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1 Precast Beam

- Span = 30 m

- Beam length = 30.60 m

- Beam spacing (s) = 1850 mm

- Concrete slab thickness (CIP) = 200 mm

- Asphalt thickness = 50 mm

- Deck slab thickness = 70 mm

- Compressive strength (f'c)

fc'beam = 60 Mpa
fc'slab = 35 Mpa

- Segment arrangement:

Beam Segment 1 2 3 4 5
Length (m) 5 5 5 5 5

2 Strand

- Type = (ASTM A 416 Grade 270 Low Relaxation or JIS G 3536)

- Nos. of tendon = 3 m

- Nos. of strand/ tendon = 19 m

- Total nos of strand = 57 mm

- Ultimate tensile strength, fpu = 1860 mm

- Diameter strand, = 12.54 mm

- Jacking Force = 79.2% UTS

3 Loss of prestress

- Loss of prestress (final) = 29.4% < 30.0% OK

0 5 10 15 15.9 20 25 30
Jacking Force 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2%
Jack Friction 76.3% 74.8% 73.3% 71.8% 71.6% 70.4% 69.0% 67.7%
Anchorage set 67.1% 68.6% 70.0% 71.5% 71.7% 70.4% 69.0% 67.7% INITIAL STRESS
Long-term 55.9% 57.3% 58.8% 60.2% 60.4% 59.2% 57.8% 56.4% FINAL STRESS
29.4% 27.6% 25.8% 24.0% 23.7% 25.3% 27.1% 28.8% LOSS OF PRESTRESS

5 Control of Beam Stress

- Initial Condition (before long-term losses)

2 2
σtop of slab = -10.36 N/mm < -28.8 N/mm OK
2 2
σtop of beam = -10.36 N/mm < -28.8 N/mm OK
2 2
σbottom = -14.14 N/mm < -28.8 N/mm OK

- Final Condition (after prestress losses)

2 2
σtop of slab = -5.42 N/mm < -21.60 N/mm OK
2 2
σtop of beam = -11.81 N/mm < -21.60 N/mm OK
2 2
σbottom = -8.63 N/mm < -21.60 N/mm OK

6 Control of Beam Deflection

- At service: δ = -28.41 mm < 83.33 mm OK

- Due to Live load δ = 12.74 mm < 37.50 mm OK

- Total deflection δ = -15.67 mm [camber upward]

7 Control of Moment and Cracking Moment

- Nominal moment capacity, φMn = 15844 kNm

Mu = 10797 kNm
φMn/ Mu = 1.5 > 1.0 OK

- Cracking moment capacity, Mcr = 10413 kNm

φMn/ Mcr = 1.5 > 1.2 OK

1.1 Material

1) Concrete
Beam Slab
- Compressive strength
at service, fc' = 60 35 N/mm2
at initial, 80% fc', fc'i = 48 N/mm2

- Allowable stress
Allowable stress at initial............. (SNI T-12-2004 )
Compressive, 0.6 * fc'i = 28.8 N/mm2
Tensile, 0.25 * √fc'i = 1.7 N/mm2
Allowable stress at service ........... (SNI T-12-2004 )
Compressive 0.45 * fc' = 27.0 15.8 N/mm2
Tensile 0.5 * √fc' = 3.9 3.0 N/mm2

- Modulus of elasticity
Concrete unit weight, wc = 2500 2500 kg/cm3

From ACI 318-14: 19.2

Elastic Modulus Ec = wc1.50.043√ fc' = 41635 31798.9 N/mm2
Eci = wc1.50.043√ fci' = 37239 N/mm2

- Concrete flexural tension strength (fr)

f r = 0.7*√fc' = 5.4 N/mm2

2) Prestressing Cable

- [Uncoated stress relieve seven wires strand]

(ASTM A 416 Grade 270 Low Relaxation or JIS G 3536)

Diameter strand, dia = 12.54 mm

Eff. Section area, Ast = 98.71 mm2
Modulus of elasticity, Es = 1.93E+05 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile strength, fpu = 1860 N/mm2

3) Steel Reinforcement
Diameter strand, dia = 13 mm
Eff. Section area, Ast = 132.7 mm2
Modulus of elasticity, Es = 2.10E+05 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile strength, fu = 400 N/mm2
1.2 Beam Section [from WIKA PC Girder H-170]

H = 1700 mm
A = 800 mm
B = 700 mm
tw = 200 mm
tfl-1 = 200 mm
tfl-2 = 120 mm
tfl-3 = 250 mm
tfl-4 = 250 mm

h = 880 mm
x1 = 250 mm
x2 = 300 mm
Perimeter = 5513.33 mm

Eplat = 31799 N/mm2

Ebeam = 41635 N/mm2
n = Ep/ Eb = 0.76
1.3 Section Properties

Precast Beam

Zone Section Width Area Level Yb Area*Yb Io Area*d2 Ix

Height Bottom Upper mm2 mm mm mm3 mm4 mm 4
6 0.0 0 1700 0.0 0 0 0
5 200.0 800.0 800.0 160000 1500 1600.0 2.56E+08 5.33E+08 9.39E+10 9.44E+10
4 120.0 200.0 800.0 60000 1380 1452.0 8.71E+07 6.34E+07 2.29E+10 2.30E+10
3 880.0 200.0 200.0 176000 500 940.0 1.65E+08 1.14E+10 1.98E+09 1.33E+10
2 250.0 700.0 200.0 112500 250 351.9 3.96E+07 5.26E+08 2.61E+10 2.67E+10
1 250.0 700.0 700.0 175000 0 125.0 2.19E+07 9.11E+08 8.80E+10 8.89E+10
Total 1700.0 683500 834 5.70E+08 1.34E+10 2.33E+11 2.46E+11

