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Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City


This study was aimed to find out and determine how the 5s management method is applied among

the selected hotels in Lucena City. This was conducted to review the applicability of 5S in relation to the

working practices among selected hotels. It will dwell on an intensive review of analysing how applicable the

5s are for the improvement of working practices among the hotels. Furthermore, the study shed light on how

beneficial is the 5s when applied and utilized in the workplace. This can also be used as a springboard to the

management of the hotels in looking for a possibility of imploring the use of this Japanese method.

The study targeted three (3) hotels in Lucena City namely: Queen Margaret Hotel, Diamond Hotel

and Quezon Premiere Hotel. There were 50 respondents who participated in the study and were chosen

through purposive sampling technique. The descriptive method was used and a questionnaire served as

the research instrument.

The following were arrived at as a result of the study: the age bracket of 24-28 are more flexible in terms

of sk ills and knowledge than to those who are younger or older. There are more female are employed in the selected

hotels in Lucena City. It can be inferred that majority of the respondents work as support staff in the hotel. Most of the

respondents served 0-5 years in a hotel industry. It can be concluded that majority of the respondents are still

considered newbies in working in the selected hotels. Majority of the respondents were holders of vocational course

and high school graduates. The findings affirmed that the respondents are not accustomed with the 5s terms, however,

they are doing such procedures and they are being implemented in their respective workplaces. This means that 5s

could beneficial if the processes are undertaken properly because it could support the sustainability of the hotel

business. As to the benefits of 5s, it can be enunciated with the following, workplace becomes cleaner and

better organized, operation becomes safer, results enhance the generation of more and better ideas, lead-

time reduced, reduced by streamlining operations, breakdowns and minor stops are eliminated, defects are
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

reduced, clear methods and standards are established, in-process inventory is reduced, space usage is

improved and most importantly customer complaints are reduced.

In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were made: To the hotel industries,

implementing the 5s could be a beneficial tool in a more systematic and organized workplace. It enhances

productivity of the team members because it allows them to work on their own pace and follow the policies

regularly without any inhibition The use of 5s could efficiently boosts the financial resources of the company

since it saves a lot of things. It can help the administrators to strategically put into practice the 5s because of

its proven worth in so many businesses in the world. For the hotel employees, the use of 5s does not only focus

on the organization of the workplace but moreover on the development of values in the workplace. Of course, no one

wants to work in an unsafe environment, nor a not so organized place. This 5s will help you a repetitive values of doing

things right and accordingly. Once it become a habit, it will be a practice that will turn into a culture to the workplace. A

culture that promotes safety, systematic and value-driven employees. To the Administrators of IGCFI, it is

recommended to use 5s as a way of organizing a system for the entire institution. Since the school is ISO certified, it

is expected to possess a very systematic housekeeping that will promote a well-defined organization not only with its

people but with the things, equipment and the like. The use of 5s should also be translated to the students in order to

develop a keener sense of responsibility towards work. To the Future Hoteliers, the very heart of 5s is continuous

improvement which you must intend to pursue in your career. Working in a very rigorous jobs in hotel is never easy,

however, the uses and benefits of 5s could improve you in dealing with working practices. The benefits doesn’t only

boil down to your work but for your attitude as well. To Future Researchers, this study could be of help in deepening

the understanding on the uses and benefits of 5s. This study may be used for future reference and may be used for

replication. This study will serve a reference for the future researchers in order to guide them in conducting similar

study to this.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City




A place for everything and everything in its place – this is the underlying philosophy of 5S, the lean

practice that has its roots in Japan.

The 5S management method—where 5S stands for the five Japanese

words Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke—has been used in the automotive and other industries.

These five words, often translated into English as “sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain,” broadly

refer to the discipline of cleanliness in any place. The 5S management method is a set of practices that aims

to generate productivity improvements by creating and sustaining clean and well-organized workplaces. It is

often called the common-sense approach and regarded as a low-cost and technologically undemanding

participatory approach that workers can implement regardless of their technical knowledge.

5S was originally implemented by manufacturing enterprises in Japan. During the 1980s, it was

introduced to the manufacturing sector in the West as the secret behind Japanese industrial development.

5S was eventually applied to non-production settings. It has also been applied to hotel and restaurant

industries as a systematic way to organize and standardize the workplace. In Japan, 5S has been commonly

practised at hotels and restaurants. It has also been recognized as a method for hospitality industry quality

improvement in several books published in the USA. (Hirano, 2011)

In the context of the hospitality industry quality improvement, 5S has often been regarded as one of

the “lean” tools, where lean refers to a set of approaches for continuous improvement that aim to maximize
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

added value by removing all necessary factors that do not generate value. Lean has been recognized as one

of the key quality improvement approaches practiced in the hotels and restaurants. As evident in the

literatures cited in this study, many hotels are already using the 5s method because it is easy to follow and

thought to be a well-organized management practice.

This study was aimed to find out and determine how the 5s management method is applied among

the selected hotels in Lucena City. This was conducted to review the applicability of 5S in relation to the

working practices among selected hotels. It will dwell on an intensive review of analysing how applicable the

5s are for the improvement of working practices among the hotels. Furthermore, the study shed light on how

beneficial is the 5s when applied and utilized in the workplace. This can also be used as a springboard to the

management of the hotels in looking for a possibility of imploring the use of this Japanese method.

Statement of the Problem

The focal point of the study was to make a review on the benefits of using the 5s management method

in the working practices among the selected hotels in Lucena City.

Specifically, it intended to answer the following specific questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondent in terms of the following:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

1.3. nature of work;

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

1.4. length of service in the industry; and

1.5. educational attainment?

2. How is the 5s management method practiced in the housekeeping section of the hotel?

3. What are the benefits of 5s that is contributory to standard operational policies in the workplace?

4. What is the implication that can be derived from the study to achieve improvement in the working

practices among the hotels in Lucena City?

Theoretical Framework

Theory of Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management TQM, also known as total productive maintenance, describes a

management approach to long-term success through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort, all members of

an organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work.

Total quality management can be summarized as a management system for a customer-focused

organization that involves all employees in continual improvement. It uses strategy, data, and effective

communications to integrate the quality discipline into the culture and activities of the organization. Many of

these concepts are present in modern Quality Management Systems, the successor to TQM. The 8 principles

of total quality management: Customer-focused, Total employee involvement, Process-centered,

Integrated system, Strategic and systematic approach, Continual improvement, Fact-based decision

making and Communications. (Gross, 2012)

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

The Theory of 5s

5S was developed in Japan. It was first heard of as one of the techniques that enabled what was

then termed 'Just in Time Manufacturing'. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's 5-year study into the

future of the automobile in the late 1980s identified that the term was inappropriate since the Japanese

success was built upon far more than components arriving only at the time of requirement. John Krafcik, a

researcher on the project, ascribed Lean to the collective techniques being used in Japanese automobile

manufacturing; it reflected the focus on waste in all its forms that was central to the Japanese approach.

Minimised inventory was only one aspect of performance levels in companies such as Toyota and in itself

only arose from progress in fields such as quality assurance and Andon boards to highlight problems for

immediate action.

5S was developed by Hiroyuki Hirano within his overall approach to production systems. Many

Western managers coming across the approach for the first time found the experience one of enlightenment.

They had perhaps always known the role of housekeeping within optimised manufacturing performance and

had always known the elements of best practice. However, Hirano provided a structure for improvement

programs. He pointed out a series of identifiable steps, each building on its predecessor. Western managers,

for example, had always recognised the need to decide upon locations for materials and tools and upon the

flow of work through a work area; central to this (but perhaps implicit) is the principle that items not essential

to the process should be removed – stored elsewhere or eliminated completely. By differentiating between

Seiri and Seiton, Hirano made the distinction explicit. He taught his audience that any effort to consider layout

and flow before the removal of the unnecessary items was likely to lead to a sub-optimal solution. (Hirachi,

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Equally the Seiso, or cleanliness, phase is a distinct element of the change program that can

transform a process area. Hirano's view is that the definition of a cleaning methodology (Seiso) is a discrete

activity, not to be confused with the organisation of the workplace, and this helps to structure any

improvement program. It has to be recognised, however, that there is inevitably an overlap between Seiton

and Seiso. Western managers understood that the opportunities for various cleanliness methodologies vary

with the layout and storage mechanisms adopted. However, breaking down the improvement activity in this

way clarifies that the requirements for the cleanliness regime must be understood as a factor in the design

aspect of Seiton. As noted by John Bicheno, Toyota's adoption of the Hirano approach, is '4S', with Seiton

and Seiso combined – presumably for this very reason. The improvement team must avoid the trap of

designing the work area and then considering the cleanliness or tidiness mechanism.

Hirano also reminded the world of the Hawthorne effect. We can all introduce change and while

people in the business consider the change program to be under management focus the benefits of the

change will continue, but when this focus has moved (as is inevitably the case) performance once more slips.

Western managers, in particular, may have benefited from the distinction between the procedural or

mechanical elements, Seiketsu, of keeping these matters in focus and the culture change, Shitsuke, which

is a distinct approach to bringing about a new way of working. A number of publications on the subject in the

West have questioned whether this culture can really be tackled as part of an exercise of relatively limited

scope. The broader kaizen, or continuous improvement, approach is built, among other things, upon the

company's valuation of all members of the workforce. If employees don't feel valued within the overall

company culture, perhaps the change required falls outside the limits of a housekeeping improvement

program. (Sunda, 2012)

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Conceptual Framework

 Profile of the


 5s management

method practices in

the housekeeping
Evaluation of the Provide a sample
sections of the hotel
working practices and management plan on
 the benefits of 5s that
the applicability of the applicability of the 5s on
is contributory to 5s among the selected for the improvement of
standard operational
hotels working practices among
policies in the
selected hotels in Lucena
 the implication of the


Figure 1. Research Paradigm on applicability of 5s in the working practices of hotels in Lucena City

The first step is finding out the profile of the respondents, in which the profile have the description of

the in terms of age, sex, nature of work, length of service in the industry and educational attainment. It also

discovered how is the 5s management method practiced in the housekeeping sections of the hotel. It also gave light
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

on the benefits of the 5s that is contributory to standard operational policies in the workplace and the implication of

the study in improving working practices in the selected hotels. The process of the research was the conduct of

evaluation through survey and questionnaire to the respondents. The expected result will provide a review on

the applicability of the 5s on for the improvement of working practices among selected hotels in Lucena City.

Significance of the Study

There are far better results in the conduct of this study. Having been known the benefits that can be

derived from the use of the 5s management method, every hotel could make use of its advantages in order

to realize the potential positive effects that will lead into the success of the business.

This study was deemed significant to the following persons, institutions and groups of people:

To the Hotel Industries

The study will shed light on how they review the applicability of using the 5s as part of the working

practices. It could somehow share relevant information on how they will maximize the use of it in order to

realize a more competitive business and a more product workforce through its people.

To the Employees of the Hotels

Being exposed to 5s as part of the working practice could mean cleaning up and organizing the

workplace in its existing configuration. It is typically the first lean method that organizations implement. This

lean method encourages the workers or the employees to improve their working conditions and helps them

to learn to reduce waste, unplanned downtime, and in-process inventory.

To the Administrators of IGCFI

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Since 5s is being taught and part of the BSHRM curriculum , it is indeed a good practice if the school

itself together with the administrators are the first ones to implement this management method. It will be very

helpful if the students will be familiar on utilizing 5s specifically in the laboratory and other workstations.

To the Future Hoteliers

This study would strengthen their knowledge on the maximum use of the 5s since it already gained

worldwide recognition as one of the best practices in all the industries. This will give them the idea on how

they will improve the use of the 5s in the context of improving services in the hospitality sector.

