Class 1 Science

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Note all these questions are compulsory

Q.1 tick ( ) the correct answer

1. Insects have_____ legs

Four ( ) six ()

2. Sheep is a____ animal

Domestic wild

3. Crow eats

Grass flesh

4. Lion lives in a

Den hole

5. Our eyes helps us

See hear

Q.2 fill in the blanks

1. We write with our___. Legs/ hands

2. Lion tiger and zebra live in a____. Forest/ house

3. Cow is a _____ animal. Domestic/ wild

4._____ lives in water. Octopus/ parrot

5. Birds make___ on trees. Nest/ web

Q.3 Right(T) 4 true and (F)for false statement

1. Zebra lives in our house

2. Squirrel eats nuts and grains

3. Our ear helps us to hello

4. our legs helps us to clap

5. Honey bees makes beehive to live

Q.4 write the 10 birds name

Q.5 write the 10 parts of body name

Q.6 match the following

Lion swims

Frog flies

Duck moves

Bird crawls

Snake hops

Q.7 word meaning any 5


2. Window___

3. Food_____

4. Live_____

5. Part_____

6. Run_____

7. Air____

Q.8 answer the following question any 5

1. Name two big and small animals?

2. Which animal live on land ?

3. What do our eyes do?

4. What do we do with our legs?

5. What do we need to live?

6. When do we take lunch?

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