Composite Beam

Zone Height Width Area Level Yb Area*Yb Io Area*d2 Ix

Section Bottom Upper mm2 mm mm mm3 mm4 mm4 mm4
2 200.0 1413.0 1413.0 282592 1770 1870.0 5.28E+08 9.42E+08 1.49E+11 1.50E+11
70.0 158.1 158.1 11067 1700 1735.0 1.92E+07 4.52E+06 3.87E+09 3.87E+09
1 1700.0 700.0 800.0 683500 0 834.0 5.70E+08 2.46E+11 6.56E+10 3.12E+11
Total 977159 1144 1.12E+09 2.47E+11 2.19E+11 4.66E+11

Final (composite section)

Description Area Ya Yb Ix Wa Wb
mm2 mm mm mm4 mm3 mm3
Precast Beam 683500 866 834.0 2.5E+11 2.84E+08 2.95E+08
Beam+slab [composite] 977159 826 1143.8 4.7E+11 5.64E+08 4.07E+08
[precast] 556 8.37E+08

2.1 Dead Load

a. Precast Beam q1 = Ac precast girder x γconc. Precast

2 3
q1 = 6.84E+05 mm x 25.00 kN/m = 17.1 kN/m

b. Slab q2 = Ac slab CIP x γconc. Slab

2 3
q2 = 3.70E+05 mm x 24.00 kN/m = 8.9 kN/m

c. Deck Slab q3 = Ac deck slab x γs

2 3
q3 = 7.35E+04 mm x 24.00 kN/m = 1.8 kN/m

d. Asphaltic q4 = Ac deck slab x γs

2 3
q4 = 9.25E+04 mm x 22.00 kN/m = 2.0 kN/m

e. Diaphragm q5 = Vol. diaph x γdiaph

3 3
q5 = 5.12E+08 mm x 24.00 kN/m = 12.3 kN (per diaph.)
= 86.02 kN (all diaph.)
thickness, t = 200.00 mm
height, h = 1600.00 mm
width, w = 1600.00 mm

No. of diaph. = 7.00 pcs

Length of span L = 30.00 m

Diaph. Placement 0 1 2 3 4 5 ∑ Unit

Location (from midspan) 0 5.00 10.00 15.00 m
Load (P) 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 kN
Moment to mid span 0 -61.44 -122.9 -184.3 0 0 -368.6 kNm
Moment to mid span due to support reaction = Wall x L/2 1290.2 kNm
Total Diaph. Flexural Moment at mIddle span, Mmax 921.6 kNm
Eqivalen load q diagram = 8Max /L2 8.19 kN/m
2.2 Live Load

Lane Load

a. Dynamic Load Allowance, DLA = 1.4 span < 50 m

= 1+ (0.0025x span+ 0.175) 50 < span < 90 m
= 1.3 span > 90 m
DLA = 1.400

b. Knife Edge Load, KEL = 49.00 kN

c. Distribution Factor, DF = 1.00

d. Uniform Distribution Load UDL = 9 kN/m span < 30 m

= 9 x (0.5 + 15/2pan) span > 30 m

UDL = 9.00 kN/m

e. Live Load

qUDL = DF x q x s qUDL = 16.65 kN/m

PKEL = DF x DLA x KEL x s PKEL = 126.91 kN

where, s = 1.85 m

L = 30 m

Mmax at 0.5 span, x = L/2 = 15 m

Va = 313.2 kN

MLL = 2825.0 kNm

2.3 Moment Force

Diaphragm+Deck Slab = 9.96 kN/m

Table of moment distribution for (x) distance from support

Type Description Mid span Sec 1-1 Sec 2-2 Sec 3-3 Sec 4-4 Sec 5-5 Sec 6-6 Sec 7-7
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
DL Precast Beam 1922.34 0.00 1067.97 1708.75 1922.34 1708.75 1067.97 0.00
Subtotal 1922.34 0.00 1067.97 1708.75 1922.34 1708.75 1067.97 0.00
DL Slab 999.00 0.00 555.00 888.00 999.00 888.00 555.00 0.00
SDL Asphaltic Layer 228.94 0.00 127.19 203.50 228.94 203.50 127.19 0.00
ADL Diaphragm+Deck Slab 1120.05 0.00 622.25 995.60 1120.05 995.60 622.25 0.00
Subtotal 2347.99 0.00 1304.44 2087.10 2347.99 2087.10 1304.44 0.00
LL UDL 1873.13 0.00 1040.63 1665.00 1873.13 1665.00 1040.63 0.00
LL KEL 951.83 0.00 317.28 634.55 951.83 634.55 317.28 0.00
Subtotal 2824.95 0.00 1357.90 2299.55 2824.95 2299.55 1357.90 0.00
Total (DL + LL) 7095.28 0.00 3730.31 6095.40 7095.28 6095.40 3730.31 0.00
Ultimate total 10796.60 0.00 5617.38 9216.25 10796.60 9216.25 5617.38 0.00