To Future Researchers

This study will serve a reference for the future researchers in order to guide them in conducting

similar study to this.

Scope and Limitation

The study was an important piece, which was concerned in the review on the applicability of 5s in

the working practices of selected hotels in Lucena City as a management tool. Consequently, gathering from

the respondents the essential data and information was used to determine the usability this method for the

improvement of their quality system.

The discussion of this study was limited on reviewing how they perceived to use the 5s in the hotel’s

operation. It did not dwell on other management practices not under the purpose of this study.

The study targeted three (3) hotels in Lucena City namely: Queen Margaret Hotel, Diamond Hotel

and Quezon Premiere Hotel. There were 50 respondents who participated in the study.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Definition of Terms

To enlighten the reader’s mind in reading this study, the list below are the commonly used terms on

this study, in which indicates the definition for each terms.

Applicability means usage.

Hotel Industry is all forms of business relating to the provision of accommodation in lodging, food and drinks

and various types of other services that are interconnected and form intended for the public service, both of

which use the lodging facilities or who simply use the services.

Management Method is the administration of an organization, whether it be a business, a not-for-profit

organization, or government body. Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an

organization and coordinating the efforts of its employees or volunteers to accomplish its objectives through

the application of available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources. The

term "management" may also refer to the people who manage an organization

Seiri means sorting only the materials or inventory needed for each task at hand

Seiton means creating an orderly workplace where everything has its place

Seiso means extreme efforts to keep the workplace clean for functionality

Seiketsu means similar and controlled task assignments that are uniform

Shitsuke means safe manufacturing process policies

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Total Quality Management describes a management approach to long–term success through customer


Working Practices means the way by which you do your job

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Chapter II


This chapter renders the related literature and studies that will provide important and vital information

in order for the reader to better understand the background of the study, theoretical framework and analytical

tools on which the research examines the issue at hand. Literatures found in this chapter are from books,

journals, online sources, publications and magazines.

Related Literature

The History of 5s

Goreng (2012) cited that 5S was developed in Japan. It was first heard of as one of the techniques

that enabled what was then termed 'Just in Time Manufacturing'. The Massachusetts Institute of

Technology's 5-year study into the future of the automobile in the late 1980s identified that the term was

inappropriate since the Japanese success was built upon far more than components arriving only at the time

of requirement. John Krafcik, a researcher on the project, ascribed Lean to the collective techniques being

used in Japanese automobile manufacturing; it reflected the focus on waste in all its forms that was central

to the Japanese approach. Minimised inventory was only one aspect of performance levels in companies

such as Toyota and in itself only arose from progress in fields such as quality assurance and Andon boards

to highlight problems for immediate action.

5S was developed by Hiroyuki Hirano within his overall approach to production systems. Many

Western managers coming across the approach for the first time found the experience one of enlightenment.

They had perhaps always known the role of housekeeping within optimized manufacturing performance and

had always known the elements of best practice. However, Hirano provided a structure for improvement
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

programs. He pointed out a series of identifiable steps, each building on its predecessor. Western managers,

for example, had always recognised the need to decide upon locations for materials and tools and upon the

flow of work through a work area; central to this (but perhaps implicit) is the principle that items not essential

to the process should be removed – stored elsewhere or eliminated completely. By differentiating between

Seiri and Seiton, Hirano made the distinction explicit. He taught his audience that any effort to consider layout

and flow before the removal of the unnecessary items was likely to lead to a sub-optimal solution.

Equally the Seiso, or cleanliness, phase is a distinct element of the change program that can

transform a process area. Hirano's view is that the definition of a cleaning methodology (Seiso) is a discrete

activity, not to be confused with the organisation of the workplace, and this helps to structure any

improvement program. It has to be recognised, however, that there is inevitably an overlap between Seiton

and Seiso. Western managers understood that the opportunities for various cleanliness methodologies vary

with the layout and storage mechanisms adopted. However, breaking down the improvement activity in this

way clarifies that the requirements for the cleanliness regime must be understood as a factor in the design

aspect of Seiton. As noted by John Bicheno, Toyota's adoption of the Hirano approach, is '4S', with Seiton

and Seiso combined – presumably for this very reason. The improvement team must avoid the trap of

designing the work area and then considering the cleanliness or tidiness mechanism.

Hirano also reminded the world of the Hawthorne effect. We can all introduce change and while

people in the business consider the change program to be under management focus the benefits of the

change will continue, but when this focus has moved (as is inevitably the case) performance once more slips.

Western managers, in particular, may have benefited from the distinction between the procedural or

mechanical elements, Seiketsu, of keeping these matters in focus and the culture change, Shitsuke, which

is a distinct approach to bringing about a new way of working. A number of publications on the subject in the
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

West have questioned whether this culture can really be tackled as part of an exercise of relatively limited

scope. The broader kaizen, or continuous improvement, approach is built, among other things, upon the

company's valuation of all members of the workforce. If employees don't feel valued within the overall

company culture, perhaps the change required falls outside the limits of a housekeeping improvement


A place for everything and everything in its place – this is the underlying philosophy of 5S, the lean

practice that has its roots in Japan. Over the years, we have done quite a bit of research to learn more about

5S, and recently became interested in the history of this practice.

5S itself came into being after World War II, when Toyota’s founder Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro

and Taiichi Ohno, the company’s chief engineer, visited several U.S. companies, including Ford Motor

Company and the Piggly Wiggly supermarket chain. Partly out of their observations from these visits, they

began development of Toyota’s Total Production System, which eventually led to the formation of the 5S

practice, among many other lean practices.

But did you know that in Venice, Italy, in the 1300’s, the Venetian Arsenal was producing ships using

lean techniques that included standardized parts, rework reduction, a moving assembly line and continuous

improvement principles that were used to make processes better and more effective? Assets needed to

produce ship parts were concentrated in one area with specialized teams assembling the different parts of

the ship. Where most ships from that era, took months to build, the Venetian Arsenal was turning out about

one ship per day using their vastly superior methods.

If you are into cooking, you may be familiar with the French term “mise en place”, which means

“putting in place”. This is a practice used in professional kitchens to organize all the materials and tools a
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

chef needs at the point of use so the chef can concentrate on cooking instead of wandering around looking

for ingredients and kitchen utensils. Credit for “mise en place” is often given to Georges Auguste Escoffier,

France’s preeminent chef at the beginning of the 20th century. He is also the guy responsible for codifying

the five mother sauces. (which of course are white, brown, velouté, Hollandaise and tomato)

For another take on 5S, in 1827, Charles A. Goodrich, an American writer and Congregational

minister, popularized the motto, “a place for everything and everything in its place” when he wrote and

published an article call “Neatness”. It espoused the importance of keeping an ordered farm as a means of

economy and comfort and also as a remedy for evil. Although Goodrich is credited with the writing down the

phrase, it roots can be found in other religious texts including the poem above attributed to St. Augustine.

It goes to show that lean practices are just a continued refinement and improvement of practices and

ideas that were already in use – which is the heart of continuous improvement. I’m sure there are other

historical examples of the use of 5S principles from other countries and eras that could be found with a little

more research. If you have any good ones, we’d love to hear about them. (Repollo, 2015)

Benefits of Implementing 5s

The benefits of 5S for Lean are significant, it is suggested that efficiency gains of the order of 10%

to 30% can be achieved, and certainly within my experience of handling many 5S program implementations

these levels of success have always been achieved, even in companies that already claim to have

implemented 5S.

The reasons for these gains in efficiency are many fold and stem from a number of benefits driven

by the implementation of 5S; Due to the removal of all but the necessary items in a work area during the first

stage of 5S you remove many instances of the waste of waiting and motion as items are easier to find and
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

you do not have to get around unnecessary clutter. The second stage of 5S results in ensuring that items

(components, equipment, tools, machines, people) are located in the most ergonomic and thus efficient (and

safer) positions. This eliminates many of the seven wastes of manufacturing. The operators do not have to

search for things as the use of shadow boards and clear visual identification ensure that things are

immediately to hand and obvious. These items are located as close to where they are needed and at the

correct most ergonomic height and orientation to minimize handling.The third stage of 5S ensures that the

work place remains clear of clutter and that any signs of malfunction become more obvious leading to actions

being taken to prevent more serious breakdowns and other delays.

The fourth and most important step is that of standardization, wherein you ensure that there are standard

ways of working. This ensures that everyone uses the most efficient work method and that there are clear

standards. This prevents delays, defects and other wasteful occurrences. The right tools in the right place,

the correct methods and standards, and a motivated workforce means that you will have a far more efficient

and less wasteful working environment. The visual management aspects ensure that anyone can see if there

are problems such as things missing, in the wrong location and so on. The 5th stage, sustain, ensures that

this continues on an ongoing basis and that it remains everyone’s responsibility; this ensures that there is no

slippage and that you continue to challenge what you do and make improvements through the constant

involvement of your staff. In addition to these benefits, you will have a visually more pleasing environment

that will serve as a significant marketing tool from which to be able to sell your company. (Ghoul, 2011)

How to Realize the Benefits of 5S

5S should be implemented in an example area to start with, build an “island or excellence” to gain

people’s support and trust as well as to show what can be achieved.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

You will need an “expert” to facilitate the 5S program with 5S training, either an in-house expert with

experience in implementing lean techniques like 5S or you will need to bring in a lean/5S consultant or

lean/5S trainer. 5S is not something that you learn in a class room, whilst there should be an overview given

to all involved as to how it works plus an explanation of the seven wastes and some company specific

objectives, the bulk of the “training” should be at the work place actually conducting the 5S process. In-House

5S Training is the best way forward but don’t forget to ensure that you have all of the 5S training materials that

you will need.


Seiri has two main goals: Remove unnecessary objects and Reduce waste.

What "objects" are we talking about? Why remove objects that are not needed? Redundant objects

may range from empty boxes through bins of rejected parts to obsolete machinery. Some objects might have

some value but are simply inappropriate, such as a jerry-rigged tool that substitutes for a proper equipment


Too many workplaces are cluttered with things that are no longer required. This does not just apply

Inside a factory. Offices may have "libraries" of obsolete manuals or binders, or filing cabinets with outdated

records that should be archived offsite. Warehouses or repair shops may contain obsolete raw materials,

inventory or spare parts. Even bulletin boards can be clogged with outdated notices. Computer systems may

also get cluttered with obsolete programs or data that should be archived – although you want your

Information Technology department to tackle this area, and to do so carefully.

Here are several good reasons for disposing of unnecessary objects: Free up production space for

new business, sell materials to realize the scrap value (normally not very profitable, but it is unlikely to

appreciate in value over time), free up office or warehouse space, to reduce rental costs, save time when
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

taking inventory, save time when looking for an item that is actually needed, and save time moving goods

because there is less clutter in the way.

Finally, if something is broken or poorly-repaired, either fix it properly or replace it. Jerry-rigged tools

tend to be inefficient and hazardous. On the "soft" side, consider the effect on morale and on quality goals if

sub-standard tools are acceptable.

What does it mean to "reduce waste"?

This goes beyond simply "reducing waste material" by identifying all hindrances and generating ideas

for improvements. Here are some sample questions: Are work instructions available, accurate, and used?

Work instructions can help improve quality, reduce reject rates and increase productivity? What safety

hazards exist: cluttered floors; missing safety guards on machinery; electrical faults; broken steps on ladders?

Injuries reduce productivity! Do we endanger the environment? Do we spill liquids, vent gasses, work in

billowing dust, or produce hazardous solid waste? Are materials being wasted? Will employees become ill?

