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EEE2005 Digital Signal Processing

2 0 2 0 3
Pre-requisite: EEE1005
 To recognize linear time-invariant (LTI) discrete-time systems
 To find frequency response of LTI system, find zeros and poles in discrete-time LTI system
 To design IIR filters using impulse invariance, design FIR filters using windowing
 To apply FFT to Communication Systems
 To implement certain DSP algorithms on Digital Signal Processors
 Obtain a knowledge and ability to use the appropriate tools(Digital Signal Processors) to build DSP
systems for real time problems
Expected Outcomes
On the completion of this course the student will be able to:
 Describe and interpret the basic elements of digital Signal processing. Design and solve the specific
analysis using Discrete Fourier transform, Z-transform on given input signals.
 Design and implement filter like operations within the real time constraints.
 Design a typical digital Signal processing for specific application in real time.
 Contribute Signal processing tasks in interdisciplinary projects like automotive systems,
Communication , Biomedical, space, defence, Multimedia and virtual reality etc.,
 Solve real time signal processing issues by identifying finite word length effect and performance
improvement by properly selecting components to full fil the required features.
Module Topics L Hrs SLOs
Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems:
Review of Discrete -Time Signals and Systems – Classification, Z-
transform: ROC-stability/causality analysis, DTFT: Frequency
response-System analysis. Frequency domain sampling- Sampling
1 4 1,2,7
rate conversion- Aperiodic correlation estimation-Cepstrum
processing- Band limited discrete time signals- Phase and group
delay- DFT-Properties. Frequency analysis of signals using DFT-
FFT Algorithm-Radix-2 FFT algorithms-Applications of FFT
Theory and Design of Analog Filters:
Design techniques for analog low pass filter -Butterworth and
2 5 1,2,5,6
Chebyshev approximations, frequency transformation, Properties -
Constant group delay and zero phase filters.
Design of IIR Digital Filters :
3 IIR filter design: IIR filter Design - Bilinear and Impulse Invariant 4 1,2,5,6
Techniques- Spectral transformation of Digital filters.
Design of FIR Digital Filters:
FIR Filter Design: Design characteristics of FIR filters with linear-
4 phase – Frequency response of linear phase FIR filters – Design of 5 1,2,5,6
FIR filters using window functions(Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning,
Blackmann, and Kaiser)
Realization of Digital Filters:
5 3 1,5,7,9, 14
Direct, Cascade, Parallel, Lattice and Lattice ladder.
Filters for removal of artefacts and interference :
6 Optimum Filter: The Wiener Filter, Adaptive filters and its 4 1,5,7,9, 14
Digital Signal Processors:
General-purpose digital signal processors - Fixed point and floating
7 point DSP- Finite word length effect-MAC, filter operation in 3 1,7,9,11,14
different DSP architecture- typical implementation of DSP
algorithms (FFT and filter implementation).
8 Recent Advances and contemporary issues by industry experts. 2 2,9
Total Lecture Hours 30
# Mode: Flipped Class Room, [Lecture to be videotaped], Use of physical and
computer models to lecture, Visit to Industry and Minimum of 2 lectures by
industry experts.
Text Books:
1. J. G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis and D.Sharma, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms
and Applications”, 4th edition , Pearson Education, 2012.
2. S.K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 4th edition, TMH, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Sophocles J. Orfanidis, “Introduction to Signal Processing” 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, Inc, 2010
2. Oppenhiem V.A.V and Schaffer R.W, “Discrete – time Signal Processing”, 2nd edition, Prentice
Hall, 2002.
3. Lawrence R Rabiner and Bernard Gold, “Theory and Application of Digital Signal
Processing”, PHI 1992.
4. Andreas Antoniou, “Digital Signal Processing”, TMH, 2006.
5. Roberto Cristi, “Modern Digital Signal Processing”, Thomson Brooks, 2004.
6. Emmanuel C.Ifeachor, “Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach”, 2nd edition, Pearson
Education, 2001.

Practical: SLOs
List of Experiments:
1. Analysis of continuous time and discrete time signals.
2. Consider a symmetric square wave with frequency 100 Hz. Plot the 4-term, 10-term and
25-term Fourier series approximations. Compare the FS approximations with the actual
square wave. Observe the approximation behaviour at the points of discontinuity.
3. Write a program to convolve two discrete time square pulse signals. Observe the effects of
repeated convolution with a square pulse.
4. Study the effects of signal length and windowing on the spectrum of a signal computed
with FFT.
5. Plot the frequency response and impulse response of an ideal discrete-time low-pass filter.
6. Analyse the effect of the following window functions on the magnitude of the frequency
response: Rectangular, Hamming and Blackman.
7. Generate a sinusoidal signal which contains 50Hz, 70Hz, 100Hz and 120Hz frequencies.
Analyze the frequency components present in the signal with and without AWGN for a
5, 8, 17,
SNR of 0.6. Obtain the plot and comment on the results.
8. Perform amplitude scaling, time scaling and time shifting on the signal x(t)=1+t, for t= 0
to 2. Also perform addition, subtraction and multiplication on the signals.
1, 0 < 𝑡 < 1 𝑡, 0 < 𝑡 < 1
𝑥1 𝑡 = 2, 1 < 𝑡 < 2and𝑥2 𝑡 = 1, 1 < 𝑡 < 2
1, 2 < 𝑡 < 3 3 − 𝑡, 2 < 𝑡 < 3
9. Design an IIR filter to filter out noise from the sinusoidal signal for the following
specifications. Plot the spectra. Comment and infer your results.
Type of filter: Butterworth
Pass band frequency: 100 Hz; Stop band frequency: 150 Hz
Pass band ripple: 0.1 dB; Stop band ripple: 40 dB
10. Design a FIR filter and estimate the filter coefficients for the following specifications.
Plot, comment and infer your results.
Type of filter: Band stop
Order of the filter: 10
Pass band frequency: 200 Hz ; Stop band frequency: 300 Hz
11. Design Chebyshev Type 1 and Type 2 high pass and band pass analog filters for the
following specifications.
Passband ripple =0.04dB ; Stopband attenuation= 30dB
Passband frequency = 400Hz ; Stopband frequency = 800Hz
Sampling frequency = 2000Hz
Plot their magnitude and phase characteristics.
12. Signal processing methods for Music Signals- simulation, optimization and
implementation – ( 2 Practical hours)
13. Signal processing mechanisms for Bio-Signals - simulation, optimization and
implementation – ( 2 Practical hours)

Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 05.03.2016

Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 18.03.2016

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