for a Smart Antenna System is discussed in11. Two types
Least Squares (RLS) and Conjugate Gradient Method of smart antennas adaptive and switched beam are given
(CGM) are discussed and analyzed in5. in12. Study and Simulation of Smart antenna using SMI

*Author for correspondence

A Study of Sample Matrix Inversion Algorithm for Smart Antenna Applications

and CGM Algorithm is given in13. The phase ­shifting and and range, improved signal quality and increased data
array weighing can be performed on digital data rather rates relative to other antenna systems.
than in hardware is the major advantage of digital beam Figure 1(a)&1(b). describes lobes and 9 nulls of
former. In The sample matrix algorithm a time average Adaptive array and switched beam antennas for same
estimate of the array correlation matrix is calculated. user signals and interferers.
If the random process is ergodic in the correlation, the This figure conveys that smart antennas that used
time average matrix will be equal to the actual correlation beam forming concepts can reject co-channel interfer-
matrix which is based on ensemble average. ence more effectively than switched beam antennas, since
The main goal of wireless communications research the gain is lower for the Direction Of Arrival (DOA) for
is enhancing user capacity data rates, channel and chan- the interference compared to the desired signal.
nel reliability. User capacity refers to the number of users
that can be simultaneously serviced by a wireless system.
Increase in data rates helps subscribers enjoy services
3. Adaptive Beamforming
such as multimedia and broadband Internet . Improving Algorithms
symbol error rates can be reduced by improving chan- Figure 2 shows an adaptive array system with M ­number
nel reliability gets affected by frequency selective channel of antenna elements in the array. x(t) refers to in the sys-
fading, noise and interference. tem received signal at antenna, the received signal at each
Smart antennas are used for increasing the quality of antenna is multiplied by a complex weight and all the
a wireless communication systems. A smart antenna is an products are some doubt to get a new signal y(t). w1, w2 …
antenna with intelligence. Smart Antennas are classified as wM are complex weights, d(t) is taken as reference signal
switched beam systems are fully adaptive arrays. Switched which is basically a training signal. e(t) is the error between
beam systems are simple in nature switched beam sys- received weighted signals sum and the desired signal.
tems have long been popular in wireless radio systems.
Fully adaptive antennas are smarter than switched beam
systems both architectures can be used to achieve diver-
sity and interference rejection. Once an architecture is
chosen for a smart antenna system, an algorithm must be
chosen. A lot of algorithms have been developed for both
switched beam and fully adaptive arrays. Judicious deci-
sion must be made on selecting an adaptive algorithm for
a particular signal environment.

2.  Beam Forming

As discussed in section I there two beam forming (a)
approaches for smart antenna systems. In switched beam
array a set of fixed beams from which a beam that is suit-
able to particular signal environment will be selected. In
fully adaptive array the antenna pattern is dynamically
adjusted to the signal environment.
Through the concept of the beam forming, smart
antennas offer low co-channel interference and large
antenna gain to the desired signal. When beam forming is
implemented in software the beams change dynamically
without any mechanical movement. Also because of soft-
ware implementation several beams with a single array is (b)
possible by simply re-using the array output. For the same Figure 1.  (a) Adaptive array pattern (b) Switched beam
transmit power, smart antennas offer increased coverage pattern

2 Vol 9 (15) | April 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
G. V. Subba Reddy and V. Ayyem Pillai

are divided into “k” number of blocks and each number of

blocks is of length K.
The optimum weights can be calculated directly by
calculating correlation matrix R and cross-correlation
vector r ,
where r = E[d ∗.x ]  [2]
The optimum weight vector is given by

wopt = Rxx
g [3]
wopt = it is the Wieners solution.
We can estimate the correlation matrix by calculating
Figure 2.  Narrowband Adaptive Array. the time average such that
R 1
XX= Â k=1 x (k)x H (k) 
The weight vector can be calculated by using one of The correlation vector r can be estimated by
the many adaptive algorithms.