Do we have the right tools, in the right places, in good condition?

Searching for tools reduces productivity. Damaged tools may cause re-work. Does the workplace

enable or hinder us? Are workbenches at the right height? Are chairs too low or too high for some workers?

Have back injuries occurred because people have to lift and twist? Injuries reduce productivity! So do

awkward work processes, like stooping and twisting. Is maintenance up to date? Has machinery been

patched, rather than repaired properly? Are electric cables properly installed, or are we using "extension

cords"? Are the buildings well-maintained, or is the paint peeling? Problems in these areas suggest problems

with quality control. Do we have an inventory of suggestions or reviews that have never been implemented?

Following-up on suggestions leads to improvements, and keeps the employees engaged so they will make

more suggestions which lead to further improvements...

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

How to "sort" it out

Management must commit employee time and effort to this task, including time to plan and train.The

Seiri step requires teams. The smallest team should have a representative line worker from the production

side, as well as a maintenance technician. This gives a more well-rounded perspective during the review. As

well, the actual task of logging problems is performed more quickly and more thoroughly by at least two

people, rather than by just one.

Supervisors should be included in the teams. If every team has a foreperson or manager, then the

team size may be as large as five or eight employees in total. Remember to involve night shift personnel too

– either as separate teams or integrating them for the duration of the Seiri step.

The planning step has four outcomes: A list of questions to guide each team, an area for each team

to cover, so the whole factory or workplace will be reviewed, a time frame for this stage, a training plan so

the teams will know what to do

The previous article had suggested some questions. Some new ones include: Do we still have the

machine that these spare parts fix? Do we still manufacture (or supply parts) that this raw material is for?

Will we ever re-work these rejected pieces? Is this documentation out of date? Are all the tools needed at

this workstation actually stored here? Neatly?,Is everything stored at this workstation really needed here?

It is important to cover the whole workplace.

Red Tags and Sort Lists are the primary tools for the Seiri step.

It is best to buy or make pre-numbered red tags, since the numbers allow the issues to be tracked.
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The Red Tag needs to have the following information: Tag number, Item description, Reason (why was the

item tagged), Date when the tag was applied and Name or employee number of the person who applied the


Record the same information on the team's Sort List.

Using the Red Tag to "remove unnecessary items" is fairly straightforward. Here is the process.

Each Red Tag gives other workers an opportunity to pass along comments. Typically, a long-time employee

might note that "Every four or five years, we have to pick out a few of these parts for customer X who still has

an old ZYXW model". So that might reprieve this one bin of spare parts.

After thirty days, each Seiri team retraces their steps to review each Red Tag. If no-one has

suggested why an item should be saved rather than discarded, then deal with it. Items that are needed less

frequently should be moved to a proper storage area rather than cluttering the shop floor. (Questionable

items may go into a "quarantined storage" area. The idea is to log when a quarantined item actually is used.

Otherwise, it should eventually be discarded).

Keep the Sort List up-to-date with the same information. Eventually, the team must track down any

Red Tags that the Sort List still shows as outstanding – as "not yet handled".

Using the Red Tag to "reduce waste" is similar. The time frame might be longer than the month allocated for

discarding unnecessary items. However, the efforts should begin and be continuous. Management support

and commitment are critical over the long term.

In this case, the Red Tag shows a suggestion for improvement, such as "Need (updated) work

instructions" or "Need tool ABC at this workstation" or "Repair this (broken or jerry-rigged) item". It is unlikely

that a worker will comment "No – don't fix it". However, these issues must be copied from the Sort List to the

appropriate work order so the improvement will actually be made.

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Once the improvement happens, add the information to the Red Tag and return it to the Seiri team.

They will check off the Sort List. Again, the team will eventually pursue outstanding Red Tags and ensure

that the improvements really occur.

The Benefits of Sorting ("Seiri")

The Seiri step is only the start of the 5S process, but some benefits should be felt immediately.

Finding lost or forgotten materials – whether spare parts, raw materials or work-in-progress – may save on

re-ordering costs; It will be quicker and safer to move goods after clutter has been removed; It will be quicker

to find tools if they are stored where they are needed; It will be quicker to find tools if they are not hidden by

piles of clutter; The same goes for documents and binders: find the current information more quickly, and

avoid using outdated material; Similarly, bulletin boards are more useful when only relevant materials are

posted; Adjustments and repairs will be quicker and more effective when the right tools – in a state of good

repair – are used; A worker is more productive with enough elbow room; Whether it is a workbench or a desk,

a tidy and well-organized workplace enhances productivity; Reduced likelihood of injuries because; Seats

and work surfaces are at the right heights for the workers; Less stooping, bending, lifting and twisting if items

are stored conveniently; Safety devices are installed properly; Electric wiring (and hydraulic or pneumatic

hoses) are installed properly; Ladders are in good repair; Less clutter underfoot leads to fewer slips or falls;

Improved quality thanks to clear, simple instructions posted at work stations; Improved morale because:

Management has demonstrated concern by starting the clean-up, replacing worn tools, and addressing safety

concerns and renewed attention to previous suggestions for improvements. (Olofson, 2012)
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The goal of Seiton is that everything should be stored "conveniently". In practice, this means: store

tools where they will be used; the more frequently it is used, the closer it should be kept, reduce clutter by

storing rarely-used tools farther away; make it easy to fetch and retrieve items, the worker should not bend,

stoop or stretch frequently; the worker should not have to twist or change direction after lifting a heavy object;

keep work pathways smooth and clear; avoid having to lift one object over another; avoid having to move an

object several times because it gets in the way.

5S practitioners may describe three zones for storage: First, keep the most frequently-used tools

right at the workbench: handy; visible; easy to reach; easy to put back when not needed. Secondly, daily or

monthly tools might be kept somewhere near the equipment, but not in the way. This can be done through

hanging tools on a rack – clearly outline and label each hanger for its own tool; consider using a storage

cabinet to keep dust and grime off the tool and these storage areas should still be visible from the area of the

work station. Lastly, rarely-used tools or spare parts could be stored away from the shop floor, try using a

storage room and racks or cabinets still need clear labels so items will be returned after being used.

Build a Culture

It is one thing to set up storage areas. It is another to have people use them properly.

Management must begin building a culture where workers, as a matter of course and a matter of

pride: store items where they belong and keep the work areas tidy. A misplaced tool will be a visible eyesore

in a well-run factory. If someone could leave a (rarely-used) pipe wrench on their workbench, or leaning

against a machine – would anyone notice? If not, it is definitely time to initiate a 5S campaign.
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How to Set in Order

Three factors are: plan where something should be stored; plan how it should be stored; ensure

people follow these rules.

Where Should It Go?

Imagine that every tool has a mind of its own, and wants to be as close to the worker as possible.

What would they say to claim the closest location? How would you settle the argument? The first and most

important consideration is: how often is it used? Whatever is handled most frequently should be stored most

closely to the worker. Let's say that, in a metal shop, the worker files a burr off each piece to finish it. The file

should be stored conveniently nearby – not on a wall several steps away. If the worker needs a wrench to

adjust some equipment at the start of the week, then store the wrench farther away – so it does not get in

the way of the frequent filing operation. Secondly, is it easy to reach the item? In the above example, the

worker should not need to bend, stretch or twist just to reach the file, nor to move other items out of the way

every time the file is retrieved. Take time to plan the storage site for the infrequently-used tools also. You

don't want to waste time digging through a rat's nest when you need that annually-used tool. Use the same

principles to organize a storage area as were used to position tools nearer the workbench.

How to Store It?

The classic way to store hand tools – used by hobbyists and in factories – is to hang them on a tool

board, over a painted outline.

Beyond this standard idea, consider putting a label on each tool. You have probably seen a stapler

with a personal or department name – to remind any borrower that it should be returned promptly. A tool's

label might refer to the workbench; or it might show the size or other special property to make it easy to

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After all the emphasis on "where" to store tools, also ask "in what condition"? In a kitchen, one would

expect to wash a chef's knife before putting it away; but it may be customary to quickly sharpen it just before

use. Should a worker wipe grease from a wrench before hanging it up? Should damage tools be tagged and

sent for repair? (Or is the worker responsible for writing up a work order)?

Finally, some items may require special conditions for long-term storage. Some chemicals cannot

be stored at high or low temperatures; metals may rust in damp environments.

Building the Culture

Once the planning is done, and storage is available, the next task is to build the culture of Seiton.

Some office environments enforce a "no papers left on the desk" policy. Management enables this by

providing enough storage so that employees can indeed put everything away before leaving. Management

then enforces the policy by regularly patrolling the area after hours, and confiscating anything left on top of

the desk. The offending employee will have a discussion with the supervisor on the next working day.

To some degree, enforcing the Seiton step belongs to the Shitsuke process of sustaining the discipline.


What are the benefits of the Seiton step in the 5S process? Increased productivity by decreasing the

time spent retrieving a tool; cost savings because "lost" tools do not need to be re-ordered; reduced injuries

because tools are stored in convenient and ergonomic places – workers do less bending, lifting, twisting and

stretching; increased productivity because it is clear when items are indeed unavailable and easier clean-up.

Increased Productivity – Reduced Retrieval Time

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Time-motion studies were developed by Taylor and the Gilbreths, although they had somewhat

different issues in mind. Clearly, an action repeated, say, 100 times a day and taking 80% of the work day

should be optimized over a weekly action that takes 1% of the work week.Therefore, placing the most

frequently-used tools in the most convenient locations will improve productivity by reducing the time to fetch

and replace those tools.

Locating the frequently-used tools "closer to hand" means that other items will be "farther away", by

necessity. Storing all the most rarely-used tools in specific well-known locations – in a storage locker or store

room – means that workers will still know where to look for those items.

Consider what happens if items are stored haphazardly. A worker might keep a can of lubricant

handy for the Monday morning task of greasing a machine. If the lubricant is stored in a cabinet, someone

else may "borrow" it, or it might become hidden behind other items. But to keep it on the workbench means

that it is in the way during all the other routine tasks – slowing down the regular daily work.

Of course, searching for the can of lubricant should not take long, even if it is only used once a week.

So proper storage means that it has a specific place in the cabinet – and even if several people use it, it will

always be promptly returned to its exact location.

Here is another example of haphazard storage. Suppose everyone shares one broom each day to sweep up

dust and shavings. If it is stored wherever the last worker used it, then each day someone searches for the

shared broom.

Cost Savings

Workers may order replacements for items that are simply misplaced. If the item is lost behind clutter,

or not stored in its rightful place, it may be simpler to acquire a replacement.

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Reduced Injuries

A worker is on the path to chronic injury if the job regularly involves any of these actions: bend down

or over-stretch to reach a tool or piece of material; twist the torso after picking up a heavy item; work with

joints in awkward positions (Office workers develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from constantly typing on

computer keyboards with their wrists extended rather than in a neutral position – and they are not holding up

any weight while working!)

Placing tools in convenient locations – so the worker does not need to stretch, twist, stoop, or lift

outside of their centre of gravity – will reduce the incidents back pain, strains and pulled muscles.

Increased Productivity – Reduced Time Searching for Unavailable Items

It is easy to see that a tool is missing & where the tool should be stored, if it should be hung on a tool

board over a painted outline. Anything left on a workbench or on the floor is quickly noticed, also.

If a tool is broken, its normal storage location should have a tag with an explanatory note. Again, this saves

the time and confusion of looking for the "misplaced" tool.