Ultimate Load = Strength 1 = 1.3 (DL+ADL) + 2 (SDL) + 1.8 (LL)

Moment-diagram for various loading

Moment (Mu) Diagram



Moment (kNm)




0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00
Distance from support (m)

DL LL ADL Ultimate
2.4 Shear Force

Table of shear-force distribution for (x) distance from support

Type Description 0.5H L/20 2L/20 3L/20 4L/20 5L/20 6L/20 7L/20 8L/20 9L/20 L/2
0.99 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50 15.00
DL Precast Beam 239 231 205 179 154 128 103 77 51 26 0
Subtotal 239 231 205 179 154 128 103 77 51 26 0
DL Slab 124 120 107 93 80 67 53 40 27 13 0
SDL Asphaltic Layer 29 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
ADL Diaphragm+Deck Slab 140 134 119 105 90 75 60 45 30 15 0
Subtotal 293 282 250 219 188 157 125 94 63 31 0
LL UDL 233 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0
KEL 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63
Subtotal 297 288 263 238 213 188 163 138 113 88 63
Total (DL + LL) 829 801 719 637 555 473 391 309 227 145 63
Ultimate total 1246 1204 1083 962 841 720 599 478 356 235 114

Ultimate Load = Strength 1 1.3 (DL+ADL) + 2 (SDL) + 1.8 (LL)

Shear force-diagram for various loading

Shear Force (Vu) Diagram



Shear Force (kN)





0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00
Distance from support (m)

DL LL ADL Ultimate

3.1 Initial Prestress

- Compressive strength fci' = 48 N/mm

- Section properties
Wa = 2.84E+08 mm3
Wb = 2.95E+08 mm3
A = 683500 mm2
yb 834.0 mm

- C.o.g of tendon from bottom z0 = 145 mm

- Tendon eccentrictiy, es = yb - z0 = 689.0 mm

- Moment due to prestress beam Mb = 1922.3 kNm

Equation for stress on prestress beam:

- Stress on the top fiber, 0 = - Pt / A + Pt * es / Wa - Mb/ Wa ………….. [ 1 ]

- Stress on the bottom fiber, 0.6 * fci' = - Pt / A - Pt * es / Wb + Mb / Wb ………….. [ 2 ]

From the equation, the initial prestress force:

Pt = Mb = 7044.2 kN
es - Wa/ A

Pt = (0.60fci'*Wb) + Mb = 9301.7 kN
Wb/ A + es

Control = 7044.2 kN
3.2 Jacking Force

From strand data:

- Ultimate tensile stress, fpu = 1860 N/mm
- Area of strand, Ast = 98.71 mm
- Ultimate tensile load, fpu x Ast Pbs = 183.601 kN [per strand]
- Nos of strand per tendon = 19
- Ultimate tensile load Pb1 = 3488.41 kN [per tendon]
- Elastic modulus of strand, Es 1.9E+05 N/mm

Equation for stress on prestress beam during jacking:

Pj = Pt1 / 0.85 …………..[ 1 ] and Pj = 0.80 * Pb1 * nt …………..[ 2 ]

From the equation:

- Nos of tendon, Pt = 3.0 use nt = 3


- Nos of strand, Pt = 56.4 use ns = 57


- Persentage of jacking force:

po = Pt = 79.19% < 80% OK


- Ultimate Tensile Stress (100%) Pu = 10465 kN

- Jacking force, po x ns Pbs, Pj = 8287 kN

- Estimation for loss of prestress = 30%

- Stress at the end for loss of prestress Peff = 5801 kN

Mid-span Support
No.of Nos Total No.of Nos Total
tendon Strand Strand tendon Strand Strand
row 1st 2 19 38 1 19 19
row 2nd 1 19 19 1 19 19
row 3rd 1 19 19
3.3 Tendon Position

- diameter of tendon dt = 76 mm
- tendon clearance, b1 = c1 = 0.7 x dt = 53.2 mm

At Mid-span

- tendon position from bottom a = 100 mm

From statis moment of tendon about bottom of section: ns x zo = n1 x a + n2(a+yd)

yd = ns (zo -a )/ n2 yd = 135 mm use yd = 135 mm
actual clearance c1 = 59 mm > 53.2 mm OK

At Support

- tendon row-3 position from bottom a = 350 mm

Statis moment tendons about row-3 tendon:

Σni*yd'/ yd' = (n1x0 + n2x1 + n3x2) yd = 57
from equation: Σni * yd' = ns * y
ye / yd' = [ Σni*yd' / yd' ] / ns = 1
ye = yb - a = 483.97 mm
yd' = ye / [ ye / yd' ] = 483.97 mm
zo = a' + ye = yb = 834 mm
No Tendon Position zi No Tendon Position zi' fi = zi' - zi
Tendon at mid-span (mm) Tendon at support (mm) (mm)
1 z1 = a+ yd 235 1 z1 = a+ 2*yd 1318 1083
2 z2 = a 100 2 z2 = a+ yd 834 734
3 z3 = a 100 3 z3 = a 350 250
3.4 Parabolic Function of Tendon Line

Length of span, L = 30 m
Eccentricity, es = 689.0 mm = 0.689 m

Equation for tendon line:

Y= 4f(x)(L-x) where f = es

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
-0.3 -0.028 5 0.383 11 0.640 17 0.677 23 0.493 29 0.089
0 0.000 6 0.441 12 0.661 18 0.661 24 0.441 30 0.000
1 0.089 7 0.493 13 0.677 19 0.640 25 0.383 0.3 0.027
2 0.171 8 0.539 14 0.686 20 0.612 26 0.318
3 0.248 9 0.579 15 0.689 21 0.579 27 0.248
4 0.318 10 0.612 16 0.686 22 0.539 28 0.171

from above table:

xo = 0.3 m --> eo = 0.027

L/2 + xo = 15.3 m --> e s + eo = 0.716 m
Therefore the slope change for tendon line:
αAB = 2(es + eo) / (L/2 + xo) = 0.0936
αBC = 2(es + eo) / (L/2 + xo) = 0.0936
3.4 Cable Position and Tracing

Equation for cable position: zi = zi' - 4fi (x/L2) (L-x)

Pos. Trace Position for cables Cable zi' fi

X zo z1 z2 z3 e No (m) (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 1 1.318 1.0829
0 0.834 1.3179 0.834 0.35 0.000 2 0.834 0.734
1 0.7452 1.1784 0.7394 0.3178 0.089 3 0.350 0.25
2 0.6625 1.0484 0.6513 0.2878 0.171 trace 0.834 0.689
3 0.5859 0.9281 0.5697 0.26 0.248
4 0.5155 0.8174 0.4947 0.2344 0.318
5 0.4512 0.7163 0.4262 0.2111 0.383
6 0.393 0.6249 0.3642 0.19 0.441
7 0.341 0.543 0.3088 0.1711 0.493
8 0.295 0.4708 0.2598 0.1544 0.539
9 0.2552 0.4083 0.2174 0.14 0.579
10 0.2216 0.3553 0.1816 0.1278 0.612
11 0.194 0.312 0.1522 0.1178 0.640
12 0.1726 0.2783 0.1294 0.11 0.661
13 0.1572 0.2543 0.113 0.1044 0.677
14 0.1481 0.2398 0.1033 0.1011 0.686
15 0.145 0.235 0.1 0.1 0.689







Z (m)









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
X (m)

The stresses in a prestressing strand normally vary along its length and decrease with time.

4.1 Stress Loss Due to Friction

The force at any point along a strand is related to the jacking stress through the following relationship:

-(µα + Kx)
Px = Pj*e Px = 7080 kN at x = L = 30.0 m
Px = 7518 kN at x = L/2 = 15.0 m
- Force at jacking point; Pj = 8287 kN

- Coefficient of angular friction; μ = 0.2

- Total angle change of the strand in radians

from the stressing point to distance x;
α = αAB + αBC α = 0.187

- Wobble coefficient of friction expressed in radians

per unit length of strand (rad/unit length2); k = 0.004

Table 1, Friction coefficients for post-tensioned tendons [adapted from 2002 ACI building code]
4.2 Loss due to Anchorage Set

Stress loss due to anchorage set can be calculated from the following relationship;

∆P = 2mX ∆P = 956 kN

- Loss of prestress per length;

m = (Px(0)- Px(L))/L m = 30.09 kN/m

- Force at jacking point; Pj = 8287 kN

- Force at jacking point (reduce by friction loss); P(x=0) = 7983 kN

- Force at end tendon after friction loss; P(x=L) = 7080 kN

- Beam length; L = 30.00 m

- Distance where the maximum stress after anchorage setting;

X = √ (E ∆ At/m) X = 15.89 m

- Assumed anchor set draw; ∆ = 7 mm

- Area of tendon; At = 5626 mm

- Modulus of elasticity of tendon; Es = 1.93E+05 N/mm

- Max stress after anchorage set;

Pmax = Pj - ∆P/2 Pmax = 7504 kN

- Stress at jacking point after anchorage set;

Pj' = Pj' - ∆P Pj ' = 7026 kN

Loss of stress diagram after anchorage setting (in Force)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam Length (m)

P-jacking Friction Loss Anchorage Set P-max

Loss of stress diagram after anchorage setting (in percentage to 100% UTS)


Initial stress after
anchorage setting

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam Length (m)

Jacking Friction Anchorage

Pu = 100% UTS = 10465 kN

0 5 10 15 15.9 20 25 30
Jacking Force 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2%
Jack Friction 76.3% 74.8% 73.3% 71.8% 71.6% 70.4% 69.0% 67.7%
Anchorage set 67.1% 68.6% 70.0% 71.5% 71.7% 70.4% 69.0% 67.7%
4.3 Elastic-shortening (ES)

Prestress loss to attribute to elastic shortening for member with bonded tendons;

ES = Kes (Es/ Eci) fcir ES = 47.8 N/mm

- for post-tensioned members; Kes = 0.5

- Modulus of elasticity of tendon; Es = 1.93E+05 N/mm

- Elastic modulus of the concrete at time of

prestress transfer; Eci = 37239 N/mm

- Net compressive stress in concrete at center of gravity of

tendons immediately after prestress has been applied to concrete;

fcir = Kcir(Pi/Ag + Pi*e2/Ig) - Mg*e/Ig fcir = 18.44 N/mm


- For post-tension; Kcir = 1

- Initial prestressing force (after anchorage seating loss); Pi = 7026 kN

- Area of gross concrete section at the

cross section considered; Ag = 6.84E+05 mm

- Eccentricity of center of gravity of tendons with respect to center

of gravity of concrete at the cross section considered; e = 689.0 mm

- Moment of inertia of gross concrete section

at the cross section considered; Ig = 2.46E+11 mm

- Bending moment due to dead weight of prestressed member

and any other permanent loads in place at time the prestressed
member is lifted off its bed; Mg = 1922 kNm
4.4 Creep (CR)

