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Plaza Brew Coffee Company is an artisanal coffee shop located at the ground floor of The Plaza Hotel. It’s a throwback
experience with the café’s extensive vintage collection exhibit, dating back to the pre-war period. Enjoy slipping
handcrafted brew, a wide selection of dessert, and an all-day menu with a sumptuous breakfast selection. Breakfast is
from 6AM to 10AM

I. General Information
Company Name :
Plaza Brew Coffee Company Corp
Location :
80 J.P Rizal St. Poblacion Balanga City Bataan
Owned By :
Jose Alberto Aquino
What does it offer and for whom? :

 Filipino, American, Italian Mixed Cuisine

 Teenager, Adult and Senior Citizen or Elderly Person
To represent the best of Balanga, Bataan with unbelievable and personalized service,delivered by our passionate
and driven team
When was the business established?
It was established on May 12, 2016
What is the type of the business?
The type of the business is café and restaurant
How their cash flows and manage?
They established petty cash fund amounting to 200,000 for a month and maintains 5000 balance on their cash
drawer. All transaction of cash should be made written and with the supervision of finance and accountant. Cash
is remitted every end of shift. 6am-2pm and 2pm-10pm. They are provided with manager’s code which do not
allowed everyone to have an access on their cash. If the cash falls short their investigate to find out why.
How inventory works?
Inventory is often damaged, stolen or lost. Inspect and count incoming inventory to make sure orders were filled
accurately. Designate who can sign for incoming inventory or release outgoing inventory. They conduct regular inventory
of products or materials. The finance provide request order to stock clerk whenever they need materials. This request
order approved and reviewed by the accountant and not anyone is allowed to ask for request order of supplies.

II. Organizational Chart & Responsibilities

III. Flow chart for relevant accounting & internal control system
IV. Conclusion on the effectiveness & efficiency of the system

Based on the data collected and summary of findings, the following conclusion were reached. The issue relating
to effectiveness and efficiency of their internal control system were concluded.
The company is strict when it comes to their policies .they have an establish control environments that foster the
efficient execution of operation to deliver values and achieve its strategic objectives while aligning with industry
best practices, laws and regulation to manage risk facing them. Staff are brief properly with their company policy
and are given enough incentives. Regular reviewing of CCTV lessen the risk of theft in the company. Duties and
responsibility of the company’s personnel are assigned and segregated properly with them. Ongoing evaluation
are also implemented with their personnel every six months and upon wrong doings of a personnel proper verbal
communication to them are given with two month time to improve their work. Performing an audit with regards to
their inventory everyday help mitigate risk of shortage, overage or theft in their system. They maintain adequate
supporting documentation to all transaction regarding their operation.

V. Recommendation in improving the system

We recommend plaza brew to focus more on the managerial supervision on those personnel assigned to
specific task or duties that could possibly commit fraud/ error. In terms of their payroll system, we suggest for them to
adapt an automated payroll system for more efficient way of compensating their personnels. In order for the crew to be
more competitive they should be more attentive when customer is asking for help or for additional order.
We also suggest to do more research/studies in terms of time duration of food and beverages to minimize
the complains of the customers and as well as hiring additional personel during holidays to ensure the quality of their
service even more inspite of the volume of the customers. In addition the chef should continue to innovate food for the
customers satisfaction.

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