Easier Clean-up

At the end of the day, cleaning up a work station or shop floor is easier after the tools have been

stored properly. Dust can easily accumulate around items left on a workbench. By contrast, if everything is

stored on a tool board beside the workbench, the bench itself can be quickly wiped clean. The same applies

for sweeping a shop floor that does not have trolleys parked haphazardly. Later 5S steps specifically address

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City


Seiso is the third step of the 5S method. It means "to make everything shiny clean". It is the only

one-time step in the process.


The two goals of the Seiso step are: to set the new standard for cleanliness and to learn how to

maintain that level of cleanliness.


The basics are: assign small teams to work on different sections of the factory; clean and inspect

everything: machinery, work stations, storage cabinets, open floor spaces, take notes of what had to be

cleaned or tidied; how frequently it may be needed; resources required and finish documenting the results

by taking a photograph of the final result – this becomes the new standard

A regular cleaning process can be used as a visual inspection of equipment or the shop facility. Just

as you might notice rust or a scratch when washing your car – and not notice it if you just get in and drive –

so the workers will have opportunities to catch problems in their early stages. As an example: we had to clean

a small puddle of hydraulic fluid – what does this mean about the state of the equipment?

Even this one-time activity ties in with the previous steps of Seiri and Seiton. While performing the

one-time "shiny clean" activity, the work teams should ask themselves questions and note the answers: Does

grime cause problems in operating the equipment? Is grit causing the machinery to wear prematurely? Is the

work station clean enough for safety and comfort? What does the "dirt" tell us about the equipment (like the

leaking hydraulic fluid example)? Is the "dirt" – especially powder, gas or liquid – harmful or toxic? What tools,
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chemicals or methods are appropriate? Could careless cleaning actually damage the equipment? Could we

perform routine maintenance – like checking the engine oil when washing your car – be performed while

cleaning? Was "dirt" hiding any problems, such as rusting equipment or uneven floors?

The Seiso step should be applied beyond a factory setting and beyond physical cleanliness. Consider

an office cubicle, for example. Is dust accumulating on a stack of papers? Why are the papers sitting there,

rather than being filed properly? Are the computer's air vents clogged? Are outdated documents stored on

the computer rather than on a network backup?

Again, the Seiso step is a one-time task. However, the final state should be documented so there is

a record of how clean the environment should be. As well, Seiso leaves a set of instructions and guidelines

for the next 5S step – Seikutsu, the regular standardized cleanup.

How to Make Everything "Shiny Clean"

This article introduced Seiso, the third step in the 5S methodology. Now we address this one-time

step in more detail. Divide the factory or workplace into a number of areas; include equipment and machinery,

work stations, storage areas (rooms, cabinets, or tool racks) and open floor areas; assign a team to each

area; normally a two-person team works well, to share the cleaning, thinking and recording tasks; train the

teams to know what they should do and what they need to report; each team cleans their area…more details

are listed below and each team reports on their findings.

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Clean, Inspect and Document

Some principles apply to many cleaning tasks:

Health and safety considerations: Does the worker need gloves, goggles, a mask or a respirator? Is

equipment powered off? Unplugged? Secured by a lock-out tag? Will the task involve heavy lifting? Will

enough people be involved to make it safe?

Are the right tools and cleansing agents available?

Think about the sources and destinations of the dirt: Sawdust may be an unavoidable result of cutting

wood. Does it have to settle where it does? Would it make sense to adapt a fume hood to vent the sawdust,

rather than needing to clean it up afterwards?

Each actual "cleaning" task has unique features due to the equipment or area being cleaned.

To clean a surface (a desk or other work surface, or a wall, or a machine cover, Just wipe off dirt? Will that

scratch paint or enamel? Should we use a specific detergent? Would a vacuum cleaner do a better job?

To clean a machine: How far should it be dis-assembled? Are solvents needed? What tools are required?

Should lubricants be added? Upon inspection: are parts wearing out? Did nuts require tightening? Does the

"dirt" – for example, a puddle of hydraulic fluid – indicate problems? Afterwards: test that it was re-assembled

and is now working to specifications.

To clean a work area: Are tools stored properly? Are there surfaces or seams where dirt collects?

Are liquids (or powders, or small objects) stored in spill-proof containers? Are documents filed properly, but

accessible when needed? Is each tool clean and well-maintained?

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Make an inspection part of the cleaning process. Leakage; visible signs of wear; metallic powder or shavings

may indicate that parts are grinding; lubricating oil (as in a car engine): is it clean or cloudy with contaminants?

(Often it makes sense to check fluid levels when cleaning other components.); cracks; rust

Contracting Out – Pro and Con

You may find 5S consulting firms – or just cleaning or engineering contractors – willing to undertake

the Seiso step for your organization.

On the positive side: Using experienced people can make the process quicker. You might experience

less downtime – especially if the Seiso step is held during a plant-wide vacation period

We strongly advise against contracting out the whole Seiso step, although using consultants as

guides and leaders may be beneficial.

Compared to completely outsourcing Seiso, full participation has benefits: Your workers will learn

more if they are fully involved: More details about how and where to clean Knowing where the cleaning tools

and detergents are stored. People learn better by doing than by reading documents. Greater sense of

ownership ("buy-in") and support for being able to do the cleaning in the available time and full employee

participation in a team event with visible results leads to improved morale

The Benefits

What are the benefits of the one-time Seiso step in the 5S process? Briefly: Setting the standard for

future cleanliness; learning how to do the cleaning; higher morale, especially if managers participate in the


The benefits of actually having a clean shop – over the long term, not just after the Seiso event –

include: A safer and more comfortable work environment; less downtime for repairs, since equipment will be
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

inspected briefly but regularly; and because there will be less dirt clogging the machinery and higher morale:

workers can take more pride in a tidy and clean workplace.

Standards for Cleanliness

If there are no standards, then no-one can possible live up to them. Worse, people will do as little as

required to satisfy themselves, but the effort will be wasted because the next person will either undermine

those efforts (because they can tolerate more dirt) or be dissatisfied (because they have higher personal


Here are more positive expressions of the benefits of Seiso in setting standards for cleanliness:

Understanding how clean a machine or work station must be to: Achieve quality goals – for example,

dirt might interfere with accuracy. Reduce wear and tear, thereby achieving the uptime required for

throughput. Be safe and acceptable for the worker and be acceptable for visitors, and so eliminate repeated

cleanup projects before clients tour the facility?

Demonstrating that it is possible to achieve that degree of cleanliness. Anyone may be sceptical

before seeing what actually was accomplished.

Learning Experience

Major benefits of a Seiso step come with what is learned:

Actually performing the work validates what was planned – or extends the planning with reality.

Lists of: tasks; tools, equipment, detergents or cleansers required for each task; sequences of tasks – wash

the machinery before mopping the floor; actual times required by the various tasks; repairs required, as noted

during the inspections

Ideas for improvement – when you do the cleaning yourself you will get ideas on how to make the

work easier in the future

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Employee buy-in: they did the work and therefore they know it can be done and how long it took to

do it the first time

Boost Morale

In Seiso, the employees work in teams, with management participating actively and fully. There is a

sense of shared effort toward a common goal, with immediately visible results


Seiketsu is the fourth step in the lean manufacturing tool of 5S; 5S being a simple but powerful tool

for organizing your workplace in an efficient and safe manner. 5S is a methodical way to eliminate the seven

wastes of lean within your processes as well as the other wastes of Mura and Muri.

By implementing a 5S program you can gain the benefits of 5S in a very short space of time, due to its

simplicity 5S is probably one of the most popular lean tools, a tool without which your lean implementation

will almost certainly fail.

Purpose of Seiketsu

The purpose of 5S Seiketsu is to standardize what you have done within the first three steps of 5S,

however there is far more to this than many people think. The true purpose of 5S is not so much about

housekeeping but in achieving standard work; ensuring that the most efficient, and least wasteful ways of

doing things are performed in a repeatable manner, either through having no other options or through

documented work instructions or standard operating procedures (SOPs.)

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Seiketsu is to standardize your ways of working with regard to the first three stages of 5S and in a

general sense with regard to your operations. Without standardized working you will never be able to

continuously improve your processes or even trace where errors are occurring.

How to implement Seiketsu

Initially standardize the previous three phases of 5S (5S Seiri, 5S Seiton, and 5S Seiso); ensure that

cleaning becomes part of the everyday process by providing time, equipment, and documented instructions.

Make the use of red tags part of everyday life within all working areas.

Standardize your organizing of your work place, always have your component footprints one color for where

they enter the cell, and another color for finished product exiting the cell. Color code different areas, different

functions etc to make things as clear as possible with common codes across your company.

Have common ways of storing tools and equipment across your cells so that anyone from any

other part of the company will know where to look for things. Have specific areas and color codes for

documentation so that they are common across all areas.

Have your operators document their workflow that they developed during the second stage of 5S Seiton

(set in order), use digital cameras and simple word processing packages to design professional looking

instruction documents; work instructions or standard operating instructions (SOPs). These documents will

ensure consistency across shifts and different operators.

Continuous Improvement

To enable continuous improvement we must have stability, stable processes are achieved by

standard ways of operating as achieved through this forth stage of Seiketsu.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

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Continuous improvement is moving from one standard to a better standard, it is up to your teams to

continue to refine their 5S implementation and improve on their work instructions and other standards.

Standardize Next stages

The next stage of 5S after 5S Seiketsu is that of 5S Shitsuke where we will make 5S part of the

culture of your organization so that everyone, from every level is working towards eliminating the causes of

within your organization.


Shitsuke as defined refers to training and discipline; sustaining; continuing training; maintaining

standards; commitment; and adherence to standards. The original meaning of this word Shitsuke is used in

the context of teaching children and it means manners and discipline. In Japanese, it is written as 躾.

In the context of the work place, I would define Shitsuke as discipline. It means Conforming, or “doing

what’s been is decided”. I have taken this definition from a passage that I came across in a book entitled;

The Canon Production System, Creating Involvement of the Total Workforce by Alan T. Campbell.

"Canon has benefited in two important ways through the 5S Movement.

First is the workers’ change in consciousness - a readiness to follow rules and “do what’s been decided”…

For example, keeping parts and tools in their place was once a hard rule to enforce. It is never broken now;

this reduces delays and wasted motion and helps visually control the workplace.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

The second benefit can be seen in the manufacturing process itself, in fewer accidents and equipment

breakdowns, increased work efficiency, and lower defect rates."

This definition implies that Shituke is something that comes from within a person. It is more than simply

following rules and regulations. It includes unwritten rules and basic courtesies and consideration for others.

And it is something the person will do as a habit, without having to be reminded. (Soo, 2009)

Management Practices

The hospitality industry uses elements from traditional management theory as well as best practices

based on industry-specific experience. Current trends focus on practices that simultaneously benefit multiple

aspects of a business, such as those promoting employee productivity and improved quality and branding.

Many best practices in hospitality reflect broader social and economic trends and seek to reduce the way in

which hotels are considered interchangeable by consumers.

Unique Selling Elements

The theory of "unique selling elements" analyzes how to make your hotel or restaurant stand out

from the crowd. Each hotel should identify three unique selling elements and use them as a cornerstone of

marketing efforts. These should be distinguishing features such as famous guests, special items such as

fresh fruit bowls or freshly baked cookies for guests, superlatives such as "biggest" or "smallest" or "best," or

unusual elements such as pet goldfish in every room.

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New Media

Management theorists are increasingly paying attention to ways in which the hospitality industry can

use new media as a form of quality control. Either assign your own PR staff or hire a specialized firm to

monitor mentions of your business in social media and on review sites. Use feedback from these sites to

pinpoint quality-control issues.