Over time, the compressive stress induced by posttensioning causes a shortening of the concrete member.
This phenomenon, the increase in strain due to a sustained stress, is referred to as creep.
Loss of prestress due to creep is proportional to the netpermanent compressive stress in the concrete.
The initial compressive stress induced in the concrete attransfer is subsequently reduced by
The tensile stress resulting from self-weight and superimposed dead load moments

For members with bonded and pretensioned tendons, the equation is:

CR = Kcr (Es/Ec) (fcir - fcds) CR = 110.10 N/mm


- Maximum creep coefficient Kcr = 2 for normal-weight concrete

- Modulus of elasticity of tendon; Es = 1.93E+05 N/mm

- Elastic modulus of the concrete at 28 days; Ec = 41635 N/mm

- Net compressive stress in concrete; fcir = 18.44 N/mm

- Stress in the concrete at the CGS of the tendons due to

all superimposed loads, permanent dead loads that are
applied to the member after it has been stressed; fcds = 6.57 N/mm

- Moment due to all superimposed loads, permanent dead loads

and sustained load that are applied to the member
after it has been stressed; Msd = 2348 kNm

- Eccentricity of center of gravity of tendons; e = 689.0 mm

- Moment of inertia of gross concrete section

at the cross section considered; Ig = 2.46E+11 mm
4.5 Shrinkage (SH)

In the calculation of prestress losses, shrinkage is considered to be entirely a function of water loss.
Shrinkage strain is thus influenced by the member’s volume/surface ratio and the ambient relative humidity

The equation for losses due to shrinkage is (in SI Units):

SH = 8.2 x 10-6 Ksh Es (1 - 0.00236 V/S) (100 - RH); SH = 28.6 N/mm2

- V/S = volume to surface ratio; V/S = 123.0 mm

V = 2.09E+10 mm

S = 1.70E+08 mm

- RH = relative humidity (percent); RH = 70

- Factor that accounts for the amount of shrinkage that will

have taken place before the prestressing is applied; Ksh = 0.85 3 days after prestress

- Modulus of elasticity of tendon Es = 1.93E+05 N/mm

Table 2, Shrinkage constant Ksh

4.6 Relaxation of Tendon (RE)

Relaxation is defined as a gradual decrease of stress in a material under constant strain.

In the case of steel, it is the result of a permanent alteration of the grain structure.
The rate of relaxation at any point in time depends on the stress level in the tendon at that time.
Because of other prestress losses, there is a continual reduction
of the tendon stress which causes a corresponding reduction in the relaxation rate.

The equation given for prestress loss due to relaxation of the tendons is:

RE = [Kre - J*(SH + CR + ES)]*C; RE = 22.96 N/mm2


- Kre and J are a function of the type of steel and concrete; Kre = 34.47 N/mm
J = 0.04

- C is a function of both the type of steel and

the initial stress level in the tendon (fpi/fpu); C = 0.85

- Px = Pj*e-(µα + Kx), for x = mid-span Pi = 7518 kN

Area of tendon; At = 5626.5 mm
fpi = Pi / At fpi = 1336.2

- Ultimate tensile stress; fpu = 1860 N/mm
(fpi/fpu) = 0.72 limited to min. 0.7

Table 3, Stress relaxation constant, C Table 4, Stress relaxation constant, Kre and J
4.7 Total Loss of stress (long-term)

Total loss of stress for long-term is defined as:

TL = ES + CR + SH + RE; TL = 209 N/mm or 11.3% (from 100% UTS)

where, fpu = 100% UTS fpu = 1860 N/mm or Pu = 10465 kN

4.8 Resume of loss of stress at final condition

Total loss of prestress maximum is 29.4% [less than 30%]

0 5 10 15 15.9 20 25 30
Jacking Force 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2%
Jack Friction 76.3% 74.8% 73.3% 71.8% 71.6% 70.4% 69.0% 67.7%
Anchorage set 67.1% 68.6% 70.0% 71.5% 71.7% 70.4% 69.0% 67.7% INITIAL STRESS
Long-term 55.9% 57.3% 58.8% 60.2% 60.4% 59.2% 57.8% 56.4% FINAL STRESS
29.4% 27.6% 25.8% 24.0% 23.7% 25.3% 27.1% 28.8% LOSS OF PRESTRESS

0 5 10 15 16 20 25 30
Jacking Force 8287 8287 8287 8287 8287 8287 8287 8287
Jack Friction 7983 7825 7670 7518 7491 7369 7223 7080
Anchorage set 7026 7177 7327 7478 7504 7369 7223 7080 INITIAL STRESS
Long-term 5847 5998 6148 6299 6326 6190 6044 5901 FINAL STRESS

Initial and final stress distribution in prestressing

79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2%

79.2% 79.2% 79.2% 79.2%

73.3% Initial stress
70.0% 70.4%
68.6% 69.0%
67.1% 67.7%

60.2% Final stress
58.8% 59.2%
57.3% 57.8%
55.9% 56.4%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Beam Length (m)