Smart antenna patterns are controlled via algorithms r= d ∗ (k) x (k)  [5]
based upon certain criteria. Signal-to-Interference Ratio k k =1

(SIR), maximizing the variance, minimizing the Mean where d(k) represents the desired signal.
Square Error (MSE), are same impotant criteria based on Since we use a K-length block of data, this method
which smart antenna patterns are created. is called a block-adaptive approach. We are thus adapt-
The adaptive beamforming algorithms include Least ing the weights block-by-block. It is easy in MATLAB to
Mean Square algorithm (LMS), Sample Matrix Inversion calculate the array correlation matrix and the correlation
algorithm (SMI), Recursive Least Squares algorithm vector by the following procedure. Define the matrix x
(RLS), the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) and their K
(k) as the kth block of x vectors ranging over K-data
variants. snapshots.

È x1 (1 + kK ) x1 (2 + kk )  x1 (K + kK ) ˘
4.  SMI Algorithm Í
Í x2 (1 + kK ) x2 (2 + kk ) 
X k (k ) =
One of the drawbacks of the LMS algorithm is the Í   ˙
Í ˙
rate of convergence of weights is slow since it must go ÍÎ x M (1 + kK )  x M (K + kK )˙˚ 
through many iterations before satisfactory convergence
is achieved. So we have another algorithm called SMI Here where k is the block number and K is the block
algorithm, The sample matrix is a time average estimate length.
of the array correlation matrix using K-time samples. If Thus, the estimate of the array correlation matrix is
the random process is ergodic in the correlation, the time given by
average estimate will equal the actual correlation matrix.  1
The SMI algorithm has a faster convergence rate since it Rxx (k ) = X K (k ) X KH (k ) 
employs direct inversion of the correlation matrix Rxx, the desired signal vector can be define by
where RXX = E[xx H ]  [1] d(k ) = [d(1 + kK ) d(2 + kK )  d(K + kK )] 
Here x represents array signal vector of size 1xM, the estimate of the correlation vector is given by
where M represents number of antennas in array. x H
represents Hermitian transpose of x . SMI is also known 1 ∗
f (k) = d (k) X K (k) 
as Direct Matrix Inversion (DMI). The sample matrix is K
a time average estimate of the array correlation, matrix for the kth block of length K The SMI weights can then be
using K-time samples. In this algorithm, the input samples calculated as

Vol 9 (15) | April 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
A Study of Sample Matrix Inversion Algorithm for Smart Antenna Applications

w SMI (k ) = Rxx
(k)r (k) = [ X K (k ) X KH (k )]−1 d ∗ (k) X K (k) 

5. Simulation Results and

The SMI algorithm was simulated using Matlab Software.
Let us take
Case1:An array of antennas with 8 elements, N = 8. Let
the spacing between each antenna in the array be
d = 0.25. Suppose that the desired signal is arriving
at an angle θ0 = 25° and an interferer is arriving at
an angle θ1 = –65°.
Case2:An array of antennas with 30 elements, N = 30, d =
0.25. the desired signal is arriving at an angle θ0 = 25°
and an interferer is arriving at an angle θ1 = –65°. (b)
Case3:An array of antennas with 30 elements, N = 30, d =
0.15, then the desired signal is arriving at an angle
θ0 = 25° and an interferer is arriving at an angle θ1
= –65°.
Case4:An array of antennas with 30 elements, N = 30, d =
0.15, then the desired signal is arriving at an angle
θ0 = 45° and an interferer is arriving at an angle θ1
= –65°.
Case5:An array of antennas with 30 elements, N = 30, d =
0.15, the desired signal is arriving at an angle θ0 = 45°
and an interferer is arriving at an angle θ1 = –85°.
Now calculate the beam strength at those angles
by applying optimum weights to received signals and
also observe the beam patterns at different angles in a
Cartesian plot.

(a) (d)

4 Vol 9 (15) | April 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
G. V. Subba Reddy and V. Ayyem Pillai

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As expected from antenna theory, the main lobe and
other lobes widths are reduced. The Simulation results
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sources and its convergence is faster than LMS algorithm.
The null depth performance of the SMI algorithm is ­better
than that of the LMS algorithm.

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