Company Culture

Organizational culture creates the preconditions for successful hospitality management. Best

practices for creating a productive corporate culture include fostering the "C's" -- communication, coaching,

collegiality, cooperation and compromise. These encourage employees to be creative, focused and


Green Initiatives

Hospitality industry leaders use green initiatives to save money, create goodwill and create positive

guest experiences. Green cleaning products can cost less than traditional ones, improve the way a room

smells, and avoid triggering allergies and chemical sensitivities in employees and guests. Green appliances

reduce energy use, and green materials appeal to the tastes and preferences of affluent customers. (Poster,

C, 2015)

Shitsuke is a fundamental requirement for any organisation that wants to excel in quality,

productivity and safety. We all know that without cooperation, consideration for our fellow workers, it is very

difficult to develop a culture that ensures safety and productivity. Hence in explaining Shitsuke to my

trainees, I emphasize 3 aspects. (And by the way, integral to these 3 qualities is punctuality): Cooperation,

Consideration and Care. As members of an organisation, we have a basic responsibility to be considerate,

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

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and to cooperate with and even care for the safety and welfare of our fellow workers. This is the heart of

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Chapter III


This chapter describes the methods and procedures, research design, research locale, research

population, sampling procedures, research instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of

the data.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method to make a review on the benefits of using the 5s

management method in the working practices among the selected hotels in Lucena City.

This type of research design was used because of its appropriateness to the nature of the study,

particularly in describing systematically a situation or area of interest factually and accurately.

The study will describe the purposes and the benefits of using the 5s in the management systems of

the housekeeping department of the selected hotels.

Respondents of the Study and Sampling Technique

The facts and the data needed for the study were gathered from the selected employees of the three

(3) hotels in Lucena City namely: Queen Margaret Hotel, Diamond Hotel and Quezon Premiere Hotel. There

were 50 selected employees from the management levels, from the operational and support staff of the

above-mentioned hotels.

In this research, it utilized the purposive sampling technique in selecting the respondents. This

technique is most appropriate because no criterion is set in choosing the respondents for as long as the

researchers have learned that they are engaged in food enterprise.

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Research Locale

The study was conducted among thirty (50) selected employees of the hotels, namely: Queen

Margaret Hotel and Quezon Premiere Hotel in Brgy. Domoit, Lucena City and diamond Hotel in Ibabang

Dupay, Lucena City. The hotels were chosen because they are included in the top hotels in the city as cited

in Travelogue Philippines (2017).

Instrument of the Study

The research used a structured type of questionnaire based on the sub-problems of the study. It is

composed of four parts. The first part determined the profile of the hotel in terms of the following: age, sex,

nature of work, length of service in the hotel industry and educational attainment. The second part ascertained

how the 5s management method practiced in the housekeeping section of the hotel. The third part revealed

the benefits of 5s that is contributory to standard operational policies in the workplace. The last part divulged

the implication of the study in the improvement of working practices in the hotel industry.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the research adviser and the HRM instructor’s validation of the study’s research instrument, the

researchers asked the respondents to allow them to undertake the study with such cooperation. The

researchers gave the questionnaire and conducted the survey. After answering the questionnaire by the

respondents, the researchers retrieved, collated and tabulated the survey form. The study is expected to

prosper for one school year.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical tools were utilized to present, analyze and interpret and data gathered through tables,

graphs and charts. Frequency distribution and percentage mean and standard deviation were used to

describe information about the profile of the respondents.

For the first part, the percentage of the method was used with the following formula:



P = Percentage

f = Frequency

N = Total Number of Respondents

For Parts II, II and III the Weighted Mean formula was applied. The formula was as follows:

WM:1f + 2f + 3f + 4f


WM = Weighted Mean

f = Frequency

N = Total Number of Respondents

In order to arrive at a definite interpretation of result for each of the variable, a mean range was
assigned on each scale thus:
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Score Qualitative Description

3.26 – 4.00 4 - Strongly Agree/Highly Practiced

2.51 – 3.25 3 - Agree/Practiced

1.76 – 2.50 2 - Disagree/Somehow Practiced

1.00 – 1.75 1 - Strongly Disagree/Not Practiced

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Chapter IV


This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered by the researchers from selected

respondents from selected hotels in Lucena City. The sub-problems in the first chapter were considered in the order of


In answer to the problems posed at the beginning of the study, this part provided data about the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, nature of work, length of service in the hotel

industry and educational attainment. This also ascertained how the 5s management method practiced in the

housekeeping section of the hotel. It revealed the benefits of 5s that is contributory to standard operational

policies in the workplace and the last part divulged the implication of the study for the improvement of working


Personal reactions/responses of the respondents are of great value to the researchers that give concrete data

about the study.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Part I. The Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Figure 2. Distribution of Respondents as to Age of Employees

34-38 years old,


24-28 years old,

29-33 years old, 40% 24-28 years old
20% 18-23 years old
29-23 years old
34-38 years old

18-23 years old,


The figure exemplifies that majority of the employee-respondents were in the ages bracket 24-28 with 40%,

followed by the age bracket of 18-23 with a percentage of 25. Next is age bracket of 29-33 that received a rate of 20%.

The least number of respondents falls under the age brackets of 34-38.

Stage theorists take a life course approach. They evaluate an individual life across time, which they then

aggregate to discern patterns. One of the most well-known theories of career stages was developed by Donald E.

Super. He proposed four career stages. In the first stage, exploration (teen years to 20s), individuals engage in self-

examination and preparation for a career. During the second stage, establishment (late 20s to mid- to late 30s), a

person finds employment and works to be a successful contributor to the organization. During the third stage of

maintenance (late 30s to mid-40s), a person maximizes his or her capabilities and may be a mentor to others. The

maintenance stage may be considered the middle career stage. Some people in this stage continue to grow in their

careers; others reach career plateaus; while still others stagnate if they fail to learn new job skills and remain

professionally active. The fourth stage is disengagement, in which the individual may leave the organization to find
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

personal fulfillment outside of a career. Super later identified a recycling phase, in which individuals may change career

paths. (

Therefore, it is concluded that the age bracket of 24-28 are more flexible in terms of skills and knowledge than

to those who are younger or older.

Figure 3. Distribution of Respondents as to Sex

male , 40%,

female, 60%,
60% female

Figure 3 shows the distribution of respondents as to sex of employees, from which female respondents

obtained the highest percentage of 60%, while 40% for male.

The data ascertained that there is a difference in terms of gender of the employee-respondents. This data

also stated that there is dominance in the female sex in terms of employees in the different hotels.

It is concluded that more female are employed in the selected hotels in Lucena City. Gender equality were

practiced in the hotels in terms of employment even though the job for housekeeping is tedious women can still do the

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Figure 4. Distribution of Respondents as to Nature of Work

Support Level
Operational Support Level
Operational Level
Management Level

The figure above shows the nature of work being performed by the respondents. Half or 25 of the 50

respondents are in the support level while 40% are in the operational level and the least is from the

management level which comprised the 10%.

In the hotel industry, the support level is the entry level position. Most often than not, the

housekeeping department employs those in the support level. They clean guest rooms, wash bedding and

towels, replace toiletries that have been used, and clean other areas of the hotel.

It can be inferred that majority of the respondents work as support staff in the hotel.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Figure 5. Distribution of Respondents as to Length of Service in the Hotel Industry

11-15 years
6-10 years
0-5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
0-5 years

The figure represents that 75% of the respondents have worked in the hotel industry for 0-5 years followed

by those who have stayed in the hotel works for 6-10 years with 15% while those who worked for 11-15 years got 10%.

No respondents have vetted that they work in the hotel for 16 years or more.

Most of the respondents served 0-5 years in a hotel industry.

According to Bidwell (2015), loyalty which can be considered a component of employee engagement, is based

on a number of factors including whether the employer looks out for employees’ best interests, pays attention to their

career path, gives them opportunities to improve their well-being and so forth. In this equation, managers play a crucial

role. If looking for a silver bullet, it is the quality of the relationship between an employee and his or her manager that

determines the overall level of employee engagement. Good companies develop a growing list of great managers over
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

time. It’s teams and how they are connected together by leaders and managers that have the most impact. The

organization’s that have satisfied employees perform better. ( 2012)

It can be concluded that majority of the respondents are still considered newbies in working in the selected


Figure 6. Distribution of Respondents as to Educational Attainment

25% HS Graduate
Vocational Graduate
College Undergraduate
35% College Graduate

The figure above shows the distribution of respondents with regard to educational attainment of the

employees. The data shows that most of the respondents graduated from a vocational program with a percentage of

35%. Then respondents who finished high school obtained 30%. On the other hand, 25% of the respondents are

college undergraduate and the remaining 10% are college degree holders.

This expounded that majority of the respondents were holder of vocational course and high school graduates.

According to Driscoll (2014), many hotel business owners choose not to employ college graduate specifically

those who are in the support level. The requirements needed for a support staff is the skills and industry such as

electrical services, sanitary services and the like.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Part II. The 5s management method practiced in the housekeeping department of the hotel.

Table 1. The distribution of responses on how Seiri is practiced in the housekeeping department of the hotel.

Seiri HP MP SP NP Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description
1. Free up production spaces in order to lessen 12 29 9 0 3.06 Moderately 3
the cluttering of the working room. Practiced
2. Remove objects that are not needed 42 8 0 0 3.84 Highly 2
3. Redundant objects may be placed in an empty 1 10 31 8 1.92 Somehow 5
box and separately stacked Practiced
4. Separate things that are already obsolete or 15 25 8 2 3.02 Moderately 4
no longer in use Practiced
5. Make an inventory of things /objects 45 5 0 0 3.90 Highly 1
/equipment /materials regularly Practiced
6. Uses red tags and sort lists 0 0 15 35 1.30 Not 6

4 3.26-4.00 Highly Practiced

3 2.51-3.25 Moderately Practiced
2 1.76-2.50 Somehow Practiced
1 1.00-1.75 Not Practiced

The table above explicates how Seiri is practiced in the housekeeping section of the hotel. In terms of Seiri

(sorting only the materials or inventory needed for each task at hand) it was found out that the make an

inventory of things /objects /equipment /materials regularly is highly practiced with a weighted mean of 3.90 followed

by removing objects that are not needed with a weighted mean of 3.84 and has a verbal description of 3.84. The last

in rank which was regarded as not practiced is the use of red tags and sort lists with a weighted mean of 1.30.

Making an inventory is a must in any workplace because of its high value in defining which materials are

sufficient and which are not. It will also help in the proper management of materials by accounting everything in order

to save which is beneficial to the management. Proper inventory details everything which gives a clear record of

materials in the workplace.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Table 2. The distribution of responses on how Seiton is practiced in the housekeeping department of the hotel.


1. Provides an adequate store tools 32 16 2 0 3.60 Highly 2

2. Frequently-used tools are just right at the 30 10 10 0 3.40 Highly 3
workstation, handy, visible and easy to put Practiced
3. Daily or monthly tools are kept somewhere 30 10 5 5 3.20 Moderately 5
near the equipment but not in the way. Practiced
4. Rarely-used tools/ equipment and materials 25 16 7 2 3.24 Moderately 4
are stored away from the shop floor using a Practiced
storage room and racks on cabinets
5. Equipment/ tools and all other materials are 42 8 0 0 3.84 Highly 1
labeled. Practiced

4 3.26-4.00 Highly Practiced

3 2.51-3.25 Moderately Practiced
2 1.76-2.50 Somehow Practiced
1 1.00-1.75 Not Practiced

Table 2 explains the practices in terms of Seiton (creating an orderly workplace where everything has its

place). It was evident that the equipment/ tools and all other materials are labeled with a weighted mean of 3.84 and

is highly practiced. On the other note, daily or monthly tools are kept somewhere near the equipment but not in the

way is moderately practiced as revealed in the weighted mean of 3.20.