Jacking Friction Anchorage Long-term


5.1 Stress distribution for concrete section

Stress at concrete section;

σtop = (-P/A) + (P*e/ W top) + (-M/W top)

σbottom = (-P/A) + (-P*e/ W bottom) + (M/W bottom)

Sign convention: (-) minus = compression [C]

(+) positive = tension [T]

Allowable Stress in concrete in prestress flexural members

[Adopted from ACI 318 code, Ref. 3.3]

1) Initial condition
Stresses immediately aftre prestress transfer (before time-dependent prestress losses)
shall not exceed the following;

- Extreme fiber stress in compression; -0.6f'ci = -28.80 N/mm

- Extreme fiber stress in tension; 0.25√f'ci = 1.73 N/mm

2) Final Condition
Stresses at service loads (aftre allowance for all prestress losses)
shall not exceed the following;

- Extreme fiber stress in compression; -0.45f'ci = -21.60 N/mm

- Extreme fiber stress in tension; 0.5√f'ci = 3.46 N/mm
5.2 Stress at Initial (when prestress is applied)

M = MPrecast Beam
P = PJacking
Area (A) = 683500 mm
W top = 2.84E+08 mm
W bottom = 2.95E+08 mm

Unit Description Mid span Sec 1-1 Sec 2-2 Sec 3-3 Sec 4-4 Sec 5-5 Sec 6-6 Sec 7-7 Max Max
x = 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Comp. Tension
kNm M 1922 0 1068 1709 1922 1709 1068 0
kN P 7518 8287 7825 7670 7518 7369 7223 8287
m e (ecc.) 0.689 0.000 0.383 0.612 0.689 0.612 0.383 0.000
N/mm2 - (P/A) -11.0 -12.1 -11.4 -11.2 -11.0 -10.8 -10.6 -12.1
N/mm2 P*e/ W top 18.2 0.0 10.5 16.5 18.2 15.9 9.7 0.0
N/mm -P*e/ W bottom -17.5 0.0 -10.1 -15.9 -17.5 -15.3 -9.4 0.0
N/mm -M/ W top -6.8 0.0 -3.8 -6.0 -6.8 -6.0 -3.8 0.0
N/mm2 M/ W bottom 6.5 0.0 3.6 5.8 6.5 5.8 3.6 0.0
N/mm2 σtop 0.45 -12.12 -4.67 -0.71 0.45 -0.92 -4.60 -12.12 -12.12 0.45
N/mm2 σbottom -22.03 -12.12 -17.97 -21.34 -22.03 -20.28 -16.31 -12.12 -22.03 -12.12
Maximum -22.03 0.45
Allowable Stress -28.80 1.73
Section Stress < Allowable Stress OK OK

Stress diagram distribution

+ + =
5.3 Stress during construction (Deck slab, diaphragm and slab has isntall, with early concrete strength of slab)

M = MPrecast Beam + Mslab + Mdeck+diaphragm

P = Pinitial
Area (A) = 683500 mm
W top = 2.84E+08 mm
W bottom = 2.95E+08 mm

Unit Description Mid span Sec 1-1 Sec 2-2 Sec 3-3 Sec 4-4 Sec 5-5 Sec 6-6 Sec 7-7 Max Max
x = 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Comp. Tension
kNm M 4041 0 2245 3592 4041 3592 2245 0
kN P 7478 7026 7177 7327 7478 7369 7223 7080
m e (ecc.) 0.689 0.000 0.383 0.612 0.689 0.612 0.383 0.000
N/mm2 - (P/A) -10.9 -10.3 -10.5 -10.7 -10.9 -10.8 -10.6 -10.4
N/mm2 P*e/ W top 18.1 0.0 9.7 15.8 18.1 15.9 9.7 0.0
N/mm -P*e/ W bottom -17.4 0.0 -9.3 -15.2 -17.4 -15.3 -9.4 0.0
N/mm -M/ W top -14.2 0.0 -7.9 -12.6 -14.2 -12.6 -7.9 0.0
N/mm2 M/ W bottom 13.7 0.0 7.6 12.2 13.7 12.2 7.6 0.0
N/mm2 σtop -7.04 -10.28 -8.74 -7.57 -7.04 -7.54 -8.74 -10.36 -10.36 0.00
N/mm2 σbottom -14.70 -10.28 -12.20 -13.75 -14.70 -13.90 -12.33 -10.36 -14.70 0.00
Maximum -14.70 0.00
Allowable Stress -28.80 1.73
Section Stress < Allowable Stress OK OK

Stress diagram distribution

+ + =
5.4 Stress during construction (composite with asphalt layer)

M = Masphalt
P = Pinitial
Area (A) = 683500 mm
W top of slab = 5.64E+08 mm
W top of beam = 8.37E+08 mm
W tbottom = 4.07E+08 mm