Labeling of equipment and other materials is so important in the workplace because its saves time and energy

for one employee to immediately look whatever is to be find. Specifically, this would benefit the new employees in order

for them not to have a hard time looking for any equipment or material since they are properly labelled. However, it

should also be a practiced to have the daily report of the tools just near beside the equipment because it will

instantaneously give a background of the material or equipment.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Table 3. The distribution of responses on how Seiso is practiced in the housekeeping department of the hotel.


1. Assigns small teams to work on different 33 17 0 0 3.66 Highly 4

sections of the house keeping area Practiced
2. Clean and inspect everything; machinery, 35 12 3 0 3.64 Highly 5
work stations, storage cabinets and the like Practiced
3. Identifies the frequency of cleaning everything 50 0 0 0 4.00 Highly 1
in the workplace Practiced
4. Divides the entire workplace into number of 46 4 0 0 3.92 Highly 2
areas to easily clean and monitor team Practiced
5. Gives proper training to the personnel in the 40 100 0 0 3.80 Highly 3
process of cleaning, inspecting and Practiced


4 3.26-4.00 Highly Practiced

3 2.51-3.25 Moderately Practiced
2 1.76-2.50 Somehow Practiced
1 1.00-1.75 Not Practiced

In terms of Seiso (extreme efforts to keep the workplace clean for functionality), it was found out that

identifying the frequency of cleaning everything in the workplace is highly practice with a weighted mean of 4.0. The

rest of the parameters are agreed to be highly practiced by the respondents.

The workplace environment influences employees' productivity, performance and well-being. No

matter the industry, maintaining a clean workplace may help keep staff members safe, healthy and


A clean workplace signifies a level of professionalism and tells potential of good management leaving a good

impression relates to your role as an employer as well.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Table 4. The distribution of responses on how Seiketsu is practiced in the housekeeping department of the hotel.


1. Cleaning becomes part of the everyday 50 0 0 0 4.00 Highly 2

processes by providing time, equipment and Practiced
documented instruction
2. There is a common footprints one color for 0 12 20 18 1.53 Not 5
every area for a more organized structure Practiced
3. There is a workflow of information posted in a 6 10 29 5 2.24 Somehow 4
conspicuous place in the area Practiced
4. Conducts orientation among new personnel in 50 0 0 0 4.00 Highly 2
order to carry out their jobs properly Practiced
5. Gives proper training to the personnel in the 50 0 0 0 4.00 Highly 2
process of cleaning, inspecting and Practiced

4 3.26-4.00 Highly Practiced

3 2.51-3.25 Moderately Practiced
2 1.76-2.50 Somehow Practiced
1 1.00-1.75 Not Practiced

In terms of Seiketsu (similar and controlled task assignments that are uniform) it was manifested that

cleaning becomes part of the everyday processes by providing time, equipment and documented instruction,

conducting orientation among new personnel in order to carry out their jobs properly and giving proper training to the

personnel in the process of cleaning, inspecting and documenting, all have the weighted mean of 4.0 and has a verbal

description of highly practiced.

Seiketsu enables and ensures compliance to the new standards of cleanliness. The benefits include

maintaining the higher morale, pride in the workplace, relapsing into dirty or messy conditions means that the Seiso

effort was wasted, minimal investment in time: the goal is 5 minutes per worker per shift, no big clean-up before a visit

from customers or executives and less downtime for equipment.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Table 5. The distribution of responses on how Shitsuke is practiced in the housekeeping department of the hotel.

1. Keeping all the personnel informed of their 50 0 0 0 4.00 Highly 1
duties and responsibilities Practiced
2. There is a continuous improvement of the 14 12 22 2 2.72 Moderately 2
management system that concerns the Practiced
effectiveness of all personnel
3. Every personnel is given a chance to grow by 2 3 22 25 1.15 Not 5
giving them enough training and capacity Practiced
4. Collaboration and cooperation is strengthen in 17 7 12 14 2.27 Somehow 4
the work place Practiced
5. When a personnel commits mistake due 12 16 9 13 2.29 Moderately 3
process is applied and proper treatment is Practiced
adhered to.

4 3.26-4.00 Highly Practiced

3 2.51-3.25 Moderately Practiced
2 1.76-2.50 Somehow Practiced
1 1.00-1.75 Not Practiced

Table 5 explicates the distribution of responses on how Shitsuke is practiced in the housekeeping department,

Keeping all the personnel informed of their duties and responsibilities ranked first with a weighted mean of 4.0 and has

a verbal description of highly practiced. It is then followed by the statement which says that there is a continuous

improvement of the management system that concerns the effectiveness of all personnel with a weighted mean of 2.72

and is moderately practiced. The last in rank is that every personnel is given a chance to grow by giving them enough

training and capacity building which is not practiced.

All the benefits from the first four steps would be lost without a deliberate effort to sustain the discipline of the

5Smethod. In addition, the discipline in Shitsuke helps individuals and organizations when they tackle further initiatives.

Shitsuke will pave way to discipline and training imposed upon a person, self-discipline, shared cultural self-discipline

and Personal discipline to continually practice and improve.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Part III. The benefits of 5s that is contributory to standard operational policies in the workplace

Table 6. The distribution of responses on the benefits of Seiri that is contributory to standard operational policies in

the workplace

Seiri SA A DA SDA Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Description
1. Reduced waste materials 32 14 4 0 3.56 Strongly 3
2. Effective inventory of obsolete / 20 10 10 10 2.60 Agree 2
redundant materials
3. A good workable space for work 27 18 5 0 3.44 Strongly 4
4. Not having a hard time in looking for 25 16 7 2 3.24 Agree 5
tools reduces productivity
5. Enhances group performance 42 8 0 0 3.84 Strongly 1
6. Increased productivity by decreasing 22 6 15 7 1.30 Strongly 6
the time spent because it is clear Disagree
when items are indeed unavailable
and easier clean-up

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51-3.25 Agree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

The table above explicates the benefits of 5s in improving working practices among the selected hotels in

Lucena City in terms of Seiri (sorting only the materials or inventory needed for each task at hand). The

respondents strongly agreed that it enhances group performance with a weighted mean of 3.84. It is followed by

the statement that effective inventory of obsolete/redundant materials with a weighted mean of 2.60 and has an agree

analysis. The last in rank is the statement that not having a hard tie inn looking fo tools reduces productivity which was

agreed by the respondents.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

It was a very encouraging idea that most of the statements were agreed to have been beneficial specifically

because it makes every member a good team player for the success of the organization.

Table 7. The distribution of responses on the benefits of Seiton that is contributory to standard operational policies in

the workplace


1. Reduced injuries 27 16 7 0 3.40 Strongly 4

2. Gives emphasis on proper storage of 40 10 0 0 3.80 Strongly 1
tools /materials / equipment Agree
3. Management enforces the proper 35 10 5 0 3.60 Strongly 3
practice of storing in the workplace Agree
4. Increased productivity by decreasing 25 17 8 0 3.34 Strongly 5
time spent returning a tool; cost Agree
5. Reduced retrieval time or time 36 12 2 0 3.68 Strongly 2
searching for unavailable item Agree

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51-3.25 Agree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

In terms of Seiton (creating an orderly workplace where everything has its place), it was evident that

they give emphasis on proper storage of tools /materials / equipment with a weighted mean of 3.80 and is strongly

agreed. Reducing retrieval time or time searching for unavailable item was also observed to be strongly agreed with a

weighted mean of 3.68. The last in rank is the statement that it increases productivity by decreasing time spent returning

a tool and cost saving with a weighted mean of 3.34 and also with a strongly agree verbal analysis.

Seiton provides convenience to the workers of the hotels since it is time efficient and time saving. It gives the

following organizational benefits: he company may have simple visual control systems and raw materials in stock
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

process; elimination of losses errors; increased compliance with work orders and the condition of the equipment is

improved and breakdowns are avoided,

Table 8. The distribution of responses on the benefits of Seiso that is contributory to standard operational policies in

the workplace


1. Sets standards for cleanliness and to 40 10 0 0 3.80 Strongly 3

learn how to maintain that level of Agree
cleanliness and order
2. Taking into consideration the 35 15 0 0 3.70 Strongly 4
cleanliness of the workplace by Agree
conducting religious monitoring
3. The management allows standard 50 0 0 0 4.00 Strongly 1
operating procedure which is clean, Agree
inspect and document
4. The workers learn the procedures 48 2 0 0 3.96 Strongly 2
when they are fully informed. Agree
5. Great sense of ownership and 30 10 10 0 3.40 Strongly 5
support for being able to do every Agree
individual task.

4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51-3.25 Agree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

In terms of Seiso (extreme efforts to keep the workplace clean for functionality), it was found out that

all the statements were perceived to be strongly agreed by the respondents. On this note, the first in ranks

is the statement which says that the management allows standard operating procedure which is clean, inspect and

document with a weighted mean of 4.0 and has a strongly agree verbal description.

Housekeeping is closely related to the proper functioning of equipment and the ability to produce quality items.

Cleaning involves not only keep computers in a permanently pleasing aesthetics. Seiso cleaning involves more than

thinking. Requires us to make a creative work of identifying sources of dirt and contamination to take actions rai for
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

disposal, otherwise it would be impossible to keep clean and in good working area. This is to prevent dirt, dust and

filings accumulating in the workplace. (

Table 9. The distribution of responses on the benefits of Seiketsu that is contributory to standard operational policies

in the workplace


1. Standard work is achieved ensuring 43 7 0 0 3.86 Strongly 4

efficient and effective standard Agree
operating procedure.
2. There is an established procedure to 49 1 0 0 3.98 Strongly 2
ensure that things are clean-up Agree
3. Continuous improvement by moving 42 8 0 0 3.84 Strongly 5
from one standard to a better Agree
4. Workers follow unwritten rules and 45 5 0 0 3.90 Strongly 3
basic courtesies and consideration Agree
for others
5. Increased productivity 50 0 0 0 4.00 Strongly 1

3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51-3.25 Agree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

In terms of Seiketsu (similar and controlled task assignments that are uniform) it was manifested that

it enhances productivity have the weighted mean of 4.0 and has a verbal description of strongly agree. All of the

indicators were perceived to be strongly agreed by the respondents.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

The very benefit of Seiketsu is to have a pride in the workplace, maintaining the higher morale gained during

Seiso, minimal investment in time because the goal is 5 minutes per worker per shift, no big clean-up before a visit

from customers or executives and less downtime for equipment.

Table 10. The distribution of responses on the benefits of Shitsuke that is contributory to standard operational policies

in the workplace

1. Discipline is established in the 46 4 0 0 3.92 Strongly 3
workplace. Agree
2. Every member of the team is valued, 40 7 3 0 3.74 Strongly 5
feels productive and safe. Agree

3. Cooperation is fostered at all times. 47 3 0 0 3.94 Strongly 2

4. Promotes self-confidence and 40 10 0 0 3.80 Strongly 4
initiative. Agree
5. Punctuality is always adhered to at all 48 2 0 0 3.96 Strongly 1
times. Agree

3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51-3.25 Agree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

In terms of Shitsuke (safe manufacturing process policies), it was apparent that punctuality is always

adhered to at all times which is the first in rank among the statements and has a weighted mean of 3.96. Evidently, all

the other statements were strongly agreed by the respondents.

To sum up, the benefits of 5s can be enunciated with the following, workplace becomes cleaner and

better organized, operation becomes safer, results enhance the generation of more and better ideas, lead-

time reduced, reduced by streamlining operations, breakdowns and minor stops are eliminated, defects are

reduced, clear methods and standards are established, in-process inventory is reduced, space usage is

improved and most importantly customer complaints are reduced.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

According to Schramm (2012), the 5S methodology is typically implemented using a 3-step process,

which includes establishing a cross functional team (including employees that work in the associated areas),

touring all areas associated with manufacturing process under review, and brainstorming on ways to improve

organization to reduce waste. Moreover, the 5s develop every member to the team to experience a more

systematic ways of dealing with work easily because every process becomes iterative which means that the

future state becomes the current state, and a continuous improvement process should be used to identify

new ways to become organized.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study on the benefits

of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke) Management Method for the Improvement of hotel Industry Working

Practices in Lucena City.

Summary of Findings

Based on the analysis of data from this study, the following findings were revealed:

1. The data exemplified that majority of the employee-respondents were in the ages bracket 24-28 with

40%, followed by the age bracket of 18-23 with a percentage of 25. Next is age bracket of 29-33 that

received a rate of 20%. The least number of respondents falls under the age brackets of 34-38.

2. The data revealed that female respondents obtained the highest percentage of 60%, while 40% for male.

3. Half or 25 of the 50 respondents are in the support level while 40% are in the operational level

and the least is from the management level which comprised the 10%.

4. It was found out that 75% of the respondents have worked in the hotel industry for 0-5 years followed by

those who have stayed in the hotel works for 6-10 years with 15% while those who worked for 11-15

years got 10%. No respondents have vetted that they work in the hotel for 16 years or more.

5. In terms of educational attainment, the data showed that most of the respondents graduated from a

vocational program with a percentage of 35%. Then respondents who finished high school obtained 30%.

On the other hand, 25% of the respondents are college undergraduate and the remaining 10% are college

degree holders.

6. In relations to how 5s is practiced in the housekeeping section of the hotel, it was found out that in terms

of Seiri, making an inventory of things /objects /equipment /materials regularly is highly practiced with a
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

weighted mean of 3.90. In terms of Seiton, it was evident that the equipment/ tools and all other

materials are labeled with a weighted mean of 3.84 and is highly practiced. In terms of Seiso, it was

found out that identifying the frequency of cleaning everything in the workplace is highly practice with a

weighted mean of 4.0. In terms of Seiketsu, it was manifested that cleaning becomes part of the

everyday processes by providing time, equipment and documented instruction, conducting orientation

among new personnel in order to carry out their jobs properly and giving proper training to the personnel

in the process of cleaning, inspecting and documenting, all have the weighted mean of 4.0 and has a

verbal description of highly practiced. Lastly, in terms of Shitsuke, it was apparent that keeping all the

personnel informed of their duties and responsibilities is the first in rank among the highly practiced and

has a weighted mean of 4.0.

7. Part III explicated the benefits of 5s in improving working practices among the selected hotels in Lucena

City. In terms of Seiri, respondents strongly agreed that it enhances group performance with a

weighted mean of 3.84. In terms of Seiton, it was evident that it gives emphasis on proper storage of

tools /materials / equipment with a weighted mean of 3.80 and is strongly agreed. In terms of Seiso, it

was found out that the management allows standard operating procedure which is clean, inspect and

document with a weighted mean of 4.0 and has a strongly agree verbal description. In terms of Seiketsu,

it was manifested that 5s enhances productivity have the weighted mean of 4.0 and has a verbal

description of strongly agree. Lastly, in terms of Shitsuke, it was apparent that punctuality is always

adhered to at all times which is the first in rank among the statements and has a weighted mean of 3.96.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City


From the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The data ascertained that the age bracket of 24-28 are more flexible in terms of skills and knowledge

than to those who are younger or older.

2. It is evident that more female are employed in the selected hotels in Lucena City. Gender equality were

practiced in the hotels in terms of employment even though the job for housekeeping is tedious women

can still do the job.

3. It can be inferred that majority of the respondents work as support staff in the hotel.

4. Most of the respondents served 0-5 years in a hotel industry. It can be concluded that majority

of the respondents are still considered newbies in working in the selected hotels.

5. In terms of educational attainment, it was expounded that majority of the respondents were holders of

vocational course and high school graduates. Many hotel business owners choose not to employ college

graduate specifically those who are in the support level. The requirements needed for a support staff is

the skills and industry such as electrical services, sanitary services and the like.

6. The findings affirmed that the respondents are not accustomed with the 5s terms, however, they are

doing such procedures and they are being implemented in their respective workplaces. This means that

5s could beneficial if the processes are undertaken properly because it could support the sustainability

of the hotel business.

7. As to the benefits of 5s, it can be enunciated with the following, workplace becomes cleaner and

better organized, operation becomes safer, results enhance the generation of more and better

ideas, lead-time reduced, reduced by streamlining operations, breakdowns and minor stops are

eliminated, defects are reduced, clear methods and standards are established, in-process
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

inventory is reduced, space usage is improved and most importantly customer complaints are



In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were made:

1. To the hotel industries, implementing the 5s could be a beneficial tool in a more systematic and

organized workplace. It enhances productivity of the team members because it allows them to work

on their own pace and follow the policies regularly without any inhibition The use of 5s could

efficiently boosts the financial resources of the company since it saves a lot of things. It can help the

administrators to strategically put into practice the 5s because of its proven worth in so many

businesses in the world.

2. For the hotel employees, the use of 5s does not only focus on the organization of the workplace but

moreover on the development of values in the workplace. Of course, no one wants to work in an unsafe

environment, nor a not so organized place. This 5s will help you a repetitive values of doing things right and

accordingly. Once it become a habit, it will be a practice that will turn into a culture to the workplace. A culture

that promotes safety, systematic and value-driven employees.

3. To the Administrators of IGCFI, it is recommended to use 5s as a way of organizing a system for

the entire institution. Since the school is ISO certified, it is expected to possess a very systematic

housekeeping that will promote a well-defined organization not only with its people but with the

things, equipment and the like. The use of 5s should also be translated to the students in order to

develop a keener sense of responsibility towards work.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

4. To the Future Hoteliers, the very heart of 5s is continuous improvement which you must intend to

pursue in your career. Working in a very rigorous jobs in hotel is never easy, however, the uses

and benefits of 5s could improve you in dealing with working practices. The benefits doesn’t only

boil down to your work but for your attitude as well.

5. To Future Researchers, this study could be of help in deepening the understanding on the uses

and benefits of 5s. This study may be used for future reference and may be used for replication.

This study will serve a reference for the future researchers in order to guide them in conducting

similar study to this.

Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City


Bidwell, B. (2015): a commonsense approach to a continuous improvement strategy. New York: McGraw
Hill; 2015.

Driscoll T. (2015) A study on organizational reinforcement through total quality management in the health
and medical care sector. Tokyo: JICA Institute for International Cooperation; 2015.

Ghoul, Ho, (2011) “From 5S to Business Excellence”, Founder Chair, HK 5S Association, issue 2/fdfs/business_excellence.pdf, 2011.

Gonzales, M. (2011). Methods of Research: Rex Publishing House. Manila

Goreng Ismail, (2012), “Development of 5S Practice Checklist for Manufacturing Industry”, Proceedings of
the World Congress on Engineering 2009 Vol 1 WCE 2009, July 1 - 3, 2009, London, U.K., 2012.

Gross, M, “Total Quality Management”, Volume 24, Issue 2 October 2012,, 2012.

Hirano, R., (2011) “Implementing 5S within a Japanese context: an integrated management system”,
Retrieved 18 February 2017 from, 2011

Hirano H. 5S for operators: 5 pillars of the visual workplace. Portland, OR: Productivity Press; 1996.

Hirano H. JIT implementation manual—the complete guide to just-in-time manufacturing: volume 2—waste
and the 5S’s. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2009.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Olofson, Khoo (2012), “Team performance management: Enhancement through Japanese 5-S principles.
Team Perform. Manage”, 17: 105-111. DOI: 10.1108/13527590110411000, 2012.

Poster K. (2015) Implementing 5S within a Japanese context: an integrated management system. Green
Initiative. 2015;46:565–79. doi: 10.1108/00251740810865067.

Powers H, (2000). Practice of Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall. 2000: 4:13-10 doi:
Repollo, K (2015) “Implementation of 5S Practices in Manufacturing Companies-A Case Study”, American
Journal of Applied Sciences T(8): 1182-1189, 2015.

Soo, CK. (2009) The Japanese 5-S practice and TQM training. Train Qual. 2009;3:19–24. doi:

Sunda, Tylinger, “5S Philosophy and Implementation”, Toray Carbon Fibers America, Inc. 2012.

Shogo M. (2015) applicability of 5s management method for quality improvement of hotel industry facilities:
a review: Korea: JICCA Institute for International Cooperation; 2013
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City




The PDCA (plan, do, check, act), or “Deming cycle,” of implementing 5S is effective. This is a never-ending
process and has to follow a process approach.

Step 1: Seiri, or Sort

Seiri is sorting through the contents of the workplace and removing unnecessary items. This is an action to
identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from the workplace.

Actions items:
1. Look around the workplace along with colleagues to discover and identify items which are not needed
and not necessary to complete work.
2. Develop criteria for disposal for not-needed items.
3. Take “before” photographs wherever it is required.
4. An effective method for recording progress is to tag the items not needed. This visual control of the not-
needed items is often called red tagging.
5. While red tagging, ask these questions:
Is this item needed?
If it is needed, is it needed in this quantity?
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

If it is needed, how frequently is it used?

If it is needed, should it be located here?
Who is ultimately responsible for the item? (Verify from that person.)
Are there any other not-needed items cluttering the workplace?
Are there tools or material left on the floor?
6. Find a holding area to put red tagged items.
7. If it is difficult to decide whether an item is necessary or not, put a different tag and segregate it in the
holding area.
8. Classify the items by frequency of use.
9. Items or equipment used hour by hour or day by day should be kept within arms reach of the point of
10. Items or equipment used once a week or once a month should be kept within the work area.
11. Items or equipment used less frequently should be stored in a more distant location.
12. Unneeded or unnecessary items should be stored in the holding area.
13. Individual departments should each have a holding area.
14. A holding area should be clearly visible and clearly marked to assure visual control of items.
15. Display pictures of items and place it on a public board visible to all.
16. Responsibility for the holding area should be assigned to some at the beginning of sorting activity.
17. The items in holding area should be kept for three or four months. If the items are not needed for work,
then the items can be disposed. It is always necessary to verify plans to dispose of items with anyone who
had been using these items in the past or are presently using the same or similar type of items.
18. Items should be moved to a company-level holding area before final disposal of the items.
19. The facility manager or an authorized person has to evaluate the items.
20. Disposal should be done in either of the following ways.
Move to other department/section where the items are required.
Sell to someone outside the company.
Discard and haul away.
21. Dispose all items which are broken or have no value.
22. Take “after” photographs wherever it is required.

Step 2: Seiton, or Systematize

Seiton is putting the necessary items in their place and providing easy access. This is an action to put
every necessary item in good order, and focuses on efficient and effective storage methods.

Action items:
1. Make sure that all unnecessary items are eliminated from the workplace.
2. Taking into account of the work flow, decide which things to put where.
3. Take “before” photographs wherever necessary.
4. Also decide with colleagues about which things to put where from the point of view of efficient
5. This should be done as per the frequency of use of items. More frequently used items should be kept
near the workplace (see Nos. 9, 10 and 11 under Seiri).
6. Workers should answer these questions:
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

What do I need to do my job?