Unit Description Mid span Sec 1-1 Sec 2-2 Sec 3-3 Sec 4-4 Sec 5-5 Sec 6-6 Sec 7-7 Max Max
x = 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Comp. Tension
kNm M 229 0 127 204 229 204 127 0
N/mm2 -M/ W top slab -0.4 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0.0
N/mm2 -M/ W top beam -0.3 0.0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 -0.2 0.0
N/mm2 M/ W bottom 0.6 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.0
N/mm2 σtop* -7.0 -10.3 -8.7 -7.6 -7.0 -7.5 -8.7 -10.4
N/mm2 σbottom* -14.7 -10.3 -12.2 -13.8 -14.7 -13.9 -12.3 -10.4
N/mm -M/ W top -14.5 0.0 -8.0 -12.9 -14.5 -12.9 -8.0 0.0
N/mm2 M/ W bottom 14.2 0.0 7.9 12.7 14.2 12.7 7.9 0.0
N/mm2 σtop of slab -7.44 -10.28 -8.96 -7.93 -7.44 -7.91 -8.97 -10.36 -10.36 0.00
N/mm2 σtop of beam -7.31 -10.28 -8.89 -7.82 -7.31 -7.79 -8.89 -10.36 -10.36 0.00
N/mm2 σbottom -14.14 -10.28 -11.89 -13.25 -14.14 -13.40 -12.01 -10.36 -14.14 0.00
Maximum -14.14 0.00
Allowable Stress -28.80 1.73
Section Stress < Allowable Stress OK OK

Stress diagram distribution

+ + =
5.5 Stress at Service (final, after loss of prestress)

M1 = MPrecast Beam + Mslab + Mdeck+diaphragm

M2 = MLive Load + Masphalt
P = Peffective (final)
Area (A) = 683500 mm
W top* = 2.84E+08 mm (precast beam)
W bottom = 2.95E+08 mm (precast beam)
W top of slab = 5.64E+08 mm (composite beam)
W top of beam = 8.37E+08 mm (composite beam)
W bottom = 4.07E+08 mm (composite beam)

Unit Description Mid span Sec 1-1 Sec 2-2 Sec 3-3 Sec 4-4 Sec 5-5 Sec 6-6 Sec 7-7 Max Max
x = 15 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Comp. Tension
kNm M1 4041 0 2245 3592 4041 3592 2245 0
kNm M2 3054 0 1485 2503 3054 2503 1485 0
kN P 6299 5847 5998 6148 6299 6190 6044 5901
m e (ecc.) 0.689 0.000 0.383 0.612 0.689 0.612 0.383 0.000
N/mm2 - (P/A) -9.2 -8.6 -8.8 -9.0 -9.2 -9.1 -8.8 -8.6
N/mm2 P*e/ W top* 15.3 0.0 8.1 13.2 15.3 13.3 8.1 0.0
N/mm2 -P*e/ W bottom* -14.7 0.0 -7.8 -12.8 -14.7 -12.8 -7.8 0.0
N/mm2 -M1/ W top* -14.2 0.0 -7.9 -12.6 -14.2 -12.6 -7.9 0.0
N/mm2 M1/ W bottom* 13.7 0.0 7.6 12.2 13.7 12.2 7.6 0.0
N/mm2 -M2/ W top of slab -5.4 0.0 -2.6 -4.4 -5.4 -4.4 -2.6 0.0
N/mm2 -M2/ W top of beam -3.6 0.0 -1.8 -3.0 -3.6 -3.0 -1.8 0.0
N/mm2 M2/ W bottom 7.5 0.0 3.6 6.1 7.5 6.1 3.6 0.0
N/mm2 σtop of slab -5.42 0.00 -2.63 -4.44 -5.42 -4.44 -2.63 0.00 -5.42 0.00
N/mm2 σtop of beam -11.81 -8.56 -10.37 -11.38 -11.81 -11.35 -10.38 -8.63 -11.81 0.00
N/mm2 σbottom -2.73 -8.56 -5.30 -3.43 -2.73 -3.58 -5.43 -8.63 -8.63 0.00
Maximum -11.81 0.00
Allowable Stress -21.60 3.46
Stress diagram distribution Section Stress < Allowable Stress OK OK

+ + =

6.1 Immediate Deflection

- length of span L = 30 m
= 30000 mm

- Modulus elasticity Ec = 41635 N/mm
Eci = 37239 N/mm

- Inertia of prestress beam Ig = 2.5E+11 mm

- Inertia of composite beam Ig = 4.7E+11 mm

1) Due to initial prestress force

The immediate deflection of the parabolic tendon is calculated by equation:

δ1 = (φs L2/8) - [(φs - φe) (L2/48)]; δ1 = -58.36 mm (upward)

- curvature due to initial prestress at midspan;
-P*es/ (Eci*Ig) φs = -6.23E-07 /mm

- Pjacking P = 8287 kN

- Eccentricity at mid-span es = 689.0 mm

- curvature due to initial prestress at end; φe = 0

2) Due to initial self-weight

The immediate deflection of the parabolic tendon is calculated by equation:

δ2 = (5/384) w*L4/ (Eci*Ig) δ2 = 19.65 mm (downward)


- Selfweight of precast beam; w = 17 kN/m

3) Net deflection = camber

δi = δ1 + δ2 δi = -38.71 mm (upward)
6.2 Long time camber/ deflection [from PCI Handbook: 5.8.4]

δ = (5/384) q*L4/ (E*I)

∆ = (1/48) P*L3 / (E*I)

[Multipliers value adopted from Table 5.8.2 of PCI Handbook]

Woking Load due to Loading Long time cambers and deflection

q (kN/m) P (kN) Relase(1) Multipliers Erection(2)Multipliers Service(3)
1. Prestress force** -58.36 1.8 x (1) -105.06 2.2 x (1) -128.40