Where should I locate this item?
How many of this item do I really need?
7. Make a plan based on the principles and locate things accordingly.
8. Use 5Whys to decide where each item belongs.
9. Locate needed items so they can be retrieved in 30 to 60 seconds with minimum steps.
10. Make sure to inform everybody at the workplace about positioning of the items.
11. Make a clear list of items with their locations and put it on lockers or cabinets.
12. Label each locker/drawer/cupboard to show what is kept inside.
13. Outline locations of equipment, supplies, common areas and safety zones with lines:
Divider lines define aisle ways and work stations.
Marker lines show position of equipment.
Range lines indicate range of operation of doors or equipment.
Limit lines show height limits related to items stored in the workplace.
Tiger marks draw attention to safety hazards.
Arrows show direction.
14. Identify all needed items with labels.
15. Take “after” photographs.
16. Complete evaluation using 5S levels of implementation with the facility manager or the authorized
person in the organization.

Step 3: Seiso, or Sweep

Seiso involves cleaning everything, keeping it clean daily, and using cleaning to inspect the workplace and
equipment for defects. This is an action to clean the workplace daily.

Actions items:
1. Take “before” photographs.
2. Adopt cleaning as a daily activity and as a part of inspection. Clean the workplace before starting of the
job and before closing the job.
3. Put aside 10 or 15 minutes for the same activity per day.
4. Cleaning indirectly helps to check or inspect each and every part and place. Hence, it should be a habit.
5. Find ways to prevent dirt and contamination.
6. Clean both inside and outside on daily basis.
7. Identify and tag every item that causes contamination.
8. Use 5Whys or cause-and-effect methods to find the root causes of such contamination and take
appropriate corrective and preventive action.
9. Keep a log of all places/areas to be improved. Table 1 shows a format for a log for cleaning
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Table 1: Sample Log for Cleaning Improvements



is the problem exactly is responsible will solution is solution to
located? is the problem? to take action? be implemented? be implemented?
Answers (Use a much detail as needed)

10. 5S “owner” check-sheets should be maintained on daily basis. An example of a check sheet is
illustrated in Table 2. (The word owner here is used as a replacement for the title of operator. An operator
merely operates the machine or process, and might think cleaning is below them. An owner cares for the
machine and area in which he or she works.)

Table 2: 5S Owner Check Sheet

Machine Number: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Machine Name: 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15

Machine Locaton:

No. Checks Frequency Initials of Person Responsible

1 Red tagging contaminated items Daily

2 Remove residue from valves Daily

3 Check oil level Every Tuesday

4 Apply grease to transfer side Every Thursday

Check Supervised by Bill Smith Daily

11. Develop a plan, activity chart and distribute responsibility.

12. Take “after” photographs.
13. In addition to 10 to 15 minutes for Seiso everyday, owners should have a weekly 5S time, or monthly
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

5S day.
14. Complete evaluation using 5S levels of implementation with the facility manager or the authorized
persons in the organization.

Step 4: Seiketsu, or Standardize

Seiketsu involves creating visual controls and guidelines for keeping the workplace organized, orderly and
clean. This is a condition where a high standard of good housekeeping is maintained. The first three steps,
or S’s, are often executed by order. Seiketsu helps to turn it into natural, standard behavior.

Actions items:
1. Take “before” photographs.
2. Check that the first three S’s are implemented properly.
3. All team activity documents/check lists should be publicly displayed on a 5S board.
4. Establish the routines and standard practices for regularly and systematically repeating the first three
5. Create procedures and forms for regularly evaluating the status of the first three S’s.
6. Standardize red tag procedures and holding area rules (see Seiri).
7. Standardize procedures for creating shadow boards, position lines, and labeling of all items
(see Seiton).
8. Standardize cleaning schedules using the “5S Owner Check Sheets” (see Seiso).
9. Standardize “single-point lessons” for documenting and communicating 5S procedures and
improvements in workplace and equipment.
10. Create a maintenance system for housekeeping. Make a schedule for cleaning of the workplace. A
common approach is to ask a cross-functional team to do it.
11. Inter-departmental competition is an effective means of sustaining and enhancing interest in 5S.
12. Assign responsibility to individuals for a work area and machinery.
13. Regular inspection/audit and evaluation by a special team (including senior management persons) to
be continued.
14. Instead of criticizing poor cases, praise and commend good practices or good performers.
15. Take “after” photographs and post them on the 5S board(s).
16. Complete evaluation using 5S levels of implementation with the facility manager or the authorized
persons in the organization.

Step 5: Shitsuke, or Self-Discipline

Shitsuke involves training and discipline to ensure that everyone follows the 5S standards. This is a
condition where all members practice the first four S’s spontaneously and willingly as a way of life.
Accordingly, it becomes the culture in the organization.

Actions items:
1. Everyone in the workplace should treat it they would their own home.
2. Periodic facility management involvement is required to check that the first four S’s are implemented
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

3. Employees must make it a part of their daily work and not an action forced upon them.
4. Dedication, commitment, devotion and sincerity are needed in implementation of 5S on daily basis.
5. Senior management should initiate a celebration for the total 5S implementation, and be an active part in
the total process in initiating and carrying forward the program.
6. Senior management should do a periodic review of the status of 5S.
7. Inspections of first three S’s should be done and the results displayed on 5S board regularly.
8. Single point lessons should be used to communicate the standards for how 5S work should be done.
9. Root cause problem-solving process should be in place where root causes are eliminated and
improvement actions include prevention.
10. Owners conduct 5S Kaizen activities and document results. Owners (operators) complete daily check
sheets to control factors that accelerate deterioration of equipment, and to keep clean workplaces that help
build pride.
When fully implemented, the 5S process increases morale, creates positive impressions on customers, and
increase efficiency and organization. Not only will employees feel better about where they work, the effect
on continuous improvement can lead to less waste, better quality and faster lead times. 5S is not only a
system for housekeeping, it is an integrated approach for productivity improvement. 5S is a whole a culture
which increases production, improves quality, reduces cost, makes delivery on time, improves safety and
improves morale. 5S also is not a list of action items, but is an integrated concept of actions, condition and
culture. To get the greatest success, the nature and implication of each “S” need to be understood by each
employee and should be regularly practiced.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City


Name (optional) ________________________________________________________

Part I. This part aims to identify the demographic profile. Please put a tick (/) on the space that corresponds

to your answer.

1. Age
_________ 18-23 years old
_________ 24-28 years old
_________ 29-33 years old
_________ 34-38 years old
_________ 39 years old and above

2. Sex
_________ Male
_________ Female

3. Nature of Work
_________ Management Level
_________ Operational Level
_________ Support Level

4. Length of service in the industry

_________ 0-5
_________ 6-10
_________ 11-15
_________ 16-20
_________ 21 and above

5. educational attainment
_________ High School Graduate
_________ College Undergraduate
_________ Vocational Level

_________ College Graduate

_________ Post Graduate
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Part II. This part aims to determine how is the 5s management method practiced in the housekeeping

department of the hotel. Please put a tick (/) on the space that corresponds to your answer. Please be guided

by the following scale:

HP - Highly Practiced
P - Practice
SP - Somehow Practiced
NP - Not Practiced

Seiri HP P SP NP
1. Free up production spaces in order to
lessen the cluttering of the working
2. Remove objects that are not needed
3. Redundant objects may be placed in an
empty box and separately stacked
4. Separate things that are already
obsolete or no longer in use
5. Make an inventory of things /objects
/equipment /materials regularly
6. Uses red tags and sort lists
1. Provides an adequate store tools
2. Frequently-used tools are just right at
the workstation, handy, visible and easy
to put pack
3. Daily or monthly tools are kept
somewhere near the equipment but not
in the way.
4. Rarely-used tools/ equipment and
materials are stored away from the shop
floor using a storage room and racks on
5. Equipment/ tools and all other materials
are labeled.
1. Assigns small teams to work on different
sections of the house keeping area
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

2. Clean and inspect everything;

machinery, work stations, storage
cabinets and the like
3. Identifies the frequency of cleaning
everything in the workplace
4. Divides the entire workplace into
number of areas to easily clean and
monitor team
5. Gives proper training to the personnel in
the process of cleaning, inspecting and
1. Cleaning becomes part of the everyday
processes by providing time, equipment
and documented instruction
2. There is a common footprints one color
for every area for a more organized
3. There is a workflow of information
posted in a conspicuous place in the
4. Conducts orientation among new
personnel in order to carry out their jobs
5. Gives proper training to the personnel in
the process of cleaning, inspecting and
1. Keeping all the personnel informed of
their duties and responsibilities
2. There is a continuous improvement of
the management system that concerns
the effectiveness of all personnel
3. Every personnel is given a chance to
grow by giving them enough training and
capacity building.
4. Collaboration and cooperation is
strengthen in the work place
5. When a personnel commits mistake due
process is applied and proper treatment
is adhered to.
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Part III. This part aims to determine the benefits of 5s that is contributory to standard operational policies in the

workplace. Please put a tick (/) on the space that corresponds to your answer. Please be guided by the following


SA - Strongly Agree
A - Agree
DA - Disagree
SDA - Strongly Disagree

1. Reduced waste materials
2. Effective inventory of obsolete /
redundant materials
3. A good workable space for work
4. Not having a hard time in looking for
tools reduces productivity
5. Enhances group performance
6. Increased productivity by decreasing
the time spent because it is clear when
items are indeed unavailable and easier
1. Reduced injuries
2. Gives emphasis on proper storage of
tools /materials / equipment
3. Management enforces the proper
practice of storing in the workplace
4. Increased productivity by decreasing
time spent returning a tool; cost saving
5. Reduced retrieval time or time searching
for unavailable item
1. Sets standards for cleanliness and to
learn how to maintain that level of
cleanliness and order
2. Taking into consideration the
cleanliness of the workplace by
conducting religious monitoring
3. The management allows standard
operating procedure which is clean,
inspect and document
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

4. The workers learn the procedures when

they are fully informed.
5. Great sense of ownership and support
for being able to do every individual
1. Standard work is achieved ensuring
efficient and effective standard
operating procedure.
2. There is an established procedure to
ensure that things are clean-up easily.
3. Continuous improvement by moving
from one standard to a better standard.
4. Workers follow unwritten rules and basic
courtesies and consideration for others
5. Increased productivity
1. Discipline is established in the
2. Every member of the team is valued,
feels productive and safe.
3. Cooperation is fostered at all times.
4. Promotes self-confidence and initiative.
5. Punctuality is always adhered to at all
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City

Letter to the Respondents


Brgy.Bocohan, Lucena City

July 30, 2017

The Manager
Queen Margaret Hotel
Lucena City

Dear Sir/ Madam

Greetings of Peace!

We are the students of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc., with the course Bachelor of Hotel and Restaurant
Management are currently working on our research study entitled “Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu,
Shitsuke) Management Method for the Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City ”

In connection with this, we are conducting our survey and we would request your employees to be our respondents.

We assure of your anonymity and all data that will be supplied in this survey would be treated with confidentiality.

Your approval on this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers

Noted By:


Department Head
Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) Management Method for the

Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena City


Brgy.Bocohan, Lucena City

January 6, 2017

Dear Sir/Madam:

Greetings of Peace!

We are the students of Inter-Global College Foundation Inc., with the course Bachelor of Hotel and Restaurant
Management are currently working on our research study entitled “Benefits of 5s (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu,
Shitsuke) Management Method for the Improvement of Hotel Industry Working Practices in Lucena

In connection with this, we are conducting our survey and we would like you to be our respondent. We assure you of
your anonymity and all data will be supplied in this survey would be treated with confidentiality.

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much.

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers

Noted by:

Mr. Gilbert C. Alva., M.A.Ed.

Research Adviser

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