2. Precast- beam selfweight (DL)** 17.1 19.65 1.85 x (1) 36.35 2.4 x (1) 47.16
-38.71 -68.70 -81.24

3. ADL*) 9.96 10.24 3 x (2) 30.72

-58.46 -50.52

4. Composite overtopping* 8.9 9.13 2.3 x (2) 21.01
-49.33 -29.51

5. Asphaltic layer (SDL)* 2.0 1.11

6. Live load (UDL + KEL)* 16.65 126.91 12.74

Note: *) Ec ; **) Eci


1) Deflection at service = -28.41 mm (upward) OK

Allow. Deflection (L/360) = 83.33 mm

2) Deflection due to live load = 12.74 mm < 37.5 mm OK

Allow. Deflection (L/800) = 37.5 mm

3) Total deflection with LL = -15.67 mm (camber upward)


7.1 Flexural moment [the following calculation follow ACI Code]

Concrete data:

- Concrete compressive strength; fc'beam = 60 N/mm2

fc'slab = 35 N/mm2

- Shape factor for block equivalent β1 = 0.85

- Effective width of composite beff = 1850 mm

Strand data:

- Ultimate tensile strength, fpu = 1860 N/mm2

- Area of prestressed reinforcement

in tensile zone; Aps = 5626.47 mm

- Distance from extreme compression fiber

to centroid of tensile force in prestress reinforcement
dp = H + tdeck + tslab - zo dp = 1825 mm

ρp = Aps / beff*dp ρp = 0.0017

γp = 0.28 [ACI 318-14:Table]

- Stress in the prestressing steel at nominal

flexural resistance of the section
fps = fpu [1-((γp/β1)(ρp*fpu/fc' + d/dp(ωt-ωc)) fps = 1806 N/mm2 [ACI 318-14:20.3]

- ωe = ωp = ρp (fps/fc) ωp = 0.050 < 0.36β1 = 0.306 OK

- Depth of rectangular stress block;

a = Aps*fps/ (0.85f'cslab*beff) a = 184.6 mm

- Depth of neutral axis at ultimate;

c = a/ β1 c = 217.177 mm

- Mn = Aps. fps (dp - a/2) + As.fy (ds - a/2) Mn = 17604 kNm

φMn = 15843.7 kNm > Mu = 10797 kNm OK

where, φ = 0.90
7.2 Cracking Moment

- Stress at bottom girder section due to service load;σbot at service = 2.73 N/mm

- Concrete flexural tension strength; fr = 5.4 N/mm

- Crack Moment
Mcr = (σbot at service + fr ) Wb.comp + M(DL+ADL+LL) Mcr = 10413 kNm

φMn / Mcr = 1.5 > 1.2 OK

7.3 Shear Analysis

Alternatif solution to calculated shear on prestress element is use for structure elementof ultimate tensile stress
which have effective prestress above 40% of ultimate tensile stress [ACI 318-14:22.5.8]

- 40% Ultimate Tensile Strength = 744 N/mm

- Effective Prestress = 60.2% x 1860 N/mm

= 1119.5 N/mm2 > 40%fpu

- Nominal shear strength of concrete;

Vc = [0.05√f'c + 4.8(Vu/Mu)dp]bwd [ACI 318-14:Table]

with limitation:
- (Vu/Mu)dp < 1
- Vc > (0.17√f'c)bwd
- Vc < (0.42√f'c)bwd


Mu = Maximum factored moment at section

Vu = Maximum factored shear force at section

dp = Distance from extreme compresion fiber to centroid of prestress tendon (dp < 0.8 Hcomposite)

bw = Width of shear section

- Nominal shear force at any section;

Vn = Vu/ φ, where, φ = 0.75

bw = 200 mm
H = 1382 mm
fpu = 1860 N/mm
fc'beam = 60 N/mm
Aps = 5626.47 mm
Dist. z0 dp Vu Mu (Vu/Mu)dp Vc Vn = Vu/φ Vu/φ - Vc Sneed Suse
(m) (m) (m) (kN) (kNm) (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm)
0.985 0.7465 1.58 1246 1266 1.000 1025 1661 636 228 200
1.50 0.7031 1.58 1204 1897 1.000 1025 1606 580 228 200
3.00 0.5859 1.58 1083 3613 0.472 837 1444 607 228 200
4.50 0.4826 1.58 962 5146 0.295 568 1283 715 228 200
6.00 0.393 1.58 841 6499 0.204 431 1121 690 228 200
7.50 0.3172 1.65 720 7669 0.155 435 960 524 228 200
9.00 0.2552 1.71 599 8658 0.119 452 798 347 228 200
10.50 0.207 1.76 478 9465 0.089 464 637 172 228 200
12.00 0.1726 1.80 356 10091 0.063 473 475 2 444 400
13.50 0.1519 1.82 235 10534 0.041 479 314 0 444 400
15.00 0.145 1.83 114 10797 0.019 481 152 0 NO NEED 400

Shear reinforcement: Spacing (s):

D = 13 mm Distance from support (m) s (mm)
fy = 390 N/mm2 0.985 to 10.50 200
Av (2 legs) = 265.5 mm2 10.50 to 15.00 400

Steel shear reinforcement requirement

minimum shear

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Vu/phi Case-1 Case-2 Case-3 Case-4 min

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